public static function create_pie_graph($title) { self::init(); $d = array(); foreach (self::$data_set as $data) { $d[] = new pie_value($data['values'], $data['titles']); } $pie = new pie(); $pie->start_angle(35)->add_animation(new pie_fade())->add_animation(new pie_bounce(4))->gradient_fill()->tooltip('#val# of #total#<br>#percent# of 100%')->colours(array('#1F8FA1', '#848484', '#CACFBE', '#DEF799')); $pie->set_values($d); self::$chart->add_element($pie); self::show_chart($title); }
function disk() { $disk_used = trim(shell_exec("df -h|grep /usr/data |awk '{print \$3}'")); $disk_available = trim(shell_exec("df -h|grep /usr/data |awk '{print \$4}'")); $title = new title("磁盘使用情况\n当前已使用 {$disk_used} ,剩余 {$disk_available}"); $title->set_style("{font-size: 12px; font-family: Times New Roman; font-weight: bold; color: #A2ACBA; text-align: center;}"); $used_percent = trim(shell_exec("df -h|grep /usr/data |awk '{print \$5}'")); $used_percent = substr($used_percent, 0, strlen($used_percent) - 1); settype($used_percent, 'float'); $available_percent = 100 - $used_percent; $pie = new pie(); $pie->set_alpha(0.7); $pie->set_start_angle(0); $pie->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pie->set_tooltip('#val#%'); $pie->set_colours(array('#FF368D', '#1C9E05')); $d = array(); $d[] = new pie_value($used_percent, $used_percent . "%"); $d[] = new pie_value($available_percent, $available_percent . "%"); $pie->set_values($d); $chart = new open_flash_chart(); $chart->set_title($title); $chart->add_element($pie); $chart->set_bg_colour('#FFFFFF'); $chart->x_axis = null; header("Cache-Control: cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: public"); echo $chart->toPrettyString(); }
function customizeChartProperties() { parent::customizeChartProperties(); $dataSetsToDisplay = $this->getDataSetsToDisplay(); if ($dataSetsToDisplay === false) { return; } $dataSetToDisplay = current($dataSetsToDisplay); // create the Pie $pie = new pie(); $pie->set_alpha("0.6"); $pie->set_start_angle(35); $pie->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pie->set_label_colour('#142448'); $pie->set_colours(array('#3C5A69', '#679BB5', '#695A3C', '#B58E67', '#969696')); // create the Pie values $yValues = $this->yValues[$dataSetToDisplay]; $labelName = $this->yLabels[$dataSetToDisplay]; $unit = $this->yUnit; $sum = array_sum($yValues); $pieValues = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($this->xLabels as $label) { $value = (double) $yValues[$i]; $i++; // we never plot empty pie slices (eg. visits by server time pie chart) if ($value <= 0) { continue; } $pieValue = new pie_value($value, $label); $percentage = round(100 * $value / $sum); $pieValue->set_tooltip("{$label}<br>{$percentage}% ({$value}{$unit} {$labelName})"); $pieValues[] = $pieValue; } $pie->set_values($pieValues); $this->chart->add_element($pie); }
//echo "<hr>$alertaVerde<hr>"; $ofc_path = "../../include/ofc-2-Kvasir/php-ofc-library"; include "{$ofc_path}/open-flash-chart.php"; $d = array(); $rads = $alertaVerde + $alertaRoja + $alertaAmarilla; //echo "$alertaVerde + $alertaRoja + $alertaAmarilla <hr>"; $d[] = new pie_value(round($alertaVerde), "<10"); $d[] = new pie_value(round($alertaRoja), "<0"); $slice = new pie_value(round($alertaAmarilla), ">10"); $slice->on_click('http://'); $d[] = $slice; if (!$rads) { $rads = 1; } $d[] = new pie_value(1 * 100 / $rads, ""); $pie = new pie(); $title = new title('Estado de Radicados En Bandeja'); $title->set_style("{font-size: 9px; color: #F24062; text-align: center;}"); $pie->set_animate(true); $pie->set_label_colour('#432BAF'); $pie->set_alpha(1); $pie->set_start_angle(0); $pie->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pie->set_tooltip('#label#<br>Numero de Radicados #val# (#percent#)'); // // default on-click event // $pie->on_click('pie_slice_clicked'); // // //
function get_graph($field, $args) { $defaults = array('ids' => false, 'colors' => array('#EF8C08', '#21759B', '#1C9E05'), 'grid_color' => '#f7e8bf', 'bg_color' => '#FFFFFF', 'odd' => false, 'truncate' => 40, 'truncate_label' => 15, 'response_count' => 10, 'user_id' => false, 'type' => 'default', 'x_axis' => false, 'data_type' => 'count', 'limit' => '', 'x_start' => '', 'x_end' => '', 'show_key' => false, 'min' => '', 'max' => '', 'include_zero' => false, 'width' => 400, 'height' => 400); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); $vals = $this->get_graph_values($field, $args); extract($args); extract($vals); $title = new title(preg_replace("/&#?[a-z0-9]{2,8};/i", "", FrmAppHelper::truncate($field->name, $truncate, 0))); $chart = new open_flash_chart(); $chart->set_title($title); $bar = new bar_glass(); $x = new x_axis(); $y = new y_axis(); $x_labels = new x_axis_labels(); if (in_array($field->type, array('select', 'checkbox', 'radio', '10radio', 'scale')) and (!isset($x_inputs) or !$x_inputs)) { $x_labels->rotate(340); //$x_labels->set_colour( '#A2ACBA' ); //$x->set_colour( '#A2ACBA' ); } else { if ($field->type == 'user_id') { if (!$pie) { $x_labels->rotate(340); } } else { $x_labels->rotate(340); } } $pie = $type == 'default' ? $pie : ($type == 'pie' ? true : false); if ($pie) { $bar = new pie(); $bar->set_alpha(0.6); $bar->set_start_angle(35); $bar->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $bar->set_tooltip('#val# (#percent#)'); $bar->set_colours($colors); $pie_values = array(); foreach ($values as $val_key => $val) { if ($val) { $pie_values[] = new pie_value($val, "{$labels[$val_key]} (" . round($val / $total_count * 100) . "%)"); } } $bar->set_values($pie_values); } else { $color = $odd ? current($colors) : next($colors); if (!