function initializeGui(&$dbHandler, $args)
    $gui = new stdClass();
    $tplan_mgr = new testplan($dbHandler);
    $gui_open = config_get('gui_separator_open');
    $gui_close = config_get('gui_separator_close');
    $gui->str_option_any = $gui_open . lang_get('any') . $gui_close;
    $gui->str_option_none = $gui_open . lang_get('nobody') . $gui_close;
    $gui->tplan_id = $args->tplan_id;
    $gui->tproject_id = $args->tproject_id;
    $tplan_info = $tplan_mgr->get_by_id($gui->tplan_id);
    $gui->tplan_name = $tplan_info['name'];
    $ni = $tplan_mgr->tree_manager->get_node_hierarchy_info($gui->tproject_id);
    $gui->tproject_name = $ni['name'];
    $gui->assigned_users = new stdClass();
    $gui->keywords = new stdClass();
    $gui->builds = new stdClass();
    $gui->platforms = new stdClass();
    $gui->testsuites = new stdClass();
    // 20090107 - franciscom
    // Show only users that are able to execute test cases ?
    // What happens if a user that has loose right to execute, but
    // before loosing this right has been assigned some tests, or have executed it?
    // $gui->assigned_users->items = getUsersForHtmlOptions($dbHandler, ALL_USERS_FILTER, ADD_BLANK_OPTION);
    // $gui->assigned_users->items = getUsersForHtmlOptions($dbHandler, ALL_USERS_FILTER,
    // 	                                                   array(TL_USER_ANYBODY => $gui->str_option_any,
    //                                                            TL_USER_NOBODY => $gui->str_option_none) );
    $gui->assigned_users->items = getUsersForHtmlOptions($dbHandler, ALL_USERS_FILTER, array(TL_USER_ANYBODY => $gui->str_option_any));
    $gui->builds->items = $tplan_mgr->get_builds($gui->tplan_id, testplan::ACTIVE_BUILDS);
    $gui->platforms->items = $tplan_mgr->getPlatforms($gui->tplan_id);
    $gui->testsuites->items = $tplan_mgr->getRootTestSuites($gui->tplan_id, $gui->tproject_id, array('output' => 'plain'));
    $gui->keywords->items[0] = $gui->str_option_any;
    if (!is_null($tplan_keywords_map = $tplan_mgr->get_keywords_map($gui->tplan_id))) {
        $gui->keywords->items += $tplan_keywords_map;
    $key2loop = array('keywords', 'builds', 'platforms', 'testsuites', 'assigned_users');
    foreach ($key2loop as $kx) {
        $gui->{$kx}->qty = count($gui->{$kx}->items);
    $gui->status_code_label = get_status_for_reports_html_options();
    $gui->report_type = $args->format;
    $reports_cfg = config_get('reportsCfg');
    $ldf = config_get('locales_date_format');
    $date_format = $ldf[isset($_SESSION['locale']) ? $_SESSION['locale'] : 'en_GB'];
    $gui->selected_start_date = strftime($date_format, time() - $reports_cfg->start_date_offset);
    $gui->selected_start_time = $reports_cfg->start_time;
    $gui->selected_end_date = strftime($date_format, time());
    $gui->selected_end_time = null;
    return $gui;
Esempio n. 2
function init_args(&$dbHandler, $cfgObj)
    $args = new stdClass();
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $tplan_mgr = new testplan($dbHandler);
    // Settings we put on session to create some sort of persistent scope,
    // because we have had issues when passing this info using GET mode (size limits)
    // we get info about build_id, platform_id, etc ...
    $args->user = $_SESSION['currentUser'];
    $args->user_id = $args->user->dbID;
    $args->caller = isset($_REQUEST['caller']) ? $_REQUEST['caller'] : 'exec_feature';
    $args->reload_caller = false;
    $args->tplan_id = intval(isset($_REQUEST['tplan_id']) ? $_REQUEST['tplan_id'] : $_SESSION['testplanID']);
    $args->tproject_id = intval(isset($_REQUEST['tproject_id']) ? $_REQUEST['tproject_id'] : $_SESSION['testprojectID']);
    if ($args->tproject_id <= 0) {
        $tree_mgr = new tree($dbHandler);
        $dm = $tree_mgr->get_node_hierarchy_info($args->tplan_id);
        $args->tproject_id = $dm['parent_id'];
    if (is_null($args->build_id) || $args->build_id == 0) {
        // Go for the build
        // this info can be present in session, then we will try different ways
        // ATTENTION:
        // give a look to tlTestCaseFilterControl.class.php method init_setting_build()
        $key = $args->tplan_id . '_stored_setting_build';
        $args->build_id = isset($_SESSION[$key]) ? intval($_SESSION[$key]) : null;
        if (is_null($args->build_id)) {
            $args->build_id = $tplan_mgr->get_max_build_id($args->tplan_id, 1, 1);
    if (is_null($args->platform_id) || $args->platform_id <= 0) {
        // Go for the platform (if any exists)
        // this info can be present in session, then we will try different ways
        // ATTENTION:
        // give a look to tlTestCaseFilterControl.class.php method init_setting_platform()
        $itemSet = $tplan_mgr->getPlatforms($args->tplan_id);
        if (!is_null($itemSet)) {
            $key = $args->tplan_id . '_stored_setting_platform';
            $args->platform_id = isset($_SESSION[$key]) ? intval($_SESSION[$key]) : null;
            if (is_null($args->platform_id) || $args->platform_id <= 0) {
                $args->platform_id = $itemSet[0]['id'];
    return array($args, $tplan_mgr);
Esempio n. 3
 *	20100520 - franciscom - BUGID 3480 - add to test plan problem when platforms exist
