Esempio n. 1
 public function getGrid($sort, $by, $perPage, $pageNo, $searchData, $call, $dashboardcall, $exParam1 = '', $exParam2 = '', $exParam3 = '', $exParam4 = '')
     $searchQuery = '';
     $searchArray = array();
     $data = array();
     if ($searchData != '' && $searchData != 'undefined') {
         $searchValues = json_decode($searchData);
         foreach ($searchValues as $key => $val) {
             if ($key == 'department') {
                 $searchQuery .= " d.deptname like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
             } else {
                 if ($key == 'client_id') {
                     $searchQuery .= " c.client_name like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
                 } else {
                     if ($key == 'start_date') {
                         $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . sapp_Global::change_date($val, 'database') . "%' AND ";
                     } else {
                         if ($key == 'year_skill_last_used') {
                         } else {
                             $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
             $searchArray[$key] = $val;
         $searchQuery = rtrim($searchQuery, " AND");
     $objName = 'empjobhistory';
     $tableFields = array('action' => 'Action', 'department' => 'Department', 'client_id' => 'Client', 'start_date' => 'From', 'end_date' => 'To');
     $tablecontent = $this->getEmpJobHistoryData($sort, $by, $pageNo, $perPage, $searchQuery, $exParam1);
     $bool_arr = array('' => 'All', 1 => 'Yes', 2 => 'No');
     $dataTmp = array('userid' => $exParam1, 'sort' => $sort, 'by' => $by, 'pageNo' => $pageNo, 'perPage' => $perPage, 'tablecontent' => $tablecontent, 'objectname' => $objName, 'extra' => array(), 'tableheader' => $tableFields, 'jsGridFnName' => 'getEmployeeAjaxgridData', 'jsFillFnName' => '', 'searchArray' => $searchArray, 'add' => 'add', 'menuName' => 'Job history', 'formgrid' => 'true', 'unitId' => $exParam1, 'call' => $call, 'context' => $exParam2, 'search_filters' => array('active_company' => array('type' => 'select', 'filter_data' => $bool_arr), 'start_date' => array('type' => 'datepicker'), 'end_date' => array('type' => 'datepicker')));
     return $dataTmp;
Esempio n. 2
 public function getGrid($sort, $by, $perPage, $pageNo, $searchData, $call, $dashboardcall, $exParam1 = '', $exParam2 = '', $exParam3 = '', $exParam4 = '')
     $searchQuery = '';
     $tablecontent = '';
     $searchArray = array();
     $data = array();
     $id = '';
     $dataTmp = array();
     if ($searchData != '' && $searchData != 'undefined') {
         $searchValues = json_decode($searchData);
         foreach ($searchValues as $key => $val) {
             if ($key == 'expected_date_join') {
                 $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . sapp_Global::change_date($val, 'database') . "%' AND ";
             } else {
                 $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
             $searchArray[$key] = $val;
         $searchQuery = rtrim($searchQuery, " AND");
     /** search from grid - END **/
     $objName = 'medicalclaims';
     $tableFields = array('action' => 'Action', 'injury_type' => 'Medical Claim Type', 'leaveappliedbyemployee_days' => 'Approved Leaves', 'leavebyemployeer_days' => 'Employee Applied Leaves', 'expected_date_join' => 'Date of Joining');
     $tablecontent = $this->getempmedicalclaimdetails($sort, $by, $pageNo, $perPage, $searchQuery, $exParam1);
     $dataTmp = array('userid' => $exParam1, 'sort' => $sort, 'by' => $by, 'pageNo' => $pageNo, 'perPage' => $perPage, 'tablecontent' => $tablecontent, 'objectname' => $objName, 'extra' => array(), 'tableheader' => $tableFields, 'jsGridFnName' => 'getEmployeeAjaxgridData', 'jsFillFnName' => '', 'searchArray' => $searchArray, 'add' => 'add', 'menuName' => 'Medical Claims', 'formgrid' => 'true', 'unitId' => $exParam1, 'call' => $call, 'context' => $exParam2, 'dashboardcall' => $dashboardcall, 'search_filters' => array('injury_type' => array('type' => 'select', 'filter_data' => array('' => 'All', 1 => 'Paternity', 2 => 'Maternity', 3 => 'Disability', 4 => 'Injury')), 'expected_date_join' => array('type' => 'datepicker')));
     return $dataTmp;
Esempio n. 3
  * This function is used to get data in employees report.
  * @param array $param_arr   = array of parameters.
  * @param integer $per_page  = no.of records per page
  * @param integer $page_no   = page number
  * @param string $sort_name  = name of the column to be sort
  * @param string $sort_type  = descending or ascending
  * @return array  Array of all employees.
 public function getdata_emp_report($param_arr, $per_page, $page_no, $sort_name, $sort_type)
     $search_str = " e.isactive != 5 ";
     foreach ($param_arr as $key => $value) {
         if ($value != '') {
             if ($key == 'date_of_joining') {
                 $search_str .= " and " . $key . " = '" . sapp_Global::change_date($value, 'database') . "'";
             if ($key == 'businessunit_id' || $key === 'department_id') {
                 if (is_array($value)) {
                     $search_str .= " and " . $key . " in (" . implode(',', $value) . ")";
             } else {
                 $search_str .= " and " . $key . " = '" . $value . "'";
     $offset = $per_page * $page_no - $per_page;
     $db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
     $limit_str = " limit " . $per_page . " offset " . $offset;
     $count_query = "select count(*) cnt from main_employees_summary e where " . $search_str;
     $count_result = $db->query($count_query);
     $count_row = $count_result->fetch();
     $count = $count_row['cnt'];
     $page_cnt = ceil($count / $per_page);
     $query = "select e.*,es.salary,p.freqtype,c.currencyname " . " from main_employees_summary e left join main_empsalarydetails es on es.user_id = e.user_id  " . " left join main_currency c on = es.currencyid " . " left join main_payfrequency p on = es.salarytype " . "where " . $search_str . " " . "order by " . $sort_name . " " . $sort_type . " " . $limit_str;
     $result = $db->query($query);
     $rows = $result->fetchAll();
     return array('rows' => $rows, 'page_cnt' => $page_cnt);
Esempio n. 4
 public function getGrid($sort, $by, $pageNo, $perPage, $searchData, $call, $dashboardcall, $exParam1 = '', $exParam2 = '', $exParam3 = '', $exParam4 = '')
     $searchQuery = '';
     $tablecontent = '';
     $searchArray = array();
     $data = array();
     $id = '';
     $dataTmp = array();
     if ($searchData != '' && $searchData != 'undefined') {
         $searchValues = json_decode($searchData);
         foreach ($searchValues as $key => $val) {
             if ($key == 'from_date' || $key == 'to_date') {
                 $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . sapp_Global::change_date($val, 'database') . "%' AND ";
             } else {
                 $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
             $searchArray[$key] = $val;
         $searchQuery = rtrim($searchQuery, " AND");
     /** search from grid - END * */
     $objName = 'experiencedetails';
     $tableFields = array('action' => 'Action', 'comp_name' => 'Company Name', 'designation' => 'Designation', 'from_date' => 'From', 'to_date' => 'To');
     $tablecontent = $this->getexperiencedetailsData($sort, $by, $pageNo, $perPage, $searchQuery, $exParam1);
     $dataTmp = array('userid' => $exParam1, 'sort' => $sort, 'by' => $by, 'pageNo' => $pageNo, 'perPage' => $perPage, 'tablecontent' => $tablecontent, 'objectname' => $objName, 'extra' => array(), 'tableheader' => $tableFields, 'jsGridFnName' => 'getEmployeeAjaxgridData', 'jsFillFnName' => '', 'searchArray' => $searchArray, 'dashboardcall' => $dashboardcall, 'add' => 'add', 'menuName' => 'Experience', 'formgrid' => 'true', 'unitId' => $exParam1, 'call' => $call, 'context' => $exParam2, 'search_filters' => array('from_date' => array('type' => 'datepicker'), 'to_date' => array('type' => 'datepicker')));
