public function get_fenye($FenYe_class) { $sql1 = "select * from emp limit " . ($FenYe_class->page_now - 1) * $FenYe_class->page_display_row . "," . $FenYe_class->page_display_row; $sql2 = "select count(id) from emp"; $sqlHelper = new sqlHelper(); $sqlHelper->fenye_dql($sql1, $sql2, $FenYe_class); }
function update_mes($sender, $getter) { $sqlHelper = new sqlHelper(); $sql = "update message set mes_received = 1 where sender= '{$getter}' and getter = '{$sender}'"; $res = $sqlHelper->execute_dml($sql); return $res; }
function checkuser($user, $pw) { $sqlHelper = new sqlHelper(); $sql = "select name from member where name='" . $user . "'"; $sql1 = "select password from member where name='" . $user . "'"; $res = $sqlHelper->execute_dql($sql); $num = mysql_num_rows($res); if ($num == 0) { return 2; } else { $row = mysql_fetch_row($res); if ($row[0] == $user) { $res2 = $sqlHelper->execute_dql($sql1); if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res2)) { if ($row[0] == md5($pw)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } else { return 2; } } }
function get_fenye($fenye_class) { $sql1 = "select * from upload limit " . ($fenye_class->page_now - 1) * $fenye_class->page_display_row . "," . $fenye_class->page_display_row; $sql2 = "select count(id) from upload"; $sqlhelpter = new sqlHelper(); $sqlhelpter->fenye($sql1, $sql2, $fenye_class); }
function get_country($id) { $sqlhelper = new sqlHelper(); $sql = "select * from country where c_id=" . $id; $arr = $sqlhelper->execute_dql2($sql); //file_put_contents("d:/mylog.txt",print_r($arr),FILE_APPEND); return $arr; }
public function get_data_from_emp($page_now, $page_display_row) { $sql = "select * from emp limit " . ($page_now - 1) * $page_display_row . "," . $page_display_row; $sqlHelper = new sqlHelper(); $res = $sqlHelper->execute_dql2($sql); $sqlHelper->close_connect(); return $res; }
function getEmpListByPage($pageNow, $pageSize){ $sql="select * from empmanage limit ".$pageSize.' offset '.($pageNow-1)*$pageSize; $sqlHelper=new sqlHelper(); $res=$sqlHelper->execute_dql2($sql); //mysql_free_result($res); $sqlHelper->close_connect(); //print_r($res); return $res; }
function getMember($user) { $sqlHelper = new sqlHelper(); $sql = "select name from member where name != '" . $user . "'"; $res = $sqlHelper->execute_dql($sql); $arr = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $arr[] = $row; } return $arr; }
public function checkAdmin($id, $password) { $sql = "select password,name from admin where id=" . $id; $sqlHelper = new sqlHelper(); $res = $sqlHelper->execute_dql($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { if ($row['password'] == md5($password)) { return true; } } mysql_free_result($res); $sqlHelper->close_connect(); return false; }
function getMessage($sender, $receiver) { $sql = "select * from message where sender='{$sender}' and receiver='{$receiver}' and isGet=0"; //file_put_contents("F:/GitHub/Ajax-Practice/mylog4.log",$sql."\r\n",FILE_APPEND); $sqlHelper = new sqlHelper(); $array = $sqlHelper->execute_dql2($sql); //file_put_contents("F:/GitHub/Ajax-Practice/mylog4.log",$array."\r\n",FILE_APPEND); $messageInfo = "<meses>"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { $row = $array[$i]; $messageInfo .= "<mesid>{$row['id']}</mesid><sender>{$row['sender']}</sender><receiver>{$row['receiver']}</receiver><content>{$row['content']}</content><sendTime>{$row['sendTime']}</sendTime>"; } $messageInfo .= "</meses>"; file_put_contents("F:/GitHub/Ajax-Practice/mylog4.log", $messageInfo . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND); return $messageInfo; $sqlHelper->close_connect(); }
public function checkAdmin($id, $password) { $sql = "select password,name from admin where id=" . $id; $sqlHelper = new sqlHelper(); $res = $sqlHelper->execute_dql($sql); if ($res == false) { header("Location: /empManage/views/user/login.php?error=1"); exit; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { if ($row['password'] == md5($password)) { return true; } } mysql_free_result($res); $sqlHelper->close_connect(); return false; }
