  * Performs track_enrolment deletion
  * @throws moodle_exception If there was an error in passed parameters.
  * @throws data_object_exception If there was an error deleting the association.
  * @param array $data The incoming data parameter.
  * @return array An array of parameters, if successful.
 public static function track_enrolment_delete(array $data)
     global $DB, $USER;
     if (static::require_elis_dependencies() !== true) {
         throw new moodle_exception('ws_function_requires_elis', 'local_datahub');
     // Parameter validation.
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::track_enrolment_delete_parameters(), array('data' => $data));
     // Context validation.
     $context = context_user::instance($USER->id);
     $data = (object) $data;
     // Parse track.
     if (empty($data->track_idnumber) || !($trackid = $DB->get_field(track::TABLE, 'id', array('idnumber' => $data->track_idnumber)))) {
         throw new data_object_exception('ws_track_enrolment_delete_fail_invalid_track', 'local_datahub', '', $data);
     // Capability checking.
     require_capability('local/elisprogram:track_enrol', \local_elisprogram\context\track::instance($trackid));
     // Initialize version1elis importplugin for utility functions.
     $importplugin = rlip_dataplugin_factory::factory('dhimport_version1elis');
     $userparams = array();
     $userid = $importplugin->get_userid_from_record($data, '', $userparams);
     if ($userid == false) {
         $a = new stdClass();
         if (empty($userparams)) {
             $a->userparams = '{empty}';
         } else {
             $a->userparams = '';
             foreach ($userparams as $userfield => $uservalue) {
                 $subfield = strpos($userfield, '_');
                 $userfield = substr($userfield, $subfield === false ? 0 : $subfield + 1);
                 if (!empty($a->userparams)) {
                     $a->userparams .= ', ';
                 $a->userparams .= "{$userfield}: '{$uservalue}'";
         throw new data_object_exception('ws_track_enrolment_delete_fail_invalid_user', 'local_datahub', '', $a);
     $retval = $DB->get_record(usertrack::TABLE, array('userid' => $userid, 'trackid' => $trackid));
     // Respond.
     if (!empty($retval->id)) {
         $usertrack = new usertrack($retval->id);
         return array('messagecode' => get_string('ws_track_enrolment_delete_success_code', 'local_datahub'), 'message' => get_string('ws_track_enrolment_delete_success_msg', 'local_datahub'));
     } else {
         throw new data_object_exception('ws_track_enrolment_delete_fail', 'local_datahub');
  * Disassociates a cluster from a track.
 public function delete()
     global $CURMAN;
     $return = $this->data_delete_record();
     if ($return && $this->autounenrol) {
         $db = $CURMAN->db;
         // Unenrol all users in the cluster from the track (unless they are
         // in another cluster associated with the track and autoenrolled by
         // that cluster).  Only work on users that were autoenrolled in the
         // track by the cluster.
         // $filter selects all users enrolled in the track due to being in
         // a(nother) cluster associated with the track.  We will left-join
         // with it, and only select non-matching records.
         $filter = 'SELECT u.userid ' . 'FROM ' . $db->prefix_table(CLSTUSERTABLE) . ' u ' . 'INNER JOIN ' . $db->prefix_table(USRTRKTABLE) . ' ut ON u.userid = ut.userid ' . 'WHERE ut.trackid = \'' . $this->trackid . '\' AND u.autoenrol=\'1\'';
         $sql = 'SELECT usrtrk.id ' . 'FROM ' . $db->prefix_table(CLSTUSERTABLE) . ' cu ' . 'INNER JOIN ' . $db->prefix_table(USRTRKTABLE) . ' usrtrk ON cu.userid = usrtrk.userid AND usrtrk.trackid = \'' . $this->trackid . '\' ' . 'LEFT OUTER JOIN (' . $filter . ') f ON f.userid = cu.userid ' . 'WHERE cu.clusterid = \'' . $this->clusterid . '\' AND cu.autoenrol=\'1\' AND f.userid IS NULL';
         $usertracks = $db->get_records_sql($sql);
         if ($usertracks) {
             foreach ($usertracks as $usertrack) {
                 $ut = new usertrack($usertrack->id);
     return $return;
Esempio n. 3
  * Disassociates a cluster from a track.
 public function delete()
     if ($this->autounenrol) {
         // ELIS-7582
         // Unenrol all users in the cluster from the track (unless they are
         // in another cluster associated with the track and autoenrolled by
         // that cluster).  Only work on users that were autoenrolled in the
         // track by the cluster.
         // $filter selects all users enrolled in the track due to being in
         // a(nother) cluster associated with the track.  We will left-join
         // with it, and only select non-matching records.
         $params = array();
         $filter = 'SELECT u.userid ' . 'FROM {' . clusterassignment::TABLE . '} u ' . 'INNER JOIN {' . usertrack::TABLE . '} ut ON u.userid = ut.userid ' . 'WHERE ut.trackid = :trackid AND u.autoenrol=\'1\'';
         $params['trackid'] = $this->trackid;
         $sql = 'SELECT usrtrk.id ' . 'FROM {' . clusterassignment::TABLE . '} cu ' . 'INNER JOIN {' . usertrack::TABLE . '} usrtrk ON cu.userid = usrtrk.userid AND usrtrk.trackid = \'' . $this->trackid . '\' ' . 'LEFT OUTER JOIN (' . $filter . ') f ON f.userid = cu.userid ' . 'WHERE cu.clusterid = :clusterid AND cu.autoenrol=\'1\' AND f.userid IS NULL';
         $params['clusterid'] = $this->clusterid;
         $usertracks = $this->_db->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
         foreach ($usertracks as $usertrack) {
             $ut = new usertrack($usertrack->id);