private function cartSync($contact = null)
     if (!$this->getSettings('enabled')) {
         return null;
     if (!$contact) {
         $id = wa()->getUser()->getId();
     } else {
         $id = $contact->getId;
     $cart = waRequest::cookie('shop_cart');
     $model = new shopCartItemsModel();
     $carts = $model->query('SELECT code FROM shop_cart_items WHERE contact_id=' . $id)->fetchAssoc();
     if (count($carts) == 0) {
         return null;
     $values = array('contact_id' => $id);
     if (count($carts) == 1) {
         if ($cart != $carts['code']) {
             $data = array('code' => $cart);
             $model->updateByField($data, $values);
             $data = array('code' => $carts['code']);
             $model->updateByField($values, $data);
             $model->updateByField($data, $values);
             wa()->getResponse()->setCookie('shop_cart', $carts['code'], time() + 30 * 86400, null, '', false, true);
             return true;
  * @param $data
 protected function addService($data)
     $item = $this->cart_model->getById($data['parent_id']);
     if (!$item) {
         $this->errors = _w('Error');
     $item['parent_id'] = $data['parent_id'];
     $item['type'] = 'service';
     $item['service_id'] = $data['service_id'];
     if (isset($data['service_variant_id'])) {
         $item['service_variant_id'] = $data['service_variant_id'];
     } else {
         $service_model = new shopServiceModel();
         $service = $service_model->getById($data['service_id']);
         $item['service_variant_id'] = $service['variant_id'];
     $id = $this->cart->addItem($item);
     $total = $this->cart->total();
     $discount = $this->cart->discount();
     $this->response['id'] = $id;
     $this->response['total'] = $this->currencyFormat($total);
     $this->response['count'] = $this->cart->count();
     $this->response['discount'] = $this->currencyFormat($discount);
     $item_total = $this->cart->getItemTotal($data['parent_id']);
     $this->response['item_total'] = $this->currencyFormat($item_total);
     if (shopAffiliate::isEnabled()) {
         $add_affiliate_bonus = shopAffiliate::calculateBonus(array('total' => $total, 'discount' => $discount, 'items' => $this->cart->items(false)));
         $this->response['add_affiliate_bonus'] = sprintf(_w("This order will add +%s points to your affiliate bonus."), round($add_affiliate_bonus, 2));
  * @param $code
  * @return array
 public function getByCode($code)
     $cart_model = new shopCartItemsModel();
     $items = $cart_model->where('code= ?', $code)->order('parent_id')->fetchAll('id');
     $product_ids = $sku_ids = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $product_ids[] = $item['product_id'];
         $sku_ids[] = $item['sku_id'];
     $product_ids = array_unique($product_ids);
     $sku_ids = array_unique($sku_ids);
     $type_ids = $this->getTypeIds($items, $sku_ids, $product_ids);
      * @todo: wtf?!