     return $dataTmp;
Esempio n. 5
 public function getGrid($sort, $by, $perPage, $pageNo, $searchData, $call, $dashboardcall, $statusid, $a1, $a2, $a3)
     $searchQuery = '';
     $searchArray = array();
     $data = array();
     $requi_model = new Default_Model_Requisition();
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         $loginUserId = $auth->getStorage()->read()->id;
         $loginuserGroup = $auth->getStorage()->read()->group_id;
     if ($searchData != '' && $searchData != 'undefined') {
         $searchValues = json_decode($searchData);
         if (count($searchValues) > 0) {
             foreach ($searchValues as $key => $val) {
                 if ($key == 'onboard_date' || $key == 'r.createdon') {
                     $searchQuery .= " date(" . $key . ")  = '" . sapp_Global::change_date($val, 'database') . "' AND ";
                 } else {
                     $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
                 $searchArray[$key] = $val;
             $searchQuery = rtrim($searchQuery, " AND");
     $objName = 'rejectedrequisitions';
     $tableFields = array('action' => 'Action', 'requisition_code' => 'Requisition Code', 'jobtitle_name' => 'Job Title', 'createdby_name' => 'Raised By', 'reporting_manager_name' => 'Reporting Manager', 'req_no_positions' => 'No. of Positions', 'filled_positions' => 'Filled Positions', 'r.createdon' => 'Raised On', 'onboard_date' => 'Due Date');
     $tablecontent = $requi_model->getRequisitionData($sort, $by, $pageNo, $perPage, $searchQuery, $loginUserId, $loginuserGroup, 3);
     $dataTmp = array('sort' => $sort, 'by' => $by, 'pageNo' => $pageNo, 'perPage' => $perPage, 'tablecontent' => $tablecontent, 'objectname' => $objName, 'extra' => array(), 'tableheader' => $tableFields, 'jsGridFnName' => 'getAjaxgridData', 'jsFillFnName' => '', 'add' => 'add', 'searchArray' => $searchArray, 'menuName' => 'Rejected Requisitions', 'call' => $call, 'dashboardcall' => $dashboardcall, 'search_filters' => array('r.createdon' => array('type' => 'datepicker'), 'onboard_date' => array('type' => 'datepicker')));
     return $dataTmp;
Esempio n. 6
 public function get_sd_report($param_arr, $per_page, $page_no, $sort_name, $sort_type)
     $search_str = "isactive = 1 ";
     foreach ($param_arr as $key => $value) {
         if ($value != '') {
             if ($key == 'raised_date') {
                 $search_str .= " and DATE(createddate) = '" . sapp_Global::change_date($value, 'database') . "'";
             } else {
                 $search_str .= " and " . $key . " = '" . $value . "'";
     $offset = $per_page * $page_no - $per_page;
     $db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
     $limit_str = " limit " . $per_page . " offset " . $offset;
     $count_query = "select count(*) cnt from main_sd_requests_summary where " . $search_str;
     $count_result = $db->query($count_query);
     $count_row = $count_result->fetch();
     $count = $count_row['cnt'];
     $page_cnt = ceil($count / $per_page);
     $query = "select *,DATE_FORMAT(createddate,'" . DATEFORMAT_MYSQL . "') as createddate from main_sd_requests_summary where " . $search_str . " order by " . $sort_name . " " . $sort_type . " " . $limit_str;
     $result = $db->query($query);
     $rows = $result->fetchAll();
     return array('rows' => $rows, 'page_cnt' => $page_cnt);
Esempio n. 7
  * This function is used to get data in employees report.
  * @param array $param_arr   = array of parameters.
  * @param integer $per_page  = no.of records per page
  * @param integer $page_no   = page number
  * @param string $sort_name  = name of the column to be sort
  * @param string $sort_type  = descending or ascending
  * @return array  Array of all employees.
 public function getdata_emp_report($param_arr, $per_page, $page_no, $sort_name, $sort_type)
     $search_str = "isactive != 5 ";
     foreach ($param_arr as $key => $value) {
         if ($value != '') {
             if ($key == 'date_of_joining') {
                 $search_str .= " and " . $key . " = '" . sapp_Global::change_date($value, 'database') . "'";
             } else {
                 $search_str .= " and " . $key . " = '" . $value . "'";
     $offset = $per_page * $page_no - $per_page;
     $db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
     $limit_str = " limit " . $per_page . " offset " . $offset;
     $count_query = "select count(*) cnt from main_employees_summary where " . $search_str;
     $count_result = $db->query($count_query);
     $count_row = $count_result->fetch();
     $count = $count_row['cnt'];
     $page_cnt = ceil($count / $per_page);
     $query = "select * from main_employees_summary where " . $search_str . " order by " . $sort_name . " " . $sort_type . " " . $limit_str;
     $result = $db->query($query);
     $rows = $result->fetchAll();
     return array('rows' => $rows, 'page_cnt' => $page_cnt);
Esempio n. 8
 public function getGrid($sort, $by, $perPage, $pageNo, $searchData, $call, $dashboardcall, $exParam1 = '', $exParam2 = '', $exParam3 = '', $exParam4 = '')
     $searchQuery = '';
     $tablecontent = '';
     $level_opt = array();
     $searchArray = array();
     $data = array();
     $id = '';
     $dataTmp = array();
     if ($searchData != '' && $searchData != 'undefined') {
         $searchValues = json_decode($searchData);
         foreach ($searchValues as $key => $val) {
             if ($key == 'from_date' || $key == 'to_date') {
                 $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . sapp_Global::change_date($val, 'database') . "%' AND ";
             } else {
                 $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
             $searchArray[$key] = $val;
         $searchQuery = rtrim($searchQuery, " AND");
     /** search from grid - END * */
     $objName = 'educationdetails';
     $tableFields = array('action' => 'Action', 'educationlevel' => 'Education Level', 'institution_name' => 'Institution Name', 'course' => 'Course', 'from_date' => 'From', "to_date" => "To", "percentage" => "Percentage");
     $tablecontent = $this->geteducationdetails($sort, $by, $pageNo, $perPage, $searchQuery, $exParam1);
     $educationlevelcodemodel = new Default_Model_Educationlevelcode();
     $educationlevelArr = $educationlevelcodemodel->getEducationlevelData();
     if (!empty($educationlevelArr)) {
         foreach ($educationlevelArr as $educationlevelres) {
             $level_opt[$educationlevelres['id']] = $educationlevelres['educationlevelcode'];
     $dataTmp = array('userid' => $exParam1, 'sort' => $sort, 'by' => $by, 'pageNo' => $pageNo, 'perPage' => $perPage, 'tablecontent' => $tablecontent, 'objectname' => $objName, 'extra' => array(), 'tableheader' => $tableFields, 'jsGridFnName' => 'getEmployeeAjaxgridData', 'jsFillFnName' => '', 'searchArray' => $searchArray, 'dashboardcall' => $dashboardcall, 'add' => 'add', 'menuName' => 'Education', 'formgrid' => 'true', 'unitId' => $exParam1, 'call' => $call, 'context' => $exParam2, 'search_filters' => array('from_date' => array('type' => 'datepicker'), 'to_date' => array('type' => 'datepicker'), 'educationlevel' => array('type' => 'select', 'filter_data' => array('' => 'All') + $level_opt)));
     return $dataTmp;
 public function getGrid($sort, $by, $perPage, $pageNo, $searchData, $call, $dashboardcall, $exParam1 = '', $exParam2 = '', $exParam3 = '', $exParam4 = '')
     $searchQuery = '';
     $tablecontent = '';
     $searchArray = array();
     $data = array();
     $dataTmp = array();
     /** search from grid - START **/
     if ($searchData != '' && $searchData != 'undefined') {
         $searchValues = json_decode($searchData);
         foreach ($searchValues as $key => $val) {
             if ($key == 'visa_expiry_date') {
