  * Retrieves a sfAsset object from a relative URL like
  *    /medias/foo/bar.jpg
  * i.e. the kind of URL returned by $sf_asset->getUrl()
 public function retrieveFromUrl($url)
     $url = sfAssetFolderTable::getInstance()->cleanPath($url, '/');
     list($relPath, $filename) = sfAssetsLibraryTools::splitPath($url, '/');
     $query = $this->createQuery('a')->where('filename = ?', $filename)->leftJoin('a.Folder f')->andWhere('f.relative_path = ?', $relPath ? $relPath : null);
     return $query->fetchOne();
Esempio n. 2
  * Retrieves a sfAsset object from a relative URL like
  *    /medias/foo/bar.jpg
  * i.e. the kind of URL returned by $sf_asset->getUrl()
 public static function retrieveFromUrl($url)
     $url = sfAssetFolderPeer::cleanPath($url);
     list($relPath, $filename) = sfAssetsLibraryTools::splitPath($url);
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(sfAssetPeer::FILENAME, $filename);
     $c->addJoin(sfAssetPeer::FOLDER_ID, sfAssetFolderPeer::ID);
     $c->add(sfAssetFolderPeer::RELATIVE_PATH, $relPath ? $relPath : null);
     return sfAssetPeer::doSelectOne($c);
  * Recursively creates parent folders
  * @param string $path
  * @return sfAssetFolder
 public static function createFromPath($path)
     $path = self::cleanPath($path);
     list($parent_path, $name) = sfAssetsLibraryTools::splitPath($path);
     if (!($parent_folder = self::retrieveByPath($parent_path))) {
         $parent_folder = self::createFromPath($parent_path);
     $folder = new sfAssetFolder();
     return $folder;
 * @param object $task
 * @param array $args
function run_sfassetlibrary_synchronize($task, $args, $options)
    if (!count($args)) {
        sfAssetsLibraryTools::log('Usage: php symfony sfassetlibrary-synchronize [app] [dirname] --notVerbose --removeOrphanAssets --removeOrphanFolders');
    $app = $args[0];
    if (!is_dir(sfConfig::get('sf_app_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $app)) {
        throw new Exception('The app "' . $app . '" does not exist.');
    if (!isset($args[1])) {
        throw new Exception('You must define a sychronization folder');
    $base_folder = $args[1];
    $verbose = array_key_exists('notVerbose', $options) ? false : true;
    $removeOrphanAssets = array_key_exists('removeOrphanAssets', $options) ? true : false;
    $removeOrphanFolders = array_key_exists('removeOrphanFolders', $options) ? true : false;
    // define constants
    define('SF_ROOT_DIR', sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir'));
    define('SF_APP', $app);
    define('SF_ENVIRONMENT', 'dev');
    define('SF_DEBUG', true);
    // get configuration
    // initialize database manager
    $databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager();
    $con = Propel::getConnection();
    // synchronize
    sfAssetsLibraryTools::log(sprintf("Comparing files from %s with assets stored in the database...", $base_folder), 'green');
    $rootFolder = sfAssetFolderPeer::getRoot();
    try {
        $rootFolder->synchronizeWith($base_folder, $verbose, $removeOrphanAssets, $removeOrphanFolders);
    } catch (sfAssetException $e) {
        throw new sfException(strtr($e->getMessage(), $e->getMessageParams()));
    echo pakeColor::colorize("Synchronization complete\n", 'INFO');
  * Retrieves a sfAsset object from a relative URL like
  *    /medias/foo/bar.jpg
  * i.e. the kind of URL returned by $sf_asset->getUrl()
 public static function retrieveFromUrl($url)
     $url = sfAssetFolderPeer::cleanPath($url);
     list($relPath, $filename) = sfAssetsLibraryTools::splitPath($url);
     return Doctrine::getTable('sfAsset a')->createQuery()->leftJoin('sfAssetFolder f')->where('f.relative_path = ? AND a.filename = ', $relPath ? $relPath : null, $filename)->fetchOne();
  * Overrrides the parent synchronizeWith() method to add a fix when calling
  * insertAsLastChildOf($this->reload()) because $this->reload() doesn't return
  * $this.
