$display_stat_wait = true;
include 'includes/header.php';
if (!$_REQUEST['InvoiceID']) {
    dieLog('No Invoice Selected', 'No Invoice Selected');
$RF = new rates_fees();
$Payouts = $RF->get_payouts(array('pa_ID' => intval($_REQUEST['InvoiceID'])), $curUserInfo['en_ID']);
if ($Payouts['status'] === false) {
    dieLog($Payouts['msg'], $Payouts['msg']);
$Payouts = array('InvoiceInfo' => array_pop($Payouts));
$time = strtotime($Payouts['InvoiceInfo']['pa_date']);
$Payouts['ThisPeriodEnd'] = date('Y-m-d', $time);
$Payouts['LastPeriodEnd'] = en_get_payout_period($curUserInfo, 'last', $time);
$Payouts['ThisPeriodStart'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($Payouts['LastPeriodEnd']) + 60 * 60 * 24);
$Payouts['InvoiceProfit'] = $RF->get_profit(array('EffectiveOnly' => false, 'hidepayout' => true, 'date_between' => array('Start' => $Payouts['ThisPeriodStart'], 'End' => $Payouts['ThisPeriodEnd'])), $curUserInfo['en_ID']);
$Payouts['PreviousProfit'] = $RF->get_profit(array('EffectiveOnly' => false, 'hidepayout' => true, 'date_between' => array('Start' => '2000-01-01', 'End' => $Payouts['LastPeriodEnd'])), $curUserInfo['en_ID']);
foreach ($Payouts['InvoiceProfit']['Revenue'] as $key => $type) {
    $Payouts['InvoiceProfit']['Revenue'][$key]['Link'] = "ProfitSmart.php?frm_pt_pt_type%5B%5D=" . $key . "&frm_pt_pt_date_effective_from=" . $Payouts['ThisPeriodStart'] . "&frm_pt_pt_date_effective_to=" . $Payouts['ThisPeriodEnd'] . "";
foreach ($Payouts['InvoiceProfit']['Deductions'] as $key => $type) {
    $Payouts['InvoiceProfit']['Deductions'][$key]['Link'] = "ProfitSmart.php?frm_pt_pt_type%5B%5D=" . $key . "&frm_pt_pt_date_effective_from=" . $Payouts['ThisPeriodStart'] . "&frm_pt_pt_date_effective_to=" . $Payouts['ThisPeriodEnd'] . "";
foreach ($Payouts['PreviousProfit']['Revenue'] as $key => $type) {
    $Payouts['PreviousProfit']['Revenue'][$key]['Link'] = "ProfitSmart.php?frm_pt_pt_type%5B%5D=" . $key . "&frm_pt_pt_date_effective_from=2000-01-01&frm_pt_pt_date_effective_to=" . $Payouts['LastPeriodEnd'] . "";
foreach ($Payouts['PreviousProfit']['Deductions'] as $key => $type) {
    $Payouts['PreviousProfit']['Deductions'][$key]['Link'] = "ProfitSmart.php?frm_pt_pt_type%5B%5D=" . $key . "&frm_pt_pt_date_effective_from=2000-01-01&frm_pt_pt_date_effective_to=" . $Payouts['LastPeriodEnd'] . "";
Esempio n. 2
function JSON_get_data($qry)
    global $etel_completion_array, $etel_entity_search, $etel_transaction_search;
    global $curUserInfo;
    $start_time = microtime_float();
    $data = NULL;
    $data['output'] = NULL;
    $data['func'] = $qry['func'];
    switch ($qry['func']) {
        case 'getTransactionSearchOptions':
            $search_opts = $etel_transaction_search;
        case 'getEntitySearchOptions':
            if (!$search_opts) {
                $search_opts = $etel_entity_search;
            foreach ($search_opts['options'] as $k => $s) {
                $sa[$s['g']]['o'][] = array('k' => $k, 'n' => $s['n'], 't' => $s['t'], 'c' => $s['c']);
                $sa[$s['g']]['g'] = $search_opts['groups'][$s['g']]['g'];
            $data['search_options'] = array_values($sa);
            $data['search_func'] = $search_opts['search_func'];
        case 'getTransactionList':
            $search_opts = $etel_transaction_search;
        case 'getEntityList':
            if ($qry['silent']) {
                $data['silent'] = $qry['silent'];
            if (!$search_opts) {
                $search_opts = $etel_entity_search;
            $sql_info['join'] = array();
            $search_conditions = array();
            $sql_info['where'] = '';
            foreach ($qry['en_search_by'] as $key => $search_by) {
                if ($search_by == 'er') {
                    $qry['en_search'][$key] = $_SESSION["gw_user_en_ID"];
                $search_conditions[$key] = array('search' => quote_smart($qry['en_search'][$key]), 'searchby' => quote_smart($search_by));
                if ($search_by == 'all') {
                    foreach ($search_opts['options'] as $by => $opt) {
                        if ($opt['allinfo']) {
                            JSON_getEntityList_build_where($search_opts, $sql_info, $by, quote_smart($qry['en_search'][$key]), 'OR');
                    if ($sql_info['where']) {
                        $sql_info['where'] = "( " . $sql_info['where'] . " )";
            foreach ($search_conditions as $sc) {
                JSON_getEntityList_build_where($search_opts, $sql_info, $sc['searchby'], $sc['search'], $qry['logic']);
            if ($qry['sortby'] && $search_opts['options'][$qry['sortby']]['f']) {
                $sql_info['sort'] = " ORDER BY " . $search_opts['options'][$qry['sortby']]['f'] . " " . ($qry['sortdir'] == 'ASC' ? 'ASC ' : 'DESC ');
            if (!$sql_info['sort']) {
                $sql_info['sort'] = " ORDER BY en_ID DESC ";
