Esempio n. 1
function set_timezone($lang = '')
    if (empty($lang)) {
        return array('UTC', 0);
    $l = accept_language::split_locale_str($lang);
    // When the name of a country is uncertain (国名が不明な場合)
    if (empty($l[2])) {
        $obj_l2c = new lang2country();
        $l[2] = $obj_l2c->get_lang2country($l[1]);
        if (empty($l[2])) {
            return array('UTC', 0);
    $obj = new timezone();
    // Setting at judgment time. (判定時刻の設定)
    // The acquisition country is specified. (取得国を指定)
    // With the installation country in case of the same
    // 設置者の国と同一の場合
    if ($lang == DEFAULT_LANG) {
        if (defined('DEFAULT_TZ_NAME')) {
    list($zone, $zonetime) = $obj->get_zonetime();
    if ($zonetime == 0 || empty($zone)) {
        return array('UTC', 0);
    return array($zone, $zonetime);
 * World Time プラグイン
 * @copyright   Copyright &copy; 2005-2006, Katsumi Saito <*****@*****.**>
 * @version     $Id:,v 0.4 2006/02/16 01:31:00 upk Exp $
function plugin_worldtime_inline()
    switch (func_num_args()) {
        case 1:
            return "&worldtime( timezone_name ){format};\n";
            list($code, $format) = func_get_args();
            $format = htmlspecialchars($format, ENT_QUOTES);
    if (empty($code)) {
        return '';
    $obj = new timezone();
    list($zone, $zonetime) = $obj->get_zonetime();
    if (empty($format)) {
        $format = 'Y-m-d H:i T';
    $x = gmdate($format, UTIME + $zonetime);
    $x = str_replace('GMT', $zone, $x);
    return $x;
 function __construct(&$config, $dn = NULL, $object = NULL)
     #definition des variables
     $attributesInfo = self::getAttributesInfo();
     /* Languages */
     $languages = get_languages(TRUE);
     $languages = array_merge(array("" => _("Automatic")), $languages);
     $attributesInfo['look_n_feel']['attrs'][0]->setChoices(array_keys($languages), array_values($languages));
     /* Timezones */
     /* Password methods */
     $methods = passwordMethod::get_available_methods();
     $methods = $methods['name'];
     parent::__construct($config, $dn, $object, $attributesInfo);
     $this->fusionConfigMd5 = md5_file(CACHE_DIR . "/" . CLASS_CACHE);
     $this->attributesAccess['fdEnableSnapshots']->setManagedAttributes(array('disable' => array(FALSE => array('fdSnapshotBase'))));
     $this->attributesAccess['fdForceSSL']->setManagedAttributes(array('disable' => array(TRUE => array('fdWarnSSL'))));
     $this->attributesAccess['fdIdAllocationMethod']->setManagedAttributes(array('erase' => array('traditional' => array('fdUidNumberPoolMin', 'fdUidNumberPoolMax', 'fdGidNumberPoolMin', 'fdGidNumberPoolMax'))));
Esempio n. 4
  * Is DST in effect?
  * @param	integer $timestamp When?
  * @param	string 	$timezone_key Where?
  * @return	boolean	Yes, they are saving time, actually.
 function is_dst($timestamp, $timezone_key)
     global $is_dst, $auto_dst;
     $out = $is_dst;
     if ($auto_dst && $timezone_key && timezone::is_supported()) {
         $server_tz = date_default_timezone_get();
         if ($server_tz) {
             // switch to client time zone
             if (date_default_timezone_set($timezone_key)) {
                 $out = date('I', $timestamp);
                 // restore server time zone
     return $out;
Esempio n. 5
 * Renders a HTML &lt;select&gt; list of cities for timezone selection.
 * Can be altered by plugins via the 'prefs_ui > gmtoffset'
 * pluggable UI callback event.
 * @param  string $name HTML name of the list
 * @param  string $val  Initial (or current) selected option
 * @return string HTML
function gmtoffset_select($name, $val)
    // Fetch *hidden* pref
    $key = get_pref('timezone_key', '', true);
    if ($key === '') {
        $key = (string) Txp::get('Textpattern_Date_Timezone')->getTimezone();
    $tz = new timezone();
    $ui = $tz->selectInput('timezone_key', $key, false, '', 'gmtoffset');
    return pluggable_ui('prefs_ui', 'gmtoffset', $ui, $name, $val);
Esempio n. 6
echo form::label('siteDomain', 'Site Domain');
echo '<div>http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '</div>' . form::input('siteDomain', $autoURI);

