Esempio n. 1
function show_transaction($template)
    global $db;
    global $TPL;
    global $projectID;
    $current_user =& singleton("current_user");
    $transaction = new transaction();
    if (isset($projectID) && $projectID) {
        $query = prepare("SELECT transaction.*\n                          FROM transaction\n                          WHERE transaction.projectID = %d\n                      ORDER BY transactionModifiedTime desc\n                        ", $projectID);
        while ($db->next_record()) {
            $transaction = new transaction();
            $tf = $transaction->get_foreign_object("tf");
            $TPL["transaction_username"] = $db->f("username");
            $TPL["transaction_amount"] = page::money($TPL["transaction_currenyTypeID"], $TPL["transaction_amount"], "%s%mo");
            $TPL["transaction_type_link"] = $transaction->get_transaction_type_link() or $TPL["transaction_link"] = $transaction->get_value("transactionType");
Esempio n. 2
function show_transaction_listR($template_name)
    global $timeSheet;
    global $TPL;
    $current_user =& singleton("current_user");
    global $percent_array;
    $db = new db_alloc();
    $db->query("SELECT * FROM transaction WHERE timeSheetID = %d", $timeSheet->get_id());
    if ($db->next_record() || $timeSheet->get_value("status") == "invoiced" || $timeSheet->get_value("status") == "finished") {
        $db->query("SELECT * \n                    FROM tf \n                   WHERE tfActive = 1\n                      OR tfID = %d \n                      OR tfID = %d \n                ORDER BY tfName", $db->f("tfID"), $db->f("fromTfID"));
        while ($db->row()) {
            $tf_array[$db->f("tfID")] = $db->f("tfName");
        $status_options = array("pending" => "Pending", "approved" => "Approved", "rejected" => "Rejected");
        $transactionType_options = transaction::get_transactionTypes();
        if ($timeSheet->have_perm(PERM_TIME_INVOICE_TIMESHEETS) && $timeSheet->get_value("status") == "invoiced") {
            $db->query("SELECT * FROM transaction WHERE timeSheetID = %d ORDER BY transactionID", $timeSheet->get_id());
            while ($db->next_record()) {
                $transaction = new transaction();
                $TPL["currency"] = page::money($transaction->get_value("currencyTypeID"), '', "%S");
                $TPL["currency_code"] = page::money($transaction->get_value("currencyTypeID"), '', "%C");
                $TPL["tf_options"] = page::select_options($tf_array, $TPL["transaction_tfID"]);
                $TPL["from_tf_options"] = page::select_options($tf_array, $TPL["transaction_fromTfID"]);
                $TPL["status_options"] = page::select_options($status_options, $transaction->get_value("status"));
                $TPL["transactionType_options"] = page::select_options($transactionType_options, $transaction->get_value("transactionType"));
                $TPL["percent_dropdown"] = page::select_options($percent_array, $empty);
                $TPL["transaction_buttons"] = '
            <button type="submit" name="transaction_delete" value="1" class="delete_button">Delete<i class="icon-trash"></i></button>
            <button type="submit" name="transaction_save" value="1" class="save_button">Save<i class="icon-ok-sign"></i></button>
                if ($transaction->get_value("transactionType") == "invoice") {
                    $TPL["transaction_transactionType"] = $transaction->get_transaction_type_link();
                    $TPL["transaction_fromTfID"] = tf::get_name($transaction->get_value("fromTfID"));
                    $TPL["transaction_tfID"] = tf::get_name($transaction->get_value("tfID"));
                    $TPL["currency_amount"] = page::money($transaction->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $transaction->get_value("amount"), "%S%mo %c");
                } else {
        } else {
            // If you don't have perm INVOICE TIMESHEETS then only select
            // transactions which you have permissions to see.