            if ($sql_info['where']) {
                $sql_info['where'] = " AND ( " . $sql_info['where'] . " )";
            if (!$curUserInfo['en_access'][ACCESS_AUTH_ENTITY_ADMIN]) {
                $sql_info['where'] .= " AND en_type != 'admin' ";
            $data['limit'] = intval($qry['limit']);
            if ($data['limit'] < 10) {
                $data['limit'] = 50;
            if ($data['limit'] > 300) {
                $data['limit'] = 300;
            $data['limitfrom'] = intval($qry['limitfrom']);
            if ($data['limitfrom'] < 1) {
                $data['limitfrom'] = 0;
            $data['entity_list'] = array();
            if ($sql_info['join']) {
                $sql_info['group'] = " Group by en_ID ";
            $info['TimeOut'] = 5;
            $sql = "select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS en.en_ID as id,en.en_company as cn,en.en_email as em,en.en_username as un, en.en_password as pw, en.en_type as ty from cs_entities as en " . implode(" ", $sql_info['join']) . " WHERE 1 " . $sql_info['where'] . $sql_info['group'] . $sql_info['sort'] . " limit " . $data['limitfrom'] . ',' . $data['limit'];
            if (in_array('wp', $qry['en_search_by'])) {
                $data['cmd'][] = array('id' => 'all', 'type' => 'ws', 'st' => 'pending');
            if (in_array('dp', $qry['en_search_by'])) {
                $data['cmd'][] = array('id' => 'all', 'type' => 'ud', 'st' => 'pending');
            if (in_array('pp', $qry['en_search_by'])) {
                $data['cmd'][] = array('id' => 'all', 'type' => 'pa', 'st' => 'pending');
            if (in_array('ip', $qry['en_search_by'])) {
                $data['cmd'][] = array('id' => 'all', 'type' => 'is', 'st' => 'Unanswered');
            //$data['sql'] = $sql;
            $result = sql_query_read($sql, $info) or dieLog(mysql_error() . " ~ {$sql}");
            while ($entity = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                $entity['il'] = 'editCompanyProfileAccess.php?entity_id=' . $entity['id'];
                $entity['li'] = 'EntityManager.php?loginas=1&type=' . $entity['ty'] . '&username='******'un'] . '&hash=' . $entity['pw'] . '&entity_id=' . $entity['id'];
                if (strlen($entity['cn']) > 35) {
                    $entity['cn'] = substr($entity['cn'], 0, 34) . "...";
                $data['entity_list'][] = $entity;
            $sql = "select FOUND_ROWS()";
            $result = sql_query_read($sql) or dieLog(mysql_error() . " ~ {$sql}");
            $data['num_rows'] = mysql_result($result, 0, 0);
            $data['search_func'] = $search_opts['info_func'];
            $data['display_fields'] = array(array('k' => 'id', 'chk' => 1), array('k' => 'id', 'n' => 'ID'), array('k' => 'cn', 'n' => 'Company Name', 'ar' => array(array('k' => 'lg', 'n' => '(Login as)', 'btn' => array('li')), array('k' => 'cn', 'dl' => array('il')))), array('k' => 'op', 'n' => 'Options', 'opar' => array('info|(Information)', $curUserInfo['en_access'][ACCESS_AUTH_ENTITY_ADMIN] ? 'ac|(Access Rights)' : NULL, 'pr|(Profit)', 'pa|(Payouts)', 'is|(Issues)', 'ws|(Websites)', 'ud|(Documents)', 'pp|(PricePoints)', 'all|(Open All)')));
            //$data['display_options'] = array();//,'em|Email'
        case 'setEntityInfo':
            $id = $qry['id'];
            $res = array('msg' => 'Failed to Update', 'status' => false);
            switch ($qry['f']) {
                case 'update_general':
                    $update = array('General_Notes' => html_entity_decode(stripslashes($qry['nst'])));
                    $update_result = etel_update_serialized_field('cs_entities', 'en_info', " en_ID = '" . $id . "'", $update);
                    if (!$update_result) {
                        $res = array('msg' => 'Invalid Entry', 'status' => false);
                    } else {
                        if ($update_result['updated']) {
                            $res = array('msg' => 'Merchant Updated Successfully', 'status' => true);
                        } else {
                            $res = array('msg' => 'No Updates Detected', 'status' => true);
                    $res['update'] = array('id' => $id, 'type' => 'info');
                    $data['result'][] = $res;
                case 'update_site':
                    $conf_array = array('a' => 'approved', 'd' => 'declined', 'i' => 'ignored', 'n' => 'non-compliant');
                    if ($conf_array[$qry['nvr']]) {
                        $res = en_confirm_website($qry['wi'], $conf_array[$qry['nvr']], $qry['nc']);
                    } else {
                        $res = array('msg' => 'Invalid Entry', 'status' => false);
                    if ($res['status']) {
                        $res['update'] = array('id' => $id, 'type' => 'ws', 'hl' => $qry['wi'], 'st' => $qry['st']);
                    $data['result'][] = $res;