 *	20100514 - franciscom - BUGID 3189
 *	20100124 - franciscom - BUGID 3064 - add logic to manage ONLY ACTIVE test plans
require_once "../../";
require_once "common.php";
$templateCfg = templateConfiguration();
$tcase_mgr = new testcase($db);
$tplan_mgr = new testplan($db);
$tproject_mgr = new testproject($db);
$glue = config_get('testcase_cfg')->glue_character;
$args = init_args();
$gui = initializeGui($args);
$getOpt = array('outputFormat' => 'map', 'addIfNull' => true);
$gui->platformSet = $tplan_mgr->getPlatforms($args->tplan_id, $getOpt);
$options['output'] = 'essential';
$tcase_all_info = $tcase_mgr->get_by_id($args->tcase_id, testcase::ALL_VERSIONS, null, $options);
if (!is_null($tcase_all_info)) {
    foreach ($tcase_all_info as $tcversion_info) {
        if ($tcversion_info['id'] == $args->tcversion_id) {
            $version = $tcversion_info['version'];
            $gui->pageTitle = lang_get('test_case') . ':' . $tcversion_info['name'];
            $gui->tcaseIdentity = $tproject_mgr->getTestCasePrefix($args->tproject_id);
            $gui->tcaseIdentity .= $glue . $tcversion_info['tc_external_id'] . ':' . $tcversion_info['name'];
// 20100514 - franciscom
// Why I'm filter on NOT_EXECUTED ??? -> this causes BUGID 3189
Esempio n. 4
function getMetrics(&$db, $args)
    $user_id = $args->currentUserID;
    $tproject_id = $args->tproject_id;
    $linked_tcversions = array();
    $metrics = array();
    $tplan_mgr = new testplan($db);
    $show_platforms = false;
    // BUGID 1215
    // get all tesplans accessibles  for user, for $tproject_id
    if ($args->show_only_active) {
        $options = array('active' => ACTIVE);
    } else {
        $options = array('active' => TP_ALL_STATUS);
    $test_plans = $_SESSION['currentUser']->getAccessibleTestPlans($db, $tproject_id, null, $options);
    // Get count of testcases linked to every testplan
    foreach ($test_plans as $key => $value) {
        $tplan_id = $value['id'];
        $filters = null;
        $options = array('output' => 'mapOfMap', 'steps_info' => 0);
        $linked_tcversions[$tplan_id] = $tplan_mgr->get_linked_tcversions($tplan_id, $filters, $options);
        $platformSet = $tplan_mgr->getPlatforms($tplan_id);
        if (is_null($platformSet)) {
            //Julian: replaced array(0=>'')
            $platformSet = array(0 => array('id' => 0));
        } else {
            $show_platforms = true;
        foreach ($platformSet as $platform_id => $platform_name) {
            $metrics[$tplan_id][$platform_name['id']]['tplan_name'] = $value['name'];
            $metrics[$tplan_id][$platform_name['id']]['platform_name'] = $platform_name['id'] == 0 ? lang_get('not_aplicable') : $platform_name['name'];
            $metrics[$tplan_id][$platform_name['id']]['executed'] = 0;
            $metrics[$tplan_id][$platform_name['id']]['active'] = 0;
            $metrics[$tplan_id][$platform_name['id']]['total'] = 0;
            $metrics[$tplan_id][$platform_name['id']]['executed_vs_active'] = -1;
            $metrics[$tplan_id][$platform_name['id']]['executed_vs_total'] = -1;
            $metrics[$tplan_id][$platform_name['id']]['active_vs_total'] = -1;
    // Get count of executed testcases
    foreach ($linked_tcversions as $tplan_id => $tcinfo) {
        if (!is_null($tcinfo)) {
            foreach ($tcinfo as $tcase_id => $tc) {
                foreach ($tc as $platform_id => $value) {
                    if ($value['exec_id'] > 0) {
                    if ($value['active']) {
    // Calculate percentages
    $round_precision = config_get('dashboard_precision');
    foreach ($metrics as $tplan_id => $platform_metrics) {
        $platforms = array_keys($platform_metrics);
        foreach ($platforms as $platform_id) {
            $planMetrics =& $metrics[$tplan_id][$platform_id];
            if ($planMetrics['total'] > 0) {
                if ($planMetrics['active'] > 0) {
                    $planMetrics['executed_vs_active'] = $planMetrics['executed'] / $planMetrics['active'];
                    $planMetrics['executed_vs_active'] = round($planMetrics['executed_vs_active'] * 100, $round_precision);
                $planMetrics['executed_vs_total'] = $planMetrics['executed'] / $planMetrics['total'];
                $planMetrics['executed_vs_total'] = round($planMetrics['executed_vs_total'] * 100, $round_precision);
                $planMetrics['active_vs_total'] = $planMetrics['active'] / $planMetrics['total'];
                $planMetrics['active_vs_total'] = round($planMetrics['active_vs_total'] * 100, $round_precision);
    return array($metrics, $show_platforms);
Esempio n. 5
     // FORCE
     $tplan_mgr = new testplan($db);
     $tplan_info = $tplan_mgr->get_by_id($args->tplan_id);
     if ($args->build_id > 0) {
         $xx = $tplan_mgr->get_builds($args->tplan_id, null, null, array('buildID' => $args->build_id));
         $doc_info->build_name = htmlspecialchars($xx[$args->build_id]['name']);
     $doc_info->testplan_name = htmlspecialchars($tplan_info['name']);
     $doc_info->testplan_scope = $tplan_info['notes'];
     $doc_info->title = $doc_info->testplan_name;
     // Changed to get ALL platform attributes.
