<?php // -*- tab-width: 3; indent-tabs-mode: 1; -*- /* * $Id: admin.php 554 2006-04-12 10:37:20Z buddhafly $ * Authors: András Micsik */ require "init.inc.php"; $smarty->assign('PAGETITLE', $page->getlocalized('AdminPage')); $page->forceLogin(); //$page->errorURL = "admin.php"; checkPerm('node', 'change'); $actionsToCount = "'listens','downloads'"; $sql = "SELECT p.id, p.title, s.id AS station_id, s.name AS station_name, count(distinct h.user_id) as count FROM sotf_programmes p, sotf_stations s, sotf_user_history h WHERE p.station_id=s.id AND p.id=h.object_id AND h.action IN ({$actionsToCount}) GROUP BY p.id, p.title, s.id, s.name ORDER BY count DESC"; $count = $db->getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ({$sql}) s"); $limit = $page->splitList($count, $scriptUrl); $res = $db->limitQuery($sql, $limit["from"], $limit["maxresults"]); if (DB::isError($res)) { raiseError($res); } $results = null; while (DB_OK === $res->fetchInto($row)) { $row['groups'] = sotf_Group::listGroupsOfObject($row['id']); $results[] = $row; } debug("TOPLIST", $results); $smarty->assign('TOPLIST', $results); $page->send();
$smarty->assign('REFS', $prg->getRefs()); // statistics $smarty->assign('STATS', $prg->getStats()); // add this visit to statistics $prg->addStat('', "visits"); // rating $rating = new sotf_Rating(); $smarty->assign('RATING', $rating->getInstantRating($id)); // my rating? $myRating = $rating->getMyRating($id); debug("r", $myRating); $smarty->assign('MY_RATING', $myRating); if (nodeConfig('payableMode')) { $smarty->assign('CURRENCY', $config['currency']); if (!$prg->isFree()) { $smarty->assign('LISTEN_GROUPS', sotf_Group::listGroupsOfObject($id, 'listen')); } } if ($page->loggedIn()) { // is in my playlist? $smarty->assign('inplaylist', sotf_UserPlaylist::contains($id)); } } $db->commit(); // online counter for statistics if ($config['counterMode']) { $chCounter_status = 'active'; $chCounter_visible = 0; $chCounter_page_title = 'Programm-Detailansicht - get.php'; include $config['counterURL']; }