Esempio n. 1

/* $Id$ */
header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8");
print "<" . "?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"  ?" . ">\n";
<rss version="2.0">
// First round of error checking
$error = FALSE;
// Do some checking to make sure that we have valid parts we are looking for.
if (get_class($thisSite) == 'site' && slot::exists($thisSite->name)) {
    $site = $thisSite->name;
} else {
    if ($thisSite) {
        print "The requested site does not exist. Please update your link.";
        $error = TRUE;
if (!$error) {
    if (get_class($thisSection) == 'section') {
        $section = $thisSection->id;
    } else {
        if ($thisSection || $_REQUEST['section'] && !in_array($_REQUEST['section'], $thisSite->getField('sections'))) {
            print "The requested section does not exist. Please update your link.";
Esempio n. 2
 * Build an array of all of the sites and slots that the user
 * is either the owner of or an editor (has permission add, edit, and delete) of
function allSitesSlots($user)
    global $classes, $usersFutureClasses;
    $allsites = array();
    // The user's personal site
    if ($user == slot::getOwner($user) || !slot::exists($user)) {
        $allsites[$user] = array();
        $allsites[$user]['slot_name'] = $user;
        $allsites[$user]['slot_type'] = 'personal';
        $allsites[$user]['owner_uname'] = $user;
        $allsites[$user]['site_exits'] = false;
    // Add slots that the user is an owner of.
    // This will include all of the created sites as well
    $allsites = array_merge($allsites, $slots);
    // Add the sites that the user is a Site-Level Editor for.
    $allsites = array_merge($allsites, segue::getSiteInfoWhereUserIsSiteLevelEditor($user));
    $sitesEditorOf = segue::getSiteInfoWhereUserIsSiteLevelEditor($user);
    $usersAllClasses = array();
    if ($_SESSION[atype] == 'prof') {
        foreach ($classes as $n => $v) {
            $usersAllClasses[] = $n;
        foreach ($usersFutureClasses as $n => $v) {
            $usersAllClasses[] = $n;
    $allsites = array_unique(array_merge($allsites, $usersAllClasses, $sitesOwnerOf, $sitesEditorOf, $slots));
    $allGroups = group::getGroupsOwnedBy($user);
    $sitesInGroups = array();
    foreach ($allGroups as $n => $g) {
        $sitesInGroups = array_unique(array_merge($sitesInGroups, group::getClassesFromName($g)));
    foreach ($allsites as $n => $site) {
        if (!in_array($site, $sitesInGroups)) {
            $allsites2[] = $site;
    $allsites = array_merge($allsites2, $allGroups);
    /*	print "<pre>"; print_r($usersAllClasses); print "</pre>"; */
    $sites = array();
    $slots = array();
    foreach ($allsites as $n => $site) {
        $siteObj =& new site($site);
        $exists = $siteObj->fetchFromDB();
        if ($exists) {
            $sites[] = $site;
        } else {
            $slots[] = $site;
    return array($sites, $slots);
Esempio n. 3
    if ($_SESSION[settings][step] == 5 && !$_REQUEST[link]) {
        $_SESSION[siteObj]->setField("footer", $_REQUEST[footer]);
    if ($_REQUEST[copyfooter]) {
        $_SESSION[siteObj]->setField("header", $_SESSION[siteObj]->getField("footer"));
    if ($_REQUEST[copyheader]) {
        $_SESSION[siteObj]->setField("footer", $_SESSION[siteObj]->getField("header"));
if (!isset($_SESSION["settings"]) || !isset($_SESSION["siteObj"])) {
    // create the settings array with default values. $settings must be passed along with each link.
    // The array will be saved on clicking a save button.
    $_SESSION[settings] = array("sitename" => $_REQUEST[sitename], "add" => 0, "edit" => 0, "step" => 1, "recursiveenable" => "", "copydownpermissions" => "", "template" => "template0", "comingFrom" => $_REQUEST[comingFrom]);
    $_SESSION[siteObj] =& new site($_REQUEST[sitename]);
    if (slot::exists($_REQUEST[sitename])) {
        $slotObj = new slot($_REQUEST[sitename]);
        $_SESSION[siteObj]->setField("type", $slotObj->getField("type"));
    } else {
        if (isclass($_REQUEST[sitename])) {
            $_SESSION[siteObj]->setField("type", "class");
        } else {
            if (!$_SESSION[siteObj]->getField("type") || $_SESSION[siteObj]->getField("type") == "") {
                $_SESSION[siteObj]->setField("type", "personal");
    $_SESSION[settings][className] = $_REQUEST[sitename];
    if ($_REQUEST[action] == 'add_site') {
        $_SESSION[settings][add] = 1;
        $_SESSION[settings][edit] = 0;
Esempio n. 4
 function insertDB()
     global $error;
     if (segue::siteExists($this->name) || slot::exists($this->name, 0)) {
         error("That site name, " . $this->name . ", is already in use.");
     if (!ereg("^([0-9a-zA-Z_.-]{0,})\$", $this->name)) {
         error("Your slot name is invalid. It may only contain alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' and '.'");
     if (!$error) {
         // get id for owner of slot
         $query = "SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE user_uname = '" . addslashes($this->owner) . "'";
         /* 			echo $query."<br />"; */
         $r = db_query($query);
         if (!db_num_rows($r)) {
             return false;
         $a = db_fetch_assoc($r);
         $owner_id = $a[user_id];
         if ($this->site) {
             $site = "'" . addslashes($this->site) . "'";
         } else {
