Esempio n. 1
    header('Location: tools.php?p=toolsmng');
if ($err != '') {
    buffer::str('<div class="erreur"><p><strong>' . __('Error(s)') . ' :</strong></p>' . $err . '</div>');
buffer::str('<h2>' . __('Plugins manager') . '</h2>' . '<h3>' . __('Install a plugin') . '</h3>');
if (!$is_writable) {
    buffer::str('<p>' . sprintf(__('The folder %s is not writable, please check its permissions.'), DC_ECRIRE . '/tools/') . '</p>');
} else {
    buffer::str('<form action="tools.php" method="get">' . '<p><label for="tool_url">' . __('Please give the URL (http or ftp) of the plugin\'s file') . ' :</label>' . form::field('tool_url', 50, '', $tool_url) . '</p>' . '<p><input type="submit" class="submit" value="' . __('install') . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="p" value="toolsmng" /></p>' . '</form>');
buffer::str('<p><a href="">' . __('Install new plugins') . '</a></p>');
# Traduction des plugins
foreach ($plugins_list as $k => $v) {
    $plugins_list[$k]['label'] = __($v['label']);
    $plugins_list[$k]['desc'] = __($v['desc']);
# Tri des plugins par leur nom
uasort($plugins_list, create_function('$a,$b', 'return strcmp($a["label"],$b["label"]);'));
buffer::str('<h3>' . __('List of installed plugins') . '</h3>' . '<dl>');
foreach ($plugins_list as $k => $v) {
    buffer::str('<dt>' . __($v['label']) . ' - ' . $k . '</dt>' . '<dd>' . __($v['desc']) . ' <br />' . 'par ' . $v['author'] . ' - ' . __('version') . ' ' . $v['version'] . ' <br />');
    if ($k != 'toolsmng') {
        if (is_writable($plugins_root . $k . '/desc.xml')) {
            $action = $v['active'] ? 'disable' : 'enable';
            buffer::str('<a href="tools.php?p=toolsmng&switch=' . $k . '">' . __($action) . '</a>');
        } else {
            buffer::str('<em>' . sprintf(__('cannot enable/disable'), 'desc.xml') . '</em>');