function get_timeSheetItem_vars($timeSheetID) { $timeSheet = new timeSheet(); $timeSheet->set_id($timeSheetID); $timeSheet->select(); $timeUnit = new timeUnit(); $unit_array = $timeUnit->get_assoc_array("timeUnitID", "timeUnitLabelA"); $q = prepare("SELECT * from timeSheetItem WHERE timeSheetID=%d ", $timeSheetID); $q .= prepare("GROUP BY timeSheetItemID ORDER BY dateTimeSheetItem, timeSheetItemID"); $db = new db_alloc(); $db->query($q); $customerBilledDollars = $timeSheet->get_value("customerBilledDollars"); $currency = page::money($timeSheet->get_value("currencyTypeID"), '', "%S"); return array($db, $customerBilledDollars, $timeSheet, $unit_array, $currency); }
* your option) any later version. * * allocPSA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with allocPSA. If not, see <>. */ define("NO_REDIRECT", 1); require_once "../alloc.php"; //usleep(1000); $t = timeSheetItem::parse_time_string($_REQUEST["time_item"]); $timeUnit = new timeUnit(); $units = $timeUnit->get_assoc_array("timeUnitID", "timeUnitLabelA"); $timeSheetItemMultiplier = new meta("timeSheetItemMultiplier"); $tsims = $timeSheetItemMultiplier->get_list(); foreach ($t as $k => $v) { if ($v) { if ($k == "taskID") { $task = new task(); $task->set_id($v); if ($task->select()) { $v = $task->get_id() . " " . $task->get_link(); } else { $v = "Task " . $v . " not found."; } } else { if ($k == "unit") { $v = $units[$v];
$people =& get_cached_table("person"); foreach ($people as $p) { $peeps[$p["personID"]] = $p["name"]; } // get the default time sheet manager/admin options $TPL["defaultTimeSheetManagerListText"] = get_person_list(config::get_config_item("defaultTimeSheetManagerList")); $TPL["defaultTimeSheetAdminListText"] = get_person_list(config::get_config_item("defaultTimeSheetAdminList")); $days = array("Sun" => "Sun", "Mon" => "Mon", "Tue" => "Tue", "Wed" => "Wed", "Thu" => "Thu", "Fri" => "Fri", "Sat" => "Sat"); $TPL["calendarFirstDayOptions"] = page::select_options($days, config::get_config_item("calendarFirstDay")); $TPL["timeSheetPrintOptions"] = page::select_options($TPL["timeSheetPrintOptions"], $TPL["timeSheetPrint"]); $commentTemplate = new commentTemplate(); $ops = $commentTemplate->get_assoc_array("commentTemplateID", "commentTemplateName"); $TPL["rssStatusFilterOptions"] = page::select_options(task::get_task_statii_array(true), config::get_config_item("rssStatusFilter")); if (has("timeUnit")) { $timeUnit = new timeUnit(); $rate_type_array = $timeUnit->get_assoc_array("timeUnitID", "timeUnitLabelB"); } $TPL["timesheetRate_options"] = page::select_options($rate_type_array, config::get_config_item("defaultTimeSheetUnit")); $TPL["main_alloc_title"] = "Setup - " . APPLICATION_NAME; include_template("templates/configM.tpl"); function get_person_list($personID_array) { global $peeps; $people = array(); foreach ($personID_array as $personID) { $people[] = $peeps[$personID]; } if (count($people) > 0) { return implode(", ", $people); } else { return "<i>none</i>";
function adjust_by_email_subject($email_receive, $e) { $current_user =& singleton("current_user"); $entity = $e->classname; $entityID = $e->get_id(); $subject = trim($email_receive->mail_headers["subject"]); $body = $email_receive->get_converted_encoding(); $msg_uid = $email_receive->msg_uid; list($emailAddress, $fullName) = parse_email_address($email_receive->mail_headers["from"]); list($personID, $clientContactID, $fullName) = comment::get_person_and_client($emailAddress, $fullName, $e->get_project_id()); // Load up the parent object that this comment refers to, be it task or timeSheet etc if ($entity == "comment" && $entityID) { $c = new comment(); $c->set_id($entityID); $c->select(); $object = $c->get_parent_object(); } else { if (class_exists($entity) && $entityID) { $object = new $entity(); $object->set_id($entityID); $object->select(); } } // If we're doing subject line magic, then we're only going to do it with // subject lines that have a {Key:fdsFFeSD} in them. preg_match("/\\{Key:[A-Za-z0-9]{8}\\}(.