Esempio n. 1
 * Prints a list of quiz questions for the edit.php main view for edit
 * ($reordertool = false) and order and paging ($reordertool = true) tabs
 * @param object $quiz This is not the standard quiz object used elsewhere but
 *     it contains the quiz layout in $quiz->questions and the grades in
 *     $quiz->grades
 * @param moodle_url $pageurl The url of the current page with the parameters required
 *     for links returning to the current page, as a moodle_url object
 * @param bool $allowdelete Indicates whether the delete icons should be displayed
 * @param bool $reordertool  Indicates whether the reorder tool should be displayed
 * @param bool $quiz_qbanktool  Indicates whether the question bank should be displayed
 * @param bool $hasattempts  Indicates whether the quiz has attempts
 * @param object $defaultcategoryobj
 * @param bool $canaddquestion is the user able to add and use questions anywere?
 * @param bool $canaddrandom is the user able to add random questions anywere?
function quiz_print_question_list($quiz, $pageurl, $allowdelete, $reordertool,
        $quiz_qbanktool, $hasattempts, $defaultcategoryobj, $canaddquestion, $canaddrandom) {
    global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
    $strorder = get_string('order');
    $strquestionname = get_string('questionname', 'quiz');
    $strmaxmark = get_string('markedoutof', 'question');
    $strremove = get_string('remove', 'quiz');
    $stredit = get_string('edit');
    $strview = get_string('view');
    $straction = get_string('action');
    $strmove = get_string('move');
    $strmoveup = get_string('moveup');
    $strmovedown = get_string('movedown');
    $strsave = get_string('save', 'quiz');
    $strreorderquestions = get_string('reorderquestions', 'quiz');

    $strselectall = get_string('selectall', 'quiz');
    $strselectnone = get_string('selectnone', 'quiz');
    $strtype = get_string('type', 'quiz');
    $strpreview = get_string('preview', 'quiz');

    if ($quiz->questions) {
        list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(explode(',', $quiz->questions));
        $params[] = $quiz->id;
        $questions = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT q.*, qc.contextid, qqi.grade as maxmark
                              FROM {question} q
                              JOIN {question_categories} qc ON = q.category
                              JOIN {quiz_question_instances} qqi ON qqi.question =
                             WHERE $usql AND qqi.quiz = ?", $params);
    } else {
        $questions = array();

    $layout = quiz_clean_layout($quiz->questions);
    $order = explode(',', $layout);
    $lastindex = count($order) - 1;

    $disabled = '';
    $pagingdisabled = '';
    if ($hasattempts) {
        $disabled = 'disabled="disabled"';
    if ($hasattempts || $quiz->shufflequestions) {
        $pagingdisabled = 'disabled="disabled"';

    $reordercontrolssetdefaultsubmit = '<div style="display:none;">' .
        '<input type="submit" name="savechanges" value="' .
        $strreorderquestions . '" ' . $pagingdisabled . ' /></div>';
    $reordercontrols1 = '<div class="addnewpagesafterselected">' .
        '<input type="submit" name="addnewpagesafterselected" value="' .
        get_string('addnewpagesafterselected', 'quiz') . '"  ' .
        $pagingdisabled . ' /></div>';
    $reordercontrols1 .= '<div class="quizdeleteselected">' .
        '<input type="submit" name="quizdeleteselected" ' .
        'onclick="return confirm(\'' .
        get_string('areyousureremoveselected', 'quiz') . '\');" value="' .
        get_string('removeselected', 'quiz') . '"  ' . $disabled . ' /></div>';

    $a = '<input name="moveselectedonpagetop" type="text" size="2" ' .
        $pagingdisabled . ' />';
    $b = '<input name="moveselectedonpagebottom" type="text" size="2" ' .
        $pagingdisabled . ' />';

    $reordercontrols2top = '<div class="moveselectedonpage">' .
        get_string('moveselectedonpage', 'quiz', $a) .
        '<input type="submit" name="savechanges" value="' .
        $strmove . '"  ' . $pagingdisabled . ' />' . '
        <br /><input type="submit" name="savechanges" value="' .
        $strreorderquestions . '" /></div>';
    $reordercontrols2bottom = '<div class="moveselectedonpage">' .
        '<input type="submit" name="savechanges" value="' .
        $strreorderquestions . '" /><br />' .
        get_string('moveselectedonpage', 'quiz', $b) .
        '<input type="submit" name="savechanges" value="' .
        $strmove . '"  ' . $pagingdisabled . ' /> ' . '</div>';

    $reordercontrols3 = '<a href="javascript:select_all_in(\'FORM\', null, ' .
            '\'quizquestions\');">' .
            $strselectall . '</a> /';
    $reordercontrols3.=    ' <a href="javascript:deselect_all_in(\'FORM\', ' .
            'null, \'quizquestions\');">' .
            $strselectnone . '</a>';

