public function executeEdit(sfRequest $request) { $this->logMessage("====== in aInsetAreaSlotActions::executeEdit", "info"); $this->editSetup(); // Work around FCK's incompatibility with AJAX and bracketed field names // (it insists on making the ID bracketed too which won't work for AJAX) // Don't forget, there's a CSRF field out there too. We need to grep through // the submitted fields and get all of the relevant ones, reinventing what // PHP's bracket syntax would do for us if FCK were compatible with it $values = $request->getParameterHolder()->getAll(); $value = array(); foreach ($values as $k => $v) { if (preg_match('/^slot-form-' . $this->id . '-(.*)$/', $k, $matches)) { $value[$matches[1]] = $v; } } $this->form = new aInsetAreaSlotForm($this->id, $this->options); $this->form->bind($value); if ($this->form->isValid()) { $value = $this->form->getValue('value'); $this->slot->value = $value; $result = $this->editSave(); return $result; } else { // Makes $this->form available to the next iteration of the // edit view so that validation errors can be seen return $this->editRetry(); } }
public static function decomposeURL(sfContext $context, sfRequest $request) { $module = $context->getModuleName(); $action = $context->getActionName(); $parameters = $request->getParameterHolder()->getAll(); return array("module" => $module, "action" => $action, "parameters" => $parameters); }
/** * DOCUMENT ME * @param sfRequest $request * @return mixed */ public function executeEdit(sfRequest $request) { $this->editSetup(); // Work around FCK's incompatibility with AJAX and bracketed field names // (it insists on making the ID bracketed too which won't work for AJAX) // Don't forget, there's a CSRF field out there too. We need to grep through // the submitted fields and get all of the relevant ones, reinventing what // PHP's bracket syntax would do for us if FCK were compatible with it $values = $request->getParameterHolder()->getAll(); $value = array(); foreach ($values as $k => $v) { if (preg_match('/^slot-form-' . $this->id . '-(.*)$/', $k, $matches)) { $value[$matches[1]] = $v; } } // HTML is carefully filtered to allow only elements, attributes and styles that // make sense in the context of a rich text slot, and you can adjust that. // See aHtml::simplify(). You can do slot-specific overrides by setting the // allowed-tags, allowed-attributes and allowed-styles options $this->form = new aRichTextForm($this->id, $this->options); $this->form->bind($value); if ($this->form->isValid()) { // The form validator took care of validating well-formed HTML // and removing elements, attributes and styles we don't permit $this->slot->value = $this->form->getValue('value'); return $this->editSave(); } else { // Makes $this->form available to the next iteration of the // edit view so that validation errors can be seen (although there // aren't any in this case) return $this->editRetry(); } }
/** * Сохранить настройки напоминаний */ public function executeSaveReminders(sfRequest $request) { $this->forward404Unless($request->isXmlHttpRequest()); $user = $this->getUser()->getUserRecord(); $request_params = $request->getParameterHolder()->getAll(); // отображение имён параметров, пришедших в запросе, на имена полей в БД $fields_map = array('timezone' => 'time_zone', 'smsPhone' => 'sms_phone', 'mailEnabled' => 'reminder_mail_default_enabled', 'smsEnabled' => 'reminder_sms_default_enabled', 'mailDaysBefore' => 'reminder_mail_days', 'mailHour' => 'reminder_mail_hour', 'mailMinutes' => 'reminder_mail_minutes', 'smsDaysBefore' => 'reminder_sms_days', 'smsHour' => 'reminder_sms_hour', 'smsMinutes' => 'reminder_sms_minutes'); $reminders_array = array(); // сюда складываем настройки оповещений для json-ответа foreach ($fields_map as $parameter_name => $field_name) { if (isset($request_params[$parameter_name])) { /** * в запросе значения checkbox'ов приходят строками ('true', 'false'), * надо менять на integer, чтобы корректно писалось в базу */ if ($request_params[$parameter_name] == 'true') { $request_params[$parameter_name] = 1; } elseif ($request_params[$parameter_name] == 'false') { $request_params[$parameter_name] = 0; } if ('timezone' == $parameter_name) { if (!isset(myDateTimezoneHelper::$zones[$request_params[$parameter_name]])) { continue; } } $user->set($field_name, $request_params[$parameter_name]); $reminders_array[$parameter_name] = $request_params[$parameter_name]; } } $user->save(); $this->getResponse()->setHttpHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); $ret = array('result' => array('text' => 'Настройки напоминаний сохранены'), 'reminders' => $reminders_array); return $this->renderText(json_encode($ret)); }
/** * Returns request parameter holders as an array. * * @param sfRequest $request A sfRequest instance * * @return array The request parameter holders */ public static function requestAsArray(sfRequest $request = null) { if (!$request) { return array(); } return array('options' => $request->getOptions(), 'parameterHolder' => self::flattenParameterHolder($request->getParameterHolder(), true), 'attributeHolder' => self::flattenParameterHolder($request->getAttributeHolder(), true)); }
/** * Executes sortProfileOption action * * @param sfRequest $request A request object */ public function executeSortProfileOption($request) { if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) { $request->checkCSRFProtection(); $parameters = $request->getParameterHolder(); $keys = $parameters->getNames(); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (preg_match('/^profile_options_\\d+$/', $key, $match)) { $order = $parameters->get($match[0]); for ($i = 0; $i < count($order); $i++) { $profileOption = Doctrine::getTable('ProfileOption')->find($order[$i]); if ($profileOption) { $profileOption->setSortOrder($i * 10); $profileOption->save(); } } break; } } } return sfView::NONE; }
public function executeUploadImages(sfRequest $request) { // Belongs at the beginning, not the end $this->forward404Unless(aMediaTools::userHasUploadPrivilege()); $this->form = new aMediaUploadImagesForm(); if ($request->isMethod('post')) { $this->form->bind($request->getParameter('a_media_items'), $request->getFiles('a_media_items')); if ($this->form->isValid()) { $request->setParameter('first_pass', true); $active = array(); // Saving embedded forms is weird. We can get the form objects // via getEmbeddedForms(), but those objects were never really // bound, so getValue will fail on them. We have to look at the // values array of the parent form instead. The widgets and // validators of the embedded forms are rolled into it. // See: // for ($i = 0; $i < aMediaTools::getOption('batch_max'); $i++) { $values = $this->form->getValues(); if ($values["item-{$i}"]['file']) { $active[] = $i; } else { // So the editImagesForm validator won't complain about these $items = $request->getParameter("a_media_items"); unset($items["item-{$i}"]); $request->setParameter("a_media_items", $items); } } $request->setParameter('active', implode(",", $active)); // We'd like to just do this... // $this->forward('aMedia', 'editImages'); // But we need to break out of the iframe, and // modern browsers ignore Window-target: _top which // would otherwise be perfect for this. // Fortunately, the persistent file upload widget can tolerate // a GET-method redirect very nicely as long as we pass the // persistids. So we make the current parameters available // to a template that breaks out of the iframe via // JavaScript and passes the prameters on. $this->parameters = $request->getParameterHolder('a_media_items')->getAll(); // If I don't do this I just get redirected back to myself unset($this->parameters['module']); unset($this->parameters['action']); return 'Redirect'; } } }