public function configure()
     $object = $this->getObject();
     $this->useFields(array('egreso', 'complicaciones', 'riesgoqx_id', 'contaminacionqx_id', 'eventoqx_id', 'clasificacionqx', 'destino_px', 'status', 'ev_adversos_anestesia'));
     //$this->widgetSchema['paciente_id'] = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden();
     $this->widgetSchema['egreso'] = new sfWidgetFormInputText();
     $this->widgetSchema['complicaciones'] = new sfWidgetFormTextarea();
     $this->widgetSchema['status'] = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden();
     $this->widgetSchema['status']->setAttribute('value', '100');
     $this->setWidget('destino_px', new sfWidgetFormChoice(array('choices' => array('Recuperación', 'Intensivos', 'Sala', 'Defunción'), 'expanded' => true)));
     $this->setWidget('clasificacionqx', new sfWidgetFormChoice(array('choices' => array(null, 'Mayor', 'Menor'), 'expanded' => false)));
     /* Ajustes a los validadores */
     $this->validatorSchema['egreso']->setOption('required', true);
     $this->validatorSchema['egreso']->setMessage('required', 'Falta hora');
     // Agregando las personas del transoperatorio
     $this->widgetSchema['egreso']->setAttributes(array('id' => 'datahora'));
     $transPersonal = $object->getPersonalTransoperatorio();
     $tmp = new sfForm();
     if ($transPersonal != null) {
         foreach ($transPersonal as $personal) {
             if ($personal->getPersonalNombre()) {
                 $x = new PersonalcirugiaForm($personal);
                 $x->useFields(array('finaliza', 'personal_nombre'));
                 $tmp->embedForm('personal' . $personal->getId(), $x);
         $this->embedForm('temporal', $tmp);
     $this->validatorSchema['clasificacionqx']->setOption('required', true);
     $this->validatorSchema['clasificacionqx']->setMessage('required', 'Falta clasificación de la cirugía');
Esempio n. 2
  * AJAX action to add new invoice items
  * @param sfWebRequest $request
  * @return unknown_type
 public function executeAjaxAddInvoiceItem(sfWebRequest $request)
     $index = 'new_item_invoice_' . time();
     $item = new Item();
     $item->common_id = $request->getParameter('invoice_id');
     $form = new sfForm();
     $form->embedForm('Items', new FormsContainer(array($index => new ItemForm($item)), 'ItemForm'));
     $params = array('invoiceItemForm' => $form['Items'][$index], 'item' => $item, 'isNew' => true, 'rowId' => $index);
     return $this->renderPartial('invoiceRow', $params);
  public function configure()
    $wrapperForm = new sfForm();
    foreach ($this->courseParticipant->ParticipantLessons as $lesson)
      //$wrapperForm->embedForm($todo->getId(), new TodoForm($todo));
      $wrapperForm->embedForm($lesson->getLesson()->getDate(), new embeddedLessonParticipantForm($lesson));

    $this->embedForm('participantLessons', $wrapperForm);
 public function configure()
     $subForm = new sfForm();
     foreach ($this->options['collection'] as $index => $record) {
         if ($this->options['level'] == Users::REGISTERED_USER && $record->getCollections() == ',' && $record->getAllPublic() === false) {
         } else {
             $form = new MyWidgetsForm($record, array('level' => $this->options['level']));
             $subForm->embedForm($index, $form);
     $this->embedForm('MyWidgets', $subForm);
Esempio n. 5
 public function configure()
     $q = Doctrine_Core::getTable('ScssScout')->createQuery('s')->leftJoin('s.Patrol p')->where('p.troop_id = ?', sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getProfile()->getActiveEnrollment()->getTroop()->getId())->orderBy('s.last_name, s.first_name ASC');
     $this->widgetSchema['scout_id'] = new sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice(array('model' => 'ScssScout', 'query' => $q));
     $scout = new ScssScout();
     $sForm = new sfForm();
     $pMax = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getProfile()->getActiveEnrollment()->getWeek()->getPeriods();
     foreach ($pMax as $i => $period) {
         $enroll = new ScssScoutEnrollment();
         $enroll->Scout = $scout;
         $form = new ScssScoutEnrollmentForm($enroll, array('period' => $period));
         $sForm->embedForm($i, $form);
     $this->embedForm('ClassesByPeriod', $sForm);
 public function configure()
     $subForm = new sfForm();
     if (isset($this->options['no_load'])) {
         $keywords = array();
     } else {
         $keywords = Doctrine::getTable('ClassificationKeywords')->findForTable($this->options['table'], $this->options['id']);
     foreach ($keywords as $index => $childObject) {
         $form = new ClassificationKeywordsForm($childObject);
         $subForm->embedForm($index, $form);
     $this->embedForm('ClassificationKeywords', $subForm);
     $subForm2 = new sfForm();
     $this->embedForm('newKeywords', $subForm2);
