Esempio n. 1
foreach ($FleetArray as $Ships => $Count) {
    if ($Count > $planetrow[$resource[$Ships]]) {
        $ResultMessage = "611; " . $lang['fa_no_ships'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles;
if ($PrNoobTime < 1) {
    $PrNoobTime = 9999999999999999;
if ($TargetVacat && $_POST['mission'] != 8) {
    $ResultMessage = "605; " . $lang['fa_vacation_mode'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles;
include_once "./includes/functions/classes/class.noobs.php";
$noobs = new proteccion_noob();
$noobs->prin = $CurrentPoints;
$noobs->mission = $_POST['mission'];
$noobs->seco = $TargetPoints;
$noobs->vacation = $TargetUser['urlaubs_modus'];
$noobs_users = $noobs->check();
if ($noobs_users['status']) {
    $span = explode("_", $noobs_users['lang_g']);
    $array = array("s" => 604, "w" => 603, "v" => 620);
    $ResultMessage = "{$array[$span[1]]}; " . $lang[$noobs_users['lang_f']] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles;
	$ResultMessage = "620; ".$lang['fa_vacation_mode_current']." |".$CurrentFlyingFleets." ".$UserSpyProbes." ".$UserRecycles." ".$UserMissiles;
Esempio n. 2
function ShowFleet3Page($CurrentUser, &$CurrentPlanet)
    global $resource, $pricelist, $reslist, $phpEx, $lang, $svn_root, $db, $displays;
    include_once $svn_root . 'includes/functions/IsVacationMode.' . $phpEx;
    //$parse = $lang;
    if (IsVacationMode($CurrentUser)) {
        exit($displays->message($lang['fl_vacation_mode_active'], "game.php?page=overview", 2));
    $fleet_group_mr = 0;
    if ($_POST['fleet_group'] != 0) {
        if ($_POST['mission'] == 2) {
            $aks_count_mr = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id = '" . $_POST['fleet_group'] . "'", 'sac');
            if (mysql_num_rows($aks_count_mr) > 0) {
                $fleet_group_mr = $_POST['fleet_group'];
    if ($_POST['fleet_group'] == 0 && $_POST['mission'] == 2) {
        $_POST['mission'] = 1;
    $TargetPlanet = $db->query("SELECT `id_owner`,`id_level`,`destruyed`,`ally_deposit` FROM {{table}} WHERE `galaxy` = '" . $_POST['galaxy'] . "' AND `system` = '" . $_POST['system'] . "' AND `planet` = '" . $_POST['planet'] . "' AND `planet_type` = '" . $_POST['planettype'] . "';", 'planets', true);
    $MyDBRec = $db->query("SELECT `id`,`onlinetime`,`ally_id`,`urlaubs_modus` FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '" . $CurrentUser['id'] . "';", 'users', true);
    $protection = $db->game_config['noobprotection'];
    $protectiontime = $db->game_config['noobprotectiontime'];
    $protectionmulti = $db->game_config['noobprotectionmulti'];
    if ($protectiontime < 1) {
        $protectiontime = 9999999999999999;
    $fleetarray = unserialize(base64_decode(str_rot13($_POST["usedfleet"])));
    if ($TargetPlanet["destruyed"] != 0) {
        exit(header("Location: game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
    if (!is_array($fleetarray)) {
        exit(header("Location: game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
    foreach ($fleetarray as $Ship => $Count) {
        if ($Count > $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Ship]]) {
            exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
    $error = 0;
    $galaxy = intval($_POST['galaxy']);
    $system = intval($_POST['system']);
    $planet = intval($_POST['planet']);
    $planettype = intval($_POST['planettype']);
    $fleetmission = $_POST['mission'];
    if ($planettype != 1 && $planettype != 2 && $planettype != 3) {
        exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
    if ($fleetmission == 8) {
        $YourPlanet = false;
        $UsedPlanet = false;
        $select = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE galaxy = '" . $galaxy . "' AND system = '" . $system . "' AND planet = '" . $planet . "'", "planets");
    } else {
        $YourPlanet = false;
        $UsedPlanet = false;
        $select = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE galaxy = '" . $galaxy . "' AND system = '" . $system . "' AND planet = '" . $planet . "' AND planet_type = '" . $planettype . "'", "planets");
    if ($CurrentPlanet['galaxy'] == $galaxy && $CurrentPlanet['system'] == $system && $CurrentPlanet['planet'] == $planet && $CurrentPlanet['planet_type'] == $planettype) {
        exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
    if ($_POST['mission'] != 15) {
        if (mysql_num_rows($select) < 1 && $fleetmission != 7) {
            exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
        } elseif ($fleetmission == 9 && mysql_num_rows($select) < 1) {
            exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
    } else {
        $MaxExpedition = $CurrentUser[$resource[124]];
        if ($MaxExpedition >= 1) {
            $maxexpde = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(fleet_owner) AS `expedi` FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_owner` = '" . $CurrentUser['id'] . "' AND `fleet_mission` = '15';", 'fleets', true);
            $ExpeditionEnCours = $maxexpde['expedi'];
            $EnvoiMaxExpedition = 1 + floor($MaxExpedition / 3);
        } else {
            $ExpeditionEnCours = 0;
            $EnvoiMaxExpedition = 0;
        if ($EnvoiMaxExpedition == 0) {
            $displays->message("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . $lang['fl_expedition_tech_required'] . "</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);
        } elseif ($ExpeditionEnCours >= $EnvoiMaxExpedition) {
            $displays->message("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . $lang['fl_expedition_fleets_limit'] . "</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);
    $select = mysql_fetch_array($select);
    if ($select['id_owner'] == $CurrentUser['id']) {
        $YourPlanet = true;
        $UsedPlanet = true;
    } elseif (!empty($select['id_owner'])) {
        $YourPlanet = false;
        $UsedPlanet = true;
    } else {
        $YourPlanet = false;
        $UsedPlanet = false;
    if (empty($fleetmission)) {
        exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
    if ($TargetPlanet['id_owner'] == '') {
        $HeDBRec = $MyDBRec;
    } elseif ($TargetPlanet['id_owner'] != '') {
        $HeDBRec = $db->query("SELECT `id`,`onlinetime`,`ally_id`,`urlaubs_modus` FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '" . $TargetPlanet['id_owner'] . "';", 'users', true);
    $UserPoints = $db->query("SELECT `total_points` FROM {{table}} WHERE `stat_type` = '1' AND `stat_code` = '1' AND `id_owner` = '" . $MyDBRec['id'] . "';", 'statpoints', true);
    $User2Points = $db->query("SELECT `total_points` FROM {{table}} WHERE `stat_type` = '1' AND `stat_code` = '1' AND `id_owner` = '" . $HeDBRec['id'] . "';", 'statpoints', true);
    $MyGameLevel = $UserPoints['total_points'];
    $HeGameLevel = $User2Points['total_points'];
    include_once "./includes/functions/classes/class.noobs.php";
    $noobs = new proteccion_noob();
    $noobs->prin = $MyGameLevel;
    $noobs->mission = $_POST['mission'];
    $noobs->seco = $HeGameLevel;
    $noobs->vacation = $HeDBRec['urlaubs_modus'];
    $noobs_users = $noobs->check();
    if ($noobs_users['status']) {
        $span = explode("_", $noobs_users['lang_g']);
        $array = array("s" => "red", "w" => "lime", "v" => "lime");
        //$ResultMessage = "{$array[$span[1]]}; ".$lang[$noobs_users['lang_f']]." |".$CurrentFlyingFleets." ".$UserSpyProbes." ".$UserRecycles." ".$UserMissiles;
        //die ( $ResultMessage );
        $displays->message("<font color=\"{$array[$span[1]]}\"><b>" . $lang[$noobs_users['lang_f']] . "</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);
    	if($HeDBRec['onlinetime'] >= (time()-60 * 60 * 24 * 7))
    		if ($MyGameLevel > ($HeGameLevel * $protectionmulti)
    			&& $TargetPlanet['id_owner'] != ''
    			&& ($_POST['mission'] == 1 or $_POST['mission'] == 6 or $_POST['mission'] == 9)
    			&& $protection == 1
    			&& $HeGameLevel < ($protectiontime * 1000))
    			$displays->message("<font color=\"lime\"><b>".$lang['fl_week_player']."</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);
    		if (($MyGameLevel * $protectionmulti) < $HeGameLevel
    			&& $TargetPlanet['id_owner'] != ''
    			&& ($_POST['mission'] == 1 or $_POST['mission'] == 5 or $_POST['mission'] == 6 or $_POST['mission'] == 9)
    			&& $protection == 1
    			&& $MyGameLevel < ($protectiontime * 1000))
    			$displays->message("<font color=\"red\"><b>".$lang['fl_strong_player']."</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);
