function select_rub($id_cde, $id_rubrique = 0) { global $msg, $charset; global $select_rub; $cde = new actes($id_cde); if ($cde->statut >= STA_ACT_ARC) { //Commande archivée, facture non modifiable $lig_rub = $select_rub[1]; if (!$id_rubrique) { $id_rubrique = 0; $lib_rub = ''; } else { $rub = new rubriques($id_rubrique); $bud = new budgets($rub->num_budget); $lib_bud = $bud->libelle; $tab_rub = rubriques::listAncetres($id_rubrique, true); $lib_rub = $lib_bud . ':'; foreach ($tab_rub as $value) { $lib_rub .= htmlentities($value[1], ENT_QUOTES, $charset); if ($value[0] != $id_rubrique) { $lib_rub .= ":"; } } } $lig_rub = str_replace('!!id_rub!!', $id_rubrique, $lig_rub); $lig_rub = str_replace('!!lib_rub!!', $lib_rub, $lig_rub); } else { //Commande non archivée, modification des rubriques possible if (!$id_rubrique) { //Pas de rubrique sélectionnée $lig_rub = $select_rub[0]; $lig_rub = str_replace('!!id_rub!!', 0, $lig_rub); $lig_rub = str_replace('!!lib_rub!!', '', $lig_rub); } else { //Rubrique selectionnée $user_userid = getCurrentUserId(); $rub = new rubriques($id_rubrique); $bud = new budgets($rub->num_budget); if (!rubriques::getAutorisations($id_rubrique, $user_userid)) { //L'utilisateur n'a pas de droits sur la rubrique $lig_rub = $select_rub[1]; } else { //L'utilisateur à des droits sur la rubrique $lig_rub = $select_rub[0]; } $lig_rub = str_replace('!!id_rub!!', $rub->id_rubrique, $lig_rub); $lib_bud = htmlentities($bud->libelle, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); $tab_rub = rubriques::listAncetres($id_rubrique, true); $lib_rub = $lib_bud . ':'; foreach ($tab_rub as $value) { $lib_rub .= htmlentities($value[1], ENT_QUOTES, $charset); if ($value[0] != $id_rubrique) { $lib_rub .= ":"; } } $lig_rub = str_replace('!!lib_rub!!', $lib_rub, $lig_rub); } } return $lig_rub; }
$requete .= "order by lib limit 20"; $origine = "SQL"; break; case 'rubriques': // $param1 : id_entite // $param2 : id_exercice require_once $class_path . '/rubriques.class.php'; $array_selector = array(); $requete = "select budgets.libelle as lib_bud, rubriques.* from budgets, rubriques left join rubriques as rubriques2 on rubriques.id_rubrique=rubriques2.num_parent "; $requete .= "where budgets.statut = '1' and budgets.num_entite = '" . $param1 . "' and budgets.num_exercice = '" . $param2 . "' and rubriques.num_budget = budgets.id_budget and rubriques2.num_parent is NULL "; $requete .= "and rubriques.autorisations like(' %" . SESSuserid . "% ') "; $requete .= "and rubriques.libelle like '" . addslashes($start) . "%' "; $requete .= "order by budgets.libelle, rubriques.id_rubrique "; $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete); while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $tab_rub = rubriques::listAncetres($row->id_rubrique, true); $lib_rub = ''; foreach ($tab_rub as $dummykey => $value) { $lib_rub .= htmlentities($value[1], ENT_QUOTES, $charset); if ($value[0] != $row->id_rubrique) { $lib_rub .= ":"; } } $array_selector[$row->id_rubrique] = htmlentities($row->lib_bud, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . ":" . $lib_rub; } $origine = "ARRAY"; break; case 'perso_notices': require_once $class_path . '/parametres_perso.class.php'; $p_perso = new parametres_perso('notices'); $array_selector = $p_perso->get_ajax_list($persofield, $start);
function show_rub_form($id_bud, $id_rub = 0, $id_parent = 0) { global $dbh, $msg, $charset; global $rub_form, $bt_add_lig; global $ptab; global $lig_rub, $lig_rub_img; global $mnt_rub_form; //Récuperation du budget if ($id_bud) { $bud = new budgets($id_bud); } else { die; } //Récupération entité $id_bibli = $bud->num_entite; $biblio = new entites($id_bibli); $head_form = "<div class='row'><label class='etiquette'>" . htmlentities($biblio->raison_sociale, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</label></div>"; //Affichage entete formulaire if (!