function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '') { $template = new template('searchmodule', $view, $loc); $template->assign('loc', $loc); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure'), $loc); $template->output(); }
function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '') { if (exponent_permissions_check('administrate', $loc) || exponent_permissions_check('create', $loc) || exponent_permissions_check('edit', $loc) || exponent_permissions_check('delete', $loc)) { $template = new template('HTMLTemplateModule', $view, $loc); $template->assign('noupload', 0); $template->assign('uploadError', ''); if (!defined('SYS_FILES')) { include_once BASE . 'subsystems/files.php'; } $directory = 'files/HTMLTemplateModule/' . $loc->src; if (!file_exists(BASE . $directory)) { $err = exponent_files_makeDirectory($directory); if ($err != SYS_FILES_SUCCESS) { $template->assign('noupload', 1); $template->assign('uploadError', $err); } } global $db; $templates = $db->selectObjects('htmltemplate'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($templates); $i++) { $assocs = $db->selectObjects('htmltemplateassociation', 'template_id=' . $templates[$i]->id); if (count($assocs) == 1 && $assocs[0]->global == 1) { $templates[$i]->global_assoc = 1; } else { $templates[$i]->global_assoc = 0; $templates[$i]->associations = $assocs; } } $template->assign('moduletitle', $title); $template->assign('templates', $templates); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'create', 'edit', 'delete'), exponent_core_makeLocation('HTMLTemplateModule')); $template->output(); } }
function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '') { global $db; $contacts = $db->selectObjects('contact_contact', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); $t = new template('ContactModule', '_standard', $loc); $t->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure'), $loc); $t->output(); $template = new template('ContactModule', $view, $loc); $template->assign('contacts', $contacts); $template->assign('loc', $loc); $template->assign('numContacts', count($contacts)); $template->assign('moduletitle', $title); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure'), $loc); $template->output(); }
function show($view, $loc, $title) { global $db, $user; if ($user) { $template = new template('InboxModule', $view, $loc); $read = $db->countObjects('privatemessage', 'recipient=' . $user->id . ' AND unread=0'); $unread = $db->countObjects('privatemessage', 'recipient=' . $user->id . ' AND unread=1'); $template->assign('readMessages', $read); $template->assign('unreadMessages', $unread); $template->assign('totalMessages', $unread + $read); $template->assign('user', $user); $template->assign('moduletitle', $title); $template->register_permissions('administrate', $loc); $template->output(); } }
function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '') { global $db; $template = new template('translatormodule', $view, $loc); $langs = array(); $lloc = pathos_core_makeLocation('translatormodule'); foreach ($db->selectObjects('translation_language') as $lang) { $lloc->int = $lang->id; $lang->permissions = array('administrate' => pathos_permissions_check('administrate', $lloc) ? 1 : 0, 'configure' => pathos_permissions_check('configure', $lloc) ? 1 : 0); $langs[] = $lang; } $template->assign('languages', $langs); $template->assign('dictionaries', translatormodule::dictionaries()); $template->assign('moduletitle', $title); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure'), $loc); $template->output(); }
function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '') { global $db; $question = $db->selectObject('poll_question', "is_active = 1 AND location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); $answers = array(); if ($question) { $answers = $db->selectObjects('poll_answer', 'question_id=' . $question->id); } $answers = expSorter::sort(array('array' => $answers, 'sortby' => 'rank', 'order' => 'ASC')); $template = new template('simplepollmodule', $view, $loc); $template->assign('moduletitle', $title); $template->assign('question', $question); $template->assign('answers', $answers); $template->assign('have_answers', count($answers)); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure', 'manage_question', 'manage_answer'), $loc); $template->output(); }
function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '') { $template = new template('SharedCoreModule', $view); global $db; $cores = array(); foreach ($db->selectObjects('sharedcore_core') as $c) { if (file_exists($c->path . 'exponent_version.php')) { $c->version = (include $c->path . 'exponent_version.php'); $c->linked = $db->selectObjects('sharedcore_site', 'core_id=' . $c->id); $cores[] = $c; } } $template->assign('cores', $cores); $template->assign('moduletitle', $title); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'manage'), $loc); $template->output(); }
function show($view, $loc = null, $title = "") { global $db; $obj = null; $o = $db->selectObjects('rotator_item', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); $num = rand(0, count($o) - 1); if (isset($o[$num])) { $obj = $o[$num]; } else { $obj->text = ''; } $template = new template('rotatormodule', $view, $loc); $template->assign('moduletitle', $title); $template->assign('content', $obj); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'manage'), $loc); $template->output(); }
function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '') { global $db; $question = $db->selectObject('poll_question', "is_active = 1 AND location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); $answers = array(); if ($question) { $answers = $db->selectObjects('poll_answer', 'question_id=' . $question->id); } if (!defined('SYS_SORTING')) { require_once BASE . 'subsystems/sorting.php'; } usort($answers, 'pathos_sorting_byRankAscending'); $template = new template('simplepollmodule', $view, $loc); $template->assign('question', $question); $template->assign('answers', $answers); $template->assign('have_answers', count($answers)); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure', 'manage_question', 'manage_answer'), $loc); $template->output(); }
function show($view, $loc = null, $title = "") { global $db; $milestones = $db->selectObjects("codemap_milestone", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); if (!defined("SYS_SORTING")) { require_once BASE . "subsystems/sorting.php"; } uasort($milestones, "pathos_sorting_byRankAscending"); $stepstones = array(); foreach ($milestones as $m) { $tmp = $db->selectObjects("codemap_stepstone", "milestone_id=" . $m->id . " AND location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); usort($tmp, "pathos_sorting_byNameAscending"); $stepstones = array_merge($stepstones, $tmp); } #$stepstones = $db->selectObjects("codemap_stepstone","location_data='".serialize($loc)."'"); $template = new template("codemapmodule", $view, $loc); $template->assign("milestones", $milestones); $template->assign("stepstones", $stepstones); $template->assign("moduletitle", $title); $template->register_permissions(array("administrate", "manage_steps", "manage_miles"), $loc); $template->output(); }