$color) { $color = reset($colors); } if ($type == 'line') { $bar = new line(); } else { if ($type == 'hbar') { $bar = new hbar($color); } else { if ($type == 'area') { $bar = new area(); } else { if ($type == 'bar_flat') { $bar = new bar($color); } else { $bar = new bar_glass($color); } } } } $bar->set_colour($color); $bar->set_values($values); if ($show_key) { $bar->set_key(stripslashes($field->name), $show_key); } $x_labels->set_labels($labels); $x->set_labels($x_labels); $x->set_grid_colour($grid_color); $y->set_grid_colour($grid_color); if ($combine_dates and !strpos($width, '%') and count($labels) * 30 > (int) $width) { $x_labels->visible_steps(ceil(count($labels) * 30 / (int) $width)); } $set_max = $max; if (!empty($values) and empty($max)) { $max = abs(max($values) * 1.2); if ($max < 3) { $max = 3; } } foreach ($ids as $f_id) { $new_max = abs(max($f_values[$f_id]) * 1.2); if ($set_max != $max and $new_max > $max) { $max = $new_max; } unset($f_id); unset($new_max); } $bars = array(); foreach ($f_values as $f_id => $f_vals) { if ($type == 'line') { $bars[$f_id] = new line(); } else { if ($type == 'hbar') { $bars[$f_id] = new hbar($color); } else { if ($type == 'area') { $bars[$f_id] = new area(); } else { if ($type == 'bar_flat') { $bars[$f_id] = new bar(); } else { $bars[$f_id] = new bar_glass(); } } } } $color = next($colors); if (!$color) { $color = reset($colors); } $bars[$f_id]->set_colour($color); $bars[$f_id]->set_values($f_vals); if ($show_key) { $bars[$f_id]->set_key(stripslashes($fields[$f_id]->name), $show_key); } unset($f_id); } if (isset($max) and !empty($max)) { $step = ceil($max / 10); if (empty($min)) { $min = 0; } $y->set_range($min, $max, $step); } } $chart->add_element($bar); if (isset($bars) and !empty($bars)) { foreach ($bars as $f_bar) { $chart->add_element($f_bar); } } $chart->set_bg_colour($bg_color); if (!$pie) { $chart->set_y_axis($y); $chart->set_x_axis($x); } return $chart->toPrettyString(); }
$brval[]=620; $brval[]=350; $brval[]=470; $brval[]=134; $brval[]=267; $brval[]=534; */ $tmp = 0; $d = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $ii; $i++) { $tmp = new pie_value(intval($brval[$i]), ""); // // this slice would normally be light green // but we are overriding the colour here: // //$tmp->set_colour( '#'.$i.'F'.$i.'3C'.$i ); $tmp->set_label($br[$i], '#BFFF00', 10); $d[] = $tmp; // // here the colour cycle wraps and this gets the // first colour: // } $pie = new pie(); $pie->start_angle(35)->add_animation(new pie_fade())->add_animation(new pie_bounce(4))->gradient_fill()->tooltip('#val# of #total#<br>#percent# of 100%')->colours(array('#B8001F', '#4400A4', '#CD6600', '#E6FE00', '#007ED5', '#54E300')); $pie->set_values($d); $chart = new open_flash_chart(); $chart->set_title($title); $chart->add_element($pie); $chart->set_bg_colour('#AB4800'); echo $chart->toPrettyString();
public function GetRenderContent(WebPage $oPage, $aExtraParams = array(), $sId) { $sHtml = ''; // Add the extra params into the filter if they make sense for such a filter $bDoSearch = utils::ReadParam('dosearch', false); if ($this->m_oSet == null) { $aQueryParams = array(); if (isset($aExtraParams['query_params'])) { $aQueryParams = $aExtraParams['query_params']; } if ($this->m_sStyle != 'links') { $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext(); $sClass = $this->m_oFilter->GetClass(); $aFilterCodes = array_keys(MetaModel::GetClassFilterDefs($sClass)); $aCallSpec = array($sClass, 'MapContextParam'); if (is_callable($aCallSpec)) { foreach ($oAppContext->GetNames() as $sContextParam) { $sParamCode = call_user_func($aCallSpec, $sContextParam); //Map context parameter to the value/filter code depending on the class if (!is_null($sParamCode)) { $sParamValue = $oAppContext->GetCurrentValue($sContextParam, null); if (!is_null($sParamValue)) { $aExtraParams[$sParamCode] = $sParamValue; } } } } foreach ($aFilterCodes as $sFilterCode) { $externalFilterValue = utils::ReadParam($sFilterCode, '', false, 'raw_data'); $condition = null; if (isset($aExtraParams[$sFilterCode])) { $condition = $aExtraParams[$sFilterCode]; } if ($bDoSearch && $externalFilterValue != "") { // Search takes precedence over context params... unset($aExtraParams[$sFilterCode]); if (!is_array($externalFilterValue)) { $condition = trim($externalFilterValue); } else { if (count($externalFilterValue) == 1) { $condition = trim($externalFilterValue[0]); } else { $condition = $externalFilterValue; } } } if (!is_null($condition)) { $sOpCode = null; // default operator if (is_array($condition)) { // Multiple values, add them as AND X IN (v1, v2, v3...) $sOpCode = 'IN'; } $this->AddCondition($sFilterCode, $condition, $sOpCode); } } if ($bDoSearch) { // Keep the table_id identifying this table if we're performing a search $sTableId = utils::ReadParam('_table_id_', null, false, 'raw_data'); if ($sTableId != null) { $aExtraParams['table_id'] = $sTableId; } } } $aOrderBy = array(); if (isset($aExtraParams['order_by'])) { // Convert the string describing the order_by parameter into an array // The syntax is +attCode1,-attCode2 // attCode1 => ascending, attCode2 => descending $aTemp = explode(',', $aExtraParams['order_by']); foreach ($aTemp as $sTemp) { $aMatches = array(); if (preg_match('/^([+-])?(.