/** * Singleton pattern * * @return pspW3C_HTMLValidator Singleton instance */ public static function getInstance() { if (!self::$_instance) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; }
<?php /* * Define class pspW3C_HTMLValidator * Make sure you skip down to the end of this file, as there are a few * lines of code that are very important. */ !defined('ABSPATH') and exit; // load the modules managers class $module_class_path = $module['folder_path'] . 'app.class.php'; if (is_file($module_class_path)) { require_once 'app.class.php'; // Initalize the your aaModulesManger $pspW3C_HTMLValidator = new pspW3C_HTMLValidator($this->cfg, $module); // print the lists interface echo $pspW3C_HTMLValidator->printSearchInterface(); }
public function pspW3CValidate() { require_once $this->cfg['modules']['W3C_HTMLValidator']['folder_path'] . 'app.class.php'; $pspW3C_HTMLValidator = new pspW3C_HTMLValidator($this->cfg, $module); $pspW3C_HTMLValidator->validateLink(); }