Esempio n. 1
  * @param int                 $clang
  * @param rex_yrewrite_domain $domain
  * @return string
 public function getClang($clang, rex_yrewrite_domain $domain)
     if (count($domain->getClangs()) <= 1) {
         return '';
     return '/' . $this->normalize(rex_clang::get($clang)->getName(), $clang);
Esempio n. 2
 public static function getFieldParams()
     $options = array_map(function (rex_clang $clang) {
         return $clang->getName();
     }, rex_clang::getAll());
     return ['label' => rex_i18n::msg('clangs'), 'all_label' => rex_i18n::msg('all_clangs'), 'options' => $options];
Esempio n. 3
 * Gibt eine Url zu einem Artikel zurück.
 * @param int|null $id
 * @param int|null $clang     SprachId des Artikels
 * @param array    $params    Array von Parametern
 * @param string   $separator
 * @return string
 * @package redaxo\structure
function rex_getUrl($id = null, $clang = null, array $params = [], $separator = '&amp;')
    $id = (int) $id;
    $clang = (int) $clang;
    // ----- get id
    if ($id == 0) {
        $id = rex::getProperty('article_id');
    // ----- get clang
    // Wenn eine rexExtension vorhanden ist, immer die clang mitgeben!
    // Die rexExtension muss selbst entscheiden was sie damit macht
    if (!rex_clang::exists($clang) && (rex_clang::count() > 1 || rex_extension::isRegistered('URL_REWRITE'))) {
        $clang = rex_clang::getCurrentId();
    // ----- EXTENSION POINT
    $url = rex_extension::registerPoint(new rex_extension_point('URL_REWRITE', '', ['id' => $id, 'clang' => $clang, 'params' => $params, 'separator' => $separator]));
    if ($url == '') {
        if (rex_clang::count() > 1) {
            $clang = $separator . 'clang=' . $clang;
        } else {
            $clang = '';
        $params = rex_string::buildQuery($params, $separator);
        $params = $params ? $separator . $params : '';
        $url = rex_url::frontendController() . '?article_id=' . $id . $clang . $params;
    return $url;
Esempio n. 4
 public function setClang($value)
     if (!rex_clang::exists($value)) {
         $value = rex_clang::getCurrentId();
     $this->clang = $value;
Esempio n. 5
 public static function getWidget($id, $name, $value, array $args = [])
     $art_name = '';
     $art = rex_article::get($value);
     $category = 0;
     // Falls ein Artikel vorausgewählt ist, dessen Namen anzeigen und beim öffnen der Linkmap dessen Kategorie anzeigen
     if ($art instanceof rex_article) {
         $art_name = $art->getName();
         $category = $art->getCategoryId();
     $open_params = '&clang=' . rex_clang::getCurrentId();
     if ($category || isset($args['category']) && ($category = (int) $args['category'])) {
         $open_params .= '&category_id=' . $category;
     $class = ' rex-disabled';
     $open_func = '';
     $delete_func = '';
     if (rex::getUser()->getComplexPerm('structure')->hasStructurePerm()) {
         $class = '';
         $open_func = 'openLinkMap(\'REX_LINK_' . $id . '\', \'' . $open_params . '\');';
         $delete_func = 'deleteREXLink(' . $id . ');';
     $e = [];
     $e['field'] = '<input class="form-control" type="text" name="REX_LINK_NAME[' . $id . ']" value="' . htmlspecialchars($art_name) . '" id="REX_LINK_' . $id . '_NAME" readonly="readonly" /><input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" id="REX_LINK_' . $id . '" value="' . $value . '" />';
     $e['functionButtons'] = '
                     <a href="#" class="btn btn-popup' . $class . '" onclick="' . $open_func . 'return false;" title="' . rex_i18n::msg('var_link_open') . '"><i class="rex-icon rex-icon-open-linkmap"></i></a>
                     <a href="#" class="btn btn-popup' . $class . '" onclick="' . $delete_func . 'return false;" title="' . rex_i18n::msg('var_link_delete') . '"><i class="rex-icon rex-icon-delete-link"></i></a>';
     $fragment = new rex_fragment();
     $fragment->setVar('elements', [$e], false);
     $media = $fragment->parse('core/form/widget.php');
     return $media;
Esempio n. 6
 * Gibt eine Url zu einem Artikel zurück.
 * @param string       $_id
 * @param int|string   $_clang  SprachId des Artikels
 * @param array|string $_params Array von Parametern
 * @param bool         $escape  Flag whether the argument separator "&" should be escaped (&amp;)
 * @return string
 * @package redaxo\structure
function rex_getUrl($_id = '', $_clang = '', $_params = '', $escape = true)
    $id = (int) $_id;
    $clang = (int) $_clang;
    // ----- get id
    if ($id == 0) {
        $id = rex::getProperty('article_id');
    // ----- get clang
    // Wenn eine rexExtension vorhanden ist, immer die clang mitgeben!
