  * Analyse all the response data for for all the specified attempts at
  * this question.
  * @param $qubaids which attempts to consider.
 public function analyse($qubaids)
     // Load data.
     $dm = new question_engine_data_mapper();
     $questionattempts = $dm->load_attempts_at_question($this->questiondata->id, $qubaids);
     // Analyse it.
     foreach ($questionattempts as $qa) {
     $this->loaded = true;
Esempio n. 2
  * Display analysis of a particular question in this quiz.
  * @param object $question the row from the question table for the question to analyse.
 public function display_analysis($question)
     $dm = new question_engine_data_mapper();
     $this->attempts = $dm->load_attempts_at_question($question->id, $this->qubaids);
     // Setup useful internal arrays for report generation.
     $this->inputs = array_keys($question->inputs);
     $this->prts = array_keys($question->prts);
     // TODO: change this to be a list of all *deployed* notes, not just those *used*.
     $qnotes = array();
     foreach ($this->attempts as $qa) {
         $q = $qa->get_question();
         $qnotes[$q->get_question_summary()] = true;
     $this->qnotes = array_keys($qnotes);
     // Compute results.
     list($results, $answernoteresults, $answernoteresultsraw) = $this->input_report();
     list($validresults, $invalidresults) = $this->input_report_separate();
     // Display the results.
     // Overall results.
     $i = 0;
     $list = '';
     $tablehead = array();
     foreach ($this->qnotes as $qnote) {
         $list .= html_writer::tag('li', stack_ouput_castext($qnote));
         $tablehead[] = $i;
     $tablehead[] = format_string(get_string('questionreportingtotal', 'quiz_stack'));
     $tablehead = array_merge(array(''), $tablehead, $tablehead);
     echo html_writer::tag('p', get_string('notesused', 'quiz_stack'));
     echo html_writer::tag('ol', $list);
     // Complete anwernotes.
     $inputstable = new html_table();
     $inputstable->head = $tablehead;
     $data = array();
     foreach ($answernoteresults as $prt => $anotedata) {
         if (count($answernoteresults) > 1) {
             $inputstable->data[] = array(html_writer::tag('b', $this->prts[$prt]));
         $cstats = $this->column_stats($anotedata);
         foreach ($anotedata as $anote => $a) {
             $inputstable->data[] = array_merge(array($anote), $a, array(array_sum($a)), $cstats[$anote]);
     echo html_writer::tag('p', get_string('completenotes', 'quiz_stack'));
     echo html_writer::table($inputstable);
     // Split anwernotes.
     $inputstable = new html_table();
     $inputstable->head = $tablehead;
     foreach ($answernoteresultsraw as $prt => $anotedata) {
         if (count($answernoteresultsraw) > 1) {
             $inputstable->data[] = array(html_writer::tag('b', $this->prts[$prt]));
         $cstats = $this->column_stats($anotedata);
         foreach ($anotedata as $anote => $a) {
             $inputstable->data[] = array_merge(array($anote), $a, array(array_sum($a)), $cstats[$anote]);
     echo html_writer::tag('p', get_string('splitnotes', 'quiz_stack'));
     echo html_writer::table($inputstable);
     // Maxima analysis.
     $maxheader = array();
     $maxheader[] = "STACK input data for the question '" . $question->name . "'";
     $maxheader[] = new moodle_url($this->get_base_url(), array('questionid' => $question->id));
     $maxheader[] = "Data generated: " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $maximacode = $this->maxima_comment($maxheader);
     $maximacode .= "\ndisplay2d:true\$\nload(\"stackreporting\")\$\n";
     $maximacode .= "stackdata:[]\$\n";
     $variants = array();
     foreach ($this->qnotes as $qnote) {
         $variants[] = '"' . $qnote . '"';
     $inputs = array();
     foreach ($this->inputs as $input) {
         $inputs[] = $input;
     $anymaximadata = false;
     // Results for each question note.
     foreach ($this->qnotes as $qnote) {
         echo html_writer::tag('h2', get_string('variantx', 'quiz_stack') . stack_ouput_castext($qnote));
         $inputstable = new html_table();
         $inputstable->attributes['class'] = 'generaltable stacktestsuite';
         $inputstable->head = array_merge(array(get_string('questionreportingsummary', 'quiz_stack'), '', get_string('questionreportingscore', 'quiz_stack')), $this->prts);
         foreach ($results[$qnote] as $dsummary => $summary) {
             foreach ($summary as $key => $res) {
                 $inputstable->data[] = array_merge(array($dsummary, $res['count'], $res['fraction']), $res['answernotes']);
         echo html_writer::table($inputstable);
         // Separate out inputs and look at validity.