     $getOpt = array('outputFormat' => 'mapAccessByID', 'addIfNull' => true);
     $platforms = $tplan_mgr->getPlatforms($args->tplan_id, $getOpt);
     $platformIDSet = array_keys($platforms);
     $printingOptions['priority'] = $doc_info->test_priority_enabled;
     $items2use = (object) array('estimatedExecTime' => null, 'realExecTime' => null);
     $treeForPlatform = array();
     $filters = null;
     switch ($doc_info->content_range) {
         case 'testproject':
             $treeForPlatform = buildContentForTestPlan($db, $subtree, $args->tplan_id, $platformIDSet, $decode, $tplan_mgr, $filters);
         case 'testsuite':
             list($treeForPlatform, $items2use) = buildContentForTestPlanBranch($db, $subtree, $args->itemID, $args->tplan_id, $platformIDSet, $doc_info, $decode, $tplan_mgr, $my['options']['prepareNode']);
     // Create list of execution id, that will be used to compute execution time if
     // CF_EXEC_TIME custom field exists and is linked to current testproject
Esempio n. 6
 * get Columns definition for table to display
function getColumnsDefinition($dbHandler, $tplan_id, $optionalColumns)
    static $labels;
    static $tplan_mgr;
    if (is_null($labels)) {
        $tplan_mgr = new testplan($dbHandler);
        $lbl2get = array('build' => null, 'testsuite' => null, 'testcase' => null, 'platform' => null, 'user' => null, 'priority' => null, 'status' => null, 'version' => null, 'low_priority' => null, 'medium_priority' => null, 'high_priority' => null, 'due_since' => null);
        $labels = init_labels($lbl2get);
    $colDef = array();
    $sortByCol = $labels['testsuite'];
    // user column is only shown for assignment overview
    if ($optionalColumns['user']) {
        $colDef[] = array('title_key' => 'user', 'width' => 80);
        $sortByCol = $labels['build'];
    $colDef[] = array('title_key' => 'build', 'width' => 80);
    $colDef[] = array('title_key' => 'testsuite', 'width' => 130);
    $colDef[] = array('title_key' => 'testcase', 'width' => 130);
    $platforms = $tplan_mgr->getPlatforms($tplan_id, array('outputFormat' => 'map'));
    if ($show_plat = !is_null($platforms)) {
        $colDef[] = array('title_key' => 'platform', 'width' => 50, 'filter' => 'list', 'filterOptions' => $platforms);
    if ($optionalColumns['priority']) {
        $sortByCol = $labels['priority'];
        $colDef[] = array('title_key' => 'priority', 'width' => 50, 'filter' => 'ListSimpleMatch', 'filterOptions' => array($labels['low_priority'], $labels['medium_priority'], $labels['high_priority']));
    $colDef[] = array('title_key' => 'status', 'width' => 50, 'type' => 'status');
    $colDef[] = array('title_key' => 'due_since', 'width' => 100);
    return array($colDef, $sortByCol, $show_plat);
require '../../';
require_once 'common.php';
require_once 'displayMgr.php';
$templateCfg = templateConfiguration();
$args = init_args($db);
$tplan_id = $_GET['tplan_id'];
$build_id = $_GET['build_id'];
$device_id = $_GET['device_id'];
$suite_id = $_GET['suite_id'];
$failtype = $_GET['failtype'];
$args->format = 0;
$stack = isset($_GET['stack']) ? $_GET['stack'] : 0;
$mystack = isset($_GET['mystack']) ? $_GET['mystack'] : 0;
$tplan_mgr = new testplan($db);
$platformSet = $tplan_mgr->getPlatforms($tplan_id, array('outputFormat' => 'map'));
if ($args->device_id == '1') {
    foreach ($platformSet as $this_device_id => $device_name) {
        $tplan_mgr->modify_device_build_exec_fail_type($tplan_id, $build_id, $this_device_id, $mystack, $suite_id, $failtype);
} else {
    $tplan_mgr->modify_device_build_exec_fail_type($tplan_id, $build_id, $device_id, $mystack, $suite_id, $failtype);
echo "<script>alert('保存完成!');</script>";
function init_args(&$dbHandler)
    $iParams = array("apikey" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 32, 64), "tproject_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "tplan_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "build_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "device_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "format" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N));
    $args = new stdClass();
    $pParams = R_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
    if (!is_null($args->apikey)) {
        $cerbero = new stdClass();
Esempio n. 8
    $gui->tplans = $args->user->getAccessibleTestPlans($db, $args->tproject_id, null, array('output' => 'mapfull', 'active' => null));
    $gui->drawPlatformQtyColumn = false;
    if (!is_null($gui->tplans) && count($gui->tplans) > 0) {
        // do this test project has platform definitions ?