+)$/', $sTemp, $aMatches)) { $bAscending = true; if ($aMatches[1] == '-') { $bAscending = false; } $aOrderBy[$aMatches[2]] = $bAscending; } } } $this->m_oSet = new CMDBObjectSet($this->m_oFilter, $aOrderBy, $aQueryParams); } switch ($this->m_sStyle) { case 'count': if (isset($aExtraParams['group_by'])) { if (isset($aExtraParams['group_by_label'])) { $oGroupByExp = Expression::FromOQL($aExtraParams['group_by']); $sGroupByLabel = $aExtraParams['group_by_label']; } else { // Backward compatibility: group_by is simply a field id $sAlias = $this->m_oFilter->GetClassAlias(); $oGroupByExp = new FieldExpression($aExtraParams['group_by'], $sAlias); $sGroupByLabel = MetaModel::GetLabel($this->m_oFilter->GetClass(), $aExtraParams['group_by']); } $aGroupBy = array(); $aGroupBy['grouped_by_1'] = $oGroupByExp; $sSql = $this->m_oFilter->MakeGroupByQuery($aQueryParams, $aGroupBy, true); $aRes = CMDBSource::QueryToArray($sSql); $aGroupBy = array(); $aLabels = array(); $aValues = array(); $iTotalCount = 0; foreach ($aRes as $iRow => $aRow) { $sValue = $aRow['grouped_by_1']; $aValues[$iRow] = $sValue; $sHtmlValue = $oGroupByExp->MakeValueLabel($this->m_oFilter, $sValue, $sValue); $aLabels[$iRow] = $sHtmlValue; $aGroupBy[$iRow] = (int) $aRow['_itop_count_']; $iTotalCount += $aRow['_itop_count_']; } $aData = array(); $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext(); $sParams = $oAppContext->GetForLink(); foreach ($aGroupBy as $iRow => $iCount) { // Build the search for this subset $oSubsetSearch = $this->m_oFilter->DeepClone(); $oCondition = new BinaryExpression($oGroupByExp, '=', new ScalarExpression($aValues[$iRow])); $oSubsetSearch->AddConditionExpression($oCondition); $sFilter = urlencode($oSubsetSearch->serialize()); $aData[] = array('group' => $aLabels[$iRow], 'value' => "<a href=\"" . utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . "pages/UI.php?operation=search&dosearch=1&{$sParams}&filter={$sFilter}\">{$iCount}</a>"); // TO DO: add the context information } $aAttribs = array('group' => array('label' => $sGroupByLabel, 'description' => ''), 'value' => array('label' => Dict::S('UI:GroupBy:Count'), 'description' => Dict::S('UI:GroupBy:Count+'))); $sFormat = isset($aExtraParams['format']) ? $aExtraParams['format'] : 'UI:Pagination:HeaderNoSelection'; $sHtml .= $oPage->GetP(Dict::Format($sFormat, $iTotalCount)); $sHtml .= $oPage->GetTable($aAttribs, $aData); } else { // Simply count the number of elements in the set $iCount = $this->m_oSet->Count(); $sFormat = 'UI:CountOfObjects'; if (isset($aExtraParams['format'])) { $sFormat = $aExtraParams['format']; } $sHtml .= $oPage->GetP(Dict::Format($sFormat, $iCount)); } break; case 'join': $aDisplayAliases = isset($aExtraParams['display_aliases']) ? explode(',', $aExtraParams['display_aliases']) : array(); if (!isset($aExtraParams['group_by'])) { $sHtml .= $oPage->GetP(Dict::S('UI:Error:MandatoryTemplateParameter_group_by')); } else { $aGroupByFields = array(); $aGroupBy = explode(',', $aExtraParams['group_by']); foreach ($aGroupBy as $sGroupBy) { $aMatches = array(); if (preg_match('/^(.+)\\.(.+)$/', $sGroupBy, $aMatches) > 0) { $aGroupByFields[] = array('alias' => $aMatches[1], 'att_code' => $aMatches[2]); } } if (count($aGroupByFields) == 0) { $sHtml .= $oPage->GetP(Dict::Format('UI:Error:InvalidGroupByFields', $aExtraParams['group_by'])); } else { $aResults = array(); $aCriteria = array(); while ($aObjects = $this->m_oSet->FetchAssoc()) { $aKeys = array(); foreach ($aGroupByFields as $aField) { $sAlias = $aField['alias']; if (is_null($aObjects[$sAlias])) { $aKeys[$sAlias . '.' . $aField['att_code']] = ''; } else { $aKeys[$sAlias . '.' . $aField['att_code']] = $aObjects[$sAlias]->Get($aField['att_code']); } } $sCategory = implode($aKeys, ' '); $aResults[$sCategory][] = $aObjects; $aCriteria[$sCategory] = $aKeys; } $sHtml .= "<table>\n"; // Construct a new (parametric) query that will return the content of this block $oBlockFilter = $this->m_oFilter->DeepClone(); $aExpressions = array(); $index = 0; foreach ($aGroupByFields as $aField) { $aExpressions[] = '`' . $aField['alias'] . '`.`' . $aField['att_code'] . '` = :param' . $index++; } $sExpression = implode(' AND ', $aExpressions); $oExpression = Expression::FromOQL($sExpression); $oBlockFilter->AddConditionExpression($oExpression); $aExtraParams['menu'] = false; foreach ($aResults as $sCategory => $aObjects) { $sHtml .= "<tr><td><h1>{$sCategory}</h1></td></tr>\n"; if (count($aDisplayAliases) == 1) { $aSimpleArray = array(); foreach ($aObjects as $aRow) { $oObj = $aRow[$aDisplayAliases[0]]; if (!is_null($oObj)) { $aSimpleArray[] = $oObj; } } $oSet = CMDBObjectSet::FromArray($this->m_oFilter->GetClass(), $aSimpleArray); $sHtml .= "<tr><td>" . cmdbAbstractObject::GetDisplaySet($oPage, $oSet, $aExtraParams) . "</td></tr>\n"; } else { $index = 0; $aArgs = array(); foreach ($aGroupByFields as $aField) { $aArgs['param' . $index] = $aCriteria[$sCategory][$aField['alias'] . '.' . $aField['att_code']]; $index++; } $oSet = new CMDBObjectSet($oBlockFilter, array(), $aArgs); $sHtml .= "<tr><td>" . cmdbAbstractObject::GetDisplayExtendedSet($oPage, $oSet, $aExtraParams) . "</td></tr>\n"; } } $sHtml .= "</table>\n"; } } break; case 'list': $aClasses = $this->m_oSet->GetSelectedClasses(); $aAuthorizedClasses = array(); if (count($aClasses) > 1) { // Check the classes that can be read (i.e authorized) by this user... foreach ($aClasses as $sAlias => $sClassName) { if (UserRights::IsActionAllowed($sClassName, UR_ACTION_READ, $this->m_oSet) && (UR_ALLOWED_YES || UR_ALLOWED_DEPENDS)) { $aAuthorizedClasses[$sAlias] = $sClassName; } } if (count($aAuthorizedClasses) > 0) { if ($this->m_oSet->Count() > 0) { $sHtml .