  * Constructor.
  * @param sfUser A sfUser instance
  * @param array  An array of options
  * @param string A CSRF secret (false to disable CSRF protection, null to use the global CSRF secret)
  * @see sfForm
 public function __construct(sfUser $user, $options = array(), $CSRFSecret = null)
     $this->user = $user;
     parent::__construct(array(), $options, $CSRFSecret);
     // the defaults depend on the options, so set them after construction
     $this->setDefaults(array('max_per_page' => $user->getAttribute(self::getMaxPerPageName(), self::getMaxPerPageValue())));
Esempio n. 2
  * Constructor.
  * @param sfUser A sfUser instance
  * @param array  An array of options
  * @param string A CSRF secret (false to disable CSRF protection, null to use the global CSRF secret)
  * @see sfForm
 public function __construct(sfUser $user, $options = array(), $CSRFSecret = null)
     $this->user = $user;
     if (!isset($options['languages'])) {
         throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('%s requires a "languages" option.', get_class($this)));
     parent::__construct(array('language' => $user->getCulture()), $options, $CSRFSecret);
 public function getUser()
     static $user;
     if (!$user) {
         $user = new sfUser();
     return $user;
 protected static function undeleteFlash(sfUser $user)
     $attributeHolder = $user->getAttributeHolder();
     if ($names = $attributeHolder->getNames('symfony/user/sfUser/flash')) {
         foreach ($names as $name) {
             $attributeHolder->remove($name, null, 'symfony/user/sfUser/flash/remove');
Esempio n. 5
  * @param Doctrine_Query $query
  * @param sfUser $user
  * @param type $alias
  * @return Doctrine_Query
 public function filterScope(Doctrine_Query $query, sfUser $user, $alias = 'l')
     $where = "{$alias}.location_scope_id = 5";
     if (!$user->isAnonymous()) {
         $uniq = self::$uniq++;
         $where .= "\r\n                    or {$alias}.location_scope_id = 1\r\n                    or {$alias}.location_scope_id = 3\r\n                    or {$alias}.created_by = " . $user->getProfile()->id . "\r\n                    or {$alias}.created_by in (SELECT fa{$uniq}.accepter_id FROM friend fa{$uniq} WHERE fa{$uniq}.accepted = 1 and fa{$uniq}.requester_id = " . $user->getProfile()->id . ")\r\n                    or {$alias}.created_by in (SELECT fr{$uniq}.requester_id FROM friend fr{$uniq} WHERE fr{$uniq}.accepted = 1 and fr{$uniq}.accepter_id = " . $user->getProfile()->id . ")";
     return $query;
  * Redirect process for a failed login
  * @param   sfRequest $request
  * @param   sfUser    $user
  * @return  mixed
 protected function _redirectError($request, $user)
     if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
         return sfView::NONE;
     // if we have been forwarded, then the referer is the current URL
     // if not, this is the referer of the current request
     $user->setReferer($this->getContext()->getActionStack()->getSize() > 1 ? $request->getUri() : $request->getReferer());
     $this->redirect(sfConfig::get('sf_login_module') . '/' . sfConfig::get('sf_login_action'));
 * Triggers a flash drop-down based on the flashes in the user
 * @param sfUser $user 
function trigger_flash_from_user($user)
    $validTypes = array('info', 'saved', 'error');
    foreach ($validTypes as $validType) {
        if ($user->hasFlash($validType)) {
            return sprintf('
        <script type="text/javascript">
            $.showFlashMessage("%s", "%s");
        </script>', $validType, addslashes($user->getFlash($validType)));
 static function createByTokenAndUser($token, sfUser $user)
