function uloginUninstall($self) { tusers::i()->unbind('tregserviceuser'); turlmap::unsub($self); $man = tdbmanager::i(); $man->deletetable($self->table); if ($man->column_exists('users', 'phone')) { $man->alter('users', "drop phone"); } $alogin = tadminlogin::i(); $alogin->widget = $self->deletepanel($alogin->widget); $alogin->save(); $areg = tadminreguser::i(); $areg->widget = $self->deletepanel($areg->widget); $areg->save(); $tc = ttemplatecomments::i(); $tc->regaccount = $self->deletepanel($tc->regaccount); $tc->save(); $js = tjsmerger::i(); $js->lock(); $js->deletefile('default', '/plugins/ulogin/resource/ulogin.popup.min.js'); $js->deletefile('default', '/plugins/ulogin/resource/' . litepublisher::$options->language . '.ulogin.popup.min.js'); $js->unlock(); tcssmerger::i()->deletefile('default', '/plugins/ulogin/resource/ulogin.popup.css'); tjsonserver::i()->unbind($self); litepublisher::$classes->delete('emailauth'); }
function TRSSPrevNextUninstall($self) { $rss = trss::i(); $rss->unbind($self); $urlmap = turlmap::i(); $urlmap->clearcache(); }
public function getcontent() { $id = tadminhtml::idparam(); $menus = tmenus::i(); if ($id != 0 && !$menus->itemexists($id)) { return self::error403(); } $menu = tmenu::i($id); if (litepublisher::$options->group == 'author' && litepublisher::$options->user != $menu->author) { return self::error403(); } if ($id > 0 && !$menus->itemexists($id)) { return self::error403(); } $views = tviews::i(); $theme = tview::i($views->defaults['admin'])->theme; $html = tadminhtml::i(); $html->section = 'menu'; switch ($_GET['get']) { case 'view': $result = tadminviews::getcomboview($id == 0 ? $views->defaults['menu'] : $menu->idview); break; case 'seo': $args = targs::i(); $args->url = $menu->url; $args->keywords = $menu->keywords; $args->description = $menu->description; $args->head = $menu->data['head']; $result = $html->parsearg('[text=url] [text=description] [text=keywords] [editor=head]', $args); break; default: $result = var_export($_GET, true); } return turlmap::htmlheader(false) . $result; }
function installClasses() { litepublisher::$urlmap = turlmap::i(); litepublisher::$urlmap->lock(); $posts = tposts::i(); $posts->lock(); $xmlrpc = TXMLRPC::i(); $xmlrpc->lock(); ttheme::$defaultargs = array(); $theme = ttheme::getinstance('default'); // $html = tadminhtml::i(); // $html->loadinstall(); foreach (litepublisher::$classes->items as $class => $item) { //echo "$class<br>\n"; if (preg_match('/^(titem|titem_storage|titemspostsowner|tcomment|IXR_Client|IXR_Server|tautoform|tchildpost|tchildposts|tlitememcache)$/', $class)) { continue; } $obj = getinstance($class); if (method_exists($obj, 'install')) { $obj->install(); } } $xmlrpc->unlock(); $posts->unlock(); litepublisher::$urlmap->unlock(); }
function tsitemapUninstall($self) { turlmap::unsub($self); tcron::i()->deleteclass($self); $meta = tmetawidget::i(); $meta->delete('sitemap'); }
function tlinkswidgetUninstall($self) { if (get_class($self) != 'tlinkswidget') { return; } turlmap::unsub($self); }
public function processform() { litepublisher::$options->dateformat = $_POST['dateformat']; litepublisher::$options->language = $_POST['language']; if (litepublisher::$options->timezone != $_POST['timezone']) { litepublisher::$options->timezone = $_POST['timezone']; $archives = tarchives::i(); turlmap::unsub($archives); $archives->PostsChanged(); } $merger = tlocalmerger::i(); $merger->lock(); //$merger->items = array(); //$merger->install(); foreach (array_keys($merger->items) as $name) { $keys = array_keys($merger->items[$name]['texts']); $merger->setfiles($name, $_POST[$name . '_files']); foreach ($keys as $key) { $merger->addtext($name, $key, $_POST[$name . '_text_' . $key]); } } $merger->html = explode("\n", trim($_POST['adminhtml_files'])); foreach ($merger->html as $i => $filename) { $merger->html[$i] = trim($filename); } $merger->unlock(); }