                 $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . sapp_Global::change_date($val, 'database') . "%' AND ";
             } else {
                 $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
             $searchArray[$key] = $val;
         $searchQuery = rtrim($searchQuery, " AND");
     /** search from grid - END **/
     $objName = 'visaandimmigrationdetails';
     $tableFields = array('action' => 'Action', 'passport_number' => 'Passport Number', 'passport_expiry_date' => 'Passport Expiry Date', 'visa_number' => 'Visa Number', 'visa_expiry_date' => 'Visa Expiry Date', 'inine_status' => 'Inine Status', 'ininetyfour_status' => 'Ininetyfour Status');
     $tablecontent = $this->getEmpVisaDetails($sort, $by, $pageNo, $perPage, $searchQuery, $exParam1);
     $dataTmp = array('userid' => $exParam1, 'sort' => $sort, 'by' => $by, 'pageNo' => $pageNo, 'perPage' => $perPage, 'tablecontent' => $tablecontent, 'objectname' => $objName, 'extra' => array(), 'tableheader' => $tableFields, 'jsGridFnName' => 'getEmployeeAjaxgridData', 'jsFillFnName' => '', 'searchArray' => $searchArray, 'add' => 'add', 'menuName' => 'Visa and Immigration', 'formgrid' => 'true', 'unitId' => $exParam1, 'dashboardcall' => $dashboardcall, 'call' => $call, 'context' => $exParam2, 'search_filters' => array('passport_expiry_date' => array('type' => 'datepicker'), 'visa_expiry_date' => array('type' => 'datepicker')));
     return $dataTmp;
Esempio n. 10
  * Check if a username is a Ldap user
  * @param string $username
  * @return boolean
 public function login($postarray)
     if (isset($postarray['employeeid']) && $postarray['employeeid'] != '' && isset($postarray['password']) && $postarray['password'] != '') {
         $result = array();
         $employeeid = $postarray['employeeid'];
         $password = md5($postarray['password']);
         $check = $this->isActiveUser($employeeid, $password);
         if (!empty($check) && $check[0]['count'] == 1) {
             $result = $this->getUserObject($employeeid, $password);
             //$uploadpath = array('imagepath' => USER_UPLOAD_PATH.'/'.$result[0]['profileimg']);
             $uploadpath = array('imagepath' => sapp_Global::_getHostBaseURL() . "public/uploads/profile/" . $result[0]['profileimg']);
             $resultarray = array_merge($result[0], $uploadpath);
             $data = array('status' => '1', 'message' => 'Success', 'result' => $resultarray);
         } else {
             $userStatusArr = $this->getActiveStatus($employeeid, $password);
             if (!empty($userStatusArr)) {
                 $userStatus = $userStatusArr[0]['status'];
                 $islockaccount = $userStatusArr[0]['isaccountlock'];
                 if ($userStatus == 0) {
                     $data = array('status' => '0', 'message' => 'Login failed. Employee has been inactivated from the organization.', 'result' => '');
                 } else {
                     if ($userStatus == 2) {
                         $data = array('status' => '0', 'message' => 'Login failed. Employee has resigned from the organization.', 'result' => '');
                     } else {
                         if ($userStatus == 3) {
                             $data = array('status' => '0', 'message' => 'Login failed. Employee has left the organization.', 'result' => '');
                         } else {
                             if ($userStatus == 4) {
                                 $data = array('status' => '0', 'message' => 'Login failed. Employee has been suspended from the organization.', 'result' => '');
                             } else {
                                 if ($userStatus == 5) {
                                     $data = array('message' => 'Login failed. Employee deleted.', 'result' => '');
                                 } else {
                                     if ($islockaccount == 1) {
                                         $data = array('status' => '0', 'message' => 'Login failed. Employee has been locked.', 'result' => '');
             } else {
                 $data = array('status' => '0', 'message' => 'Invalid credentials given', 'result' => '');
     } else {
         if ($postarray['employeeid'] == '') {
             $data = array('status' => '0', 'message' => 'Employee Id cannot be empty.', 'result' => $result);
         } else {
             if ($postarray['password'] == '') {
                 $data = array('status' => '0', 'message' => 'Password cannot be empty.', 'result' => $result);
     //echo "<pre>";print_r($data);exit;
     return $data;
Esempio n. 11
 public function displayData($emp_data, $column_key)
     if ($column_key == 'created_on') {
         echo isset($emp_data['created_on']) ? sapp_Global::change_date($emp_data['created_on'], "view") : "";
     } elseif ($column_key == 'onboard_date') {
         echo isset($emp_data['onboard_date']) ? sapp_Global::change_date($emp_data['onboard_date'], "view") : "";
     } else {
         echo isset($emp_data[$column_key]) && !empty($emp_data[$column_key]) ? $emp_data[$column_key] : "--";
Esempio n. 12
 public function indexAction()
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         $loginUserId = $auth->getStorage()->read()->id;
         $loginuserRole = $auth->getStorage()->read()->emprole;
         $loginuserGroup = $auth->getStorage()->read()->group_id;
     $addpermission = 'No';
     $editpermission = 'No';
     $structureModel = new Default_Model_Structure();
     $orgData = $structureModel->getOrgData();
     $heirarchyModel = new Default_Model_Heirarchy();
     $levelsdata = $heirarchyModel->getlevelsusernames();
     $baseUrl = $this->getBaseurl();
     $emps = $heirarchyModel->getAllEmployees();
     $vEmps = $heirarchyModel->getVAllEmployees();
     $output = '';
     $empData = array();
     if (count($emps) > 0) {
         foreach ($emps as $empRecord) {
             $empData[] = array('id' => $empRecord['id'], 'name' => ucwords($empRecord['name']), 'profileimg' => $empRecord['profileimg']);
     $editpermission = sapp_Global::_checkprivileges(HEIRARCHY, $loginuserGroup, $loginuserRole, 'edit');
     $addpermission = sapp_Global::_checkprivileges(HEIRARCHY, $loginuserGroup, $loginuserRole, 'add');
     $dataArr = array();
     $tmplevelsdata = $levelsdata;
     $parentArr = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($levelsdata); $i++) {
         $parentArr[] = $levelsdata[$i]['parent'];
     $parentArr = array_unique($parentArr);
     $parr = array();
     foreach ($parentArr as $parent) {
         foreach ($tmplevelsdata as $data) {
             if ($data['parent'] == $parent) {
                 $parr[$parent][] = array('userid' => $data['userid'], 'userfullname' => $data['userfullname'], 'profileimg' => $data['profileimg'], 'level_number' => $data['level_number'], 'parent' => $data['parent'], 'jobtitlename' => $data['jobtitlename']);
     if (!empty($parr)) {
         $output = "<ul  id='org' style='display:none;'>";
         $output .= "<li>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<i></i>\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<p class='tags-ctrl'>\t\t\t\t\t\t \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  <img class='main-img' border='0' src='" . $baseUrl . "/public/uploads/profile/" . $parr[key($parr)][0]['profileimg'] . "' onerror='this.src=\"" . $baseUrl . "/public/media/images/hierarchy-deafult-pic.jpg\"' />\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  <span class='main-name' title='" . ucwords($parr[key($parr)][0]['userfullname']) . "' id='" . $parr[key($parr)][0]['userid'] . "'>" . $parr[key($parr)][0]['userfullname'] . "</span>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  <span class='main-name' title='" . ucwords($parr[key($parr)][0]['jobtitlename']) . "'>" . $parr[key($parr)][0]['jobtitlename'] . "</span>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  </p>";
         $output .= $this->hasChildNoEdit($parr[key($parr)][0]['userid'], $parr);
