Esempio n. 1
 static function head($theme)
     // @tdo remove the addition css and organize.js (just here to test)
     $script[] = html::script("modules/organize/js/organize_init.js");
     $script[] = html::script("modules/organize/js/organize.js");
     $script[] = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . url::file("modules/organize/css/organize.css") . "\" />";
     return implode("\n", $script);
     //return html::script("modules/organize/js/organize_init.js");
Esempio n. 2
 static function head($theme)
     // @todo: move this into the theme
     $user = user::active();
     if (!user::active()->guest) {
         $url = url::file("lib/jquery.jeditable.js");
         return "<script src=\"{$url}\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>";
Esempio n. 3
 function form_script_test()
     $form = new Forge("test/controller", "", "post", array("id" => "g-test-group-form"));
     $group = $form->group("test_group")->label(t("Test Group"));
     $group->textarea("description")->label(t("Text Area"));
     $form->script("")->url(url::file("test.js"))->text("alert('Test Javascript');");
     $csrf = access::csrf_token();
     $expected = "<form action=\"http://./index.php/test/controller\" method=\"post\" " . "id=\"g-test-group-form\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"csrf\" value=\"{$csrf}\"  />" . "  <fieldset>\n" . "    <legend>Test Group</legend>\n" . "    <ul>\n" . "      <li>\n" . "        <label for=\"title\" >Title</label>\n" . "        <input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" value=\"\" " . "class=\"textbox\"  />\n" . "      </li>\n" . "      <li>\n" . "        <label for=\"description\" >Text Area</label>\n" . "        <textarea name=\"description\" rows=\"\" cols=\"\" " . "class=\"textarea\" ></textarea>\n" . "      </li>\n" . "      <li>\n" . "        <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\" class=\"submit\"  />\n" . "      </li>\n" . "    </ul>\n" . "  </fieldset>\n" . "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://./test.js\"></script>\n\n" . "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" . "alert('Test Javascript');\n" . "</script>\n" . "</form>";
     $this->assert_same($expected, (string) $form);
 public function resize_img($extra_attrs)
     $panorama = ORM::factory("panorama")->where("item_id", "=", $this->id)->find();
     if ($panorama->loaded() && $panorama->checked) {
         $swfUrl = url::file("modules/panorama/lib/pan0.swf");
         $panoramaHFOV = $panorama->HFOV;
         $panoramaVFOV = $panorama->VFOV;
         $img_url = $this->file_url();
         return "<object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\"\n        codebase=\",0,19,0\"\n        width=\"640\" height=\"480\" title=\"FSPP Panorama Viewer\">\n        <param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\" />\n        <param name=\"movie\" value=\"{$swfUrl}?panoSrc={$img_url}&FOV=40&minFOV=20&maxFOV=40&panHFOV={$panoramaHFOV}&panVFOV={$panorama->VFOV}\" />\n        <param name=\"quality\" value=\"high\" />\n        <param name=\"BGCOLOR\" value=\"#AAAAAA\" />\n        <param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\" />\n        <embed src=\"{$swfUrl}?panoSrc={$img_url}&FOV=40&minFOV=20&maxFOV=40&panHFOV={$panoramaHFOV}&panVFOV={$panoramaVFOV}\"\n        allowFullScreen=\"true\"\n        width=\"640\" height=\"480\" quality=\"high\"\n        wmode=\"transparent\"\n        pluginspage=\"\"\n        type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\">\n        </embed>\n        </object>";
     } else {
         return parent::resize_img($extra_attrs);
Esempio n. 5
 static function admin_head($theme)
     $head = array();
     if (strpos(Router::$current_uri, "admin/server_add") !== false) {
         $head[] = "<link media=\"screen, projection\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . url::file("lib/jquery.autocomplete.css") . "\" />";
         $base = url::site("__ARGS__");
         $csrf = access::csrf_token();
         $head[] = "<script> var base_url = \"{$base}\"; var csrf = \"{$csrf}\";</script>";
         $head[] = html::script("lib/jquery.autocomplete.js");
         $head[] = html::script("modules/server_add/js/admin.js");
     return implode("\n", $head);
 private function _get_admin_form()
     if ($showunderphoto = module::get_var("ratings", "showunderphoto")) {
         $showunderphoto = 1;
     if ($showinsidebar = module::get_var("ratings", "showinsidebar")) {
         $showinsidebar = 1;
     if (!($fillcolor = module::get_var("ratings", "fillcolor"))) {
         $fillcolor = "#FF0000";
     if (!($votedcolor = module::get_var("ratings", "votedcolor"))) {
         $votedcolor = "#0069FF";
     if (!($hovercolor = module::get_var("ratings", "hovercolor"))) {
         $hovercolor = "#FFA800";
     if (!($castyourvotestring = module::get_var("ratings", "castyourvotestring"))) {
         $castyourvotestring = "Click on a heart to cast your vote:";
     $iconsets[url::file("modules/ratings/vendor/img/") . "hearts.png"] = 1;
     $iconsets[url::file("modules/ratings/vendor/img/") . "filmstrip.png"] = 2;
     $iconsets[url::file("modules/ratings/vendor/img/") . "stars.png"] = 3;
     $iconsets[url::file("modules/ratings/vendor/img/") . "camera.png"] = 4;
     $regonlyvote[1] = "true";
     $regonlyvote[0] = "false";
     // Make a new Form.