        $tplan_mgr = new testplan($db);
        $dummy = $tplan_mgr->platform_mgr->testProjectCount();
        $gui->drawPlatformQtyColumn = $dummy[$args->tproject_id]['platform_qty'] > 0;
        $tplanSet = array_keys($gui->tplans);
        $dummy = $tplan_mgr->count_testcases($tplanSet, null, array('output' => 'groupByTestPlan'));
        $buildQty = $tplan_mgr->get_builds($tplanSet, null, null, array('getCount' => true));
        foreach ($tplanSet as $idk) {
            $gui->tplans[$idk]['tcase_qty'] = isset($dummy[$idk]['qty']) ? intval($dummy[$idk]['qty']) : 0;
            $gui->tplans[$idk]['build_qty'] = isset($buildQty[$idk]['build_qty']) ? intval($buildQty[$idk]['build_qty']) : 0;
            if ($gui->drawPlatformQtyColumn) {
                $plat = $tplan_mgr->getPlatforms($idk);
                $gui->tplans[$idk]['platform_qty'] = is_null($plat) ? 0 : count($plat);
$smarty = new TLSmarty();
$smarty->assign('gui', $gui);
$smarty->display($templateCfg->template_dir . $templateCfg->default_template);
 * init_args
function init_args()
Esempio n. 9
// BUGID 3647
if ($args->build_id) {
    $filters['build_id'] = $args->build_id;
$tplan_param = $args->tplan_id ? array($args->tplan_id) : testcase::ALL_TESTPLANS;
$gui->resultSet = $tcase_mgr->get_assigned_to_user($args->user_id, $args->tproject_id, $tplan_param, $options, $filters);
$doIt = !is_null($gui->resultSet);
if ($doIt) {
    $tables = tlObjectWithDB::getDBTables(array('nodes_hierarchy'));
    $tplanSet = array_keys($gui->resultSet);
    $sql = "SELECT name,id FROM {$tables['nodes_hierarchy']} " . "WHERE id IN (" . implode(',', $tplanSet) . ")";
    $gui->tplanNames = $db->fetchRowsIntoMap($sql, 'id');
    $optColumns = array('user' => $args->show_user_column, 'priority' => $args->priority_enabled);
    foreach ($gui->resultSet as $tplan_id => $tcase_set) {
        $show_platforms = !is_null($tplan_mgr->getPlatforms($tplan_id));
        list($columns, $sortByColumn) = getColumnsDefinition($optColumns, $show_platforms);
        $rows = array();
        foreach ($tcase_set as $tcase_platform) {
            foreach ($tcase_platform as $tcase) {
                $current_row = array();
                $tcase_id = $tcase['testcase_id'];
                $tcversion_id = $tcase['tcversion_id'];
                if ($args->show_user_column) {
                    $current_row[] = htmlspecialchars($names[$tcase['user_id']]['login']);
                $current_row[] = htmlspecialchars($tcase['build_name']);
                $current_row[] = htmlspecialchars($tcase['tcase_full_path']);
                $current_row[] = "<a href=\"lib/testcases/archiveData.php?edit=testcase&id={$tcase_id}\" " . " title=\"{$l18n['goto_testspec']}\">" . htmlspecialchars($tcase['prefix']) . $gui->glueChar . $tcase['tc_external_id'] . ":" . htmlspecialchars($tcase['name']) . sprintf($l18n['tcversion_indicator'], $tcase['version']) . "</a>";
                if ($show_platforms) {
                    $current_row[] = htmlspecialchars($tcase['platform_name']);
Esempio n. 10
 * initialize Gui
function initializeGui(&$dbHandler, &$argsObj, $dateFormat)
    $reports_cfg = config_get('reportsCfg');
    $gui = new stdClass();
    $tplan_mgr = new testplan($dbHandler);
    $tproject_mgr = new testproject($dbHandler);
    $getOpt = array('outputFormat' => 'map');
    $gui->platformSet = $tplan_mgr->getPlatforms($argsObj->tplan_id, $getOpt);
    $gui->title = lang_get('query_metrics_report');
    $gui->showPlatforms = true;
    if (is_null($gui->platformSet)) {
        $gui->platformSet = array('');
        $gui->showPlatforms = false;
    $gui->resultsCfg = config_get('results');
    // BUGID 3716, BUGID 3930
    // convert starttime to iso format for database usage
    if (isset($_REQUEST['selected_start_date']) && $_REQUEST['selected_start_date'] != '') {
        $date_array = split_localized_date($_REQUEST['selected_start_date'], $dateFormat);
        if ($date_array != null) {
            // set date in iso format
            $gui->startTime = $date_array['year'] . "-" . $date_array['month'] . "-" . $date_array['day'];
    // convert starttime to iso format for database usage
    if (isset($_REQUEST['selected_end_date']) && $_REQUEST['selected_end_date'] != '') {
        $date_array = split_localized_date($_REQUEST['selected_end_date'], $dateFormat);
        if ($date_array != null) {
            // set date in iso format
            $gui->endTime = $date_array['year'] . "-" . $date_array['month'] . "-" . $date_array['day'];
    $start_hour = isset($_REQUEST['start_Hour']) ? $_REQUEST['start_Hour'] : "00";
    $gui->startTime = $gui->startTime . " " . $start_hour . ":00:00";
    $end_hour = isset($_REQUEST['end_Hour']) ? $_REQUEST['end_Hour'] : "00";
    $gui->endTime = $gui->endTime . " " . $end_hour . ":59:59";
    $gui_open = config_get('gui_separator_open');
    $gui_close = config_get('gui_separator_close');
    $gui->str_option_any = $gui_open . lang_get('any') . $gui_close;
    $gui->str_option_none = $gui_open . lang_get('nobody') . $gui_close;
    $gui->search_notes_string = $argsObj->search_notes_string;
    $gui->tplan_id = $argsObj->tplan_id;
    $gui->tproject_id = $argsObj->tproject_id;
    $tplan_info = $tplan_mgr->get_by_id($gui->tplan_id);
    $tproject_info = $tproject_mgr->get_by_id($gui->tproject_id);
    $gui->tplan_name = $tplan_info['name'];
    $gui->tproject_name = $tproject_info['name'];
    $testsuiteIds = null;
    $testsuiteNames = null;
    $tsuites_qty = sizeOf($argsObj->testsuitesSelected);
    for ($id = 0; $id < $tsuites_qty; $id++) {
        list($suiteId, $suiteName) = preg_split("/\\,/", $argsObj->testsuitesSelected[$id], 2);
        $testsuiteIds[$id] = $suiteId;
        $testsuiteNames[$id] = $suiteName;
    $buildsToQuery = -1;
    if (sizeof($argsObj->buildsSelected)) {
        $buildsToQuery = implode(",", $argsObj->buildsSelected);
    // statusForClass is used for results.class.php
    // lastStatus is used to be displayed
    $statusForClass = 'a';
    // amitkhullar - added this parameter to get the latest results.