  * @see parent::synchronizeWith()
 public function synchronizeWith($baseFolder, $verbose = true, $removeOrphanAssets = false, $removeOrphanFolders = false)
     if (!is_dir($baseFolder)) {
         throw new sfAssetException(sprintf('%s is not a directory', $baseFolder));
     $files = sfFinder::type('file')->maxdepth(0)->ignore_version_control()->in($baseFolder);
     $assets = $this->getAssetsWithFilenames();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (!array_key_exists(basename($file), $assets)) {
             // File exists, asset does not exist: create asset
             $sfAsset = new sfAsset();
             $sfAsset->create($file, false);
             if ($verbose) {
                 sfAssetsLibraryTools::log(sprintf("Importing file %s", $file), 'green');
         } else {
             // File exists, asset exists: do nothing
     foreach ($assets as $name => $asset) {
         if ($removeOrphanAssets) {
             // File does not exist, asset exists: delete asset
             if ($verbose) {
                 sfAssetsLibraryTools::log(sprintf("Deleting asset %s", $asset->getUrl()), 'yellow');
         } else {
             if ($verbose) {
                 sfAssetsLibraryTools::log(sprintf("Warning: No file for asset %s", $asset->getUrl()), 'red');
     $dirs = sfFinder::type('dir')->maxdepth(0)->discard(sfConfig::get('app_sfAssetsLibrary_thumbnail_dir', 'thumbnail'))->ignore_version_control()->in($baseFolder);
     $folders = $this->getSubfoldersWithFolderNames();
     foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
         list(, $name) = sfAssetsLibraryTools::splitPath($dir);
         if (!array_key_exists($name, $folders)) {
             // dir exists in filesystem, not in database: create folder in database
             $sfAssetFolder = new sfAssetFolder();
             if ($verbose) {
                 sfAssetsLibraryTools::log(sprintf("Importing directory %s", $dir), 'green');
         } else {
             // dir exists in filesystem and database: look inside
             $sfAssetFolder = $folders[$name];
         $sfAssetFolder->synchronizeWith($dir, $verbose, $removeOrphanAssets, $removeOrphanFolders);
     foreach ($folders as $name => $folder) {
         if ($removeOrphanFolders) {
             $folder->delete(null, true);
             if ($verbose) {
                 sfAssetsLibraryTools::log(sprintf("Deleting folder %s", $folder->getRelativePath()), 'yellow');
         } else {
             if ($verbose) {
                 sfAssetsLibraryTools::log(sprintf("Warning: No directory for folder %s", $folder->getRelativePath()), 'red');
Esempio n. 7
  * Change asset directory and/or name
  * @param sfAssetFolder $newFolder
  * @param string        $newFilename
 public function move(sfAssetFolder $newFolder, $newFilename = null)
     if (sfAssetPeer::exists($newFolder->getId(), $newFilename ? $newFilename : $this->getFilename())) {
         throw new sfAssetException('The target folder "%folder%" already contains an asset named "%name%". The asset has not been moved.', array('%folder%' => $newFolder->getName(), '%name%' => $newFilename ? $newFilename : $this->getFilename()));
     $oldFilepaths = $this->getFilepaths();
     if ($newFilename) {
         if (sfAssetsLibraryTools::sanitizeName($newFilename) != $newFilename) {
             throw new sfAssetException('The filename "%name%" contains incorrect characters. The asset has not be altered.', array('%name%' => $newFilename));
     $success = true;
     foreach ($oldFilepaths as $type => $filepath) {
         $success = rename($filepath, $this->getFullPath($type)) && $success;
     if (!$success) {
         throw new sfAssetException('Some or all of the file operations failed. It is possible that the moved asset or its thumbnails are missing.');
  * Change folder name
  * @param string $name
 private function rename()
     if ($this->hasSibling($this->getName())) {
         throw new sfAssetException('The parent folder already contains a folder named "%name%". The folder has not been renamed.', array('%name%' => $this->getName()));
     if (sfAssetsLibraryTools::sanitizeName($this->getName()) != $this->getName()) {
         throw new sfAssetException('The target folder name "%name%" contains incorrect characters. The folder has not be renamed.', array('%name%' => $this->getName()));
     $new_path = $this->getFullPath();
     $old_path = $this->old_path;
     // move its assets
     self::movePhysically($old_path, $new_path);
     if ($this->getNode()->hasChildren()) {
         $children = $this->getNode()->getChildren();
         foreach ($children as $descendant) {
Esempio n. 9
  * Also delete all contents
  * @param Connection $con
  * @param Boolean $force If true, do not throw an exception if the physical directories cannot be removed
 public function delete(PropelPDO $con = null, $force = false)
     $success = true;
     foreach ($this->getDescendants() as $descendant) {
         $success = $descendant->delete($con, $force) && $success;
     foreach ($this->getsfAssets() as $asset) {
         $success = $asset->delete() && $success;
     // Remove thumbnail subdir
     $success = rmdir(sfAssetsLibraryTools::getThumbnailDir($this->getFullPath())) && $success;
     // Remove dir itself
     $success = rmdir($this->getFullPath()) && $success;
     if ($success || $force) {
     } else {
         throw new sfAssetException('Impossible to delete folder "%name%"', array('%name%' => $this->getName()));

 * @author MaGénération
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../test/bootstrap/unit.php';
$pluginPaths = $configuration->getAllPluginPaths();
include $pluginPaths['sfDoctrineAssetsLibraryPlugin'] . '/lib/sfAssetsLibraryTools.class.php';
// run the test
$t = new lime_test(5, array('options' => new lime_output_color(), 'error_reporting' => true));
$t->diag('assets tools test');
list($base, $name) = sfAssetsLibraryTools::splitPath('simple');
$t->is($name, 'simple', 'splitPath() gives same name on simple strings');