         $output .= " </li></ul>";
     $this->view->output = $output;
     $this->view->allEmpdata = $vEmps;
     $this->view->empData = $empData;
     $this->view->orgData = $orgData;
     $this->view->editpermission = $editpermission;
     $this->view->addpermission = $addpermission;
 public function preDispatch()
     $session = sapp_Global::_readSession();
     if (!isset($session)) {
         if ($this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
             echo Zend_Json::encode(array('login' => 'failed'));
         } else {
Esempio n. 14
 public function isValid($value)
     $today = date('Y-m-d');
     $final_val = sapp_Global::change_date($value, 'database');
     // expecting $value to be YYYY-MM-DD
     if ($final_val <= $today) {
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 15
 public function displayData($emp_data, $column_key)
     $base_url = BASE_URL;
     if ($column_key == 'created_on') {
         echo isset($emp_data['created_on']) ? sapp_Global::change_date($emp_data['created_on'], "view") : "";
     } elseif ($column_key == 'onboard_date') {
         echo isset($emp_data['onboard_date']) ? sapp_Global::change_date($emp_data['onboard_date'], "view") : "";
     } elseif ($column_key == 'Show_Report') {
         echo "<a href='{$base_url}/reports/requisitionhistoryreportdetail/id/{$emp_data[req_id]}' target='_blank' >Show Report</a>";
     } else {
         echo isset($emp_data[$column_key]) && !empty($emp_data[$column_key]) ? $emp_data[$column_key] : "--";
Esempio n. 16
 public function getgroupEmails($sort, $by, $pageNo, $perPage, $searchQuery)
     $where = "e.isactive = 1";
     if ($searchQuery) {
         $where .= " AND " . $searchQuery;
     if (!sapp_Global::_isactivemodule(RESOURCEREQUISITION)) {
         $where .= " AND eg.group_code <> 'REQ_HR' AND eg.group_code <> 'REQ_MGMT' ";
     if (!sapp_Global::_isactivemodule(BGCHECKS)) {
         $where .= " AND eg.group_code <> 'BG_CHECKS_HR' AND eg.group_code <> 'BG_CHECKS_MNGMNT' ";
     $emailContactsdata = $this->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false)->from(array('e' => 'main_emailcontacts'))->joinInner(array('eg' => 'main_emailgroups'), " = e.group_id and eg.isactive = 1", array('group_name' => 'eg.group_name'))->joinInner(array('bu' => 'main_businessunits'), " = e.business_unit_id and bu.isactive = 1", array('unitname' => "if( = 0,'',bu.unitname)"))->where($where)->order("{$by} {$sort}")->limitPage($pageNo, $perPage);
     return $emailContactsdata;
Esempio n. 17
 public function preDispatch()
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     $session = sapp_Global::_readSession();
     if (!isset($session)) {
         if ($this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
             echo Zend_Json::encode(array('login' => 'failed'));
         } else {
     $ajaxContext = $this->_helper->getHelper('AjaxContext');
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('activitylogreport', 'html')->initContext();
Esempio n. 18
  * This function gives all content for grid view.
  * @parameters
  * @param $sort          = ascending or descending
  * @param $by            = name of field which to be sort
  * @param $pageNo        = page number
  * @param $perPage       = no.of records per page
  * @param $searchData    = search string
  * @param $call          = type of call like ajax.
  * @return  Array;
 public function getUserLoginLogGrid($sort, $by, $perPage, $pageNo, $searchData, $call, $p1, $p2, $p3, $p4, $p5)
     $group_model = new Default_Model_Groups();
     $role_model = new Default_Model_Roles();
     $user_model = new Default_Model_Users();
     $searchQuery = '';
     $searchArray = array();
     $data = array();
     if ($searchData != '' && $searchData != 'undefined') {
         $searchValues = json_decode($searchData);
         if (count($searchValues) > 0) {
             foreach ($searchValues as $key => $val) {
                 if ($key == 'userfullname' || $key == 'employeeId' || $key == 'emailaddress' || $key == 'empipaddress') {
                     $searchQuery .= " r." . $key . " like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
                 } else {
                     if ($key == 'logindatetime') {
                         $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . sapp_Global::change_date(urldecode($val), 'database') . "%' AND ";
                     } else {
                         if ($key == 'rolename') {
                             $searchQuery .= " ro." . $key . " like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
                         } else {
                             $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
                 $searchArray[$key] = $val;
             $searchQuery = rtrim($searchQuery, " AND");
     $objName = 'userloginlog';
     $tableFields = array('action' => 'Action', 'userfullname' => 'User', 'profileimg' => 'Profile', 'employeeId' => 'Employee ID', 'group_name' => 'Group', 'rolename' => 'Role', 'emailaddress' => 'Email', 'logindatetime' => 'Login Time', 'empipaddress' => 'Ip Address');
     $tablecontent = $this->getUserLoginLogData($sort, $by, $pageNo, $perPage, $searchQuery);
     $group_data = $group_model->getGroupsListForUserLoginLog();
     $group_arr = array();
     foreach ($group_data as $gkey => $gdata) {
         $group_arr[$gdata['group_name']] = $gdata['group_name'];
     $role_data = $role_model->getRoleListForUserLoginLog();
     $role_arr = array();
     foreach ($role_data as $gkey => $gdata) {
         $role_arr[$gdata['rolename']] = $gdata['rolename'];
     $dataTmp = array('sort' => $sort, 'by' => $by, 'pageNo' => $pageNo, 'perPage' => $perPage, 'tablecontent' => $tablecontent, 'objectname' => $objName, 'menuName' => 'User log', 'extra' => array(), 'tableheader' => $tableFields, 'jsGridFnName' => 'getAjaxgridData', 'jsFillFnName' => '', 'searchArray' => $searchArray, 'call' => $call, 'search_filters' => array('group_name' => array('type' => 'select', 'filter_data' => array('' => 'All') + $group_arr), 'rolename' => array('type' => 'select', 'filter_data' => array('' => 'All') + $role_arr), 'logindatetime' => array('type' => 'datepicker')));
     return $dataTmp;
 public function getGrid($sort, $by, $perPage, $pageNo, $searchData, $call, $dashboardcall, $exParam1 = '', $exParam2 = '', $exParam3 = '', $exParam4 = '')
     $searchQuery = '';
     $tablecontent = '';
     $searchArray = array();
     $data = array();
     $dataTmp = array();
     /** search from grid - START **/
     if ($searchData != '' && $searchData != 'undefined') {
         $searchValues = json_decode($searchData);
         foreach ($searchValues as $key => $val) {
             if ($key == 'from_date') {
                 $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . sapp_Global::change_date($val, 'database') . "%' AND ";
             } else {
                 if ($key == 'to_date') {
                     $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . sapp_Global::change_date($val, 'database') . "%' AND ";
                 } else {
                     $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
             $searchArray[$key] = $val;
         $searchQuery = rtrim($searchQuery, " AND");
     $objName = 'empadditionaldetails';
     $tableFields = array('action' => 'Action', 'military_status' => 'Served in Military', 'branch_service' => 'Branch of Service', 'from_date' => 'From', 'to_date' => 'To', 'veteran_status' => 'Veteran Status', 'military_servicetype' => 'Service Type');
     $tablecontent = $this->getEmpAdditionalsData($sort, $by, $pageNo, $perPage, $searchQuery, $exParam1);
     $bool_arr = array('' => 'All', 1 => 'Yes', 2 => 'No');
     $empVeteranStatusArr = $this->empveteranstatus($exParam1);
     $veteranstatusArr = array();
     if (!empty($empVeteranStatusArr)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($empVeteranStatusArr); $i++) {