     $rpx = new RPX();
     $response = $rpx->call('auth_info', array('token' => $token));
     if ($response->stat == 'ok') {
         //Save if not found already
         if (!Doctrine::getTable('sfAuthIdentity')->findOneByUrl($response->profile->identifier)) {
             $identity = new sfAuthIdentity();
             $identity->sf_auth_user_id = $user->getId();
             $identity->url = $response->profile->identifier;
             $identity->provider = $response->profile->providerName;
             return $identity->save();
         return 'Identity already exists';
     return 'Could not retrieve user profile from partner';
Esempio n. 9
  * visszaadja a kért beállítást
  * ha nem találja egy fallback soron megy keresztül:
  * - hgabkaSfSettingHandler setting tömb
  * - fileCache
  * - load() - végső soron adatbázisból kapja meg
  * @param string $settingName
  * @return object sfSetting
 public function getSetting($settingName)
     // megnézzük, hogy jó-e a paraméterezés ($settingName)
     $settingName = $this->validateStringParameter($settingName);
     if ($this->hasOneRuntime($settingName)) {
         // ha igen, akkor vissza is térünk vele
         return $this->getFromRuntime($settingName);
     } elseif ($this->cache->hasSetting($settingName)) {
         // ha a fileCache-ben van, akkor vissza is adjuk
         $values = $this->cache->getSetting($settingName);
         return $values[$this->request->getLocale()];
     } else {
         // ha nem voltak betöltve, akkor betöltjük a load függvénnyel
         if ($this->load($settingName)) {
             // a beállítás be lett töltve, visszaadhatjuk
             if ($this->hasOneRuntime($settingName)) {
                 return $this->getFromRuntime($settingName);
             } else {
                 return null;
Esempio n. 10
 public function shutdown()
     $storage = $this->getContext()->getStorage();
     // write the last request time to the storage
     $storage->write(self::LAST_REQUEST_NAMESPACE, $this->lastRequest);
     $storage->write(self::AUTH_NAMESPACE, $this->authenticated);
     $storage->write(self::CREDENTIAL_NAMESPACE, $this->credentials);
     // call the parent shutdown method

// auto-generated by sfFactoryConfigHandler
// date: 2009/08/15 10:45:03
$this->controller = sfController::newInstance(sfConfig::get('sf_factory_controller', 'sfFrontWebController'));
$this->request = sfRequest::newInstance(sfConfig::get('sf_factory_request', 'sfWebRequest'));
$this->response = sfResponse::newInstance(sfConfig::get('sf_factory_response', 'sfWebResponse'));
$this->storage = sfStorage::newInstance(sfConfig::get('sf_factory_storage', 'sfSessionStorage'));
$this->user = sfUser::newInstance(sfConfig::get('sf_factory_user', 'myUser'));
$this->request->initialize($this, sfConfig::get('sf_factory_request_parameters', NULL), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_request_attributes', array()));
$this->response->initialize($this, sfConfig::get('sf_factory_response_parameters', NULL));
$this->storage->initialize($this, sfConfig::get('sf_factory_storage_parameters', array('session_name' => 'symfony')));
$this->user->initialize($this, sfConfig::get('sf_factory_user_parameters', NULL));
if (sfConfig::get('sf_cache')) {
    $this->viewCacheManager = new sfViewCacheManager();
    $this->viewCacheManager->initialize($this, sfConfig::get('sf_factory_view_cache', 'sfFileCache'), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_view_cache_parameters', array('automaticCleaningFactor' => 0, 'cacheDir' => '/Users/takizo/Sites/coscupdemo/cache/frontend/dev/template')));
Esempio n. 12
  * Create a new blog post.
