function getUrl() { $remoteNode = sotf_Node::getNodeById($this->get('node_id')); if ($remoteNode) { return $remoteNode->get('url'); } return $this->get('pending_url'); }
/** static */ function getHomeNodeRootUrl($obj) { if ($obj->isLocal()) { global $config; return $config['rootUrl']; } else { $node = sotf_Node::getNodeById($obj->getNodeId()); if (!$node) { raiseError("Could not find home node for programme: " . $obj->id); } return $node->get('url'); } }
function addProg($prg, $fileid = '') { if (empty($fileid)) { // find a file to listen $fileid = $prg->selectFileToListen(); if (!$fileid) { raiseError("no_file_to_listen"); } } $file = new sotf_NodeObject("sotf_media_files", $fileid); if (!$prg->isLocal()) { $node = sotf_Node::getNodeById($file->getNodeId()); $path = $node->get('url') . "/listen.php?id=" . $prg->id . "&fileid=" . $file->id; $this->add(array('path' => $path, 'url' => $path)); return; } if ($prg->get('published') != 't' || $file->get('stream_access') != 't') { raiseError("no_listen_access"); } $filepath = $prg->getFilePath($file); $index = sotf_AudioCheck::getRequestIndex(new sotf_AudioFile($filepath)); debug("audio index", $index); if (!$index) { $index = '0'; } // add jingle for station (if exists) $station = $prg->getStation(); $jfile = $station->getJingle($index); if ($jfile) { $this->add(array('id' => $station->id, 'path' => $jfile, 'jingle' => 1, 'name' => 'station_jingle')); } // add jingle for series (if exists) $series = $prg->getSeries(); if ($series) { $jfile = $series->getJingle($index); if ($jfile) { $this->add(array('id' => $series->id, 'path' => $jfile, 'jingle' => 1, 'name' => 'series_jingle')); } } // add program file $filepath = $prg->getFilePath($file); $this->add(array('id' => $prg->id, 'path' => $filepath, 'name' => urlencode($prg->get('title')))); // temp: set title $title = $prg->get("title"); $title = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '_', $title); $this->name = urlencode($title); // save stats $prg->addStat($file->get('id'), 'listens'); }
$page->addStatusMsg($msg, false); $page->redirect("admin.php"); exit; } // generate output $localNode = sotf_Node::getLocalNode(); if (!$localNode) { $localNode = new sotf_Node(); $localNode->set('node_id', $nodeId); $localNode->set('name', $nodeName); $localNode->set('url', $rootdir); $localNode->create(); } $smarty->assign("LOCAL_NODE", $localNode->getAll()); // nodes //$nodes = sotf_Node::countAll(); //$smarty->assign('NODES',$nodeData); // neighbours $neighbours = sotf_Neighbour::listAll(); while (list(, $nei) = each($neighbours)) { $node = sotf_Node::getNodeById($nei->get('node_id')); $data = $nei->getAll(); if ($node) { $data['node'] = $node->getAll(); } $neighbourData[] = $data; } $smarty->assign('NEIGHBOURS', $neighbourData); // user permissions: editors and managers $smarty->assign('PERMISSIONS', $permissions->listUsersAndPermissionsLocalized('node')); $page->send();
require ""; $smarty->assign('PAGETITLE', $page->getlocalized('AdminPage')); $page->forceLogin(); $page->popup = true; $page->errorURL = "createNeighbour.php"; if (!hasPerm('node', "change")) { raiseError("You have no permission to change node settings!"); } $url = sotf_Utils::getParameter('url'); $nid = sotf_Utils::getParameter('node_id'); // $createNew = sotf_Utils::getParameter('create_new_node'); if ($createNew) { if (!$url) { $page->addStatusMsg('no_url_given'); } elseif (sotf_Node::getNodeById($nid)) { $page->addStatusMsg('node_id_occupied'); } else { $neighbor = new sotf_Neighbour(); $neighbor->set('node_id', $nid); $neighbor->set('use_for_outgoing', 'f'); $neighbor->set('accept_incoming', 't'); $neighbor->set('pending_url', $url); $neighbor->create(); $page->redirect("closeAndRefresh.php?anchor=network"); exit; } $page->redirect("createNeighbour.php?node_id={$nid}&url=" . urlencode($url) . "#network"); exit; } // generate output
function forwardResp($params) { debug("incoming FORWARD request"); $chunkInfo = xmlrpc_decoder($params->getParam(0)); $fromNode = $chunkInfo['from_node']; $objects = xmlrpc_decoder($params->getParam(1)); $node = sotf_Node::getNodeById($fromNode); if (!$node) { logError("No access: you are not in my node list!"); return new xmlrpcresp(0, XMLRPC_ERR_NO_ACCESS, "No access: you are not in my node list!"); } $msg = checkAccess($node->get('url'), $fromNode); if ($msg) { logError($msg); return new xmlrpcresp(0, XMLRPC_ERR_NO_ACCESS, "No access: {$msg}!"); } $retval = $node->forwardResponse($chunkInfo, $objects); // send response $retval = xmlrpc_encoder($retval); return new xmlrpcresp($retval); }