    // Die rexExtension muss selbst entscheiden was sie damit macht
    if ($_clang === '' && (rex_clang::count() > 1 || rex_extension::isRegistered('URL_REWRITE'))) {
        $clang = rex_clang::getCurrentId();
    // ----- get params
    $param_string = rex_param_string($_params, $escape ? '&amp;' : '&');
    $name = 'NoName';
    if ($id != 0) {
        $ooa = rex_article::get($id, $clang);
        if ($ooa) {
            $name = rex_parse_article_name($ooa->getName());
    // ----- EXTENSION POINT
    $url = rex_extension::registerPoint(new rex_extension_point('URL_REWRITE', '', ['id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'clang' => $clang, 'params' => $param_string, 'escape' => $escape]));
    if ($url == '') {
        $_clang = '';
        if (rex_clang::count() > 1) {
            $_clang .= ($escape ? '&amp;' : '&') . 'clang=' . $clang;
        $url = rex_url::frontendController() . '?article_id=' . $id . $_clang . $param_string;
    return $url;
Esempio n. 7
 public static function getArticle($id, $ctype = -1, $clang = null)
     if ($clang === null) {
         $clang = rex_clang::getCurrentId();
     $article = new rex_article_content($id, $clang);
     return $article->getArticle($ctype);
Esempio n. 8
 * Deletes the cache.
 * @package redaxo\core
function rex_delete_cache()
    // close logger, so the logfile can also be deleted
    $finder = rex_finder::factory(rex_path::cache())->recursive()->childFirst()->ignoreFiles(['.htaccess', '.redaxo'], false)->ignoreSystemStuff(false);
    // ----- EXTENSION POINT
    return rex_extension::registerPoint(new rex_extension_point('CACHE_DELETED', rex_i18n::msg('delete_cache_message')));
Esempio n. 9
 public static function getCategoryValue($id, $field, $clang = null)
     if ($clang === null) {
         $clang = rex_clang::getCurrentId();
     $cat = rex_category::get($id, $clang);
     if ($cat) {
         return htmlspecialchars($cat->getValue($field));
Esempio n. 10
 public function __construct($name, $mountId, $startId, $notfoundId, array $clangs = null, $startClang = 1, $title = '', $description = '', $robots = '')
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->mountId = $mountId;
     $this->startId = $startId;
     $this->notfoundId = $notfoundId;
     $this->clangs = is_null($clangs) ? rex_clang::getAllIds() : $clangs;
     $this->startClang = $startClang;
     $this->title = $title;
     $this->description = $description;
     $this->robots = $robots;
Esempio n. 11
 public function __construct($article_id = 0, $clang = null)
     if ($article_id == 0) {
         $article_id = rex_article::getCurrentId();
     if (is_null($clang)) {
         $clang = rex_clang::getCurrentId();
     if ($article = rex_article::get($article_id, $clang)) {
         $this->article = $article;
         $this->domain = rex_yrewrite::getDomainByArticleId($article_id, $clang);
Esempio n. 12
 public function __construct($name, $scheme, $path, $mountId, $startId, $notfoundId, array $clangs = null, $startClang = 1, $title = '', $description = '', $robots = '')
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->path = $path;
     $scheme = $scheme ?: (rex_yrewrite::isHttps() ? 'https' : 'http');
     $this->url = $scheme . '://' . $name . $path;
     $this->mountId = $mountId;
     $this->startId = $startId;
     $this->notfoundId = $notfoundId;
     $this->clangs = is_null($clangs) ? rex_clang::getAllIds() : $clangs;
     $this->startClang = $startClang;
     $this->title = $title;
     $this->description = $description;
     $this->robots = $robots;
Esempio n. 13
  * Löscht eine Clang.