        <div class="field upload">
echo form::label('uploadDir', 'Upload Directory');
echo form::input('uploadDir');

        <div class="field">
echo form::label('defaultTimeZone', 'Default Timezone');
echo timezone::dropdown('defaultTimeZone', $defaultTimeZone);

        <div class="field">
echo form::label('samples', 'Install Sample Data');
echo form::checkbox('samples');

echo form::close_section();

Esempio n. 7
function is_dst($name, $val)
    $ui = yesnoRadio($name, $val) . n . script_js("textpattern.timezone_is_supported = " . (int) timezone::is_supported() . ";") . script_js(<<<EOS
\t\t\t\tvar radio = \$("#prefs-is_dst input");
\t\t\t\tif (radio) {
\t\t\t\t\tif (\$("#auto_dst-1").attr("checked") && textpattern.timezone_is_supported) {
\t\t\t\t   \t\$("#auto_dst-1").click(
\t\t\t\t\t  \t});
\t\t\t   \t}
\t\t\t\tif (!textpattern.timezone_is_supported) {
\t\t\t\t\t\$("#prefs-auto_dst input").attr("disabled","disabled");
    return pluggable_ui('prefs_ui', 'is_dst', $ui, $name, $val);
Esempio n. 8
function doDiagnostics()
    global $prefs, $files, $txpcfg, $event, $step, $theme;
    $urlparts = parse_url(hu);
    $mydomain = $urlparts['host'];
    $is_apache = ($server_software and stristr($server_software, 'Apache')) or is_callable('apache_get_version');
    $real_doc_root = isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) ? realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) : '';
    // ini_get() returns string values passed via php_value as a string, not boolean
    $is_register_globals = (strcasecmp(ini_get('register_globals'), 'on') === 0 or ini_get('register_globals') === '1');
    $fail = array('php_version_4_3_0_required' => (!is_callable('version_compare') or version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.3.0', '<')) ? gTxt('php_version_4_3_0_required') : '', 'path_to_site_missing' => !isset($path_to_site) ? gTxt('path_to_site_missing') : '', 'dns_lookup_fails' => @gethostbyname($mydomain) == $mydomain ? gTxt('dns_lookup_fails') . cs . $mydomain : '', 'path_to_site_inacc' => !@is_dir($path_to_site) ? gTxt('path_to_site_inacc') . cs . $path_to_site : '', 'site_trailing_slash' => rtrim($siteurl, '/') != $siteurl ? gTxt('site_trailing_slash') . cs . $path_to_site : '', 'index_inaccessible' => (!@is_file($path_to_site . "/index.php") or !@is_readable($path_to_site . "/index.php")) ? "{$path_to_site}/index.php " . gTxt('is_inaccessible') : '', 'dir_not_writable' => trim((!@is_writable($path_to_site . '/' . $img_dir) ? str_replace('{dirtype}', gTxt('img_dir'), gTxt('dir_not_writable')) . ": {$path_to_site}/{$img_dir}" . n : '') . (!@is_writable($file_base_path) ? str_replace('{dirtype}', gTxt('file_base_path'), gTxt('dir_not_writable')) . ": {$file_base_path}" . n : '') . (!@is_writable($tempdir) ? str_replace('{dirtype}', gTxt('tempdir'), gTxt('dir_not_writable')) . ": {$tempdir}" . n : '')), 'cleanurl_only_apache' => ($permlink_mode != 'messy' and !$is_apache) ? gTxt('cleanurl_only_apache') : '', 'htaccess_missing' => ($permlink_mode != 'messy' and !@is_readable($path_to_site . '/.htaccess')) ? gTxt('htaccess_missing') : '', 'mod_rewrite_missing' => ($permlink_mode != 'messy' and is_callable('apache_get_modules') and !apache_module('mod_rewrite')) ? gTxt('mod_rewrite_missing') : '', 'file_uploads_disabled' => !ini_get('file_uploads') ? gTxt('file_uploads_disabled') : '', 'setup_still_exists' => @is_dir(txpath . DS . 'setup') ? txpath . DS . "setup" . DS . ' ' . gTxt('still_exists') : '', 'no_temp_dir' => empty($tempdir) ? gTxt('no_temp_dir') : '', 'warn_mail_unavailable' => is_disabled('mail') ? gTxt('warn_mail_unavailable') : '', 'warn_register_globals_or_update' => $is_register_globals && (version_compare(phpversion(), '4.4.0', '<=') or version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.0', '>=') and version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.5', '<=')) ? gTxt('warn_register_globals_or_update') : '');
    if ($permlink_mode != 'messy') {
        $rs = safe_column("name", "txp_section", "1");
        foreach ($rs as $name) {
            if ($name and @file_exists($path_to_site . '/' . $name)) {
                $fail['old_placeholder_exists'] = gTxt('old_placeholder') . ": {$path_to_site}/{$name}";
    $missing = array();
    foreach ($files as $f) {
        $realpath = realpath(txpath . $f);
        if (is_readable($realpath)) {
            $found[] = $realpath;
        } else {