             $site = "NULL";
         if ($this->assocSite) {
             // get id for assoc_site of slot
             $query = "SELECT slot_id FROM slot WHERE slot_name = '" . addslashes($this->assocSite) . "'";
             /* 				echo $query."<br />"; */
             $r = db_query($query);
             $a = db_fetch_assoc($r);
             $assocSite = "'" . addslashes($a[slot_id]) . "'";
         } else {
             $assocSite = "NULL";
         if (preg_match('/^[0-9]*$/', $this->uploadlimit)) {
             $uploadLimit = $this->uploadlimit;
         } else {
             $uploadLimit = "NULL";
         if (!$this->name) {
             error("Slot name not specified. Please notify the administrator of the steps that took you to this point.");
             print "Slot name not specified. Please notify the administrator of the steps that took you to this point.";
         $query = "\n\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO \n\t\t\t\t\tslot \n\t\t\t\tSET \n\t\t\t\t\tFK_owner= '" . addslashes($owner_id) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tslot_name='" . addslashes($this->name) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tslot_type='" . addslashes($this->type) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tFK_site=" . $site . ",\n\t\t\t\t\tFK_assocsite=" . $assocSite . ",\n\t\t\t\t\tslot_uploadlimit=" . $this->uploadlimit . "\n\t\t\t";
         /* 			print $query; */
         echo mysql_error();
Esempio n. 5
 function insertDB($down = 0, $copysite = 0, $importing = 0, $keepDiscussions = 0)
     $a = $this->createSQLArray(1);
     if (!$importing) {
         $a[] = "FK_createdby='" . addslashes($_SESSION[aid]) . "'";
         $a[] = $this->_datafields[addedtimestamp][1][0] . "=NOW()";
         $a[] = "FK_updatedby='" . addslashes($_SESSION[aid]) . "'";
     } else {
         $a[] = "FK_createdby=" . db_get_value("user", "user_id", "user_uname='" . addslashes($this->data[addedby]) . "'");
         $a[] = $this->_datafields[addedtimestamp][1][0] . "='" . addslashes($this->getField("addedtimestamp")) . "'";
         $a[] = "FK_updatedby=" . db_get_value("user", "user_id", "user_uname='" . addslashes($this->data[editedby]) . "'");
         $a[] = $this->_datafields[editedtimestamp][1][0] . "='" . addslashes($this->getField("editedtimestamp")) . "'";
     // insert into the site table
     $query = "INSERT INTO site SET " . implode(",", $a) . ";";
     /*  		print "<br />query = $query<br />"; */
     $this->id = lastid();
     /* 		print "<H1>ID = ".$this->id."</H1>"; */
     // in order to insert a site, the active user must own a slot
     // update the name for that slot
     if (slot::exists($this->data[name])) {
         $query = "UPDATE slot";
         $where = " WHERE slot_name = '" . addslashes($this->data[name]) . "' AND FK_owner = '" . addslashes($_SESSION[aid]) . "'";
     } else {
         $query = "INSERT INTO slot";
         $where = "";
     $query .= " \n\t\t\tSET \n\t\t\t\tslot_name = '" . addslashes($this->data[name]) . "',\n\t\t\t\tFK_owner = '" . addslashes($_SESSION[aid]) . "',\n\t\t\t\tslot_type = '" . addslashes($this->data[type]) . "',\n\t\t\t\tFK_site = '" . addslashes($this->id) . "'" . $where;
     /* 		echo $query."<br />"; */
     // See if there is a site hash (meaning that we are being copied).
     // If so, try to match our id with the hash entry for 'NEXT'.
     if ($GLOBALS['__site_hash']['site'] && ($oldId = array_search('NEXT', $GLOBALS['__site_hash']['site']))) {
         $GLOBALS['__site_hash']['site'][$oldId] = $this->name;
     // the sections haven't been created yet, so we don't have to insert data[sections] for now
     // add new permissions entry.. force update
     // add log entry
     /* 		log_entry("add_site",$this->name,"","","$_SESSION[auser] added ".$this->name); */
     // insert down (insert sections)
     if ($down && $this->fetcheddown && $this->sections) {
         foreach (array_keys($this->sections) as $id) {
             // Mark our Id as the next one to set
             if (is_array($GLOBALS['__site_hash']['sections'])) {
                 $GLOBALS['__site_hash']['sections'][$id] = 'NEXT';
             $this->sections[$id]->id = 0;
             // createSQLArray uses this to tell if we are inserting or updating
             $this->sections[$id]->insertDB(1, $this->name, $copysite, $importing, $keepDiscussions);
     return 1;
Esempio n. 6
$curraction = $_REQUEST['action'];
//$default_uploadlimit = $userdirlimit/1048576;
// if they want to delete a slot
if ($curraction == 'del') {
    $id = $_REQUEST['id'];
    if ($id > 0) {
        // delete a slot
        $slotObj = new slot("", "", "", "", $id);
        $message = "Slot ID {$id} deleted successfully.";
// if they want to add a slot...
if ($curraction == 'add') {
    // check for errors first
    if (slot::exists($_REQUEST['name'])) {
        error("A slot with that name already exists.");
    if (!$_REQUEST['name']) {
        error("You must enter a name.");
    if (!user::userExists($_REQUEST['owner'])) {
        error("User, '" . $_REQUEST['owner'] . "', does not exist. Please choose an existing user.");
    if (!$_REQUEST['owner']) {
        error("You must enter an valid owner.");
    if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['uploadlimit'])) {
        error("Upload Limit must be an number.");
    // all good