     $form = new Forge("admin/ratings/saveprefs", "", "post", array("id" => "g-ratings-api-adminForm"));
     // Set up some text boxes for the site owners Name, email and the
     //   text for the contact link.
     $ratings_form = $form->group("RatingsBlockSettings");
     $ratings_form->dropdown("regonly")->label(t("Allow only registered users to vote"))->options($regonlyvote)->selected(module::get_var("ratings", "regonly"));
     $ratings_form->dropdown("iconset")->label(t("Choose an Icon Set"))->options($iconsets)->selected(module::get_var("ratings", "iconset"));
     #     $ratings_form->input("bgcolor")
     #      ->label(t("Background Color (behind icon set) [--  not yet working --]"))
     #      ->class("js_color {hash:true}")
     #      ->value(module::get_var("ratings","bgcolor"));
     $ratings_form->input("fillcolor")->label(t("Fill Color"))->class("js_color {hash:true}")->value(module::get_var("ratings", "fillcolor"));
     $ratings_form->input("hovercolor")->label(t("Hover Fill Color"))->class("js_color {hash:true}")->value(module::get_var("ratings", "hovercolor"));
     $ratings_form->input("votedcolor")->label(t("Once Voted Fill Color"))->class("js_color {hash:true}")->value(module::get_var("ratings", "votedcolor"));
     $ratings_form->checkbox("showunderphoto")->label(t("Show block under photo"))->class("g-unique g-button-text")->checked($showunderphoto);
     $ratings_form->checkbox("showinsidebar")->label(t("Show block in the sidebar"))->class("g-unique g-button-text")->checked($showinsidebar);
     $ratings_form->input("imageword")->label(t("Word to descibe the rating icon (IE: heart or star or filmstrip)"))->class("g-button-text")->value(module::get_var("ratings", "imageword"));
     $ratings_form->input("votestring")->label(t("Word for 'vote'"))->class("g-button-text")->value(module::get_var("ratings", "votestring"));
     $ratings_form->input("castyourvotestring")->label(t("Wording for 'Click on a heart to cast your vote:'"))->class("g-button-text")->value(module::get_var("ratings", "castyourvotestring"));
     $ratings_form->input("textcolor")->label(t("Text Color"))->class("js_color {hash:true}")->value(module::get_var("ratings", "textcolor"));
     // Add a save button to the form.
     // Return the newly generated form.
     return $form;
Esempio n. 7
 static function admin_head($theme)
     $session = Session::instance();
     $buf = "";
     if ($session->get("debug")) {
         $buf .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . url::file("modules/gallery/css/debug.css") . "\" />";
     if ($session->get("l10n_mode", false)) {
         $buf .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . url::file("modules/gallery/css/l10n_client.css") . "\" />";
         $buf .= html::script("lib/jquery.cookie.js");
         $buf .= html::script("modules/gallery/js/l10n_client.js");
     return $buf;
Esempio n. 8
 public function index()
     $name = module::get_var("watermark", "name");
     $view = new Admin_View("admin.html");
     $view->content = new View("admin_watermarks.html");
     if ($name) {
         $view->content->name = module::get_var("watermark", "name");
         $view->content->url = url::file("var/modules/watermark/{$name}");
         $view->content->width = module::get_var("watermark", "width");
         $view->content->height = module::get_var("watermark", "height");
         $view->content->position = module::get_var("watermark", "position");
     print $view;
 static function thumb_bottom($theme, $child)
     if ($child->type == "movie") {
         $view = new View("movie_thumb_bottom.html");
         // pass some variable to the view
         $view->url = $child->url();
         $view->top = round($child->thumb_height / 2 - 20);
         $view->texttime_top = round($child->thumb_height - 25);
         // position the movie duration from the top as some themes add stuff below the thumb
         $view->left = round($child->thumb_width / 2 - 20);
         $view->images_url = url::file("modules/movie_overlay/images");
         $view->icon = module::get_var("movie_overlay", "icon");
         $view->trans = module::get_var("movie_overlay", "trans");
         $view->movie_time = number_format(movie_overlay_theme_Core::get_movie_time($child), 2);
         return $view;
Esempio n. 10
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php 
echo url::file("modules/gallery/css/upgrader.css");
          media="screen,print,projection" />
    <script src="<?php 
echo url::file("lib/jquery.js");
" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <div id="outer">
      <img src="<?php 
echo url::file("modules/gallery/images/gallery.png");
" />
      <div id="inner">
        <? if ($can_upgrade): ?>
        <? if ($done): ?>
        <div id="confirmation">
          <a onclick="$('#confirmation').slideUp(); return false;" href="#" class="close">[x]</a>
            <h1> <?php 
echo t("That's it!");
echo t("Your <a href=\"%url\">Gallery</a> is up to date.", array("url" => url::site("albums/1")));
.rabidRating .ratingActive {
	background-color: <?php 
echo module::get_var("ratings", "hovercolor");
.rabidRating .ratingText {
        color: <?php 
echo module::get_var("ratings", "textcolor");
.rabidRating .ratingText.loading {
	background: url('<?php 
echo url::file("modules/ratings/vendor/img/ajax-loading.gif");
') no-repeat;
	text-indent: -999em;