                case 'update_doc':
                    $conf_array = array('a' => 'Approved', 'd' => 'Declined');
                    if ($conf_array[$qry['nst']]) {
                        $res = en_confirm_documents($qry['fi'], $conf_array[$qry['nst']], $qry['nc']);
                    } else {
                        $res = array('msg' => 'Invalid Entry', 'status' => false);
                    $res['update'] = array('id' => $id, 'type' => 'ud', 'hl' => $qry['fi'], 'st' => $qry['st']);
                    $data['result'][] = $res;
                case 'update_invoice':
                    $res = en_update_invoice($qry['ii'], $qry['nst'], $qry['in'], $qry['em']);
                    if ($res['status']) {
                        $res['update'] = array('id' => $id, 'type' => 'pa', 'hl' => $qry['ii'], 'st' => $qry['st']);
                    $data['result'][] = $res;
                case 'update_access':
                    $res = en_update_access($id, array($qry['al'] => $qry['nst']));
                    $data['result'][] = $res;
                case 'add_adjustment':
                    $res = en_adjust_profit($id, $qry['ia'], $qry['ie'], $qry['in'], $qry['ic']);
                    if ($res['status']) {
                        $res['update'] = array('id' => $id, 'type' => 'pr');
                    $data['result'][] = $res;
                case 'commit_payout':
                    $RF = new rates_fees();
                    if ($curUserInfo['en_access'][ACCESS_AUTH_PAYMENTS]) {
                        $res = $RF->commit_payout($id, array('date_entered' => $qry['pd'], 'amount' => $qry['pa']));
                    if ($res['status']) {
                        $res['update'] = array('id' => $id, 'type' => 'pa', 'hl' => $res['pa_ID']);
                    $data['result'][] = $res;
        case 'getEntityInfo':
            $qry['id'] = explode(',', $qry['id']);
            $data['num_rows'] = 0;
            if ($qry['silent']) {
                $data['silent'] = $qry['silent'];
            $highlight_format = array('tr|class|rowhighlight');
            foreach ($qry['id'] as $i => $en_ID) {
                $en_ID = intval($en_ID);
                if (!is_array($qry['type'])) {
                    $request = $qry['type'];
                } else {
                    $request = $qry['type'][$i];
                switch ($request) {
                    case 'all':
                    case 'info':
                        $entity = array('id' => $en_ID, 'msg' => 'No General Info Available', 'type' => 'info', 'info' => array(), 'use_tab' => true);
                        $entityInfo = en_get_general_info($en_ID);
                        //$entity['stats'] = array('n'=>"\n".$etel_completion_array[$entityInfo['cd_completion']]['txt']);
                        $entity['display_fields'] = array(array('ar' => array(array('k' => 'st', 'edit' => 'textarea', 'tstamp' => true), array('k' => 'upd', 'edit' => 'button', 'f' => array('s|f|update_general|', 'fld|nst|st'), 'n' => '(Update)')), 'n' => 'General Info'));
                        $entity['info'][] = array('sid' => $en_ID, 'st' => $entityInfo['en_info']['General_Notes']);
                        $data['entity_info'][] = $entity;
                        if ($request != 'all') {
                    case 'is':
                        $entity = array('id' => $en_ID, 'msg' => 'No Issues Available', 'type' => 'is', 'info' => array(), 'use_tab' => true);
                        $issues = en_get_issues($en_ID, array('AnsweredStatus' => $qry['st']));
                        $entity['display_fields'] = array(array('k' => 'sid', 'n' => 'ID', 'dl' => array('il')), array('k' => 'ti', 'n' => 'Summary', 'dl' => array('il')), array('k' => 'is', 'n' => 'Respond', 'pl' => array('el')), array('k' => 'st', 'n' => 'Status'), array('k' => 'cs', 'n' => 'Answered'));
                        foreach ($issues as $id => $issue) {
                            $entity['info'][] = array('sid' => $id, 'ti' => $issue['iss_created_date'] . " - " . $issue['iss_summary'], 'st' => $issue['sta_title'], 'cs' => $issue['iss_control_status'], 'il' => "/ev/view.php?id=" . $issue['iss_id'], 'el' => "/ev/send.php?issue_id=" . $issue['iss_id'] . "&ema_id=" . $issue['ema_id'] . "&id=" . $issue['sup_id']);
                        $data['entity_info'][] = $entity;
                        if ($request != 'all') {
                    case 'ac':
                        global $etel_access;
                        $entityInfo = en_get_general_info($en_ID);
                        $entity = array('id' => $en_ID, 'msg' => 'No Access Info Available', 'type' => 'ac', 'info' => array(), 'use_tab' => true);
                        $entity['display_fields'] = array(array('k' => 'na', 'n' => 'Access Level'), array('ar' => array(array('k' => 'st', 'edit' => 'checkbox', 'f' => array('s|f|update_access|', 'k|al|sid', 'fld|nst|st'))), 'n' => 'Status'));