function show($view, $loc, $title = '') { if (!defined('SYS_FILES')) { require_once BASE . 'subsystems/files.php'; } $template = new template('ResourceModule', $view, $loc); $directory = 'files/ResourceModule/' . $loc->src; if (!file_exists(BASE . $directory)) { $err = exponent_files_makeDirectory($directory); if ($err != SYS_FILES_SUCCESS) { $template->assign('noupload', 1); $template->assign('uploadError', $err); } } global $db; $location = serialize($loc); if (!isset($_SESSION['resource_cache'][$location])) { $resources = $db->selectObjects('resourceitem', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); $_SESSION['resource_cache'][$location] = $resources; } else { $resources = $_SESSION['resource_cache'][$location]; } $iloc = exponent_core_makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src); for ($i = 0; $i < count($resources); $i++) { $iloc->int = $resources[$i]->id; $resources[$i]->permissions = array('administrate' => exponent_permissions_check('administrate', $iloc), 'edit' => exponent_permissions_check('edit', $iloc), 'delete' => exponent_permissions_check('delete', $iloc)); } if (!defined('SYS_SORTING')) { require_once BASE . 'subsystems/sorting.php'; } usort($resources, 'exponent_sorting_byRankAscending'); $rfiles = array(); foreach ($db->selectObjects('file', "directory='{$directory}'") as $file) { $file->mimetype = $db->selectObject('mimetype', "mimetype='" . $file->mimetype . "'"); $rfiles[$file->id] = $file; } $template->assign('moduletitle', $title); $template->assign('resources', $resources); $template->assign('files', $rfiles); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure', 'post', 'edit', 'delete'), $loc); $template->output($view); }
function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '') { global $user; global $db; $template = new template('calendarmodule', $view, $loc); $template->assign('moduletitle', $title); $canviewapproval = false; $inapproval = false; if ($user) { $canviewapproval = pathos_permissions_check("approve", $loc) || pathos_permissions_check("manage_approval", $loc); } if ($db->countObjects("calendar", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND approved!=1")) { foreach ($db->selectObjects("calendar", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND approved!=1") as $c) { if ($c->poster == $user->id) { $canviewapproval = true; } } $inapproval = true; } $time = isset($_GET['time']) ? $_GET['time'] : time(); $template->assign("time", $time); $viewconfig = $template->viewparams; if ($viewconfig === null) { $viewconfig = array("type" => "default"); } if (!defined("SYS_DATETIME")) { require_once BASE . "subsystems/datetime.php"; } if (!defined('SYS_SORTING')) { require_once BASE . 'subsystems/sorting.php'; } if (!function_exists("pathos_sorting_byEventStartAscending")) { function pathos_sorting_byEventStartAscending($a, $b) { return $a->eventstart < $b->eventstart ? -1 : 1; } } if ($viewconfig['type'] == "minical") { $monthly = array(); $datesWithEvents = array(); $info = getdate(time()); $info = getdate(time()); // Grab non-day numbers only (before end of month) $week = 0; $currentweek = 0; $currentday = $info['mday']; $infofirst = getdate(mktime(12, 0, 0, $info['mon'], 1, $info['year'])); if ($infofirst['wday'] == 0) { $monthly[$week] = array(); } // initialize for non days for ($i = 0 - $infofirst['wday']; $i < 0; $i++) { $monthly[$week][$i] = array("number" => -1, "ts" => -1); } $weekday = $infofirst['wday']; // day number in grid. if 7+, switch weeks // Grab day counts $endofmonth = pathos_datetime_endOfMonthDay(time()); for ($i = 1; $i <= $endofmonth; $i++) { $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $info['mon'], $i, $info['year']); if ($i == $info['mday']) { $currentweek = $week; } #$monthly[$week][$i] = array("ts"=>$start,"number"=>$db->countObjects("calendar","location_data='".serialize($loc)."' AND approved!=0 AND (eventstart >= $start AND eventend <= " . ($start+86399) . ")")); // NO WORKFLOW CONSIDERATIONS $monthly[$week][$i] = array("ts" => $start, "number" => $db->countObjects("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND date = {$start}")); if ($monthly[$week][$i]["number"] > 0) { $datesWithEvents[] = $i; } if ($weekday >= 6) { $week++; $monthly[$week] = array(); // allocate an array for the next week $weekday = 0; } else { $weekday++; } } // Grab non-day numbers only (after end of month) for ($i = 1; $weekday && $i <= 7 - $weekday; $i++) { $monthly[$week][$i + $endofmonth] = -1; } $template->assign("datesWithEvents", implode(",", $datesWithEvents)); $template->assign("monthly", $monthly); $template->assign("currentweek", $currentweek); $template->assign("currentday", $currentday); $template->assign("now", time()); } else { if ($viewconfig['type'] == "byday") { $startperiod = 0; $totaldays = 0; if ($viewconfig['range'] == "week") { $startperiod = pathos_datetime_startOfWeekTimestamp($time); $totaldays = 7; } else { $startperiod = pathos_datetime_startOfMonthTimestamp($time); $totaldays = pathos_datetime_endOfMonthDay($time); } $template->assign("prev_timestamp", $startperiod - 3600); $template->assign("next_timestamp", $startperiod + $totaldays * 86400 + 3600); $days = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $totaldays; $i++) { $start = $startperiod + $i * 86400; #$days[$start] = $db->selectObjects("calendar","location_data='".serialize($loc)."' AND (eventstart >= $start AND eventend <= " . ($start+86399) . ") AND approved!