= cmdbAbstractObject::GetDisplayExtendedSet($oPage, $this->m_oSet, $aExtraParams); } else { // Empty set $sHtml .= $oPage->GetP(Dict::S('UI:NoObjectToDisplay')); } } else { // Not authorized $sHtml .= $oPage->GetP(Dict::S('UI:NoObjectToDisplay')); } } else { // The list is made of only 1 class of objects, actions on the list are possible if ($this->m_oSet->Count() > 0 && UserRights::IsActionAllowed($this->m_oSet->GetClass(), UR_ACTION_READ, $this->m_oSet) == UR_ALLOWED_YES) { $sHtml .= cmdbAbstractObject::GetDisplaySet($oPage, $this->m_oSet, $aExtraParams); } else { $sHtml .= $oPage->GetP(Dict::S('UI:NoObjectToDisplay')); $sClass = $this->m_oFilter->GetClass(); $bDisplayMenu = isset($aExtraParams['menu']) ? $aExtraParams['menu'] == true : true; if ($bDisplayMenu) { if (UserRights::IsActionAllowed($sClass, UR_ACTION_MODIFY) == UR_ALLOWED_YES) { $sLinkTarget = ''; $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext(); $sParams = $oAppContext->GetForLink(); // 1:n links, populate the target object as a default value when creating a new linked object if (isset($aExtraParams['target_attr'])) { $sLinkTarget = ' target="_blank" '; $aExtraParams['default'][$aExtraParams['target_attr']] = $aExtraParams['object_id']; } $sDefault = ''; if (!empty($aExtraParams['default'])) { foreach ($aExtraParams['default'] as $sKey => $sValue) { $sDefault .= "&default[{$sKey}]={$sValue}"; } } $sHtml .= $oPage->GetP("<a{$sLinkTarget} href=\"" . utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . "pages/UI.php?operation=new&class={$sClass}&{$sParams}{$sDefault}\">" . Dict::Format('UI:ClickToCreateNew', Metamodel::GetName($sClass)) . "</a>\n"); } } } } break; case 'links': //$bDashboardMode = isset($aExtraParams['dashboard']) ? ($aExtraParams['dashboard'] == 'true') : false; //$bSelectMode = isset($aExtraParams['select']) ? ($aExtraParams['select'] == 'true') : false; if ($this->m_oSet->Count() > 0 && UserRights::IsActionAllowed($this->m_oSet->GetClass(), UR_ACTION_READ, $this->m_oSet) == UR_ALLOWED_YES) { //$sLinkage = isset($aExtraParams['linkage']) ? $aExtraParams['linkage'] : ''; $sHtml .= cmdbAbstractObject::GetDisplaySet($oPage, $this->m_oSet, $aExtraParams); } else { $sClass = $this->m_oFilter->GetClass(); $oAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($sClass, $this->m_aParams['target_attr']); $sTargetClass = $oAttDef->GetTargetClass(); $sHtml .= $oPage->GetP(Dict::Format('UI:NoObject_Class_ToDisplay', MetaModel::GetName($sTargetClass))); $bDisplayMenu = isset($this->m_aParams['menu']) ? $this->m_aParams['menu'] == true : true; if ($bDisplayMenu) { if (UserRights::IsActionAllowed($sClass, UR_ACTION_MODIFY) == UR_ALLOWED_YES) { $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext(); $sParams = $oAppContext->GetForLink(); $sDefaults = ''; if (isset($this->m_aParams['default'])) { foreach ($this->m_aParams['default'] as $sName => $sValue) { $sDefaults .= '&' . urlencode($sName) . '=' . urlencode($sValue); } } $sHtml .= $oPage->GetP("<a href=\"" . utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . "pages/UI.php?operation=modify_links&class={$sClass}&sParams&link_attr=" . $aExtraParams['link_attr'] . "&id=" . $aExtraParams['object_id'] . "&target_class={$sTargetClass}&addObjects=true{$sDefaults}\">" . Dict::Format('UI:ClickToCreateNew', Metamodel::GetName($sClass)) . "</a>\n"); } } } break; case 'details': while ($oObj = $this->m_oSet->Fetch()) { $sHtml .= $oObj->GetDetails($oPage); // Still used ??? } break; case 'actions': $sClass = $this->m_oFilter->GetClass(); $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext(); $bContextFilter = isset($aExtraParams['context_filter']) ? isset($aExtraParams['context_filter']) != 0 : false; if ($bContextFilter) { $aFilterCodes = array_keys(MetaModel::GetClassFilterDefs($this->m_oFilter->GetClass())); foreach ($oAppContext->GetNames() as $sFilterCode) { $sContextParamValue = $oAppContext->GetCurrentValue($sFilterCode, null); if (!is_null($sContextParamValue) && !empty($sContextParamValue) && MetaModel::IsValidFilterCode($sClass, $sFilterCode)) { $this->AddCondition($sFilterCode, $sContextParamValue); } } $aQueryParams = array(); if (isset($aExtraParams['query_params'])) { $aQueryParams = $aExtraParams['query_params']; } $this->m_oSet = new CMDBObjectSet($this->m_oFilter, array(), $aQueryParams); } $iCount = $this->m_oSet->Count(); $sHyperlink = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/UI.php?operation=search&' . $oAppContext->GetForLink() . '&filter=' . urlencode($this->m_oFilter->serialize()); $sHtml .= '<p><a class="actions" href="' . $sHyperlink . '">'; // Note: border set to 0 due to various browser interpretations (IE9 adding a 2px border) $sHtml .= MetaModel::GetClassIcon($sClass, true, 'float;left;margin-right:10px;border:0;'); $sHtml .= MetaModel::GetName($sClass) . ': ' . $iCount . '</a></p>'; $sParams = $oAppContext->GetForLink(); $sHtml .= '<p>'; if (UserRights::IsActionAllowed($sClass, UR_ACTION_MODIFY)) { $sHtml .= "<a href=\"" . utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . "pages/UI.php?operation=new&class={$sClass}&{$sParams}\">" . Dict::Format('UI:ClickToCreateNew', MetaModel::GetName($sClass)) . "</a><br/>\n"; } $sHtml .