require_once MODPATH . "ratings/vendor/ratings.php";
$rr = new RabidRatings();

<script type="text/javascript">
include_once MODPATH . "ratings/js/ratings.js";

defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
<script type="text/javascript">
  $("document").ready(function() {
      movie: "<?php 
echo url::file("modules/tag_cloud/lib/tagcloud.swf");
foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
        , <?php 
    echo $option;
 : "<?php 
    echo $value;
<div id="g-tag-cloud" ref="<?php 
echo url::site("tags");
Esempio n. 13

defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php 
echo url::file("modules/organize/css/organize_dialog.css");
" />
<script type="text/javascript">
echo t("Organize :: %album_title", array("album_title" => "__TITLE__"))->for_js();
  var done_organizing = function(album_id) {
    window.location = '<?php 
echo url::site("items/__ID__");
'.replace("__ID__", album_id);

  var set_title = function(title) {
    $("#g-dialog").dialog("option", "title", ORGANIZE_TITLE.replace("__TITLE__", title));
echo $album->title;

  var done_loading = function() {
Esempio n. 14
} else {
          <a id="g-logo" class="g-left" href="<?php 
    echo item::root()->url();
" title="<?php 
    echo t("go back to the Gallery home")->for_html_attr();
            <img width="107" height="48" alt="<?php 
    echo t("Gallery logo: Your photos on your web site")->for_html_attr();
" src="<?php 
    echo url::file("lib/images/logo.png");
" />
echo $theme->user_menu();
echo $theme->header_top();

