  * Modifies the search form by providing an additional marker linking to a
  * new query with the suggestions provided by Solr as the search terms.
  * @param	array	An array of existing form markers
  * @param	tx_solr_Template	An isntance of the tempalte engine
  * @return	array	Array with additional markers for suggestions
 public function modifyForm(array $markers, tx_solr_Template $template)
     $spellCheckingEnabled = $this->configuration['search.']['spellchecking'];
     if ($spellCheckingEnabled && $this->search->hasSearched()) {
         $suggestions = $this->search->getSpellcheckingSuggestions();
         if ($suggestions) {
             $query = clone $this->search->getQuery();
             $markers['suggestion'] = tslib_cObj::noTrimWrap($query->getQueryLink($query->getKeywords()), $this->configuration['search.']['spellchecking.']['wrap']);
     return $markers;
  * Creates a link to a given page with a given link text with the current
  * tx_solr parameters appended to the URL
  * @param	array	Array of arguments, [0] is the link text, [1] is the (optional) page Id to link to (otherwise TSFE->id), [2] are additional URL parameters, [3] use cache, defaults to FALSE
  * @return	string	complete anchor tag with URL and link text
 public function execute(array $arguments = array())
     $linkText = $arguments[0];
     $pageId = $arguments[1] ? intval($arguments[1]) : $GLOBALS['TSFE']->id;
     $additionalParameters = $arguments[2] ? $arguments[2] : '';
     $useCache = $arguments[3] ? TRUE : FALSE;
     $query = $this->search->getQuery();
     $prefix = 'tx_solr';
     $getParameters = t3lib_div::_GET($prefix);
     $piVars = is_array($getParameters) ? $getParameters : array();
     $queryParameters = array_merge($piVars, array('q' => $query->getKeywords()));
     $queryParameters = $query->removeUnwantedUrlParameters($queryParameters);
     $linkConfiguration = array('useCacheHash' => $useCache, 'no_cache' => FALSE, 'parameter' => $pageId, 'additionalParams' => t3lib_div::implodeArrayForUrl('', array($prefix => $queryParameters), '', TRUE) . $additionalParameters);
     return $this->contentObject->typoLink($linkText, $linkConfiguration);
 protected function renderUsedFacets()
     $template = clone $this->parentPlugin->getTemplate();
     $query = $this->search->getQuery();
     $resultParameters = t3lib_div::_GET('tx_solr');
     $filterParameters = array();
     if (isset($resultParameters['filter'])) {
         $filterParameters = (array) array_map('urldecode', $resultParameters['filter']);
     $facetsInUse = array();
     foreach ($filterParameters as $filter) {
         list($filterName, $filterValue) = explode(':', $filter);
         $facetConfiguration = $this->configuration['search.']['faceting.']['facets.'][$filterName . '.'];
         // don't render facets that should not be included in used facets
         if (isset($facetConfiguration['includeInUsedFacets']) && $facetConfiguration['includeInUsedFacets'] == '0') {
         $usedFacetRenderer = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_solr_facet_UsedFacetRenderer', $filterName, $filterValue, $filter, $facetConfiguration, $this->parentPlugin->getTemplate(), $query);
         $facetToRemove = $usedFacetRenderer->render();
         $facetsInUse[] = $facetToRemove;
     $template->addLoop('facets_in_use', 'remove_facet', $facetsInUse);
     $template->addVariable('remove_all_facets', array('url' => $query->getQueryUrl(array('filter' => array())), 'text' => '###LLL:faceting_removeAllFilters###'));
     $content = '';
     if (count($facetsInUse)) {
         $content = $template->render();
     return $content;
 protected function getSortingLinks()
     $configuredSortingFields = $this->configuration['search.']['sorting.']['fields.'];
     $query = $this->search->getQuery();
     $sortingFields = array();
     $urlParameters = t3lib_div::_GP('tx_solr');
     $urlSortingParameter = $urlParameters['sort'];
     list($currentSortByField, $currentSortDirection) = explode(' ', $urlSortingParameter);
     foreach ($configuredSortingFields as $fieldName => $enabled) {
         if (substr($fieldName, -1) != '.' && $enabled) {
             $sortDirection = $this->configuration['search.']['sorting.']['defaultOrder'];
             $sortIndicator = $sortDirection;
             $sortParameter = $fieldName . ' ' . $sortDirection;
             // toggle sorting direction for the current sorting field
             if ($currentSortByField == $fieldName) {
                 switch ($currentSortDirection) {
                     case 'asc':
                         $sortDirection = 'desc';
                         $sortIndicator = 'asc';
                     case 'desc':
                         $sortDirection = 'asc';
                         $sortIndicator = 'desc';
                 $sortParameter = $fieldName . ' ' . $sortDirection;
             $temp = array('link' => $query->getQueryLink('###LLL:' . $configuredSortingFields[$fieldName . '.']['label'] . '###', array('sort' => $sortParameter)), 'url' => $query->getQueryUrl(array('sort' => $sortParameter)), 'field' => $fieldName, 'label' => '###LLL:' . $configuredSortingFields[$fieldName . '.']['label'] . '###', 'is_current' => $currentSortByField == $fieldName ? '1' : '0', 'direction' => $sortDirection, 'indicator' => $sortIndicator, 'current_direction' => ' ');
             // set sort indicator for the current sorting field
             if ($currentSortByField == $fieldName) {
                 $temp['selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                 $temp['current'] = 'current';
                 $temp['current_direction'] = $sortIndicator;
             // special case relevancy: just reset the search to normal behavior
             if ($fieldName == 'relevancy') {
                 $temp['link'] = $query->getQueryLink('###LLL:' . $configuredSortingFields[$fieldName . '.']['label'] . '###', array('sort' => NULL));
                 unset($temp['direction'], $temp['indicator']);
             $sortingFields[] = $temp;
     return $sortingFields;
  * Renders the facet's options.
  * @return	string	The rendered facet options.
 public function renderFacetOptions()
     $facetContent = '';
     $facetField = $this->facetConfiguration['field'];
     $facetOptions = $this->search->getFacetFieldOptions($facetField);
     if (!empty($facetOptions)) {
         // default facet renderer
         $facetRendererClass = 'tx_solr_facet_SimpleFacetRenderer';
         if (!empty($this->facetConfiguration['renderer'])) {
             $facetRendererClass = $this->facetConfiguration['renderer'];
         $facetRenderer = t3lib_div::makeInstance($facetRendererClass, $this->facetName, $facetOptions, $this->facetConfiguration, $this->template, $this->search->getQuery());
         if (!$facetRenderer instanceof tx_solr_FacetRenderer) {
             // TODO throw exception
         $facetContent = $facetRenderer->render();
     return $facetContent;
  * constructor for class tx_solr_viewhelper_SortUrl
 public function __construct(array $arguments = array())
     $this->search = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_solr_Search');
     $this->configuration = tx_solr_Util::getSolrConfiguration();
     $this->query = $this->search->getQuery();
  * Determines whether filters have been applied to the query or not.
  * @return	string	1 if filters are applied, 0 if not (for use in templates)
 protected function isFiltered()
     $filters = $this->search->getQuery()->getFilters();
     $filtered = !empty($filters);
     return $filtered ? '1' : '0';