         $validresultsdata = array();
         foreach ($this->inputs as $input) {
             $inputstable = new html_table();
             $inputstable->attributes['class'] = 'generaltable stacktestsuite';
             $inputstable->head = array($input, '', '', '');
             foreach ($validresults[$qnote][$input] as $key => $res) {
                 $validresultsdata[$input][] = $key;
                 $inputstable->data[] = array($key, $res, get_string('inputstatusnamevalid', 'qtype_stack'), '');
                 $inputstable->rowclasses[] = 'pass';
             foreach ($invalidresults[$qnote][$input] as $key => $res) {
                 $inputstable->data[] = array($key, $res[0], get_string('inputstatusnameinvalid', 'qtype_stack'), $res[1]);
                 $inputstable->rowclasses[] = 'fail';
             echo html_writer::table($inputstable);
         // Maxima analysis.
         $maximacode .= "\n/* " . $qnote . ' */ ' . "\n";
         foreach ($this->inputs as $input) {
             if (array_key_exists($input, $validresultsdata)) {
                 $maximacode .= $this->maxima_list_create($validresultsdata[$input], $input);
                 $anymaximadata = true;
         $maximacode .= "stackdata:append(stackdata,[[" . implode(',', $inputs) . "]])\$\n";
     // Maxima analysis at the end.
     if ($anymaximadata) {
         $maximacode .= "\n/* Reset input names */\nkill(" . implode(',', $inputs) . ")\$\n";
         $maximacode .= $this->maxima_list_create($variants, 'variants');
         $maximacode .= $this->maxima_list_create($inputs, 'inputs');
         $maximacode .= "\n/* Perform the analysis. */\nstack_analysis(stackdata)\$\n";
         echo html_writer::tag('h3', get_string('maximacode', 'quiz_stack'));
         echo html_writer::tag('p', get_string('offlineanalysis', 'quiz_stack'));
         $rows = count(explode("\n", $maximacode)) + 2;
         echo html_writer::tag('textarea', $maximacode, array('readonly' => 'readonly', 'wrap' => 'virtual', 'rows' => $rows, 'cols' => '160'));
Esempio n. 3
  * Analyse all the response data for for all the specified attempts at this question.
  * @param \qubaid_condition $qubaids which attempts to consider.
  * @param string $whichtries         which tries to analyse. Will be one of
  *                                   \question_attempt::FIRST_TRY, LAST_TRY or ALL_TRIES.
  * @return analysis_for_question
 public function calculate($qubaids, $whichtries = \question_attempt::LAST_TRY)
     // Load data.
     $dm = new \question_engine_data_mapper();
     $questionattempts = $dm->load_attempts_at_question($this->questiondata->id, $qubaids);
     // Analyse it.
     foreach ($questionattempts as $qa) {
         $responseparts = $qa->classify_response($whichtries);
         if ($this->breakdownbyvariant) {
             $this->analysis->count_response_parts($qa->get_variant(), $responseparts);
         } else {
             $this->analysis->count_response_parts(1, $responseparts);
     $this->analysis->cache($qubaids, $whichtries, $this->questiondata->id);
     return $this->analysis;
Esempio n. 4
  * Analyse all the response data for for all the specified attempts at
  * this question.
  * @param \qubaid_condition $qubaids which attempts to consider.
  * @return analysis_for_question
 public function calculate($qubaids)
     // Load data.
     $dm = new \question_engine_data_mapper();
     $questionattempts = $dm->load_attempts_at_question($this->questiondata->id, $qubaids);
     // Analyse it.
     foreach ($questionattempts as $qa) {
         $responseparts = $qa->classify_response();
     $this->analysis->cache($qubaids, $this->questiondata->id);
     return $this->analysis;