    $reordercontrolstop = '<div class="reordercontrols">' .
            $reordercontrolssetdefaultsubmit .
            $reordercontrols1 . $reordercontrols2top . $reordercontrols3 . "</div>";
    $reordercontrolsbottom = '<div class="reordercontrols">' .
            $reordercontrolssetdefaultsubmit .
            $reordercontrols2bottom . $reordercontrols1 . $reordercontrols3 . "</div>";

    if ($reordertool) {
        echo '<form method="post" action="edit.php" id="quizquestions"><div>';

        echo html_writer::input_hidden_params($pageurl);
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="' . sesskey() . '" />';

        echo $reordercontrolstop;

    // The current question ordinal (no descriptions).
    $qno = 1;
    // The current question (includes questions and descriptions).
    $questioncount = 0;
    // The current page number in iteration.
    $pagecount = 0;

    $pageopen = false;

    $returnurl = $pageurl->out_as_local_url(false);
    $questiontotalcount = count($order);

    foreach ($order as $count => $qnum) {

        $reordercheckbox = '';
        $reordercheckboxlabel = '';
        $reordercheckboxlabelclose = '';

        // If the questiontype is missing change the question type.
        if ($qnum && !array_key_exists($qnum, $questions)) {
            $fakequestion = new stdClass();
            $fakequestion->id = $qnum;
            $fakequestion->category = 0;
            $fakequestion->qtype = 'missingtype';
            $fakequestion->name = get_string('missingquestion', 'quiz');
            $fakequestion->questiontext = ' ';
            $fakequestion->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML;
            $fakequestion->length = 1;
            $questions[$qnum] = $fakequestion;
            $quiz->grades[$qnum] = 0;

        } else if ($qnum && !question_bank::qtype_exists($questions[$qnum]->qtype)) {
            $questions[$qnum]->qtype = 'missingtype';

        if ($qnum != 0 || ($qnum == 0 && !$pageopen)) {
            // This is either a question or a page break after another (no page is currently open).
            if (!$pageopen) {
                // If no page is open, start display of a page.
                echo  '<div class="quizpage"><span class="pagetitle">' .
                        get_string('page') . '&nbsp;' . $pagecount .
                        '</span><div class="pagecontent">';
                $pageopen = true;
            if ($qnum == 0  && $count < $questiontotalcount) {
                // This is the second successive page break. Tell the user the page is empty.
                echo '<div class="pagestatus">';
                print_string('noquestionsonpage', 'quiz');
                echo '</div>';
                if ($allowdelete) {
                    echo '<div class="quizpagedelete">';
                    echo $OUTPUT->action_icon($pageurl->out(true,
                            array('deleteemptypage' => $count - 1, 'sesskey'=>sesskey())),
                            new pix_icon('t/delete', $strremove),
                            new component_action('click',
                            array('title' => $strremove));
                    echo '</div>';

            if ($qnum != 0) {
                $question = $questions[$qnum];
                $questionparams = array(
                        'returnurl' => $returnurl,
                        'cmid' => $quiz->cmid,
                        'id' => $question->id);
                $questionurl = new moodle_url('/question/question.php',

                // This is an actual question.
<div class="question">
    <div class="questioncontainer <?php echo $question->qtype; ?>">
        <div class="qnum">
                $reordercheckbox = '';
                $reordercheckboxlabel = '';
                $reordercheckboxlabelclose = '';
                if ($reordertool) {
                    $reordercheckbox = '<input type="checkbox" name="s' . $question->id .
                        '" id="s' . $question->id . '" />';
                    $reordercheckboxlabel = '<label for="s' . $question->id . '">';
                    $reordercheckboxlabelclose = '</label>';
                if ($question->length == 0) {
                    $qnodisplay = get_string('infoshort', 'quiz');
                } else if ($quiz->shufflequestions) {
                    $qnodisplay = '?';
                } else {
                    if ($qno > 999 || ($reordertool && $qno > 99)) {
                        $qnodisplay = html_writer::tag('small', $qno);
                    } else {
                        $qnodisplay = $qno;
                    $qno += $question->length;
                echo $reordercheckboxlabel . $qnodisplay . $reordercheckboxlabelclose .

