function GetPR($url, $forceNoCache = false)
     $total_exec_start = $this->microtimeFloat();
     $result = array("", -1);
     if ($url . "" != "" && $url . "" != "http://") {
         $this->debugRes("url", $url);
         $this->cacheDir .= substr($this->cacheDir, -1) != "/" ? "/" : "";
         // check for protocol
         $url_ = substr(strtolower($url), 0, 7) != "http://" ? "http://" . $url : $url;
         $host = $this->googleDomains[mt_rand(0, count($this->googleDomains) - 1)];
         $target = "/search";
         $querystring = sprintf("client=navclient-auto&ch=%s&features=Rank&q=%s", $this->CheckHash($this->HashURL($url_)), urlencode("info:" . $url_));
         $contents = "";
         $this->debugRes("host", $host);
         $this->debugRes("query_string", $querystring);
         $this->debugRes("user_agent", $this->userAgent);
         $query_exec_start = $this->microtimeFloat();
         if ($forceNoCache == true) {
             $this->debugRes("force_no_cache", "true");
         } elseif ($contents = $this->readCacheResult($url)) {
             $this->debugRes("read_from_cache", "true");
         } else {
             $this->cacheExpired = true;
         $contents = rsseoHelper::fopen("http://" . $host . $target . "?" . $querystring, 0);
         if ($this->cacheExpired == true) {
             $this->updateCacheResult($url, $contents);
         $this->debugRes("query_exec_time", $this->microtimeFloat() - $query_exec_start);
         $result[0] = $contents;
         // Rank_1:1:0 = 0
         // Rank_1:1:5 = 5
         // Rank_1:1:9 = 9
         // Rank_1:2:10 = 10 etc
         $p = explode(":", $contents);
         if (isset($p[2])) {
             $result[1] = $p[2];
     if ($result[1] == -1) {
         $result[1] = 0;
     $this->PageRank = (int) $result[1];
     $this->debugRes("total_exec_time", $this->microtimeFloat() - $total_exec_start);
     $this->debugRes("result", $result);
     return $this->PageRank;
 function getContent($url)
     return rsseoHelper::fopen($url);
Esempio n. 3
 function checkPage($idPage)
     $app =& JFactory::getApplication();
     $rsseoConfig = $app->getuserState('rsseoConfig');
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_rsseo' . DS . 'tables');
     $page =& JTable::getInstance('rsseo_pages', 'Table');
     $parser = rsseoHelper::file_get_html(JURI::root() . $page->PageURL, 0);
     $html = rsseoHelper::fopen(JURI::root() . $page->PageURL);
     $link = JURI::root() . $page->PageURL;
     $title = '';
     $description = '';
     $keywords = '';
     $images = 0;
     $images_no_alt = 0;
     $images_no_hw = 0;
     $links = 0;
     preg_match('#<title>(.*?)<\\/title>#', $html, $match);
     preg_match_all('#<h([0-9+])(.*?)<\\/h([0-9+])>#is', $html, $matches);
     $title = @$match[1];
     $headings = count($matches[0]);
     while ($parser->parse()) {
         if ($parser->iNodeName == 'a' && isset($parser->iNodeAttributes['href'])) {
         if (strtolower($parser->iNodeName) == 'meta' && @$parser->iNodeAttributes['name'] == 'description') {
             $description = $parser->iNodeAttributes['content'];
         if (strtolower($parser->iNodeName) == 'meta' && @$parser->iNodeAttributes['name'] == 'keywords') {
             $keywords = $parser->iNodeAttributes['content'];
         if (empty($title) && strtolower($parser->iNodeName) == 'meta' && @$parser->iNodeAttributes['name'] == 'title') {
             $title = $parser->iNodeAttributes['content'];
         if (strtolower($parser->iNodeName) == 'img') {
         if (strtolower($parser->iNodeName) == 'img' && !isset($parser->iNodeAttributes['alt'])) {
         if (strtolower($parser->iNodeName) == 'img' && !isset($parser->iNodeAttributes['width']) && !isset($parser->iNodeAttributes['height'])) {