            $missing[] = txpath . $f;
    $files = $found;
    if ($missing) {
        $fail['missing_files'] = gTxt('missing_files') . cs . n . t . join(', ' . n . t, $missing);
    foreach ($fail as $k => $v) {
        if (empty($v)) {
    # Find the highest revision number
    $file_revs = $file_md5 = array();
    $rev = 0;
    foreach ($files as $f) {
        $content = @file_get_contents($f);
        if ($content !== FALSE) {
            if (preg_match('/^\\$' . 'LastChangedRevision: (\\d+) \\$/m', $content, $match)) {
                $file_revs[$f] = $match[1];
                if ($match[1] > $rev) {
                    $rev = $match[1];
            $file_md5[$f] = md5(str_replace('$' . 'HeadURL: http:', '$' . 'HeadURL: https:', str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $content)));
    # Check revs & md5 against stable release, if possible
    $dev_files = $old_files = $modified_files = array();
    if ($cs = @file(txpath . '/checksums.txt')) {
        foreach ($cs as $c) {
            if (preg_match('@^(\\S+): r?(\\S+) \\((.*)\\)$@', trim($c), $m)) {
                list(, $file, $r, $md5) = $m;
                $file = realpath(txpath . $file);
                if (!empty($file_revs[$file]) and $r and $file_revs[$file] < $r) {
                    $old_files[] = $file;
                } elseif (!empty($file_revs[$file]) and $r and $file_revs[$file] > $r) {
                    $dev_files[] = $file;
                } elseif (!empty($file_md5[$file]) and $file_md5[$file] != $md5) {
                    $modified_files[] = $file;
    # files that haven't been updated
    if ($old_files) {
        $fail['old_files'] = gTxt('old_files') . cs . n . t . join(', ' . n . t, $old_files);
    # files that don't match their checksums
    if ($modified_files) {
        $fail['modified_files'] = gTxt('modified_files') . cs . n . t . join(', ' . n . t, $modified_files);
    # running development code in live mode is not recommended
    if ($dev_files and $production_status == 'live') {
        $fail['dev_version_live'] = gTxt('dev_version_live') . cs . n . t . join(', ' . n . t, $dev_files);
    # anything might break if arbitrary functions are disabled
    if (ini_get('disable_functions')) {
        $disabled_funcs = array_map('trim', explode(',', ini_get('disable_functions')));
        # commonly disabled functions that we don't need
        $disabled_funcs = array_diff($disabled_funcs, array('imagefilltoborder', 'exec', 'system', 'dl', 'passthru', 'chown', 'shell_exec', 'popen', 'proc_open'));
        if ($disabled_funcs) {
            $fail['some_php_functions_disabled'] = gTxt('some_php_functions_disabled') . cs . join(', ', $disabled_funcs);
    # not sure about this one
    #if (strncmp(php_sapi_name(), 'cgi', 3) == 0 and ini_get('cgi.rfc2616_headers'))
    #	$fail['cgi_header_config'] = gTxt('cgi_header_config');
    $guess_site_url = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . preg_replace('#[/\\\\]$#', '', dirname(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])));
    if ($siteurl and strip_prefix($siteurl, 'www.') != strip_prefix($guess_site_url, 'www.')) {
        $fail['site_url_mismatch'] = gTxt('site_url_mismatch') . cs . $guess_site_url;
    # test clean URL server vars
    if (hu) {
        if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') and $permlink_mode != 'messy') {
            $s = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
            ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 10);
            $pretext_data = @file(hu . $s . '/?txpcleantest=1');
            if ($pretext_data) {
                $pretext_req = trim(@$pretext_data[0]);
                if ($pretext_req != md5('/' . $s . '/?txpcleantest=1')) {
                    $fail['clean_url_data_failed'] = gTxt('clean_url_data_failed') . cs . htmlspecialchars($pretext_req);
            } else {
                $fail['clean_url_test_failed'] = gTxt('clean_url_test_failed');
    if ($tables = list_txp_tables()) {
        $table_errors = check_tables($tables);
        if ($table_errors) {
            $fail['mysql_table_errors'] = gTxt('mysql_table_errors') . cs . n . t . join(', ' . n . t, $table_errors);
    $active_plugins = array();
    if ($rows = safe_rows('name, version, code_md5, md5(code) as md5', 'txp_plugin', 'status > 0')) {
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $n = $row['name'] . '-' . $row['version'];