public static function firstChar(array $data = array(), DocumentParser $modx, $_DocLister, prepare_DL_Extender $_extDocLister) { $char = mb_substr($data['pagetitle'], 0, 1, 'UTF-8'); $oldChar = $_extDocLister->getStore('char'); if ($oldChar !== $char) { $sanitarInIDs = $_DocLister->sanitarIn($_DocLister->getIDs()); $where = sqlHelper::trimLogicalOp($_DocLister->getCFGDef('addWhereList', '')); $where = sqlHelper::trimLogicalOp(($where ? $where . ' AND ' : '') . $_DocLister->filtersWhere()); $where = sqlHelper::trimLogicalOp(($where ? $where . ' AND ' : '') . "SUBSTRING(c.pagetitle,1,1) = '" . $modx->db->escape($char) . "'"); if ($_DocLister->getCFGDef('idType', 'parents') == 'parents') { if ($where != '') { $where .= " AND "; } $where = "WHERE {$where} c.parent IN (" . $sanitarInIDs . ")"; if (!$_DocLister->getCFGDef('showNoPublish', 0)) { $where .= " AND c.deleted=0 AND c.published=1"; } } else { if ($sanitarInIDs != "''") { $where .= ($where ? " AND " : "") . " IN ({$sanitarInIDs}) AND"; } $where = sqlHelper::trimLogicalOp($where); if ($_DocLister->getCFGDef('showNoPublish', 0)) { if ($where != '') { $where = "WHERE {$where}"; } } else { if ($where != '') { $where = "WHERE {$where} AND "; } else { $where = "WHERE {$where} "; } $where .= "c.deleted=0 AND c.published=1"; } } $q = $_DocLister->dbQuery("SELECT count( as total FROM " . $_DocLister->getTable('site_content', 'c') . " " . $where); $total = $modx->db->getValue($q); $data['OnNewChar'] = $_DocLister->parseChunk($_DocLister->getCFGDef('tplOnNewChar'), compact("char", "total")); $_extDocLister->setStore('char', $char); if ($oldChar !== null) { $data['CharSeparator'] = $_DocLister->parseChunk($_DocLister->getCFGDef('tplCharSeparator'), compact("char", "total")); } } return $data; }
/** * Экранирование строки в SQL запросе LIKE * @see: * * @param DocumentParser $modx * @param string $field поле по которому осуществляется поиск * @param string $value искомое значение * @param string $escape экранирующий символ * @param string $tpl шаблон подстановки значения в SQL запрос * @return string строка для подстановки в SQL запрос */ public static function LikeEscape($modx, $field, $value, $escape = '=', $tpl = '%[+value+]%') { $str = ''; $escaped = false; if (!empty($field) && is_string($field) && is_scalar($value) && $value !== '') { $field = sqlHelper::tildeField($field); if (is_scalar($escape) && !empty($escape) && !in_array($escape, array("_", "%", "'"))) { $str = str_replace(array($escape, '_', '%'), array($escape . $escape, $escape . '_', $escape . '%'), $value); $escaped = true; } $str = $modx->db->escape($str); $str = str_replace('[+value+]', $str, $tpl); if ($escaped) { $str = "{$field} LIKE '{$str}' ESCAPE '{$escape}'"; } else { $str = "{$field} LIKE '{$str}'"; } } return $str; }
<?php require_once '../../conn/conn.php'; require_once '../../conn/sqlHelper.php'; $sqlhelper = new sqlHelper(); $id = $_SESSION["role"]; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title> 添加商场</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="author" content="liuxiao@WiiPu --" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/style2.css" type="text/css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/jquery.datetimepicker.css"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery-1.6.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/upload.js"></script> </head> <body> <div class="bgintor"> <div class="tit1"> <ul> <li><a href="#">添加商场</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="listintor"> <div class="header1"><img src="../images/square.gif" width="6" height="6" alt="" /> <span>位置:商场管理 -> <strong>添加商场</strong></span> </div> <div class="fromcontent"> <form action="add_mall_do.php" method="post" id="doForm">
/** * Экранирование строки в SQL запросе LIKE * @see: * * @param string $field поле по которому осуществляется поиск * @param string $value искомое значение * @param string $escape экранирующий символ * @param string $tpl шаблон подстановки значения в SQL запрос * @return string строка для подстановки в SQL запрос */ public function LikeEscape($field, $value, $escape = '=', $tpl = '%[+value+]%') { return sqlHelper::LikeEscape($this->modx, $field, $value, $escape, $tpl); }
