Esempio n. 1
 function write_data_mssqlnative($table_name)
     global $db;
     $ary_type = $ary_name = array();
     $ident_set = false;
     $sql_data = '';
     // Grab all of the data from current table.
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$table_name}";
     $db->mssqlnative_set_query_options(array('Scrollable' => SQLSRV_CURSOR_STATIC));
     $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
     $retrieved_data = $db->mssqlnative_num_rows($result);
     if (!$retrieved_data) {
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$table_name}";
     $result_fields = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
     $row = new result_mssqlnative($result_fields);
     $i_num_fields = $row->num_fields();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $i_num_fields; $i++) {
         $ary_type[$i] = $row->field_type($i);
         $ary_name[$i] = $row->field_name($i);
     $sql = "SELECT 1 as has_identity\n\t\t\tFROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS\n\t\t\tWHERE COLUMNPROPERTY(object_id('{$table_name}'), COLUMN_NAME, 'IsIdentity') = 1";
     $result2 = $db->sql_query($sql);
     $row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2);
     if (!empty($row2['has_identity'])) {
         $sql_data .= "\nSET IDENTITY_INSERT {$table_name} ON\nGO\n";
         $ident_set = true;
     while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
         $schema_vals = $schema_fields = array();
         // Build the SQL statement to recreate the data.
         for ($i = 0; $i < $i_num_fields; $i++) {
             $str_val = $row[$ary_name[$i]];
             // defaults to type number - better quote just to be safe, so check for is_int too
             if (is_int($ary_type[$i]) || preg_match('#char|text|bool|varbinary#i', $ary_type[$i])) {
                 $str_quote = '';
                 $str_empty = "''";
                 $str_val = sanitize_data_mssql(str_replace("'", "''", $str_val));
             } else {
                 if (preg_match('#date|timestamp#i', $ary_type[$i])) {
                     if (empty($str_val)) {
                         $str_quote = '';
                     } else {
                         $str_quote = "'";
                 } else {
                     $str_quote = '';
                     $str_empty = 'NULL';
             if (empty($str_val) && $str_val !== '0' && !(is_int($str_val) || is_float($str_val))) {
                 $str_val = $str_empty;
             $schema_vals[$i] = $str_quote . $str_val . $str_quote;
             $schema_fields[$i] = $ary_name[$i];
         // Take the ordered fields and their associated data and build it
         // into a valid sql statement to recreate that field in the data.
         $sql_data .= "INSERT INTO {$table_name} (" . implode(', ', $schema_fields) . ') VALUES (' . implode(', ', $schema_vals) . ");\nGO\n";
         $sql_data = '';
     if ($ident_set) {
         $sql_data .= "\nSET IDENTITY_INSERT {$table_name} OFF\nGO\n";
Esempio n. 2
  * Seek to given row number
  * rownum is zero-based
 function sql_rowseek($rownum, &$query_id)
     global $cache;
     if (isset($cache->sql_rowset[$query_id])) {
         return $cache->sql_rowseek($rownum, $query_id);
     $seek = new result_mssqlnative($query_id);
     $row = $seek->seek($rownum);
     return ($row = $seek->fetch()) ? $row : false;