  * @param int $id Zu löschende ClangId
  * @throws rex_exception
 public static function deleteCLang($id)
     $startClang = rex_clang::getStartId();
     if ($id == $startClang) {
         throw new rex_functional_exception(rex_i18n::msg('clang_error_startidcanotbedeleted', $startClang));
     if (!rex_clang::exists($id)) {
         throw new rex_functional_exception(rex_i18n::msg('clang_error_idcanotbedeleted', $id));
     $clang = rex_clang::get($id);
     $del = rex_sql::factory();
     $del->setQuery('delete from ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'clang where id=?', [$id]);
     rex_sql_util::organizePriorities(rex::getTable('clang'), 'priority', '', 'priority');
     // ----- EXTENSION POINT
     rex_extension::registerPoint(new rex_extension_point('CLANG_DELETED', '', ['id' => $clang->getId(), 'name' => $clang->getName(), 'clang' => $clang]));
Esempio n. 14
 public static function getWidget($id, $name, $value, array $args = [])
     $open_params = '&clang=' . rex_clang::getCurrentId();
     if (isset($args['category']) && ($category = (int) $args['category'])) {
         $open_params .= '&amp;category_id=' . $category;
     $options = '';
     $linklistarray = explode(',', $value);
     if (is_array($linklistarray)) {
         foreach ($linklistarray as $link) {
             if ($link != '') {
                 if ($article = rex_article::get($link)) {
                     $options .= '<option value="' . $link . '">' . htmlspecialchars($article->getName()) . '</option>';
     $disabled = ' disabled';
     $open_func = '';
     $delete_func = '';
     if (rex::getUser()->getComplexPerm('structure')->hasStructurePerm()) {
         $disabled = '';
         $open_func = 'openREXLinklist(' . $id . ', \'' . $open_params . '\');';
         $delete_func = 'deleteREXLinklist(' . $id . ');';
     $e = [];
     $e['field'] = '
             <select class="form-control" name="REX_LINKLIST_SELECT[' . $id . ']" id="REX_LINKLIST_SELECT_' . $id . '" size="10">
                 ' . $options . '
             <input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" id="REX_LINKLIST_' . $id . '" value="' . $value . '" />';
     $e['moveButtons'] = '
                 <a href="#" class="btn btn-popup" onclick="moveREXLinklist(' . $id . ',\'top\');return false;" title="' . rex_i18n::msg('var_linklist_move_top') . '"><i class="rex-icon rex-icon-top"></i></a>
                 <a href="#" class="btn btn-popup" onclick="moveREXLinklist(' . $id . ',\'up\');return false;" title="' . rex_i18n::msg('var_linklist_move_up') . '"><i class="rex-icon rex-icon-up"></i></a>
                 <a href="#" class="btn btn-popup" onclick="moveREXLinklist(' . $id . ',\'down\');return false;" title="' . rex_i18n::msg('var_linklist_move_down') . '"><i class="rex-icon rex-icon-down"></i></a>
                 <a href="#" class="btn btn-popup" onclick="moveREXLinklist(' . $id . ',\'bottom\');return false;" title="' . rex_i18n::msg('var_linklist_move_bottom') . '"><i class="rex-icon rex-icon-bottom"></i></a>';
     $e['functionButtons'] = '
                 <a href="#" class="btn btn-popup" onclick="' . $open_func . 'return false;" title="' . rex_i18n::msg('var_link_open') . '"' . $disabled . '><i class="rex-icon rex-icon-open-linkmap"></i></a>
                 <a href="#" class="btn btn-popup" onclick="' . $delete_func . 'return false;" title="' . rex_i18n::msg('var_link_delete') . '"' . $disabled . '><i class="rex-icon rex-icon-delete-link"></i></a>';
     $fragment = new rex_fragment();
     $fragment->setVar('elements', [$e], false);
     $link = $fragment->parse('core/form/widget_list.php');
     return $link;
Esempio n. 15
 public static function clangAdded(\rex_extension_point $ep)
     $firstLang = \rex_sql::factory();
     $firstLang->setQuery('SELECT * FROM ' . \rex::getTable('sprog_wildcard') . ' WHERE clang_id=?', [\rex_clang::getStartId()]);
     $fields = $firstLang->getFieldnames();
     $newLang = \rex_sql::factory();
     foreach ($firstLang as $firstLangEntry) {
         foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
             if ($value == 'pid') {
                 echo '';
             } elseif ($value == 'clang_id') {
                 $newLang->setValue('clang_id', $ep->getParam('clang')->getId());
             } else {
                 $newLang->setValue($value, $firstLangEntry->getValue($value));
Esempio n. 16
  * Speichert das Formular.
  * Übernimmt die Werte aus den FormElementen in die Datenbank.
  * Gibt true zurück wenn alles ok war, false bei einem allgemeinen Fehler,
  * einen String mit einer Fehlermeldung oder den von der Datenbank gelieferten ErrorCode.