=0"); $edates = $db->selectObjects("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND date = {$start}"); $days[$start] = calendarmodule::_getEventsForDates($edates); for ($j = 0; $j < count($days[$start]); $j++) { $thisloc = pathos_core_makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src, $days[$start][$j]->id); $days[$start][$j]->permissions = array("administrate" => pathos_permissions_check("administrate", $thisloc) || pathos_permissions_check("administrate", $loc), "edit" => pathos_permissions_check("edit", $thisloc) || pathos_permissions_check("edit", $loc), "delete" => pathos_permissions_check("delete", $thisloc) || pathos_permissions_check("delete", $loc)); } usort($days[$start], "pathos_sorting_byEventStartAscending"); } $template->assign("days", $days); } else { if ($viewconfig['type'] == "monthly") { $monthly = array(); $counts = array(); $info = getdate($time); $nowinfo = getdate(time()); if ($info['mon'] != $nowinfo['mon']) { $nowinfo['mday'] = -10; } // Grab non-day numbers only (before end of month) $week = 0; $currentweek = -1; $timefirst = mktime(12, 0, 0, $info['mon'], 1, $info['year']); $infofirst = getdate($timefirst); if ($infofirst['wday'] == 0) { $monthly[$week] = array(); // initialize for non days $counts[$week] = array(); } for ($i = 1 - $infofirst['wday']; $i < 1; $i++) { $monthly[$week][$i] = array(); $counts[$week][$i] = -1; } $weekday = $infofirst['wday']; // day number in grid. if 7+, switch weeks // Grab day counts $endofmonth = pathos_datetime_endOfMonthDay($time); for ($i = 1; $i <= $endofmonth; $i++) { $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $info['mon'], $i, $info['year']); if ($i == $nowinfo['mday']) { $currentweek = $week; } #$monthly[$week][$i] = $db->selectObjects("calendar","location_data='".serialize($loc)."' AND (eventstart >= $start AND eventend <= " . ($start+86399) . ") AND approved!=0"); $dates = $db->selectObjects("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND date = {$start}"); $monthly[$week][$i] = calendarmodule::_getEventsForDates($dates); $counts[$week][$i] = count($monthly[$week][$i]); if ($weekday >= 6) { $week++; $monthly[$week] = array(); // allocate an array for the next week $counts[$week] = array(); $weekday = 0; } else { $weekday++; } } // Grab non-day numbers only (after end of month) for ($i = 1; $weekday && $i < 8 - $weekday; $i++) { $monthly[$week][$i + $endofmonth] = array(); $counts[$week][$i + $endofmonth] = -1; } $template->assign("currentweek", $currentweek); $template->assign("monthly", $monthly); $template->assign("counts", $counts); $template->assign("nextmonth", $timefirst + 86400 * 45); $template->assign("prevmonth", $timefirst - 86400 * 15); $template->assign("now", $timefirst); } else { if ($viewconfig['type'] == "administration") { // Check perms and return if cant view if ($viewconfig['type'] == "administration" && !$user) { return; } $continue = pathos_permissions_check("administrate", $loc) || pathos_permissions_check("post", $loc) || pathos_permissions_check("edit", $loc) || pathos_permissions_check("delete", $loc) || pathos_permissions_check("approve", $loc) || pathos_permissions_check("manage_approval", $loc) ? 1 : 0; $dates = $db->selectObjects("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); $items = calendarmodule::_getEventsForDates($dates); if (!$continue) { foreach ($items as $i) { $iloc = pathos_core_makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src, $i->id); if (pathos_permissions_check("edit", $iloc) || pathos_permissions_check("delete", $iloc) || pathos_permissions_check("administrate", $iloc)) { $continue = true; } } } if (!$continue) { return; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) { $thisloc = pathos_core_makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src, $items[$i]->id); if ($user && $items[$i]->poster == $user->id) { $canviewapproval = 1; } $items[$i]->permissions = array("administrate" => pathos_permissions_check("administrate", $thisloc) || pathos_permissions_check("administrate", $loc), "edit" => pathos_permissions_check("edit", $thisloc) || pathos_permissions_check("edit", $loc), "delete" => pathos_permissions_check("delete", $thisloc) || pathos_permissions_check("delete", $loc)); } usort($items, "pathos_sorting_byEventStartAscending"); $template->assign("items", $items); } else { if ($viewconfig['type'] == "default") { if (!isset($viewconfig['range'])) { $viewconfig['range'] = "all"; } $limit = ''; if (isset($template->viewconfig) && isset($template->viewconfig['num_events']) && $template->viewconfig['num_events'] != 0) { $limit = $db->limit($template->viewconfig['num_events'], 0); } $items = null; $dates = null; $day = pathos_datetime_startOfDayTimestamp(time()); $sort_asc = true; // For the getEventsForDates call switch ($viewconfig['range']) { case "all": #$items = $db->selectObjects("calendar","location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND approved!=0"); $dates = $db->selectObjects("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); break; case "upcoming": #$items = $db->selectObjects("calendar","location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND approved!=0 AND eventstart >= ".time()); $dates = $db->selectObjects("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND date > {$day} ORDER BY date ASC " . $limit); break; case "past": #$items = $db->selectObjects("calendar","location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND approved!=0 AND eventstart < ".time()); $dates = $db->selectObjects("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND date < {$day} ORDER BY date DESC " . $limit); $sort_asc = false; break; case "today": #$items = $db->selectObjects("calendar","location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND approved!=0 AND eventstart >= ".pathos_datetime_startOfDayTimestamp(time()) . " AND eventend <= " . (pathos_datetime_startOfDayTimestamp(time()) + 86400)); $dates = $db->selectObjects("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND date = {$day}"); break; case "next": #$items = array($db->selectObject("calendar","location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND approved!=0 AND eventstart >= ".time())); $dates = array($db->selectObject("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND date >= {$day}")); break; case "month": #$items = $db->selectObjects("calendar","location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND approved!=0 AND eventstart >= ".pathos_datetime_startOfMonthTimestamp(time()) . " AND eventend <= " . pathos_datetime_endOfMonthTimestamp(time())); $dates = $db->selectObjects("eventdate", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND date >= " . pathos_datetime_startOfMonthTimestamp(time()) . " AND date <= " . pathos_datetime_endOfMonthTimestamp(time())); break; } $items = calendarmodule::_getEventsForDates($dates, $sort_asc); for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) { $thisloc = pathos_core_makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src, $items[$i]->id); if ($user && $items[$i]->poster == $user->id) { $canviewapproval = 1; } $items[$i]->permissions = array('administrate' => pathos_permissions_check('administrate', $thisloc) || pathos_permissions_check('administrate', $loc), 'edit' => pathos_permissions_check('edit', $thisloc) || pathos_permissions_check('edit', $loc), 'delete' => pathos_permissions_check('delete', $thisloc) || pathos_permissions_check('delete', $loc)); } $template->assign('items', $items); } } } } } $template->assign('in_approval', $inapproval); $template->assign('canview_approval_link', $canviewapproval); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure', 'post', 'edit', 'delete', 'manage_approval', 'manage_categories', 'view'), $loc); $cats = $db->selectObjectsIndexedArray("category", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); $cats[0] = null; $cats[0]->name = "<i>{#i18n_noitemsfound#}</i>"; $cats[0]->color = "#000000"; $template->assign("categories", $cats); $config = $db->selectObject("calendarmodule_config", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); if (!$config) { $config->enable_categories = 0; } $template->assign("modconfig", $config); $template->output(); }