 public function configure()
     $num_votos = 5;
     unset($this['created_at'], $this['updated_at'], $this['parlamentario_list']);
     if (sfContext::getInstance()->getRouting()->getCurrentRouteName() == 'votacion_comision_edit') {
         $this->embedRelation('VotacionComisionParlamentario AS Voto');
     } else {
         $subForm = new sfForm();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $num_votos; $i++) {
             $VotacionParlamentario = new VotacionComisionParlamentario();
             $VotacionParlamentario->VotacionComision = $this->getObject();
             $form = new VotacionComisionParlamentarioForm($VotacionParlamentario);
             $subForm->embedForm($i, $form);
         $this->embedForm('Voto', $subForm);
 public function configure()
     $subForm = new sfForm();
     if (isset($this->options['no_load'])) {
         $names = array();
     } else {
         $names = Doctrine::getTable('VernacularNames')->findForTable($this->options['table'], $this->options['id']);
     foreach ($names as $index => $childObject) {
         $form = new VernacularNamesForm($childObject);
         $subForm->embedForm($index, $form);
     $this->embedForm('VernacularNames', $subForm);
     $subForm2 = new sfForm();
     $this->embedForm('newVal', $subForm2);
 public function configure()
     $subForm = new sfForm();
     if (isset($this->options['no_load'])) {
         $items = array();
     } else {
         $items = Doctrine::getTable('LoanItems')->findForLoan($this->options['loan']->getId());
     foreach ($items as $index => $childObject) {
         $form = new LoanItemsForm($childObject);
         $subForm->embedForm($index, $form);
     $this->embedForm('LoanItems', $subForm);
     $subForm2 = new sfForm();
     $this->embedForm('newLoanItems', $subForm2);
 public function configure()
     $subForm = new sfForm();
     $collections = Doctrine::getTable('Collections')->fetchByCollectionParent($this->options['current_user'], $this->options['user_ref'], $this->options['collection_ref']);
     foreach ($collections as $record) {
         if (count($record->CollectionsRights)) {
             $right = $record->CollectionsRights[0];
         } else {
             $right = new CollectionsRights();
         $form = new SubCollectionsRightsForm($right, array('collection' => $record));
         $subForm->embedForm($record->getId(), $form);
     $this->embedForm('collections', $subForm);
Esempio n. 11
 protected function embedDetalles()
     $detalles_forms = new sfForm();
     if (false === sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
         $detalles_solicitudes = $this->getObject()->getDetalleSolicitud();
         if (count($detalles_solicitudes) == 0) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < 1; $i++) {
                 $detalle_solicitud = new detalle_solicitud();
                 $detalle_solicitud->solicitud_id = $this->getObject();
                 $detalles_solicitudes[] = $detalle_solicitud;
         foreach ($detalles_solicitudes as $key => $v) {
             $detalle_solicitud_form = new detalle_solicitudForm($v);
             $detalles_forms->embedForm('Articulo ' . ($key + 1), $detalle_solicitud_form);
             $detalles_forms->widgetSchema['Articulo ' . ($key + 1)]->setLabel('Artículo ' . ($key + 1));
     $this->embedForm('Articulos', $detalles_forms);
     $this->widgetSchema['Articulos']->setLabel('Artículos Solicitados');
 public function configure()
     $this->useFields(array('version', 'summary', 'stability', 'api_versions_list'));
     if ($plugin = $this->getOption('plugin')) {
         $this->widgetSchema['plugin_id'] = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden();
         $this->setDefault('plugin_id', $plugin->id);
     $this->setDefault('date', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
     $this->validatorSchema['version'] = new sfValidatorVersion();
     $apiVersions = Doctrine::getTable('SymfonyApiVersion')->findAll();
     $choices = $apiVersions->toKeyValueArray('id', 'name');
     $this->mergeWidgets(array('date' => new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(), 'api_versions_list' => new sfWidgetFormChoice(array('choices' => $choices, 'multiple' => true, 'expanded' => true))));
     // Embed Dependencies
     $dependencyForm = new sfForm();
     foreach ($this->object['Dependencies'] as $i => $dependency) {
         $dependencyForm->embedForm('dependency_' . $i, new PluginReleaseDependencyForm($dependency));
     $this->embedForm('dependencies', $dependencyForm);
     // Set Labels
     $this->widgetSchema->setLabels(array('api_versions_list' => 'Api Versions'));
Esempio n. 13
    $t->fail('renderUsing() throws an exception if formatter name does not exist');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    $t->pass('renderUsing() throws an exception if formatter name does not exist');