             $veteranstatusArr[$empVeteranStatusArr[$i]['id']] = $empVeteranStatusArr[$i]['veteranstatus'];
     $empMiltitaryStatusArr = $this->empmilitarystatus($exParam1);
     $militarystatusArr = array();
     if (!empty($empMiltitaryStatusArr)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($empMiltitaryStatusArr); $i++) {
             $militarystatusArr[$empMiltitaryStatusArr[$i]['id']] = $empMiltitaryStatusArr[$i]['militaryservicetype'];
     $dataTmp = array('userid' => $exParam1, 'sort' => $sort, 'by' => $by, 'pageNo' => $pageNo, 'perPage' => $perPage, 'tablecontent' => $tablecontent, 'objectname' => $objName, 'extra' => array(), 'tableheader' => $tableFields, 'jsGridFnName' => 'getEmployeeAjaxgridData', 'jsFillFnName' => '', 'searchArray' => $searchArray, 'add' => 'add', 'menuName' => 'Additional Details', 'formgrid' => 'true', 'unitId' => $exParam1, 'dashboardcall' => $dashboardcall, 'call' => $call, 'context' => $exParam2, 'search_filters' => array('military_status' => array('type' => 'select', 'filter_data' => $bool_arr), 'military_servicetype' => array('type' => 'select', 'filter_data' => array('' => 'All') + $militarystatusArr), 'veteran_status' => array('type' => 'select', 'filter_data' => array('' => 'All') + $veteranstatusArr), 'from_date' => array('type' => 'datepicker', 'yearrange' => 'yearrange'), 'to_date' => array('type' => 'datepicker', 'yearrange' => 'yearrange')));
     return $dataTmp;
Esempio n. 20
 public function getGrid($sort, $by, $perPage, $pageNo, $searchData, $call, $dashboardcall, $a = '', $b = '', $c = '', $d = '')
     $searchQuery = '';
     $searchArray = array();
     $data = array();
     if ($searchData != '' && $searchData != 'undefined') {
         $searchValues = json_decode($searchData);
         foreach ($searchValues as $key => $val) {
             $sval = $val;
             $val = mysql_real_escape_string($val);
             if ($key == 'fin_year') {
                 $searchQuery .= " concat(from_year,'-',to_year) like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
             } else {
                 if ($key == 'app_period') {
                     $searchQuery .= " lower(case when fi.ff_mode = 'Quarterly' then concat('Q',fi.ff_period) when fi.ff_mode = 'Half-yearly' then concat('H',fi.ff_period) when fi.ff_mode = 'Yearly' then 'Yearly' end)  like '%" . strtoupper($val) . "%' AND ";
                 } else {
                     if ($key == 'ff_due_date') {
                         $searchQuery .= "  " . $key . " like '%" . sapp_Global::change_date($val, 'database') . "%' AND ";
                     } else {
                         if ($key == 'ff_process_status') {
                             if ($val == 1) {
                                 $searchQuery .= " initialize_status = 2  AND ";
                             if ($val == 2) {
                                 $searchQuery .= " enable_to = 0 AND ";
                             if ($val == 3) {
                                 $searchQuery .= " enable_to = 1 AND ";
                         } else {
                             $searchQuery .= $key . " like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
         $searchQuery = rtrim($searchQuery, " AND");
     $objName = 'feedforwardinit';
     $tableFields = array('action' => 'Action', 'unitname' => 'Business Unit', 'deptname' => 'Department', 'fin_year' => 'Financial Year', 'ff_mode' => 'Mode', 'app_period' => 'Period', 'ff_due_date' => 'Due Date', 'status' => 'Appraisal Status', 'ff_process_status' => 'Process Status');
     $tablecontent = $this->getFeedforwardInitData($sort, $by, $pageNo, $perPage, $searchQuery);
     $dataTmp = array('sort' => $sort, 'by' => $by, 'pageNo' => $pageNo, 'perPage' => $perPage, 'tablecontent' => $tablecontent, 'objectname' => $objName, 'extra' => array(), 'tableheader' => $tableFields, 'jsGridFnName' => 'getAjaxgridData', 'jsFillFnName' => '', 'searchArray' => $searchArray, 'add' => 'add', 'call' => $call, 'dashboardcall' => $dashboardcall, 'actionparam' => 'yes', 'search_filters' => array('status' => array('type' => 'select', 'filter_data' => array('' => 'All', '1' => 'Open', '2' => 'Closed')), 'ff_mode' => array('type' => 'select', 'filter_data' => array('' => 'All', 'Quarterly' => 'Quarterly', 'Half-yearly' => 'Half-yearly', 'Yearly' => 'Yearly')), 'ff_due_date' => array('type' => 'datepicker'), 'ff_process_status' => array('type' => 'select', 'filter_data' => array('' => 'All', '1' => 'Initialize later', '2' => 'Appraisal employees', '3' => 'All employees'))));
     return $dataTmp;
Esempio n. 21
 public function getGrid($sort, $by, $perPage, $pageNo, $searchData, $call, $dashboardcall, $unitId, $a = '', $b = '', $c = '')
     $searchQuery = '';
     $searchArray = array();
     $data = array();
     if ($searchData != '' && $searchData != 'undefined') {
         $searchValues = json_decode($searchData);
         foreach ($searchValues as $key => $val) {
             if ($key == 'timezone') {
                 $searchQuery .= " tz." . $key . " like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
             } else {
                 if ($key == 'unitname') {
                     $searchQuery .= " b." . $key . " like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
                 } else {
                     if ($key == 'depthead') {
                         $searchQuery .= " u.userfullname like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
                     } else {
                         if ($key == 'startdate') {
                             $searchQuery .= " d." . $key . " like '%" . sapp_Global::change_date($val, 'database') . "%' AND ";
                         } else {
                             $searchQuery .= " d." . $key . " like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
             $searchArray[$key] = $val;
         $searchQuery = rtrim($searchQuery, " AND");
     $objName = 'departments';
     $tableFields = array('action' => 'Action', 'deptname' => 'Name', 'deptcode' => 'Code', 'startdate' => 'Started On', 'depthead' => 'Department Head', 'timezone' => 'Time Zone', 'unitname' => 'Business Unit');
     $tablecontent = $this->getDepartmentsData($sort, $by, $pageNo, $perPage, $searchQuery, $unitId);
     if (isset($unitId) && $unitId != '') {
         $formgrid = 'true';
     } else {
         $formgrid = '';
     $dataTmp = array('sort' => $sort, 'by' => $by, 'pageNo' => $pageNo, 'perPage' => $perPage, 'tablecontent' => $tablecontent, 'objectname' => $objName, 'extra' => array(), 'tableheader' => $tableFields, 'jsGridFnName' => 'getAjaxgridData', 'jsFillFnName' => '', 'searchArray' => $searchArray, 'formgrid' => $formgrid, 'unitId' => $unitId, 'dashboardcall' => $dashboardcall, 'call' => $call, 'search_filters' => array('startdate' => array('type' => 'datepicker')));
     return $dataTmp;
Esempio n. 22
 public function getGrid($sort, $by, $perPage, $pageNo, $searchData, $call, $dashboardcall, $exParam1 = '', $exParam2 = '', $exParam3 = '', $exParam4 = '')
     $searchQuery = '';
     $tablecontent = '';
     $searchArray = array();
     $data = array();
     $dataTmp = array();
     /** search from grid - START **/
     if ($searchData != '' && $searchData != 'undefined') {
         $searchValues = json_decode($searchData);
         foreach ($searchValues as $key => $val) {
             if ($key == 'year_skill_last_used') {
                 $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . sapp_Global::change_date($val, 'database') . "%' AND ";
             } else {
                 $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
             $searchArray[$key] = $val;
         $searchQuery = rtrim($searchQuery, " AND");
     /** search from grid - END **/
     /*	Purpose:TO get drop down for search filters.Getting all competency levels from main_competencylevel table.