     list($service_ids, $type_services, $product_services, $sku_services) = $this->getServiceIds($type_ids, $product_ids, $sku_ids);
     $services = $this->getServices($service_ids);
     return $this->rearrangeItems($items, $services, $type_services, $product_services, $sku_services);
 public function execute()
     $cart = new shopCart();
     $item_id = waRequest::post('id');
     $cart_items_model = new shopCartItemsModel();
     $item = $cart_items_model->getById($item_id);
     $is_html = waRequest::request('html');
     if ($q = waRequest::post('quantity', 0, 'int')) {
         if (!wa()->getSetting('ignore_stock_count')) {
             if ($item['type'] == 'product') {
                 $product_model = new shopProductModel();
                 $p = $product_model->getById($item['product_id']);
                 $sku_model = new shopProductSkusModel();
                 $sku = $sku_model->getById($item['sku_id']);
                 // check quantity
                 if ($sku['count'] !== null && $q > $sku['count']) {
                     $q = $sku['count'];
                     $name = $p['name'] . ($sku['name'] ? ' (' . $sku['name'] . ')' : '');
                     $this->response['error'] = sprintf(_w('Only %d pcs of %s are available, and you already have all of them in your shopping cart.'), $q, $name);
                     $this->response['q'] = $q;
         $cart->setQuantity($item_id, $q);
         $this->response['item_total'] = $is_html ? shop_currency_html($cart->getItemTotal($item_id), true) : shop_currency($cart->getItemTotal($item_id), true);
     } elseif ($v = waRequest::post('service_variant_id')) {
         $cart->setServiceVariantId($item_id, $v);
         $this->response['item_total'] = $is_html ? shop_currency_html($cart->getItemTotal($item['parent_id']), true) : shop_currency($cart->getItemTotal($item['parent_id']), true);
     $total = $cart->total();
     $discount = $cart->discount();
     $this->response['total'] = $is_html ? shop_currency_html($total, true) : shop_currency($total, true);
     $this->response['discount'] = $is_html ? shop_currency_html($discount, true) : shop_currency($discount, true);
     $this->response['discount_numeric'] = $discount;
     $this->response['count'] = $cart->count();
     if (shopAffiliate::isEnabled()) {
         $add_affiliate_bonus = shopAffiliate::calculateBonus(array('total' => $total, 'discount' => $discount, 'items' => $cart->items(false)));
         $this->response['add_affiliate_bonus'] = sprintf(_w("This order will add +%s points to your affiliate bonus."), round($add_affiliate_bonus, 2));
 private function getData()
      * @todo
     $on_page = 10;
     $data = array();
     $m = new shopCartItemsModel();
     $sql = "SELECT SUM(quantity) as qty, product_id FROM shop_cart_items WHERE " . $this->getTimeQuery() . ' GROUP BY product_id ORDER BY qty DESC';
     $items = $m->query($sql)->fetchAll('product_id', true);
     if ($items) {
         $other = 0;
         if (count($items) > $on_page) {
             $items1 = array();
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($items as $product_id => $quantity) {
                 if ($i++ < $on_page) {
                     $items1[$product_id] = $quantity;
                 } else {
                     $other += $quantity;
             $items = $items1;
         $pm = new shopProductModel();
         $products = $pm->select('id, name')->where('id IN(?)', array(array_keys($items)))->fetchAll('id', true);
         foreach ($items as $product_id => $quantity) {
             $data[] = array('label' => ifset($products[$product_id], _wp('(no name)')), 'value' => $quantity, 'id' => $product_id);
         if ($other) {
             $data[] = array('label' => _wp('Other...'), 'value' => $other, 'id' => 'other');
     return $data;
Esempio n. 6
  * Removes item with specified id from current customer's shopping cart.
  * @param int $id
  * @return Removed item's data array
 public function deleteItem($id)
     $item = $this->model->getById($id);
     if ($item) {
         if ($item['type'] == 'product') {
             // remove all services
             $this->model->deleteByField(array('code' => $this->code, 'parent_id' => $id));
         $this->model->deleteByField(array('code' => $this->code, 'id' => $id));
          * @event cart_delete
          * @param array $item
         wa()->event('cart_delete', $item);
     return $item;
 public static function checkCart(&$cart = null)
     $error = false;
     $cart = new shopCart();
     $code = $cart->getCode();
     $view = wa()->getView();
     if (!wa()->getSetting('ignore_stock_count')) {