            if (strtolower($row['md5']) != strtolower($row['code_md5'])) {
                $n .= 'm';
            $active_plugins[] = $n;
    $theme_manifest = $theme->manifest();
    // check GD info
    if (function_exists('gd_info')) {
        $gd_info = gd_info();
        $gd_support = array();
        if ($gd_info['GIF Create Support']) {
            $gd_support[] = 'GIF';
        // Aside: In PHP 5.3, they chose to add a previously unemployed capital "E" to the array key.
        if (!empty($gd_info['JPEG Support']) || !empty($gd_info['JPG Support'])) {
            $gd_support[] = 'JPG';
        if ($gd_info['PNG Support']) {
            $gd_support[] = 'PNG';
        if ($gd_support) {
            $gd_support = join(', ', $gd_support);
        } else {
            $gd_support = gTxt('none');
        $gd = gTxt('gd_info', array('{version}' => $gd_info['GD Version'], '{supported}' => $gd_support));
    } else {
        $gd = gTxt('gd_unavailable');
    if (realpath($prefs['tempdir']) == realpath($prefs['plugin_cache_dir'])) {
        $fail['tmp_plugin_paths_match'] = gTxt('tmp_plugin_paths_match');
    echo pagetop(gTxt('tab_diagnostics'), ''), '<div id="' . $event . '_container" class="txp-container txp-list">', '<div id="pre_flight_check">', startTable('list', '', 'list', '', '510px'), '<thead>', tr(td(hed(gTxt('preflight_check'), 2))), '</thead>';
    echo '<tbody>';
    if ($fail) {
        foreach ($fail as $help => $message) {
            echo tr(tda(nl2br($message) . sp . popHelp($help), ' class="not-ok"'));
    } else {
        echo tr(tda(gTxt('all_checks_passed'), ' class="ok"'));
    echo '</tbody>', endTable(), '</div>';
    echo '<div id="diagnostics">', startTable('list', '', 'list'), '<thead>', tr(td(hed(gTxt('diagnostic_info'), 2))), '</thead>';
    $fmt_date = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S';
    $out = array('<textarea cols="78" rows="18" readonly="readonly" style="width: 500px; height: 300px;">', gTxt('txp_version') . cs . txp_version . ' (' . ($rev ? 'r' . $rev : 'unknown revision') . ')' . n, gTxt('last_update') . cs . gmstrftime($fmt_date, $dbupdatetime) . '/' . gmstrftime($fmt_date, @filemtime(txpath . '/update/_update.php')) . n, gTxt('document_root') . cs . @$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . ($real_doc_root != @$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ? ' (' . $real_doc_root . ')' : '') . n, '$path_to_site' . cs . $path_to_site . n, gTxt('txp_path') . cs . txpath . n, gTxt('permlink_mode') . cs . $permlink_mode . n, ini_get('open_basedir') ? 'open_basedir: ' . ini_get('open_basedir') . n : '', ini_get('upload_tmp_dir') ? 'upload_tmp_dir: ' . ini_get('upload_tmp_dir') . n : '', gTxt('tempdir') . cs . $tempdir . n, gTxt('web_domain') . cs . $siteurl . n, gTxt('php_version') . cs . phpversion() . n, $is_register_globals ? gTxt('register_globals') . cs . $is_register_globals . n : '', gTxt('gd_library') . cs . $gd . n, gTxt('server') . ' TZ: ' . (timezone::is_supported() ? date_default_timezone_get() : (getenv('TZ') ? getenv('TZ') : '-')) . n, gTxt('server_time') . cs . strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . n, strip_tags(gTxt('is_dst')) . cs . $is_dst . n, strip_tags(gTxt('auto_dst')) . cs . $auto_dst . n, strip_tags(gTxt('gmtoffset')) . cs . $timezone_key . sp . "({$gmtoffset})" . n, 'MySQL' . cs . mysql_get_server_info() . n, gTxt('locale') . cs . $locale . n, isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) ? gTxt('server') . cs . $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] . n : '', is_callable('apache_get_version') ? gTxt('apache_version') . cs . apache_get_version() . n : '', gTxt('php_sapi_mode') . cs . PHP_SAPI . n, gTxt('rfc2616_headers') . cs . ini_get('cgi.rfc2616_headers') . n, gTxt('os_version') . cs . php_uname('s') . ' ' . php_uname('r') . n, $active_plugins ? gTxt('active_plugins') . cs . join(', ', $active_plugins) . n : '', gTxt('theme_name') . cs . $theme_name . sp . $theme_manifest['version'] . n, $fail ? n . gTxt('preflight_check') . cs . n . ln . join("\n", $fail) . n . ln : '', is_readable($path_to_site . '/.htaccess') ? n . gTxt('htaccess_contents') . cs . n . ln . htmlspecialchars(join('', file($path_to_site . '/.htaccess'))) . n . ln : '');
    if ($step == 'high') {
        $mysql_client_encoding = is_callable('mysql_client_encoding') ? mysql_client_encoding() : '-';
        $out[] = n . 'Charset (default/config)' . cs . $mysql_client_encoding . '/' . @$txpcfg['dbcharset'] . n;