*)\\s*\$/i", $subject, $m); $commands = explode(" ", trim($m[1])); foreach ((array) $commands as $command) { $command = strtolower($command); list($command, $command2) = explode(":", $command); // for eg: duplicate:1234 // If "quiet" in the subject line, then the email/comment won't be re-emailed out again if ($command == "quiet") { $quiet = true; // To unsubscribe from this conversation } else { if ($command == "unsub" || $command == "unsubscribe") { if (interestedParty::active($entity, $entityID, $emailAddress)) { interestedParty::delete_interested_party($entity, $entityID, $emailAddress); } // To subscribe to this conversation } else { if ($command == "sub" || $command == "subscribe") { $ip = interestedParty::exists($entity, $entityID, $emailAddress); if (!$ip) { $data = array("entity" => $entity, "entityID" => $entityID, "fullName" => $fullName, "emailAddress" => $emailAddress, "personID" => $personID, "clientContactID" => $clientContactID); interestedParty::add_interested_party($data); // Else reactivate existing IP } else { if (!interestedParty::active($entity, $entityID, $emailAddress)) { $interestedParty = new interestedParty(); $interestedParty->set_id($ip["interestedPartyID"]); $interestedParty->select(); $interestedParty->set_value("interestedPartyActive", 1); $interestedParty->save(); } } // If there's a number/duration then add some time to a time sheet } else { if (is_object($current_user) && $current_user->get_id() && preg_match("/([\\.\\d]+)/i", $command, $m)) { $duration = $m[1]; if (is_numeric($duration)) { if (is_object($object) && $object->classname == "task" && $object->get_id() && $current_user->get_id()) { $timeSheet = new timeSheet(); $tsi_row = $timeSheet->add_timeSheetItem(array("taskID" => $object->get_id(), "duration" => $duration, "comment" => $body, "msg_uid" => $msg_uid, "msg_id" => $email_receive->mail_headers["message-id"], "multiplier" => 1)); $timeUnit = new timeUnit(); $units = $timeUnit->get_assoc_array("timeUnitID", "timeUnitLabelA"); $unitLabel = $units[$tsi_row["timeSheetItemDurationUnitID"]]; } } // Otherwise assume it's a status change } else { if (is_object($current_user) && $current_user->get_id() && $command) { if (is_object($object) && $object->get_id()) { $object->set_value("taskStatus", $command); if ($command2 && preg_match("/dup/i", $command)) { $object->set_value("duplicateTaskID", $command2); } else { if ($command2 && preg_match("/tasks/i", $command)) { $object->add_pending_tasks($command2); } } $object->save(); } } } } } } } return $quiet; }
function show_new_timeSheet($template) { global $TPL; global $timeSheet; global $timeSheetID; $current_user =& singleton("current_user"); // Don't show entry form for new timeSheet. if (!$timeSheetID) { return; } if (is_object($timeSheet) && ($timeSheet->get_value("status") == 'edit' || $timeSheet->get_value("status") == 'rejected') && ($timeSheet->get_value("personID") == $current_user->get_id() || $timeSheet->have_perm(PERM_TIME_INVOICE_TIMESHEETS))) { $TPL["currency"] = page::money($timeSheet->get_value("currencyTypeID"), '', "%S"); // If we are editing an existing timeSheetItem $timeSheetItem_edit = $_POST["timeSheetItem_edit"] or $timeSheetItem_edit = $_GET["timeSheetItem_edit"]; $timeSheetItemID = $_POST["timeSheetItemID"] or $timeSheetItemID = $_GET["timeSheetItemID"]; if ($timeSheetItemID && $timeSheetItem_edit) { $timeSheetItem = new timeSheetItem(); $timeSheetItem->currency = $timeSheet->get_value("currencyTypeID"); $timeSheetItem->set_id($timeSheetItemID); $timeSheetItem->select(); $timeSheetItem->set_values("tsi_"); $TPL["tsi_rate"] = $timeSheetItem->get_value("rate", DST_HTML_DISPLAY); $taskID = $timeSheetItem->get_value("taskID"); $TPL["tsi_buttons"] = ' <button type="submit" name="timeSheetItem_delete" value="1" class="delete_button">Delete<i