/** * @TODO: 3) Формирование ленты в случайном порядке (если отключена пагинация и есть соответствующий запрос) * @TODO: 5) Добавить фильтрацию по основным параметрам документа */ protected function getChildrenList() { $where = array(); $out = array(); $tmpWhere = $this->getCFGDef('addWhereList', ''); $tmpWhere = sqlHelper::trimLogicalOp($tmpWhere); if (!empty($tmpWhere)) { $where[] = $tmpWhere; } $tmpWhere = sqlHelper::trimLogicalOp($this->_filters['where']); if (!empty($tmpWhere)) { $where[] = $tmpWhere; } $tbl_site_content = $this->getTable('site_content', 'c'); $sort = $this->SortOrderSQL("if(c.pub_date=0,c.createdon,c.pub_date)"); list($from, $sort) = $this->injectSortByTV($tbl_site_content . ' ' . $this->_filters['join'], $sort); $sanitarInIDs = $this->sanitarIn($this->IDs); $tmpWhere = null; if ($sanitarInIDs != "''") { switch ($this->getCFGDef('showParent', '0')) { case '-1': $tmpWhere = "c.parent IN (" . $sanitarInIDs . ")"; break; case 0: $tmpWhere = "c.parent IN (" . $sanitarInIDs . ") AND NOT IN(" . $sanitarInIDs . ")"; break; case 1: default: $tmpWhere = "(c.parent IN (" . $sanitarInIDs . ") OR IN({$sanitarInIDs}))"; break; } } if (($addDocs = $this->getCFGDef('documents', '')) != '') { $addDocs = $this->sanitarIn($this->cleanIDs($addDocs)); if (empty($tmpWhere)) { $tmpWhere = " IN({$addDocs})"; } else { $tmpWhere = "((" . $tmpWhere . ") OR IN({$addDocs}))"; } } if (!empty($tmpWhere)) { $where[] = $tmpWhere; } if (!$this->getCFGDef('showNoPublish', 0)) { $where[] = "c.deleted=0 AND c.published=1"; } if (!empty($where)) { $where = "WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where); } else { $where = ''; } $fields = $this->getCFGDef('selectFields', 'c.*'); $group = $this->getGroupSQL($this->getCFGDef('groupBy', '')); if ($sanitarInIDs != "''" || $this->getCFGDef('ignoreEmpty', '0')) { $sql = $this->dbQuery("SELECT {$fields} FROM " . $from . " " . $where . " " . $group . " " . $sort . " " . $this->LimitSQL($this->getCFGDef('queryLimit', 0))); $rows = $this->modx->db->makeArray($sql); foreach ($rows as $item) { $out[$item['id']] = $item; } } return $out; }
/** * Конструктор условий для WHERE секции * * @param $table_alias алиас таблицы * @param $field поле для фильтрации * @param $operator оператор сопоставления * @param $value искомое значение * @return string */ protected function build_sql_where($table_alias, $field, $operator, $value) { $this->DocLister->debug->debug('Build SQL query for filters: ' . $this->DocLister->debug->dumpData(func_get_args()), 'buildQuery', 2); $output = sqlHelper::tildeField($field, $table_alias); switch ($operator) { case '=': case 'eq': case 'is': $output .= " = '" . $this->modx->db->escape($value) . "'"; break; case '!=': case 'no': case 'isnot': $output .= " != '" . $this->modx->db->escape($value) . "'"; break; case '>': case 'gt': $output .= ' > ' . str_replace(',', '.', floatval($value)); break; case '<': case 'lt': $output .= ' < ' . str_replace(',', '.', floatval($value)); break; case '<=': case 'elt': $output .= ' <= ' . str_replace(',', '.', floatval($value)); break; case '>=': case 'egt': $output .= ' >= ' . str_replace(',', '.', floatval($value)); break; case '%': case 'like': $output = $this->DocLister->LikeEscape($output, $value); break; case 'like-r': $output = $this->DocLister->LikeEscape($output, $value, '=', '[+value+]%'); break; case 'like-l': $output = $this->DocLister->LikeEscape($output, $value, '=', '%[+value+]'); break; case 'regexp': $output .= " REGEXP '" . $this->modx->db->escape($value) . "'"; break; case 'against': /** content:pagetitle,description,content,introtext:against:искомая строка */ if (trim($value) != '') { $field = explode(",", $this->field); $field = implode(",", $this->DocLister->renameKeyArr($field, $this->getTableAlias())); $output = "MATCH ({$field}) AGAINST ('{$this->modx->db->escape($value)}*')"; } break; case 'containsOne': $words = explode($this->DocLister->getCFGDef('filter_delimiter', ','), $value); $word_arr = array(); foreach ($words as $word) { /** * $word оставляю без trim, т.к. мало ли, вдруг важно найти не просто слово, а именно его начало * Т.е. хочется найти не слово содержащее $word, а начинающееся с $word. Для примера: * искомый $word = " когда". С trim найдем "...мне некогда..." и "...тут когда-то..."; * Без trim будт обнаружено только "...тут когда-то..." */ $word_arr[] = $this->DocLister->LikeEscape($output, $word); } if (!empty($word_arr)) { $output = '(' . implode(' OR ', $word_arr) . ')'; } else { $output = ''; } break; case 'in': $output .= ' IN(' . $this->DocLister->sanitarIn($value, ',', true) . ')'; break; case 'notin': $output .= ' NOT IN(' . $this->DocLister->sanitarIn($value, ',', true) . ')'; break; default: $output = ''; } $this->DocLister->debug->debugEnd("buildQuery"); return $output; }