= "<a href=\"" . utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . "pages/UI.php?operation=search_form&do_search=0&class={$sClass}&{$sParams}\">" . Dict::Format('UI:SearchFor_Class', MetaModel::GetName($sClass)) . "</a>\n"; $sHtml .= '</p>'; break; case 'summary': $sClass = $this->m_oFilter->GetClass(); $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext(); $sTitle = isset($aExtraParams['title[block]']) ? $aExtraParams['title[block]'] : ''; $sLabel = isset($aExtraParams['label[block]']) ? $aExtraParams['label[block]'] : ''; $sStateAttrCode = isset($aExtraParams['status[block]']) ? $aExtraParams['status[block]'] : 'status'; $sStatesList = isset($aExtraParams['status_codes[block]']) ? $aExtraParams['status_codes[block]'] : ''; $bContextFilter = isset($aExtraParams['context_filter']) ? isset($aExtraParams['context_filter']) != 0 : false; if ($bContextFilter) { $aFilterCodes = array_keys(MetaModel::GetClassFilterDefs($this->m_oFilter->GetClass())); foreach ($oAppContext->GetNames() as $sFilterCode) { $sContextParamValue = $oAppContext->GetCurrentValue($sFilterCode, null); if (!is_null($sContextParamValue) && !empty($sContextParamValue) && MetaModel::IsValidFilterCode($sClass, $sFilterCode)) { $this->AddCondition($sFilterCode, $sContextParamValue); } } $aQueryParams = array(); if (isset($aExtraParams['query_params'])) { $aQueryParams = $aExtraParams['query_params']; } $this->m_oSet = new CMDBObjectSet($this->m_oFilter, array(), $aQueryParams); } // Summary details $aCounts = array(); $aStateLabels = array(); if (!empty($sStateAttrCode) && !empty($sStatesList)) { $aStates = explode(',', $sStatesList); $oAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($sClass, $sStateAttrCode); foreach ($aStates as $sStateValue) { $oFilter = $this->m_oFilter->DeepClone(); $oFilter->AddCondition($sStateAttrCode, $sStateValue, '='); $oSet = new DBObjectSet($oFilter); $aCounts[$sStateValue] = $oSet->Count(); $aStateLabels[$sStateValue] = htmlentities($oAttDef->GetValueLabel($sStateValue), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); if ($aCounts[$sStateValue] == 0) { $aCounts[$sStateValue] = '-'; } else { $sHyperlink = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/UI.php?operation=search&' . $oAppContext->GetForLink() . '&filter=' . urlencode($oFilter->serialize()); $aCounts[$sStateValue] = "<a href=\"{$sHyperlink}\">{$aCounts[$sStateValue]}</a>"; } } } $sHtml .= '<div class="summary-details"><table><tr><th>' . implode('</th><th>', $aStateLabels) . '</th></tr>'; $sHtml .= '<tr><td>' . implode('</td><td>', $aCounts) . '</td></tr></table></div>'; // Title & summary $iCount = $this->m_oSet->Count(); $sHyperlink = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/UI.php?operation=search&' . $oAppContext->GetForLink() . '&filter=' . urlencode($this->m_oFilter->serialize()); $sHtml .= '<h1>' . Dict::S(str_replace('_', ':', $sTitle)) . '</h1>'; $sHtml .= '<a class="summary" href="' . $sHyperlink . '">' . Dict::Format(str_replace('_', ':', $sLabel), $iCount) . '</a>'; $sHtml .= '<div style="clear:both;"></div>'; break; case 'csv': $bAdvancedMode = utils::ReadParam('advanced', false); $sCsvFile = strtolower($this->m_oFilter->GetClass()) . '.csv'; $sDownloadLink = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'webservices/export.php?expression=' . urlencode($this->m_oFilter->ToOQL(true)) . '&format=csv&filename=' . urlencode($sCsvFile); $sLinkToToggle = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/UI.php?operation=search&' . $oAppContext->GetForLink() . '&filter=' . urlencode($this->m_oFilter->serialize()) . '&format=csv'; if ($bAdvancedMode) { $sDownloadLink .= '&fields_advanced=1'; $sChecked = 'CHECKED'; } else { $sLinkToToggle = $sLinkToToggle . '&advanced=1'; $sChecked = ''; } $sAjaxLink = $sDownloadLink . '&charset=UTF-8'; // Includes &fields_advanced=1 if in advanced mode /* $sCSVData = cmdbAbstractObject::GetSetAsCSV($this->m_oSet, array('fields_advanced' => $bAdvancedMode)); $sCharset = MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('csv_file_default_charset'); if ($sCharset == 'UTF-8') { $bLostChars = false; } else { $sConverted = @iconv('UTF-8', $sCharset, $sCSVData); $sRestored = @iconv($sCharset, 'UTF-8', $sConverted); $bLostChars = ($sRestored != $sCSVData); } if ($bLostChars) { $sCharsetNotice = " <span id=\"csv_charset_issue\">"; $sCharsetNotice .= '<img src="../images/error.png" style="vertical-align:middle"/>'; $sCharsetNotice .= "</span>"; $sTip = "<p>".htmlentities(Dict::S('UI:CSVExport:LostChars'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')."</p>"; $sTip .= "<p>".htmlentities(Dict::Format('UI:CSVExport:LostChars+', $sCharset), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')."</p>"; $oPage->add_ready_script("$('#csv_charset_issue').qtip( { content: '$sTip', show: 'mouseover', hide: 'mouseout', style: { name: 'dark', tip: 'leftTop' }, position: { corner: { target: 'rightMiddle', tooltip: 'leftTop' }} } );"); } else { $sCharsetNotice = ''; } */ $sCharsetNotice = false; $sHtml .= "<div>"; $sHtml .= '<table style="width:100%" class="transparent">'; $sHtml .= '<tr>'; $sHtml .= '<td><a href="' . $sDownloadLink . '">' . Dict::Format('UI:Download-CSV', $sCsvFile) . '</a>' . $sCharsetNotice . '</td>'; $sHtml .= '<td style="text-align:right"><input type="checkbox" ' . $sChecked . ' onClick="window.location.href=\'' . $sLinkToToggle . '\'"> ' . Dict::S('UI:CSVExport:AdvancedMode') . '</td>'; $sHtml .= '</tr>'; $sHtml .= '</table>'; if ($bAdvancedMode) { $sHtml .= "<p>"; $sHtml .= htmlentities(Dict::S('UI:CSVExport:AdvancedMode+'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $sHtml .