function temp_player_rewards_items($this_battle, $target_player, $target_robot, $this_robot, $item_reward_key, $item_reward_info, $item_drop_count = 1) { global $mmrpg_index; // Create the temporary ability object for event creation $temp_info = array('ability_id' => MMRPG_SETTINGS_BATTLEABILITIES_PERROBOT_MAX + $item_reward_key + 300, 'ability_token' => $item_reward_info['ability_token']); $temp_ability = new rpg_ability($target_player, $target_robot, $item_reward_info); $temp_ability->ability_name = $item_reward_info['ability_name']; $temp_ability->ability_image = $item_reward_info['ability_token']; $temp_ability->update_session(); // Collect or define the ability variables $temp_item_token = $item_reward_info['ability_token']; $temp_item_name = $item_reward_info['ability_name']; $temp_item_colour = !empty($item_reward_info['ability_type']) ? $item_reward_info['ability_type'] : 'none'; if (!empty($item_reward_info['ability_type2'])) { $temp_item_colour .= '_' . $item_reward_info['ability_type2']; } $temp_type_name = !empty($item_reward_info['ability_type']) ? ucfirst($item_reward_info['ability_type']) : 'Neutral'; $allow_over_max = false; $temp_is_shard = preg_match('/-shard$/i', $temp_item_token) ? true : false; $temp_is_core = preg_match('/-core$/i', $temp_item_token) ? true : false; // Define the max quantity limit for this particular item if ($temp_is_shard) { $temp_item_quantity_max = MMRPG_SETTINGS_SHARDS_MAXQUANTITY; $allow_over_max = true; } elseif ($temp_is_core) { $temp_item_quantity_max = MMRPG_SETTINGS_CORES_MAXQUANTITY; } else { $temp_item_quantity_max = MMRPG_SETTINGS_ITEMS_MAXQUANTITY; } // Create the session variable for this item if it does not exist and collect its value if (empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_item_token])) { $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_item_token] = 0; } $temp_item_quantity = $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_item_token]; // If this item is already at the quantity limit, skip it entirely if ($temp_item_quantity >= $temp_item_quantity_max) { //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', 'max count for '.$temp_item_token.' of '.$temp_item_quantity_max.' has been reached ('.($allow_over_max ? 'allow' : 'disallow').')'); $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_item_token] = $temp_item_quantity_max; $temp_item_quantity = $temp_item_quantity_max; if (!$allow_over_max) { return true; } } // Define the new item quantity after increment $temp_item_quantity_new = $temp_item_quantity + $item_drop_count; $shards_remaining = false; // If this is a shard piece if ($temp_is_shard) { // Define the number of shards remaining for a new core $temp_item_quantity_max = MMRPG_SETTINGS_SHARDS_MAXQUANTITY; $shards_remaining = $temp_item_quantity_max - $temp_item_quantity_new; // If this player has collected enough shards to create a new core if ($shards_remaining == 0) { $temp_body_addon = 'The other ' . $temp_type_name . ' Shards from the inventory started glowing…'; } else { $temp_body_addon = 'Collect ' . $shards_remaining . ' more shard' . ($shards_remaining > 1 ? 's' : '') . ' to create a new ' . $temp_type_name . ' Core!'; } } elseif (preg_match('/-core$/i', $temp_item_token)) { // Define the robot core drop text for displau $temp_body_addon = $target_player->print_name() . ' added the new core to the inventory.'; } else { // Define the normal item drop text for display $temp_body_addon = $target_player->print_name() . ' added the dropped item' . ($item_drop_count > 1 ? 's' : '') . ' to the inventory.'; } // Display the robot reward message markup $event_header = $temp_item_name . ' Item Drop'; $event_body = rpg_functions::get_random_positive_word(); $event_body .= ' The disabled ' . $this_robot->print_name() . ' dropped '; if ($item_drop_count == 1) { $event_body .= (preg_match('/^(a|e|i|o|u)/i', $temp_item_name) ? 'an' : 'a') . ' <span class="ability_name ability_type ability_type_' . $temp_item_colour . '">' . $temp_item_name . '</span>!<br />'; } else { $event_body .= 'x' . $item_drop_count . ' <span class="ability_name ability_type ability_type_' . $temp_item_colour . '">' . ($temp_item_name == 'Extra Life' ? 'Extra Lives' : $temp_item_name . 's') . '</span>!<br />'; } $event_body .= $temp_body_addon; $event_options = array(); $event_options['console_show_target'] = false; $event_options['this_header_float'] = $target_player->player_side; $event_options['this_body_float'] = $target_player->player_side; $event_options['this_ability'] = $temp_ability; $event_options['this_ability_image'] = 'icon'; $event_options['event_flag_victory'] = true; $event_options['console_show_this_player'] = false; $event_options['console_show_this_robot'] = false; $event_options['console_show_this_ability'] = true; $event_options['canvas_show_this_ability'] = true; $target_player->set_frame($item_reward_key % 3 == 0 ? 'victory' : 'taunt'); $target_robot->robot_frame = $item_reward_key % 2 == 0 ? 'taunt' : 'base'; $target_robot->update_session(); $temp_ability->ability_frame = 'base'; $temp_ability->ability_frame_offset = array('x' => 220, 'y' => 0, 'z' => 10); $temp_ability->update_session(); $this_battle->events_create($target_robot, $target_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options); // Create and/or increment the session variable for this item increasing its quantity if (empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_item_token])) { $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_item_token] = 0; } if ($temp_item_quantity < $temp_item_quantity_max) { $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_item_token] += $item_drop_count; } // If this was a shard, and it was the LAST shard if ($shards_remaining !