        $result = safe_query("SHOW variables like 'character_se%'");
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
            $out[] = $row[0] . cs . $row[1] . n;
            if ($row[0] == 'character_set_connection') {
                $conn_char = $row[1];
        $table_names = array(PFX . 'textpattern');
        $result = safe_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . PFX . "txp\\_%'");
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
            $table_names[] = $row[0];
        $table_msg = array();
        foreach ($table_names as $table) {
            $ctr = safe_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE " . $table . "");
            if (!$ctr) {
            $ctcharset = preg_replace('#^CREATE TABLE.*SET=([^ ]+)[^)]*$#is', '\\1', mysql_result($ctr, 0, 'Create Table'));
            if (isset($conn_char) && !stristr($ctcharset, 'CREATE') && $conn_char != $ctcharset) {
                $table_msg[] = "{$table} is {$ctcharset}";
            $ctr = safe_query("CHECK TABLE " . $table);
            if (in_array(mysql_result($ctr, 0, 'Msg_type'), array('error', 'warning'))) {
                $table_msg[] = $table . cs . mysql_result($ctr, 0, 'Msg_Text');
        if ($table_msg == array()) {
            $table_msg = count($table_names) < 17 ? array('-') : array('OK');
        $out[] = count($table_names) . ' Tables' . cs . implode(', ', $table_msg) . n;
        $cf = preg_grep('/^custom_\\d+/', getThings('describe `' . PFX . 'textpattern`'));
        $out[] = n . get_pref('max_custom_fields', 10) . sp . gTxt('custom') . cs . implode(', ', $cf) . sp . '(' . count($cf) . ')' . n;
        $extns = get_loaded_extensions();
        $extv = array();
        foreach ($extns as $e) {
            $extv[] = $e . (phpversion($e) ? '/' . phpversion($e) : '');
        $out[] = n . gTxt('php_extensions') . cs . join(', ', $extv) . n;
        if (is_callable('apache_get_modules')) {
            $out[] = n . gTxt('apache_modules') . cs . join(', ', apache_get_modules()) . n;
        if (@is_array($pretext_data) and count($pretext_data) > 1) {
            $out[] = n . gTxt('pretext_data') . cs . htmlspecialchars(join('', array_slice($pretext_data, 1, 20))) . n;
        $out[] = n;
        foreach ($files as $f) {
            $checksum = isset($file_md5[$f]) ? $file_md5[$f] : gTxt('unknown');
            $revision = isset($file_revs[$f]) ? 'r' . $file_revs[$f] : gTxt('unknown');
            $out[] = "{$f}" . cs . n . t . $revision . ' (' . $checksum . ')' . n;
        $out[] = n . ln;
    $out[] = callback_event('diag_results', $step) . n;
    $out[] = '</textarea>' . br;
    $dets = array('low' => gTxt('low'), 'high' => gTxt('high'));
    $out[] = form(eInput('diag') . n . gTxt('detail') . cs . selectInput('step', $dets, $step, 0, 1));
    echo '<tbody>', tr(td(join('', $out))), '</tbody>', endTable(), '</div>', '</div>';
Esempio n. 9
 * Calculates a timezone offset.
 * Calculates the offset between the server local time and the
 * user's selected timezone at a given point in time.
 * @param   int $timestamp The timestamp. Defaults to time()
 * @return  int The offset in seconds
 * @package DateTime
function tz_offset($timestamp = null)
    global $gmtoffset, $timezone_key;
    if (is_null($timestamp)) {
        $timestamp = time();
    $serveroffset = gmmktime($hours, $minutes, 0, $mon, $mday, $year) - mktime($hours, $minutes, 0, $mon, $mday, $year);
    $real_dst = timezone::is_dst($timestamp, $timezone_key);
    return $gmtoffset - $serveroffset + ($real_dst ? 3600 : 0);
Esempio n. 10
/* Check for uniqe ip address */
$ui = session::global_get('ui');
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $ui->ip) {
    new log('security', 'login', '', array(), 'main.php called with session which has a changed IP address.');
    header('Location: index.php?signout=1&message=newip');
$config = session::global_get('config');
/* If SSL is forced, just forward to the SSL enabled site */
if ($config->get_cfg_value('forcessl') == 'TRUE' && $ssl != '') {
    header("Location: {$ssl}");
/* Check for invalid sessions */
if (session::global_get('_LAST_PAGE_REQUEST') != '') {
    /* check FusionDirectory.conf for defined session lifetime */
    $max_life = $config->get_cfg_value('sessionLifetime', 60 * 60 * 2);
    /* get time difference between last page reload */
    $request_time = time() - session::global_get('_LAST_PAGE_REQUEST');