    	if ($HeDBRec['urlaubs_modus'] && $_POST['mission'] != 8)
    		$displays->message("<font color=\"lime\"><b>".$lang['fl_in_vacation_player']."</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);
    $FlyingFleets = mysql_fetch_assoc($db->query("SELECT COUNT(fleet_id) as Number FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_owner`='{$CurrentUser['id']}'", 'fleets'));
    $ActualFleets = $FlyingFleets["Number"];
    if (1 + $CurrentUser[$resource[108]] + $CurrentUser['rpg_commandant'] * 3 <= $ActualFleets) {
        $displays->message($lang['fl_no_slots'], "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 1);
    if ($_POST['resource1'] + $_POST['resource2'] + $_POST['resource3'] < 1 && $_POST['mission'] == 3) {
        $displays->message("<font color=\"lime\"><b>" . $lang['fl_empty_transport'] . "</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 1);
    if ($_POST['mission'] != 15) {
        if ($TargetPlanet['id_owner'] == '' && $_POST['mission'] < 7) {
            exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
        if ($TargetPlanet['id_owner'] != '' && $_POST['mission'] == 7) {
            $displays->message("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . $lang['fl_planet_populed'] . "</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);
        if ($HeDBRec['ally_id'] != $MyDBRec['ally_id'] && $_POST['mission'] == 4) {
            $displays->message("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . $lang['fl_stay_not_on_enemy'] . "</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);
        if ($TargetPlanet['ally_deposit'] < 1 && $HeDBRec != $MyDBRec && $_POST['mission'] == 5) {
            $displays->message("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . $lang['fl_not_ally_deposit'] . "</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);
        if ($TargetPlanet["id_owner"] == $CurrentPlanet["id_owner"] && ($_POST["mission"] == 1 or $_POST["mission"] == 6)) {
            exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
        if ($TargetPlanet["id_owner"] != $CurrentPlanet["id_owner"] && $_POST["mission"] == 4) {
            $displays->message("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . $lang['fl_deploy_only_your_planets'] . "</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);
    $missiontype = array(1 => $lang['type_mission'][1], 2 => $lang['type_mission'][2], 3 => $lang['type_mission'][3], 4 => $lang['type_mission'][4], 5 => $lang['type_mission'][5], 6 => $lang['type_mission'][6], 7 => $lang['type_mission'][7], 8 => $lang['type_mission'][8], 9 => $lang['type_mission'][9], 15 => $lang['type_mission'][15]);
    $speed_possible = array(10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1);
    $AllFleetSpeed = GetFleetMaxSpeed($fleetarray, 0, $CurrentUser);
    $GenFleetSpeed = $_POST['speed'];
    $SpeedFactor = $_POST['speedfactor'];
    $MaxFleetSpeed = min($AllFleetSpeed);
    if (!in_array($GenFleetSpeed, $speed_possible)) {
        exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
    if ($MaxFleetSpeed != $_POST['speedallsmin']) {
        exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
    if (!$_POST['planettype']) {
        exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
    if (!$_POST['galaxy'] || !is_numeric($_POST['galaxy']) || $_POST['galaxy'] > MAX_GALAXY_IN_WORLD || $_POST['galaxy'] < 1) {
        exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
    if (!$_POST['system'] || !is_numeric($_POST['system']) || $_POST['system'] > MAX_SYSTEM_IN_GALAXY || $_POST['system'] < 1) {
        exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
    if (!$_POST['planet'] || !is_numeric($_POST['planet']) || $_POST['planet'] > MAX_PLANET_IN_SYSTEM + 1 || $_POST['planet'] < 1) {
        exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
    if ($_POST['thisgalaxy'] != $CurrentPlanet['galaxy'] | $_POST['thissystem'] != $CurrentPlanet['system'] | $_POST['thisplanet'] != $CurrentPlanet['planet'] | $_POST['thisplanettype'] != $CurrentPlanet['planet_type']) {
        exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
    if (!isset($fleetarray)) {
        exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
    $distance = GetTargetDistance($_POST['thisgalaxy'], $_POST['galaxy'], $_POST['thissystem'], $_POST['system'], $_POST['thisplanet'], $_POST['planet']);