if ($config == null) { $config->allow_comments = 1; $config->items_per_page = 10; } if (isset($_GET['single'])) { $config->items_per_page = 1; } $where = "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND (is_draft = 0 OR poster = " . ($user ? $user->id : -1) . ")"; if (!exponent_permissions_check('view_private', $loc)) { $where .= ' AND is_private = 0'; } $total = $db->countObjects('weblog_post', $where); $posts = $db->selectObjects('weblog_post', $where . ' ORDER BY posted DESC ' . $db->limit($config->items_per_page, $_GET['page'] * $config->items_per_page)); if (!defined('SYS_SORTING')) { require_once BASE . 'subsystems/sorting.php'; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($posts); $i++) { $ploc = exponent_core_makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src, $posts[$i]->id); $posts[$i]->permissions = array('administrate' => exponent_permissions_check('administrate', $ploc), 'edit' => exponent_permissions_check('edit', $ploc), 'delete' => exponent_permissions_check('delete', $ploc), 'comment' => exponent_permissions_check('comment', $ploc), 'edit_comments' => exponent_permissions_check('edit_comments', $ploc), 'delete_comments' => exponent_permissions_check('delete_comments', $ploc), 'view_private' => exponent_permissions_check('view_private', $ploc)); $comments = $db->selectObjects('weblog_comment', 'parent_id=' . $posts[$i]->id); usort($comments, 'exponent_sorting_byPostedDescending'); $posts[$i]->comments = $comments; } usort($posts, 'exponent_sorting_byPostedDescending'); $template->assign('posts', $posts); $template->assign('total_posts', $total); $template->assign('shownext', ($_GET['page'] + 1) * $config->items_per_page < $total); $template->assign('page', $_GET['page']); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure', 'post', 'edit', 'delete', 'comment', 'edit_comments', 'delete_comments', 'view_private'), $loc); $template->assign('config', $config); $template->output();
# for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU # General Public License along with Exponent; if # not, write to: # # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, # Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id: view.php,v 1.4 2005/02/19 00:32:32 filetreefrog Exp $ ################################################## if (!defined("PATHOS")) { exit(""); } // PERM CHECK $t = null; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $t = $db->selectObject("htmltemplate", "id=" . $_GET['id']); } if ($t) { pathos_flow_set(SYS_FLOW_PROTECTED, SYS_FLOW_ACTION); $template = new template("htmltemplatemodule", "_view", $loc); $template->assign("template", $t); $template->register_permissions(array("administrate", "edit", "delete"), $loc); $template->output(); } else { echo SITE_404_HTML; } // END PERM CHECK
function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '') { $template = new template('WeblogModule', $view, $loc); global $db; global $user; $user_id = $user ? $user->id : -1; $config = $db->selectObject('WeblogModule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); if ($config == null) { $config->allow_comments = 1; $config->items_per_page = 10; } $viewconfig = array('type' => 'default'); if (is_readable($template->viewdir . "/{$view}.config")) { $viewconfig = (include $template->viewdir . "/{$view}.config"); } $where = '(is_draft = 0 OR poster = ' . $user_id . ") AND location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"; if (!exponent_permissions_check('view_private', $loc)) { $where .= ' AND is_private = 0'; } if ($viewconfig['type'] == 'monthlist') { $months = array(); $min_date = $db->min('weblog_post', 'posted', 'location_data', $where); $max_date = $db->max('weblog_post', 'posted', 'location_data', $where); $months = array(); if (!defined('SYS_DATETIME')) { require_once BASE . 'subsystems/datetime.php'; } $start_month = exponent_datetime_startOfMonthTimestamp($min_date); $end_month = exponent_datetime_endOfMonthTimestamp($min_date) + 86399; do { $count = $db->countObjects('weblog_post', $where . ' AND posted >= ' . $start_month . ' AND posted <= ' . $end_month); if ($count) { $months[$start_month] = $count; } $start_month = $end_month + 1; $end_month = exponent_datetime_endOfMonthTimestamp($start_month) + 86399; } while ($start_month < $max_date); $template->assign('months', array_reverse($months, true)); } else { if ($viewconfig['type'] == 'calendar') { if (!defined('SYS_DATETIME')) { require_once BASE . 'subsystems/datetime.php'; } $month_days = exponent_datetime_monthlyDaysTimestamp(time()); for ($i = 0; $i < count($month_days); $i++) { foreach ($month_days[$i] as $mday => $timestamp) { if ($mday > 0) { // Got a valid one. Go with it. $month_days[$i][$mday] = array('number' => $db->countObjects('weblog_post', $where . ' AND posted >= ' . $timestamp . ' AND posted < ' . strtotime('+1 day', $timestamp)), 'ts' => $timestamp); } } } $template->assign('days', $month_days); $template->assign('now', time()); } else { $total = $db->countObjects('weblog_post', $where); $posts = $db->selectObjects('weblog_post', $where . ' ORDER BY posted DESC ' . $db->limit($config->items_per_page, 0)); if (!defined('SYS_SORTING')) { require_once BASE . 'subsystems/sorting.php'; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($posts); $i++) { $ploc = exponent_core_makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src, $posts[$i]->id); $posts[$i]->permissions = array('administrate' => exponent_permissions_check('administrate', $ploc), 'edit' => exponent_permissions_check('edit', $ploc), 'delete' => exponent_permissions_check('delete', $ploc), 'comment' => exponent_permissions_check('comment', $ploc), 'edit_comments' => exponent_permissions_check('edit_comments', $ploc), 'delete_comments' => exponent_permissions_check('delete_comments', $ploc), 'view_private' => exponent_permissions_check('view_private', $ploc)); $comments = $db->selectObjects('weblog_comment', 'parent_id=' . $posts[$i]->id); usort($comments, 'exponent_sorting_byPostedDescending'); $posts[$i]->comments = $comments; } usort($posts, 'exponent_sorting_byPostedDescending'); $template->assign('posts', $posts); $template->assign('total_posts', $total); } } $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure', 'post', 'edit', 'delete', 'comment', 'edit_comments', 'delete_comments', 'view_private'), $loc); $template->assign('config', $config); $template->assign('moduletitle', $title); $template->output(); }