                        foreach ($etel_access as $key => $acinfo) {
                            $entity['info'][] = array('sid' => $acinfo['Value'], 'na' => $acinfo['Value'] . ": " . etel_format_variable($key) . ($acinfo['Name'] ? " (" . $acinfo['Name'] . ")" : ''), 'st' => $entityInfo['en_access'][$acinfo['Value']]);
                        if ($curUserInfo['en_access'][ACCESS_AUTH_ENTITY_ADMIN]) {
                            $data['entity_info'][] = $entity;
                        if ($request != 'all') {
                    case 'pr':
                        $entity = array('id' => $en_ID, 'msg' => 'No Profit Data Available', 'type' => 'pr', 'info' => array(), 'use_tab' => true);
                        $RF = new rates_fees();
                        $entityInfo = en_get_general_info($en_ID);
                        $datestamp = $_REQUEST['date'] ? strtotime($_REQUEST['date']) : 0;
                        $date = $datestamp > 1 ? date('Y-m-d', $datestamp) : $entityInfo['PaySchedule']['NextPayDay'];
                        $profit_info = $RF->get_profit(array('EffectiveOnly' => $date), $en_ID);
                        $entity['display_fields'] = array(array('k' => 'tp', 'n' => 'Profit Type'), array('k' => 'am', 'n' => 'Amount'));
                        $entity['stats']['opts'] = array('n' => "Actions", 'ar' => array(array('txt' => "Make an Adjustment", 'attrib' => array('obj|style|font-weight:bold;text-align:center;')), array('node' => "hr"), array('txt' => "Amount:  "), array('k' => 'ia', 'edit' => 'textfield', 'attrib' => array('obj|style|width:50px;')), array('txt' => "\nEffective: "), array('k' => 'ie', 'edit' => 'textfield', 'attrib' => array('obj|style|width:70px;')), array('txt' => "\nTitle:\n"), array('k' => 'in', 'edit' => 'textfield', 'attrib' => array('obj|style|width:180px;')), array('txt' => "\nComments:\n"), array('k' => 'ic', 'edit' => 'textarea', 'attrib' => array('obj|style|height:45px;width:180px;')), array('txt' => "\n"), array('k' => 'adj', 'edit' => 'button', 'f' => array('s|f|add_adjustment', 'fld|ia|ia', 'fld|ie|ie', 'fld|in|in', 'fld|ic|ic'), 'n' => '(Create)'), array('node' => "hr")), 'attrib' => array('tdcol|align|left'));
                        $entity['stats']['data'] = array('sid' => $en_ID, 'am' => $profit_info['Total']['Amount'], 'ic' => '', 'ia' => '0.00', 'in' => date('Y-m-d') . ' Adjustment', 'ie' => date('Y-m-d'));
                        if (!$curUserInfo['en_access'][ACCESS_AUTH_ADJUSTMENTS]) {
                        $total_section_format = array('tr|style|font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;', 'td|class|row0');
                        $total_format = array('tr|style|font-weight:bold;font-size:11px;font-style:italic;', 'td|class|row0');
                        if (sizeof($profit_info['Revenue'])) {
                            foreach ($profit_info['Revenue'] as $type => $val) {
                                $entity['info'][] = array('sid' => 'd_' . $type, 'tp' => "(Revenue) {$type}", 'am' => '$' . formatMoney($val['Amount']) . " (" . $val['Count'] . ")", 'attrib' => $type == 'Total' ? $total_section_format : NULL);
                        if (sizeof($profit_info['Deductions'])) {
                            foreach ($profit_info['Deductions'] as $type => $val) {
                                $entity['info'][] = array('sid' => 'd_' . $type, 'tp' => "(Deductions) {$type}", 'am' => '$' . formatMoney($val['Amount']) . " (" . $val['Count'] . ")", 'attrib' => $type == 'Total' ? $total_section_format : NULL);
                        $entity['info'][] = array('sid' => $en_ID, 'tp' => "Total Owed (" . $date . ")", 'am' => '$' . formatMoney($profit_info['Total']['Amount']) . " (" . $profit_info['Total']['Count'] . ")", 'attrib' => $total_format, 'opts' => array('tp' => array('k' => 'tp', 'dl' => array('chg', 'Click to Change Date'))), 'chg' => "javascript:en_get_info({'id':'{$en_ID}','type':'pr','date':prompt('Enter New Date','{$date}')})");
                        $data['entity_info'][] = $entity;
                        if ($request != 'all') {
                    case 'pa':
                        $entity = array('id' => $en_ID, 'msg' => 'No Payout Data Available', 'type' => 'pa', 'info' => array(), 'use_tab' => true);
                        $RF = new rates_fees();
                        $payouts = $RF->get_payouts(array('where' => $qry['st'] ? array('pa_status' => $qry['st']) : NULL), $en_ID);
                        $entityInfo = en_get_general_info($en_ID);
                        foreach ($payouts as $key => $payout) {
                            $entity['info'][] = array('sid' => $payout['pa_ID'], 'am' => '$' . formatMoney($payout['balance']), 'in' => $payout['pa_info']['Notes'], 'ti' => ($payout['pa_ID'] == $qry['hl'] ? 'Recently Updated - ' : '') . $payout['pa_desc'], 'nst' => $payout['pa_status'], 'attrib' => $payout['pa_ID'] == $qry['hl'] ? $highlight_format : NULL);
