Esempio n. 1
if ($idSession == $projectDetail->pro_owner[0] || $profilSession == "5") {
    $block1->paletteIcon(0, "add", $strings["add"]);
    $block1->paletteIcon(1, "remove", $strings["delete"]);
    if ($sitePublish == "true") {
        $block1->paletteIcon(2, "add_projectsite", $strings["add_project_site"]);
        $block1->paletteIcon(3, "remove_projectsite", $strings["remove_project_site"]);
$block1->paletteIcon(4, "info", $strings["view"]);
$block1->paletteIcon(5, "email", $strings["email"]);
$block1->sorting("team", $sortingUser->sor_team[0], " ASC", $sortingFields = array(0 => "", 1 => "mem.title", 2 => "mem.login", 3 => "mem.phone_work", 4 => "log.connected", 5 => "tea.published"));
$tmpquery = "WHERE tea.project = '{$id}' AND mem.profil != '3' ORDER BY {$block1->sortingValue}";
$listTeam = new request();
$comptListTeam = count($listTeam->tea_id);
$block1->labels($labels = array(0 => $strings["full_name"], 1 => $strings["title"], 2 => $strings["user_name"], 3 => $strings["work_phone"], 4 => $strings["connected"], 5 => $strings["published"]), "true");
for ($i = 0; $i < $comptListTeam; $i++) {
    if ($listTeam->tea_mem_phone_work[$i] == "") {
        $listTeam->tea_mem_phone_work[$i] = $strings["none"];
    $idPublish = $listTeam->tea_published[$i];
    $block1->cellRow($blockPage->buildLink("../users/viewuser.php?id=" . $listTeam->tea_mem_id[$i], $listTeam->tea_mem_name[$i], in));
    $block1->cellRow($blockPage->buildLink($listTeam->tea_mem_email_work[$i], $listTeam->tea_mem_login[$i], mail));
    if ($listTeam->tea_log_connected[$i] > $dateunix - 5 * 60) {
Esempio n. 2
$block1 = new block();
$block1->form = "saT";
$block1->openForm("../tasks/addtasktime.php?id={$id}&amp;project=" . $projectDetail->pro_name[0] . "&amp;action=add#" . $block1->form . "Anchor");
$block1->heading($strings["add_task_time"] . " : " . $taskDetail->tas_name[0]);
$block1->contentRow($strings["project"], $projectDetail->pro_name[0]);
$block1->contentRow($strings["tasks"], $taskDetail->tas_name[0]);
$block1->contentRow($strings["description"], nl2br($taskDetail->tas_description[0]));
$block1->contentRow($strings["estimated_time"], $taskDetail->tas_estimated_time[0] . " " . $strings["hours"]);
$block1->contentRow($strings["actual_time"], $actualTime . " " . $strings["hours"]);
$tmpquery = "WHERE tea.project = '" . $projectDetail->pro_id[0] . "' ORDER BY";
$projmem = new request();
$comptProjmem = count($projmem->tea_mem_id);
echo "\r\n\t<tr class='odd'>\r\n\t  <td valign='top' class='leftvalue'>" . $strings['owner'] . " :</td>\r\n\t  <td><select name='owner'>";
// get project team listing for owner select lists, default to logged user
for ($i = 0; $i < $comptProjmem; $i++) {
    $clientUser = '';
    if ($projmem->tea_mem_profil[$i] == '3') {
        $clientUser = '******' . $strings['client_user'] . ')';
    // if ($taskDetail->tas_assigned_to[0] == $projmem->tea_mem_id[$i])
    if ($_SESSION['nameSession'] == $projmem->tea_mem_name[$i]) {
        echo "<option value='" . $projmem->tea_mem_id[$i] . "' selected>" . $projmem->tea_mem_name[$i] . "{$clientUser}</option>";
    } else {
        echo "<option value='" . $projmem->tea_mem_id[$i] . "'>" . $projmem->tea_mem_name[$i] . "{$clientUser}</option>";
Esempio n. 3
 * Copyright (c) 2003 by the NetOffice developers