function show($view, $loc = null, $title = "") { global $db; if (!defined("SYS_USERS")) { require_once BASE . "subsystems/users.php"; } $boards = $db->selectObjects("bb_board", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); $iloc = pathos_core_makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src); for ($i = 0; $i < count($boards); $i++) { $iloc->int = "b" . $boards[$i]->id; $boards[$i]->permissions = array("edit_board" => pathos_permissions_check("edit_board", $iloc), "delete_board" => pathos_permissions_check("delete_board", $iloc)); if ($boards[$i]->last_post_id != 0) { $lp = $db->selectObject("bb_post", "id=" . $boards[$i]->last_post_id); $lp->poster = pathos_users_getUserById($lp->poster); $boards[$i]->last_post = $lp; } else { $boards[$i]->last_post = null; } } $template = new template("bbmodule", $view, $loc); $template->assign("moduletitle", $title); $template->assign("boards", $boards); $template->register_permissions(array("administrate", "configure", "create_board", "edit_board", "delete_board"), $loc); $template->output(); }
function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '') { if (empty($view)) { $view = "Default"; } $source_select = array(); $clickable_mods = null; // Show all $dest = null; $singleview = '_container'; $singlemodule = 'containermodule'; if (expSession::is_set('source_select') && defined('SELECTOR')) { $source_select = expSession::get('source_select'); $singleview = $source_select['view']; $singlemodule = $source_select['module']; $clickable_mods = $source_select['showmodules']; if (!is_array($clickable_mods)) { $clickable_mods = null; } $dest = $source_select['dest']; } global $db, $user; $container = null; $container_key = serialize($loc); $cache = expSession::getCacheValue('containermodule'); if (!isset($this) || !isset($this->_hasParent) || $this->_hasParent == 0) { // Top level container. if (!isset($cache['top'][$container_key])) { $container = $db->selectObject('container', "external='" . serialize(null) . "' AND internal='" . $container_key . "'"); //if container isn't here already, then create it. if ($container == null) { $container->external = serialize(null); $container->internal = serialize($loc); $container->view = $view; $container->title = $title; $container->id = $db->insertObject($container, 'container'); } $cache['top'][$container_key] = $container; expSession::setCacheValue('containermodule', $cache); } else { $container = $cache['top'][$container_key]; } if (!defined('PREVIEW_READONLY') || defined('SELECTOR')) { $view = empty($container->view) ? $view : $container->view; } $title = $container->title; } $template = new template('containermodule', $view, $loc, $cache); if ($dest) { $template->assign('dest', $dest); } $template->assign('singleview', $singleview); $template->assign('singlemodule', $singlemodule); $template->assign('top', $container); $containers = array(); if (!isset($cache[$container_key])) { foreach ($db->selectObjects('container', "external='" . $container_key . "'") as $c) { if ($c->is_private == 0 || expPermissions::check('view', expCore::makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src, $c->id))) { $containers[$c->rank] = $c; } } $cache[$container_key] = $containers; expSession::setCacheValue('containermodule', $cache); } else { $containers = $cache[$container_key]; } ksort($containers); foreach (array_keys($containers) as $i) { $location = unserialize($containers[$i]->internal); // check to see if this is a controller or module $iscontroller = expModules::controllerExists($location->mod); $modclass = $iscontroller ? expModules::getControllerClassName($location->mod) : $location->mod; if (class_exists($modclass)) { $mod = new $modclass(); ob_start(); $mod->_hasParent = 1; if ($iscontroller) { renderAction(array('controller' => $location->mod, 'action' => $containers[$i]->action, 'src' => $location->src, 'view' => $containers[$i]->view, 'moduletitle' => $containers[$i]->title)); } else { $mod->show($containers[$i]->view, $location, $containers[$i]->title); } $containers[$i]->output = trim(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); $containers[$i]->info = array('module' => $mod->name(), 'source' => $location->src, 'hasContent' => $mod->hasContent(), 'hasSources' => $mod->hasSources(), 'hasViews' => $mod->hasViews(), 'class' => $modclass, 'supportsWorkflow' => $mod->supportsWorkflow() ? 1 : 0, 'workflowPolicy' => '', 'workflowUsesDefault' => 0, 'clickable' => $clickable_mods == null || in_array($modclass, $clickable_mods), 'hasConfig' => $db->tableExists($modclass . "_config")); } else { $containers[$i]->output = sprintf(gt('The module "%s" was not found in the system'), $location->mod); $containers[$i]->info = array('module' => sprintf(gt('Unknown: %s'), $location->mod), 'source' => $location->src, 'hasContent' => 0, 'hasSources' => 0, 'hasViews' => 0, 'class' => $modclass, 'supportsWorkflow' => 0, 'workflowPolicy' => '', 'workflowUsesDefault' => 0, 'hasConfig' => $db->tableExists($modclass . "_config"), 'clickable' => 0); } $containers[$i]->moduleLocation = $location; $cloc = null; $cloc->mod = $loc->mod; $cloc->src = $loc->src; $cloc->int = $containers[$i]->id; $location->mod = str_replace('Controller', '', $location->mod); $containers[$i]->permissions = array('administrate' => expPermissions::check('administrate', $location) ? 1 : 0, 'configure' => expPermissions::check('configure', $location) ? 1 : 0); } $template->assign('user', $user); $template->assign('containers', $containers); $template->assign('hasParent', isset($this) && isset($this->_hasParent) ? 1 : 0); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'add_module', 'edit_module', 'delete_module', 'order_modules'), $loc); $template->output(); }
function show($view, $location = null, $title = '') { global $user; global $db; $template = new template('SWFModule', $view, $location); $template->assign('moduletitle', $title); if (defined('PREVIEW_READONLY') && !defined('SELECTOR')) { return; } if (!defined('SYS_FILES')) { require_once BASE . 'subsystems/files.php'; } $directory = 'files/SWFModule'; if (!file_exists(BASE . $directory)) { $err = exponent_files_makeDirectory($directory); if ($err != SYS_FILES_SUCCESS) { $template->assign('noupload', 1); $template->assign('uploadError', $err); } } $data = $db->selectObject('swfitem', "location_data='" . serialize($location) . "'"); if ($data == null) { $data->_noflash = 1; $data->_align = 'center'; } else { $data->_noflash = 0; switch ($data->alignment) { case 1: $data->_align = 'left'; break; case 2: $data->_align = 'right'; break; default: $data->_align = 'center'; break; } $file = $db->selectObject('file', 'id=' . $data->swf_id); if ($file && is_readable(BASE . $file->directory . '/' . $file->filename)) { $data->_flashurl = $file->directory . '/' . $file->filename; } else { $data->_flashurl = ''; } $file = $db->selectObject('file', 'id=' . $data->alt_image_id); if ($file && is_readable(BASE . $file->directory . '/' . $file->filename)) { $data->_noflashurl = $file->directory . '/' . $file->filename; } else { $data->_noflashurl = ''; } } $template->assign('data', $data); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure'), $location); $template->output(); }