function tcommontagsUninstall($self) { tposts::unsub($self); turlmap::unsub($self); $widgets = twidgets::i(); $widgets->deleteclass(get_class($self)); }
public function import($s) { require_once litepublisher::$paths->lib . 'domrss.class.php'; $a = xml2array($s); $urlmap = turlmap::i(); $urlmap->lock(); $cats = tcategories::i(); $cats->lock(); $tags = ttags::i(); $tags->lock(); $posts = tposts::i(); $posts->lock(); foreach ($a['rss']['channel'][0]['item'] as $item) { if ($post = $this->add($item)) { $posts->add($post); if (isset($item['wp:comment']) && is_array($item['wp:comment'])) { $this->importcomments($item['wp:comment'], $post->id); } if (!tfilestorage::$disabled) { $post->free(); } } } $posts->unlock(); $tags->unlock(); $cats->unlock(); $urlmap->unlock(); }
function trssMultimediaUninstall($self) { turlmap::unsub($self); $files = tfiles::i(); $files->unbind($self); $meta = tmetawidget::i(); $meta->delete('media'); }
function tkeywordspluginUninstall($self) { turlmap::unsub($self); $widgets = twidgets::i(); $widgets->deleteclass('tkeywordswidget'); litepublisher::$classes->delete('tkeywordswidget'); //TFiler::DeleteFiles(litepublisher::$paths->data . 'keywords' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , true); }
function tprofileUninstall($self) { turlmap::unsub($self); $sitemap = tsitemap::i(); $sitemap->delete('/profile.htm'); $template = ttemplate::i(); $template->deletefromhead(' <link rel="author profile" title="Profile" href="$site.url/profile.htm" />'); }
public function getcontent() { $type = tadminhtml::getparam('type', 'tags') == 'tags' ? 'tags' : 'categories'; $tags = $type == 'tags' ? ttags::i() : tcategories::i(); if ($err = self::auth()) { return $err; } $id = tadminhtml::idparam(); if ($id > 0 && !$tags->itemexists($id)) { return self::error403(); } $theme = tview::i(tviews::i()->defaults['admin'])->theme; $html = tadminhtml::i(); $html->section = 'tags'; $lang = tlocal::i('tags'); if ($id == 0) { $views = tviews::i(); $name = $type == 'tags' ? 'tag' : 'category'; $item = array('title' => '', 'idview' => isset($views->defaults[$name]) ? $views->defaults[$name] : 1, 'idperm' => 0, 'icon' => 0, 'includechilds' => $tags->includechilds, 'includeparents' => $tags->includeparents, 'invertorder' => false, 'lite' => $tags->lite, 'liteperpage' => 1000, 'url' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'description' => '', 'head' => ''); } else { $item = $tags->getitem($id); } switch ($_GET['get']) { case 'view': if ($id > 0) { foreach (array('includechilds', 'includeparents', 'invertorder', 'lite') as $prop) { $item[$prop] = (int) $item[$prop] > 0; } } $args = new targs(); $args->add($item); $result = $html->parsearg('[checkbox=includechilds] [checkbox=includeparents] [checkbox=invertorder] [checkbox=lite] [text=liteperpage]', $args); $result .= $this->getviewicon($item['idview'], $item['icon']); $result .= tadminperms::getcombo($item['idperm']); break; case 'seo': $args = targs::i(); if ($id == 0) { $args->url = ''; $args->keywords = ''; $args->description = ''; $args->head = ''; } else { $args->add($tags->contents->getitem($id)); $args->url = $tags->items[$id]['url']; } $result = $html->parsearg('[text=url] [text=description] [text=keywords] [editor=head]', $args); break; case 'text': $result = $this->geteditor('raw', $id == 0 ? '' : $tags->contents->getcontent($id), true); $result .= $this->gethead(); break; default: $result = var_export($_GET, true); } return turlmap::htmlheader(false) . $result; }