    /* If page wasn't reloaded for more than max_life seconds
     * kill session
    if ($request_time > $max_life) {
        new log('security', 'login', '', array(), 'main.php called with expired session - logging out');
        header('Location: index.php?signout=1&message=expired');
Esempio n. 11
    private function viewInstall()
        $params = array();
        if (file_exists(root . '/install/.lock')) {
            $params['notify']['prepare']['lock'] = true;
        if (file_exists(root . '/config.php') && !is_writable(root . '/config.php')) {
            $params['notify']['prepare']['cfg_write'] = true;
        if (!is_writable(root . '/install/')) {
            $params['notify']['prepare']['inst_write'] = true;
        if (!file_exists(root . '/install/sql/install.sql')) {
            $params['notify']['prepare']['sql_notfound'] = true;
        $timezone_array = timezone::getInstance()->getZoneUTC();
        template::getInstance()->set(template::TYPE_SYSTEM, 'timezones', $timezone_array);
        if (sizeof($params['notify']) == 0) {
            if (system::getInstance()->post('submit')) {
                $testCon = null;
                try {
                    $testCon = @new \PDO("mysql:host=" . system::getInstance()->post('config:db_host') . ";dbname=" . system::getInstance()->post('config:db_name') . "", system::getInstance()->post('config:db_user'), system::getInstance()->post('config:db_pass'));
                } catch (\PDOException $exception) {
                    $params['notify']['process']['db_conn_miss'] = true;
                if ($testCon != null) {
                    $reg_login = system::getInstance()->post('admin:login');
                    $reg_email = system::getInstance()->post('admin:email');
                    $reg_pass = system::getInstance()->post('admin:pass');
                    $reg_repass = system::getInstance()->post('admin:repass');
                    if (!filter_var($reg_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                        $params['notify']['process']['reg_email_wrong'] = true;
                    if (!system::getInstance()->validPasswordLength($reg_pass)) {
                        $params['notify']['process']['reg_pass_wrong'] = true;
                    if (system::getInstance()->length($reg_login) < 3 || system::getInstance()->length($reg_login) > 64) {
                        $params['notify']['process']['reg_login_wrong'] = true;
                    if ($reg_pass != $reg_repass) {
                        $params['notify']['process']['reg_repass_nomatch'] = true;
                    if (sizeof($params['notify']) == 0) {
                        $configs_data = '<?php' . "\n";
                        foreach (system::getInstance()->post(null) as $var_name => $var_value) {
                            if (system::getInstance()->prefixEquals($var_name, 'config:')) {
                                $var_name = substr($var_name, strlen('config:'));
                                $var_name = system::getInstance()->nohtml($var_name);
                                if ($var_name === 'seo_title') {
                                    foreach (language::getInstance()->getAvailable() as $clang) {
                                        $configs_data .= '$config[\'' . $var_name . '\'][\'' . $clang . '\'] = "' . system::getInstance()->nohtml($var_value[$clang]) . '";' . "\n";
                                } else {
                                    $configs_data .= '$config[\'' . $var_name . '\'] = "' . system::getInstance()->nohtml($var_value) . '"' . ";\n";
                        $random_password_salt = system::getInstance()->randomString(rand(12, 16));
                        $configs_data .= '$config[\'tpl_dir\'] = "templates";
$config[\'tpl_name\'] = "default";
$config[\'debug\'] = true;
$config[\'multi_title\'] = false;
$config[\'cache_interval\'] = "120";
$config[\'token_time\'] = "86400";
$config[\'user_friendly_url\'] = false;
$config[\'mail_from\'] = "*****@*****.**";
$config[\'mail_ownername\'] = "Site Admin";
$config[\'mail_smtp_use\'] = false;
$config[\'mail_smtp_host\'] = "";
$config[\'mail_smtp_port\'] = "25";
$config[\'mail_smtp_auth\'] = true;
$config[\'mail_smtp_login\'] = "*****@*****.**";
$config[\'mail_smtp_password\'] = "madness";
$config[\'password_salt\'] = "' . $random_password_salt . '";
                        $configs_data .= '?>';