     			Modified Date	:	21/10/2013.
     			Modified By:	Yamini.
     $empcompetencyLevelsArr = $this->empcompetencylevels($exParam1);
     $levelsArr = array();
     if (!empty($empcompetencyLevelsArr)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($empcompetencyLevelsArr); $i++) {
             $levelsArr[$empcompetencyLevelsArr[$i]['id']] = $empcompetencyLevelsArr[$i]['competencylevel'];
     $objName = 'empskills';
     $tableFields = array('action' => 'Action', 'skillname' => 'Skill', 'yearsofexp' => 'Years of Experience', 'competencylevelid' => 'Competency Level', 'year_skill_last_used' => 'Skill Last Used Year');
     $tablecontent = $this->getEmpSkillsData($sort, $by, $pageNo, $perPage, $searchQuery, $exParam1);
     $dataTmp = array('userid' => $exParam1, 'sort' => $sort, 'by' => $by, 'pageNo' => $pageNo, 'perPage' => $perPage, 'tablecontent' => $tablecontent, 'objectname' => $objName, 'extra' => array(), 'tableheader' => $tableFields, 'jsGridFnName' => 'getEmployeeAjaxgridData', 'jsFillFnName' => '', 'searchArray' => $searchArray, 'add' => 'add', 'menuName' => 'Skills', 'formgrid' => 'true', 'unitId' => $exParam1, 'dashboardcall' => $dashboardcall, 'call' => $call, 'context' => $exParam2, 'search_filters' => array('competencylevelid' => array('type' => 'select', 'filter_data' => array('' => 'All') + $levelsArr), 'year_skill_last_used' => array('type' => 'datepicker')));
     return $dataTmp;
Esempio n. 23
 public function getGrid($sort, $by, $perPage, $pageNo, $searchData, $call, $dashboardcall, $a = '', $b = '', $c = '', $d = '')
     $searchQuery = '';
     $searchArray = array();
     $data = array();
     if ($searchData != '' && $searchData != 'undefined') {
         $searchValues = json_decode($searchData);
         foreach ($searchValues as $key => $val) {
             if ($key == 'start_date' || $key == 'end_date') {
                 $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . sapp_Global::change_date($val, 'database') . "%' AND ";
             } else {
                 $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . $val . "%' AND ";
             $searchArray[$key] = $val;
         $searchQuery = rtrim($searchQuery, " AND");
     $objName = 'currencyconverter';
     $tableFields = array('action' => 'Action', 'basecurrtext' => 'Base Currency', 'targetcurrtext' => 'Target Currency', 'exchangerate' => 'Exchange Rate', 'start_date' => 'Active Start Date', 'end_date' => 'Active End Date', 'description' => 'Description');
     $tablecontent = $this->getCurrencyConverterData($sort, $by, $pageNo, $perPage, $searchQuery);
     $dataTmp = array('sort' => $sort, 'by' => $by, 'pageNo' => $pageNo, 'perPage' => $perPage, 'tablecontent' => $tablecontent, 'objectname' => $objName, 'extra' => array(), 'tableheader' => $tableFields, 'jsGridFnName' => 'getAjaxgridData', 'jsFillFnName' => '', 'searchArray' => $searchArray, 'add' => 'add', 'call' => $call, 'dashboardcall' => $dashboardcall, 'search_filters' => array('start_date' => array('type' => 'datepicker'), 'end_date' => array('type' => 'datepicker')));
     return $dataTmp;
Esempio n. 24
 public function getGrid($sort, $by, $perPage, $pageNo, $searchData, $call, $dashboardcall, $a = '', $b = '', $c = '', $d = '')
     $searchQuery = '';
     $searchArray = array();
     $data = array();
     if ($searchData != '' && $searchData != 'undefined') {
         $searchValues = json_decode($searchData);
         foreach ($searchValues as $key => $val) {
             $searchAlias = ' ';
             if ($key == 'city') {
                 $searchAlias = " c.";
             if ($key == 'state') {
                 $searchAlias = " s.";
             if ($key == 'country') {
                 $searchAlias = " cn.";
             if ($key == 'timezone') {
                 $searchAlias = " tz.";
             if ($key == 'startdate') {
                 $searchQuery .= " " . $key . " like '%" . sapp_Global::change_date(urldecode($val), 'database') . "%' AND ";
             } else {
                 $searchQuery .= $searchAlias . $key . " like '%" . urldecode($val) . "%' AND ";
             $searchArray[$key] = urldecode($val);
         $searchQuery = rtrim($searchQuery, " AND");
     $objName = 'businessunits';
     $tableFields = array('action' => 'Action', 'unitname' => 'Name', 'unitcode' => 'Code', 'startdate' => 'Started On', 'address1' => 'Street Address', 'city' => 'City', 'state' => 'State', 'country' => 'Country', 'timezone' => 'Time zone');
     $tablecontent = $this->getBusinessUnitsData($sort, $by, $pageNo, $perPage, $searchQuery);
     $dataTmp = array('sort' => $sort, 'by' => $by, 'pageNo' => $pageNo, 'perPage' => $perPage, 'tablecontent' => $tablecontent, 'objectname' => $objName, 'extra' => array(), 'tableheader' => $tableFields, 'jsGridFnName' => 'getAjaxgridData', 'jsFillFnName' => '', 'searchArray' => $searchArray, 'call' => $call, 'dashboardcall' => $dashboardcall, 'search_filters' => array('startdate' => array('type' => 'datepicker')));
     return $dataTmp;
 public function deleteAction()
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         $loginUserId = $auth->getStorage()->read()->id;
     $id = $this->_request->getParam('objid');
     $messages['message'] = '';
     $actionflag = 3;
     if ($id) {
         $assignmententryreasoncodemodel = new Default_Model_Assignmententryreasoncode();
         $data = array('isactive' => 0);
         $where = array('id=?' => $id);
         $Id = $assignmententryreasoncodemodel->SaveorUpdateAssignmentEntryData($data, $where);
         if ($Id == 'update') {
             $result = sapp_Global::logManager($menuID, $actionflag, $loginUserId, $id);
             $messages['message'] = 'Assignment entry reason code deleted successfully.';
         } else {
             $messages['message'] = 'Assignment entry reason code cannot be deleted.';
     } else {
         $messages['message'] = 'Assignment entry reason code cannot be deleted.';
Esempio n. 26
 public function saveorginfo($form, $loginUserId, $wizardData)
     $orgInfoModel = new Default_Model_Organisationinfo();
     $wizard_model = new Default_Model_Wizard();
     $id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
     $imagerror = $this->_request->getParam('imgerr');
     $imagepath = $this->_request->getParam('org_image_value');
     $imgerrmsg = $this->_request->getParam('imgerrmsg');
     $pphnumber = $this->_request->getParam('phonenumber');
     $sphnumber = $this->_request->getParam('secondaryphone');
     $org_startdate = sapp_Global::change_date($this->_request->getParam('org_startdate'), 'database');
     $flag = 'true';
     if (isset($imagepath) && $imagepath != '') {
         $imageArr = explode('.', $imagepath);
         if (sizeof($imageArr) > 1) {
             $imagename = $imageArr[0];
             $imageext = $imageArr[1];
             $extArr = array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png');
             if (!in_array($imageext, $extArr)) {
                 $msgarray['org_image_value'] = 'Please upload an appropriate image file.';
                 $flag = 'false';
         } else {
             $msgarray['org_image_value'] = 'Please upload an appropriate image file.';
             $flag = 'false';
     if ($imagerror == 'error') {
         if ($imgerrmsg != '' && $imgerrmsg != 'undefined') {
             $msgarray['org_image_value'] = $imgerrmsg;
         } else {
             $msgarray['org_image_value'] = 'Please upload an appropriate image file.';
         $flag = 'false';
     if ($pphnumber == $sphnumber && $sphnumber != '' && $pphnumber != '') {
         $msgarray['secondaryphone'] = 'Please enter different phone number.';
         $flag = 'false';
     if ($form->isValid($this->_request->getPost()) && $flag != 'false') {
         $domain = $this->_request->getParam('domain');
         $domain = implode(',', $domain);
         $date = new Zend_Date();