// renderHiddenFields()
$f = new sfForm();
$f->setWidgets(array('id' => new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(), 'name' => new sfWidgetFormInputText(), 'is_admin' => new sfWidgetFormInputHidden()));
$output = '<input type="hidden" name="id" id="id" /><input type="hidden" name="is_admin" id="is_admin" />';
$t->is($f->renderHiddenFields(), $output, 'renderHiddenFields() renders all hidden fields, no visible fields');
$t->is(count($f->getFormFieldSchema()), 3, 'renderHiddenFields() does not modify the form fields');
$author = new sfForm();
$author->setWidgets(array('id' => new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(), 'name' => new sfWidgetFormInputText()));
$company = new sfForm();
$company->setWidgets(array('id' => new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(), 'name' => new sfWidgetFormInputText()));
$author->embedForm('company', $company);
$output = '<input type="hidden" name="id" id="id" /><input type="hidden" name="company[id]" id="company_id" />';
$t->is($author->renderHiddenFields(), $output, 'renderHiddenFields() renders hidden fields from embedded forms');
$output = '<input type="hidden" name="id" id="id" />';
$t->is($author->renderHiddenFields(false), $output, 'renderHiddenFields() does not render hidden fields from embedded forms if the first parameter is "false"');
// ->embedForm()
$author = new FormTest(array('first_name' => 'Fabien'));
$author->setWidgetSchema($author_widget_schema = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('first_name' => new sfWidgetFormInputText())));
$author->setValidatorSchema($author_validator_schema = new sfValidatorSchema(array('first_name' => new sfValidatorString(array('min_length' => 2)))));
$company = new FormTest();
$company->setWidgetSchema($company_widget_schema = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('name' => new sfWidgetFormInputText())));
$company->setValidatorSchema($company_validator_schema = new sfValidatorSchema(array('name' => new sfValidatorString(array('min_length' => 2)))));
$article = new FormTest();
$article->setWidgetSchema($article_widget_schema = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('title' => new sfWidgetFormInputText())));
$article->setValidatorSchema($article_validator_schema = new sfValidatorSchema(array('title' => new sfValidatorString(array('min_length' => 2)))));
Esempio n. 14
  * Embed a Doctrine_Collection relationship in to a form
  *     [php]
  *     $userForm = new UserForm($user);
  *     $userForm->embedRelation('Groups AS groups');
  * @param  string $relationName  The name of the relation and an optional alias
  * @param  string $formClass     The name of the form class to use
  * @param  array  $formArguments Arguments to pass to the constructor (related object will be shifted onto the front)
  * @param string  $innerDecorator A HTML decorator for each embedded form
  * @param string  $decorator      A HTML decorator for the main embedded form
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the relationship is not a collection
 public function embedRelation($relationName, $formClass = null, $formArgs = array(), $innerDecorator = null, $decorator = null)
     if (false !== ($pos = stripos($relationName, ' as '))) {
         $fieldName = substr($relationName, $pos + 4);
         $relationName = substr($relationName, 0, $pos);
     } else {
         $fieldName = $relationName;
     $relation = $this->getObject()->getTable()->getRelation($relationName);
     $r = new ReflectionClass(null === $formClass ? $relation->getClass() . 'Form' : $formClass);
     if (Doctrine_Relation::ONE == $relation->getType()) {
         $this->embedForm($fieldName, $r->newInstanceArgs(array_merge(array($this->getObject()->{$relationName}), $formArgs)), $decorator);
     } else {
         $subForm = new sfForm();
         foreach ($this->getObject()->{$relationName} as $index => $childObject) {
             $form = $r->newInstanceArgs(array_merge(array($childObject), $formArgs));
             $subForm->embedForm($index, $form, $innerDecorator);
             $subForm->getWidgetSchema()->setLabel($index, (string) $childObject);
         $this->embedForm($fieldName, $subForm, $decorator);
  * Embed a Doctrine_Collection relationship in to a form
  *     [php]
  *     $userForm = new UserForm($user);
  *     $userForm->embedRelation('Groups');
  * @param  string $relationName  The name of the relation
  * @param  string $formClass     The name of the form class to use
  * @param  array  $formArguments Arguments to pass to the constructor (related object will be shifted onto the front)
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the relationship is not a collection
 public function embedRelation($relationName, $formClass = null, $formArgs = array())
     // FIXME: Where exactly is getTable() declared?