                        $entity['display_fields'] = array(array('ar' => array(array('k' => 'ti', 'attrib' => array('obj|style|font-weight:bold')), array('node' => "br"), array('k' => 'nst', 'edit' => 'select', 'selopts' => array('payout_pending|Payment Pending', 'payout_sent|Payment Sent', 'success|Successful Payment', 'payout_failed|Payment Failed'), 'n' => 'Status: ')), 'n' => 'Invoice Info'), array('ar' => array(array('k' => 'in', 'edit' => 'textarea', 'attrib' => array('obj|style|height:45px;width:250px;'))), 'n' => 'Comments'), array('ar' => array(array('k' => 'upd', 'edit' => 'button', 'f' => array('s|f|update_invoice', 'k|ii|sid', 'fld|nst|nst', 'fld|in|in', 'fld|em|em', 's|st|' . $qry['st']), 'n' => '(Update)'), array('k' => 'em', 'edit' => 'checkbox', 'n' => ' Email?')), 'n' => 'Update', 'attrib' => array('obj|style|width:50px;')));
                        $entity['stats']['opts'] = array('n' => "Actions", 'ar' => array(array('txt' => "Payout", 'attrib' => array('obj|style|font-weight:bold;text-align:center;', 'tdcol|style|width:40px;')), array('node' => "hr"), array('txt' => "Amount:\n"), array('k' => 'pa', 'edit' => 'textfield', 'attrib' => array('obj|style|width:60px;')), array('txt' => "\nPayday:\n"), array('k' => 'pd', 'edit' => 'textfield', 'attrib' => array('obj|style|width:60px;')), array('txt' => "\n"), array('k' => 'pay', 'edit' => 'button', 'f' => array('s|f|commit_payout', 'fld|pa|pa', 'fld|pd|pd'), 'n' => '(Pay)')), 'attrib' => array('tdcol|align|left'));
                        $entity['stats']['data'] = array('sid' => $en_ID, 'pa' => '0.0', 'pd' => $entityInfo['PaySchedule']['NextPayDay']);
                        if (!$curUserInfo['en_access'][ACCESS_AUTH_PAYMENTS]) {
                        $data['entity_info'][] = $entity;
                        if ($request != 'all') {
                    case 'ws':
                        $entity = array('id' => $en_ID, 'msg' => 'No Website Data Available', 'type' => 'ws', 'info' => array(), 'use_tab' => true);
                        $site_list = en_get_websites($en_ID, false, $qry['st']);
                        $entity['display_fields'] = array(array('k' => 'na', 'n' => 'Website'), array('ar' => array(array('k' => 'edt', 'edit' => 'button', 'f' => array('s|f|update_site', 'k|wi|sid', 'p|nvr|Please Enter New Status (a=Approved, d=Declined, i=Ignored, n=Non-Compliant)', 'p|nc|Please Enter Comments (Required for Decline)', 's|st|' . $qry['st']), 'n' => '(Change)'), array('k' => 'vr')), 'n' => 'Status'), array('ar' => array(array('k' => 'cu', 'n' => '(Website)', 'pl' => array('cu')), array('k' => 'op', 'n' => '(Order Page)', 'pl' => array('op')), array('k' => 'rp', 'n' => '(Return Page)', 'pl' => array('rp')), array('k' => 'mem', 'n' => '(Members Section)', 'pl' => array('mu', 'mun', 'mpw')), array('k' => 'ftp', 'n' => '(Ftp)', 'pl' => array('ft', 'fun', 'fpw')), array('k' => '2257', 'n' => '(2257 Page)', 'pl' => array('2257'))), 'n' => 'Links', 'attrib' => array('td|width|144px')));
                        foreach ($site_list as $key => $site) {
                            $entity['info'][] = array('sid' => $site['cs_ID'], 'rf' => $site['cs_reference_ID'], 'na' => $site['cs_name'], 'cu' => $site['cs_URL'], 'op' => $site['cs_order_page'], 'rp' => $site['cs_return_page'], 'mu' => $site['cs_member_url'], 'mun' => $site['cs_member_username'], 'mpw' => $site['cs_member_password'], 'ft' => $site['cs_ftp'], 'fun' => $site['cs_ftp_user'], 'fpw' => $site['cs_ftp_pass'], 'vr' => ucfirst($site['cs_verified']) . ' (' . $site['cs_reason'] . ')', '2257' => $site['cs_2257_page']);
                        $data['entity_info'][] = $entity;
                        if ($request != 'all') {
                    case 'ud':
                        $entity = array('id' => $en_ID, 'msg' => 'No Document Data Available', 'type' => 'ud', 'info' => array(), 'use_tab' => true);
                        $doc_list = en_get_documents($en_ID, $qry['st']);
                        $entity['display_fields'] = array(array('k' => 'ft', 'n' => 'File Type'), array('ar' => array(array('k' => 'fl', 'n' => 'File Link', 'pl' => array('fl')), array('k' => 'up', 'n' => 'Upload New File', 'pl' => array('up')), array('k' => 'fn', 'n' => 'File Name')), 'n' => 'File Name'), array('ar' => array(array('k' => 'edt', 'edit' => 'button', 'f' => array('s|f|update_doc', 'k|fi|sid', 'p|nst|Please Enter New Status (a=Approved, d=Declined)', 'p|nc|Please Enter Comments (Required for Decline)', 's|st|' . $qry['st']), 'n' => '(Change)'), array('k' => 'st'), array('k' => 'rr')), 'n' => 'Status'));
                        foreach ($doc_list as $key => $doc) {