== false && $shards_remaining < 1) { // Define the new core token and increment value in session $temp_core_token = str_replace('shard', 'core', $temp_item_token); $temp_core_name = str_replace('Shard', 'Core', $temp_item_name); $item_core_info = array('ability_token' => $temp_core_token, 'ability_name' => $temp_core_name, 'ability_type' => $item_reward_info['ability_type']); // Create the temporary ability object for event creation $temp_info['ability_id'] += 1; $temp_info['ability_token'] = $temp_core_token; $temp_core = new rpg_ability($target_player, $target_robot, $temp_info); $temp_core->ability_name = $item_core_info['ability_name']; $temp_core->ability_image = $item_core_info['ability_token']; $temp_core->update_session(); // Collect or define the ability variables //$temp_core_token = $item_core_info['ability_token']; //$temp_core_name = $item_core_info['ability_name']; $temp_type_name = !empty($temp_core->ability_type) ? ucfirst($temp_core->ability_type) : 'Neutral'; $temp_core_colour = !empty($temp_core->ability_type) ? $temp_core->ability_type : 'none'; // Define the max quantity limit for this particular item $temp_core_quantity_max = MMRPG_SETTINGS_ITEMS_MAXQUANTITY; // Create the session variable for this item if it does not exist and collect its value if (empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_core_token])) { $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_core_token] = 0; } $temp_core_quantity = $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_core_token]; // If this item is already at the quantity limit, skip it entirely if ($temp_core_quantity >= $temp_core_quantity_max) { //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', 'max count for '.$temp_core_token.' of '.$temp_core_quantity_max.' has been reached'); $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_core_token] = $temp_core_quantity_max; $temp_core_quantity = $temp_core_quantity_max; return true; } // Display the robot reward message markup $event_header = $temp_core_name . ' Item Fusion'; $event_body = rpg_functions::get_random_positive_word() . ' The glowing shards fused to create a new ' . $temp_core->print_name() . '!<br />'; $event_body .= $target_player->print_name() . ' added the new core to the inventory.'; $event_options = array(); $event_options['console_show_target'] = false; $event_options['this_header_float'] = $target_player->player_side; $event_options['this_body_float'] = $target_player->player_side; $event_options['this_ability'] = $temp_core; $event_options['this_ability_image'] = 'icon'; $event_options['event_flag_victory'] = true; $event_options['console_show_this_player'] = false; $event_options['console_show_this_robot'] = false; $event_options['console_show_this_ability'] = true; $event_options['canvas_show_this_ability'] = true; $target_player->set_frame($item_reward_key + 1 % 3 == 0 ? 'taunt' : 'victory'); $target_robot->robot_frame = $item_reward_key % 2 == 0 ? 'base' : 'taunt'; $target_robot->update_session(); $temp_core->ability_frame = 'base'; $temp_core->ability_frame_offset = array('x' => 220, 'y' => 0, 'z' => 10); $temp_core->update_session(); $this_battle->events_create($target_robot, $target_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options); // Create and/or increment the session variable for this item increasing its quantity if (empty($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_core_token])) { $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_core_token] = 0; } if ($temp_core_quantity < $temp_core_quantity_max) { $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_core_token] += 1; } // Set the old shard counter back to zero now that they've fused $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'][$temp_item_token] = 0; $temp_item_quantity = 0; } // Return true on success return true; }
/** * Trigger the battle complete action and end the current mission * @param rpg_player this_player * @param rpg_robot this_robot * @param rpg_player target_player * @param rpg_robot target_robot */ public function trigger_complete(rpg_player $this_player, rpg_robot $this_robot, rpg_player $target_player, rpg_robot $target_robot) { // Collect references to global objects $db = cms_database::get_database(); $this_battle = self::get_battle(); $this_field = rpg_field::get_field(); // Default the return variable to false $this_return = false; //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', 'Battle complete trigger triggered!'); // Return false if anything is missing if (empty($this_player) || empty($this_robot)) { return false; } if (empty($target_player) || empty($target_robot)) { return false; } // Return true if the battle status is already complete if ($this_battle->battle_status == 'complete') { return true; } // Update the battle status to complete $this_battle->set_info('battle_status', 'complete'); if ($this_battle->battle_result == 'pending') { $this_battle->set_info('battle_result', $target_player->player_side == 'right' ? 'victory' : 'defeat'); $event_options = array(); if ($this_battle->battle_result == 'victory') { $event_options['event_flag_victory'] = true; } elseif ($this_battle->battle_result == 'defeat') { $event_options['event_flag_defeat'] = true; } $this_battle->events_create(false, false, '', '', $event_options); } // -- CALCULATE REWARDS -- // // Define variables for the human's rewards in this scenario $temp_human_token = $target_player->player_side == 'left' ? $target_player->player_token : $this_player->player_token; $temp_human_info = $target_player->player_side == 'left' ? $target_player->export_array() : $this_player->export_array(); $temp_human_rewards = array(); $temp_human_rewards['battle_points'] = 0; $temp_human_rewards['battle_zenny'] = 0; $temp_human_rewards['battle_complete'] = isset($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_complete'][$temp_human_token][$this_battle->battle_token]['battle_count']) ? $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_complete'][$temp_human_token][$this_battle->battle_token]['battle_count'] : 0; $temp_human_rewards['battle_failure'] = isset($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_failure'][$temp_human_token][$this_battle->battle_token]['battle_count']) ? $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_failure'][$temp_human_token][$this_battle->battle_token]['battle_count'] : 0; $temp_human_rewards['checkpoint'] = 'start: '; // Calculate the base point and zenny rewards for this battle $temp_reward_points_base = !empty($this_battle->battle_rewards_points) ? $this_battle->battle_rewards_points : 0; $temp_reward_zenny_base = !empty($this_battle->battle_rewards_zenny) ? $this_battle->battle_rewards_zenny : 0; // Default the bonus to zero and calulate based on turns $temp_turn_bonus = 0; if ($this_battle->counters['battle_turn'] < $this_battle->battle_turns_limit) { $temp_turn_bonus = round(($this_battle->battle_turns_limit - $this_battle->counters['battle_turn']) * 10); } elseif ($this_battle->counters['battle_turn'] > $this_battle->battle_turns_limit) { $temp_turn_bonus = round(($this_battle->counters['battle_turn'] - $this_battle->battle_turns_limit) * 10) * -1; } // Default the bonus to zero and calulate based on turns $temp_robot_bonus = 0; if ($temp_human_info['counters']['robots_masters_total'] < $this_battle->battle_robots_limit) { $temp_robot_bonus = round(($this_battle->battle_robots_limit - $temp_human_info['counters']['robots_masters_total']) * 10); } elseif ($temp_human_info['counters']['robots_masters_total'] > $this_battle->battle_robots_limit) { $temp_robot_bonus = $temp_robot_bonus = round(($temp_human_info['counters']['robots_masters_total'] - $this_battle->battle_robots_limit) * 10) * -1; } // Calculate the bonus points and zenny for the turns $temp_turn_bonus_points = (int) ($temp_reward_points_base * ($temp_turn_bonus / 100)); $temp_turn_bonus_zenny = (int) ($temp_reward_zenny_base * ($temp_turn_bonus / 100)); // Calculate the bonus points and zenny for the turns $temp_robot_bonus_points = (int) ($temp_reward_points_base * ($temp_robot_bonus / 100)); $temp_robot_bonus_zenny = (int) ($temp_reward_zenny_base * ($temp_robot_bonus / 100)); // Calculate the final reward points based on above if ($this_battle->battle_result == 'victory') { $temp_reward_points_final = $temp_reward_points_base + $temp_turn_bonus_points + $temp_robot_bonus_points; $temp_reward_zenny_final = $temp_reward_zenny_base + $temp_turn_bonus_zenny + $temp_robot_bonus_zenny; if ($temp_reward_points_final < 0) { $temp_reward_points_final = 0; } if ($temp_reward_zenny_final < 0) { $temp_reward_zenny_final = 0; } } else { $temp_reward_points_final = 0; $temp_reward_zenny_final = 0; } // Define the number of stars to show for this mission $temp_rating_stars = 0; if ($this_battle->battle_result == 'victory') { $temp_rating_stars += 1; if ($temp_turn_bonus >= 0) { $temp_rating_stars += 1; } if ($temp_robot_bonus >= 0) { $temp_rating_stars += 1; } if (empty($temp_human_info['counters']['robots_disabled'])) { $temp_rating_stars += 1; } if (empty($temp_human_info['counters']['items_used_this_battle'])) { $temp_rating_stars += 1; } } // Generate the markup for this stars $temp_rating_stars_markup = ''; for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) { $temp_rating_stars_markup .= $i <= $temp_rating_stars ? '★' : '☆'; } // (HUMAN) TARGET DEFEATED // Check if the target was the human character if ($target_player->player_side == 'left') { // Increment the main game's points total with the battle points $_SESSION['GAME']['counters']['battle_points'] += $temp_reward_points_final; $_SESSION['GAME']['counters']['battle_zenny'] += $temp_reward_zenny_final; // Increment this player's points total with the battle points if (!isset($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_points'])) { $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_points'] = 0; } if (!isset($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_zenny'])) { $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_zenny'] = 0; } $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_points'] += $temp_reward_points_final; $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$target_player->player_token]['player_zenny'] += $temp_reward_zenny_final; // Update the global variable with the points reward $temp_human_rewards['battle_points'] = $temp_reward_points_final; $temp_human_rewards['battle_zenny'] = $temp_reward_zenny_final; // Update the GAME session variable with the failed battle token $save_records = $this_battle->has_flag('save_records') ? $this_battle->get_flag('save_records') : true; if ($save_records) { $bak_session_array = isset($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_failure'][$target_player->player_token][$this_battle->battle_token]) ? $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_failure'][$target_player->player_token][$this_battle->battle_token] : array(); $new_session_array = array('battle_token' => $this_battle->battle_token, 'battle_count' => 0, 'battle_level' => 0); if (!empty($bak_session_array['battle_count'])) { $new_session_array['battle_count'] = $bak_session_array['battle_count']; } if (!empty($bak_session_array['battle_level'])) { $new_session_array['battle_level'] = $bak_session_array['battle_level']; } $new_session_array['battle_level'] = $this_battle->battle_level; $new_session_array['battle_count']++; $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_failure'][$target_player->player_token][$this_battle->battle_token] = $new_session_array; $temp_human_rewards['battle_failure'] = $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_failure'][$target_player->player_token][$this_battle->battle_token]['battle_count']; } } // NON-INVISIBLE PLAYER DEFEATED // Display the defeat message for the target character if not default/hidden if ($target_player->player_token != 'player') { // (HUMAN) TARGET DEFEATED BY (INVISIBLE/COMPUTER) // If this was a player battle and the human user lost against the ghost target (this/computer/victory | target/human/defeat) if ($this_player->player_id == MMRPG_SETTINGS_TARGET_PLAYERID && $target_player->player_side == 'left' && $this_robot->robot_class != 'mecha') { // Calculate how many points the other player is rewarded for winning $target_player_robots = $target_player->values['robots_disabled']; $target_player_robots_count = count($target_player_robots); $other_player_points = 0; $other_player_turns = $target_player_robots_count * MMRPG_SETTINGS_BATTLETURNS_PERROBOT; foreach ($target_player_robots as $disabled_robotinfo) { $other_player_points += $disabled_robotinfo['robot_level'] * MMRPG_SETTINGS_BATTLEPOINTS_PERROBOT * MMRPG_SETTINGS_BATTLEPOINTS_PLAYERBATTLE_MULTIPLIER; } // Create the victory event for the target player $this_robot->robot_frame = 'victory'; $this_robot->update_session(); $event_header = $this_robot->robot_name . ' Undefeated'; $event_body = ''; $event_body .= $this_robot->print_name() . ' could not be defeated! '; $event_body .= '<br />'; $event_options = array(); $event_options['console_show_this_robot'] = true; $event_options['console_show_target'] = false; $event_options['event_flag_defeat'] = true; $event_options['this_header_float'] = $event_options['this_body_float'] = $this_robot->player->player_side; if ($this_robot->robot_token != 'robot' && isset($this_robot->robot_quotes['battle_victory'])) { $this_find = array('{target_player}', '{target_robot}', '{this_player}', '{this_robot}'); $this_replace = array($target_player->player_name, $target_robot->robot_name, $this_player->player_name, $this_robot->robot_name); $event_body .= $this_robot->print_quote('battle_victory', $this_find, $this_replace); } $this_battle->events_create($this_robot, $target_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options); } $target_player->set_frame('defeat'); $target_robot->update_session(); $event_header = $target_player->player_name . ' Defeated'; $event_body = $target_player->print_name() . ' was defeated' . ($target_player->player_side == 'left' ? '…' : '!') . ' '; $event_body .