function sync($console = false) { global $db, $page, $config; $remoteId = $this->get('node_id'); if (!$console && $this->get('use_for_outgoing') != 't') { debug("node {$remoteId} is not used for outgoing sync"); return; } debug("SYNCing with ", $this->get("node_id")); $rpc = new rpc_Utils(); if ($config['debug']) { $rpc->debug = true; } $timestamp = $db->getTimestampTz(); $url = $this->getUrl(); // remove trailing '/' while (substr($url, -1) == '/') { $url = substr($url, 0, -1); } // collect local data to send $localNode = sotf_Node::getLocalNode(); // check if url is correct... if ($localNode->get('url') != $config['rootUrl']) { $localNode->set('url', $config['rootUrl']); $localNode->update(); } //debug("localNode", $localNode); //debug("neighbour", $this); $localNodeData = $localNode->getAll(); // calculate chunking $thisChunk = 1; // do XML-RPC conversation $objectsSent = 0; $more = sotf_NodeObject::countModifiedObjects($remoteId); if (!$more) { debug("No new objects to send"); } while ($more) { $db->begin(true); $modifiedObjects = sotf_NodeObject::getModifiedObjects($remoteId, $this->objectsPerRPCRequest); $remaining = sotf_NodeObject::countModifiedObjects($remoteId); if (count($modifiedObjects) == 0 && $remaining > 0) { logError("DATA integrity problem", "{$remaining} objects remained in sotf_object_status after sync"); } if ($remaining == 0 || count($modifiedObjects) == 0) { $more = false; } else { $more = true; } $chunkInfo = array('this_chunk' => $thisChunk, 'node' => $localNodeData, 'objects_remaining' => $remaining); debug("chunk info", $chunkInfo); debug("number of sent objects", count($modifiedObjects)); $objectsSent = $objectsSent + count($modifiedObjects); $objs = array($chunkInfo, $modifiedObjects); $response = $rpc->call($url . "/xmlrpcServer.php/sync/{$thisChunk}", 'sotf.sync', $objs); // error handling $replyInfo = $response[0]; debug("replyInfo", $replyInfo); if (is_null($response) || $replyInfo['error']) { $this->set('errors', $this->get('errors') + 1); $this->update(); $db->rollback(); return; } $db->commit(); // save received data $thisChunk++; } debug("total number of objects sent", $objectsSent); //$this->log($console, "number of updated objects: " .count($updatedObjects)); // save node and neighbour stats if ($error) { $this->set('errors', $this->get('errors') + 1); } else { $this->set('success', $this->get('success') + 1); } $this->set('last_sync_out', $timestamp); $localNode->set('last_sync_out', $timestamp); // take out from pending nodes if ($this->get('pending_url')) { $remoteNode = sotf_Node::getNodeById($remoteId); // TODO: problem is that if this is first sync or one-way connection, then object fro remote node may not exist if ($remoteNode) { $this->set('pending_url', ''); } $localNode->set('neighbours', $this->getNeighbourString()); } $this->update(); $localNode->update(); }
* $Id: editNeighbour.php 339 2003-12-03 08:39:25Z andras $ * Created for the StreamOnTheFly project (IST-2001-32226) * Authors: András Micsik, Máté Pataki, Tamás Déri * at MTA SZTAKI DSD, */ require ""; $smarty->assign('PAGETITLE', $page->getlocalized('AdminPage')); $page->forceLogin(); $page->popup = true; $page->errorURL = "editNeighbour.php"; checkPerm('node', "change"); $nid = sotf_Utils::getParameter('nodeid'); $nei = sotf_Neighbour::getById($nid); if (!$nei) { raiseError("No such node: {$nid}"); } // save changes if (sotf_Utils::getParameter('save')) { $nei->set('use_for_outgoing', sotf_Utils::getParameter('use_out') ? 't' : 'f'); $nei->set('accept_incoming', sotf_Utils::getParameter('use_in') ? 't' : 'f'); $nei->update(); $page->redirect("closeAndRefresh.php?anchor=network"); exit; } // generate output $node = sotf_Node::getNodeById($nid); if ($node) { $smarty->assign('NODE', $node->getAll()); } $smarty->assign('NEI', $nei->getAll()); $page->sendPopup();
/** * @method static getLocalNode */ function getLocalNode() { global $db, $nodeId; return sotf_Node::getNodeById($nodeId); }
/** * @method static getLocalNode */ function getLocalNode() { global $db, $config; return sotf_Node::getNodeById($config['nodeId']); }