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
$checkSession = true;
require_once '../includes/library.php';
$tmpquery = "WHERE = '{$id}'";
$projectDetail = new request();
$teamMember = "false";
$tmpquery = "WHERE tea.project = '{$id}' AND tea.member = '" . $_SESSION['idSession'] . "'";
$memberTest = new request();
$comptMemberTest = count($memberTest->tea_id);
if ($comptMemberTest == "0") {
    $teamMember = "false";
} else {
    $teamMember = "true";
$breadcrumbs[] = buildLink("../projects/listprojects.php?", $strings["projects"], LINK_INSIDE);
$breadcrumbs[] = buildLink("../projects/viewproject.php?id=" . $projectDetail->pro_id[0], $projectDetail->pro_name[0], LINK_INSIDE);
$breadcrumbs[] = $strings["phases"];
require_once "../themes/" . THEME . "/header.php";
//--- Phases -----------------------------------------
if ($teamMember == "true" || $_SESSION['profilSession'] == "5") {
    $block7 = new block();
    $block7->form = "wbSe";
    $block7->openForm("../phases/listphases.php?id={$id}#" . $block7->form . "Anchor");
         $tmpquery2 = 'INSERT INTO ' . $tableCollab['teams'] . "(project,member,published,authorized) VALUES('{$id}','{$pown}','1','0')";
         if ($htaccessAuth == 'true') {
             $tmpquery = "WHERE = '{$pown}'";
             $detailMember = new request();
             $Htpasswd->initialize('../files/' . $id . '/.htpasswd');
             $Htpasswd->addUser($detailMember->mem_login[0], $detailMember->mem_password[0]);
 // if organization change, delete old organization permitted users from teams
 if ($clod != $projectDetail->pro_organization[0]) {
     $tmpquery = "WHERE tea.project = '{$id}' AND mem.profil = '3'";
     $suppTeamClient = new request();
     $comptSuppTeamClient = count($suppTeamClient->tea_id);
     if ($comptSuppTeamClient == '0') {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $comptSuppTeamClient; $i++) {
             $membersTeam .= $suppTeamClient->tea_mem_id[$i];
             if ($i < $comptSuppTeamClient - 1) {
                 $membersTeam .= ',';
             if ($htaccessAuth == 'true') {
                 $Htpasswd->initialize('../files/' . $id . '/.htpasswd');
         $tmpquery4 = 'DELETE FROM ' . $tableCollab['teams'] . " WHERE project = '{$id}' AND member IN({$membersTeam})";
Esempio n. 5
 // test if new password set
 if ($pw != "") {
     // test if 2 passwords match
     if ($pw != $pwa || $pwa == "") {
         $error = $strings["new_password_error"];
     } else {
         $pw = get_password($pw);
         if ($htaccessAuth == "true") {
             if ($un == $unOld) {
                 $tmpquery = "WHERE tea.member = '{$id}'";
                 $listProjects = new request();
                 $comptListProjects = count($listProjects->tea_id);
             if ($comptListProjects != "0") {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $comptListProjects; $i++) {
                     $Htpasswd->initialize("../files/" . $listProjects->tea_pro_id[$i] . "/.htpasswd");
                     $Htpasswd->changePass($un, $pw);
         $tmpquery = "UPDATE " . $tableCollab["members"] . " SET password='******' WHERE id = '{$id}'";
         // if mantis bug tracker enabled
         if ($enableMantis == "true") {
             // Call mantis function for user changes..!!!