                            $entity['info'][] = array('sid' => $doc['file_id'], 'ft' => $doc['file_type'], 'fn' => $doc['file_name'], 'du' => $doc['date_uploaded'], 'rr' => '(' . $doc['reject_reason'] . ')', 'st' => $doc['status'], 'fl' => "../gateway/" . $_SESSION['gw_folder'] . "UserDocuments/" . $doc['file_type'] . "/" . $doc['file_name'], 'up' => "uploadDocuments.php?company=" . $doc['user_id']);
                        $data['entity_info'][] = $entity;
                        if ($request != 'all') {
                    case 'pp':
                        $entity = array('id' => $en_ID, 'msg' => 'No Price Point Data', 'type' => 'pp', 'info' => array(), 'use_tab' => true);
                        $pp_list = en_get_pricepoints($en_ID);
                        foreach ($pp_list as $key => $pp) {
                            $entity['info'][] = array('sid' => $pp['rd_subaccount'], 'sn' => $pp['rd_subName'], 'de' => $pp['rd_description'], 'sc' => $pp['schedule'], 'st' => $pp['active'] . "/" . $pp['total']);
                        $entity['display_fields'] = array(array('k' => 'sn', 'n' => 'Name'), array('k' => 'de', 'n' => 'Description'), array('k' => 'sc', 'n' => 'Price Point Schedule'), array('k' => 'st', 'n' => 'Active/Total'));
                        $data['entity_info'][] = $entity;
                        if ($request != 'all') {
            $data['entity_ids'] = $qry['id'];
        case 'getCompanyInfo':
            $sql_info = JSON_getCompanyInfo_build($qry);
            $limit_to = $sql_info['limit_to'];
            $sql = $sql_info['sql_full'] . " order by companyname asc limit {$limit_to}";
            $result = sql_query_read($sql) or dieLog(mysql_error() . " ~ {$sql}");
            $i = 0;
            $website_search_ids = "-1";
            $company_list = array();
            while ($company = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                $website_search_ids .= "," . $company['ui'];
                $company_list[] = $company;
            $sql = "select FOUND_ROWS()";
            $result = sql_query_read($sql) or dieLog(mysql_error() . " ~ {$sql}");
            $data['num_rows'] = mysql_result($result, 0, 0);
            $sql = "select cs_ID as ci,cs_name as cn,cs_company_ID as cui FROM `cs_company_sites` as cs \r\n\t\t\t where cs_company_ID in ({$website_search_ids}) order by cs_name";
            //	left join cs_transactiondetails td on cd . userId =td . userId
            // group by cd.userId
            $result = sql_query_read($sql) or dieLog(mysql_error() . " ~ {$sql}");
            $site_list = array();
            while ($site = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                $site_list[] = $site;
            $data['company_list'] = $company_list;
            $data['show_option_all'] = $sql_info['show_option_all'];
            $data['site_list'] = $site_list;
            $data['completion'] = $etel_completion_array;
        case 'getEVTransactionResults':
            $search_array = array('em' => 'email', 'cc' => 'CCNumber', 'rn' => 'reference_number', 'ss' => 'td_ss_ID');
            $limit_to = 50;
            if ($qry['search'] && $qry['searchby'] == 'cc') {
                $qry['search'] = etelEnc($qry['search']);
            if ($qry['search'] && $qry['searchby'] && $search_array[$qry['searchby']]) {
                $sql_where .= " and " . $search_array[$qry['searchby']] . " = '" . $qry['search'] . "'";
            $sql = "\r\n\t\t\t\tselect \r\n\t\t\t\t\tDate_Format(transactionDate,'%W %b %D %Y %H:%i:%s') as 'Date',\r\n\t\t\t\t\treference_number as 'Reference ID',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tconcat(name,' ',surname) as 'Full Name' ,\r\n\t\t\t\t\temail as 'Email Address',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tCONCAT(\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(status!='D',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(status='P','Pending', 'Approved'),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'Declined'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t) as 'Status',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif(td_is_a_rebill=1,' Rebilled Transaction',' New Order') as 'Type'\r\n\t\t\t\tfrom cs_transactiondetails as td\r\n\t\t\t\twhere \r\n\t\t\t\t\t1 {$sql_where} \r\n\t\t\t\torder by transactionDate desc\r\n\t\t\t\tlimit {$limit_to}\r\n\t\t\t\t";
            $result = sql_query_read($sql) or dieLog(mysql_error() . " ~ {$sql}");
            $data['output'] = "<table >\n";
            $i = 0;
            while ($trans = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                if ($i == 0) {
                    $data['output'] .= "  <tr class='default'>\n";
                    foreach ($trans as $field => $value) {
                        $data['output'] .= "    <td><b>{$field}</b></td>\n";
                    $data['output'] .= "  </tr>\n";
                $data['output'] .= "  <tr class='default' onclick='td_updateWith(\"" . $trans['Reference ID'] . "\")' onmouseout='td_highlightRow(this,0)' onmousemove='td_highlightRow(this,1)'>\n";
