/** * @see sfTask */ protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array()) { $databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager($this->configuration); $buildAll = new sfDoctrineBuildAllTask($this->dispatcher, $this->formatter); $buildAll->setCommandApplication($this->commandApplication); $buildAllOptions = array(); if ($options['skip-forms']) { $buildAllOptions[] = '--skip-forms'; } if ($options['no-confirmation']) { $buildAllOptions[] = '--no-confirmation'; } if (isset($options['application']) && $options['application']) { $buildAllOptions[] = '--application=' . $options['application']; } $ret = $buildAll->run(array(), $buildAllOptions); if (0 == $ret) { $loadData = new sfDoctrineLoadDataTask($this->dispatcher, $this->formatter); $loadData->setCommandApplication($this->commandApplication); $loadDataOptions = array('--env=' . $options['env'], '--connection=' . $options['connection']); if (isset($options['application'])) { $loadDataOptions[] = '--application=' . $options['application']; } if (!empty($options['dir'])) { $loadDataOptions[] = '--dir=' . implode(' --dir=', $options['dir']); } $loadData->run(array(), $loadDataOptions); } return $ret; }
public function loadFixtures($fixtures) { $path = sfConfig::get('sf_data_dir') . '/' . $fixtures; if (!file_exists($path)) { throw new sfException('Invalid data fixtures file'); } chdir(sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir')); $task = new sfDoctrineLoadDataTask($this->dispatcher, new sfFormatter()); $task->run(array(), array('--env=test', '--dir=' . $path)); }
/** * @see sfTask */ protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array()) { $buildAll = new sfDoctrineBuildAllTask($this->dispatcher, $this->formatter); $buildAll->setCommandApplication($this->commandApplication); $buildAll->run(array('application' => $arguments['application']), array('--env=' . $options['env'])); $loadData = new sfDoctrineLoadDataTask($this->dispatcher, $this->formatter); $loadData->setCommandApplication($this->commandApplication); $loadDataOptions = array(); $loadDataOptions[] = '--env=' . $options['env']; if (!empty($options['dir'])) { $loadDataOptions[] = '--dir=' . implode(' --dir=', $options['dir']); } if (isset($options['append']) && $options['append']) { $loadDataOptions[] = '--append'; } $loadData->run(array('application' => $arguments['application']), $loadDataOptions); }
<?php /** * This file is part of the OpenPNE package. * (c) OpenPNE Project (http://www.openpne.jp/) * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file and the NOTICE file that were distributed with this source code. */ $configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('pc_frontend', 'test', true); new sfDatabaseManager($configuration); $task = new sfDoctrineLoadDataTask($configuration->getEventDispatcher(), new sfFormatter()); $task->run(); $task->run(array('--dir=' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../fixtures'));
<?php /** * This file is part of the OpenPNE package. * (c) OpenPNE Project (http://www.openpne.jp/) * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file and the NOTICE file that were distributed with this source code. */ // guess current application if (!isset($app)) { $traces = debug_backtrace(); $caller = $traces[0]; $dirPieces = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, dirname($caller['file'])); $app = array_pop($dirPieces); } $configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration($app, 'test', true); new sfDatabaseManager($configuration); $task = new sfDoctrineBuildAllReloadTask($configuration->getEventDispatcher(), new sfFormatter()); $task->run(array('--no-confirmation', '--dir=' . sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir') . '/data/fixtures', '--skip-forms')); $loadData = new sfDoctrineLoadDataTask($configuration->getEventDispatcher(), new sfFormatter()); $loadData->run(array('--dir=' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../fixtures'));