  * @throws sfInvalidException 	If a post with this slug already exists
  * @param string $post_slug 	The post slug (permalink)
  * @param string $post_title 	The post title
  * @param string $post_body 	The post body
  * @param sfUser $post_author	The authot's sfUser (or derivative) object
  * @param string $category 		An optional category for separating blog posts
  * @return sfBlogPost 			The generated object
 public static function makePost($slug, $post_title, $post_body, sfUser $post_author, $category = NULL)
     $slug_check = sfCore::$db->query("SELECT count(*) FROM `swossh_blog_posts` WHERE `slug` = %s LIMIT 1;");
     if ($slug_check->fetchScalar() == 1) {
         throw new sfInvalidException(array('slug' => sfInvalidException::EXISTING));
     $new_post = sfCore::$db->query("INSERT INTO `swoosh_blog_posts` (\n\t\t\t`post_id`, `title`, `author_id`, `timestamp`, `category`, `comments_enabled`, `slug`)\n\t\t\tVALUES (\n\t\t\t\tNULL, %s, %i, NOW(), %s, 1, %s)", $post_title, $post_author->getId(), $category, $slug);
     $post_body = sfCore::$db->query("INSERT INTO `swoosh_blog_contents` (\n\t\t\t`post_id`, `content`)\n\t\t\tVALUES (%i, %s)", $new_post->getAutoIncrementedValue(), $post_body);
     $obj = sfCore::make('sfBlogPost');
     return $obj;
  * Update storage with callables for the next tracker.
  * @param   sfUser $user
 public function shutdown($user)
     if (sfConfig::get('sf_logging_enabled')) {
         sfGoogleAnalyticsToolkit::logMessage($this, 'Copying callables to session storage.');
     $user->getAttributeHolder()->set('callables', $this->parameterHolder->getAll('flash', array()), 'sf_google_analytics_plugin');
  * Check if the user the necessary credentials to see this particular item
  * @param array $item
  * @param sfUser $user
 public static function hasPermission($item, $user)
     if (!$user->isAuthenticated()) {
         return false;
     return isset($item['credentials']) ? $user->hasCredential($item['credentials']) : true;
Esempio n. 15
// ->setCulture() ->getCulture()
$t->diag('->setCulture() ->getCulture()');
$t->is($user->getCulture(), 'fr', '->setCulture() changes the current user culture');
// ->setFlash() ->getFlash() ->hasFlash()
$t->diag('->setFlash() ->getFlash() ->hasFlash()');
$user->initialize($dispatcher, $storage, array('use_flash' => true));
$user->setFlash('foo', 'bar');
$t->is($user->getFlash('foo'), 'bar', '->setFlash() sets a flash variable');
$t->is($user->hasFlash('foo'), true, '->hasFlash() returns true if the flash variable exists');
user_flush($dispatcher, $user, $storage, array('use_flash' => true));
$userBis = new sfUser($dispatcher, $storage, array('use_flash' => true));
$t->is($userBis->getFlash('foo'), 'bar', '->getFlash() returns a flash previously set');
$t->is($userBis->hasFlash('foo'), true, '->hasFlash() returns true if the flash variable exists');
user_flush($dispatcher, $user, $storage, array('use_flash' => true));
$userBis = new sfUser($dispatcher, $storage, array('use_flash' => true));
$t->is($userBis->getFlash('foo'), null, 'Flashes are automatically removed after the next request');
$t->is($userBis->hasFlash('foo'), false, '->hasFlash() returns true if the flash variable exists');
// array access for user attributes
$user->setAttribute('foo', 'foo');
$t->diag('Array access for user attributes');
$t->is(isset($user['foo']), true, '->offsetExists() returns true if user attribute exists');
$t->is(isset($user['foo2']), false, '->offsetExists() returns false if user attribute does not exist');
$t->is($user['foo3'], false, '->offsetGet() returns false if attribute does not exist');
$t->is($user['foo'], 'foo', '->offsetGet() returns attribute by name');
$user['foo2'] = 'foo2';
$t->is($user['foo2'], 'foo2', '->offsetSet() sets attribute by name');
$t->is(isset($user['foo2']), false, '->offsetUnset() unsets attribute by name');
$user = new sfUser($dispatcher, $storage);
// attribute holder proxy
Esempio n. 16
  * Returns user parameters as an array.