         $cart_model = new shopCartItemsModel();
         $sku_model = new shopProductSkusModel();
         $product_model = new shopProductModel();
         $items = $cart->items(false);
         foreach ($items as &$item) {
             if (!isset($item['product_id'])) {
                 $sku = $sku_model->getById($item['sku_id']);
                 $product = $product_model->getById($sku['product_id']);
             } else {
                 $product = $product_model->getById($item['product_id']);
                 if (isset($item['sku_id'])) {
                     $sku = $sku_model->getById($item['sku_id']);
                 } else {
                     if (isset($item['features'])) {
                         $product_features_model = new shopProductFeaturesModel();
                         $sku_id = $product_features_model->getSkuByFeatures($product['id'], $item['features']);
                         if ($sku_id) {
                             $sku = $sku_model->getById($sku_id);
                         } else {
                             $sku = null;
                     } else {
                         $sku = $sku_model->getById($product['sku_id']);
                         if (!$sku['available']) {
                             $sku = $sku_model->getByField(array('product_id' => $product['id'], 'available' => 1));
                         if (!$sku) {
                             $item['error'] = _w('This product is not available for purchase');
                             $error = true;
             $quantity = $item['quantity'];
             $c = $cart_model->countSku($code, $sku['id']);
             if ($sku['count'] !== null && $c + $quantity > $sku['count']) {
                 $quantity = $sku['count'] - $c;
                 $name = $product['name'] . ($sku['name'] ? ' (' . $sku['name'] . ')' : '');
                 if ($quantity < 0) {
                     $item['error'] = sprintf(_w('Only %d pcs of %s are available, and you already have all of them in your shopping cart.'), $sku['count'], $name);
                     $error = true;
         foreach ($items as $item_id => $item) {
             $price = shop_currency($item['price'] * $item['quantity'], $item['currency'], null, false);
             if (isset($item['services'])) {
                 foreach ($item['services'] as $s) {
                     if (!empty($s['id'])) {
                         if (isset($s['variants'])) {
                             $price += shop_currency($s['variants'][$s['variant_id']]['price'] * $item['quantity'], $s['currency'], null, false);
                         } else {
                             $price += shop_currency($s['price'] * $item['quantity'], $s['currency'], null, false);
             $items[$item_id]['full_price'] = $price;
         $cart = array('items' => $items, 'total' => $cart->total(false), 'count' => $cart->count());
     return $error;
 public function execute()
     $this->getResponse()->addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
     $this->getResponse()->addHeader("Expires", date("r"));
     if (waRequest::method() == 'post') {
         $data = wa()->getStorage()->get('shop/checkout', array());
         if ($coupon_code = waRequest::post('coupon_code')) {
             $data['coupon_code'] = $coupon_code;
         } elseif (isset($data['coupon_code'])) {
         if (($use = waRequest::post('use_affiliate')) !== null) {
             if ($use) {
                 $data['use_affiliate'] = 1;
             } elseif (isset($data['use_affiliate'])) {
         if ($coupon_code || $use) {
             wa()->getStorage()->set('shop/checkout', $data);
     $cart_model = new shopCartItemsModel();
     $cart = new shopCart();
     $code = $cart->getCode();
     $errors = array();
     if (waRequest::post('checkout')) {
         $saved_quantity = $cart_model->select('id,quantity')->where("type='product' AND code = s:code", array('code' => $code))->fetchAll('id');
         $quantity = waRequest::post('quantity');
         foreach ($quantity as $id => $q) {
             if ($q != $saved_quantity[$id]) {
                 $cart->setQuantity($id, $q);
         $not_available_items = $cart_model->getNotAvailableProducts($code, !wa()->getSetting('ignore_stock_count'));
         foreach ($not_available_items as $row) {
             if ($row['sku_name']) {
                 $row['name'] .= ' (' . $row['sku_name'] . ')';
             if ($row['available']) {
                 $errors[$row['id']] = sprintf(_w('Only %d pcs of %s are available, and you already have all of them in your shopping cart.'), $row['count'], $row['name']);
             } else {