  * @return bool
 protected function save()
     $sql = rex_sql::factory();
     $values = [];
     foreach ($this->getSaveElements() as $fieldsetName => $fieldsetElements) {
         foreach ($fieldsetElements as $element) {
             // read-only-fields nicht speichern
             if (strpos($element->getAttribute('class'), 'form-control-static') !== false) {
             $fieldName = $element->getFieldName();
             $fieldValue = $element->getSaveValue();
             // Callback, um die Values vor dem Speichern noch beeinflussen zu können
             $fieldValue = $this->preSave($fieldsetName, $fieldName, $fieldValue, $sql);
             $values[$fieldName] = $fieldValue;
     try {
         if ($this->isEditMode()) {
         } else {
             if (count($this->languageSupport)) {
                 foreach (rex_clang::getAllIds() as $clang_id) {
                     if (!isset($id)) {
                         $id = $sql->setNewId($this->languageSupport['id']);
                     } else {
                         $sql->setValue($this->languageSupport['id'], $id);
                     $sql->setValue($this->languageSupport['clang'], $clang_id);
             } else {
         $saved = true;
     } catch (rex_sql_exception $e) {
         $saved = false;
     // ----- EXTENSION POINT
     if ($saved) {
         $saved = rex_extension::registerPoint(new rex_extension_point('REX_FORM_SAVED', $saved, ['form' => $this, 'sql' => $sql]));
     } else {
         $saved = $sql->getErrno();
     return $saved;
Esempio n. 17
  * @param int    $parentId
  * @param string $listType
  * @param bool   $ignoreOfflines
  * @param int    $clang
  * @return static[]
 protected static function getChildElements($parentId, $listType, $ignoreOfflines = false, $clang = null)
     $parentId = (int) $parentId;
     // for $parentId=0 root elements will be returned, so abort here for $parentId<0 only
     if (0 > $parentId) {
         return [];
     if (!$clang) {
         $clang = rex_clang::getCurrentId();
     $class = get_called_class();
     return static::getInstanceList([$parentId, $listType], function ($id) use($class, $ignoreOfflines, $clang) {
         if ($instance = $class::get($id, $clang)) {
             return !$ignoreOfflines || $instance->isOnline() ? $instance : null;
         return null;
     }, function ($parentId, $listType) {
         $listFile = rex_path::addonCache('structure', $parentId . '.' . $listType);
         if (!file_exists($listFile)) {
         return rex_file::getCache($listFile);
Esempio n. 18
 * @var rex_addon $this
$showlist = true;
$data_id = rex_request('data_id', 'int', 0);
$func = rex_request('func', 'string');
if ($func != '') {
    $yform = new rex_yform();
    // $yform->setDebug(TRUE);
    $yform->setHiddenField('page', 'yrewrite/alias_domains');
    $yform->setHiddenField('func', $func);
    $yform->setHiddenField('save', '1');
    $yform->setObjectparams('main_table', rex::getTable('yrewrite_domain'));
    $yform->setValueField('text', ['domain', $this->i18n('alias_domain_refersto')]);
    $yform->setValueField('select_sql', ['alias_domain', $this->i18n('domain_willbereferdto') . '', 'select domain as id,domain as name from ' . rex::getTable('yrewrite_domain') . ' where alias_domain = ""']);
    if (rex_clang::count() > 1) {
        $yform->setValueField('select_sql', ['clang_start', $this->i18n('clang_start'), 'select id,name from ' . rex::getTable('clang') . ' order by id']);
    $yform->setValidateField('empty', ['domain', $this->i18n('no_domain_defined')]);
    $yform->setValidateField('empty', ['alias_domain', $this->i18n('no_domain_defined')]);
    $yform->setValidateField('unique', ['domain', $this->i18n('domain_already_defined')]);
    if ($func == 'delete') {
        $d = rex_sql::factory();
        $d->setQuery('delete from ' . rex::getTable('yrewrite_domain') . ' where id=' . $data_id);
        echo rex_view::success($this->i18n('domain_deleted'));
    } elseif ($func == 'edit') {
        $yform->setHiddenField('data_id', $data_id);
        $yform->setActionField('db', [rex::getTable('yrewrite_domain'), 'id=' . $data_id]);
        $yform->setObjectparams('main_id', $data_id);
        $yform->setObjectparams('main_where', "id={$data_id}");
Esempio n. 19
  * Resets the intern cache of this class.
 public static function reset()
     self::$cacheLoaded = false;
     self::$clangs = [];
Esempio n. 20
  * Verschieben einer Kategorie in eine andere.
  * @param int $from_cat KategorieId der Kategorie, die verschoben werden soll (Quelle)
  * @param int $to_cat   KategorieId der Kategorie, IN die verschoben werden soll (Ziel)
  * @return bool TRUE bei Erfolg, sonst FALSE
 public static function moveCategory($from_cat, $to_cat)
     $from_cat = (int) $from_cat;
     $to_cat = (int) $to_cat;
     if ($from_cat == $to_cat) {
         // kann nicht in gleiche kategroie kopiert werden
         return false;
     } else {
         // kategorien vorhanden ?
         // ist die zielkategorie im pfad der quellkategeorie ?