$id_rub) { //création de rubrique $rub_form = str_replace('!!form_title!!', htmlentities($msg[acquisition_ajout_rub], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $rub_form); //Affichage barre de navigation $nav_form .= "<a href=\"./admin.php?categ=acquisition&sub=budget&action=modif&id_bibli=" . $id_bibli . "&id_bud=" . $id_bud . "\" >" . $bud->libelle . "</a>"; if ($id_parent) { $list_bar = rubriques::listAncetres($id_parent, TRUE); foreach ($list_bar as $value) { $nav_form .= " > <a href=\"./admin.php?categ=acquisition&sub=budget&action=modif_rub&id_bud=" . $id_bud . "&id_rub=" . $value[0] . "&id_parent=" . $value[2] . "\" >" . htmlentities($value[1], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a>"; } } $rub_form = str_replace('<!-- nav_form -->', $nav_form, $rub_form); $rub_form = str_replace('!!libelle!!', '', $rub_form); if ($bud->type_budget == TYP_BUD_RUB) { $rub_form = str_replace('<!-- lib_mnt -->', $mnt_rub_form[0], $rub_form); $mnt_rub = str_replace('!!mnt_rub!!', '0.00', $mnt_rub_form[1]); $rub_form = str_replace('<!-- montant -->', $mnt_rub, $rub_form); $rub_form = str_replace('!!lib_mnt!!', htmlentities($msg['acquisition_rub_mnt'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $rub_form); } else { $rub_form = str_replace('!!lib_mnt!!', ' ', $rub_form); } $label_ncp = "<label class='etiquette' for='ncp'>" . htmlentities($msg[acquisition_num_cp_compta], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</label>"; $rub_form = str_replace('<!-- label_ncp -->', $label_ncp, $rub_form); $ncp = "<input type='text' id='ncp' name='ncp' class='saisie-30em' style='text-align:right' value='' />"; $rub_form = str_replace('!!ncp!!', $ncp, $rub_form); $rub_form = str_replace('!!comment!!', '', $rub_form); //Complément du bouton annuler if (!$id_parent) { $undo = "modif"; } else { $undo = "modif_rub"; } $rub_form = str_replace('!!undo!!', $undo, $rub_form); //complément du formulaire $rub_form = str_replace('!!id_bibli!!', $id_bibli, $rub_form); $rub_form = str_replace('!!id_bud!!', $id_bud, $rub_form); $rub_form = str_replace('!!id_rub!!', 0, $rub_form); $rub_form = str_replace('!!id_parent!!', $id_parent, $rub_form); //Affichage des autorisations autorisations($id_rub, $id_parent, $id_bud); } else { //modification de rubrique $rub_form = str_replace('!!form_title!!', htmlentities($msg[acquisition_modif_rub], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $rub_form); //Récupération rubrique if ($id_rub) { $rub = new rubriques($id_rub); } //Affichage barre de navigation $nav_form .= "<a href=\"./admin.php?categ=acquisition&sub=budget&action=modif&id_bibli=" . $id_bibli . "&id_bud=" . $id_bud . "\" >" . $bud->libelle . "</a>"; $list_bar = rubriques::listAncetres($id_rub, FALSE); foreach ($list_bar as $value) { $nav_form .= " > <a href=\"./admin.php?categ=acquisition&sub=budget&action=modif_rub&id_bud=" . $id_bud . "&id_rub=" . $value[0] . "&id_parent=" . $value[2] . "\" >" . htmlentities($value[1], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a>"; } $rub_form = str_replace('<!-- nav_form -->', $nav_form, $rub_form); $rub_form = str_replace('!!libelle!!', htmlentities($rub->libelle, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $rub_form); if (!$bud->type_budget) { $rub_form = str_replace('!!lib_mnt!!', htmlentities($msg['acquisition_rub_mnt'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $rub_form); if (rubriques::countChilds($id_rub)) { $ncp = ' '; $aut = FALSE; } else { $rub_form = str_replace('<!-- lib_mnt -->', $mnt_rub_form[0], $rub_form); $mnt_rub = str_replace('!!mnt_rub!!', $rub->montant, $mnt_rub_form[1]); $rub_form = str_replace('<!