    $latest_resultset = $argsObj->display->latest_results;
    // BUGID 2500
    // $assignee = $argsObj->ownerSelected ? TL_USER_ANYBODY : null;
    // $tester = $argsObj->executorSelected ? TL_USER_ANYBODY : null;
    $assignee = $argsObj->ownerSelected > 0 ? $argsObj->ownerSelected : TL_USER_ANYBODY;
    $tester = $argsObj->executorSelected > 0 ? $argsObj->executorSelected : TL_USER_ANYBODY;
    // BUGID 4027
    $re = new newResults($dbHandler, $tplan_mgr, $tproject_info, $tplan_info, $testsuiteIds, $buildsToQuery, $argsObj->platformsSelected, $statusForClass, $latest_resultset, $argsObj->keywordSelected, $assignee, $gui->startTime, $gui->endTime, $tester, $argsObj->search_notes_string, null);
    $gui->suiteList = $re->getSuiteList();
    // test executions results
    // Filter test cases on selected platforms
    foreach ($gui->suiteList as $suiteid => $tcases) {
        $filtered = array();
        foreach ($tcases as $index => $tcase) {
            if ($tcase['platform_id'] == 0 || $argsObj->platformsSelected[0] == ALL_PLATFORMS || array_search($tcase['platform_id'], $argsObj->platformsSelected) !== false) {
                array_push($filtered, $tcase);
        $gui->suiteList[$suiteid] = $filtered;
    $gui->flatArray = $re->getFlatArray();
    $gui->mapOfSuiteSummary = $re->getAggregateMap();
    $gui->totals = new stdClass();
    $gui->totals->items = $re->getTotalsForPlan();
    $gui->totals->labels = array();
    foreach ($gui->totals->items as $key => $value) {
        $l18n = $key == 'total' ? 'th_total_cases' : $gui->resultsCfg['status_label'][$key];
        $gui->totals->labels[$key] = lang_get($l18n);
    // BUGID 2012 - franciscom
    $gui->keywords = new stdClass();
    $gui->keywords->items[0] = $gui->str_option_any;
    if (!is_null($tplan_keywords_map = $tplan_mgr->get_keywords_map($gui->tplan_id))) {
        $gui->keywords->items += $tplan_keywords_map;
    $gui->keywords->qty = count($gui->keywords->items);
    $gui->keywordSelected = $gui->keywords->items[$argsObj->keywordSelected];
    $gui->builds_html = $tplan_mgr->get_builds_for_html_options($gui->tplan_id);
    $gui->users = getUsersForHtmlOptions($dbHandler, ALL_USERS_FILTER, array(TL_USER_ANYBODY => $gui->str_option_any));
    $gui->ownerSelected = $gui->users[$argsObj->ownerSelected];
    $gui->executorSelected = $gui->users[$argsObj->executorSelected];
    $gui->testsuitesSelected = $testsuiteNames;
    $gui->buildsSelected = $argsObj->buildsSelected;
    $gui->platformsSelected = $argsObj->platformsSelected;
    $gui->display = $argsObj->display;
    // init display rows attribute and some status localized labels
    $gui->displayResults = array();
    $gui->lastStatus = array();
    foreach ($reports_cfg->exec_status as $verbose => $label) {
        $gui->displayResults[$gui->resultsCfg['status_code'][$verbose]] = false;
    foreach ($gui->resultsCfg['status_label'] as $status_verbose => $label_key) {
        $gui->statusLabels[$gui->resultsCfg['status_code'][$status_verbose]] = lang_get($label_key);
    $lastStatus_localized = null;
    foreach ($argsObj->lastStatus as $key => $status_code) {
        $verbose = $gui->resultsCfg['code_status'][$status_code];
        $gui->displayResults[$status_code] = true;
        $lastStatus_localized[] = lang_get($gui->resultsCfg['status_label'][$verbose]);
    $gui->lastStatus = $lastStatus_localized;
    return $gui;
 *  only active builds has to be used
 *  @internal revisions
function getMetrics(&$db, $userObj, $args, $result_cfg, $labels)
    $user_id = $args->currentUserID;
    $tproject_id = $args->tproject_id;
    $linked_tcversions = array();
    $metrics = array();
    $tplan_mgr = new testplan($db);
    $show_platforms = false;
    $platforms = array();
    // get all tesplans accessibles  for user, for $tproject_id
    $options = array('output' => 'map');
    $options['active'] = $args->show_only_active ? ACTIVE : TP_ALL_STATUS;
    $test_plans = $userObj->getAccessibleTestPlans($db, $tproject_id, null, $options);
    // Get count of testcases linked to every testplan
    // Hmm Count active and inactive ?
    $linkedItemsQty = $tplan_mgr->count_testcases(array_keys($test_plans), null, array('output' => 'groupByTestPlan'));
    $metricsMgr = new tlTestPlanMetrics($db);
    $show_platforms = false;
    $metrics = array('testplans' => null, 'total' => null);
    $mm =& $metrics['testplans'];
    $metrics['total'] = array('active' => 0, 'total' => 0, 'executed' => 0);
    foreach ($result_cfg['status_label_for_exec_ui'] as $status_code => &$dummy) {
        $metrics['total'][$status_code] = 0;
    $codeStatusVerbose = array_flip($result_cfg['status_code']);
    foreach ($test_plans as $key => &$dummy) {
        // We need to know if test plan has builds, if not we can not call any method
        // that try to get exec info, because you can only execute if you have builds.