= '<br />'; $event_options = array(); $event_options['console_show_this_player'] = true; $event_options['console_show_target'] = false; $event_options['event_flag_defeat'] = true; $event_options['this_header_float'] = $event_options['this_body_float'] = $target_player->player_side; if ($target_player->player_token != 'player' && isset($target_player->player_quotes['battle_defeat'])) { $this_find = array('{target_player}', '{target_robot}', '{this_player}', '{this_robot}'); $this_replace = array($this_player->player_name, $this_robot->robot_name, $target_player->player_name, $target_robot->robot_name); $this_quote_text = str_replace($this_find, $this_replace, $target_player->player_quotes['battle_defeat']); $event_body .= $target_player->print_quote('battle_defeat', $this_find, $this_replace); } $this_battle->events_create($target_robot, $this_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options); // (HUMAN) TARGET DEFEATED BY (GHOST/COMPUTER) // If this was a player battle and the human user lost against the ghost target (this/computer/victory | target/human/defeat) if ($this_player->player_id != MMRPG_SETTINGS_TARGET_PLAYERID && $target_player->player_side == 'left') { // Calculate how many points the other player is rewarded for winning $target_player_robots = $target_player->values['robots_disabled']; $target_player_robots_count = count($target_player_robots); $other_player_points = 0; $other_player_turns = $target_player_robots_count * MMRPG_SETTINGS_BATTLETURNS_PERROBOT; foreach ($target_player_robots as $disabled_robotinfo) { $other_player_points += $disabled_robotinfo['robot_level'] * MMRPG_SETTINGS_BATTLEPOINTS_PERROBOT * MMRPG_SETTINGS_BATTLEPOINTS_PLAYERBATTLE_MULTIPLIER; } // Create the victory event for the target player $this_player->set_frame('victory'); $target_robot->update_session(); $event_header = $this_player->player_name . ' Victorious'; $event_body = $this_player->print_name() . ' was victorious! '; $event_body .= $this_player->print_name() . ' could not be defeated!'; $event_body .= '<br />'; $event_options = array(); $event_options['console_show_this_player'] = true; $event_options['console_show_target'] = false; $event_options['event_flag_defeat'] = true; $event_options['this_header_float'] = $event_options['this_body_float'] = $this_player->player_side; if ($this_player->player_token != 'player' && isset($this_player->player_quotes['battle_victory'])) { $this_find = array('{target_player}', '{target_robot}', '{this_player}', '{this_robot}'); $this_replace = array($target_player->player_name, $target_robot->robot_name, $this_player->player_name, $this_robot->robot_name); $event_body .= $this_player->print_quote('battle_victory', $this_find, $this_replace); } $this_battle->events_create($this_robot, $target_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options); } } // (HUMAN) TARGET DEFEATED BY (COMPUTER) // Check if the target was the human character (and they LOST) if ($target_player->player_side == 'left') { // Collect the robot info array $temp_player_info = $target_player->export_array(); // Collect or define the player points and player rewards variables $temp_player_token = $temp_player_info['player_token']; $temp_player_points = rpg_game::player_points($temp_player_info['player_token']); $temp_player_rewards = rpg_game::player_rewards($temp_player_info['player_token']); //!empty($temp_player_info['player_rewards']) ? $temp_player_info['player_rewards'] : array(); // -- ABILITY REWARDS for HUMAN PLAYER -- // // Loop through the ability rewards for this robot if set if (!empty($temp_player_rewards['abilities']) && rpg_game::is_user()) { $temp_abilities_index = $db->get_array_list("SELECT * FROM mmrpg_index_abilities WHERE ability_flag_complete = 1;", 'ability_token'); foreach ($temp_player_rewards['abilities'] as $ability_reward_key => $ability_reward_info) { // If this ability is already unlocked, continue if (rpg_game::ability_unlocked($target_player->player_token, false, $ability_reward_info['token'])) { continue; } // Check if the required level has been met by this robot if ($temp_player_points >= $ability_reward_info['points'] && rpg_game::is_user()) { // Collect the ability info from the index $ability_info = array('ability_id' => MMRPG_SETTINGS_BATTLEABILITIES_PERROBOT_MAX + $ability_reward_key, 'ability_token' => $ability_reward_info['token']); // Create the temporary ability object for event creation $temp_ability = new rpg_ability($target_player, $target_robot, $ability_info); // Collect or define the ability variables $temp_ability_token = $ability_info['ability_token']; // Display the robot reward message markup $event_header = $temp_ability->ability_name . ' Unlocked'; $event_body = rpg_functions::get_random_positive_word() . ' <span class="player_name">' . $temp_player_info['player_name'] . '</span> unlocked new ability data!<br />'; $event_body .= '<span class="ability_name">' . $temp_ability->ability_name . '</span> can now be used in battle!'; $event_options = array(); $event_options['console_show_target'] = false; $event_options['this_header_float'] = $target_player->player_side; $event_options['this_body_float'] = $target_player->player_side; $event_options['this_ability'] = $temp_ability; $event_options['this_ability_image'] = 'icon'; $event_options['event_flag_victory'] = true; $event_options['console_show_this_player'] = false; $event_options['console_show_this_robot'] = false; $event_options['console_show_this_ability'] = true; $event_options['canvas_show_this_ability'] = false; $target_player->set_frame($ability_reward_key % 2 == 0 ? 