Esempio n. 1
                //-- recuperation des infos de planches
                $objSmartgang->getPapierBrochure($pnIdCommande, $pnIdPlanche);
                //-- add format "BROCHURE" if needed
                $resu_info = $objSmartgang->getInfoPlanche($pnIdPlanche);
                //-- recup info planche
                //-- create Fiche de fab negoce PDF
                //-- genere le xml de la fiche de fab
                //-- wait 120sec to be sur that all the files are copied
                //-- appel au script de déplacement des fichiers dans IMPORTS
                $objSmartgang->getRenameImport($pnIdPlanche, $pnIdCommande);
                //-- rename IMPORTS
                if ($pnIdPlanche > 0) {
                    $resu_negoce = $objSmartgang->execMsSql("SELECT\n     CONVERT(CHAR(11),TP.DateExpeditionUrgente, 13) AS DateExp\n     , TP.IDAtelier AS IDAtelier\n     , TA.Code AS CodeAtelier\n FROM\n     dbo.TBL_PLANCHE AS TP\n     JOIN TBL_ATELIER AS TA ON TP.IDAtelier = TA.IDAtelier\n WHERE\n     TP.IDPlanche = '{$pnIdPlanche}'");
                    $pdDateExpe = $resu_negoce[0]->DateExp;
                    $idatelier = $resu_negoce[0]->IDAtelier;
                    $psCodeAtelier = $resu_negoce[0]->CodeAtelier;
                    $objSmartgang->logFile(basename(__FILE__), "script", "OK ", ": Commande -> {$pnIdCommande} | IdPlanche => {$pnIdPlanche} | DateExp -> {$pdDateExpe} | Atelier : {$psCodeAtelier}");
                    //-- create Fiche de fab retirage PDF
    $end = $objSmartgang->getmicrotime();
    $objSmartgang->logFile(basename(__FILE__), "script", "END", ": executed in " . round($end - $start, 5) . "sec\n");
    echo "{$pnIdPlanche}|{$pnIdCommande}|{$pdDateExpe}";