        // 20130909 - added active filter
        $buildSet = $tplan_mgr->get_builds($key, testplan::ACTIVE_BUILDS);
        if (is_null($buildSet)) {
        $platformSet = $tplan_mgr->getPlatforms($key);
        if (isset($platformSet)) {
            $platforms = array_merge($platforms, $platformSet);
        $show_platforms_for_tplan = !is_null($platformSet);
        $show_platforms = $show_platforms || $show_platforms_for_tplan;
        if (!is_null($platformSet)) {
            $neurus = $metricsMgr->getExecCountersByPlatformExecStatus($key, null, array('getPlatformSet' => true, 'getOnlyActiveTCVersions' => true));
            $mm[$key]['overall']['active'] = $mm[$key]['overall']['executed'] = 0;
            foreach ($neurus['with_tester'] as $platform_id => &$pinfo) {
                $xd =& $mm[$key]['platforms'][$platform_id];
                $xd['tplan_name'] = $dummy['name'];
                $xd['platform_name'] = $neurus['platforms'][$platform_id];
                $xd['total'] = $xd['active'] = $neurus['total'][$platform_id]['qty'];
                $xd['executed'] = 0;
                foreach ($pinfo as $code => &$elem) {
                    $xd[$codeStatusVerbose[$code]] = $elem['exec_qty'];
                    if ($codeStatusVerbose[$code] != 'not_run') {
                        $xd['executed'] += $elem['exec_qty'];
                    if (!isset($mm[$key]['overall'][$codeStatusVerbose[$code]])) {
                        $mm[$key]['overall'][$codeStatusVerbose[$code]] = 0;
                    $mm[$key]['overall'][$codeStatusVerbose[$code]] += $elem['exec_qty'];
                    $metrics['total'][$codeStatusVerbose[$code]] += $elem['exec_qty'];
                $mm[$key]['overall']['executed'] += $xd['executed'];
                $mm[$key]['overall']['active'] += $xd['active'];
            $mm[$key]['overall']['total'] = $mm[$key]['overall']['active'];
            $metrics['total']['executed'] += $mm[$key]['overall']['executed'];
            $metrics['total']['active'] += $mm[$key]['overall']['active'];
        } else {
            $mm[$key]['overall'] = $metricsMgr->getExecCountersByExecStatus($key, null, array('getOnlyActiveTCVersions' => true));
            $mm[$key]['overall']['active'] = $mm[$key]['overall']['total'];
            // compute executed
            $mm[$key]['overall']['executed'] = 0;
            foreach ($mm[$key]['overall'] as $status_code => $qty) {
                if ($status_code != 'not_run' && $status_code != 'total' && $status_code != 'active') {
                    $mm[$key]['overall']['executed'] += $qty;
                if ($status_code != 'total' && $status_code != 'active') {
                    if (!isset($metrics['total'][$status_code])) {
                        $metrics['total'][$status_code] = 0;
                    $metrics['total'][$status_code] += $qty;
            $metrics['total']['executed'] += $mm[$key]['overall']['executed'];
            $metrics['total']['active'] += $mm[$key]['overall']['active'];
            $mm[$key]['platforms'][0] = $mm[$key]['overall'];
            $mm[$key]['platforms'][0]['tplan_name'] = $dummy['name'];
            $mm[$key]['platforms'][0]['platform_name'] = $labels['not_aplicable'];
    // remove duplicate platform names
    $platformsUnique = array();
    foreach ($platforms as $platform) {
        if (!in_array($platform['name'], $platformsUnique)) {
            $platformsUnique[] = $platform['name'];
    return array($metrics, $show_platforms, $platformsUnique);
Esempio n. 12
function init_args(&$dbHandler, &$treeMgr)
    $iParams = array("format" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "tproject_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "tplan_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "type" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 1));
    $argsObj = new stdClass();
    R_PARAMS($iParams, $argsObj);
    $argsObj->doIt = false;
    $argsObj->showPlatforms = false;
    $argsObj->tproject_name = '';
    if ($argsObj->tproject_id > 0) {
        $dummy = $treeMgr->get_node_hierarchy_info($argsObj->tproject_id);
        $argsObj->tproject_name = $dummy['name'];
    $argsObj->tplan_name = '';
    if ($argsObj->tplan_id > 0) {
        $tplan_mgr = new testplan($dbHandler);
        $tplan_info = $tplan_mgr->get_by_id($argsObj->tplan_id);
        $argsObj->tplan_name = $tplan_info['name'];
        $argsObj->doIt = $tplan_mgr->count_testcases($argsObj->tplan_id) > 0;
        $argsObj->showPlatforms = $tplan_mgr->hasLinkedPlatforms($argsObj->tplan_id);
        $getOpt = array('outputFormat' => 'map');
        $argsObj->platforms = $tplan_mgr->getPlatforms($argsObj->tplan_id, $getOpt);
    return $argsObj;
function initializeGui(&$dbHandler, $args)
    // BUGID 3930
    global $g_locales_date_format;
    $locale = isset($_SESSION['locale']) ? $_SESSION['locale'] : 'en_GB';
    $date_format = $g_locales_date_format[$locale];
    $gui = new stdClass();
    $tplan_mgr = new testplan($dbHandler);
    $tproject_mgr = new testproject($dbHandler);
    $gui_open = config_get('gui_separator_open');
    $gui_close = config_get('gui_separator_close');
    $gui->str_option_any = $gui_open . lang_get('any') . $gui_close;
    $gui->str_option_none = $gui_open . lang_get('nobody') . $gui_close;
    $gui->tplan_id = $args->tplan_id;
    $gui->tproject_id = $args->tproject_id;
    $tplan_info = $tplan_mgr->get_by_id($gui->tplan_id);
    $gui->tplan_name = $tplan_info['name'];
    $tproject_info = $tproject_mgr->get_by_id($gui->tproject_id);
    $gui->tproject_name = $tproject_info['name'];
    $re = new results($dbHandler, $tplan_mgr, $tproject_info, $tplan_info);
    $gui->assigned_users = new stdClass();
    $gui->keywords = new stdClass();
    $gui->builds = new stdClass();
    $gui->platforms = new stdClass();
    $gui->testsuites = new stdClass();
    // 20090107 - franciscom
    // Show only users that are able to execute test cases ?