'victory' : 'taunt'); $temp_ability->ability_frame = 'base'; $temp_ability->update_session(); $this_battle->events_create($target_robot, $target_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options); // Automatically unlock this ability for use in battle $this_reward = array('ability_token' => $temp_ability_token); $show_event = !rpg_game::ability_unlocked('', '', $temp_ability_token) ? true : false; rpg_game::unlock_ability($temp_player_info, false, $this_reward, $show_event); } } } } // (COMPUTER) TARGET DEFEATED BY (HUMAN) // Check if this player was the human player (and they WON) if ($this_player->player_side == 'left') { // Increment the main game's points total with the battle points $_SESSION['GAME']['counters']['battle_points'] += $temp_reward_points_final; $_SESSION['GAME']['counters']['battle_zenny'] += $temp_reward_zenny_final; // Reference the number of points this player gets $this_player_points = $temp_reward_points_final; $this_player_zenny = $temp_reward_zenny_final; // Increment this player's points total with the battle points $player_token = $this_player->player_token; $player_info = $this_player->export_array(); if (!isset($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$player_token]['player_points'])) { $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$player_token]['player_points'] = 0; } $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$player_token]['player_points'] += $this_player_points; if (!isset($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$player_token]['player_zenny'])) { $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$player_token]['player_zenny'] = 0; } $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_rewards'][$player_token]['player_zenny'] += $this_player_zenny; // Update the global variable with the points reward $temp_human_rewards['battle_points'] = $this_player_points; $temp_human_rewards['battle_zenny'] = $this_player_zenny; // Display the win message for this player with battle points $this_robot->robot_frame = 'victory'; $this_player->set_frame('victory'); $this_robot->update_session(); $event_header = $this_player->player_name . ' Victorious'; $event_body = $this_player->print_name() . ' was victorious! '; $event_body .= 'The ' . ($target_player->counters['robots_disabled'] > 1 ? 'targets were' : 'target was') . ' defeated!'; $event_body .= '<br />'; $event_options = array(); $event_options['console_show_this_player'] = true; $event_options['console_show_target'] = false; $event_options['event_flag_victory'] = true; $event_options['this_header_float'] = $event_options['this_body_float'] = $this_player->player_side; if ($this_player->player_token != 'player' && isset($this_player->player_quotes['battle_victory'])) { $this_find = array('{target_player}', '{target_robot}', '{this_player}', '{this_robot}'); $this_replace = array($target_player->player_name, $target_robot->robot_name, $this_player->player_name, $this_robot->robot_name); $event_body .= $this_player->print_quote('battle_victory', $this_find, $this_replace); } $this_battle->events_create($this_robot, $target_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options); /* * PLAYER REWARDS */ // Check if the the player was a human character if ($this_player->player_side == 'left') { // Collect the robot info array $temp_player_info = $this_player->export_array(); // Collect or define the player points and player rewards variables $temp_player_token = $temp_player_info['player_token']; $temp_player_points = rpg_game::player_points($temp_player_info['player_token']); $temp_player_rewards = !empty($temp_player_info['player_rewards']) ? $temp_player_info['player_rewards'] : array(); // -- ABILITY REWARDS for HUMAN PLAYER -- // // Loop through the ability rewards for this player if set if (!empty($temp_player_rewards['abilities']) && rpg_game::is_user()) { $temp_abilities_index = $db->get_array_list("SELECT * FROM mmrpg_index_abilities WHERE ability_flag_complete = 1;", 'ability_token'); foreach ($temp_player_rewards['abilities'] as $ability_reward_key => $ability_reward_info) { // If this ability is already unlocked, continue if (rpg_game::ability_unlocked($this_player->player_token, false, $ability_reward_info['token'])) { continue; } // Check if the required level has been met by this robot if ($temp_player_points >= $ability_reward_info['points']) { // Collect the ability info from the index $ability_info = rpg_ability::parse_index_info($temp_abilities_index[$ability_reward_info['token']]); // Create the temporary ability object for event creation $temp_ability = new rpg_ability($this_player, $this_robot, $ability_info); // Collect or define the ability variables $temp_ability_token = $ability_info['ability_token']; // Display the robot reward message markup $event_header = $ability_info['ability_name'] . ' Unlocked'; $event_body = rpg_functions::get_random_positive_word() . ' <span class="player_name">' . $temp_player_info['player_name'] . '</span> unlocked new ability data!<br />'; $event_body .= '<span class="ability_name">' . $ability_info['ability_name'] . '</span> can now be used in battle!'; $event_options = array(); $event_options['console_show_target'] = false; $event_options['this_header_float'] = $this_player->player_side; $event_options['this_body_float'] = $this_player->player_side; $event_options['this_ability'] = $temp_ability; $event_options['this_ability_image'] = 'icon'; $event_options['event_flag_victory'] = true; $event_options['console_show_this_player'] = false; $event_options['console_show_this_robot'] = false; $event_options['console_show_this_ability'] = true; $event_options['canvas_show_this_ability'] = false; $this_player->set_frame($ability_reward_key % 2 == 0 ? 'victory' : 'taunt'); $this_robot->robot_frame = $ability_reward_key % 2 == 0 ? 'taunt' : 'base'; $this_robot->update_session(); $temp_ability->ability_frame = 'base'; $temp_ability->update_session(); $this_battle->events_create($this_robot, $this_robot, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options); // Automatically unlock this ability for use in battle $this_reward = array('ability_token' => $temp_ability_token); $show_event = !rpg_game::ability_unlocked('', '', $temp_ability_token) ? true : false; rpg_game::unlock_ability($temp_player_info, false, $this_reward, $show_event); } } } } } /* * BATTLE REWARDS */ // Collect or define the player variables $this_player_token = $this_player->player_token; $this_player_info = $this_player->export_array(); // Collect or define the target player variables $target_player_token = $target_player->player_token; $target_player_info = $target_player->export_array(); // Check if this player was the human player if ($this_player->player_side == 'left') { // Update the GAME session variable with the completed battle token $save_records = $this_battle->has_flag('save_records') ? $this_battle->get_flag('save_records') : true; if ($save_records) { // Back up the current session array for this battle complete counter $bak_session_array = isset($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_complete'][$this_player->player_token][$this_battle->battle_token]) ? $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_complete'][$this_player->player_token][$this_battle->battle_token] : array(); // Create the new session array from scratch to ensure all values exist $new_session_array = array('battle_token' => $this_battle->battle_token, 'battle_count' => 0, 'battle_min_level' => 0, 'battle_max_level' => 