class="icon-trash"></i></button> <button type="submit" name="timeSheetItem_save" value="1" class="save_button default">Save Item<i class="icon-ok-sign"></i></button> '; $timeSheetItemDurationUnitID = $timeSheetItem->get_value("timeSheetItemDurationUnitID"); $TPL["tsi_commentPrivate"] and $TPL["commentPrivateChecked"] = " checked"; $TPL["ts_rate_editable"] = $timeSheet->can_edit_rate(); $timeSheetItemMultiplier = $timeSheetItem->get_value("multiplier"); // Else default values for creating a new timeSheetItem } else { $TPL["tsi_buttons"] = '<button type="submit" name="timeSheetItem_save" value="1" class="save_button">Add Item<i class="icon-plus-sign"></i></button>'; $TPL["tsi_personID"] = $current_user->get_id(); $timeSheet->load_pay_info(); $TPL["tsi_rate"] = $timeSheet->pay_info["project_rate"]; $timeSheetItemDurationUnitID = $timeSheet->pay_info["project_rateUnitID"]; $TPL["ts_rate_editable"] = $timeSheet->can_edit_rate(); } $taskID or $taskID = $_GET["taskID"]; $TPL["taskListDropdown_taskID"] = $taskID; $TPL["taskListDropdown"] = $timeSheet->get_task_list_dropdown("mine", $timeSheet->get_id(), $taskID); $TPL["tsi_timeSheetID"] = $timeSheet->get_id(); $timeUnit = new timeUnit(); $unit_array = $timeUnit->get_assoc_array("timeUnitID", "timeUnitLabelA"); $TPL["tsi_unit_options"] = page::select_options($unit_array, $timeSheetItemDurationUnitID); $timeSheetItemDurationUnitID and $TPL["tsi_unit_label"] = $unit_array[$timeSheetItemDurationUnitID]; $m = new meta("timeSheetItemMultiplier"); $tsMultipliers = $m->get_list(); foreach ($tsMultipliers as $k => $v) { $multiplier_array[$k] = $v["timeSheetItemMultiplierName"]; } $TPL["tsi_multiplier_options"] = page::select_options($multiplier_array, $timeSheetItemMultiplier); include_template($template); } }
function load_pay_info() { /*************************************************************************** * * * load_pay_info() loads these vars: * * $this->pay_info["project_rate"]; according to projectPerson table * * $this->pay_info["project_rate_orig"];before the currency transform * * $this->pay_info["timeSheetItem_rate"];according to timeSheetItem table * * $this->pay_info["customerBilledDollars"]; * * $this->pay_info["project_rateUnitID"]; according to projectPerson table * * $this->pay_info["duration"][time sheet ITEM ID]; * * $this->pay_info["total_duration"]; of a timesheet * * $this->pay_info["total_dollars"]; of a timesheet * * $this->pay_info["total_customerBilledDollars"] * * $this->pay_info["total_dollars_minus_gst"] * * $this->pay_info["total_customerBilledDollars_minus_gst"] * * $this->pay_info["unit"] * * $this->pay_info["summary_unit_totals"] * * $this->pay_info["total_dollars_not_null"] tot_custbilled/tot_dollars * * $this->pay_info["currency"]; according to timeSheet table * * * ***************************************************************************/ static $rates; unset($this->pay_info); $db = new db_alloc(); if (!$this->get_value("projectID") || !$this->get_value("personID")) { return false; } $currency = $this->get_value("currencyTypeID"); // The unit labels $timeUnit = new timeUnit(); $units = array_reverse($timeUnit->get_assoc_array("timeUnitID", "timeUnitLabelA"), true); if ($rates[$this->get_value("projectID")][$this->get_value("personID")]) { list($this->pay_info["project_rate"], $this->pay_info["project_rateUnitID"]) = $rates[$this->get_value("projectID")][$this->get_value("personID")]; } else { // Get rate for person for this particular project $db->query("SELECT rate, rateUnitID, project.currencyTypeID\n FROM projectPerson\n LEFT JOIN project on projectPerson.projectID = project.projectID\n WHERE projectPerson.projectID = %d\n AND projectPerson.personID = %d", $this->get_value("projectID"), $this->get_value("personID")); $db->next_record(); $this->pay_info["project_rate"] = page::money($db->f("currencyTypeID"), $db->f("rate"), "%mo"); $this->pay_info["project_rateUnitID"] = $db->f("rateUnitID"); $rates[$this->get_value("projectID")][$this->get_value("personID")] = array($this->pay_info["project_rate"], $this->pay_info["project_rateUnitID"]); } // Get external rate, only load up customerBilledDollars if the field is actually set if (imp($this->get_value("customerBilledDollars"))) { $this->pay_info["customerBilledDollars"] = page::money($currency, $this->get_value("customerBilledDollars"), "%mo"); } $q = "SELECT * FROM timeUnit ORDER BY timeUnitSequence DESC"; $db->query($q); while ($row = $db->row()) { if ($row["timeUnitSeconds"]) { $extra_sql[] = "SUM(IF(timeUnit.timeUnitLabelA = '" . $row["timeUnitLabelA"] . "',multiplier * timeSheetItemDuration * timeUnit.timeUnitSeconds,0)) /" . $row["timeUnitSeconds"] . " as " . $row["timeUnitLabelA"]; } $timeUnitRows[] = $row; } $extra_sql and $sql = "," . implode("\n,", $extra_sql); // Get duration for this timesheet/timeSheetItems $db->query(prepare("SELECT SUM(timeSheetItemDuration) AS total_duration, \n SUM((timeSheetItemDuration * timeUnit.timeUnitSeconds) / 3600) AS total_duration_hours,\n SUM((rate * pow(10,-currencyType.numberToBasic)) * timeSheetItemDuration * multiplier) AS total_dollars,\n SUM((IFNULL(timeSheet.customerBilledDollars,0) * pow(10,-currencyType.numberToBasic)) * timeSheetItemDuration * multiplier) AS total_customerBilledDollars\n " . $sql . "\n FROM timeSheetItem\n LEFT JOIN timeUnit ON timeUnit.timeUnitID = timeSheetItem.timeSheetItemDurationUnitID\n LEFT JOIN timeSheet on timeSheet.timeSheetID = timeSheetItem.timeSheetID\n LEFT JOIN currencyType on currencyType.currencyTypeID = timeSheet.currencyTypeID\n WHERE timeSheetItem.timeSheetID = %d", $this->get_id())); $row = $db->row(); $this->pay_info = array_merge((array) $this->pay_info, (array) $row); $this->pay_info["total_customerBilledDollars"] = page::money($currency, $this->pay_info["total_customerBilledDollars"], "%m"); $this->pay_info["total_dollars"] = page::money($currency, $this->pay_info["total_dollars"], "%m"); unset($commar); foreach ((array) $timeUnitRows as $r) { if ($row[$r["timeUnitLabelA"]] != 0) { $this->pay_info["summary_unit_totals"] .= $commar . ($row[$r["timeUnitLabelA"]] + 0) . " " . $r["timeUnitLabelA"]; $commar = ", "; } } if (!isset($this->pay_info["total_dollars"])) { $this->pay_info["total_dollars"] = 0; } if (!isset($this->pay_info["total_duration"])) { $this->pay_info["total_duration"] = 0; } if (!isset($this->pay_info["total_duration_hours"])) { $this->pay_info["total_duration_hours"] = 0; } $taxPercent = config::get_config_item("taxPercent"); $taxPercentDivisor = $taxPercent / 100 + 1; $this->pay_info["total_dollars_minus_gst"] = page::money($currency, $this->pay_info["total_dollars"] / $taxPercentDivisor, "%m"); $this->pay_info["total_customerBilledDollars_minus_gst"] = page::money($currency, $this->pay_info["total_customerBilledDollars"] / $taxPercentDivisor, "%m"); $this->pay_info["total_dollars_not_null"] = $this->pay_info["total_customerBilledDollars"] or $this->pay_info["total_dollars_not_null"] = $this->pay_info["total_dollars"]; $this->pay_info["currency"] = page::money($currency, '', "%S"); }
function get_changes_list() { // This function returns HTML rows for the changes that have been made to this project $rows = array(); $people_cache =& get_cached_table("person"); $timeUnit = new timeUnit(); $timeUnits = array_reverse($timeUnit->get_assoc_array("timeUnitID", "timeUnitLabelA"), true); $options = array("projectID" => $this->get_id()); $changes = audit::get_list($options); foreach ((array) $changes as $audit) { $changeDescription = ""; $newValue = $audit['value']; switch ($audit['field']) { case 'created': $changeDescription = $newValue; break; case 'dip': $changeDescription = "Default parties set to " . interestedParty::abbreviate($newValue); break; case 'projectShortName': $changeDescription = "Project nickname set to '{$newValue}'."; break; case 'projectComments': $changeDescription = "Project description set to <a class=\"magic\" href=\"#x\" onclick=\"\$('#audit" . $audit["auditID"] . "').slideToggle('fast');\">Show</a> <div class=\"hidden\" id=\"audit" . $audit["auditID"] . "\"><div>" . $newValue . "</div></div>"; break; case 'clientID': $newClient = new client($newValue); is_object($newClient) and $newClientLink = $newClient->get_link(); $newClientLink or $newClientLink = "<empty>"; $changeDescription = "Client set to " . $newClientLink . "."; break; case 'clientContactID': $newClientContact = new clientContact($newValue); is_object($newClientContact) and $newClientContactLink = $newClientContact->get_link(); $newClientContactLink or $newClientContactLink = "<empty>"; $changeDescription = "Client contact set to " . $newClientContactLink . "."; break; case 'projectType': $changeDescription = "Project type set to " . $newValue . "."; break; case 'projectBudget': $changeDescription = "Project budget set to " . page::money($this->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $newValue) . "."; break; case 'currencyTypeID': $changeDescription = "Project currency set to " . $newValue . "."; break; case 'projectStatus': $changeDescription = "Project status set to " . $newValue . "."; break; case 'projectName': $changeDescription = "Project name set to '{$newValue}'."; break; case 'cost_centre_tfID': $newCostCentre = new tf($newValue); is_object($newCostCentre) and $newCostCentreLink = $newCostCentre->get_link(); $newCostCentreLink or $newCostCentreLink = "<empty>"; $changeDescription = "Cost centre TF set to " . $newCostCentreLink . "."; break; case 'customerBilledDollars': $changeDescription = "Client billing set to " . page::money($this->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $newValue) . "."; break; case 'defaultTaskLimit': $changeDescription = "Default task limit set to " . $newValue . "."; break; case 'defaultTimeSheetRate': $changeDescription = "Default time sheet rate set to " . page::money($this->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $newValue) . "."; break; case 'defaultTimeSheetRateUnitID': $changeDescription = "Default time sheet rate unit set to '" . $timeUnits[$newValue] . "'."; break; case 'projectPriority': $priorities = config::get_config_item("projectPriorities"); $changeDescription = sprintf('Project priority set to <span style="color: %s;">%s</span>.', $priorities[$newValue]["colour"], $priorities[$newValue]["label"]); break; case 'dateActualCompletion': case 'dateActualStart': case 'dateTargetStart': case 'dateTargetCompletion': // these cases are more or less identical switch ($audit['field']) { case 'dateActualCompletion': $fieldDesc = "actual completion date"; break; case 'dateActualStart': $fieldDesc = "actual start date"; break; case 'dateTargetStart': $fieldDesc = "estimate/target start date"; break; case 'dateTargetCompletion': $fieldDesc = "estimate/target completion date"; break; } if (!$newValue) { $changeDescription = "The {$fieldDesc} was removed."; } else { $changeDescription = "The {$fieldDesc} set to {$newValue}."; } break; } $rows[] = "<tr><td class=\"nobr\">" . $audit["dateChanged"] . "</td><td>{$changeDescription}</td><td>" . page::htmlentities($people_cache[$audit["personID"]]["name"]) . "</td></tr>"; } return implode("\n", $rows); }
function get_projectPerson_hourly_rate($personID, $projectID) { $db = new db_alloc(); $q = prepare("SELECT rate,rateUnitID FROM projectPerson WHERE personID = %d AND projectID = %d", $personID, $projectID); $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); $rate = $db->f("rate"); $unitID = $db->f("rateUnitID"); $t = new timeUnit(); $timeUnits = $t->get_assoc_array("timeUnitID", "timeUnitSeconds", $unitID); $rate && $timeUnits[$unitID] and $hourly_rate = $rate / ($timeUnits[$unitID] / 60 / 60); return $hourly_rate; }