= "</p>"; } $sHtml .= "</div>"; $sHtml .= "<div id=\"csv_content_loading\"><div style=\"width: 250px; height: 20px; background: url(../setup/orange-progress.gif); border: 1px #999 solid; margin-left:auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\">" . Dict::S('UI:Loading') . "</div></div><textarea id=\"csv_content\" style=\"display:none;\">\n"; //$sHtml .= htmlentities($sCSVData, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $sHtml .= "</textarea>\n"; $oPage->add_ready_script("\$.post('{$sAjaxLink}', {}, function(data) { \$('#csv_content').html(data); \$('#csv_content_loading').hide(); \$('#csv_content').show();} );"); break; case 'modify': if (UserRights::IsActionAllowed($this->m_oSet->GetClass(), UR_ACTION_MODIFY, $this->m_oSet) == UR_ALLOWED_YES) { while ($oObj = $this->m_oSet->Fetch()) { $sHtml .= $oObj->GetModifyForm($oPage); } } break; case 'search': $sStyle = isset($aExtraParams['open']) && $aExtraParams['open'] == 'true' ? 'SearchDrawer' : 'SearchDrawer DrawerClosed'; $sHtml .= "<div id=\"ds_{$sId}\" class=\"{$sStyle}\">\n"; $oPage->add_ready_script(<<<EOF \t\$("#dh_{$sId}").click( function() { \t\t\$("#ds_{$sId}").slideToggle('normal', function() { \$("#ds_{$sId}").parent().resize(); FixSearchFormsDisposition(); } ); \t\t\$("#dh_{$sId}").toggleClass('open'); \t}); EOF ); $aExtraParams['currentId'] = $sId; $sHtml .= cmdbAbstractObject::GetSearchForm($oPage, $this->m_oSet, $aExtraParams); $sHtml .= "</div>\n"; $sHtml .= "<div class=\"HRDrawer\"></div>\n"; $sHtml .= "<div id=\"dh_{$sId}\" class=\"DrawerHandle\">" . Dict::S('UI:SearchToggle') . "</div>\n"; break; case 'open_flash_chart': static $iChartCounter = 0; $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext(); $sContext = $oAppContext->GetForLink(); if (!empty($sContext)) { $sContext = '&' . $sContext; } $sChartType = isset($aExtraParams['chart_type']) ? $aExtraParams['chart_type'] : 'pie'; $sTitle = isset($aExtraParams['chart_title']) ? $aExtraParams['chart_title'] : ''; $sGroupBy = isset($aExtraParams['group_by']) ? $aExtraParams['group_by'] : ''; $sGroupByExpr = isset($aExtraParams['group_by_expr']) ? '¶ms[group_by_expr]=' . $aExtraParams['group_by_expr'] : ''; $sFilter = $this->m_oFilter->serialize(); $sHtml .= "<div id=\"my_chart_{$sId}{$iChartCounter}\">If the chart does not display, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">install Flash</a></div>\n"; $oPage->add_script("function ofc_resize(left, width, top, height) { /* do nothing special */ }"); if (isset($aExtraParams['group_by_label'])) { $sUrl = urlencode(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . "pages/ajax.render.php?operation=open_flash_chart¶ms[group_by]={$sGroupBy}{$sGroupByExpr}¶ms[group_by_label]={$aExtraParams['group_by_label']}¶ms[chart_type]={$sChartType}¶ms[chart_title]={$sTitle}¶ms[currentId]={$sId}&id={$sId}&filter=" . urlencode($sFilter)); } else { $sUrl = urlencode(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . "pages/ajax.render.php?operation=open_flash_chart¶ms[group_by]={$sGroupBy}{$sGroupByExpr}¶ms[chart_type]={$sChartType}¶ms[chart_title]={$sTitle}¶ms[currentId]={$sId}&id={$sId}&filter=" . urlencode($sFilter)); } $oPage->add_ready_script("swfobject.embedSWF(\"../images/open-flash-chart.swf\", \"my_chart_{$sId}{$iChartCounter}\", \"100%\", \"300\",\"9.0.0\", \"expressInstall.swf\",\n\t\t\t\t{\"data-file\":\"" . $sUrl . "\"}, {wmode: 'transparent'} );\n"); $iChartCounter++; if (isset($aExtraParams['group_by'])) { if (isset($aExtraParams['group_by_label'])) { $oGroupByExp = Expression::FromOQL($aExtraParams['group_by']); $sGroupByLabel = $aExtraParams['group_by_label']; } else { // Backward compatibility: group_by is simply a field id $sAlias = $this->m_oFilter->GetClassAlias(); $oGroupByExp = new FieldExpression($aExtraParams['group_by'], $sAlias); $sGroupByLabel = MetaModel::GetLabel($this->m_oFilter->GetClass(), $aExtraParams['group_by']); } $aGroupBy = array(); $aGroupBy['grouped_by_1'] = $oGroupByExp; $sSql = $this->m_oFilter->MakeGroupByQuery($aQueryParams, $aGroupBy, true); $aRes = CMDBSource::QueryToArray($sSql); $aGroupBy = array(); $aLabels = array(); $aValues = array(); $iTotalCount = 0; foreach ($aRes as $iRow => $aRow) { $sValue = $aRow['grouped_by_1']; $aValues[$iRow] = $sValue; $sHtmlValue = $oGroupByExp->MakeValueLabel($this->m_oFilter, $sValue, $sValue); $aLabels[$iRow] = $sHtmlValue; $aGroupBy[$iRow] = (int) $aRow['_itop_count_']; $iTotalCount += $aRow['_itop_count_']; } $aData = array(); $idx = 0; $aURLs = array(); foreach ($aGroupBy as $iRow => $iCount) { // Build the search for this subset $oSubsetSearch = $this->m_oFilter->DeepClone(); $oCondition = new BinaryExpression($oGroupByExp, '=', new ScalarExpression($aValues[$iRow])); $oSubsetSearch->AddConditionExpression($oCondition); $aURLs[$idx] = $oSubsetSearch->serialize(); $idx++; } $sURLList = ''; foreach ($aURLs as $index => $sURL) { $sURLList .