0, 'battle_min_turns' => 0, 'battle_max_turns' => 0, 'battle_min_points' => 0, 'battle_max_points' => 0, 'battle_min_robots' => 0, 'battle_max_robots' => 0); // Recollect applicable battle values from the backup session array if (!empty($bak_session_array['battle_count'])) { $new_session_array['battle_count'] = $bak_session_array['battle_count']; } if (!empty($bak_session_array['battle_level'])) { $new_session_array['battle_min_level'] = $bak_session_array['battle_level']; } // LEGACY if (!empty($bak_session_array['battle_min_level'])) { $new_session_array['battle_min_level'] = $bak_session_array['battle_min_level']; } if (!empty($bak_session_array['battle_max_level'])) { $new_session_array['battle_max_level'] = $bak_session_array['battle_max_level']; } if (!empty($bak_session_array['battle_min_turns'])) { $new_session_array['battle_min_turns'] = $bak_session_array['battle_min_turns']; } if (!empty($bak_session_array['battle_max_turns'])) { $new_session_array['battle_max_turns'] = $bak_session_array['battle_max_turns']; } if (!empty($bak_session_array['battle_min_points'])) { $new_session_array['battle_min_points'] = $bak_session_array['battle_min_points']; } if (!empty($bak_session_array['battle_max_points'])) { $new_session_array['battle_max_points'] = $bak_session_array['battle_max_points']; } if (!empty($bak_session_array['battle_min_robots'])) { $new_session_array['battle_min_robots'] = $bak_session_array['battle_min_robots']; } if (!empty($bak_session_array['battle_max_robots'])) { $new_session_array['battle_max_robots'] = $bak_session_array['battle_max_robots']; } // Update and/or increment the appropriate battle variables in the new array if ($new_session_array['battle_max_level'] == 0 || $this_battle->battle_level > $new_session_array['battle_max_level']) { $new_session_array['battle_max_level'] = $this_battle->battle_level; } if ($new_session_array['battle_min_level'] == 0 || $this_battle->battle_level < $new_session_array['battle_min_level']) { $new_session_array['battle_min_level'] = $this_battle->battle_level; } if ($new_session_array['battle_max_turns'] == 0 || $this_battle->counters['battle_turn'] > $new_session_array['battle_max_turns']) { $new_session_array['battle_max_turns'] = $this_battle->counters['battle_turn']; } if ($new_session_array['battle_min_turns'] == 0 || $this_battle->counters['battle_turn'] < $new_session_array['battle_min_turns']) { $new_session_array['battle_min_turns'] = $this_battle->counters['battle_turn']; } if ($new_session_array['battle_max_points'] == 0 || $temp_human_rewards['battle_points'] > $new_session_array['battle_max_points']) { $new_session_array['battle_max_points'] = $temp_human_rewards['battle_points']; } if ($new_session_array['battle_min_points'] == 0 || $temp_human_rewards['battle_points'] < $new_session_array['battle_min_points']) { $new_session_array['battle_min_points'] = $temp_human_rewards['battle_points']; } if ($new_session_array['battle_max_robots'] == 0 || $this_player->counters['robots_total'] > $new_session_array['battle_max_robots']) { $new_session_array['battle_max_robots'] = $this_player->counters['robots_total']; } if ($new_session_array['battle_min_robots'] == 0 || $this_player->counters['robots_total'] < $new_session_array['battle_min_robots']) { $new_session_array['battle_min_robots'] = $this_player->counters['robots_total']; } $new_session_array['battle_count']++; // Update the session variable for this player with the updated battle values $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_complete'][$this_player->player_token][$this_battle->battle_token] = $new_session_array; $temp_human_rewards['battle_complete'] = $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_complete'][$this_player->player_token][$this_battle->battle_token]['battle_count']; } // Refresh the player info array $this_player_info = $this_player->export_array(); // ROBOT REWARDS // Loop through any robot rewards for this battle $this_robot_rewards = $this_battle->get_robot_rewards(); if (!empty($this_robot_rewards) && rpg_game::is_user()) { foreach ($this_robot_rewards as $robot_reward_key => $robot_reward_info) { // If this robot has already been unlocked by anyone, continue if (rpg_game::robot_unlocked(false, $robot_reward_info['token'])) { continue; } // Collect the robot info from the index $robot_info = rpg_robot::get_index_info($robot_reward_info['token']); // Search this player's base robots for the robot ID $robot_info['robot_id'] = 0; foreach ($this_player->player_base_robots as $base_robot) { if ($robot_info['robot_token'] == $base_robot['robot_token']) { $robot_info['robot_id'] = $base_robot['robot_id']; break; } } // Create the temporary robot object for event creation $temp_robot = new rpg_robot($this_player, $robot_info); // Collect or define the robot points and robot rewards variables $this_robot_token = $robot_reward_info['token']; $this_robot_level = !empty($robot_reward_info['level']) ? $robot_reward_info['level'] : 1; $this_robot_experience = !empty($robot_reward_info['experience']) ? $robot_reward_info['experience'] : 0; $this_robot_rewards = !empty($robot_info['robot_rewards']) ? $robot_info['robot_rewards'] : array(); // Automatically unlock this robot for use in battle $this_reward = $robot_info; $this_reward['robot_level'] = $this_robot_level; $this_reward['robot_experience'] = $this_robot_experience; rpg_game::unlock_robot($this_player_info, $this_reward, true, true); } } // ABILITY REWARDS // Loop through any ability rewards for this battle $this_ability_rewards = $this_battle->get_ability_rewards(); if (!empty($this_ability_rewards) && rpg_game::is_user()) { $temp_abilities_index = $db->get_array_list("SELECT * FROM mmrpg_index_abilities WHERE ability_flag_complete = 1;", 'ability_token'); foreach ($this_ability_rewards as $ability_reward_key => $ability_reward_info) { // Collect the ability info from the index $ability_info = rpg_ability::parse_index_info($temp_abilities_index[$ability_reward_info['token']]); // Create the temporary robot object for event creation $temp_ability = new rpg_ability($this_player, $this_robot, $ability_info); // Collect or define the robot points and robot rewards variables $this_ability_token = $ability_info['ability_token']; // Now loop through all active robots on this side of the field foreach ($this_player_info['values']['robots_active'] as $temp_key => $temp_info) { // If this robot is a mecha, skip it! if (!empty($temp_info['robot_class']) && $temp_info['robot_class'] == 'mecha') { continue; } // Equip this ability to the robot is there was a match found