                foreach ($trans as $field => $value) {
                    $data['output'] .= "    <td>{$value}</td>\n";
                $data['output'] .= "  </tr>\n";
            $data['output'] .= "  <tr class='default'>\n    <td>({$i}) Results</td>\n  </tr>\n</table>";
            $data['func'] = NULL;
    foreach ($qry as $key => $value) {
        $data['json_query'] .= ($data['json_query'] ? "&" : "") . $key . '=' . $value;
    if (!$data['output']) {
    $data['duration'] = round(microtime_float() - $start_time, 4);
    return $data;
$access['Data']['trans_log']['InputAdditional'] = 'multiple="multiple" onchange=document.location.href="viewTransaction.php?ref="+this.value+"' . $addvar . '"';
$access['Data']['trans_log']['Input'] = 'selectcustom';
$access['Data']['trans_log']['Style'] = 'width:538px;';
$access['Data']['trans_log']['Rows'] = '10';
$access['Data']['trans_log']['DisplayName'] = 'History';
$access['Data']['trans_log']['ExcludeQuery'] = true;
$access['Data']['trans_log']['disable'] = false;
$access['Data']['trans_log']['Input_Custom'] = "Select reference_number, \t  \nCONCAT( \n\tDate_Format(transactionDate,'%W, %b %D, %Y at %k:%i:%s'),\n\t' - (',\n\treference_number,\n\t') ',\n\t\n\tif(td.status!='D',\n\t\tCONCAT(\n\t\t\tif(td.status='P','Pending','Approved'),\n\t\t\tCONCAT(' \$',format(td.amount,2),' - ',td.cardtype)\n\t\t),\n\t\t'Declined'\n\t)\n) as info\nFrom cs_transactiondetails as td where td_ss_ID = '{$ss_ID}' order by transactionDate desc limit 40";
if (!$ss_ID) {
$RF = new rates_fees();
//$r = $RF->update_transaction_profit($transactionId);
$profit = $RF->get_profit(array('EffectiveOnly' => false, 'where_trans' => array('td_ss_ID' => $ss_ID)), 2);
$row = 2;
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['RowDisplay'] = 'Wide';
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['Input'] = '';
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['disable'] = true;
$smarty->assign("Profit", $profit);
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['AddHtml'] = $smarty->fetch('cp_profitreport.tpl');
if ($_POST['submit_access'] == 'Submit') {
    $result = processAccessForm(&$access);
    if ($result) {
        $msg .= "Company Updated Successfully (" . $result['cnt'] . " Field(s))<BR>";
    } else {
        $msg .= "No Updates Detected<BR>";
    if ($_POST['update_manager']) {
        $subscription = new transaction_class(false);
Esempio n. 4
function get_month_profit($en_ID, $Month_Stamp = NULL)
    global $companyInfo;
    if (!$Month_Stamp) {
        $Month_Stamp = time();
    $RF = new rates_fees();
    $Month_FirstDay_Stamp = strtotime(date('Y-m-01', $Month_Stamp));
    $Month_FirstDay_WeekDay = intval(date('w', $Month_FirstDay_Stamp));
    $Month_NumberOfDays = intval(date('t', $Month_FirstDay_Stamp));
    $Month_Start_Stamp = $Month_FirstDay_Stamp - 60 * 60 * 24 * $Month_FirstDay_WeekDay;
    $Month_End_Stamp = $Month_FirstDay_Stamp + 60 * 60 * 24 * (ceil($Month_NumberOfDays / 7) * 7);
    $Current_Stamp = $Month_Start_Stamp;
    $Calendar = array();
    $Calendar['Notes'] = "This Calendar shows how much profit (after fees) is owed on each day.\n";
    $Calendar['PayDayInfo'] = en_get_payout_schedule($companyInfo);
    $PayDays = $Calendar['PayDayInfo']['DayArray'];
    $Calendar['MonthName'] = date('F', $Month_FirstDay_Stamp);
    $Profit = $RF->get_profit(array('hidepayout' => true, 'EffectiveOnly' => false, 'group_date' => true, 'date_between' => array('Start' => date('Y-m-d', $Month_Start_Stamp), 'End' => date('Y-m-d', $Month_End_Stamp - 1))), $en_ID);
    $Calendar['PayoutHistory'] = $RF->get_payouts(array('date_between' => array('Start' => date('Y-m-d', $Month_Start_Stamp), 'End' => date('Y-m-d', $Month_End_Stamp - 1))), $en_ID);
    $NextPayday = $Calendar['PayDayInfo']['NextPayDay'];
    $ProjectedPayment = $RF->get_profit(array('EffectiveOnly' => $NextPayday), $en_ID);
    if ($ProjectedPayment['Total']['Amount'] > 0) {
        $Calendar['Notes'] .= " Next Projected Settlement Date is on " . date('l F d, Y', strtotime($NextPayday)) . " for \$" . formatMoney($ProjectedPayment['Total']['Amount']) . "\n";
        $ProjectedPayment['Title'] = date('l F d, Y', strtotime($NextPayday)) . " Retroactive Projection Breakdown";
        foreach ($ProjectedPayment['Revenue'] as $key => $type) {
            $ProjectedPayment['Revenue'][$key]['Link'] = "ProfitSmart.php?frm_pt_pt_type%5B%5D=" . $key . "&frm_pt_pt_date_effective_from=2000-01-01&frm_pt_pt_date_effective_to=" . $NextPayday . "";
        foreach ($ProjectedPayment['Deductions'] as $key => $type) {
            $ProjectedPayment['Deductions'][$key]['Link'] = "ProfitSmart.php?frm_pt_pt_type%5B%5D=" . $key . "&frm_pt_pt_date_effective_from=2000-01-01&frm_pt_pt_date_effective_to=" . $NextPayday . "";