        <div class="content">
            <div class="questioncontrols">
                if ($count != 0) {
                    if (!$hasattempts) {
                        $upbuttonclass = '';
                        if ($count >= $lastindex - 1) {
                            $upbuttonclass = 'upwithoutdown';
                        echo $OUTPUT->action_icon($pageurl->out(true,
                                array('up' => $question->id, 'sesskey'=>sesskey())),
                                new pix_icon('t/up', $strmoveup),
                                new component_action('click',
                                array('title' => $strmoveup));

                if ($count < $lastindex - 1) {
                    if (!$hasattempts) {
                        echo $OUTPUT->action_icon($pageurl->out(true,
                                array('down' => $question->id, 'sesskey'=>sesskey())),
                                new pix_icon('t/down', $strmovedown),
                                new component_action('click',
                                array('title' => $strmovedown));
                if ($allowdelete && ($question->qtype == 'missingtype' ||
                        question_has_capability_on($question, 'use', $question->category))) {
                    // Remove from quiz, not question delete.
                    if (!$hasattempts) {
                        echo $OUTPUT->action_icon($pageurl->out(true,
                                array('remove' => $question->id, 'sesskey'=>sesskey())),
                                new pix_icon('t/delete', $strremove),
                                new component_action('click',
                                array('title' => $strremove));
                if (!in_array($question->qtype, array('description', 'missingtype')) && !$reordertool) {
<div class="points">
<form method="post" action="edit.php" class="quizsavegradesform"><div>
    <fieldset class="invisiblefieldset" style="display: block;">
    <label for="<?php echo "inputq$question->id" ?>"><?php echo $strmaxmark; ?></label>:<br />
    <input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="<?php echo sesskey() ?>" />
    <?php echo html_writer::input_hidden_params($pageurl); ?>
    <input type="hidden" name="savechanges" value="save" />
                    echo '<input type="text" name="g' . $question->id .
                            '" id="inputq' . $question->id .
                            '" size="' . ($quiz->decimalpoints + 2) .
                            '" value="' . (0 + $quiz->grades[$qnum]) .
                            '" tabindex="' . ($lastindex + $qno) . '" />';
        <input type="submit" class="pointssubmitbutton" value="<?php echo $strsave; ?>" />
                    if ($question->qtype == 'random') {
                        echo '<a href="' . $questionurl->out() .
                                '" class="configurerandomquestion">' .
                                get_string("configurerandomquestion", "quiz") . '</a>';


                } else if ($reordertool) {
                    if ($qnum) {
<div class="qorder">
                        echo '<input type="text" name="o' . $question->id .
                                '" size="2" value="' . (10*$count + 10) .
                                '" tabindex="' . ($lastindex + $qno) . '" />';
            <div class="questioncontentcontainer">
                if ($question->qtype == 'random') { // It is a random question.
                    if (!$reordertool) {
                        quiz_print_randomquestion($question, $pageurl, $quiz, $quiz_qbanktool);
                    } else {
                        quiz_print_randomquestion_reordertool($question, $pageurl, $quiz);
                } else { // It is a single question.
                    if (!$reordertool) {
                        quiz_print_singlequestion($question, $returnurl, $quiz);
                    } else {
                        quiz_print_singlequestion_reordertool($question, $returnurl, $quiz);

        // A page break: end the existing page.
        if ($qnum == 0) {
            if ($pageopen) {
                if (!$reordertool && !($quiz->shufflequestions &&
                        $count < $questiontotalcount - 1)) {
                    quiz_print_pagecontrols($quiz, $pageurl, $pagecount,
                            $hasattempts, $defaultcategoryobj, $canaddquestion, $canaddrandom);
                } else if ($count < $questiontotalcount - 1) {
                    // Do not include the last page break for reordering
                    // to avoid creating a new extra page in the end.
                    echo '<input type="hidden" name="opg' . $pagecount . '" size="2" value="' .
                            (10*$count + 10) . '" />';
                echo "</div></div>";

                if (!$reordertool && !$quiz->shufflequestions) {
                    echo $OUTPUT->container_start('addpage');
                    $url = new moodle_url($pageurl->out_omit_querystring(),
                            array('cmid' => $quiz->cmid, 'courseid' => $quiz->course,
                                    'addpage' => $count, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
                    echo $OUTPUT->single_button($url, get_string('addpagehere', 'quiz'), 'post',
                            array('disabled' => $hasattempts,
                            'actions' => array(new component_action('click',
                    echo $OUTPUT->container_end();
                $pageopen = false;

    if ($reordertool) {
        echo $reordercontrolsbottom;
        echo '</div></form>';
Esempio n. 2
  * Used by populate. Make up fake data for any missing questions.
  * @param \stdClass[] $slots the data about the slots and questions in the quiz.
  * @return \stdClass[] updated $slots array.
 protected function populate_missing_questions($slots)
     // Address missing question types.
     foreach ($slots as $slot) {
         if ($slot->qtype === null) {
             // If the questiontype is missing change the question type.
             $slot->id = $slot->questionid;
             $slot->category = 0;
             $slot->qtype = 'missingtype';
             $slot->name = get_string('missingquestion', 'quiz');
             $slot->slot = $slot->slot;
             $slot->maxmark = 0;
             $slot->requireprevious = 0;
             $slot->questiontext = ' ';
             $slot->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML;
             $slot->length = 1;
         } else {
             if (!\question_bank::qtype_exists($slot->qtype)) {
                 $slot->qtype = 'missingtype';
     return $slots;