             $f_access_level = $team_user_level;
Esempio n. 6
     $block2->paletteIcon(0, 'add', $strings['add']);
     $block2->paletteIcon(1, 'remove', $strings['delete']);
     if ($sitePublish == 'true') {
         $block2->paletteIcon(2, 'add_projectsite', $strings['add_project_site']);
         $block2->paletteIcon(3, 'remove_projectsite', $strings['remove_project_site']);
 } else {
 $block2->sorting('team', $sortingUser->sor_team[0], ' ASC', $sortingFields = array(0 => '', 1 => 'mem.title', 2 => 'mem.login', 3 => 'mem.phone_work', 4 => 'log.connected', 5 => 'tea.published'));
 $tmpquery = "WHERE tea.project = '{$id}' AND mem.profil = '3' ORDER BY {$block2->sortingValue}";
 $listPermitted = new request();
 $comptListPermitted = count($listPermitted->tea_id);
 if ($comptListPermitted != '0') {
     $block2->labels($labels = array(0 => $strings['full_name'], 1 => $strings['title'], 2 => $strings['user_name'], 3 => $strings['work_phone'], 4 => $strings['connected'], 5 => $strings['published']), 'true');
     for ($i = 0; $i < $comptListPermitted; $i++) {
         if ($listPermitted->tea_mem_phone_work[$i] == '') {
             $listPermitted->tea_mem_phone_work[$i] = $strings['none'];
         $idPublish = $listPermitted->tea_published[$i];
         $block2->cellRow(buildLink('../users/viewclientuser.php?id=' . $listPermitted->tea_mem_id[$i] . '&amp;organization=' . $projectDetail->pro_organization[0], $listPermitted->tea_mem_name[$i], LINK_INSIDE));
         $block2->cellRow(buildLink($listPermitted->tea_mem_email_work[$i], $listPermitted->tea_mem_login[$i], LINK_MAIL));
Esempio n. 7
     $block1->paletteScript(0, "add", "../calendar/viewcalendar.php?viewCalend={$viewCalend}&dateCalend={$dateCalend}&type=calendEdit", "true,false,false", $strings["add"]);
     $block1->paletteScript(1, "remove", "../calendar/deletecalendar.php?", "false,true,true", $strings["delete"]);
     $block1->paletteScript(2, "info", "../calendar/viewcalendar.php?viewCalend={$viewCalend}&dateCalend={$dateCalend}&type=calendDetail", "false,true,false", $strings["view"]);
     $block1->paletteScript(3, "edit", "../calendar/viewcalendar.php?viewCalend={$viewCalend}&dateCalend={$dateCalend}&type=calendEdit", "false,true,false", $strings["edit"]);
     $block1->closePaletteScript($comptListCalendar, $listCalendar->cal_id);
 } else {
     if ($type == "monthPreview") {
         //--- header ----
         $breadcrumbs[] = buildLink("../calendar/viewcalendar.php?", $strings["calendar"], LINK_INSIDE);
         $breadcrumbs[] = "{$monthName} {$year}";
         $pageSection = 'calendar';
         require_once "../themes/" . THEME . "/header.php";
         $tmpquery = "WHERE tea.member = '" . $_SESSION['idSession'] . "' ORDER BY tea.project";
         $teamList = new request();
         $comptTeamList = count($teamList->tea_id);
         $block9 = new block();
         $block9->form = "caV";
         $block9->openForm("../calendar/viewcalendar.php?dateCalend={$dateCalend}&amp;type={$type}#" . $block9->form . "Anchor");
         echo "<tr class=\"odd\"><td valign=\"top\" class=\"leftvalue\">" . $strings["view"] . " :</td><td><select name=\"S_VIEW\" onchange=\"document.caVForm.submit()\">";
         echo "<option value=\"0\"";
         if ($viewCalend == 0) {
             echo " selected";
         echo ">" . $strings['cal_personal'] . "</option>";
         for ($t = 0; $t < $comptTeamList; $t++) {
             echo "<option value=\"" . $teamList->tea_project[$t] . "\"";
             if ($viewCalend == $teamList->tea_project[$t]) {
                 echo " selected";
Esempio n. 8