-- montant -->', $mnt_rub, $rub_form); $label_ncp = "<label class='etiquette' for='ncp'>" . htmlentities($msg[acquisition_num_cp_compta], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</label>"; $ncp = "<input type='text' id='ncp' name='ncp' class='saisie-30em' style='text-align:right' value='" . $rub->num_cp_compta . "' />"; $aut = TRUE; } } else { $rub_form = str_replace('!!lib_mnt!!', ' ', $rub_form); if (rubriques::countChilds($id_rub)) { $ncp = ' '; $aut = FALSE; } else { $label_ncp = "<label class='etiquette' for='ncp'>" . htmlentities($msg[acquisition_num_cp_compta], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</label>"; $ncp = "<input type='text' id='ncp' name='ncp' class='saisie-30em' style='text-align:right' value='" . $rub->num_cp_compta . "' />"; $aut = TRUE; } } $rub_form = str_replace('<!-- label_ncp -->', $label_ncp, $rub_form); $rub_form = str_replace('!!ncp!!', $ncp, $rub_form); $rub_form = str_replace('!!comment!!', htmlentities($rub->commentaires, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $rub_form); //complément du formulaire $rub_form = str_replace('!!id_rub!!', $id_rub, $rub_form); $rub_form = str_replace('!!id_parent!!', $id_parent, $rub_form); //affichage du bouton ajout rubrique si budget non clôturé if ($bud->statut != STA_BUD_CLO) { $bt_add_lig = str_replace('!!id_rub!!', '0', $bt_add_lig); $bt_add_lig = str_replace('!!id_parent!!', $id_rub, $bt_add_lig); $rub_form = str_replace('<!-- bouton_lig -->', $bt_add_lig, $rub_form); } //Complément du bouton annuler if (!$id_parent) { $undo = "modif"; } else { $undo = "modif_rub"; } $rub_form = str_replace('!!undo!!', $undo, $rub_form); //Affichage du bouton supprimer $rub_form = str_replace('<!-- bouton_sup -->', $ptab[1], $rub_form); print confirmation_delete("./admin.php?categ=acquisition&sub=budget&action=del_rub&id_bibli=" . $id_bibli . "&id_bud=" . $id_bud . "&id_parent=" . $id_parent . "&id_rub="); $rub_form = str_replace('!!id!!', $id_rub, $rub_form); $rub_form = str_replace('!!libelle_suppr!!', addslashes($rub->libelle), $rub_form); //Affichage rubriques budgetaires $q = budgets::listRubriques($id_bud, $id_rub); $list_n1 = mysql_query($q, $dbh); while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($list_n1)) { $rub_form = str_replace('<!-- rubriques -->', $lig_rub[0] . '<!-- rubriques -->', $rub_form); $rub_form = str_replace('<!-- marge -->', '', $rub_form); if (rubriques::countChilds($row->id_rubrique)) { $rub_form = str_replace('<!-- img_plus -->', $lig_rub_img, $rub_form); } else { $rub_form = str_replace('<!-- img_plus -->', '', $rub_form); } $rub_form = str_replace('!!id_rub!!', $row->id_rubrique, $rub_form); $rub_form = str_replace('!!id_parent!!', $row->num_parent, $rub_form); $rub_form = str_replace('!!lib_rub!!', $row->libelle, $rub_form); if (!$bud->type_budget) { $rub_form = str_replace('!!mnt!!', $row->montant, $rub_form); } else { $rub_form = str_replace('!!mnt!!', ' ', $rub_form); } $rub_form = str_replace('!!ncp!!', $row->num_cp_compta, $rub_form); $rub_form = str_replace('<!-- sous_rub -->', '<!-- sous_rub' . $row->id_rubrique . ' -->', $rub_form); afficheSousRubriques($id_bud, $row->id_rubrique, $rub_form, 1); } //complément du formulaire $rub_form = str_replace('!!id_bibli!!', $id_bibli, $rub_form); $rub_form = str_replace('!!id_bud!!', $id_bud, $rub_form); //Affichage des autorisations if ($aut) { autorisations($id_rub, $id_parent, $id_bud); } } print $head_form . $rub_form; }
function verif_bud() { global $msg; global $max_lig; global $qte, $prix, $rem, $rub; global $error, $error_msg; global $acquisition_budget; if ($acquisition_budget) { $tot_rub = array(); $tot_bud = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $max_lig; $i++) { $tot_rub[$rub[$i]] = 0; } //récupère le total de la commande par rubrique for ($i = 1; $i <= $max_lig; $i++) { $tot_rub[$rub[$i]] = $tot_rub[$rub[$i]] + $qte[$i] * $prix[$i] * (1 - $rem[$i] / 100); } //récupère le total de la commande par budget foreach ($tot_rub as $key => $value) { $r = new rubriques($key); if (!array_key_exists($r->num_budget, $tot_bud)) { $tot_bud[$r->num_budget] = 0; } $tot_bud[$r->num_budget] = $tot_bud[$r->num_budget] + $value; } //Vérifie que les budgets affectés par rubrique ne sont pas dépassés foreach ($tot_rub as $key => $value) { $r = new rubriques($key); $b = new budgets($r->num_budget); if ($b->type_budget == TYP_BUD_RUB) { //Budget affecté par rubrique $mnt_rub = $r->montant; $eng_rub = rubriques::calcEngagement($key) + $value; //Budget rubrique dépassé ? if ($eng_rub > $mnt_rub) { $error = true; $tab_rub = rubriques::listAncetres($key, true); $lib_rub = $b->libelle . ":"; foreach ($tab_rub as $value) { $lib_rub .