     //        It triggers __call() which retrieves a property called $table,
     //        which doesn't seem to be declared anywhere so it triggers __get()
     //        which then again tries to call getTable() (if it exists) or
     //        returns $this->table, which eventually doesn't exists?
     //        I don't think this is works
     throw new sfException('Not implemented');
     $relation = $this->object->getTable()->getRelation($relationName);
     if ($relation->getType() !== Doctrine_Relation::MANY) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('You can only embed a relationship that is a collection.');
     $r = new ReflectionClass(null === $formClass ? $relation->getClass() . 'Form' : $formClass);
     $subForm = new sfForm();
     foreach ($this->object[$relationName] as $index => $childObject) {
         $form = $r->newInstanceArgs(array_merge(array($childObject), $formArgs));
         $subForm->embedForm($index, $form);
         $subForm->getWidgetSchema()->setLabel($index, (string) $childObject);
     $this->embedForm($relationName, $subForm);
Esempio n. 16
 public function addInitialRows($numberOfRows)
     $timesheetRows = new sfForm();
     $count = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $numberOfRows; $i++) {
         $rowForm = new TimesheetForm();
         $timesheetRows->embedForm($count, $rowForm);
     $this->embedForm('initialRows', $timesheetRows);
Esempio n. 17
} catch (LogicException $e) {
    $t->pass('"sfForm" Trying to set a validator for an embedded form field throws a LogicException');
// tests for ticket #4754
$f1 = new TestForm1();
$f2 = new TestForm2();
$f1->embedForm('f2', $f2);
$t->is($f1['f2']['c']->render(), '<textarea rows="4" cols="30" name="f2[c]" id="f2_c"></textarea>', '->embedForm() generates a correct id in embedded form fields');
$t->is($f1['f2']['c']->renderLabel(), '<label for="f2_c">2_c</label>', '->embedForm() generates a correct label id correctly in embedded form fields');
// bind too many values for embedded forms
$t->diag('bind too many values for embedded forms');
$list = new FormTest();
$list->setWidgets(array('title' => new sfWidgetFormInputText()));
$list->setValidators(array('title' => new sfValidatorString()));
$containerForm = new sfForm();
$containerForm->embedForm('0', clone $list);
$containerForm->embedForm('1', clone $list);
$list->embedForm('items', $containerForm);
$list->bind(array('title' => 'list title', 'items' => array(array('title' => 'item 1'), array('title' => 'item 2'), array('title' => 'extra item'))));
$t->isa_ok($list['items'][0]->getError(), 'sfValidatorErrorSchema', '"sfFormFieldSchema" is given an error schema when an extra embedded form is bound');
// does this trigger a fatal error?
$t->pass('"sfFormFieldSchema" renders when an extra embedded form is bound');
// ->getEmbeddedForms()
$article = new FormTest();
$company = new FormTest();
$author = new FormTest();
$article->embedForm('company', $company);
$article->embedForm('author', $author);
$forms = $article->getEmbeddedForms();
Esempio n. 18
  * Embed a Doctrine_Collection relationship in to a form
  *     [php]
  *     $userForm = new UserForm($user);
  *     $userForm->embedRelation('Groups');
  * @param  string $relationName  The name of the relation
  * @param  string $formClass     The name of the form class to use
  * @param  array  $formArguments Arguments to pass to the constructor (related object will be shifted onto the front)
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the relationship is not a collection
 public function embedRelation($relationName, $formClass = null, $formArgs = array())
     $relation = $this->getObject()->getTable()->getRelation($relationName);
     if ($relation->getType() !== Doctrine_Relation::MANY) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('You can only embed a relationship that is a collection.');
     $r = new ReflectionClass(null === $formClass ? $relation->getClass() . 'Form' : $formClass);
     $subForm = new sfForm();
     foreach ($this->getObject()->{$relationName} as $index => $childObject) {
         $form = $r->newInstanceArgs(array_merge(array($childObject), $formArgs));
         $subForm->embedForm($index, $form);
         $subForm->getWidgetSchema()->setLabel($index, (string) $childObject);
     $this->embedForm($relationName, $subForm);
 public function embedRelations(array $relations)
     $this->embedRelations = $relations;
     $this->getEventDispatcher()->connect('form.post_configure', array($this, 'listenToFormPostConfigureEvent'));
     foreach ($relations as $relationName => $relationSettings) {
         $relationSettings = $this->addDefaultRelationSettings($relationSettings);
         $relation = $this->getObject()->getTable()->getRelation($relationName);
         if (!$relationSettings['noNewForm']) {
             $containerName = 'new_' . $relationName;