public function uninstall() { turlmap::unsub($this); $template = ttemplate::i(); $template->deletefromhead($this->get_head()); $merger = tlocalmerger::i(); $merger->deleteplugin(tplugins::getname(__FILE__)); litepublisher::$urlmap->clearcache(); }
public function delete($id) { if (parent::delete($id)) { $urlmap = turlmap::i(); $urlmap->clearcache(); return true; } return false; }
function thomepageUninstall($self) { turlmap::unsub($self); tposts::unsub($self); $menus = tmenus::i(); $menus->lock(); unset($menus->items[$menus->idhome]); $menus->sort(); $menus->unlock(); }
public function add($value) { if (!in_array($value, $this->items)) { $this->items[] = $value; $this->save(); $urlmap = turlmap::i(); $urlmap->setexpired($this->idurl); $this->added($value); } }
function trssUninstall($self) { turlmap::unsub($self); tcomments::i()->unbind($self); $meta = tmetawidget::i(); $meta->lock(); $meta->delete('rss'); $meta->delete('comments'); $meta->unlock(); }
protected function prepareurl($host, $url) { parent::prepareurl($host, $url); if (strbegin($this->url, litepublisher::$mobile . '/') || $this->url == litepublisher::$mobile) { if ($this->url == litepublisher::$mobile) { $this->url = '/'; } else { $this->url = substr($this->url, strlen(litepublisher::$mobile)); } } }
private function dochanged($name, $value) { if ($name == 'perpage') { $this->perpagechanged(); $urlmap = turlmap::i(); $urlmap->clearcache(); } elseif ($name == 'cache') { $urlmap = turlmap::i(); $urlmap->clearcache(); } else { $this->changed($name, $value); } }
function texternallinksUninstall($self) { $filter = tcontentfilter::i(); $filter->unbind($self); $cron = tcron::i(); $cron->deleteclass(get_class($self)); turlmap::unsub($self); if (dbversion) { $manager = tdbmanager::i(); $manager->deletetable($self->table); } tposts::i()->addrevision(); }
function tregservicesUninstall($self) { $name = basename(dirname(__FILE__)); tcommentform::i()->unbind($self); turlmap::unsub($self); foreach ($self->items as $id => $classname) { litepublisher::$classes->delete($classname); } litepublisher::$classes->delete('tregserviceuser'); litepublisher::$classes->delete('toauth'); tfiler::delete(litepublisher::$paths->data . 'regservices', true, true); tusers::i()->unbind('tregserviceuser'); tdbmanager::i()->deletetable('regservices'); $css = tcssmerger::i(); $css->deletestyle("/plugins/{$name}/regservices.min.css"); }
public function request($arg) { $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? (int) $_GET['id'] : 1; if (!$this->itemexists($id)) { return turlmap::redir301('/'); } $item = $this->getitem($id); $url = $item['url']; if (!strpos($url, '.')) { $url = litepublisher::$options->url . litepublisher::$options->home; } if (!strbegin($url, 'http://')) { $url = 'http://' . $url; } turlmap::redir($url); }
public function ping($from, $to) { if (!strbegin($to, litepublisher::$site->url)) { return new IXR_Error(0, 'Is there no link to us?'); } $url = substr($to, strlen(litepublisher::$site->url)); $urlmap = turlmap::i(); if (!($item = $urlmap->finditem($url))) { return $this->xerror(0, 'Is there no link to us?'); } if ($item['class'] != litepublisher::$classes->classes['post']) { return $this->xerror(33, 'The specified target URL cannot be used as a target. It either doesn\'t exist, or it is not a pingback-enabled resource.'); } $post = tpost::i($item['arg']); if (!$post->pingenabled || $post->status != 'published') { return $this->xerror(33, 'The specified target URL cannot be used as a target. It either doesn\'t exist, or it is not a pingback-enabled resource.'); } $pingbacks = $post->pingbacks; if ($pingbacks->exists($from)) { return new IXR_Error(48, 'The pingback has already been registered.'); } if (!