          <!-- hide the menu until after the page has loaded, to minimize menu flicker -->
          <div id="g-site-menu" style="visibility: hidden">
Esempio n. 15
 public function __call($function, $args)
     // request_uri: gallery3/var/trunk/albums/foo/bar.jpg
     $request_uri = rawurldecode(Input::instance()->server("REQUEST_URI"));
     $request_uri = preg_replace("/\\?.*/", "", $request_uri);
     // var_uri: gallery3/var/
     $var_uri = url::file("var/");
     // Make sure that the request is for a file inside var
     $offset = strpos(rawurldecode($request_uri), $var_uri);
     if ($offset !== 0) {
         throw new Kohana_404_Exception();
     $file_uri = substr($request_uri, strlen($var_uri));
     // Make sure that we don't leave the var dir
     if (strpos($file_uri, "..") !== false) {
         throw new Kohana_404_Exception();
     list($type, $path) = explode("/", $file_uri, 2);
     if ($type != "resizes" && $type != "albums" && $type != "thumbs") {
         throw new Kohana_404_Exception();
     // If the last element is .album.jpg, pop that off since it's not a real item
     $path = preg_replace("|/.album.jpg\$|", "", $path);
     $encoded_path = array();
     foreach (explode("/", $path) as $path_part) {
         $encoded_path[] = rawurlencode($path_part);
     // We now have the relative path to the item.  Search for it in the path cache
     // The patch cache is urlencoded so re-encode the path. (it was decoded earlier to
     // insure that the paths are normalized.
     $item = ORM::factory("item")->where("relative_path_cache", "=", implode("/", $encoded_path))->find();
     if (!$item->loaded()) {
         // We didn't turn it up.  It's possible that the relative_path_cache is out of date here.
         // There was fallback code, but bharat deleted it in 8f1bca74.  If it turns out to be
         // necessary, it's easily resurrected.
         // If we're looking for a .jpg then it's it's possible that we're requesting the thumbnail
         // for a movie.  In that case, the .flv or .mp4 file would have been converted to a .jpg.
         // So try some alternate types:
         if (preg_match('/.jpg$/', $path)) {
             foreach (array("flv", "mp4") as $ext) {
                 $movie_path = preg_replace('/.jpg$/', ".{$ext}", $path);
                 $item = ORM::factory("item")->where("relative_path_cache", "=", $movie_path)->find();
                 if ($item->loaded()) {
     if (!$item->loaded()) {
         throw new Kohana_404_Exception();
     // Make sure we have access to the item
     if (!access::can("view", $item)) {
         throw new Kohana_404_Exception();
     // Make sure we have view_full access to the original
     if ($type == "albums" && !access::can("view_full", $item)) {
         throw new Kohana_404_Exception();
     // Don't try to load a directory
     if ($type == "albums" && $item->is_album()) {
         throw new Kohana_404_Exception();
     if ($type == "albums") {
         $file = $item->file_path();
     } else {
         if ($type == "resizes") {
             $file = $item->resize_path();
         } else {
             $file = $item->thumb_path();
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
         throw new Kohana_404_Exception();
     // Check that the content hasn't expired or it wasn't changed since cached
     expires::check(2592000, $item->updated);
     // We don't need to save the session for this request
     expires::set(2592000, $item->updated);
     // 30 days
     // Dump out the image.  If the item is a movie, then its thumbnail will be a JPG.
     if ($item->is_movie() && $type != "albums") {
         header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
     } else {
         header("Content-Type: {$item->mime_type}");
     $fd = fopen($file, "rb");
Esempio n. 16
        scriptData: <?php 
echo json_encode($script_data);
        fileExt: "<?php 
echo implode(";", $extensions);
        fileDesc: <?php 
echo t("Photos and movies")->for_js();
        cancelImg: "<?php 
echo url::file("lib/uploadify/cancel.png");
        simUploadLimit: <?php 
echo $simultaneous_upload_limit;
        sizeLimit: <?php 
echo $size_limit_bytes;
        wmode: "transparent",
        hideButton: true, /* should be true */
        auto: true,
        multi: true,
        onAllComplete: function(filesUploaded, errors, allbytesLoaded, speed) {
					<a class="addthis_button_more"><span><?php 
    echo t("More...");
					<img src="<?php 
    echo url::file("modules/sharephoto/images/addthis_64.png");
" /></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
    echo url::file("modules/sharephoto/js/fisheye-iutil.min.js");