if (rpg_robot::has_ability_compatibility($temp_info['robot_token'], $ability_info['ability_token'])) { if (!isset($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_settings'][$this_player_info['player_token']]['player_robots'][$temp_info['robot_token']]['robot_abilities'])) { $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_settings'][$this_player_info['player_token']]['player_robots'][$temp_info['robot_token']]['robot_abilities'] = array(); } if (count($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_settings'][$this_player_info['player_token']]['player_robots'][$temp_info['robot_token']]['robot_abilities']) < 8) { $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_settings'][$this_player_info['player_token']]['player_robots'][$temp_info['robot_token']]['robot_abilities'][$ability_info['ability_token']] = array('ability_token' => $ability_info['ability_token']); } } } // If this ability has already been unlocked by the player, continue if (rpg_game::ability_unlocked($this_player_token, false, $ability_reward_info['token'])) { continue; } // Automatically unlock this ability for use in battle $this_reward = array('ability_token' => $this_ability_token); $show_event = !rpg_game::ability_unlocked('', '', $this_ability_token) ? true : false; rpg_game::unlock_ability($this_player_info, false, $this_reward, $show_event); // Display the robot reward message markup $event_header = $ability_info['ability_name'] . ' Unlocked'; $event_body = rpg_functions::get_random_positive_word() . ' <span class="player_name">' . $this_player_info['player_name'] . '</span> unlocked new ability data!<br />'; $event_body .= '<span class="ability_name">' . $ability_info['ability_name'] . '</span> can now be used in battle!'; $event_options = array(); $event_options['console_show_target'] = false; $event_options['this_header_float'] = $this_player->player_side; $event_options['this_body_float'] = $this_player->player_side; $event_options['this_ability'] = $temp_ability; $event_options['this_ability_image'] = 'icon'; $event_options['console_show_this_player'] = false; $event_options['console_show_this_robot'] = false; $event_options['console_show_this_ability'] = true; $event_options['canvas_show_this_ability'] = false; $this_player->set_frame('victory'); $temp_ability->ability_frame = 'base'; $temp_ability->update_session(); $this_battle->events_create($this_robot, false, $event_header, $event_body, $event_options); } } } // end of BATTLE REWARDS // Check if there is a field star for this stage to collect if ($this_battle->battle_result == 'victory' && !empty($this_battle->values['field_star'])) { // Collect the field star data for this battle $temp_field_star = $this_battle->values['field_star']; // Print out the event for collecting the new field star $temp_name_markup = '<span class="field_name field_type field_type_' . (!empty($temp_field_star['star_type']) ? $temp_field_star['star_type'] : 'none') . (!empty($temp_field_star['star_type2']) ? '_' . $temp_field_star['star_type2'] : '') . '">' . $temp_field_star['star_name'] . ' Star</span>'; $temp_event_header = $this_player->player_name . ''s ' . ucfirst($temp_field_star['star_kind']) . ' Star'; $temp_event_body = $this_player->print_name() . ' collected the ' . $temp_name_markup . '!<br />'; $temp_event_body .= 'The new ' . ucfirst($temp_field_star['star_kind']) . ' Star amplifies your Starforce!'; $temp_event_options = array(); $temp_event_options['console_show_this_player'] = false; $temp_event_options['console_show_target_player'] = false; $temp_event_options['console_show_this_robot'] = false; $temp_event_options['console_show_target_robot'] = false; $temp_event_options['console_show_this_ability'] = false; $temp_event_options['console_show_this'] = true; $temp_event_options['console_show_this_star'] = true; $temp_event_options['this_header_float'] = $temp_event_options['this_body_float'] = $this_player->player_side; $temp_event_options['this_star'] = $temp_field_star; $temp_event_options['this_ability'] = false; $this_battle->events_create(false, false, $temp_event_header, $temp_event_body, $temp_event_options); // Update the session with this field star data $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_stars'][$temp_field_star['star_token']] = $temp_field_star; // DEBUG DEBUG //$this_battle->events_create($this_robot, $target_robot, 'DEBUG FIELD STAR', 'You got a field star! The field star names '.implode(' | ', $temp_field_star)); } // If this robot's image has been changed, reveert it back to what it was if ($this_robot->robot_core == 'copy') { if (isset($this_robot->robot_image_overlay['copy_type1'])) { unset($this_robot->robot_image_overlay['copy_type1']); } if (isset($this_robot->robot_image_overlay['copy_type2'])) { unset($this_robot->robot_image_overlay['copy_type2']); } $this_robot->update_session(); } // If the target robot's image has been changed, reveert it back to what it was if ($target_robot->robot_core == 'copy') { if (isset($target_robot->robot_image_overlay['copy_type1'])) { unset($target_robot->robot_image_overlay['copy_type1']); } if (isset($target_robot->robot_image_overlay['copy_type2'])) { unset($target_robot->robot_image_overlay['copy_type2']); } $target_robot->update_session(); } // Define the first event body markup, regardless of player type $first_event_header = $this_battle->battle_name . ($this_battle->battle_result == 'victory' ? ' Complete' : ' Failure') . ' <span class="pipe">|</span> ' . $this_battle->battle_field->field_name; if ($this_battle->battle_result == 'victory') { $first_event_body = 'Mission complete! <span class="pipe">|</span> ' . ($temp_human_rewards['battle_complete'] > 1 ? rpg_functions::get_random_positive_word() . ' That's ' . $temp_human_rewards['battle_complete'] . ' times now! ' : '') . rpg_functions::get_random_victory_quote(); } elseif ($this_battle->battle_result == 'defeat') { $first_event_body = 'Mission failure. <span class="pipe">|</span> ' . ($temp_human_rewards['battle_failure'] > 1 ? 'That's ' . $temp_human_rewards['battle_failure'] . ' times now… ' : '') . rpg_functions::get_random_defeat_quote(); } $first_event_body .= ' <span class="pipe">|</span> ' . $temp_rating_stars_markup . '<br />'; // Print out the table and markup for the battle $first_event_body .= '<table class="full">'; $first_event_body .= '<colgroup><col width="30%" /><col width="15%" /><col width="15%" /><col width="20%" /><col width="20%" /></colgroup>'; $first_event_body .= '<tbody>'; $first_event_body .