    // What happens if a user that has loose right to execute, but
    // before loosing this right has been assigned some tests, or have executed it?
    // $gui->assigned_users->items = getUsersForHtmlOptions($dbHandler, ALL_USERS_FILTER, ADD_BLANK_OPTION);
    // $gui->assigned_users->items = getUsersForHtmlOptions($dbHandler, ALL_USERS_FILTER,
    // 	                                                   array(TL_USER_ANYBODY => $gui->str_option_any,
    //                                                            TL_USER_NOBODY => $gui->str_option_none) );
    $gui->assigned_users->items = getUsersForHtmlOptions($dbHandler, ALL_USERS_FILTER, array(TL_USER_ANYBODY => $gui->str_option_any));
    $gui->assigned_users->qty = count($gui->assigned_users->items);
    // BUGID 2012 - franciscom
    $gui->keywords->items[0] = $gui->str_option_any;
    if (!is_null($tplan_keywords_map = $tplan_mgr->get_keywords_map($gui->tplan_id))) {
        $gui->keywords->items += $tplan_keywords_map;
    $gui->builds->items = $tplan_mgr->get_builds($gui->tplan_id, testplan::ACTIVE_BUILDS);
    $gui->platforms->items = $tplan_mgr->getPlatforms($gui->tplan_id);
    $gui->testsuites->items = $re->getTopLevelSuites();
    $gui->keywords->qty = count($gui->keywords->items);
    $gui->builds->qty = count($gui->builds->items);
    $gui->platforms->qty = count($gui->platforms->items);
    $gui->testsuites->qty = count($gui->testsuites->items);
    $gui->status_code_label = get_status_for_reports_html_options();
    $gui->report_type = $args->format;
    $reports_cfg = config_get('reportsCfg');
    // BUGID 3716
    $startDate = strftime($date_format, time() - $reports_cfg->start_date_offset);
    $gui->selected_start_date = $startDate;
    $gui->selected_start_time = $reports_cfg->start_time;
    // BUGID 3716
    $gui->selected_end_date = strftime($date_format, time());
    $gui->selected_end_time = null;
    return $gui;
function init_args(&$dbHandler)
    $argsObj = new stdClass();
    $argsObj->doIt = false;
    $argsObj->showPlatforms = false;
    $argsObj->tproject_id = isset($_SESSION['testprojectID']) ? $_SESSION['testprojectID'] : 0;
    $argsObj->tproject_name = isset($_SESSION['testprojectName']) ? $_SESSION['testprojectName'] : '';
    $argsObj->tplan_name = '';
    $argsObj->tplan_id = isset($_REQUEST['tplan_id']) ? $_REQUEST['tplan_id'] : 0;
    if ($argsObj->tplan_id == 0) {
        $argsObj->tplan_id = isset($_SESSION['testplanID']) ? $_SESSION['testplanID'] : 0;
    if ($argsObj->tplan_id > 0) {
        $tplan_mgr = new testplan($dbHandler);
        $tplan_info = $tplan_mgr->get_by_id($argsObj->tplan_id);
        $argsObj->tplan_name = $tplan_info['name'];
        $argsObj->doIt = $tplan_mgr->count_testcases($argsObj->tplan_id) > 0;
        $argsObj->showPlatforms = $tplan_mgr->hasLinkedPlatforms($argsObj->tplan_id);
        $getOpt = array('outputFormat' => 'map');
        $argsObj->platforms = $tplan_mgr->getPlatforms($argsObj->tplan_id, $getOpt);
    return $argsObj;
Esempio n. 15
if ($args->build_id) {
    $filters['build_id'] = $args->build_id;
    // if build_id is set, show assignments regardless of build and tplan status
    $filters['build_status'] = 'all';
    $filters['tplan_status'] = 'all';
$tplan_param = $args->tplan_id ? array($args->tplan_id) : testcase::ALL_TESTPLANS;
$gui->resultSet = $tcase_mgr->get_assigned_to_user($args->user_id, $args->tproject_id, $tplan_param, $options, $filters);
if ($doIt = !is_null($gui->resultSet)) {
    $tables = tlObjectWithDB::getDBTables(array('nodes_hierarchy'));
    $tplanSet = array_keys($gui->resultSet);
    $sql = "SELECT name,id FROM {$tables['nodes_hierarchy']} " . "WHERE id IN (" . implode(',', $tplanSet) . ")";
    $gui->tplanNames = $db->fetchRowsIntoMap($sql, 'id');
    $optColumns = array('user' => $args->show_user_column, 'priority' => $args->priority_enabled);
    foreach ($gui->resultSet as $tplan_id => $tcase_set) {
        $show_platforms = !is_null($tplan_mgr->getPlatforms($tplan_id));
        $getOpt = array('outputFormat' => 'map');
        $platforms = $tplan_mgr->getPlatforms($tplan_id, $getOpt);
        list($columns, $sortByColumn) = getColumnsDefinition($optColumns, $show_platforms, $platforms);
        $rows = array();
        foreach ($tcase_set as $tcase_platform) {
            foreach ($tcase_platform as $tcase) {
                $current_row = array();
                $tcase_id = $tcase['testcase_id'];
                $tcversion_id = $tcase['tcversion_id'];
                if ($args->show_user_column) {
                    $current_row[] = htmlspecialchars($names[$tcase['user_id']]['login']);
                $current_row[] = htmlspecialchars($tcase['build_name']);
                $current_row[] = htmlspecialchars($tcase['tcase_full_path']);
                // create linked icons
Esempio n. 16
 *	@internal revisions
function getMetrics(&$db, $userObj, $args, $result_cfg, $labels)
    $user_id = $args->currentUserID;
    $tproject_id = $args->tproject_id;
    $linked_tcversions = array();
    $metrics = array();
    $tplan_mgr = new testplan($db);
    $show_platforms = false;
    $platforms = array();
    // get all tesplans accessibles  for user, for $tproject_id
    $options['active'] = $args->show_only_active ? ACTIVE : TP_ALL_STATUS;
    $test_plans = $userObj->getAccessibleTestPlans($db, $tproject_id, null, $options);
    // Get count of testcases linked to every testplan
    foreach ($test_plans as $key => $value) {
        $tplan_id = $value['id'];
        $linked_tcversions[$tplan_id] = null;
        $platformSet = $tplan_mgr->getPlatforms($tplan_id);
        if (isset($platformSet)) {