if (module::get_var("sharephoto", "HTMLLinks")) {
	<div id="g-sharephoto-links">
		<li id="g-sharephoto-links-position">
		  <div style="cursor:pointer;" class="show-link"><?php 
    echo t("URL");

defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
<div id="graphicsmagick" class="g-block<?php 
echo $is_active ? " g-selected" : "";
echo $tk->installed ? "  g-installed-toolkit" : " g-unavailable";
  <img class="logo" width="107" height="76" src="<?php 
echo url::file("modules/gallery/images/graphicsmagick.png");
" alt="<?php 
t("Visit the GraphicsMagick project site");
" />
  <h3> <?php 
echo t("GraphicsMagick");
echo t("GraphicsMagick is a standalone graphics program available on most Linux systems.  Please refer to the <a href=\"%url\">GraphicsMagick website</a> for more information.", array("url" => ""));
if ($tk->installed) {
  <div class="g-module-status g-info">
    echo t("GraphicsMagick version %version is available in %dir", array("version" => $tk->version, "dir" => $tk->dir));
Esempio n. 19
  * Verify that our htaccess based permission system actually works.  Create a temporary
  * directory containing an .htaccess file that uses mod_rewrite to redirect /verify to
  * /success.  Then request that url.  If we retrieve it successfully, then our redirects are
  * working and our permission system works.
 static function htaccess_works()
     $success_url = url::file("var/tmp/security_test/success");
     @mkdir(VARPATH . "tmp/security_test");
     if ($fp = @fopen(VARPATH . "tmp/security_test/.htaccess", "w+")) {
         fwrite($fp, "RewriteEngine On\n");
         fwrite($fp, "RewriteRule verify {$success_url} [L]\n");
     if ($fp = @fopen(VARPATH . "tmp/security_test/success", "w+")) {
         fwrite($fp, "success");
     list($response) = remote::do_request(url::abs_file("var/tmp/security_test/verify"));
     $works = $response == "HTTP/1.1 200 OK";
     @dir::unlink(VARPATH . "tmp/security_test");
     return $works;
Esempio n. 20
 public function url($path, $absolute_url = false)
     $arg = "themes/{$this->theme_name}/{$path}";
     return $absolute_url ? url::abs_file($arg) : url::file($arg);
Esempio n. 21
echo ini_get("upload_max_filesize") ? num::convert_to_bytes(ini_get("upload_max_filesize")) . "B" : "100MB";
    file_types : "*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.flv;*.mp4;*.GIF;*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.PNG;*.FLV;*.MP4",
    file_types_description : "<?php 
echo t("Photos and Movies");
    file_upload_limit : 1000,
    file_queue_limit : 0,
    custom_settings : { },
    debug: false,

    // Button settings
    button_image_url: "<?php 
echo url::file("themes/default/images/select-photos-backg.png");
    button_width: "202",
    button_height: "45",
    button_placeholder_id: "gChooseFilesButtonPlaceholder",
    button_text: '<span class="swfUploadFont">Select photos...</span>',
    button_text_style: ".swfUploadFont { color: #2E6E9E; font-size: 16px; font-family: Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans,Arial,sans-serif; font-weight: bold; }",
    button_text_left_padding: 30,
    button_text_top_padding: 10,