         $fcat = rex_sql::factory();
         $fcat->setQuery('select * from ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article where startarticle=1 and id=? and clang_id=?', [$from_cat, rex_clang::getStartId()]);
         $tcat = rex_sql::factory();
         $tcat->setQuery('select * from ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article where startarticle=1 and id=? and clang_id=?', [$to_cat, rex_clang::getStartId()]);
         if ($fcat->getRows() != 1 or $tcat->getRows() != 1 && $to_cat != 0) {
             // eine der kategorien existiert nicht
             return false;
         } else {
             if ($to_cat > 0) {
                 $tcats = explode('|', $tcat->getValue('path'));
                 if (in_array($from_cat, $tcats)) {
                     // zielkategorie ist in quellkategorie -> nicht verschiebbar
                     return false;
             // ----- folgende cats regenerate
             $RC = [];
             $RC[$fcat->getValue('parent_id')] = 1;
             $RC[$from_cat] = 1;
             $RC[$to_cat] = 1;
             if ($to_cat > 0) {
                 $to_path = $tcat->getValue('path') . $to_cat . '|';
             } else {
                 $to_path = '|';
             $from_path = $fcat->getValue('path') . $from_cat . '|';
             $gcats = rex_sql::factory();
             // $gcats->setDebug();
             $gcats->setQuery('select * from ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article where path like ? and clang_id=?', [$from_path . '%', rex_clang::getStartId()]);
             $up = rex_sql::factory();
             // $up->setDebug();
             for ($i = 0; $i < $gcats->getRows(); ++$i) {
                 // make update
                 $new_path = $to_path . $from_cat . '|' . str_replace($from_path, '', $gcats->getValue('path'));
                 $icid = $gcats->getValue('id');
                 // path aendern und speichern
                 $up->setTable(rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article');
                 $up->setValue('path', $new_path);
                 // cat in gen eintragen
                 $RC[$icid] = 1;
             // ----- clang holen, max catprio holen und entsprechen updaten
             $gmax = rex_sql::factory();
             $up = rex_sql::factory();
             // $up->setDebug();
             foreach (rex_clang::getAllIds() as $clang) {
                 $gmax->setQuery('select max(catpriority) from ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . "article where parent_id={$to_cat} and clang_id=" . $clang);
                 $catpriority = (int) $gmax->getValue('max(catpriority)');
                 $up->setTable(rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article');
                 $up->setWhere("id={$from_cat} and clang_id={$clang} ");
                 $up->setValue('path', $to_path);
                 $up->setValue('parent_id', $to_cat);
                 $up->setValue('catpriority', $catpriority + 1);
             // ----- generiere artikel neu - ohne neue inhaltsgenerierung
             foreach ($RC as $id => $key) {
             foreach (rex_clang::getAllIds() as $clang) {
                 self::newCatPrio($fcat->getValue('parent_id'), $clang, 0, 1);
     return true;
Esempio n. 21
 $list->setColumnLabel('mount_id', $this->i18n('mount_id'));
 $list->setColumnLabel('start_id', $this->i18n('start_id'));
 $list->setColumnLabel('notfound_id', $this->i18n('notfound_id'));
 if (rex_clang::count() > 0) {
     $list->setColumnLabel('clangs', $this->i18n('clangs'));
     $list->setColumnFormat('clangs', 'custom', function ($params) {
         $clangs = $params['subject'];
         if ($clangs == '') {
             $return = $this->i18n('alllangs');
         } else {
             $return = [];
             foreach (explode(',', $clangs) as $clang) {
                 $return[] = rex_clang::get($clang)->getName();
             if (count($return) > 1) {
                 $return = implode(',', $return) . '<br />' . $this->i18n('clang_start') . ': ' . rex_clang::get($params['list']->getValue('clang_start'))->getName();
             } else {
                 $return = implode(',', $return);
         return $return;
 $list->addColumn(rex_i18n::msg('function'), '<i class="rex-icon rex-icon-edit"></i> ' . rex_i18n::msg('edit'));
 $list->setColumnLayout(rex_i18n::msg('function'), ['<th class="rex-table-action" colspan="2">###VALUE###</th>', '<td class="rex-table-action">###VALUE###</td>']);
 $list->setColumnParams(rex_i18n::msg('function'), ['data_id' => '###id###', 'func' => 'edit', 'start' => rex_request('start', 'string')]);
 $list->addColumn(rex_i18n::msg('delete'), '<i class="rex-icon rex-icon-delete"></i> ' . rex_i18n::msg('delete'));
 $list->setColumnLayout(rex_i18n::msg('delete'), ['', '<td class="rex-table-action">###VALUE###</td>']);
 $list->setColumnParams(rex_i18n::msg('delete'), ['data_id' => '###id###', 'func' => 'delete']);
 $list->addLinkAttribute(rex_i18n::msg('delete'), 'onclick', 'return confirm(\' id=###id### ' . rex_i18n::msg('delete') . ' ?\')');
Esempio n. 22
 $lang_a = new rex_select();
 $lang_a->setAttribute('class', 'form-control');
 foreach ($clang_perm as $key) {
     $val = rex_i18n::translate(rex_clang::get($key)->getName());
     $lang_a->addOption($val, $key);
 $lang_b = new rex_select();
 $lang_b->setAttribute('class', 'form-control');
 foreach ($clang_perm as $key) {
     $val = rex_i18n::translate(rex_clang::get($key)->getName());
     $lang_b->addOption($val, $key);
 $lang_a->setSelected(rex_request('clang_a', 'int', null));
 $lang_b->setSelected(rex_request('clang_b', 'int', null));
 $panel = '<fieldset>';
 $grid = [];
 $formElements = [];
 $n = [];
 $n['label'] = '<label for="clang_a">' . rex_i18n::msg('content_contentoflang') . '</label>';
 $n['field'] = $lang_a->get();
 $formElements[] = $n;
 $fragment = new rex_fragment();
 $fragment->setVar('group', true);
 $fragment->setVar('elements', $formElements, false);
 $grid[] = $fragment->parse('core/form/form.php');
Esempio n. 23
  * Generiert den Artikel-Cache des Artikelinhalts.