            $platforms = array_merge($platforms, $platformSet);
        } else {
            $platforms[]['name'] = $labels['not_aplicable'];
        $show_platforms_for_tplan = !is_null($platformSet);
        if (!$show_platforms_for_tplan) {
            // Julian: replaced array(0=>'')
            $platformSet = array(0 => array('id' => 0));
        } else {
            // 20110615 - Julian - if at least 1 test plan of the test project uses platforms
            //                     we need to display platform column on metrics dashboard
            $show_platforms = true;
        # initialize counters
        foreach ($platformSet as $platform_id => $platform_name) {
            $metrics['testplans'][$tplan_id]['platforms'][$platform_name['id']]['tplan_name'] = $value['name'];
            $metrics['testplans'][$tplan_id]['platforms'][$platform_name['id']]['platform_name'] = $platform_name['id'] == 0 ? $labels['not_aplicable'] : $platform_name['name'];
            $metrics['testplans'][$tplan_id]['platforms'][$platform_name['id']]['active'] = 0;
            $metrics['testplans'][$tplan_id]['overall']['active'] = 0;
            $metrics['total']['active'] = 0;
            $metrics['testplans'][$tplan_id]['platforms'][$platform_name['id']]['executed'] = 0;
            $metrics['testplans'][$tplan_id]['overall']['executed'] = 0;
            $metrics['total']['executed'] = 0;
            foreach ($result_cfg['status_label'] as $key => $status) {
                $metrics['testplans'][$tplan_id]['platforms'][$platform_name['id']][$key] = 0;
                $metrics['testplans'][$tplan_id]['overall'][$key] = 0;
                $metrics['total'][$key] = 0;
        if (($linkedItemsQty = $tplan_mgr->count_testcases($tplan_id)) > 0) {
            $executed = null;
            $not_run = null;
            // get executions ON ACTIVE BUILDS
            // IMPORTANTE NOTICE
            // using 'output' => 'mapOfMap' means we will get JUST ONE exec record for test case / platform
            $options = array('output' => 'mapOfMap', 'steps_info' => 0, 'build_active_status' => 'active');
            $filters = null;
            $executed[$tplan_id] = $tplan_mgr->get_linked_tcversions($tplan_id, $filters, $options);
            // Simple test to cope with active/inactive build
            if (is_null($executed[$tplan_id])) {
                // need a simple call to get linked items and set status to NOT RUN on all items.
                $filters = null;
                $options = array('output' => 'mapOfMap', 'steps_info' => 0, 'forced_exec_status' => $result_cfg['status_code']['not_run']);
                $executed[$tplan_id] = $tplan_mgr->get_linked_tcversions($tplan_id, $filters, $options);
            } else {
                // EXECUTED on INACTIVE BUILDS are candidate to become NOT EXECUTED on ACTIVE BUILDS
                $options = array('output' => 'mapOfMap', 'steps_info' => 0, 'build_active_status' => 'active', 'forced_exec_status' => $result_cfg['status_code']['not_run']);
                $filters = array('exec_status' => $result_cfg['status_code']['not_run']);
                $not_run[$tplan_id] = $tplan_mgr->get_linked_tcversions($tplan_id, $filters, $options);
            // Time to work on keys
            $notRunKeys = array_keys($not_run[$tplan_id]);
            foreach ($notRunKeys as $tcaseIDkey) {
                // BUGID 4362
                // Mistake was this:
                // isset($executed[$tplan_id][$key2copy])
                // just means we have found at least one execution.
                // But inside the element we have a map indexed by platform id.
                // If we have N platforms, and have exec on M, we have M elements
                // and MISS TO ADD the N-M NOT EXECUTED generating the issue.
                if (!isset($executed[$tplan_id][$tcaseIDkey])) {
                    $executed[$tplan_id][$tcaseIDkey] = array();
                $executed[$tplan_id][$tcaseIDkey] += $not_run[$tplan_id][$tcaseIDkey];
            $linked_tcversions[$tplan_id] = (array) $executed[$tplan_id];
        // test plan has linked items
    // Get count of executed testcases
    foreach ($linked_tcversions as $tplan_id => $tcinfo) {
        if (!is_null($tcinfo)) {
            foreach ($tcinfo as $tcase_id => $tc) {
                foreach ($tc as $platform_id => $value) {
                    if ($value['active']) {
                        // count number of active test cases for each platform, each test plan
                        // and whole project
                        // count number of test cases depending on execution status (result) for
                        // each platform, each test plan and whole project
                        $status_key = array_keys($result_cfg['status_code'], $value['exec_status']);
                        // count number of executed test cases for each platform, each test plan and
                        // the whole project
                        // 20110317 - do not know how we do not have tested for exec status <> not_run
                        // After change done to fix inactive build behaviour we need to check for
                        // execution status
                        // if ($value['exec_id'] > 0)
                        if ($value['exec_status'] != $result_cfg['status_code']['not_run']) {
    // remove duplicate platform names
    $platforms_no_duplicates = array();
    foreach ($platforms as $platform) {
        if (!in_array($platform['name'], $platforms_no_duplicates)) {
            $platforms_no_duplicates[] = $platform['name'];
    return array($metrics, $show_platforms, $platforms_no_duplicates);