Esempio n. 1
  * Set the model file of one module. If there's an extension file, merge it with the main model file.
  * @param   string $moduleName the module name
  * @static
  * @access  public
  * @return  string the model file
 public static function setModelFile($moduleName)
     global $app;
     /* Set the main model file and extension and hook pathes and files. */
     $mainModelFile = $app->getModulePath($moduleName) . 'model.php';
     $modelExtPath = $app->getModuleExtPath($moduleName, 'model');
     $modelHookPath = $modelExtPath . 'hook/';
     $extFiles = helper::ls($modelExtPath, '.php');
     $hookFiles = helper::ls($modelHookPath, '.php');
     /* If no extension files and no hook files, return the main file directly. */
     if (empty($extFiles) and empty($hookFiles)) {
         return $mainModelFile;
     /* Else, judge whether needed update or not .*/
     $needUpdate = false;
     $mergedModelFile = $app->getTmpRoot() . 'model' . $app->getPathFix() . $moduleName . '.php';
     $lastTime = file_exists($mergedModelFile) ? filemtime($mergedModelFile) : 0;
     while (!$needUpdate) {
         foreach ($extFiles as $extFile) {
             if (filemtime($extFile) > $lastTime) {
                 break 2;
         foreach ($hookFiles as $hookFile) {
             if (filemtime($hookFile) > $lastTime) {
                 break 2;
         if (is_dir($modelExtPath) and filemtime($modelExtPath) > $lastTime) {
         if (is_dir($modelHookPath) and filemtime($modelHookPath) > $lastTime) {
         if (filemtime($mainModelFile) > $lastTime) {
         return $mergedModelFile;
     /* Update the cache file. */
     $modelClass = $moduleName . 'Model';
     $extModelClass = 'ext' . $modelClass;
     $extTmpModelClass = 'tmpExt' . $modelClass;
     $modelLines = "<?php\n";
     $modelLines .= "helper::import('{$mainModelFile}');\n";
     $modelLines .= "class {$extTmpModelClass} extends {$modelClass} \n{\n";
     /* Cycle all the extension files. */
     foreach ($extFiles as $extFile) {
         $extLines = self::removeTagsOfPHP($extFile);
         $modelLines .= $extLines . "\n";
     /* Create the merged model file and import it. */
     $replaceMark = '//**//';
     // This mark is for replacing code using.
     $modelLines .= "{$replaceMark}\n}";
     if (!@file_put_contents($mergedModelFile, $modelLines)) {
         die("ERROR: {$mergedModelFile} not writable, please make sur the " . dirname($mergedModelFile) . ' directory exists and writable');
     if (!class_exists($extTmpModelClass)) {
         include $mergedModelFile;
     /* Get hook codes need to merge. */
     $hookCodes = array();
     foreach ($hookFiles as $hookFile) {
         $fileName = baseName($hookFile);
         list($method) = explode('.', $fileName);
         $hookCodes[$method][] = self::removeTagsOfPHP($hookFile);
     /* Cycle the hook methods and merge hook codes. */
     $hookedMethods = array_keys($hookCodes);
     $mainModelCodes = file($mainModelFile);
     $mergedModelCodes = file($mergedModelFile);
     foreach ($hookedMethods as $method) {
         /* Reflection the hooked method to get it's defined position. */
         $methodRelfection = new reflectionMethod($extTmpModelClass, $method);
         $definedFile = $methodRelfection->getFileName();
         $startLine = $methodRelfection->getStartLine() . ' ';
         $endLine = $methodRelfection->getEndLine() . ' ';
         /* Merge hook codes. */
         $oldCodes = $definedFile == $mergedModelFile ? $mergedModelCodes : $mainModelCodes;
         $oldCodes = join("", array_slice($oldCodes, $startLine - 1, $endLine - $startLine + 1));
         $openBrace = strpos($oldCodes, '{');
         $newCodes = substr($oldCodes, 0, $openBrace + 1) . "\n" . join("\n", $hookCodes[$method]) . substr($oldCodes, $openBrace + 1);
         /* Replace it. */
         if ($definedFile == $mergedModelFile) {
             $modelLines = str_replace($oldCodes, $newCodes, $modelLines);
         } else {
             $modelLines = str_replace($replaceMark, $newCodes . "\n{$replaceMark}", $modelLines);
     /* Save it. */
     $modelLines = str_replace($extTmpModelClass, $extModelClass, $modelLines);
     file_put_contents($mergedModelFile, $modelLines);
     return $mergedModelFile;
Esempio n. 2
  * Set the model file of one module. If there's an extension file, merge it with the main model file.