    $duration = GetMissionDuration($GenFleetSpeed, $MaxFleetSpeed, $distance, $SpeedFactor);
    $consumption = GetFleetConsumption($fleetarray, $SpeedFactor, $duration, $distance, $MaxFleetSpeed, $CurrentUser);
    $fleet['start_time'] = $duration + time();
    if ($_POST['mission'] == 15) {
        $StayDuration = $_POST['expeditiontime'] * 3600;
        $StayTime = $fleet['start_time'] + $_POST['expeditiontime'] * 3600;
    } elseif ($_POST['mission'] == 5) {
        $StayDuration = $_POST['holdingtime'] * 3600;
        $StayTime = $fleet['start_time'] + $_POST['holdingtime'] * 3600;
    } else {
        $StayDuration = 0;
        $StayTime = 0;
    $StorageNeeded = 0;
    $_POST['resource1'] = max(0, (int) trim($_POST['resource1']));
    $_POST['resource2'] = max(0, (int) trim($_POST['resource2']));
    $_POST['resource3'] = max(0, (int) trim($_POST['resource3']));
    if ($_POST['resource1'] < 1) {
        $TransMetal = 0;
    } else {
        $TransMetal = $_POST['resource1'];
        $StorageNeeded += $TransMetal;
    if ($_POST['resource2'] < 1) {
        $TransCrystal = 0;
    } else {
        $TransCrystal = $_POST['resource2'];
        $StorageNeeded += $TransCrystal;
    if ($_POST['resource3'] < 1) {
        $TransDeuterium = 0;
    } else {
        $TransDeuterium = $_POST['resource3'];
        $StorageNeeded += $TransDeuterium;
    $FleetShipCount = 0;
    $FleetStorage = 0;
    $fleet_array = "";
    foreach ($fleetarray as $Ship => $Count) {
        $fleet_array .= $Ship . "," . $Count . ";";
        $FleetStorage += $pricelist[$Ship]["capacity"] * $Count;
        $FleetShipCount += $Count;
        $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Ship]] = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Ship]] - $Count;
    $StockMetal = $CurrentPlanet['metal'];
    $StockCrystal = $CurrentPlanet['crystal'];
    $StockDeuterium = $CurrentPlanet['deuterium'];
    $StockDeuterium -= $consumption;
    $StockOk = false;
    if ($StockMetal >= $TransMetal) {
        if ($StockCrystal >= $TransCrystal) {
            if ($StockDeuterium >= $TransDeuterium) {
                $StockOk = true;
    if (!$StockOk) {
        $displays->message("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . $lang['fl_no_enought_deuterium'] . pretty_number($consumption) . "</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);
    if ($StorageNeeded > $FleetStorage) {
        $displays->message("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . $lang['fl_no_enought_cargo_capacity'] . pretty_number($StorageNeeded - $FleetStorage) . "</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);
    if ($TargetPlanet['id_level'] > $CurrentUser['authlevel'] && $db->game_config['adm_attack'] == 0) {
        $displays->message($lang['fl_admins_cannot_be_attacked'], "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);
    $fleet['end_time'] = $StayDuration + 2 * $duration + time();
    if ($fleet_group_mr != 0) {
        $AksStartTime = mysql_fetch_array($db->query("SELECT MAX(`fleet_start_time`) AS Start, MAX(`fleet_end_time`) AS End FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_group` = '" . $fleet_group_mr . "';", 'fleets'));
        if ($AksStartTime['Start'] > $fleet['start_time']) {
            $fleet['start_time'] = $AksStartTime['Start'] + 1;
            $fleet['end_time'] = $AksStartTime['End'] + 1;
        } else {
            $AksTime = mysql_fetch_array($db->query("SELECT fleet_start_time, fleet_end_time FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_group` = '" . $fleet_group_mr . "' AND `fleet_mission` = '1';", 'fleets'));
            if ($AksTime['fleet_start_time'] < $fleet['start_time']) {
                $QryUpdateFleets = "UPDATE {{table}} SET ";
                $QryUpdateFleets .= "`fleet_start_time` = '" . $fleet['start_time'] . "', ";
                $QryUpdateFleets .= "`fleet_end_time` = '" . $fleet['end_time'] . "' ";
                $QryUpdateFleets .= "WHERE ";
                $QryUpdateFleets .= "`fleet_group` = '" . $fleet_group_mr . "' AND ";
                $QryUpdateFleets .= "`fleet_mission` = '1';";
                $db->query($QryUpdateFleets, "fleets");