                 $errors[$row['id']] = _w('Oops! %s is not available for purchase at the moment. Please remove this product from your shopping cart to proceed.');
         if (!$errors) {
     $items = $cart_model->where('code= ?', $code)->order('parent_id')->fetchAll('id');
     $product_ids = $sku_ids = $service_ids = $type_ids = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $product_ids[] = $item['product_id'];
         $sku_ids[] = $item['sku_id'];
     $product_ids = array_unique($product_ids);
     $sku_ids = array_unique($sku_ids);
     $product_model = new shopProductModel();
     if (waRequest::param('url_type') == 2) {
         $products = $product_model->getWithCategoryUrl($product_ids);
     } else {
         $products = $product_model->getById($product_ids);
     $sku_model = new shopProductSkusModel();
     $skus = $sku_model->getByField('id', $sku_ids, 'id');
     $image_model = new shopProductImagesModel();
     $delete_items = array();
     foreach ($items as $item_id => &$item) {
         if (!isset($skus[$item['sku_id']])) {
             $delete_items[] = $item_id;
         if ($item['type'] == 'product') {
             $item['product'] = $products[$item['product_id']];
             $sku = $skus[$item['sku_id']];
             if ($sku['image_id'] && $sku['image_id'] != $item['product']['image_id']) {
                 $img = $image_model->getById($sku['image_id']);
                 if ($img) {
                     $item['product']['image_id'] = $sku['image_id'];
                     $item['product']['ext'] = $img['ext'];
             $item['sku_name'] = $sku['name'];
             $item['sku_code'] = $sku['sku'];
             $item['price'] = $sku['price'];
             $item['compare_price'] = $sku['compare_price'];
             $item['currency'] = $item['product']['currency'];
             $type_ids[] = $item['product']['type_id'];
             if (isset($errors[$item_id])) {
                 $item['error'] = $errors[$item_id];
                 if (strpos($item['error'], '%s') !== false) {
                     $item['error'] = sprintf($item['error'], $item['product']['name'] . ($item['sku_name'] ? ' (' . $item['sku_name'] . ')' : ''));
     if ($delete_items) {
         $cart_model->deleteByField(array('code' => $code, 'id' => $delete_items));
     $type_ids = array_unique($type_ids);
     // get available services for all types of products
     $type_services_model = new shopTypeServicesModel();
     $rows = $type_services_model->getByField('type_id', $type_ids, true);
     $type_services = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $service_ids[] = $row['service_id'];
         $type_services[$row['type_id']][$row['service_id']] = true;
     // get services for all products
     $product_services_model = new shopProductServicesModel();
     $rows = $product_services_model->getByProducts($product_ids);
     $product_services = $sku_services = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         if ($row['sku_id'] && !in_array($row['sku_id'], $sku_ids)) {
         $service_ids[] = $row['service_id'];
         if (!$row['sku_id']) {
             $product_services[$row['product_id']][$row['service_id']]['variants'][$row['service_variant_id']] = $row;
         if ($row['sku_id']) {
             $sku_services[$row['sku_id']][$row['service_id']]['variants'][$row['service_variant_id']] = $row;
     $service_ids = array_unique($service_ids);
     $service_model = new shopServiceModel();
     $variant_model = new shopServiceVariantsModel();
     $services = $service_model->getByField('id', $service_ids, 'id');
     foreach ($services as &$s) {
     $rows = $variant_model->getByField('service_id', $service_ids, true);
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $services[$row['service_id']]['variants'][$row['id']] = $row;
     foreach ($items as $item_id => $item) {
         if ($item['type'] == 'product') {
             $p = $item['product'];
             $item_services = array();
             // services from type settings
             if (isset($type_services[$p['type_id']])) {
                 foreach ($type_services[$p['type_id']] as $service_id => &$s) {
                     $item_services[$service_id] = $services[$service_id];
             // services from product settings
             if (isset($product_services[$item['product_id']])) {
                 foreach ($product_services[$item['product_id']] as $service_id => $s) {
                     if (!isset($s['status']) || $s['status']) {
                         if (!isset($item_services[$service_id])) {
                             $item_services[$service_id] = $services[$service_id];
                         // update variants
