Esempio n. 1
<div class='pyre_metabox'>
<h2 style="margin-top:0;">Portfolio options:</h2>
$this->select('width', 'Width (Content Columns for Featured Image)', array('full' => 'Full Width', 'half' => 'Half Width'), '');
$this->select('portfolio_width_100', 'Use 100% Width Page', array('no' => 'No', 'yes' => 'Yes'), '');
$this->select('sidebar', 'Show Sidebar', array('no' => 'No', 'yes' => 'Yes'), '');
$this->select('sidebar_position', 'Page: Sidebar Position', array('default' => 'Default', 'right' => 'Right', 'left' => 'Left'), '');
$this->select('display_header', 'Display Header', array('yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No'), '');
$this->select('transparent_header', 'Transparent Header', array('default' => 'Default', 'yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No'), '');
$menus = get_terms('nav_menu', array('hide_empty' => false));
$menu_select['default'] = 'Default Menu';
foreach ($menus as $menu) {
    $menu_select[$menu->term_id] = $menu->name;
$this->select('displayed_menu', 'Main Navigation Menu', $menu_select, '');
$this->select('display_footer', 'Display Footer Widget Area', array('default' => 'Default', 'yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No'), '');
$this->select('display_copyright', 'Display Copyright Area', array('default' => 'Default', 'yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No'), '');
$this->select('project_desc_title', 'Show Project Description Title', array('yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No'), '');
$this->select('project_details', 'Show Project Details', array('yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No'), '');
$this->select('show_first_featured_image', 'Enable First Featured Image On Video Posts', array('no' => 'No', 'yes' => 'Yes'), '(Checking this option will allow the first featured image to show on single post pages.)');
$this->textarea('video', 'Video Embed Code');
$this->text('video_url', 'Youtube/Vimeo Video URL for Lightbox', '');
$this->text('project_url', 'Project URL', '');
$this->text('project_url_text', 'Project URL Text', '');
$this->text('copy_url', 'Copyright URL', '');
$this->text('copy_url_text', 'Copyright URL Text', '');
$this->text('fimg_width', 'Featured Image Width', '(in pixels or percentage, e.g.: 100% or 100px.  Or Use "auto" for automatic resizing if you added either width or height)');
$this->text('fimg_height', 'Featured Image Height', '(in pixels or percentage, e.g.: 100% or 100px.  Or Use "auto" for automatic resizing if you added either width or height)');
$this->select('image_rollover_icons', 'Image Rollover Icons', array('linkzoom' => 'Link + Zoom', 'link' => 'Link', 'zoom' => 'Zoom', 'no' => 'No Icons'), '');
$this->text('link_icon_url', 'Link Icon URL', 'Leave blank for post URL');