    echo "\t<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<th nowrap class='FormLabel'>" . $strings["project"] . " :</th>\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;" . $projectDetail->pro_name[0] . "</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<th nowrap class='FormLabel' valign='top'>" . $strings["description"] . " : </th>\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;" . nl2br($projectDetail->pro_description[0]) . "</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<th nowrap class='FormLabel'>" . $strings["status"] . " :</th>\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;{$status[$idStatus]}</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<th nowrap class='FormLabel'>" . $strings["priority"] . " :</th>\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;{$priority[$idPriority]}</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>";
    //Dispaly project active phase
    if ($projectDetail->pro_phase_set[0] != "0") {
        echo "\t<tr><th nowrap valign='top' class='FormLabel'>" . $strings["current_phase"] . " :</td><td>";
        $tmpquery = "WHERE pha.project_id = '" . $projectDetail->pro_id[0] . "' AND status = '1'";
        $currentPhase = new request();
        $comptCurrentPhase = count($currentPhase->pha_id);
        if ($comptCurrentPhase == 0) {
            echo "" . $strings["no_current_phase"] . " ";
        } else {
            for ($i = 0; $i < $comptCurrentPhase; $i++) {
                if ($i != $comptCurrentPhase) {
                    $pnum = $i + 1;
                    echo "{$pnum}." . $currentPhase->pha_name[$i] . "  ";
        echo "</td></tr>";
    echo "\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<th nowrap class='FormLabel'>" . $strings["url_dev"] . " :</th>\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;<a href='" . $projectDetail->pro_url_dev[0] . "' target='_blank'>" . $projectDetail->pro_url_dev[0] . "</a></td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<th nowrap class='FormLabel'>" . $strings["url_prod"] . " :</th>\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;<a href='" . $projectDetail->pro_url_prod[0] . "' target='_blank'>" . $projectDetail->pro_url_prod[0] . "</a></td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<th nowrap class='FormLabel'>" . $strings["created"] . " :</th>\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;" . createDate($projectDetail->pro_created[0], $timezoneSession) . "</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<th nowrap class='FormLabel'>" . $strings["modified"] . " :</th>\n\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;" . createDate($projectDetail->pro_modified[0], $timezoneSession) . "</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t</table>";
    $tmpquery = "WHERE tea.project = '{$projectSession}' AND tea.member = '" . $projectDetail->pro_owner[0] . "'";
    $detailContact = new request();
    if ($detailContact->tea_published[0] == "0" && $detailContact->tea_project[0] == $projectSession) {
        echo "<br/><div>" . $strings["contact_projectsite"] . ", <a href=\"contactdetail.php?{$transmitSid}&id=" . $projectDetail->pro_owner[0] . "\">" . $projectDetail->pro_mem_name[0] . "</a>.</div>";
include "include_footer.php";
Esempio n. 9
require_once "../themes/" . THEME . "/header.php";
// echo "$tmpquery<br>$comptMulti<br>";
//--- content ---
$block1 = new block();
$block1->form = "atpt";
$block1->openForm("../teams/addclientuser.php?project={$project}#" . $block1->form . "Anchor");
$block1->paletteIcon(0, "add", $strings["add"]);
$block1->paletteIcon(1, "info", $strings["view"]);
$block1->paletteIcon(2, "edit", $strings["edit"]);
$block1->sorting("team", $sortingUser->sor_users[0], " ASC", $sortingFields = array(0 => "", 1 => "mem.title", 2 => "mem.login", 3 => "mem.phone_work", 4 => "log.connected"));
$tmpquery = "WHERE tea.project = '{$project}' AND mem.profil = '3'";
$concatMembers = new request();
$comptConcatMembers = count($concatMembers->tea_id);
if ($comptConcatMembers != "0") {
    for ($i = 0; $i < $comptConcatMembers; $i++) {
        $membersTeam .= $concatMembers->tea_mem_id[$i];
        if ($i < $comptConcatMembers - 1) {
            $membersTeam .= ",";
    $queryBonus = "AND NOT IN({$membersTeam})";