                         foreach ($s['variants'] as $variant_id => $v) {
                             if ($v['status']) {
                                 if ($v['price'] !== null) {
                                     $item_services[$service_id]['variants'][$variant_id]['price'] = $v['price'];
                             } else {
                     } elseif (isset($item_services[$service_id])) {
                         // remove disabled service
             // services from sku settings
             if (isset($sku_services[$item['sku_id']])) {
                 foreach ($sku_services[$item['sku_id']] as $service_id => $s) {
                     if (!isset($s['status']) || $s['status']) {
                         // update variants
                         foreach ($s['variants'] as $variant_id => $v) {
                             if ($v['status']) {
                                 if ($v['price'] !== null) {
                                     $item_services[$service_id]['variants'][$variant_id]['price'] = $v['price'];
                             } else {
                     } elseif (isset($item_services[$service_id])) {
                         // remove disabled service
             foreach ($item_services as $s_id => &$s) {
                 if (!$s['variants']) {
                 if ($s['currency'] == '%') {
                     foreach ($s['variants'] as $v_id => $v) {
                         $s['variants'][$v_id]['price'] = $v['price'] * $item['price'] / 100;
                     $s['currency'] = $item['currency'];
                 if (count($s['variants']) == 1) {
                     $v = reset($s['variants']);
                     $s['price'] = $v['price'];
             uasort($item_services, array('shopServiceModel', 'sortServices'));
             $items[$item_id]['services'] = $item_services;
         } else {
             $items[$item['parent_id']]['services'][$item['service_id']]['id'] = $item['id'];
             if (isset($item['service_variant_id'])) {
                 $items[$item['parent_id']]['services'][$item['service_id']]['variant_id'] = $item['service_variant_id'];
     foreach ($items as $item_id => $item) {
         $price = shop_currency($item['price'] * $item['quantity'], $item['currency'], null, false);
         if (isset($item['services'])) {
             foreach ($item['services'] as $s) {
                 if (!empty($s['id'])) {
                     if (isset($s['variants'])) {
                         $price += shop_currency($s['variants'][$s['variant_id']]['price'] * $item['quantity'], $s['currency'], null, false);
                     } else {
                         $price += shop_currency($s['price'] * $item['quantity'], $s['currency'], null, false);
         $items[$item_id]['full_price'] = $price;
     $total = $cart->total(false);
     $order = array('total' => $total, 'items' => $items);
     $order['discount'] = $discount = shopDiscounts::calculate($order);
     $order['total'] = $total = $total - $order['discount'];
     $data = wa()->getStorage()->get('shop/checkout');
     $this->view->assign('cart', array('items' => $items, 'total' => $total, 'count' => $cart->count()));
     $this->view->assign('coupon_code', isset($data['coupon_code']) ? $data['coupon_code'] : '');
     if (shopAffiliate::isEnabled()) {
         $affiliate_bonus = 0;
         if ($this->getUser()->isAuth()) {
             $customer_model = new shopCustomerModel();
             $customer = $customer_model->getById($this->getUser()->getId());
             $affiliate_bonus = $customer ? round($customer['affiliate_bonus'], 2) : 0;
         $this->view->assign('affiliate_bonus', $affiliate_bonus);
         $use = !empty($data['use_affiliate']);
         $this->view->assign('use_affiliate', $use);
         if ($use) {
             $discount -= shop_currency(shopAffiliate::convertBonus($order['params']['affiliate_bonus']), $this->getConfig()->getCurrency(true), null, false);
             $this->view->assign('used_affiliate_bonus', $order['params']['affiliate_bonus']);
         $order['currency'] = $this->getConfig()->getCurrency(false);
         $add_affiliate_bonus = shopAffiliate::calculateBonus($order);
         $this->view->assign('add_affiliate_bonus', round($add_affiliate_bonus, 2));
     $this->view->assign('discount', $discount);
      * @event frontend_cart
      * @return array[string]string $return[%plugin_id%] html output
     $this->view->assign('frontend_cart', wa()->event('frontend_cart'));
     $checkout_flow = new shopCheckoutFlowModel();
     $checkout_flow->add(array('code' => $code, 'step' => 0, 'description' => null));