     $valid_text = strtolower(strip_tags($html));
     $density_keywords = $page->PageKeywordsDensity;
     if (!empty($density_keywords)) {
         $density_keywords = explode(',', $density_keywords);
         array_walk($density_keywords, array('rsseoHelper', 'lowercasearray'));
         $density_keywords = array_unique($density_keywords);
         $densityparams = array();
         foreach ($density_keywords as $keyword) {
             if (empty($keyword)) {
             $densityparams[$keyword] = rsseoHelper::keywordDensity($valid_text, $keyword);
         $registry = JRegistry::getInstance('density');
         $page->densityparams = $registry->toString();
     } else {
         $page->densityparams = '';
     $page->PageTitle = $title;
     $page->PageDescription = $description;
     $page->PageKeywords = $keywords;
     //build the params
     $params = array();
     //check if url is sef friendly
     if (strpos($page->PageURL, ".php?") === FALSE) {
         $params['url_sef'] = 1;
     } else {
         $params['url_sef'] = 0;
     //check if page title is unique
     $db->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM #__rsseo_pages WHERE PageTitle = '" . $db->getEscaped($page->PageTitle) . "' AND published = 1 ");
     $params['duplicate_title'] = $db->loadResult();
     //check title length
     $params['title_length'] = strlen($page->PageTitle);
     //check if page meta description is unique
     $db->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM #__rsseo_pages WHERE PageDescription = '" . $db->getEscaped($page->PageDescription) . "' AND published = 1 ");
     $params['duplicate_desc'] = $db->loadResult();
     //check description length
     $params['description_length'] = strlen($page->PageDescription);
     //check number of keywords
     $keyw = trim($keywords) != '' ? explode(',', $page->PageKeywords) : array();
     $params['keywords'] = count($keyw);
     $params['headings'] = $headings;
     $params['images'] = $images;
     $params['images_wo_alt'] = $images_no_alt;
     $params['images_wo_hw'] = $images_no_hw;
     $params['links'] = $links;
     $reg = JRegistry::getInstance('');
     $page->params = $reg->toString();
     //the raw html
     $page->_link = $link;
     //the page grade
     $grade = 0;
     $total = 0;
     if ($params['url_sef'] == 1 && $rsseoConfig['crawler.sef']) {
     if ($params['duplicate_title'] == 1 && $rsseoConfig['crawler.title.duplicate']) {
     if ($params['title_length'] >= 10 && $params['title_length'] <= 70 && $rsseoConfig['crawler.title.length']) {
     if ($params['duplicate_desc'] == 1 && $rsseoConfig['crawler.description.duplicate']) {
     if ($params['description_length'] >= 70 && $params['description_length'] <= 150 && $rsseoConfig['crawler.description.length']) {
     if ($params['keywords'] <= 10 && $rsseoConfig['crawler.keywords']) {
     if ($params['headings'] > 0 && $rsseoConfig['crawler.headings']) {
     if ($params['images'] <= 10 && $rsseoConfig['crawler.images']) {
     if ($params['images_wo_alt'] == 0 && $rsseoConfig['crawler.images.alt']) {
     if ($params['images_wo_hw'] == 0 && $rsseoConfig['crawler.images.hw']) {
     if ($params['links'] <= 100) {
     if ($rsseoConfig['crawler.sef']) {
     if ($rsseoConfig['crawler.title.duplicate']) {
     if ($rsseoConfig['crawler.title.length']) {
     if ($rsseoConfig['crawler.description.duplicate']) {
     if ($rsseoConfig['crawler.description.length']) {
     if ($rsseoConfig['crawler.keywords']) {
     if ($rsseoConfig['crawler.headings']) {
     if ($rsseoConfig['crawler.images']) {
     if ($rsseoConfig['crawler.images.alt']) {
     if ($rsseoConfig['crawler.images.hw']) {
     if ($rsseoConfig['crawler.intext.links']) {
     $page->PageGrade = $grade * 100 / $total;
     return $page;