  * @param int $article_id Id des zu generierenden Artikels
  * @param int $clang      ClangId des Artikels
  * @return bool TRUE bei Erfolg, FALSE wenn eine ungütlige article_id übergeben wird, sonst eine Fehlermeldung
 public static function generateArticleContent($article_id, $clang = null)
     foreach (rex_clang::getAllIds() as $_clang) {
         if ($clang !== null && $clang != $_clang) {
         $CONT = new rex_article_content_base();
         // Content nicht ausführen, damit in Cachedatei gespeichert werden kann
         if (!$CONT->setArticleId($article_id)) {
             return false;
         // --------------------------------------------------- Artikelcontent speichern
         $article_content_file = rex_path::addonCache('structure', "{$article_id}.{$_clang}.content");
         $article_content = $CONT->getArticle();
         // ----- EXTENSION POINT
         $article_content = rex_extension::registerPoint(new rex_extension_point('GENERATE_FILTER', $article_content, ['id' => $article_id, 'clang' => $_clang, 'article' => $CONT]));
         if (rex_file::put($article_content_file, $article_content) === false) {
             return rex_i18n::msg('article_could_not_be_generated') . ' ' . rex_i18n::msg('check_rights_in_directory') . rex_path::addonCache('structure');
     return true;
Esempio n. 24
require_once rex_path::core('functions/function_rex_other.php');
// ----------------- VERSION
rex::setProperty('version', '5.0.0-alpha7');
$cacheFile = rex_path::cache('config.yml.cache');
$configFile = rex_path::data('config.yml');
if (file_exists($cacheFile) && file_exists($configFile) && filemtime($cacheFile) >= filemtime($configFile)) {
    $config = rex_file::getCache($cacheFile);
} else {
    $config = array_merge(rex_file::getConfig(rex_path::core('default.config.yml')), rex_file::getConfig($configFile));
    rex_file::putCache($cacheFile, $config);
foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
    if (in_array($key, ['fileperm', 'dirperm'])) {
        $value = octdec($value);
    rex::setProperty($key, $value);
date_default_timezone_set(rex::getProperty('timezone', 'Europe/Berlin'));
if (!rex::isSetup()) {
// ----------------- REX PERMS
rex_complex_perm::register('clang', 'rex_clang_perm');
// ----- SET CLANG
if (!rex::isSetup()) {
    rex_clang::setCurrentId(rex_request('clang', 'int', rex_clang::getStartId()));
if (isset($REX['LOAD_PAGE']) && $REX['LOAD_PAGE']) {
    require rex_path::core(rex::isBackend() ? 'backend.php' : 'frontend.php');
Esempio n. 25
    //ggf wiederanzeige des add forms, falls ungueltige id uebermittelt
    $content .= '
                <tr class="mark">
                    <td class="rex-table-icon"><i class="rex-icon rex-icon-language"></i></td>
                    <td class="rex-table-id" data-title="' . rex_i18n::msg('id') . '">–</td>
                    <td data-title="' . rex_i18n::msg('clang_code') . '"><input class="form-control" type="text" id="rex-form-clang-code" name="clang_code" value="' . htmlspecialchars($clang_code) . '" autofocus /></td>
                    <td data-title="' . rex_i18n::msg('clang_name') . '"><input class="form-control" type="text" id="rex-form-clang-name" name="clang_name" value="' . htmlspecialchars($clang_name) . '" /></td>
                    <td class="rex-table-priority" data-title="' . rex_i18n::msg('clang_priority') . '"><input class="form-control" type="text" id="rex-form-clang-prio" name="clang_prio" value="' . ($clang_prio ?: rex_clang::count() + 1) . '" /></td>
                    <td class="rex-table-action" colspan="2"><button class="btn btn-save" type="submit" name="add_clang_save"' . rex::getAccesskey(rex_i18n::msg('clang_add'), 'save') . ' value="1">' . rex_i18n::msg('clang_add') . '</button></td>
foreach (rex_clang::getAll() as $lang_id => $lang) {
    $add_td = '<td class="rex-table-id" data-title="' . rex_i18n::msg('id') . '">' . $lang_id . '</td>';
    $delLink = rex_i18n::msg('delete');
    if ($lang_id == rex_clang::getStartId()) {
        $delLink = '<span class="text-muted"><i class="rex-icon rex-icon-delete"></i> ' . $delLink . '</span>';
    } else {
        $delLink = '<a href="' . rex_url::currentBackendPage(['func' => 'deleteclang', 'clang_id' => $lang_id]) . '" data-confirm="' . rex_i18n::msg('delete') . ' ?"><i class="rex-icon rex-icon-delete"></i> ' . $delLink . '</a>';
    // Edit form
    if ($func == 'editclang' && $clang_id == $lang_id) {
        $content .= '
                    <tr class="mark">
                        <td class="rex-table-icon"><i class="rex-icon rex-icon-language"></i></td>
                        ' . $add_td . '
                        <td data-title="' . rex_i18n::msg('clang_code') . '"><input class="form-control" type="text" id="rex-form-clang-code" name="clang_code" value="' . htmlspecialchars($lang->getCode()) . '" autofocus /></td>