= "\taURLs[{$index}] = '" . utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . "pages/UI.php?operation=search&format=html{$sContext}&filter=" . urlencode($sURL) . "';\n"; } $oPage->add_script(<<<EOF function ofc_drill_down_{$sId}(index) { \tvar aURLs = new Array(); {$sURLList} \twindow.location.href=aURLs[index]; } EOF ); } break; case 'open_flash_chart_ajax': require_once APPROOT . '/pages/php-ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php'; $sChartType = isset($aExtraParams['chart_type']) ? $aExtraParams['chart_type'] : 'pie'; $sId = utils::ReadParam('id', ''); $oChart = new open_flash_chart(); switch ($sChartType) { case 'bars': $oChartElement = new bar_glass(); if (isset($aExtraParams['group_by'])) { if (isset($aExtraParams['group_by_label'])) { $oGroupByExp = Expression::FromOQL($aExtraParams['group_by']); $sGroupByLabel = $aExtraParams['group_by_label']; } else { // Backward compatibility: group_by is simply a field id $sAlias = $this->m_oFilter->GetClassAlias(); $oGroupByExp = new FieldExpression($aExtraParams['group_by'], $sAlias); $sGroupByLabel = MetaModel::GetLabel($this->m_oFilter->GetClass(), $aExtraParams['group_by']); } $aGroupBy = array(); $aGroupBy['grouped_by_1'] = $oGroupByExp; $sSql = $this->m_oFilter->MakeGroupByQuery($aQueryParams, $aGroupBy, true); $aRes = CMDBSource::QueryToArray($sSql); $aGroupBy = array(); $aLabels = array(); $iTotalCount = 0; foreach ($aRes as $iRow => $aRow) { $sValue = $aRow['grouped_by_1']; $sHtmlValue = $oGroupByExp->MakeValueLabel($this->m_oFilter, $sValue, $sValue); $aLabels[$iRow] = strip_tags($sHtmlValue); $aGroupBy[$iRow] = (int) $aRow['_itop_count_']; $iTotalCount += $aRow['_itop_count_']; } $aData = array(); $aChartLabels = array(); $maxValue = 0; foreach ($aGroupBy as $iRow => $iCount) { $oBarValue = new bar_value($iCount); $oBarValue->on_click("ofc_drill_down_{$sId}"); $aData[] = $oBarValue; if ($iCount > $maxValue) { $maxValue = $iCount; } $aChartLabels[] = html_entity_decode($aLabels[$iRow], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } $oYAxis = new y_axis(); $aMagicValues = array(1, 2, 5, 10); $iMultiplier = 1; $index = 0; $iTop = $aMagicValues[$index % count($aMagicValues)] * $iMultiplier; while ($maxValue > $iTop) { $index++; $iTop = $aMagicValues[$index % count($aMagicValues)] * $iMultiplier; if ($index % count($aMagicValues) == 0) { $iMultiplier = $iMultiplier * 10; } } //echo "oYAxis->set_range(0, $iTop, $iMultiplier);\n"; $oYAxis->set_range(0, $iTop, $iMultiplier); $oChart->set_y_axis($oYAxis); $oChartElement->set_values($aData); $oXAxis = new x_axis(); $oXLabels = new x_axis_labels(); // set them vertical $oXLabels->set_vertical(); // set the label text $oXLabels->set_labels($aChartLabels); // Add the X Axis Labels to the X Axis $oXAxis->set_labels($oXLabels); $oChart->set_x_axis($oXAxis); } break; case 'pie': default: $oChartElement = new pie(); $oChartElement->set_start_angle(35); $oChartElement->set_animate(true); $oChartElement->set_tooltip('#label# - #val# (#percent#)'); $oChartElement->set_colours(array('#FF8A00', '#909980', '#2C2B33', '#CCC08D', '#596664')); if (isset($aExtraParams['group_by'])) { if (isset($aExtraParams['group_by_label'])) { $oGroupByExp = Expression::FromOQL($aExtraParams['group_by']); $sGroupByLabel = $aExtraParams['group_by_label']; } else { // Backward compatibility: group_by is simply a field id $sAlias = $this->m_oFilter->GetClassAlias(); $oGroupByExp = new FieldExpression($aExtraParams['group_by'], $sAlias); $sGroupByLabel = MetaModel::GetLabel($this->m_oFilter->GetClass(), $aExtraParams['group_by']); } $aGroupBy = array(); $aGroupBy['grouped_by_1'] = $oGroupByExp; $sSql = $this->m_oFilter->MakeGroupByQuery($aQueryParams, $aGroupBy, true); $aRes = CMDBSource::QueryToArray($sSql); $aGroupBy = array(); $aLabels = array(); $iTotalCount = 0; foreach ($aRes as $iRow => $aRow) { $sValue = $aRow['grouped_by_1']; $sHtmlValue = $oGroupByExp->MakeValueLabel($this->m_oFilter, $sValue, $sValue); $aLabels[$iRow] = strip_tags($sHtmlValue); $aGroupBy[$iRow] = (int) $aRow['_itop_count_']; $iTotalCount += $aRow['_itop_count_']; } $aData = array(); foreach ($aGroupBy as $iRow => $iCount) { $sFlashLabel = html_entity_decode($aLabels[$iRow], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $PieValue = new pie_value($iCount, $sFlashLabel); //@@ BUG: not passed via ajax !!! $PieValue->on_click("ofc_drill_down_{$sId}"); $aData[] = $PieValue; } $oChartElement->set_values($aData); $oChart->x_axis = null; } } if (isset($aExtraParams['chart_title'])) { // The title has been given in an url, and urlencoded... // and urlencode transforms utf-8 into something similar to ISO-8859-1 // Example: é (C3A9 becomes %E9) // As a consequence, json_encode (called within open-flash-chart.php) // was returning 'null' and the graph was not displayed at all // To make sure that the graph is displayed AND to get a correct title // (at least for european characters) let's transform back into utf-8 ! $sTitle = iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $aExtraParams['chart_title']); // If the title is a dictionnary entry, fetch it $sTitle = Dict::S($sTitle); $oTitle = new title($sTitle); $oChart->set_title($oTitle); $oTitle->set_style("{font-size: 16px; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;}"); } $oChart->set_bg_colour('#FFFFFF'); $oChart->add_element($oChartElement); $sHtml = $oChart->toPrettyString(); break; default: // Unsupported style, do nothing. $sHtml .= Dict::format('UI:Error:UnsupportedStyleOfBlock', $this->m_sStyle); } return $sHtml; }
$atributos['ancho'] = '30px'; $atributos['alto'] = '30px'; $tab++; echo $this->miFormulario->enlace($atributos); unset($atributos); $esteCampo = 'enlacetwitter'; $atributos['id'] = $esteCampo; $atributos['enlace'] = $this->lenguaje->getCadena($esteCampo); $atributos['columnas'] = 1; // $atributos ['estilo'] = 'jquery'; $atributos['enlaceImagen'] = $this->miConfigurador->getVariableConfiguracion('rutaUrlBloque') . 'imagen/twitter.png'; $atributos['ancho'] = '30px'; $atributos['alto'] = '30px'; $tab++; echo $this->miFormulario->enlace($atributos); unset($atributos); echo $this->miFormulario->division("fin"); echo $this->miFormulario->agrupacion('fin'); $atributos['marco'] = true; $atributos['tipoEtiqueta'] = 'fin'; echo $this->miFormulario->formulario($atributos); return true; } } $miSeleccionador = new pie($this->lenguaje, $this->miFormulario); $miSeleccionador->miForm(); ?>
