do { $clientID = $myrow["clientID"]; $sessionColumns = "<td>" . $myrow["userName"] . "</td><td>" . $myrow["userProblem"] . "</td><td>" . $myrow["userSection"] . "</td><td>" . $myrow["startTime"] . "</td>"; $sessionLink1 = "<td><a href=\"OpenTrace.php?x=" . $dbuser . "&sv=" . $dbserver . "&pwd=" . $dbpass . "&d=" . $dbname . "&cid=" . $clientID . "&u=" . $myrow["userName"] . "&p=" . $myrow["userProblem"] . "&s=" . $myrow["userSection"] . "&m=" . $methods; $sessionLink2 = "\">Session log</a></td>"; $tempSqlOld = "SELECT initiatingParty,command,tID FROM PROBLEM_ATTEMPT_TRANSACTION WHERE clientID = '{$clientID}'"; $tempSql = "SELECT client,server,tID FROM STEP_TRANSACTION WHERE clientID = '{$clientID}'"; $queryStart = microtime(true); $tempResultOld = mysql_query($tempSqlOld); $tempResult = mysql_query($tempSql); $queryTime += microtime(true) - $queryStart; // loop through session $cutoff = 600; // Minimum number of seconds between turns where // we assume user is not "on task." $sessionTime = new session_time(); // get student input and server reply while (($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($tempResult)) || ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($tempResultOld))) { if (isset($myrow["command"])) { $myrow2 = mysql_fetch_array($tempResultOld); if ($myrow["initiatingParty"] == 'client') { $action = $myrow["command"]; $ttID = $myrow["tID"]; $response = $myrow2["command"]; } else { $action = $myrow2["command"]; $ttID = $myrow2["tID"]; $response = $myrow["command"]; } } else { $action = $myrow["client"];
do { $clientID = $myrow['clientID']; $thisName = $myrow['userName']; $thisSection = $myrow['userSection']; $thisProblem = $myrow['userProblem']; $tempSqlOld = "SELECT initiatingParty,command,tID FROM PROBLEM_ATTEMPT_TRANSACTION WHERE clientID = '{$clientID}'"; $tempSql = "SELECT client,server,tID FROM STEP_TRANSACTION WHERE clientID = '{$clientID}'"; $queryStart = microtime(true); $tempResultOld = mysql_query($tempSqlOld); $tempResult = mysql_query($tempSql); $queryTime += microtime(true) - $queryStart; // loop through session // Minimum number of seconds between transactions where // we assume user is not "on task." $cutoff = 180; $sessionTime = new session_time(); $sessionCorrects = array(); // Objects that have turned green. $blame = new turn_blame(); $sessionScore = 0; $state->begin_session(); // // echo "session " . $myrow["startTime"] . "<br>\n"; // get student input and server reply while (($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($tempResult)) || $tempResultOld && ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($tempResultOld))) { if (isset($myrow['command'])) { $myrow2 = mysql_fetch_array($tempResultOld); if ($myrow['initiatingParty'] == 'client') { $action = $myrow['command']; $ttID = $myrow['tID']; $response = $myrow2['command'];