function show($view, $loc, $title = '') { $template = new template('imagemanagermodule', $view, $loc); $uilevel = 99; // MAX if (exponent_sessions_isset("uilevel")) { $uilevel = exponent_sessions_get("uilevel"); } $template->assign('show', defined('SELECTOR') || $uilevel > UILEVEL_PREVIEW ? 1 : 0); if (!defined('SYS_FILES')) { include_once BASE . 'subsystems/files.php'; } $directory = 'files/imagemanagermodule/' . $loc->src; if (!file_exists(BASE . $directory)) { $err = exponent_files_makeDirectory($directory); if ($err != SYS_FILES_SUCCESS) { $template->assign('noupload', 1); $template->assign('uploadError', $err); } } global $db; $location = serialize($loc); if (!isset($_SESSION['image_cache'][$location])) { $items = $db->selectObjects("imagemanageritem", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); $_SESSION['image_cache'][$location] = $items; } else { $items = $_SESSION['image_cache'][$location]; } $files = $db->selectObjectsIndexedArray("file", "directory='{$directory}'"); $template->assign('items', $items); $template->assign('files', $files); $template->assign('moduletitle', $title); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'post', 'edit', 'delete'), $loc); $template->output(); }
# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU # General Public License along with Exponent; if # not, write to: # # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, # Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id: stepstone_view.php,v 1.3 2005/02/19 16:53:34 filetreefrog Exp $ ################################################## if (!defined("PATHOS")) { exit(""); } $stepstone = null; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $stepstone = $db->selectObject("codemap_stepstone", "id=" . $_GET['id']); } if ($stepstone) { $loc = unserialize($stepstone->location_data); $stepstone->milestone = $db->selectObject("codemap_milestone", "id=" . $stepstone->milestone_id); $template = new template("codemapmodule", "_view_stepstone", $loc); $template->assign("stepstone", $stepstone); $template->register_permissions("manage_steps", $loc); $template->output(); } else { echo SITE_404_HTML; }
function show($view, $loc, $title = '') { global $db; $template = new template('bannermodule', $view, $loc); $template->assign('title', $title); $viewconfig = array('type' => 'default', 'number' => 1); if (is_readable($template->viewdir . "/{$view}.config")) { $viewconfig = (include $template->viewdir . "/{$view}.config"); } if ($viewconfig['type'] == 'affiliates') { $af = $db->selectObjects('banner_affiliate'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($af); $i++) { $af[$i]->bannerCount = $db->countObjects('banner_ad', 'affiliate_id=' . $af[$i]->id); $af[$i]->contact_info = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $af[$i]->contact_info); } if (!defined('SYS_SORTING')) { require_once BASE . 'subsystems/sorting.php'; } usort($af, 'pathos_sorting_byNameAscending'); $template->assign('affiliates', $af); } else { if (!defined('SYS_FILES')) { require_once BASE . 'subsystems/files.php'; } $directory = 'files/bannermodule/' . $loc->src; if (!file_exists(BASE . $directory)) { $err = pathos_files_makeDirectory($directory); if ($err != SYS_FILES_SUCCESS) { $template->assign('noupload', 1); $template->assign('uploadError', $err); } } $all = $db->selectObjects('banner_ad', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); if ($viewconfig['type'] == 'allbanners') { $bfiles = $db->selectObjectsIndexedArray('file', "directory='" . $directory . "'"); $template->assign('affiliates', bannermodule::listAffiliates()); $template->assign('files', $bfiles); $template->assign('banners', $all); } else { $num = $viewconfig['number']; shuffle($all); $banners = array_slice($all, 0, $num); for ($i = 0; $i < count($banners); $i++) { $banners[$i]->file = $db->selectObject('file', 'id=' . $banners[$i]->file_id); } $template->assign('banners', $banners); } } $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'manage', 'manage_af'), $loc); $template->output(); }
# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU # General Public License along with Exponent; if # not, write to: # # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, # Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id: view_article.php,v 1.3 2005/03/13 18:57:28 filetreefrog Exp $ ################################################## if (!defined("PATHOS")) { exit(""); } $article = null; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $article = $db->selectObject("article", "id=" . $_GET['id']); if ($article != null) { $loc = unserialize($article->location_data); } else { echo SITE_404_HTML; } } $template = new template("articlemodule", "_viewarticle", $loc); $template->assign('article', $article); $template->register_permissions(array('manage'), $loc); $template->output();
pathos_flow_set(SYS_FLOW_PUBLIC, SYS_FLOW_ACTION); $resource = $db->selectObject("resourceitem", "id=" . $_GET['id']); if ($resource != null) { $loc = unserialize($resource->location_data); $iloc = pathos_core_makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src, $resource->id); $resource->permissions = array("administrate" => pathos_permissions_check("administrate", $iloc), "edit" => pathos_permissions_check("edit", $iloc), "delete" => pathos_permissions_check("delete", $iloc)); if ($resource->flock_owner != 0) { if (!defined("SYS_USERS")) { require_once BASE . "subsystems/users.php"; } $resource->lock_owner = pathos_users_getUserById($resource->flock_owner); $resource->locked = 1; } else { $resource->locked = 0; } $file = $db->selectObject("file", "id=" . $resource->file_id); if ($file != null) { $mimetype = $db->selectObject("mimetype", "mimetype='" . $file->mimetype . "'"); $template = new template("resourcesmodule", "_view", $loc); $template->assign("resource", $resource); $template->assign("user", $user); $template->assign("file", $file); $template->assign("mimetype", $mimetype); $template->register_permissions(array("administrate", "edit", "delete", "manage_approval"), $loc); $template->output(); } else { echo SITE_404_HTML; } } else { echo SITE_404_HTML; }