         $data = array('organisationname' => trim($this->_request->getParam('organisationname')), 'domain' => trim($domain), 'website' => trim($this->_request->getParam('website')), 'org_image' => $imagepath, 'orgdescription' => trim($this->_request->getParam('orgdescription')), 'totalemployees' => trim($this->_request->getParam('totalemployees')), 'org_startdate' => $org_startdate != '' ? $org_startdate : NULL, 'phonenumber' => trim($this->_request->getParam('phonenumber')), 'secondaryphone' => trim($this->_request->getParam('secondaryphone')), 'faxnumber' => trim($this->_request->getParam('faxnumber')), 'country' => trim((int) $this->_request->getParam('country')), 'state' => trim(intval($this->_request->getParam('state'))), 'city' => trim(intval($this->_request->getParam('city'))), 'address1' => trim($this->_request->getParam('address1')), 'address2' => trim($this->_request->getParam('address2')), 'address3' => trim($this->_request->getParam('address3')), 'description' => trim($this->_request->getParam('description')), 'designation' => trim($this->_request->getParam('jobtitle_id', null)), 'modifiedby' => $loginUserId, 'modifieddate' => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
         $db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
         try {
             $path = IMAGE_UPLOAD_PATH;
             $imagepath = $this->_request->getParam('org_image_value');
             $filecopy = 'success';
             if ($imagepath != '') {
                 $filecopy = 'error';
                 if (file_exists(USER_PREVIEW_UPLOAD_PATH . '//' . $imagepath)) {
                     try {
                         if (copy(USER_PREVIEW_UPLOAD_PATH . '//' . $imagepath, $path . '//' . $imagepath)) {
                             $filecopy = 'success';
                         unlink(USER_PREVIEW_UPLOAD_PATH . '//' . $imagepath);
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         echo $msgarray['org_image_value'] = $e->getMessage();
             $where = array('id=?' => $id);
             if ($imagepath == '') {
             } else {
                 if ($filecopy == 'error') {
             if ($id != '') {
                 $where = array('id=?' => $id);
                 $actionflag = 2;
             } else {
                 $data['createdby'] = $loginUserId;
                 $data['createddate'] = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                 $data['isactive'] = 1;
                 $where = '';
                 $actionflag = 1;
             $Id = $orgInfoModel->SaveorUpdateData($data, $where);
             $menuID = ORGANISATIONINFO;
             try {
                 if ($Id != '' && $Id != 'update') {
                     $result = sapp_Global::logManager($menuID, $actionflag, $loginUserId, $Id);
                 } else {
                     $result = sapp_Global::logManager($menuID, $actionflag, $loginUserId, $id);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 echo $e->getMessage();
             $wizardarray = array('org_details' => 2, 'modifiedby' => $loginUserId, 'modifieddate' => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
             if ($wizardData['site_config'] == 2) {
                 $wizardarray['iscomplete'] = 2;
             $wizard_model->SaveorUpdateWizardData($wizardarray, '');
             $location_data = array('country' => trim((int) $this->_request->getParam('country')), 'state' => trim(intval($this->_request->getParam('state'))), 'city' => trim(intval($this->_request->getParam('city'))), 'modifiedby' => $loginUserId, 'modifieddate' => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
             $LocationId = $wizard_model->SaveorUpdateWizardData($location_data, '');
             if ($filecopy == 'success') {
                 $this->_helper->getHelper("FlashMessenger")->addMessage("Organization information saved successfully.");
             } else {
                 $this->_helper->getHelper("FlashMessenger")->addMessage("Organization information saved successfully but failed to upload the logo.");
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->_helper->getHelper("FlashMessenger")->addMessage(array("success" => "Something went wrong,please try again later."));
     } else {
         $messages = $form->getMessages();
         foreach ($messages as $key => $val) {
             foreach ($val as $key2 => $val2) {
                 $msgarray[$key] = $val2;
         //echo '<pre>';print_r($messages);exit;
         return $msgarray;
 public function uploadsaveAction()
     $user_id = sapp_Global::_readSession('id');
     $filedata = array();
     // Validate file with size greater than default(Upload Max Filesize)limit
     $default_max_upload_filesize = 2 * pow(10, 6);
     if ($_FILES["myfile"]["size"] == 0 || $_FILES["myfile"]["size"] > $default_max_upload_filesize) {
         $this->_helper->json(array('error' => 'filesize'));
     } else {
         if (isset($_FILES["myfile"])) {
             $fileName = $_FILES["myfile"]["name"];
             $fileName = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9.\']/', '_', $fileName);
             $newName = time() . '_' . $user_id . '_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $fileName);
             $filedata['original_name'] = $fileName;
             $filedata['new_name'] = $newName;
             if (isset($_POST["doc_id"]) && $_POST["doc_id"] != '') {
                 move_uploaded_file($_FILES["myfile"]["tmp_name"], EMP_DOC_UPLOAD_PATH . $newName);
             } else {
                 move_uploaded_file($_FILES["myfile"]["tmp_name"], EMP_DOC_TEMP_UPLOAD_PATH . $newName);
             $this->_helper->json(array('filedata' => $filedata));
 public function downloadreportAction()
     $file_name = $this->_getParam('file_name', NULL);
     if (!empty($file_name)) {
         $file = BASE_PATH . '/downloads/reports/' . $this->_getParam('file_name');
         $status = sapp_Global::downloadReport($file);
 public function multipleresumeAction()
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         $loginUserId = $auth->getStorage()->read()->id;
         $loginUserId = trim($loginUserId);
     $priv_check = sapp_Global::_checkprivileges(CANDIDATEDETAILS, '', $auth->getStorage()->read()->emprole, 'add');
     if ($priv_check == 'Yes') {
         $msgarray = $req_options = array();
         $form = new Default_Form_Multipleresume();
         $form->setAction(DOMAIN . 'candidatedetails/multipleresume');
         // To show list of requisitions to user
         $req_model = new Default_Model_Requisition();
         $req_data = $req_model->getRequisitionsForCV("'Approved','In process'");
         foreach ($req_data as $req) {
             $req_options[$req['id']] = $req['requisition_code'] . ' - ' . $req['jobtitlename'];
         if (count($req_options) == 0) {
             $msgarray['requisition_id'] = "No active requisitions are found.";
         $form->requisition_id->addMultiOptions(array('' => 'Select Requisition ID') + $req_options);
         $form_post_status = $this->_request->getPost();
         if ($form_post_status) {
             $candidate_firstname = $this->_getParam('candidate_firstname', null);
             $candidate_lastname = $this->_getParam('candidate_lastname', null);
             $cand_resumes = $this->_getParam('cand_resume', null);
             if ($form->isValid($form_post_status)) {
                 $cand_details_model = new Default_Model_Candidatedetails();
                 $requisition_id = $this->_getParam('requisition_id', null);
                 $cand_status = $this->_getParam('cand_status', null);
                 $req_records = $cand_details_model->getcountofrecords($requisition_id);
                 $curr_date = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                 if (empty($req_records)) {
                     $rdata = array('req_status' => 'In process', 'modifiedby' => $loginUserId, 'modifiedon' => $curr_date);
                     $rwhere = ' id = ' . $requisition_id;
                     $req_model->SaveorUpdateRequisitionData($rdata, $rwhere);
                 // To insert records in a single query
                 $records = array();
                 foreach ($candidate_firstname as $key => $candidate_fname) {
                     $cfull_name = $candidate_fname . ' ' . $candidate_lastname[$key];
                     $records[] = "({$requisition_id}, '{$candidate_fname}','{$candidate_lastname[$key]}','{$cfull_name}', '{$cand_resumes[$key]}', '{$cand_status}', 1, {$loginUserId}, {$loginUserId}, '{$curr_date}', '{$curr_date}')";
                 $data_fields = array('requisition_id', 'candidate_firstname', 'candidate_lastname', 'candidate_name', 'cand_resume', 'cand_status', 'isactive', 'createdby', 'modifiedby', 'createddate', 'modifieddate');
                 $last_insert_id = $cand_details_model->insertMultipleRecords($data_fields, $records);
                 // Log status to Log manager and redirect to Resource Pooling list page.