             $formLabel = $relationSettings['newFormLabel'];
             if (!$relation->isOneToOne()) {
                 if ($relationSettings['multipleNewForms']) {
                     $newFormsCount = $relationSettings['newFormsInitialCount'];
                     $subForm = $this->newFormsContainerFormFactory($relationSettings, $containerName);
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $newFormsCount; $i++) {
                         // we need to create new forms with cloned object inside (otherwise only the last new values would be saved)
                         $newForm = $this->embeddedFormFactory($relationName, $relationSettings, $relation, $i + 1);
                         $subForm->embedForm($i, $newForm);
                     $this->embedForm($containerName, $subForm);
                 } else {
                     $newForm = $this->embeddedFormFactory($relationName, $relationSettings, $relation, $formLabel);
                     $this->embedForm($containerName, $newForm);
             } elseif ($relation->isOneToOne() && !$this->getObject()->relatedExists($relationName)) {
                 $newForm = $this->embeddedFormFactory($relationName, $relationSettings, $relation, $formLabel);
                 $this->embedForm($containerName, $newForm);
         $formClass = null === $relationSettings['formClass'] ? $relation->getClass() . 'Form' : $relationSettings['formClass'];
         $formArgs = null === $relationSettings['formClassArgs'] ? array() : $relationSettings['formClassArgs'];
         if (isset($formArgs[0]) && !array_key_exists('ah_add_delete_checkbox', $formArgs[0]) || !isset($formArgs[0])) {
             $formArgs[0]['ah_add_delete_checkbox'] = true;
         if ($relation->isOneToOne()) {
             $form = new $formClass($this->getObject()->{$relationName}, $formArgs[0]);
             $this->embedForm($relationName, $form);
             //maybe we need this: if (!$this->getObject()->relatedExists($relationName))
         } else {
             $subForm = new sfForm();
             foreach ($this->getObject()->{$relationName} as $index => $childObject) {
                 $form = new $formClass($childObject, $formArgs[0]);
                 $subForm->embedForm($index, $form);
                 // check if existing embedded relations should have a different label
                 if (null === $relationSettings['customEmbeddedFormLabelMethod'] || !method_exists($childObject, $relationSettings['customEmbeddedFormLabelMethod'])) {
                     $subForm->getWidgetSchema()->setLabel($index, (string) $childObject);
                 } else {
                     $subForm->getWidgetSchema()->setLabel($index, $childObject->{$relationSettings}['customEmbeddedFormLabelMethod']());
             $this->embedForm($relationName, $subForm);
         if ($relationSettings['formFormatter']) {
             $this->switchFormatter($relationName, $relationSettings['formFormatter']);
          * Unset the relation form(s) if:
          * (1. One-to-many relation and there are no related objects yet (count of embedded forms is 0) OR
          * 2. One-to-one relation and embedded form is new (no related object yet))
          * AND
          * (3. Option `displayEmptyRelations` was either not set by the user or was set by the user and is false)
         if ((!$relation->isOneToOne() && count($this->getEmbeddedForm($relationName)->getEmbeddedForms()) === 0 || $relation->isOneToOne() && $this->getEmbeddedForm($relationName)->isNew()) && !$relationSettings['displayEmptyRelations']) {
         if ($relationSettings['newFormAfterExistingRelations'] && isset($this[$relationName]) && isset($this['new_' . $relationName])) {
             $this->getWidgetSchema()->moveField('new_' . $relationName, sfWidgetFormSchema::AFTER, $relationName);
     $this->getEventDispatcher()->disconnect('form.post_configure', array($this, 'listenToFormPostConfigureEvent'));
Esempio n. 20
  * Adds a new NameValueForm into the specified location for a 'generic' settings form.
  * @param string to Location where to insert the item
  *                  Ex: config['taxes'][new_1234567890][<name_or_value>]
  *                               |_ 'to' parameter            |_ from NameValueForm
  * @return void
  * @author Carlos Escribano <*****@*****.**>
 public function executeAddNewNameValueItem(sfWebRequest $request)
     $this->forward404Unless($to = $request->getParameter('to'));
     $configForm = new sfForm();
     $index = 'new_' . time();
     switch ($to) {
         case 'taxes':
             $subform = new FormsContainer(array($index => new TaxForm()), 'TaxForm');
         case 'seriess':
             $subform = new FormsContainer(array($index => new SeriesForm()), 'SeriesForm');
     $configForm->embedForm($to, $subform);
     return $this->renderText($configForm[$to][$index]);