public function validateAddPerson() { $has_errors = false; $msg = "Required"; $type = $this->getRequestParameter('type'); $person_name = $this->getRequestParameter('event_person_name_' . $type); $email = $this->getRequestParameter('event_email_' . $type); $validator = new sfStringValidator(); $validator->initialize($this->getContext(), array('min' => 1)); $email_validator = new sfEmailValidator(); $email_validator->initialize($this->getContext()); if (!$validator->execute($person_name, $msg)) { $this->getRequest()->setError('event_person_name_' . $type, 'Required'); $has_errors = true; } elseif (!$email_validator->execute($email, $msg)) { $this->getRequest()->setError('event_email_' . $type, 'Invalid email address'); $has_errors = true; } if (!$validator->execute($email, $msg)) { $this->getRequest()->setError('event_email_' . $type, 'Required'); $has_errors = true; } if ($has_errors) { return false; } return true; }
public function executeValidateString() { $myValidator = new sfStringValidator(); $myValidator->initialize($this->getContext(), array()); $value = urldecode($this->getRequestParameter('value')); if (!$myValidator->execute($value, $error)) { exit(UtilsHelper::Localize('system.frontend.Validate_string_error')); } exit("ok"); }
* (c) 2004-2006 Fabien Potencier <*****@*****.**> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/unit.php'; require_once $_test_dir . '/../../../../test/unit/sfContextMock.class.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/sfValidatorTestHelper.class.php'; $t = new lime_test(36, new lime_output_color()); $context = sfContext::getInstance(); $v = new sfStringValidator($context); // ->execute() $t->diag('->execute()'); $text = 'a random string to test string validator'; $error = null; $t->ok($v->execute($text, $error), '->execute() returns true if you don\'t define any parameter'); $h = new sfValidatorTestHelper($context, $t); // min $t->diag('->execute() - min parameter'); $h->launchTests($v, '123456', true, 'min', null, array('min' => 5)); $h->launchTests($v, '12345', true, 'min', null, array('min' => 5)); $h->launchTests($v, '123', false, 'min', 'min_error', array('min' => 5)); // max $t->diag('->execute() - max parameter'); $h->launchTests($v, '123', true, 'max', null, array('max' => 5)); $h->launchTests($v, '12345', true, 'max', null, array('max' => 5)); $h->launchTests($v, '123456', false, 'max', 'max_error', array('max' => 5)); // values $t->diag('->execute() - values parameter'); $h->launchTests($v, 'foo', true, 'values', null, array('values' => array('foo'))); $h->launchTests($v, 'bar', true, 'values', null, array('values' => array('foo', 'bar')));
public function executeValidateString() { $myValidator = new sfStringValidator(); $myValidator->initialize($this->getContext(), array()); if (!$myValidator->execute(urldecode($this->getRequestParameter('value')), $error)) { exit('invalid data'); } exit("ok"); }
public function validateEdit() { $has_errors = false; $msg = "Required"; $guest_data = $this->getRequestParameter('guest'); $event_id = $this->getRequestParameter('event_id'); $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(EventPeer::ID, $event_id); $event = EventPeer::doSelectOne($c); if (is_array($guest_data)) { $validator = new sfStringValidator(); $validator->initialize($this->getContext(), array('min' => 1)); foreach ($guest_data as $field => $data) { $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(RegFieldPeer::NAME, $field); $regField = RegFieldPeer::doSelectOne($c); if ($regField) { $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(RegFormPeer::EVENT_ID, $event->getId()); $c->add(RegFormPeer::REG_FIELD_ID, $regField->getId()); $regForm = RegFormPeer::doSelectOne($c); if ($regForm->getRequiredField() && !$validator->execute($data, $msg)) { $this->getRequest()->setError('guest{' . $field . '}', 'Required'); $has_errors = true; } } } if ($has_errors) { return false; } return true; } return false; }