                        <td data-title="' . rex_i18n::msg('clang_name') . '"><input class="form-control" type="text" id="rex-form-clang-name" name="clang_name" value="' . htmlspecialchars($lang->getName()) . '" /></td>
                        <td class="rex-table-priority" data-title="' . rex_i18n::msg('clang_priority') . '"><input class="form-control" type="text" id="rex-form-clang-prio" name="clang_prio" value="' . htmlspecialchars($lang->getPriority()) . '" /></td>
                        <td class="rex-table-action" colspan="2"><button class="btn btn-save" type="submit" name="edit_clang_save"' . rex::getAccesskey(rex_i18n::msg('clang_update'), 'save') . ' value="1">' . rex_i18n::msg('clang_update') . '</button></td>
Esempio n. 26
  * Returns a clang switch.
  * @param rex_context $context
  * @return string
 public static function clangSwitchAsDropdown(rex_context $context)
     if (rex_clang::count() == 1) {
         return '';
     $button_label = '';
     $items = [];
     foreach (rex_clang::getAll() as $id => $clang) {
         if (rex::getUser()->getComplexPerm('clang')->hasPerm($id)) {
             $item = [];
             $item['title'] = rex_i18n::translate($clang->getName());
             $item['href'] = $context->getUrl(['clang' => $id]);
             if ($id == $context->getParam('clang')) {
                 $item['active'] = true;
                 $button_label = rex_i18n::translate($clang->getName());
             $items[] = $item;
     $fragment = new rex_fragment();
     $fragment->setVar('class', 'rex-language');
     $fragment->setVar('button_prefix', rex_i18n::msg('language'));
     $fragment->setVar('button_label', $button_label);
     $fragment->setVar('header', rex_i18n::msg('clang_select'));
     $fragment->setVar('items', $items, false);
     if (rex::getUser()->isAdmin()) {
         $fragment->setVar('footer', '<a href="' . rex_url::backendPage('system/lang') . '"><i class="fa fa-flag"></i> ' . rex_i18n::msg('languages_edit') . '</a>', false);
     return $fragment->parse('core/dropdowns/dropdown.php');
Esempio n. 27
                $select .= '<option value="' . $version['history_date'] . '">' . $version['history_date'] . '</option>';
            $content1select = '<select id="content-history-select-date-1" class="content-history-select" data-iframe="content-history-iframe-1" style="">' . $select . '</select>';
            $content1iframe = '<iframe id="content-history-iframe-1" class="history-iframe"></iframe>';
            $content2select = '<select id="content-history-select-date-2" class="content-history-select" data-iframe="content-history-iframe-2">' . $select . '</select>';
            $content2iframe = '<iframe id="content-history-iframe-2" class="history-iframe"></iframe>';
            $button_restore = '<a class="btn btn-apply" href="javascript:rex_history_snapVersion(\'content-history-select-date-2\');">' . $this->i18n('snapshot_reactivate') . '</a>';
            // fragment holen und ausgeben
            $fragment = new rex_fragment();
            $fragment->setVar('title', $this->i18n('overview_versions'));
            $fragment->setVar('info', $info, false);
            $fragment->setVar('content1select', $content1select, false);
            $fragment->setVar('content1iframe', $content1iframe, false);
            $fragment->setVar('content2select', $content2select, false);
            $fragment->setVar('content2iframe', $content2iframe, false);
            $fragment->setVar('button_restore', $button_restore, false);
            echo $fragment->parse('history/layer.php');
    rex_extension::register('STRUCTURE_CONTENT_HEADER', function (rex_extension_point $ep) {
        if ($ep->getParam('page') == 'content/edit') {
            echo '<script>
                    var history_article_id = ' . rex_article::getCurrentId() . ';
                    var history_clang_id = ' . rex_clang::getCurrentId() . ';
                    var history_ctype_id = ' . rex_request('ctype', 'int', 0) . ';
                    var history_revision = ' . rex_request('rex_set_version', 'int', 0) . ';
                    var history_article_link = "' . rex_getUrl(rex_article::getCurrentId(), rex_clang::getCurrentId(), ['history_revision' => rex_request('rex_set_version', 'int', 0)], '&') . '";
 $value = $values[$nummer];
 $zaehler = $zaehler + 1;
 $outback .= '<div class="bereichswrapper"><h2>Bereich ' . $zaehler . '</h2>' . PHP_EOL;
 *     Link
 $link = '';
 $linkanfang = '';
 $linkende = '';
 $outback_link = '';
 if ($value['link_intern'] or $value['link_extern'] != '') {
     $outback_link .= '<h3>Link</h3>' . PHP_EOL;
     if ($value['link_intern'] != 0) {
         $linkanfang = '<a href="' . rex_geturl($value['link_intern'], rex_clang::getCurrentId()) . '">';