$t->is($base, '', 'splitPath() gives empty base on simple strings');
list($base, $name) = sfAssetsLibraryTools::splitPath('root' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'file');
$t->is($name, 'file', 'splitPath() splits by / gives good name');
$t->is($base, 'root', 'splitPath() splits by / gives good simple base');
list($base, $name) = sfAssetsLibraryTools::splitPath(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Articles' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'People' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Sarkozy');
$t->is($base, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Articles' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'People', 'splitPath() splits by DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR gives good composed base');

// guess current application
if (!isset($app)) {
    $app = 'frontend';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php';
$configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration($app, 'test', isset($debug) ? $debug : true);
// remove all cache
sfConfig::set('app_sfAssetsLibrary_upload_dir', 'media');
// clear possible fixture directories
$mediaDir = sfAssetsLibraryTools::getMediaDir(true) . sfConfig::get('app_sfAssetsLibrary_upload_dir', 'media');
@unlink($mediaDir . '/TESTsubdir1/thumbnail/large_demo.png');
@unlink($mediaDir . '/TESTsubdir1/thumbnail/small_demo.png');
@unlink($mediaDir . '/TESTsubdir1/demo.png');
@rmdir($mediaDir . '/TESTsubdir1/foobar/thumbnail');
@rmdir($mediaDir . '/TESTsubdir1/foobar/');
@rmdir($mediaDir . '/TESTsubdir1/thumbnail/');
@rmdir($mediaDir . '/TESTsubdir1/');
@rmdir($mediaDir . '/TESTsubdir2/thumbnail/');
@rmdir($mediaDir . '/TESTsubdir2/');
@rmdir($mediaDir . '/TESTsubdir3/');
// cp data files - why are they deleted during tests? :-|
copy(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/demo1.png', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/demo.png');
copy(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/propel1.gif', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/propel.gif');
copy(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/demo1.png', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/demo2.png');
copy(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/propel1.gif', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/propel2.gif');
// load fixtures

 * @author MaGénération
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../test/bootstrap/unit.php';
define('SF_APP', 'backend');
define('SF_ENVIRONMENT', 'dev');
define('SF_DEBUG', 1);
$databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager();
$con = Propel::getConnection();
// run the test
$t = new lime_test(5, new lime_output_color());
$t->diag('assets tools test');
list($base, $name) = sfAssetsLibraryTools::splitPath('simple');
$t->is($name, 'simple', 'splitPath() gives same name on simple strings');
$t->is($base, '', 'splitPath() gives empty base on simple strings');
list($base, $name) = sfAssetsLibraryTools::splitPath('root/file');
$t->is($name, 'file', 'splitPath() splits by / gives good name');
$t->is($base, 'root', 'splitPath() splits by / gives good simple base');
list($base, $name) = sfAssetsLibraryTools::splitPath('/Articles/People/Sarkozy');
$t->is($base, '/Articles/People', 'splitPath() splits by / gives good composed base');

// guess current application
if (!isset($app)) {
    $app = 'backend';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php';
$configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration($app, 'test', isset($debug) ? $debug : true);
// remove all cache
// clear possible fixture directories
$mediaDir = sfAssetsLibraryTools::getMediaDir();
@unlink($mediaDir . '/TESTsubdir1/');
@unlink($mediaDir . '/TESTsubdir2/');
@unlink($mediaDir . '/TESTsubdir3/');
// cp data files - why are they deleted during tests? :-|
copy(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/demo1.png', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/demo.png');
copy(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/propel1.gif', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/propel.gif');
copy(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/demo1.png', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/demo2.png');
copy(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/propel1.gif', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/propel2.gif');
// load fixtures
$data = new sfPropelData();
$data->loadData(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/fixtures/');
  * Physically creates asset
  * @param string $asset_path path to the asset original file
  * @param bool $move do move or just copy ?
 public function createAsset($asset_path, $move = true, $checkDuplicate = true)
     if (!is_file($asset_path)) {
         throw new sfAssetException('Asset "%asset%" not found', array('%asset%' => $asset_path));
     // calculate asset properties
     if (!$this->getFilename()) {
         list(, $filename) = sfAssetsLibraryTools::splitPath($asset_path);
     // check folder
     if (!$this->getsfAssetFolder()->presents()) {
     } else {
         // check if a file with this name already exists
         if ($checkDuplicate && sfAssetTable::presents($this->getsfAssetFolder()->getId(), $this->getFilename())) {
             $this->setFilename(time() . $this->getFilename());
     $this->setFilesize((int) filesize($asset_path) / 1024);
     if (sfConfig::get('app_sfDoctrineAssetsLibrary_check_type', false) && !in_array($this->getType(), sfConfig::get('app_sfDoctrineAssetsLibrary_types', array('image', 'txt', 'archive', 'pdf', 'xls', 'doc', 'ppt')))) {
         throw new sfAssetException('Filetype "%type%" not allowed', array('%type%' => $this->getType()));
     if ($move) {
         rename($asset_path, $this->getFullPath());
     } else {
         copy($asset_path, $this->getFullPath());
     if ($this->supportsThumbnails()) {
         sfAssetsLibraryTools::createThumbnails($this->getFolderPath(), $this->getFilename());