   * Add a sfCommandArgument objects.
   * @param sfCommandArgument $argument A sfCommandArgument object
  public function addArgument(sfCommandArgument $argument)
    if (isset($this->arguments[$argument->getName()]))
      throw new sfCommandException(sprintf('An argument with name "%s" already exist.', $argument->getName()));

    if ($this->hasAnArrayArgument)
      throw new sfCommandException('Cannot add an argument after an array argument.');

    if ($argument->isRequired() && $this->hasOptional)
      throw new sfCommandException('Cannot add a required argument after an optional one.');

    if ($argument->isArray())
      $this->hasAnArrayArgument = true;

    if ($argument->isRequired())
      $this->hasOptional = true;

    $this->arguments[$argument->getName()] = $argument;
Esempio n. 2

 * This file is part of the symfony package.
 * (c) 2004-2006 Fabien Potencier <*****@*****.**>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../bootstrap/unit.php';
$t = new lime_test(16);
// __construct()
$argument = new sfCommandArgument('foo');
$t->is($argument->getName(), 'foo', '__construct() takes a name as its first argument');
// mode argument
$argument = new sfCommandArgument('foo');
$t->is($argument->isRequired(), false, '__construct() gives a "sfCommandArgument::OPTIONAL" mode by default');
$argument = new sfCommandArgument('foo', null);
$t->is($argument->isRequired(), false, '__construct() can take "sfCommandArgument::OPTIONAL" as its mode');
$argument = new sfCommandArgument('foo', sfCommandArgument::OPTIONAL);
$t->is($argument->isRequired(), false, '__construct() can take "sfCommandArgument::PARAMETER_OPTIONAL" as its mode');
$argument = new sfCommandArgument('foo', sfCommandArgument::REQUIRED);
$t->is($argument->isRequired(), true, '__construct() can take "sfCommandArgument::PARAMETER_REQUIRED" as its mode');
try {
    $argument = new sfCommandArgument('foo', 'ANOTHER_ONE');
    $t->fail('__construct() throws an sfCommandException if the mode is not valid');
} catch (sfCommandException $e) {
    $t->pass('__construct() throws an sfCommandException if the mode is not valid');
// ->isArray()