$db->query($q); $db->next_record(); $tf_is_taken = $db->f("tally"); } if ($tf_is_taken) { alloc_error("That TF name is taken, please choose another."); } else { $tf->set_value("tfComments", rtrim($tf->get_value("tfComments"))); $tf->save(); $TPL["message_good"][] = "Your TF has been saved."; $tf_is_new and $TPL["message_help"][] = "Please now add the TF Owners who are allowed to access this TF."; } } } else { if ($_POST["delete"]) { $tf->delete(); alloc_redirect($TPL["url_alloc_tfList"]); exit; } } if ($_POST["person_save"] || $_POST["person_delete"]) { $tfPerson = new tfPerson(); $tfPerson->read_globals(); $tfPerson->read_globals("person_"); if (!$_POST["person_personID"]) { alloc_error("Please select a person from the dropdown list."); } else { if ($_POST["person_save"]) { $tfPerson->save(); $TPL["message_good"][] = "Person added to TF."; } else {