= '<tr>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="left">Base Values</td>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="center"></td>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="center"></td>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="right">' . ($temp_reward_points_base == 1 ? '1 Point' : number_format($temp_reward_points_base, 0, '.', ',') . ' Points') . '</td>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="right">' . ($temp_reward_zenny_base == 1 ? '1 Zenny' : number_format($temp_reward_zenny_base, 0, '.', ',') . ' Zenny') . '</td>'; $first_event_body .= '</tr> '; // Only grant bonuses if there was a victory if ($this_battle->battle_result == 'victory') { // Print out the label and target vs actual turn stats $first_event_body .= '<tr>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="left">Target Turns</td>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="center">' . $this_battle->counters['battle_turn'] . ' / ' . $this_battle->battle_turns_limit . '</td>'; // Print the markup for the bonus/penalty percent if ($temp_turn_bonus > 0) { $first_event_body .= '<td class="center positive">+' . $temp_turn_bonus . '%</td>'; } elseif ($temp_turn_bonus < 0) { $first_event_body .= '<td class="center negative">' . $temp_turn_bonus . '%</td>'; } else { $first_event_body .= '<td class="center">+0%</td>'; } // Print out any mods to the points $markup = $temp_turn_bonus_points == 1 ? '1 Point' : number_format($temp_turn_bonus_points, 0, '.', ',') . ' Points'; if ($temp_turn_bonus_points > 0) { $first_event_body .= '<td class="right positive">+' . $markup . '</td>'; } elseif ($temp_turn_bonus_points < 0) { $first_event_body .= '<td class="right negative">' . $markup . '</td>'; } else { $first_event_body .= '<td class="right">-</td>'; } // Print out any mods to the zenny $markup = $temp_turn_bonus_zenny == 1 ? '1 Zenny' : number_format($temp_turn_bonus_zenny, 0, '.', ',') . ' Zenny'; if ($temp_turn_bonus_zenny > 0) { $first_event_body .= '<td class="right positive">+' . $markup . '</td>'; } elseif ($temp_turn_bonus_zenny < 0) { $first_event_body .= '<td class="right negative">' . $markup . '</td>'; } else { $first_event_body .= '<td class="right">-</td>'; } $first_event_body .= '</tr>'; // Print out the label and target vs actual robot stats $first_event_body .= '<tr>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="left">Target Robots</td>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="center">' . $this_player_info['counters']['robots_masters_total'] . ' / ' . $this_battle->battle_robots_limit . '</td>'; // Print the markup for the bonus/penalty percent if ($temp_robot_bonus > 0) { $first_event_body .= '<td class="center positive">+' . $temp_robot_bonus . '%</td>'; } elseif ($temp_robot_bonus < 0) { $first_event_body .= '<td class="center negative">' . $temp_robot_bonus . '%</td>'; } else { $first_event_body .= '<td class="center">+0%</td>'; } // Print out any mods to the points $markup = $temp_robot_bonus_points == 1 ? '1 Point' : number_format($temp_robot_bonus_points, 0, '.', ',') . ' Points'; if ($temp_robot_bonus_points > 0) { $first_event_body .= '<td class="right positive">+' . $markup . '</td>'; } elseif ($temp_robot_bonus_points < 0) { $first_event_body .= '<td class="right negative">' . $markup . '</td>'; } else { $first_event_body .= '<td class="right">-</td>'; } // Print out any mods to the zenny $markup = $temp_robot_bonus_zenny == 1 ? '1 Zenny' : number_format($temp_robot_bonus_zenny, 0, '.', ',') . ' Zenny'; if ($temp_robot_bonus_zenny > 0) { $first_event_body .= '<td class="right positive">+' . $markup . '</td>'; } elseif ($temp_robot_bonus_zenny < 0) { $first_event_body .= '<td class="right negative">' . $markup . '</td>'; } else { $first_event_body .= '<td class="right">-</td>'; } $first_event_body .= '</tr>'; } elseif ($this_battle->battle_result == 'defeat') { // Print out the label and target vs actual turn stats $first_event_body .= '<tr>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="left">Target Turns</td>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="center">' . $this_battle->counters['battle_turn'] . ' / ' . $this_battle->battle_turns_limit . '</td>'; // Print the markup for the empty fields $first_event_body .= '<td class="center">-</td>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="right">-</td>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="right">-</td>'; $first_event_body .= '</tr>'; // Print out the label and target vs actual robot stats $first_event_body .= '<tr>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="left">Target Robots</td>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="center">' . $this_player_info['counters']['robots_masters_total'] . ' / ' . $this_battle->battle_robots_limit . '</td>'; // Print the markup for the empty fields $first_event_body .= '<td class="center">-</td>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="right">-</td>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="right">-</td>'; $first_event_body .= '</tr>'; } // Print out the final rewards for this battle $first_event_body .= '<tr>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="left"><strong>Final Rewards</strong></td>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="center"></td>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="center"></td>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="right"><strong>' . ($temp_reward_points_final != 1 ? number_format($temp_reward_points_final, 0, '.', ',') . ' Points' : '1 Point') . '</strong></td>'; $first_event_body .= '<td class="right"><strong>' . ($temp_reward_zenny_final != 1 ? number_format($temp_reward_zenny_final, 0, '.', ',') . ' Zenny' : '1 Zenny') . '</strong></td>'; $first_event_body .= '</tr>'; // Finalize the table body for the results $first_event_body .= '</tbody>'; $first_event_body .= '</table>'; // Print the battle complete message $event_options = array(); $event_options['this_header_float'] = 'center'; $event_options['this_body_float'] = 'center'; $event_options['this_event_class'] = false; $event_options['console_show_this'] = false; $event_options['console_show_target'] = false; $event_options['console_container_classes'] = 'field_type field_type_event field_type_' . ($this_battle->battle_result == 'victory' ? 'nature' : 'flame'); $this_battle->events_create($target_robot, $this_robot, $first_event_header, $first_event_body, $event_options); // Add the flag to prevent any further messages from appearing $this_battle->set_flag('battle_complete_message_created', true); // Return the result for this battle function return $this_return; }