            $query = prepare("SELECT * \n                            FROM transaction \n                           WHERE timeSheetID = %d\n                        ORDER BY transactionID", $timeSheet->get_id());
            while ($db->next_record()) {
                $transaction = new transaction();
                $TPL["currency_amount"] = page::money($transaction->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $transaction->get_value("amount"), "%S%mo %c");
                $TPL["transaction_fromTfID"] = tf::get_name($transaction->get_value("fromTfID"));
                $TPL["transaction_tfID"] = tf::get_name($transaction->get_value("tfID"));
                $TPL["transaction_transactionType"] = $transactionType_options[$transaction->get_value("transactionType")];
Esempio n. 3
 public static function get_list($_FORM)
     $current_user =& singleton("current_user");
     global $TPL;
      * This is the definitive method of getting a list of transactions that need a sophisticated level of filtering
     $_FORM["tfIDs"] = transaction::reduce_tfs($_FORM);
     // Non-admin users must specify a valid TF
     if (!$current_user->have_role("admin") && !$_FORM["tfIDs"]) {
     $filter = transaction::get_list_filter($_FORM);
     $debug = $_FORM["debug"];
     $debug and print "\n<pre>_FORM: " . print_r($_FORM, 1) . "</pre>";
     $debug and print "\n<pre>filter: " . print_r($filter, 1) . "</pre>";
     $_FORM["return"] or $_FORM["return"] = "html";
     $filter["prevBalance"] and $filter2[] = $filter["prevBalance"];
     $filter["tfIDs"] and $filter2[] = $filter["tfIDs"];
     $filter2 and $filter2[] = " (status = 'approved') ";
     if (is_array($filter2) && count($filter2)) {
         $filter2 = " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $filter2);
     if (is_array($filter) && count($filter)) {
         $filter = " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $filter);
     $_FORM["sortTransactions"] or $_FORM["sortTransactions"] = "transactionDate";
     $order_by = "ORDER BY " . $_FORM["sortTransactions"];
     // Determine opening balance
     if (is_array($_FORM['tfIDs']) && count($_FORM['tfIDs'])) {
         $q = prepare("SELECT SUM( IF(fromTfID IN (%s),-amount,amount) * pow(10,-currencyType.numberToBasic) * exchangeRate) AS balance\n                      FROM transaction \n                 LEFT JOIN currencyType ON currencyType.currencyTypeID = transaction.currencyTypeID\n                    " . $filter2, $_FORM['tfIDs']);
         $debug and print "\n<br>QUERY: " . $q;
         $db = new db_alloc();
         $_FORM["opening_balance"] = $db->f("balance");
         $running_balance = $db->f("balance");
     $q = "SELECT *, \n                 (amount * pow(10,-currencyType.numberToBasic)) as amount1,\n                 (amount * pow(10,-currencyType.numberToBasic) * exchangeRate) as amount2,\n                 if(transactionModifiedTime,transactionModifiedTime,transactionCreatedTime) AS transactionSortDate,\n                 tf1.tfName as fromTfName,\n                 tf2.tfName as tfName\n            FROM transaction \n       LEFT JOIN currencyType ON currencyType.currencyTypeID = transaction.currencyTypeID\n       LEFT JOIN tf tf1 ON transaction.fromTfID = tf1.tfID\n       LEFT JOIN tf tf2 ON transaction.tfID = tf2.tfID\n         " . $filter . " \n         " . $order_by;
     $debug and print "\n<br>QUERY2: " . $q;
     $db = new db_alloc();
     $for_cyber = config::for_cyber();
     while ($row = $db->next_record()) {
         #echo "<pre>".print_r($row,1)."</pre>";
         $t = new transaction();
         if (!$t->read_db_record($db)) {
         $print = true;
         // If the destination of this TF is not the current TfID, then invert the $amount
         $amount = $row["amount2"];
         if (!in_array($row["tfID"], (array) $_FORM["tfIDs"])) {
             $amount = -$amount;
             $row["amount1"] = -$row["amount1"];
         $row["amount"] = $amount;
         $row["transactionURL"] = $t->get_url();
         $row["transactionName"] = $t->get_name($_FORM);
         $row["transactionLink"] = $t->get_transaction_link($_FORM);
         $row["transactionTypeLink"] = $t->get_transaction_type_link() or $row["transactionTypeLink"] = $row["transactionType"];
         $row["transactionSortDate"] = format_date("Y-m-d", $row["transactionSortDate"]);
         $row["fromTfIDLink"] = "<a href=\"" . $TPL["url_alloc_transactionList"] . "tfID=" . $row["fromTfID"] . "\">" . page::htmlentities($row["fromTfName"]) . "</a>";
         $row["tfIDLink"] = "<a href=\"" . $TPL["url_alloc_transactionList"] . "tfID=" . $row["tfID"] . "\">" . page::htmlentities($row["tfName"]) . "</a>";
         if ($t->get_value("status") == "approved") {
             $running_balance += $amount;
             $row["running_balance"] = page::money(config::get_config_item("currency"), $running_balance, "%m %c");
         if ($amount > 0) {
             $row["amount_positive"] = page::money($row["currencyTypeID"], $row["amount1"], "%m %c");
             $total_amount_positive += $amount;
         } else {
             $row["amount_negative"] = page::money($row["currencyTypeID"], $row["amount1"], "%m %c");
             $total_amount_negative += $amount;
         // Cyber only hackery for ext ref field on product sales
         if ($for_cyber && $row["productSaleID"]) {
             $ps = new productSale();
             if ($ps->select()) {
                 $ps->get_value("extRef") and $row["product"] .= " (Ext ref: " . $ps->get_value("extRef") . ")";
         $transactions[$row["transactionID"]] = $row;
     $_FORM["total_amount_positive"] = page::money(config::get_config_item("currency"), $total_amount_positive, "%s%m %c");
     $_FORM["total_amount_negative"] = page::money(config::get_config_item("currency"), $total_amount_negative, "%s%m %c");
     $_FORM["running_balance"] = page::money(config::get_config_item("currency"), $running_balance, "%s%m %c");
     return array("totals" => $_FORM, "rows" => (array) $transactions);