  * @param sfUser $user A sfUser instance
  * @return array The user parameters
 public static function userAsArray(sfUser $user = null)
     if (!$user) {
         return array();
     return array('options' => $user->getOptions(), 'attributeHolder' => self::flattenParameterHolder($user->getAttributeHolder()), 'culture' => $user->getCulture());
Esempio n. 17
 * This file is part of the symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <*****@*****.**>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../lib/form/sfFormLanguage.class.php';
$t = new lime_test(9, new lime_output_color());
// initialize objects
$dispatcher = new sfEventDispatcher();
$sessionPath = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/sessions_' . rand(11111, 99999);
$storage = new sfSessionTestStorage(array('session_path' => $sessionPath));
$user = new sfUser($dispatcher, $storage);
$request = new sfWebRequest($dispatcher);
// __construct()
try {
    new sfFormLanguage($user);
    $t->fail('__construct() throws a RuntimeException if you don\'t pass a "languages" option');
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
    $t->pass('__construct() throws a RuntimeException if you don\'t pass a "languages" option');
$form = new sfFormLanguage($user, array('languages' => array('en', 'fr')));
$t->is($form->getDefault('language'), 'en', '__construct() sets the default language value to the user language');
$w = $form->getWidgetSchema();
$t->is($w['language']->getOption('languages'), array('en', 'fr'), '__construct() uses the "languages" option for the select form widget');
$v = $form->getValidatorSchema();
Esempio n. 18
  * save cart to session
 public function save()
     $this->_user->setAttribute('cart_items', $this->_items, tpyCart::SESSION_NS);
Esempio n. 19
 protected function initialize()
     $this->logger = sfLogger::getInstance();
     if (sfConfig::get('sf_logging_enabled')) {
         $this->logger->info('{sfContext} initialization');
     if (sfConfig::get('sf_use_database')) {
         $this->databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager();
     $this->actionStack = new sfActionStack();
     $this->controller = sfController::newInstance(sfConfig::get('sf_factory_controller', 'sfFrontWebController'));
     $this->request = sfRequest::newInstance(sfConfig::get('sf_factory_request', 'sfWebRequest'));
     $this->response = sfResponse::newInstance(sfConfig::get('sf_factory_response', 'sfWebResponse'));
     $this->storage = sfStorage::newInstance(sfConfig::get('sf_factory_storage', 'sfSessionStorage'));
     $this->user = sfUser::newInstance(sfConfig::get('sf_factory_user', 'myUser'));
     $this->request->initialize($this, sfConfig::get('sf_factory_request_parameters', NULL), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_request_attributes', array()));
     $this->response->initialize($this, sfConfig::get('sf_factory_response_parameters', NULL));
     $this->storage->initialize($this, sfConfig::get('sf_factory_storage_parameters', array('session_name' => 'symfony')));
     $this->user->initialize($this, sfConfig::get('sf_factory_user_parameters', NULL));
     if (sfConfig::get('sf_cache')) {
         $this->viewCacheManager = new sfViewCacheManager();
         $this->viewCacheManager->initialize($this, sfConfig::get('sf_factory_view_cache', 'sfFileCache'), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_view_cache_parameters', array('automaticCleaningFactor' => 0, 'cacheDir' => 'C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\bm400\\cache\\pmbonline\\dev\\template')));
     register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'shutdown'));
 public function findOneByIdUser($id, sfUser $user)
     $q = $this->createQuery('i');
     $q->addWhere('i.id = ? AND i.sf_auth_user_id = ?', array($id, $user->getId()));
     return $q->fetchOne();
Esempio n. 21
 protected function initialize()
     $this->logger = sfLogger::getInstance();
     if (sfConfig::get('sf_logging_enabled')) {
         $this->logger->info('{sfContext} initialization');
     if (sfConfig::get('sf_use_database')) {
         $this->databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager();
     $this->actionStack = new sfActionStack();
