Esempio n. 1
  * Automatically render a menu
  * @param array $menu
  * @param integer $level
  * @return string
 protected function autoRender($menu, $level = 1)
     $tagName = $this->arguments['tagNameChildren'];
     $substElementUid = $this->arguments['substElementUid'];
     $linkCurrent = (bool) $this->arguments['linkCurrent'];
     $linkActive = (bool) $this->arguments['linkActive'];
     $showCurrent = (bool) $this->arguments['showCurrent'];
     $html = array();
     foreach ($menu as $page) {
         if ($page['current'] && !$showCurrent) {
         $class = trim($page['class']) != '' ? ' class="' . $page['class'] . '"' : '';
         $elementId = $substElementUid ? ' id="elem_' . $page['uid'] . '"' : '';
         $target = $page['target'] != '' ? ' target="' . $page['target'] . '"' : '';
         $html[] = '<' . $tagName . $elementId . $class . '>';
         if ($page['current'] && $linkCurrent === FALSE) {
             $html[] = $page['title'];
         } elseif ($page['active'] && $linkActive === FALSE) {
             $html[] = $page['title'];
         } else {
             $html[] = '<a href="' . $page['link'] . '"' . $class . $target . '>' . $page['title'] . '</a>';
         if (($page['active'] || $this->arguments['expandAll']) && $page['hasSubPages'] && $level < $this->arguments['levels']) {
             $rootLine = $this->pageSelect->getRootLine($page['uid']);
             $rootLine = $this->parseMenu($rootLine, $rootLine);
             $subMenu = $this->pageSelect->getMenu($page['uid']);
             $subMenu = $this->parseMenu($subMenu, $rootLine);
             $renderedSubMenu = $this->autoRender($subMenu, $level + 1);
             $this->tag->addAttribute('class', ($this->arguments['class'] ? $this->arguments['class'] . ' lvl-' : 'lvl-') . strval($level));
             $html[] = $this->tag->render();
             $this->tag->addAttribute('class', $this->arguments['class']);
         $html[] = '</' . $tagName . '>';
     return implode(LF, $html);
  * Returns true if there is a submenu with items for the page id, $uid
  * Used by the item states "IFSUB", "ACTIFSUB" and "CURIFSUB" to check if there is a submenu
  * @param	integer		Page uid for which to search for a submenu
  * @return	boolean		Returns true if there was a submenu with items found
  * @access private
 function isSubMenu($uid)
     // Looking for a mount-pid for this UID since if that exists we should look for a subpages THERE and not in the input $uid;
     $mount_info = $this->sys_page->getMountPointInfo($uid);
     if (is_array($mount_info)) {
         $uid = $mount_info['mount_pid'];
     $recs = $this->sys_page->getMenu($uid, 'uid,pid,doktype,mount_pid,mount_pid_ol,nav_hide,shortcut,shortcut_mode');
     foreach ($recs as $theRec) {
         if (!t3lib_div::inList($this->doktypeExcludeList, $theRec['doktype']) && (!$theRec['nav_hide'] || $this->conf['includeNotInMenu'])) {
             // If a menu item seems to be another type than 'Not in menu', then return true (there were items!)
             return TRUE;
  * Get page shortcut; Finds the records pointed to by input value $SC (the shortcut value)
  * @param	integer		The value of the "shortcut" field from the pages record
  * @param	integer		The shortcut mode: 1 and 2 will select either first subpage or random subpage; the default is the page pointed to by $SC
  * @param	integer		The current page UID of the page which is a shortcut
  * @param	integer		Safety feature which makes sure that the function is calling itself recursively max 20 times (since this function can find shortcuts to other shortcuts to other shortcuts...)
  * @param	array		An array filled with previous page uids tested by the function - new page uids are evaluated against this to avoid going in circles.
  * @return	mixed		Returns the page record of the page that the shortcut pointed to.
  * @access private
  * @see getPageAndRootline()
 function getPageShortcut($SC, $mode, $thisUid, $itera = 20, $pageLog = array())
     $idArray = t3lib_div::intExplode(',', $SC);
     // Find $page record depending on shortcut mode:
     switch ($mode) {
         case 1:
         case 2:
             $pageArray = $this->sys_page->getMenu($idArray[0] ? $idArray[0] : $thisUid, '*', 'sorting', 'AND pages.doktype<199 AND pages.doktype!=6');
             $pO = 0;
             if ($mode == 2 && count($pageArray)) {
                 // random
                 $randval = intval(rand(0, count($pageArray) - 1));
                 $pO = $randval;
             $c = 0;
             foreach ($pageArray as $pV) {
                 if ($c == $pO) {
                     $page = $pV;
             $page = $this->sys_page->getPage($idArray[0]);
     // Check if short cut page was a shortcut itself, if so look up recursively:
     if ($page['doktype'] == 4) {
         if (!in_array($page['uid'], $pageLog) && $itera > 0) {
             $pageLog[] = $page['uid'];
             $page = $this->getPageShortcut($page['shortcut'], $page['shortcut_mode'], $page['uid'], $itera - 1, $pageLog);
         } else {
             $pageLog[] = $page['uid'];
             $message = 'Page shortcuts were looping in uids ' . implode(',', $pageLog) . '...!';
             header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error');
             t3lib_div::sysLog($message, 'cms', t3lib_div::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_ERROR);
     // Return resulting page:
     return $page;