($s = http::get($from))) { return new IXR_Error(16, 'The source URL does not exist.'); } $s = str_replace('<!DOC', '<DOC', $s); $s = preg_replace('/[\\s\\r\\n\\t]+/', ' ', $s); // normalize spaces if (!preg_match('|<title>([^<]*?)</title>|is', $s, $matchtitle) || empty($matchtitle[1])) { return new IXR_Error(32, 'We cannot find a title on that page.'); } $s = strip_tags($s, '<a>'); if (!preg_match("|<a([^>]+?" . preg_quote($to) . "[^>]*)>[^>]+?</a>|", $s, $match)) { return new IXR_Error(17, 'The source URL does not contain a link to the target URL, and so cannot be used as a source.'); } if (preg_match('/nofollow|noindex/is', $match[1])) { return new IXR_Error(32, 'The source URL contain nofollow or noindex atribute'); } $pingbacks->add($from, $matchtitle[1]); return "Pingback from {$from} to {$to} registered. Keep the web talking! :-)"; }
function tfoafUninstall($self) { $merger = tlocalmerger::i(); $merger->deleteplugin(tplugins::getname(__FILE__)); $actions = TXMLRPCAction::i(); $actions->deleteclass(get_class($self)); $urlmap = litepublisher::$urlmap; $urlmap->lock(); turlmap::unsub($self); $classes = litepublisher::$classes; $classes->lock(); $classes->delete('tfoafutil'); $classes->delete('tprofile'); $classes->delete('tfriendswidget'); $classes->delete('tadminfoaf'); $classes->unlock(); $admin = tadminmenus::i(); $admin->lock(); $admin->deleteurl('/admin/foaf/profiletemplate/'); $admin->deleteurl('/admin/foaf/profile/'); $admin->deleteurl('/admin/foaf/'); $admin->unlock(); $urlmap->unlock(); if ($self->dbversion) { $manager = tdbmanager::i(); $manager->deletetable($self->table); } $template = ttemplate::i(); $template->deletefromhead(' <link rel="meta" type="application/rdf+xml" title="FOAF" href="$site.url/foaf.xml" />'); $meta = tmetawidget::i(); $meta->lock(); $meta->delete('foaf'); $meta->delete('profile'); $meta->unlock(); ttheme::clearcache(); }
public function request($arg) { $this->cache = false; turlmap::nocache(); if (empty($_GET['oauth_token'])) { return 403; } tsession::start(md5($_GET['oauth_token'])); if (!isset($_SESSION['tokens'])) { session_destroy(); return 403; } $tokens = $_SESSION['tokens']; session_destroy(); $oauth = $this->getoauth(); $oauth->settokens($tokens['oauth_token'], $tokens['oauth_token_secret']); if ($tokens = $oauth->getaccesstoken($_REQUEST['oauth_verifier'])) { if ($r = $oauth->get_data('')) { $info = json_decode($r); return $this->adduser(array('uid' => $info->id, 'name' => $info->name, 'website' => '' . $info->id_str), $info); } } return $this->errorauth(); }
public function request($arg) { $this->cache = false; $id = self::getget('id'); $sidebar = self::getget('sidebar'); $this->idurlcontext = self::getget('idurl'); if ($id === false || $sidebar === false || !$this->itemexists($id)) { return $this->error_request('Invalid params'); } $themename = isset($_GET['themename']) ? trim($_GET['themename']) : tview::i(1)->themename; if (!preg_match('/^\\w[\\w\\.\\-_]*+$/', $themename) || !ttheme::exists($themename)) { $themename = tviews::i(1)->themename; } $theme = ttheme::getinstance($themename); try { $result = $this->getwidgetcontent($id, $sidebar); return turlmap::htmlheader(false) . $result; } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->error_request('Cant get widget content'); } }
