 * This function processes the submitted form for all of the sections.  Most of the work
 * is completed via using the section_icon class and its associated routines.  The data
 * is pulled from the form, a check is made to see if any boxes are ticked, then the
 * desired result is processed.  Any draft files that need to be saved are saved in this
 * function.
 * TODO: some logic should be added to outright delete a settings record if it has neither
 * a disable flag or custom label associated with it.
function process_form($courseid, $blockid, &$submittedform, &$sectionheaders, $numberofsections)
    global $DB;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numberofsections; $i++) {
        $filepickername = 'fileinfo_' . "{$i}";
        $hiddenidname = 'hiddenid_' . "{$i}";
        $masterupdatename = 'masterid_' . "{$i}";
        $deleteiconname = 'deleteid_' . "{$i}";
        $noiconname = 'noicon_' . "{$i}";
        $newcourseid = $courseid;
        $customlabelfield = 'customlabelfield_' . "{$i}";
        $customlabelcheckbox = 'customlbelcheckbox_' . "{$i}";
        $si = new section_icon($courseid, $sectionheaders[$i]);
        // Update master via using courseid 0.
        if (!isset($submittedform->{$masterupdatename})) {
            // Use courseid of 1 so we get the correct context.
            $newcourseid = 1;
            $context = context_course::instance($newcourseid);
        } else {
            // Save block context instead of the course context for course-specific records.
            $context = context_block::instance($blockid);
        // Check for delete first.
        if (isset($submittedform->{$deleteiconname})) {
        $draftitemid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid($filepickername);
        $itemid = get_unused_file_id();
        file_save_draft_area_files($draftitemid, $context->id, BNN_BLOCK_SAVE_COMPONENT, BNN_BLOCK_SAVE_AREA, $itemid, array('subdirs' => 0, 'maxbytes' => BNN_MAX_BYTES, 'maxfiles' => BNN_MAX_FILES));
        // Only update if the user uploaded a file.
        if (check_draft_id($draftitemid)) {
            $si->update_icon_record($newcourseid, $itemid);
        // The other IFs are separate cases because the user can do multiple things at once.
        if ($submittedform->{$noiconname} != $si->get_icon_disable()) {
        if ($submittedform->{$customlabelcheckbox} == true) {
            // Only write label if different from existing label.
            if ($si->get_custom_label() != $submittedform->{$customlabelfield}) {
        } else {
            // Only write a null if the record exists and is not already null.
            if ($si->settings_exists() && $si->get_custom_label() != null) {
  * This method tests delete_record().  I also check to ensure that delete
  * properly chains into the files table when needed.
 public function test_delete_record()
     global $DB;
     $courseid = $this->testcourseid;
     // Delete a record where nobody else is using that file.
     $sectionname = "Topic 3";
     $si = new section_icon($courseid, $sectionname);
     $fileid = $this->fileids[self::SECTION3_COURSE_FILE_ID_INDEX];
     // Now check to ensure that it is gone.
     $params = array($courseid, $sectionname);
     $query = "SELECT * FROM {nurs_navigation} WHERE courseid = ? AND sectionname = ?";
     $record = $DB->get_record_sql($query, $params, IGNORE_MULTIPLE);
     $this->assertFalse((bool) $record);
     // And the entry from the files table.
     $record = $DB->get_records('files', array('itemid' => $fileid));
     $this->assertTrue((bool) (count($record) == 0));
     // Delete a record with a shared file.
     $sectionname = "Craig's Resources";
     $si = new section_icon($courseid, $sectionname);
     $fileid = $this->fileids[self::SECTION1_GLOBAL_FILE_ID_INDEX];
     // Ensure that the navigation entry is gone.
     $params = array($courseid, $sectionname);
     $query = "SELECT * FROM {nurs_navigation} WHERE courseid = ? AND sectionname = ?";
     $record = $DB->get_record_sql($query, $params, IGNORE_MULTIPLE);
     $this->assertFalse((bool) $record);
     // But the files table entry remains.
     $record = $DB->get_records('files', array('itemid' => $fileid));
     $this->assertTrue((bool) (count($record) > 0));