        $ProjectedPayment['Link'] = "ProfitSmart.php?frm_pt_pt_date_effective_from=2000-01-01&frm_pt_pt_date_effective_to=" . $NextPayday . "";
    while ($Current_Stamp < $Month_FirstDay_Stamp + 60 * 60 * 24 * $Month_NumberOfDays) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
            $Day = array('Date' => date('Y-m-d', $Current_Stamp), 'Num' => date('d', $Current_Stamp), 'CurMonth' => date('m', $Current_Stamp) == date('m', $Month_FirstDay_Stamp));
            if ($companyInfo['en_pay_type'] == 'Weekly') {
                $Day['PayDay'] = $PayDays[intval(date('w', $Current_Stamp))] ? true : false;
            if ($companyInfo['en_pay_type'] == 'Monthly') {
                $Day['PayDay'] = $PayDays[intval(date('d', $Current_Stamp))] ? true : false;
            $ProfitDay = $Profit['ByDate'][$Day['Date']];
            //$Day['Text'] = '<strong>Revenue</strong>:<br>&nbsp;$'.formatMoney($ProfitDay['Revenue']['Total']['Amount']).'<br>';
            //$Day['Text'] .= '<strong>Deductions</strong>:<br>&nbsp;$'.formatMoney($ProfitDay['Deductions']['Total']['Amount']).'<br>';
            $Day['Text'] .= "<a href='ProfitSmart.php?hideprofit=1&showdate=" . $Day['Date'] . "'>\$" . formatMoney($ProfitDay['Total']['Amount']) . "</a>";
            if ($Calendar['PayoutHistory'][$Day['Date']]) {
                $Day['Text'] .= '<br><b>Payment: <a href=\'SmartInvoiceView.php?InvoiceID=' . $Calendar['PayoutHistory'][$Day['Date']]['pa_ID'] . '\'>$' . formatMoney($Calendar['PayoutHistory'][$Day['Date']]['Amount']) . '</a></b>';
            } else {
                if ($Day['Date'] == $NextPayday && $ProjectedPayment['Total']['Amount'] > 0) {
                    $Day['Text'] .= '<br><b>Projected Payment: <a href=\'#Projection\'>$' . formatMoney($ProjectedPayment['Total']['Amount']) . '</a></b>';
                } else {
                    if (!$ProfitDay['Total']['Count']) {
                        $Day['Text'] = "No Activity";
            $Calendar['Week'][date('W', $Current_Stamp + 60 * 60 * 24)]['Day'][$i] = $Day;
            $Current_Stamp += 60 * 60 * 24;
    $Calendar['Profit'] = $Profit;
    $Calendar['ProjectedPayment'] = $ProjectedPayment;
    return $Calendar;
$access['Data']['ss_cancel_id']['DisplayName'] = 'Cancelation ID';
if (!$access['Data']['ss_cancel_id']['Value']) {
if (!$access['Data']['ss_billing_state']['Value']) {
if (!$access['Data']['Last_Rebill_Date']['Value']) {
$RF = new rates_fees();
$r = $RF->update_transaction_profit($transactionId, true);
$profit = $RF->get_profit(array('EffectiveOnly' => false, 'useTransTable' => true, 'where' => array('pa_trans_ID' => $transactionId)), 2);
if (!is_array($profit['Revenue'])) {
    $r = $RF->update_transaction_profit($transactionId);
    $profit = $RF->get_profit(array('EffectiveOnly' => false, 'useTransTable' => true, 'where' => array('pa_trans_ID' => $transactionId)), 2);
$row = 2;
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['RowDisplay'] = 'Wide';
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['Input'] = '';
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['disable'] = true;
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['DisplayName'] = false;
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['AddHtml'] .= $smarty->assign("Profit", $profit);
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['AddHtml'] = $smarty->fetch('cp_profitreport.tpl');
if ($_POST['submit_access'] == 'Submit') {
    $result = processAccessForm(&$access);
    if ($result) {
        $msg .= "Transaction Updated Successfully (" . $result['cnt'] . " Field(s))<BR>";
Esempio n. 6
$access['Data']['ss_cancel_id']['DisplayName'] = 'Cancelation ID';
if (!$access['Data']['ss_cancel_id']['Value']) {
if (!$access['Data']['ss_billing_state']['Value']) {
if (!$access['Data']['Last_Rebill_Date']['Value']) {
$RF = new rates_fees();
$r = $RF->update_transaction_profit($transactionId);
$profit = $RF->get_profit(array('EffectiveOnly' => false, 'where_trans' => array('pa_trans_ID' => $transactionId)), 2);
if ($profit['status'] === false) {
    //$r = $RF->update_transaction_profit($transactionId);
    //$profit = $RF->get_profit(array('EffectiveOnly'=>false,'where_trans'=>array('pa_trans_ID'=>$transactionId)),2);
$row = 2;
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['RowDisplay'] = 'Wide';
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['disable'] = true;
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['DisplayName'] = 'Breakdown';
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['AddHtml'] .= $smarty->assign("Profit", $profit);
$access['Data']['Breakdown']['AddHtml'] = $smarty->fetch('cp_profitreport.tpl');
if ($_POST['submit_access'] == 'Submit') {
    $result = processAccessForm(&$access);
    if ($result) {
        $msg .= "Transaction Updated Successfully (" . $result['cnt'] . " Field(s))<BR>";
    } else {