                 if ($last_insert_id != '') {
                     $menumodel = new Default_Model_Menu();
                     $objidArr = $menumodel->getMenuObjID('/candidatedetails');
                     $objID = $objidArr[0]['id'];
                     $log_status = sapp_Global::logManager($objID, 1, $loginUserId, $last_insert_id);
                     //$this->_helper->FlashMessenger()->setNamespace('success')->addMessage('Candidate details added successfully.');
                     $this->_helper->getHelper("FlashMessenger")->addMessage(array("success" => "Candidate details added successfully."));
             } else {
                 // To handle server validation, when Javascript is disabled
                 $messages = $form->getMessages();
                 foreach ($messages as $key => $val) {
                     foreach ($val as $key2 => $val2) {
                         $msgarray[$key] = $val2;
                 $form->setDefault('candidate_firstname', $candidate_firstname[0]);
                 $form->setDefault('cand_resume', '');
         $this->view->form = $form;
         $this->view->msgarray = $msgarray;
     } else {
Esempio n. 30
 public function welcomeAction()
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     $businessunit_id = '';
     $department_id = '';
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         $businessunit_id = $auth->getStorage()->read()->businessunit_id;
         $department_id = $auth->getStorage()->read()->department_id;
         $loginUserId = $auth->getStorage()->read()->id;
         $loginuserRole = $auth->getStorage()->read()->emprole;
     $widgetsModel = new Default_Model_Widgets();
     // Birthdays & Announcements
     $birthdaysRes = $widgetsModel->getTodaysBirthdays($businessunit_id, $department_id);
     $upcomingBirthdyas = $widgetsModel->getUpcomingBirthdays($businessunit_id, $department_id);
     $this->view->todyasBirthdays = $birthdaysRes;
     $this->view->upcomingBirthdyas = $upcomingBirthdyas;
     // Announcements - START
     $announcementsModel = new Default_Model_Announcements();
     $announcementsData = $announcementsModel->getAllByBusiAndDeptId();
     $this->view->announcementsData = $announcementsData;
     // Announcements - END
     //Widgets formats
     //Interview Schedules = 'format1';
     //My Service Request = 'format2';
     //Request Pending Approval = 'format3';
     //Leaves Available = 'format4';
     //My Leaves This Month = 'format5';
     //Leave Management Options = 'format6';
     //My details = 'format7';
     $menuIdsArr = array(57 => 'format1', 10 => 'format5', 11 => 'format5', 20 => 'format5', 21 => 'format5', 14 => 'format4', 23 => 'format2', 32 => 'format7', 34 => 'format4', 35 => 'format5', 41 => 'format5', 42 => 'format5', 45 => 'format3', 54 => 'format4', 55 => 'format5', 56 => 'format4', 61 => 'format3', 65 => 'format3', 44 => 'format6', 43 => 'format5', 80 => 'format5', 86 => 'format5', 87 => 'format5', 88 => 'format5', 89 => 'format5', 90 => 'format5', 91 => 'format5', 92 => 'format5', 93 => 'format5', 100 => 'format5', 101 => 'format5', 102 => 'format5', 103 => 'format5', 107 => 'format5', 108 => 'format5', 110 => 'format5', 111 => 'format5', 114 => 'format5', 115 => 'format5', 116 => 'format5', 117 => 'format5', 118 => 'format5', 120 => 'format5', 121 => 'format5', 123 => 'format5', 124 => 'format5', 125 => 'format5', 126 => 'format5', 127 => 'format5', 128 => 'format5', 132 => 'format5', 136 => 'format5', 140 => 'format5', 143 => 'format3', 144 => 'format5', 145 => 'format5', 146 => 'format5', 148 => 'format3', 150 => 'format5', 151 => 'format5', 152 => 'format5', 154 => 'format4', 155 => 'format5', 165 => 'format5', 166 => 'format5', 62 => 'format3', 63 => 'format3', 64 => 'format3', 68 => 'format3', 69 => 'format3', 85 => 'format3', 131 => 'format5', 134 => 'format3', 135 => 'format3', 138 => 'format3', 139 => 'format3', 140 => 'format5', 142 => 'format5', 151 => 'format5', 154 => 'format6', 158 => 'format5', 159 => 'format5', 160 => '', 161 => 'format3', 165 => 'format5', 166 => 'format5', 167 => 'format6', 168 => '', 174 => 'format5', 169 => 'format3', 170 => 'format3', 172 => 'format5', 174 => 'format5');
     $getMenuIds = $widgetsModel->getWidgets($loginUserId, $loginuserRole);
     $htmlcontent = '';
     $tmpHtml1 = "";
     $tmpHtml5 = "";
     $tmpHtml2 = "";
     $tmpHtml3 = "";
     $tmpHtml4 = "";
     $format = '';
     if (!empty($getMenuIds)) {
         //$i,j for css color changing for widgets
         $i = 1;
         $j = 1;
         foreach ($getMenuIds as $getMenuIdArr) {
             $i = $i >= 5 ? $i - 4 : $i;
             // I for format 2,3,4
             $j = $i >= 5 ? $j - 4 : $j;
             // J for format 5
             $menuId = $getMenuIdArr['id'];
             $url = $getMenuIdArr['url'];
             $format = isset($menuIdsArr[$menuId]) ? $menuIdsArr[$menuId] : '';
             if ($menuId == 57) {
                 $tmpHtml1 = sapp_Global::format1($url);
             } else {
                 if ($format == 'format2') {
                     $tmpHtml2 .= sapp_Global::format2($menuId, $i, $url);
                 } else {
                     if ($format == 'format3') {
                         $tmpHtml2 .= sapp_Global::format3($menuId, $i, $url);
                     } else {
                         if ($format == 'format4') {
                             $tmpHtml2 .= sapp_Global::format4($menuId, $i, $url);
                         } else {
                             if ($format == 'format5') {
                                 $tmpHtml5 .= sapp_Global::format5($menuId, $j, $url);
                             } else {
                                 if ($format == 'format6') {
                                     $tmpHtml5 .= sapp_Global::format6($menuId, $url);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($format != '') {
                                         $htmlcontent .= sapp_Global::format7($menuId, $url);
                                     } else {
                                         if ($format == '') {
                                             $htmlcontent = '';
         //$htmlcontent = '<div class="left_dashboard">'.$tmpHtml1.$tmpHtml2.$tmpHtml4.$tmpHtml3.$tmpHtml5.$htmlcontent.'</div>';
         $htmlcontent = '<div class="left_dashboard">' . $tmpHtml1 . $tmpHtml2 . '<div class="clear"></div>' . $tmpHtml5 . $htmlcontent . '</div>';
     $this->view->htmlcontent = $htmlcontent;