         $article = rex_article::get($value['link_intern']);
         $name = $article->getName();
         $outback_link .= '
     <div class="form-group">
      <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">Link intern</label>
      <div class="col-sm-9">
        <a href="index.php?page=content&article_id=' . $value['link_intern'] . '&mode=edit">' . $name . ' (ID = ' . $value['link_intern'] . ')</a>
     </div>' . PHP_EOL;
     if ($value['link_extern'] != '') {
         $linkanfang = '<a class="extern" href="' . $value['link_extern'] . '">';
         $outback_link .= '
     <div class="form-group">
       <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">Link extern</label>
Esempio n. 29
if ($function == 'delete') {
    $del = rex_sql::factory();
    $del->setQuery('SELECT ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article_slice.article_id, ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article_slice.clang_id, ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article_slice.ctype_id, ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . ' FROM ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article_slice
            LEFT JOIN ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'module ON ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article_slice.module_id=' . rex::getTablePrefix() . '
            WHERE ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . "article_slice.module_id='{$module_id}' GROUP BY " . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article_slice.article_id');
    if ($del->getRows() > 0) {
        $module_in_use_message = '';
        $modulname = htmlspecialchars($del->getValue(rex::getTablePrefix() . ''));
        for ($i = 0; $i < $del->getRows(); ++$i) {
            $aid = $del->getValue(rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article_slice.article_id');
            $clang_id = $del->getValue(rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article_slice.clang_id');
            $ctype = $del->getValue(rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article_slice.ctype_id');
            $OOArt = rex_article::get($aid, $clang_id);
            $label = $OOArt->getName() . ' [' . $aid . ']';
            if (rex_clang::count() > 1) {
                $label = '(' . rex_i18n::translate(rex_clang::get($clang_id)->getName()) . ') ' . $label;
            $module_in_use_message .= '<li><a href="' . rex_url::backendPage('content', ['article_id' => $aid, 'clang' => $clang_id, 'ctype' => $ctype]) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($label) . '</a></li>';
        $error = rex_i18n::msg('module_cannot_be_deleted', $modulname);
        if ($module_in_use_message != '') {
            $error .= '<ul>' . $module_in_use_message . '</ul>';
    } else {
        $del->setQuery('DELETE FROM ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . "module WHERE id='{$module_id}'");
        if ($del->getRows() > 0) {
            $del->setQuery('DELETE FROM ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . "module_action WHERE module_id='{$module_id}'");
            $success = rex_i18n::msg('module_deleted');
        } else {
            $error = rex_i18n::msg('module_not_found');
Esempio n. 30
if (!rex::isBackend()) {
    \rex_extension::register('OUTPUT_FILTER', '\\Sprog\\Extension::replaceWildcards');
if (rex::isBackend() && rex::getUser()) {
    \rex_extension::register('CLANG_ADDED', '\\Sprog\\Extension::clangAdded');
    \rex_extension::register('CLANG_DELETED', '\\Sprog\\Extension::clangDeleted');
    rex_extension::register('PAGES_PREPARED', function () {
        if (rex::getUser()->isAdmin()) {
            if (\rex_be_controller::getCurrentPage() == 'sprog/settings') {
                $func = rex_request('func', 'string');
                if ($func == 'update') {
                    \rex_config::set('sprog', 'wildcard_clang_switch', rex_request('clang_switch', 'bool'));
        if (rex::getUser()->isAdmin() || rex::getUser()->hasPerm('sprog[wildcard]')) {
            $page = \rex_be_controller::getPageObject('sprog/wildcard');
            if (Wildcard::isClangSwitchMode()) {
                $clang_id = str_replace('clang', '', rex_be_controller::getCurrentPagePart(3));
                $page->setSubPath(rex_path::addon('sprog', 'pages/wildcard.clang_switch.php'));
                foreach (\rex_clang::getAll() as $id => $clang) {
                    if (rex::getUser()->getComplexPerm('clang')->hasPerm($id)) {
                        $page->addSubpage((new rex_be_page('clang' . $id, $clang->getName()))->setSubPath(rex_path::addon('sprog', 'pages/wildcard.clang_switch.php'))->setIsActive($id == $clang_id));
            } else {
                $page->setSubPath(rex_path::addon('sprog', 'pages/wildcard.clang_all.php'));