                        file_put_contents(root . '/install/.lock', 'Install success');
                        file_put_contents(root . '/config.php', $configs_data);
                        $prefix = system::getInstance()->post('config:db_prefix');
                        if (!system::getInstance()->isLatinOrNumeric($prefix)) {
                            $prefix = "ffcms";
                        $query_dump = str_replace('{$db_prefix}', $prefix, file_get_contents(root . '/install/sql/install.sql'));
                        $md5_doublehash = system::getInstance()->doublemd5($reg_pass, $random_password_salt);
                        $stmt = $testCon->prepare("INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "_user (`login`, `email`, `nick`, `pass`, `access_level`) VALUES(?, ?, 'admin', ?, '3')");
                        $stmt->bindParam(1, $reg_login, \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                        $stmt->bindParam(2, $reg_email, \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                        $stmt->bindParam(3, $md5_doublehash, \PDO::PARAM_STR, 32);
                        $user_id = $testCon->lastInsertId();
                        $stmt = null;
                        $stmt = $testCon->prepare("INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "_user_custom(`id`) VALUES (?)");
                        $stmt->bindParam(1, $user_id, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
                        $stmt = null;
                        $testCon = null;
                        $params['notify']['success'] = true;
                foreach (system::getInstance()->post(null) as $var_name => $var_value) {
                    if (system::getInstance()->prefixEquals($var_name, 'config:')) {
                        $var_name = substr($var_name, strlen('config:'));
                        template::getInstance()->set('cfg', $var_name, $var_value);
        return template::getInstance()->twigRender('install.tpl', $params);
Esempio n. 12
 public static function dialplan($number)
     $xml = Telephony::getDriver()->xml;
     $destination = $number['Destination'];
     if (!empty($destination['time'])) {
         $parts = explode(';', $destination['time']);
         if (count($parts) != 2) {
             kohana::log('error', 'Time was not comprised of two parts');
             return FALSE;
         $offset = timezone::getUTCOffset($destination['plugins']['timezone']['timezone']) / 60;
         if ($parts[0] == $parts[1]) {
             $times[] = $parts - $offset;
         } else {
             $times[] = $parts[0] - $offset;
             $times[] = $parts[1] - $offset;
     } else {
         kohana::log('error', 'Time of day route had no time');
         return FALSE;
     $weekDayColumns = array('sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wen', 'thur', 'fri', 'sat');
     $wday = array();
     foreach ($weekDayColumns as $pos => $weekDayColumn) {
         if (!empty($destination[$weekDayColumn])) {
             $wday[] = $pos + 1;
     // TODO: This makes no sense....
     if (empty($wday)) {
         $wday = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
     Kohana::log('debug', 'NODE?');
     foreach ($xml->childNodes as $node) {
         if ($node !== $xml->firstChild) {
     $time_xml = "";
     foreach ($times as $index => $time) {
         if ($time < 0) {
             foreach ($wday as $day) {
                 if ($day == 1) {
                     $offsetwday[] = 7;
                 } else {
                     $offsetwday[] = $day - 1;
             $time_xml .= self::createTimeCondition($destination, $offsetwday, 1440 + $time . '-1440');
             $times[$index] = 0;
         if ($time > 1440) {
             foreach ($wday as $day) {
                 if ($day == 7) {
                     $offsetwday[] = 1;
                 } else {
                     $offsetwday[] = $day + 1;
             $time_xml .= self::createTimeCondition($destination, $offsetwday, '0-' . ($time - 1440));
             $times[$index] = 1440;
     if (sizeof($times) == 1) {
         $time_xml .= self::createTimeCondition($destination, $wday, $times[0]);
     } else {
         if (sizeof($times) == 2) {
             $time_xml .= self::createTimeCondition($destination, $wday, $times[0] . '-' . $times[1]);
     if (!empty($time_xml)) {
         $newXmlFragment = $xml->createDocumentFragment();
     } else {
Esempio n. 13