public function del_emp_by_id($id) { $sqlHelper = new sqlHelper(); $sql = "delete from emp where id=" . $id; return $sqlHelper->execute_dml($sql); }
protected function getChildrenList() { $where = array(); $out = array(); $tmpWhere = $this->getCFGDef('addWhereList', ''); $tmpWhere = sqlHelper::trimLogicalOp($tmpWhere); if (!empty($tmpWhere)) { $where[] = $tmpWhere; } $sanitarInIDs = $this->sanitarIn($this->IDs); $tmpWhere = null; if ($sanitarInIDs != "''") { $tmpWhere = "(`{$this->getParentField()}` IN (" . $sanitarInIDs . ")"; switch ($this->getCFGDef('showParent', '0')) { case -1: $tmpWhere .= ")"; break; case 0: $tmpWhere .= " AND `{$this->getPK()}` NOT IN(" . $sanitarInIDs . "))"; break; case 1: default: $tmpWhere .= " OR `{$this->getPK()}` IN({$sanitarInIDs}))"; break; } } if (($addDocs = $this->getCFGDef('documents', '')) != '') { $addDocs = $this->sanitarIn($this->cleanIDs($addDocs)); if (empty($tmpWhere)) { $tmpWhere = $this->getPK() . " IN({$addDocs})"; } else { $tmpWhere = "((" . $tmpWhere . ") OR {$this->getPK()} IN({$addDocs}))"; } } if (!empty($tmpWhere)) { $where[] = $tmpWhere; } if (!empty($where)) { $where = "WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where); } else { $where = ''; } $fields = $this->getCFGDef('selectFields', '*'); $group = $this->getGroupSQL($this->getCFGDef('groupBy', "`{$this->getPK()}`")); if ($sanitarInIDs != "''" || $this->getCFGDef('ignoreEmpty', '0')) { $sql = $this->dbQuery("SELECT {$fields} FROM " . $this->table . " " . $where . " " . $group . " " . $this->SortOrderSQL($this->getPK()) . " " . $this->LimitSQL($this->getCFGDef('queryLimit', 0))); $rows = $this->modx->db->makeArray($sql); foreach ($rows as $item) { $out[$item[$this->getPK()]] = $item; } } return $out; }
<?php require_once 'sqlHelper.php'; $sql = "select password,name from admin where id=fff"; $sqlHelper = new sqlHelper(); $res = $sqlHelper->execute_dql($sql); var_dump($res);
$action = "regexp"; $char = "^[{$char}]"; } else { $char = null; } } } if (is_null($char)) { $modx->sendErrorPage(); } $p =& $modx->event->params; if (!is_array($p)) { $p = array(); } if (!empty($loadfilter)) { $field = explode(".", $field); $field = end($field); if (!empty($p['filters'])) { $p['filters'] = rtrim(trim($p['filters']), ";") . ";"; } $p['filters'] = "AND({$loadfilter}:{$field}:{$action}:{$char})"; } else { $field = sqlHelper::tildeField($field); if ($action == 'regexp') { $where = $field . " REGEXP '" . $modx->db->escape($char) . "'"; } else { $where = sqlHelper::LikeEscape($modx, $field, $char, '=', '[+value+]%'); } $p['addWhereList'] = empty($p['addWhereList']) ? $where : sqlHelper::trimLogicalOp($p['addWhereList']) . " AND " . $where; } return $modx->runSnippet("DocLister", $p);
public function dql_update_emp($id, $name, $grade, $email, $salary) { $sql = "update emp set name='{$name}',grade={$grade},email='{$email}',salary={$salary} where id =" . $id; $sqlHelper = new sqlHelper(); return $sqlHelper->execute_dml($sql); }
<?php include_once '../../conn/sqlHelper.php'; $sqlhelper = new sqlHelper(); $province_name = $_POST['province_name']; $city_name = $_POST['city_name']; $sql = "select county_name,county_code from county where province_name='" . $province_name . "' and city_name='" . $city_name . "'"; $arr = $sqlhelper->execute_more($sql); $data = json_encode($arr); echo $data;
<?php require_once '../../conn/conn.php'; require_once '../../conn/sqlHelper.php'; $sqlhelper = new sqlHelper(); $role = $_SESSION["role"]; $mall_id = $_GET["mall_id"]; $select = "select * from mall where id='{$mall_id}'"; $result = mysql_query($select); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $province = $row["province"]; $city = $row["city"]; $county = $row["county"]; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title> 商场管理</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="author" content="liuxiao@WiiPu --" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/style2.css" type="text/css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/jquery.datetimepicker.css"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery-1.6.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/upload.js"></script> </head> <body> <div class="bgintor"> <div class="tit1"> <ul> <li><a href="#">商场管理</a> </li> </ul>