     // 'config/factories.yml' config file
     // auto-generated by sfFactoryConfigHandler
     // date: 2015/09/01 13:56:04
     $this->controller = sfController::newInstance(sfConfig::get('sf_factory_controller', 'sfFrontWebController'));
     $this->request = sfRequest::newInstance(sfConfig::get('sf_factory_request', 'sfWebRequest'));
     $this->response = sfResponse::newInstance(sfConfig::get('sf_factory_response', 'sfWebResponse'));
     $this->storage = sfStorage::newInstance(sfConfig::get('sf_factory_storage', 'sfSessionStorage'));
     $this->user = sfUser::newInstance(sfConfig::get('sf_factory_user', 'myUser'));
     $this->request->initialize($this, sfConfig::get('sf_factory_request_parameters', NULL), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_request_attributes', array()));
     $this->response->initialize($this, sfConfig::get('sf_factory_response_parameters', NULL));
     $this->storage->initialize($this, sfConfig::get('sf_factory_storage_parameters', array('session_name' => 'symfony')));
     $this->user->initialize($this, sfConfig::get('sf_factory_user_parameters', NULL));
     if (sfConfig::get('sf_cache')) {
         $this->viewCacheManager = new sfViewCacheManager();
         $this->viewCacheManager->initialize($this, sfConfig::get('sf_factory_view_cache', 'sfFileCache'), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_view_cache_parameters', array('automaticCleaningFactor' => 0, 'cacheDir' => '/Applications/MAMP/trademark/cache/backend/prod/template')));
     register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'shutdown'));
$context->storage = $storage;
$user = new sfUser();
$context->user = $user;
// ->initialize()
$t->is($user->getCulture(), 'en', '->initialize() sets the culture to "en" by default');
sfConfig::set('sf_i18n_default_culture', 'de');
$t->is($user->getCulture(), 'de', '->initialize() sets the culture to the value of sf_i18n_default_culture if available');
sfConfig::set('sf_i18n_default_culture', 'fr');
$t->is($user->getCulture(), 'de', '->initialize() reads the culture from the session data if available');
$userBis = new sfUser();
$t->is($userBis->getCulture(), 'de', '->intialize() serializes the culture to the session data');
// ->setCulture() ->getCulture()
$t->diag('->setCulture() ->getCulture()');
$t->is($user->getCulture(), 'fr', '->setCulture() changes the current user culture');
// parameter holder proxy
require_once $_test_dir . '/unit/sfParameterHolderTest.class.php';
$pht = new sfParameterHolderProxyTest($t);
$pht->launchTests($user, 'parameter');
// attribute holder proxy
require_once $_test_dir . '/unit/sfParameterHolderTest.class.php';
$pht = new sfParameterHolderProxyTest($t);
$pht->launchTests($user, 'attribute');
// mixins
Esempio n. 23
  * Returns user parameters as an array.
  * @param sfUser $user A sfUser instance
  * @return array The user parameters
 public static function userAsArray(sfUser $user = null)
     if (!$user) {
         return array();
     $data = array('options' => $user->getOptions(), 'attributeHolder' => self::flattenParameterHolder($user->getAttributeHolder(), true), 'culture' => $user->getCulture());
     if ($user instanceof sfBasicSecurityUser) {
         $data = array_merge($data, array('authenticated' => $user->isAuthenticated(), 'credentials' => $user->getCredentials(), 'lastRequest' => $user->getLastRequestTime()));
     return $data;
Esempio n. 24
 public static function search($criteria, sfUser $user)
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->addSelectColumn(self::ID . ' ID');
     $c->addSelectColumn(self::USERNAME . ' NAME');
     $c->addSelectColumn(self::NAME . ' DESCRIPTION');
     $tableName = self::TABLE_NAME;
     $c->addSelectColumn("'{$tableName}' TNAME");
     $c->add(self::HIDDEN, 0);
     if ($user->isAuthenticated()) {
         $c->add(self::ID, $user->getRaykuUserId(), Criteria::NOT_EQUAL);
     $cton = $c->getNewCriterion(self::USERNAME, "%{$criteria}%", Criteria::LIKE);
     $cton->addOr($c->getNewCriterion(self::NAME, "%{$criteria}%", Criteria::LIKE));
     $cton->addOr($c->getNewCriterion(self::EMAIL, "%{$criteria}%", Criteria::LIKE));
     return self::doSelectStmt($c);