<?php ################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2004-2006 OIC Group, Inc. # Written and Designed by James Hunt # # This file is part of Exponent # # Exponent is free software; you can redistribute # it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU # General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # GPL: # ################################################## if (!defined('EXPONENT')) { exit(''); } if (exponent_permissions_check('manage', $loc)) { exponent_flow_set(SYS_FLOW_ACTION, SYS_FLOW_PROTECTED); $objects = $db->selectObjects('rotator_item', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); $template = new template('RotatorModule', '_manage', $loc); $template->assign('items', $objects); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'manage'), $loc); $template->output(); } else { echo SITE_403_HTML; }
function show($view, $loc = null, $title = "") { global $db; // Used later, for recalculation and other things. if (!defined("SYS_SORTING")) { require_once BASE . "subsystems/sorting.php"; } $config = $db->selectObject('articlemodule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); if ($config == null) { $object->sortorder = 'ASC'; $object->sortfield = 'rank'; $object->item_limit = 10; $config->enable_categories = 0; $config->recalc = 0; // No need to recalculate, no categories } else { if ($config->recalc == 1) { // We need to recaculate the rankings. if ($config->enable_categories == 1) { // Recalc, keeping in mind the category structure. $cats = $db->selectObjects("category", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); $c = null; $c->id = 0; $cats[] = $c; foreach ($cats as $c) { // Loop over each category. $rank = 0; foreach ($db->selectObjects("article", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND category_id=" . $c->id) as $article) { $article->rank = $rank; $db->updateObject($article, "article"); $rank++; } } } else { // Recaculate blindly, ignoring categories. $articles = $db->selectObjects("article", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); usort($articles, "pathos_sorting_byRankAscending"); $rank = 0; foreach ($articles as $article) { $article->rank = $rank; $article->category_id = 0; $db->updateObject($article, "article"); $rank++; } } $config->recalc = 0; $db->updateObject($config, 'articlemodule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); } } // Create the template $template = new template("articlemodule", $view, $loc); $template->assign("config", $config); // Get all of the categories for this Article module: $cats = array(); $cats = $db->selectObjectsIndexedArray('category', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); if ($config->enable_categories) { if (count($cats) != 0) { $template->assign('hasCategories', 1); } else { $template->assign('hasCategories', 0); } } else { $template->assign('hasCategories', 0); } $c->name = ''; $c->id = 0; uasort($cats, "pathos_sorting_byRankAscending"); $cats[0] = $c; $template->assign('categories', $cats); $data = array(); if ($config->enable_categories == true) { foreach ($cats as $id => $c) { //Get all the questions & answers for this article module. ($qnas stands for "Questions 'n Answers") $tmp = $db->selectObjects("article", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND category_id=" . $id); $catids = array_keys($cats); // for in_array check only for ($i = 0; $i < count($tmp); $i++) { if (!in_array($tmp[$i]->category_id, $catids)) { echo 'Setting cat id to 0<br />'; $tmp[$i]->category_id = 0; } } usort($tmp, "pathos_sorting_byRankAscending"); $data[$id] = $tmp; } } else { $tmp = $db->selectObjects("article", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' ORDER BY " . $config->sortfield . " " . $config->sortorder . $db->limit($config->item_limit, 0)); #usort($tmp, 'pathos_sorting_byRankAscending'); $data[0] = $tmp; } $template->assign('data', $data); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure', 'manage'), $loc); $template->assign('moduletitle', $title); //echo "<xmp>"; //print_r ($data); //echo "</xmp>"; $template->output(); }
} $canviewapproval = false; if ($user) { $canviewapproval = exponent_permissions_check("approve", $loc) || exponent_permissions_check("manage_approval", $loc); } if (!$canviewapproval) { // still not able to view foreach ($db->selectObjects("newsitem", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND (publish = 0 or publish <= " . time() . ") AND (unpublish = 0 or unpublish > " . time() . ") AND approved != 0") as $post) { if ($user && $user->id == $post->poster) { $canviewapproval = true; break; } } } $template = new template("newsmodule", isset($_GET['view']) ? $_GET['view'] : "Default", $loc); $template->register_permissions(array("administrate", "configure", "add_item", "delete_item", "edit_items", "manage_approval"), $loc); $news = $db->selectObjects("newsitem", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND (publish = 0 or publish <= " . time() . ") AND (unpublish = 0 or unpublish > " . time() . ") AND approved != 0 ORDER BY posted " . $config->sortorder); if (!defined('SYS_SORTING')) { include_once BASE . 'subsystems/sorting.php'; } usort($news, $config->sortorder == "DESC" ? "exponent_sorting_byPostedDescending" : "exponent_sorting_byPostedAscending"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($news); $i++) { $nloc = null; $nloc->mod = $loc->mod; $nloc->src = $loc->src; $nloc->int = $news[$i]->id; $news[$i]->permissions = array("edit_item" => exponent_permissions_check("edit_item", $loc) || exponent_permissions_check("edit_item", $nloc) ? 1 : 0, "delete_item" => exponent_permissions_check("delete_item", $loc) || exponent_permissions_check("delete_item", $nloc) ? 1 : 0, "administrate" => exponent_permissions_check("administrate", $loc) || exponent_permissions_check("administrate", $nloc) ? 1 : 0); } // EVIL WORKFLOW $in_approval = $db->countObjects("newsitem_wf_info", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); $template->assign("canview_approval_link", $canviewapproval);
exit(""); } $lang = null; if (isset($_GET['lang_id'])) { $lang = $db->selectObject('translation_language', 'id=' . $_GET['lang_id']); } if ($lang) { pathos_flow_set(SYS_FLOW_PROTECTED, SYS_FLOW_ACTION); $ref_constants = translatormodule::parseDictionary($_GET['type'], $_GET['name'], 'en'); $these_constants = array(); foreach ($db->selectObjects('translation_dictentry', "lang_id='" . $lang->id . "' AND dictionary='" . $_GET['type'] . '/' . $_GET['name'] . "'") as $entry) { $these_constants[$entry->constant] = $entry; } $added_constants = array_diff(array_keys($ref_constants), array_keys($these_constants)); $removed_constants = array_diff(array_keys($these_constants), array_keys($ref_constants)); $all_constants = array_merge(array_keys($these_constants), $added_constants); usort($all_constants, 'strnatcmp'); $template = new template('translatormodule', '_viewDictionary'); $template->assign('d_type', $_GET['type']); $template->assign('d_name', $_GET['name']); $template->assign('lang', $lang); $template->assign('ref_constants', $ref_constants); $template->assign('these_constants', $these_constants); $template->assign('added_constants', $added_constants); $template->assign('removed_constants', $removed_constants); $template->assign('all_constants', $all_constants); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure'), $loc); $template->output(); } else { echo SITE_404_HTML; }