<div id="endpoint_global_form" class="update endpoint">
echo form::open();

echo form::open_section('Global Settings');
	<div class='field'>
echo form::label(array('for' => 'package[registry][defaults][global][timezone]', 'hint' => 'Default timezone for all phones', 'help' => 'Default timezone for all phones'), 'Default Timezone:');
echo timezone::dropdown("package[registry][defaults][global][timezone]", $savedtimezone);
	<div class='field'>
echo form::label(array('for' => 'package[registry][defaults][global][linedisplay]', 'hint' => 'What to display next to line buttons on the phone'), 'Line Display:');
echo form::dropdown("package[registry][defaults][global][linedisplay]", array('name' => 'Device Name', 'extension' => 'SIP Username'), $defaults['global']['linedisplay']);

echo $additional_global_questions;

echo form::close_section();
Esempio n. 14

        <div style="text-align: center; margin: 20px 0 40px 0;">

echo '<div style="width:750px; margin: 0 auto;">' . form::input(array('name' => 'timeofday[time]', 'type' => 'slider')) . '</div>';

echo form::open_section('Timezone');
	    <div class="field">
echo form::label('timeofday[timezone]', 'Timezone');
echo timezone::dropdown(array('id' => 'timezone', 'name' => 'timeofday[timezone]', 'class' => 'time_selector'), empty($timeofday['timezone']) ? NULL : $timeofday['timezone']);
echo form::close_section();

echo form::open_section('During this Range');
            <div class="field" style="text-align: center;">

                <span id="time_range_text">On Moday through Friday between the hours of 07:00 and 17:00,<br /> route calls to a</span>

Esempio n. 15

echo form::open_section('Timezone');

    <div class="field">
echo form::label('timezone[timezone]', 'Timezone');
echo timezone::dropdown('timezone[timezone]', empty($timezone['timezone']) ? NULL : $timezone['timezone']);

echo form::close_section();