= $value[1]; if ($value[0] != $key) { $lib_rub .= ":"; } } $error_msg = $msg['acquisition_rub'] . " :\\n\\n " . $lib_rub . "\\n\\n" . $msg['acquisition_act_bud_dep']; break; } } } //Vérifie que les budgets affectés globalement ne sont pas dépassés foreach ($tot_bud as $key => $value) { $b = new budgets($key); if ($b->type_budget == TYP_BUD_GLO) { $mnt_bud = $b->montant_global; $eng_bud = budgets::calcEngagement($b->id_budget) + $value; //Budget dépassé ? if ($eng_bud > $mnt_bud) { $error = true; $error_msg = $msg['acquisition_act_tab_bud'] . " : " . $b->libelle . "\\n\\n" . $msg['acquisition_act_bud_dep']; break; } } } } }
function show_results($dbh, $nbr_lignes = 0, $page = 0) { global $nb_per_page; global $base_url; global $caller; global $charset; global $msg; global $id_bibli, $id_exer; global $acquisition_budget_show_all; global $elt_query; // on récupére le nombre de lignes qui vont bien $nbr_lignes = entites::countRubriquesFinales($id_bibli, $id_exer, true, $elt_query); if (!$page) { $page = 1; } $debut = ($page - 1) * $nb_per_page; if ($nbr_lignes) { // on lance la vraie requête if (!$acquisition_budget_show_all) { $res = entites::listRubriquesFinales($id_bibli, $id_exer, true, $debut, $nb_per_page, $elt_query); } else { $res = entites::listRubriquesFinales($id_bibli, $id_exer, true, 0, 0, $elt_query); } $id_bud = 0; print "<div class=\"row\"><table><tr><th>" . htmlentities($msg['acquisition_rub'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</th><th>" . htmlentities($msg['acquisition_rub_sol'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</th></tr>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $new_id_bud = $row->num_budget; if ($new_id_bud != $id_bud) { $id_bud = $new_id_bud; print pmb_bidi("<tr><td>" . htmlentities($row->lib_bud, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</td>"); if ($row->type_budget) { $aff_glo = true; $mnt = $row->montant_global; $cal = budgets::calcEngagement($id_bud); if ($cal > $mnt) { $sol = 0; } else { $sol = $mnt - $cal; } $sol = number_format($sol, 2, '.', ''); if ($cal > $mnt * ($row->seuil_alerte / 100)) { $alert = true; } else { $alert = false; } } else { $aff_glo = false; } print "<td></td></tr>"; } $tab_rub = rubriques::listAncetres($row->id_rubrique, true); $lib_rub = ''; $lib_rub_no_html = ""; foreach ($tab_rub as $dummykey => $value) { $lib_rub .= htmlentities($value[1], ENT_QUOTES, $charset); $lib_rub_no_html .= $value[1]; if ($value[0] != $row->id_rubrique) { $lib_rub .= ":"; } } if (!$aff_glo) { $mnt = $row->montant; $cal = rubriques::calcEngagement($row->id_rubrique); if ($cal > $mnt) { $sol = 0; } else { $sol = $mnt - $cal; } $sol = number_format($sol, 2, '.', ''); if ($cal >= $mnt * ($row->seuil_alerte / 100)) { $alert = true; } else { $alert = false; } } if ($alert) { $cl = "class='erreur' "; } else { $cl = ''; } print "<tr><td><div class='child_tab'>"; print pmb_bidi("\n\t\t\t<a href='#' onclick=\"set_parent('{$caller}', '{$row->id_rubrique}', '" . htmlentities(addslashes($row->lib_bud . ":" . $lib_rub_no_html), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "' )\" ><span " . $cl . ">" . $lib_rub . "</span></a>\n\t\t\t</div></td><td style='text-align:right;'><span " . $cl . ">" . $sol . "</span></td></tr>"); } print "</table>"; mysql_free_result($res); // affichage pagination print "<hr /><div align='center'>"; if (!$acquisition_budget_show_all) { $base_url .= "&elt_query=" . $elt_query; $nav_bar = aff_pagination($base_url, $nbr_lignes, $nb_per_page, $page, 10, true, true); print $nav_bar; } print "</div></div>"; } }