Esempio n. 1
  * Initializes the ShoppDatabaseObject with functional necessities
  * A ShoppDatabaseObject tracks meta data relevant to translating PHP object
  * data into SQL-ready data.  This is done by reading and caching the
  * table schema so the properties and their data types can be known
  * in order to automate query building.
  * The table schema is stored in an array structure that contains
  * the columns and their datatypes.  This structure is cached as the
  * current data_model setting. If a table is missing from the data_model
  * a new table schema structure is generated on the fly.
  * @author Jonathan Davis
  * @since 1.0
  * @param string $table The base table name (without prefixes)
  * @param string $key (optional) The column name of the primary key
  * @return boolean True if init was successful, otherwise false
 public function init($table, $key = null)
     if (is_null($key)) {
         $key = 'id';
     $Settings = ShoppSettings();
     // So we know what the table name is
     if (!empty($table) && (!isset($this->_table) || empty($this->_table))) {
         $this->_table = $this->tablename($table);
     if (empty($this->_table)) {
         return false;
     $this->_key = $key;
     // So we know what the primary key is
     $this->_datatypes = array();
     // So we know the format of the table
     $this->_lists = array();
     // So we know the options for each list
     $defaults = array();
     // So we know the default values for each field
     $map = !empty($this->_map) ? array_flip($this->_map) : array();
     $Tables = $Settings->available() ? $Settings->get('data_model') : array();
     if (isset($Tables[$this->_table])) {
         $this->_datatypes = $Tables[$this->_table]->_datatypes;
         $this->_lists = $Tables[$this->_table]->_lists;
         $defaults = $Tables[$this->_table]->_defaults;
         foreach ($this->_datatypes as $var => $type) {
             $property = isset($map[$var]) ? $map[$var] : $var;
             if (!isset($this->{$property})) {
                 $this->{$property} = isset($defaults[$var]) ? $defaults[$var] : '';
             if ('date' == $type && ('0000-00-00 00:00:00' == $this->{$property} || empty($this->{$property}))) {
                 $this->{$property} = null;
         return true;
     if (!($r = sDB::query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$this->_table}", 'array'))) {
         return false;
     // Map out the table definition into our data structure
     foreach ($r as $object) {
         $var = $object->Field;
         $this->_datatypes[$var] = sDB::datatype($object->Type);
         $this->_defaults[$var] = $object->Default;
         // Grab out options from list fields
         if ('list' == sDB::datatype($object->Type)) {
             $values = str_replace("','", ",", substr($object->Type, strpos($object->Type, "'") + 1, -2));
             $this->_lists[$var] = explode(",", $values);
         if (!empty($map) && !isset($map[$var])) {
         // Remap properties if a property map is available
         $property = isset($map[$var]) ? $map[$var] : $var;
         if (!isset($this->{$property})) {
             $this->{$property} = $this->_defaults[$var];
     if ($Settings->available()) {
         $Tables[$this->_table] = new StdClass();
         $Tables[$this->_table]->_datatypes =& $this->_datatypes;
         $Tables[$this->_table]->_lists =& $this->_lists;
         $Tables[$this->_table]->_defaults =& $this->_defaults;
         $Settings->save('data_model', $Tables);
     return true;