$tmpquery = "WHERE mem.organization = '" . $projectDetail->pro_organization[0] . "' {$queryBonus} AND mem.profil = '3' ORDER BY {$block1->sortingValue}";
$listMembers = new request();
$comptListMembers = count($listMembers->mem_id);
if ($comptListMembers != "0") {
        $block3->paletteScript(3, 'add_projectsite', '../projects/viewproject.php?addToSiteTopic=true&project=' . $projectDetail->pro_id[0] . '&action=publish', 'false,true,true', $strings['add_project_site']);
        $block3->paletteScript(4, 'remove_projectsite', '../projects/viewproject.php?removeToSiteTopic=true&project=' . $projectDetail->pro_id[0] . '&action=publish', 'false,true,true', $strings['remove_project_site']);
$block3->paletteScript(5, 'info', '../topics/viewtopic.php', 'false,true,false', $strings['view']);
$block3->closePaletteScript($comptListTopics, $listTopics->top_id);
$block4 = new block();
$block4->form = 'pdM';
$block4->openForm('../projects/viewproject.php?id=' . $projectDetail->pro_id[0] . '#' . $block4->form . 'Anchor');
$block4->borne = $blockPage->returnBorne('3');
$block4->rowsLimit = '5';
$block4->sorting('team', $sortingUser->sor_team[0], ' ASC', $sortingFields = array('', 'mem.title', 'mem.login', 'mem.phone_work', 'log.connected', 'tea.published'));
$tmpquery = "WHERE tea.project = '{$id}' AND mem.profil != '3' ORDER BY {$block4->sortingValue}";
$block4->recordsTotal = compt($initrequest['teams'] . ' ' . $tmpquery);
$listTeam = new request();
$listTeam->openTeams($tmpquery, $block4->borne, $block4->rowsLimit);
$comptListTeam = count($listTeam->tea_id);
$block4->headingToggle($strings['team'] . ' <span class=addition>(' . $comptListTeam . ')</span>');
if ($_SESSION['idSession'] == $projectDetail->pro_owner[0] || $_SESSION['profilSession'] == '5') {
    $block4->paletteIcon(0, 'add', $strings['add']);
    $block4->paletteIcon(1, 'remove', $strings['delete']);
    if ($sitePublish == 'true') {
        $block4->paletteIcon(2, 'add_projectsite', $strings['add_project_site']);
        $block4->paletteIcon(3, 'remove_projectsite', $strings['remove_project_site']);
$block4->paletteIcon(4, 'info', $strings['view']);
// $block4->paletteIcon(5,'email',$strings['email']);
echo "<tr class=\"odd\"><td valign=\"top\" class=\"leftvalue\">" . $strings["organization"] . " :</td><td>" . $projectDetail->pro_org_name[0] . "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr class=\"odd\"><td valign=\"top\" class=\"leftvalue\">" . $strings["name"] . " :</td><td><input size=\"44\" value=\"";
if ($cpy == "true") {
    echo $strings["copy_of"];
echo "{$tn}\" style=\"width: 400px\" name=\"tn\" maxlength=\"100\" type=\"TEXT\"></td></tr>\n<tr class=\"odd\"><td valign=\"top\" class=\"leftvalue\">" . $strings["description"] . " :</td><td><textarea rows=\"10\" style=\"width: 400px; height: 160px;\" name=\"d\" cols=\"47\">{$d}</textarea></td></tr>\n<tr class=\"odd\"><td valign=\"top\" class=\"leftvalue\">" . $strings["assigned_to"] . " :</td><td><select name=\"at\">";
if ($taskDetail->tas_assigned_to[0] == "0") {
    echo "<option value=\"0\" selected>" . $strings["unassigned"] . "</option>";
} else {
    echo "<option value=\"0\">" . $strings["unassigned"] . "</option>";
$tmpquery = "WHERE tea.project = '{$project}' ORDER BY";
$assignto = new request();
$comptAssignto = count($assignto->tea_mem_id);
for ($i = 0; $i < $comptAssignto; $i++) {
    $clientUser = "";
    if ($assignto->tea_mem_profil[$i] == "3") {
        $clientUser = "******" . $strings["client_user"] . ")";
    if ($taskDetail->tas_assigned_to[0] == $assignto->tea_mem_id[$i]) {
        echo "<option value=\"" . $assignto->tea_mem_id[$i] . "\" selected>" . $assignto->tea_mem_login[$i] . " / " . $assignto->tea_mem_name[$i] . "{$clientUser}</option>";
    } else {
        echo "<option value=\"" . $assignto->tea_mem_id[$i] . "\">" . $assignto->tea_mem_login[$i] . " / " . $assignto->tea_mem_name[$i] . "{$clientUser}</option>";
echo "</select></td></tr>";