                $SelectFleets = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_group` = '" . $fleet_group_mr . "' AND `fleet_mission` = '2' ORDER BY `fleet_id` ASC ;", 'fleets');
                $nb = mysql_num_rows($SelectFleets);
                $i = 0;
                if ($nb > 0) {
                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($SelectFleets)) {
                        $row['fleet_start_time'] = $fleet['start_time'] + $i;
                        $row['fleet_end_time'] = $fleet['end_time'] + $i;
                        $QryUpdateFleets = "UPDATE {{table}} SET ";
                        $QryUpdateFleets .= "`fleet_start_time` = '" . $row['fleet_start_time'] . "', ";
                        $QryUpdateFleets .= "`fleet_end_time` = '" . $row['fleet_end_time'] . "' ";
                        $QryUpdateFleets .= "WHERE ";
                        $QryUpdateFleets .= "`fleet_id` = '" . $row['fleet_id'] . "';";
                        $db->query($QryUpdateFleets, "fleets");
                $fleet['start_time'] = $fleet['start_time'] + $nb + 1;
                $fleet['end_time'] = $fleet['end_time'] + $nb + 1;
    $CurrentPlanet["fleet"] = $fleetarray;
    $FleetStorage -= $consumption;
    $CurrentPlanet["metal"] -= $TransMetal;
    $CurrentPlanet["crystal"] -= $TransCrystal;
    $CurrentPlanet["deuterium"] -= $TransDeuterium + $consumption;
    $QryInsertFleet = "INSERT INTO {{table}} SET ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_owner` = '" . $CurrentUser['id'] . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_mission` = '" . $_POST['mission'] . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_amount` = '" . $FleetShipCount . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_array` = '" . $fleet_array . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_start_time` = '" . $fleet['start_time'] . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_start_galaxy` = '" . intval($_POST['thisgalaxy']) . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_start_system` = '" . intval($_POST['thissystem']) . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_start_planet` = '" . intval($_POST['thisplanet']) . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_start_type` = '" . intval($_POST['thisplanettype']) . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_time` = '" . $fleet['end_time'] . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_stay` = '" . $StayTime . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_galaxy` = '" . intval($_POST['galaxy']) . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_system` = '" . intval($_POST['system']) . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_planet` = '" . intval($_POST['planet']) . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_type` = '" . intval($_POST['planettype']) . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_resource_metal` = '" . $TransMetal . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_resource_crystal` = '" . $TransCrystal . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_resource_deuterium` = '" . $TransDeuterium . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_target_owner` = '" . $TargetPlanet['id_owner'] . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_group` = '" . $fleet_group_mr . "', ";
    $QryInsertFleet .= "`start_time` = '" . time() . "';";
    $db->query($QryInsertFleet, 'fleets');
    $parse['mission'] = $missiontype[$_POST['mission']];
    $parse['distance'] = pretty_number($distance);
    $parse['speedallsmin'] = pretty_number($_POST['speedallsmin']);
    $parse['consumption'] = pretty_number($consumption);
    $parse['from'] = $_POST['thisgalaxy'] . ":" . $_POST['thissystem'] . ":" . $_POST['thisplanet'];
    $parse['destination'] = $_POST['galaxy'] . ":" . $_POST['system'] . ":" . $_POST['planet'];
    $parse['start_time'] = date("M D d H:i:s", $fleet['start_time']);
    $parse['end_time'] = date("M D d H:i:s", $fleet['end_time']);
    foreach ($fleetarray as $Ship => $Count) {
        $fleet_list .= "</tr><tr height=\"20\">";
        $fleet_list .= "<th>" . $lang['tech'][$Ship] . "</th>";
        $fleet_list .= "<th>" . pretty_number($Count) . "</th>";
    $parse['fleet_list'] = $fleet_list;
    foreach ($parse as $key => $value) {
        $displays->assign($key, $value);