require_once litepublisher::$paths->lib . 'events.class.php'; require_once litepublisher::$paths->lib . 'items.class.php'; require_once litepublisher::$paths->lib . 'classes.php'; require_once litepublisher::$paths->lib . 'options.class.php'; } else { require_once litepublisher::$paths->lib . 'kernel.php'; } litepublisher::$classes = tclasses::instance(); litepublisher::$options = toptions::instance(); if (!litepublisher::$options->installed) { require_once litepublisher::$paths->lib . 'install' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'install.php'; } if (dbversion) { litepublisher::$db = new tdatabase(); } litepublisher::$options->admincookie = litepublisher::$options->cookieenabled && litepublisher::$options->authcookie(); litepublisher::$urlmap = turlmap::instance(); if (!defined('litepublisher_mode')) { litepublisher::$urlmap->request(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } litepublisher::$options->cache = false; litepublisher::$options->savemodified(); litepublisher::$options->showerrors(); if (dbversion && !preg_match('/(^\\/rpc\\.xml|\\/rss|\\/comments\\.)|(\\.xml$)/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { echo "<pre>\n"; $man = tdbmanager::instance(); //$man->deletealltables(); //echo $man->performance(); //file_put_contents(litepublisher::$pathshome. "litepublisher::$domain .sql", $man->export()); } //
require_once litepublisher::$paths->lib . 'options.class.php'; require_once litepublisher::$paths->lib . 'site.class.php'; } else { require_once litepublisher::$paths->lib . 'kernel.php'; } define('dbversion', true); /* if (class_exists('Memcache')) { tfilestorage::$memcache = new Memcache; tfilestorage::$memcache->connect('', 11211); } */ if (!tstorage::loaddata()) { if (file_exists(litepublisher::$paths->data . 'storage.php') && filesize(litepublisher::$paths->data . 'storage.php')) { die('Storage not loaded'); } require_once litepublisher::$paths->lib . 'install' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'install.php'; } litepublisher::$classes = tclasses::i(); litepublisher::$options = toptions::i(); litepublisher::$db = tdatabase::i(); litepublisher::$site = tsite::i(); litepublisher::$urlmap = turlmap::i(); if (!defined('litepublisher_mode')) { litepublisher::$urlmap->request(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } } catch (Exception $e) { litepublisher::$options->handexception($e); } litepublisher::$options->savemodified(); litepublisher::$options->showerrors();
public function processform() { switch ($_POST['formtype']) { case 'colors': foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) { if (strbegin($name, 'color_')) { $name = substr($name, strlen('color_')); $this->setcolor($name, $value); } } $this->sendfile(); break; case 'uploadcolors': if (isset($_FILES['filename'])) { if (isset($_FILES['filename']['error']) && $_FILES['filename']['error'] > 0) { $lang = tlocal::admin('uploaderrors'); return sprintf('<h4>%s</h4>', $lang->__get($_FILES['filename']['error'])); } elseif (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name'])) { return sprintf('<h4>%s</h4>', $lng['attack']); } else { $this->colorsuploaded = true; $colors = parse_ini_file($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name']); foreach ($colors as $name => $value) { $this->setcolor($name, $value); } } } break; case 'headerurl': if (!isset($_FILES['Filedata']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']) || $_FILES['Filedata']['error'] != 0) { return 403; } if ($result = $this->imageresize($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $this->colors['headerwidth'], $this->colors['headerheight'])) { return turlmap::htmlheader(false) . $result; } return 403; case 'logourl': if (!isset($_FILES['Filedata']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']) || $_FILES['Filedata']['error'] != 0) { return 403; } if ($result = $this->uploadlogo($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $this->colors['logopadding'], $this->colors['logoheight'])) { return turlmap::htmlheader(false) . json_encode($result); } return 403; } return ''; }