echo "<tr class=\"odd\"><td valign=\"top\" class=\"leftvalue\">" . $strings["milestone"] . " :</td><td><input size=\"32\" value=\"{$miles}\" name=\"mileS\" type=\"checkbox\" onchange=\"changeMilestone(this)\" {$checkedMileS}></td></tr>";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"miles\" value=\"{$miles}\">";
Esempio n. 12
 * Copyright (c) 2003 by the NetOffice developers
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
$checkSession = true;
require_once "../includes/library.php";
$bouton[1] = "over";
$titlePage = $strings["project_team"];
require_once "include_header.php";
$tmpquery = "WHERE tea.project = '" . $_SESSION['projectSession'] . "' AND tea.published = '0' ORDER BY";
$listContacts = new request();
$comptListTeams = count($listContacts->tea_id);
$block1 = new block();
if ($comptListTeams != "0") {
    echo "<table cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"90%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cols=\"4\" class=\"listing\">\r\n<tr><th class=\"active\">" . $strings["name"] . "</th><th>" . $strings["title"] . "</th><th>" . $strings["company"] . "</th><th>" . $strings["email"] . "</th></tr>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $comptListTeams; $i++) {
        if ($listContacts->tea_mem_phone_work[$i] == "") {
            $listContacts->tea_mem_phone_work[$i] = $strings["none"];
        if (!($i % 2)) {
            $class = "odd";
            $highlightOff = $block1->oddColor;
        } else {
            $class = "even";
            $highlightOff = $block1->evenColor;
                        $Htpasswd->changePass($_SESSION['loginSession'], $cnpw);
            $tmpquery = "UPDATE " . $tableCollab["members"] . " SET password='******' WHERE id = '" . $_SESSION['idSession'] . "'";
            // if mantis bug tracker enabled
            if ($enableMantis == "true") {
                // call mantis function to reset user password
                require_once "../mantis/user_reset_pwd.php";
            // if CVS repository enabled
            if ($enable_cvs == "true") {
                $query = "WHERE tea.member = '" . $_SESSION['idSession'] . "'";
                $cvsMembers = new request();
                // change the password in every repository
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($cvsMembers->tea_id); $i++) {
                    cvs_change_password($cvsMembers->tea_mem_login[$i], $cnpw, $cvsMembers->tea_pro_id[$i]);
            // encrypt the new password to the session using the defined loginMethod
            $_SESSION['passwordSession'] = get_password($npw);
            header("Location: ../preferences/updateuser.php?msg=update");
$tmpquery = "WHERE = '" . $_SESSION['idSession'] . "'";
$userDetail = new request();
Esempio n. 14
            if ($dd != "--" && $listTasks->tas_due_date[$i] != $dd && $assignUpdate != "true" && $listTasks->tas_assigned_to[$i] != "0") {
                if ($notifications == "true") {
                    //$duedatetaskchange = new notification();
                    include "../tasks/noti_duedatetaskchange.php";
            if ($at != "0" && $sameAssign != "true" && $assignUpdate == "true") {
                $tmpquery2 = "INSERT INTO " . $tableCollab["assignments"] . "(task,owner,assigned_to,comments,assigned) VALUES('" . $listTasks->tas_id[$i] . "','" . $listTasks->tas_owner[$i] . "','{$at}','{$acomm}','{$dateheure}')";
                //echo $tmpquery2."<br/>";
                $tmpquery = "WHERE tea.project = '{$project}' AND tea.member = '{$at}'";
                $testinTeam = new request();
                $comptTestinTeam = count($testinTeam->tea_id);
                if ($comptTestinTeam == "0") {
                    $tmpquery3 = "INSERT INTO " . $tableCollab["teams"] . "(project,member,published,authorized) VALUES('{$project}','{$at}','1','0')";
                if ($notifications == "true") {
                    //$taskassignment = new notification();
                    include "../tasks/noti_taskassignment.php";