function sfac_add() { parent::Controller(); $this->load->library('rapyd'); $this->datasis->modulo_id('103', 1); $this->genesal = true; $this->back_url = 'ventas/pfaclitemayor/filteredgrid'; }
function venta() { parent::Controller(); $this->back_dataedit = 'compras/scst/datafilter'; $this->load->library('rapyd'); $this->vnega = trim(strtoupper($this->datasis->traevalor('VENTANEGATIVA'))); //$this->datasis->modulo_id(216,1); }
function lote($status = null, $grupo, $upago, $tarifa) { $this->load->helper('download'); $this->genesal = false; $this->back_url = $this->url . 'filteredgrid'; $dbgrupo = $this->db->escape($grupo); $dbupago = $this->db->escape($upago); $dbtarifa = $this->db->escape($tarifa); $data = ''; if ($status == 'insert') { $codigo = $this->datasis->traevalor('SINVTARIFA'); $iva = $this->datasis->dameval("SELECT iva FROM sinv WHERE codigo=" . $this->db->escape($codigo)); $descrip = $this->datasis->dameval("SELECT descrip FROM sinv WHERE codigo=" . $this->db->escape($codigo)); $ut = $this->datasis->dameval("SELECT valor FROM utributa ORDER BY fecha DESC LIMIT 1"); $cana = 1; $mSQL = "SELECT TRIM(a.nombre) AS nombre, TRIM(a.rifci) AS rifci, a.cliente, a.tipo , a.dire11 AS direc, round(b.minimo*{$ut},2) precio1, a.upago, a.telefono, codigo\n\t\t\t\tFROM scli AS a\n\t\t\t\tJOIN tarifa AS b ON\n\t\t\t\tWHERE a.grupo={$dbgrupo} AND a.upago={$dbupago} AND a.tarifa={$dbtarifa}\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY rifci"; $query = $this->db->query($mSQL); foreach ($query->result() as $row) { $dbcliente = $this->db->escape($row->cliente); $sql = "SELECT SUM(monto*(tipo_doc IN ('FC','GI','ND'))) AS debe, SUM(monto*(tipo_doc IN ('NC','AB','AN'))) AS haber FROM smov WHERE cod_cli={$dbcliente}"; $qquery = $this->db->query($sql); if ($qquery->num_rows() > 0) { $rrow = $qquery->row(); $saldo = $rrow->debe - $rrow->haber; } else { $saldo = 0; } $saldo += $row->precio1 * (1 + $iva / 100); $sql = "UPDATE scli SET credito='S',tolera=10,maxtole=10,limite={$saldo},formap=30 WHERE cliente={$dbcliente}"; $this->db->simple_query($sql); $desde = dbdate_to_human($row->upago . '01', 'm/Y'); $_POST['pfac'] = ''; $_POST['fecha'] = date('d/m/Y'); $_POST['cajero'] = $this->secu->getcajero(); $_POST['vd'] = $this->secu->getvendedor(); $_POST['almacen'] = $this->secu->getalmacen(); $_POST['tipo_doc'] = 'F'; $_POST['factura'] = ''; $_POST['cod_cli'] = $row->cliente; $_POST['sclitipo'] = '1'; $_POST['nombre'] = $row->nombre; $_POST['rifci'] = $row->rifci; $_POST['direc'] = $row->direc; $_POST['upago'] = $row->upago; $_POST['codigoa_0'] = $codigo; $_POST['desca_0'] = $descrip; $_POST['detalle_0'] = "Desde {$desde}"; $_POST['cana_0'] = $cana; $_POST['preca_0'] = $row->precio1; $_POST['tota_0'] = $row->precio1; $_POST['precio1_0'] = 0; $_POST['precio2_0'] = 0; $_POST['precio3_0'] = 0; $_POST['precio4_0'] = 0; $_POST['itiva_0'] = round($iva, 2); $_POST['sinvpeso_0'] = 0; $_POST['sinvtipo_0'] = 'Servicio'; $_POST['tipo_0'] = ''; $_POST['sfpafecha_0'] = ''; $_POST['num_ref_0'] = ''; $_POST['banco_0'] = ''; $_POST['monto_0'] = $row->precio1 * (1 + $iva / 100); ob_start(); parent::dataedit(); $rt = ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); $getdata = json_decode($rt, true); if ($getdata['status'] == 'A') { $id = $getdata['pk']['id']; $url = $this->_direccion = 'http://localhost/' . site_url('formatos/descargartxt/FACTSER/' . $id); $data .= file_get_contents($url); $data .= "<FIN>\r\n"; } } force_download('inprin.prn', preg_replace("/[\r]*\n/", "\r\n", $data)); } }