function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '') { global $db, $user; $config = $db->selectObject('newsmodule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); if ($config == null) { $config->sortorder = 'ASC'; $config->sortfield = 'posted'; $config->item_limit = 10; } // Check permissions for AP link $canviewapproval = false; if ($user) { $canviewapproval = exponent_permissions_check('approve', $loc) || exponent_permissions_check('manage_approval', $loc); } if (!$canviewapproval) { // still not able to view foreach ($db->selectObjects('newsitem', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND (publish = 0 or publish <= " . time() . ") AND (unpublish = 0 or unpublish > " . time() . ') AND approved != 0') as $post) { if ($user && $user->id == $post->poster) { $canviewapproval = true; break; } } } $template = new template('newsmodule', $view, $loc); $template->assign('moduletitle', $title); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure', 'add_item', 'delete_item', 'edit_item', 'manage_approval', 'view_unpublished'), $loc); $news = $db->selectObjects('newsitem', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND (publish = 0 or publish <= " . time() . ') AND (unpublish = 0 or unpublish > ' . time() . ') AND approved != 0 ORDER BY ' . $config->sortfield . ' ' . $config->sortorder . $db->limit($config->item_limit, 0)); for ($i = 0; $i < count($news); $i++) { $news[$i]->real_posted = $news[$i]->publish != 0 ? $news[$i]->publish : $news[$i]->posted; $nloc = exponent_core_makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src, $news[$i]->id); $news[$i]->permissions = array('edit_item' => exponent_permissions_check('edit_item', $loc) || exponent_permissions_check('edit_item', $nloc) ? 1 : 0, 'delete_item' => exponent_permissions_check('delete_item', $loc) || exponent_permissions_check('delete_item', $nloc) ? 1 : 0, 'administrate' => exponent_permissions_check('administrate', $loc) || exponent_permissions_check('administrate', $nloc) ? 1 : 0); } // EVIL WORKFLOW $in_approval = $db->countObjects('newsitem_wf_info', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); $template->assign('canview_approval_link', $canviewapproval); $template->assign('in_approval', $in_approval); $template->assign('news', $news); $template->assign('morenews', count($news) < $db->countObjects('newsitem', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "' AND (publish = 0 or publish <= " . time() . ') AND (unpublish = 0 or unpublish > ' . time() . ') AND approved != 0')); $template->output(); }
function show($view, $loc = null, $title = "") { global $db; $config = $db->selectObject('linklistmodule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); if ($config == null) { $config->orderby = 'name'; $config->orderhow = 0; // Ascending } if (!defined('SYS_SORTING')) { require_once BASE . 'subsystems/sorting.php'; } $links = $db->selectObjects('linklist_link', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); switch ($config->orderhow) { case 0: usort($links, 'pathos_sorting_byNameAscending'); break; case 1: usort($links, 'pathos_sorting_byNameDescending'); break; case 2: shuffle($links); break; } $template = new template('linklistmodule', $view, $loc); $template->assign('links', $links); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure', 'create', 'edit', 'delete'), $loc); $template->output(); }
function show($view, $loc = null) { global $db; if (!defined("SYS_FORMS")) { require_once BASE . "subsystems/forms.php"; } exponent_forms_initialize(); $i18n = exponent_lang_loadFile('modules/formmodule/class.php'); if (defined("PREVIEW_READONLY") && !defined("SELECTOR")) { // Pass } else { $f = null; $f = $db->selectObject("formbuilder_form", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); if (!$f) { //Create a form if it's missing... $f->name = "New Form"; $f->description = ""; $f->location_data = serialize($loc); $f->table_name = ""; $f->is_email = 0; $f->is_saved = 0; $f->submitbtn = $i18n['default_submit']; $f->resetbtn = $i18n['default_reset']; $f->response = $i18n['default_response']; $f->subject = $i18n['default_subject']; $frmid = $db->insertObject($f, "formbuilder_form"); //Create Default Report; $rpt->name = $i18n['default_report']; $rpt->description = ""; $rpt->location_data = $f->location_data; $rpt->text = ""; $rpt->column_names = ""; $rpt->form_id = $frmid; $db->insertObject($rpt, "formbuilder_report"); $f->id = $frmid; } global $SYS_FLOW_REDIRECTIONPATH; exponent_flow_set(SYS_FLOW_PUBLIC, SYS_FLOW_ACTION); $SYS_FLOW_REDIRECTIONPATH = "editfallback"; exponent_flow_set(SYS_FLOW_PUBLIC, SYS_FLOW_ACTION); $SYS_FLOW_REDIRECTIONPATH = "exponent_default"; $floc = unserialize($f->location_data); $controls = $db->selectObjects("formbuilder_control", "form_id=" . $f->id); if (!defined("SYS_SORTING")) { require_once BASE . "subsystems/sorting.php"; } usort($controls, "exponent_sorting_byRankAscending"); $form = new form(); foreach ($controls as $c) { $ctl = unserialize($c->data); $ctl->_id = $c->id; $ctl->_readonly = $c->is_readonly; $form->register($c->name, $c->caption, $ctl); } $form->register(uniqid(""), "", new htmlcontrol("<br /><br />")); $form->register("submit", "", new buttongroupcontrol($f->submitbtn, $f->resetbtn, "")); $form->meta("action", "submit_form"); $form->meta("m", $floc->mod); $form->meta("s", $floc->src); $form->meta("i", $floc->int); $form->meta("id", $f->id); $formmsg = ''; $form->location(exponent_core_makeLocation("formbuilder", $floc->src, $floc->int)); if (count($controls) == 0) { $form->controls['submit']->disabled = true; $formmsg .= $i18n['blank_form'] . '<br>'; } if ($f->is_saved == 0 && $f->is_email == 0) { $form->controls['submit']->disabled = true; $formmsg .= $i18n['no_actions']; } $template = new template("formmodule", $view, $loc); $template->assign("formmsg", $formmsg); $template->assign("form_html", $form->toHTML($f->id)); $template->assign("form", $f); $template->register_permissions(array("administrate", "editform", "editformsettings", "editreport", "viewdata", "editdata", "deletedata"), $loc); $template->output(); } }