    // The event handler functions are defined in handlers.js
    file_queued_handler : file_queued,
    file_queue_error_handler : file_queue_error,
    file_dialog_complete_handler : file_dialog_complete,
    upload_start_handler : upload_start,
Esempio n. 22
          <ul id="gLoginMenu">
            <li class="first"><?php 
echo html::anchor("albums/1", "Browse the Gallery");
            <li id="gLogoutLink"><a href="<?php 
echo url::site("logout?continue=albums/1");
          <a href="<?php 
echo url::site("albums/1");
"><img src="<?php 
echo url::file("themes/default/images/logo.png");
" id="gLogo" alt="<?php 
echo t("Gallery 3: Your Photos on Your Web Site");
" /></a>
          <div id="gSiteAdminMenu">
echo $theme->admin_menu();
echo $theme->admin_header_bottom();
Esempio n. 23
    if ($id == $admin) {
        <div class="g-block ui-helper-clearfix">
          <a href="<?php 
    echo url::site("admin/themes/preview/admin/{$id}");
" class="g-dialog-link" title="<?php 
    echo t("Theme Preview: %theme_name", array("theme_name" => $info->name))->for_html_attr();
            <img src="<?php 
    echo url::file("themes/{$id}/thumbnail.png");
    echo html::clean_attribute($info->name);
" />
            <h3> <?php 
    echo $info->name;
    echo $info->description;
Esempio n. 24
  * album:
  * photo:
 public function resize_url($full_uri = false)
     $relative_path = "var/resizes/" . $this->relative_path();
     $cache_buster = $this->_cache_buster($this->resize_path());
     return ($full_uri ? url::abs_file($relative_path) : url::file($relative_path)) . ($this->is_album() ? "/.album.jpg" : "") . $cache_buster;
Esempio n. 25
  * album:
  * photo:
 public function resize_url($full_uri = false)
     return ($full_uri ? url::abs_file("var/resizes/" . $this->relative_path()) : url::file("var/resizes/" . $this->relative_path())) . ($this->is_album() ? "/.album.jpg" : "");

<div id="g-exif-map-header">
  <div id="g-exif-map-header-buttons">
echo $theme->dynamic_top();
echo html::clean($title);
<br />
<div id="wrapper">
  <div id="map_canvas" style="width:690px; height:480px;"></div>
  <div id="over_map" style="width:690px; height:480px;">
    <p id="exif-gps-status" class="exif-gps-status" style="text-align: center; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; width: 690px; height: 480px;">
      <font size="6" color="white"><strong><?php 
echo t("Loading...");
</strong></font><br /><br />
      <img src="<?php 
echo url::file("modules/exif_gps/images/exif_gps-loading-map-large.gif");
" style="vertical-align: middle;"></img>
echo $theme->dynamic_bottom();
Esempio n. 27

defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
echo t("Admin dashboard");
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php 
echo url::file("lib/images/favicon.ico");
" type="image/x-icon" />

echo $theme->css("yui/reset-fonts-grids.css");
echo $theme->css("themeroller/ui.base.css");
echo $theme->css("superfish/css/superfish.css");
echo $theme->css("gallery.common.css");
Esempio n. 28

defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
<script src="<?php 
echo url::file("modules/tag/js/tag.js");
" type="text/javascript"></script>
  var TAG_RENAME_URL = "<?php 
echo url::site("admin/tags/rename/__ID__");
  $("document").ready(function() {
    // using JS for adding link titles to avoid running t() for each tag
    $("#gTagAdmin .tag-name").attr("title", "<?php 
echo t("Click to edit this tag");
    $("#gTagAdmin .delete-link").attr("title", $(".delete-link:first span").html());

    // In-place editing for tag admin
    $(".gEditable").bind("click", editInPlace);
  // make some values available within tag.js
  var csrf_token = "<?php 
echo $csrf;
  var save_i18n = '<?php 
echo t("save");
Esempio n. 29
 static function head($theme)
     $url = url::file("modules/tag/js/tag.js");
     return "<script src=\"{$url}\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>";
Esempio n. 30
              <a href="javascript:set('deny',<?php 
echo $group->id;
echo $permission->id;
echo $item->id;
echo t('click to deny');
                <img src="<?php 
echo url::file('themes/default/images/ico-denied-gray.png');
" alt="<?php 
echo t('inactive denied icon');
" />
          <? endif ?>
        <? endif ?>
      <? endforeach ?>
    <? endforeach ?>