  * @param   string $moduleName the module name
  * @static
  * @access  public
  * @return  string the model file
 public static function setModelFile($moduleName)
     global $app;
     /* Set the main model file and extension and hook pathes and files. */
     $mainModelFile = $app->getModulePath($moduleName) . 'model.php';
     $modelExtPath = $app->getModuleExtPath($moduleName, 'model');
     $modelHookPath = $modelExtPath . 'hook/';
     $extFiles = helper::ls($modelExtPath, '.php');
     $hookFiles = helper::ls($modelHookPath, '.php');
     /* If no extension files and no hook files, return the main file directly. */
     if (empty($extFiles) and empty($hookFiles)) {
         return $mainModelFile;
     /* Else, judge whether needed update or not .*/
     $needUpdate = false;
     $mergedModelFile = $app->getTmpRoot() . 'model' . $app->getPathFix() . $moduleName . '.php';
     $lastTime = file_exists($mergedModelFile) ? filemtime($mergedModelFile) : 0;
     while (!$needUpdate) {
         foreach ($extFiles as $extFile) {
             if (filemtime($extFile) > $lastTime) {
                 break 2;
         foreach ($hookFiles as $hookFile) {
             if (filemtime($hookFile) > $lastTime) {
                 break 2;
         if (is_dir($modelExtPath) and filemtime($modelExtPath) > $lastTime) {
         if (is_dir($modelHookPath) and filemtime($modelHookPath) > $lastTime) {
         if (filemtime($mainModelFile) > $lastTime) {
         return $mergedModelFile;
     /* If loaded zend opcache module, turn off cache when create tmp model file to avoid the conflics. */
     if (extension_loaded('Zend OPcache')) {
         ini_set('opcache.enable', 0);
     /* Update the cache file. */
     $modelClass = $moduleName . 'Model';
     $extModelClass = 'ext' . $modelClass;
     $extTmpModelClass = 'tmpExt' . $modelClass;
     $modelLines = "<?php\n";
     $modelLines .= "helper::import('{$mainModelFile}');\n";
     $modelLines .= "class {$extTmpModelClass} extends {$modelClass} \n{\n";
     /* Cycle all the extension files. */
     foreach ($extFiles as $extFile) {
         $extLines = self::removeTagsOfPHP($extFile);
         $modelLines .= $extLines . "\n";
     /* Create the merged model file and import it. */
     $replaceMark = '//**//';
     // This mark is for replacing code using.
     $modelLines .= "{$replaceMark}\n}";
     /* Unset conflic function for model. */
     preg_match_all('/.* function\\s+(\\w+)\\s*\\(.*\\)[^\\{]*\\{/Ui', $modelLines, $functions);
     $functions = $functions[1];
     $conflics = array_count_values($functions);
     foreach ($conflics as $functionName => $count) {
         if ($count <= 1) {
     if ($conflics) {
         $modelLines = explode("\n", $modelLines);
         $startDel = false;
         foreach ($modelLines as $line => $code) {
             if ($startDel and preg_match('/.* function\\s+(\\w+)\\s*\\(.*\\)/Ui', $code)) {
                 $startDel = false;
             if ($startDel) {
             } else {
                 foreach ($conflics as $functionName => $count) {
                     if ($count <= 1) {
                     if (preg_match('/.* function\\s+' . $functionName . '\\s*\\(.*\\)/Ui', $code)) {
                         $conflics[$functionName] = $count - 1;
                         $startDel = true;
         $modelLines = join("\n", $modelLines);
     $tmpMergedModelFile = $app->getTmpRoot() . 'model' . $app->getPathFix() . 'tmp.' . $moduleName . '.php';
     if (!@file_put_contents($tmpMergedModelFile, $modelLines)) {
         die("ERROR: {$tmpMergedModelFile} not writable, please make sure the " . dirname($tmpMergedModelFile) . ' directory exists and writable');
     if (!class_exists($extTmpModelClass)) {
         include $tmpMergedModelFile;
     /* Get hook codes need to merge. */
     $hookCodes = array();
     foreach ($hookFiles as $hookFile) {
         $fileName = baseName($hookFile);
         list($method) = explode('.', $fileName);
         $hookCodes[$method][] = self::removeTagsOfPHP($hookFile);
     /* Cycle the hook methods and merge hook codes. */
     $hookedMethods = array_keys($hookCodes);
     $mainModelCodes = file($mainModelFile);
     $mergedModelCodes = file($tmpMergedModelFile);
     foreach ($hookedMethods as $method) {
         /* Reflection the hooked method to get it's defined position. */
         $methodRelfection = new reflectionMethod($extTmpModelClass, $method);
         $definedFile = $methodRelfection->getFileName();
         $startLine = $methodRelfection->getStartLine() . ' ';
         $endLine = $methodRelfection->getEndLine() . ' ';
         /* Merge hook codes. */
         $oldCodes = $definedFile == $tmpMergedModelFile ? $mergedModelCodes : $mainModelCodes;
         $oldCodes = join("", array_slice($oldCodes, $startLine - 1, $endLine - $startLine + 1));
         $openBrace = strpos($oldCodes, '{');
         $newCodes = substr($oldCodes, 0, $openBrace + 1) . "\n" . join("\n", $hookCodes[$method]) . substr($oldCodes, $openBrace + 1);
         /* Replace it. */
         if ($definedFile == $tmpMergedModelFile) {
             $modelLines = str_replace($oldCodes, $newCodes, $modelLines);
         } else {
             $modelLines = str_replace($replaceMark, $newCodes . "\n{$replaceMark}", $modelLines);
     /* Save it. */
     $modelLines = str_replace($extTmpModelClass, $extModelClass, $modelLines);
     file_put_contents($mergedModelFile, $modelLines);
     return $mergedModelFile;
Esempio n. 3
 protected function getDeclaringClass(\reflectionMethod $method)
     $declaringClass = $method->getDeclaringClass();
     $traits = $this->adapter->method_exists($declaringClass, 'getTraits') === false ? array() : $declaringClass->getTraits();
     if (sizeof($traits) > 0) {
         $methodFileName = $method->getFileName();
         if ($methodFileName !== $declaringClass->getFileName() || $method->getStartLine() < $declaringClass->getStartLine() || $method->getEndLine() > $declaringClass->getEndLine()) {
             if (sizeof($traits) > 0) {
                 $methodName = $method->getName();
                 foreach ($traits as $trait) {
                     if ($methodFileName === $trait->getFileName() && $trait->hasMethod($methodName) === true) {
                         return $trait;
     return $declaringClass;