protected function RenderChart($oPage, $sId, $aValues, $sDrillDown = '', $aRows = array()) { // 1- Compute Open Flash Chart data // $aValueKeys = array(); $index = 0; if (count($aValues) > 0 && $sDrillDown != '') { $oFilter = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL($sDrillDown); $sClass = $oFilter->GetClass(); $sOQLClause = str_replace('SELECT ' . $sClass, '', $sDrillDown); $aSQLColNames = array_keys(current($aRows)); // Read the list of columns from the current (i.e. first) element of the array $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext(); $sURL = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/UI.php?operation=search_oql&search_form=0&oql_class=' . $sClass . '&format=html&' . $oAppContext->GetForLink() . '&oql_clause='; } $aURLs = array(); foreach ($aValues as $key => $value) { // Make sure that values are integers (so that max() will work....) // and build an array of STRING with the keys (numeric keys are transformed into string by PHP :-( $aValues[$key] = (int) $value; $aValueKeys[] = (string) $key; // Build the custom query for the 'drill down' on each element if ($sDrillDown != '') { $sFilter = $sOQLClause; foreach ($aSQLColNames as $sColName) { $sFilter = str_replace(':' . $sColName, "'" . addslashes($aRows[$key][$sColName]) . "'", $sFilter); $aURLs[$index] = $sURL . urlencode($sFilter); } } $index++; } $oChart = new open_flash_chart(); if ($this->m_sType == 'bars') { $oChartElement = new bar_glass(); if (count($aValues) > 0) { $maxValue = max($aValues); } else { $maxValue = 1; } $oYAxis = new y_axis(); $aMagicValues = array(1, 2, 5, 10); $iMultiplier = 1; $index = 0; $iTop = $aMagicValues[$index % count($aMagicValues)] * $iMultiplier; while ($maxValue > $iTop) { $index++; $iTop = $aMagicValues[$index % count($aMagicValues)] * $iMultiplier; if ($index % count($aMagicValues) == 0) { $iMultiplier = $iMultiplier * 10; } } //echo "oYAxis->set_range(0, $iTop, $iMultiplier);\n"; $oYAxis->set_range(0, $iTop, $iMultiplier); $oChart->set_y_axis($oYAxis); $aBarValues = array(); foreach ($aValues as $iValue) { $oBarValue = new bar_value($iValue); $oBarValue->on_click("ofc_drilldown_{$sId}"); $aBarValues[] = $oBarValue; } $oChartElement->set_values($aBarValues); //$oChartElement->set_values(array_values($aValues)); $oXAxis = new x_axis(); $oXLabels = new x_axis_labels(); // set them vertical $oXLabels->set_vertical(); // set the label text $oXLabels->set_labels($aValueKeys); // Add the X Axis Labels to the X Axis $oXAxis->set_labels($oXLabels); $oChart->set_x_axis($oXAxis); } else { $oChartElement = new pie(); $oChartElement->set_start_angle(35); $oChartElement->set_animate(true); $oChartElement->set_tooltip('#label# - #val# (#percent#)'); $oChartElement->set_colours(array('#FF8A00', '#909980', '#2C2B33', '#CCC08D', '#596664')); $aData = array(); foreach ($aValues as $sValue => $iValue) { $oPieValue = new pie_value($iValue, $sValue); //@@ BUG: not passed via ajax !!! $oPieValue->on_click("ofc_drilldown_{$sId}"); $aData[] = $oPieValue; } $oChartElement->set_values($aData); $oChart->x_axis = null; } // Title given in HTML //$oTitle = new title($this->m_sTitle); //$oChart->set_title($oTitle); $oChart->set_bg_colour('#FFFFFF'); $oChart->add_element($oChartElement); $sData = $oChart->toPrettyString(); $sData = json_encode($sData); // 2- Declare the Javascript function that will render the chart data\ // $oPage->add_script(<<<EOF function ofc_get_data_{$sId}() { \treturn {$sData}; } EOF ); if (count($aURLs) > 0) { $sURLList = ''; foreach ($aURLs as $index => $sURL) { $sURLList .= "\taURLs[{$index}] = '" . addslashes($sURL) . "';\n"; } $oPage->add_script(<<<EOF function ofc_drilldown_{$sId}(index) { \tvar aURLs = new Array(); {$sURLList} \tvar sURL = aURLs[index]; \t \twindow.location.href = sURL; // Navigate ! } EOF ); } // 3- Insert the Open Flash chart // $oPage->add("<div id=\"{$sId}\"><div>\n"); $oPage->add_ready_script(<<<EOF swfobject.embedSWF(\t"../images/open-flash-chart.swf", \t"{$sId}", \t"100%", "300","9.0.0", \t"expressInstall.swf", \t{"get-data":"ofc_get_data_{$sId}", "id":"{$sId}"}, \t{'wmode': 'transparent'} ); EOF ); }
$pie->radius(80); $pie->set_colours( $colors ); $pie->set_values( $array ); $chart = new open_flash_chart(); // $chart->set_title( $title ); $chart->add_element( $pie ); echo $chart->toPrettyString(); break; // Default is to generate an Ad-hoc chart default: $chartType = get_input('chartType'); $chartType = (!empty($chartType)) ? $chartType : "pie"; $sql = "SELECT id, host, facility, priority, tag, program, msg, counter, fo, lo, notes, (SELECT value from cache where name='msg_sum') as count FROM ".$_SESSION['TBL_MAIN']." $where GROUP BY $groupby ORDER BY count LIMIT $limit"; $title = new title( date("D M d Y") ); $ctype = new pie(); $result = perform_query($sql, $dbLink, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if(num_rows($result) >= 1) { while ($line = fetch_array($result)) { $hosts[] = $line['host']; $pievalues[] = new pie_value(intval($line['count']), $line['host']); } } // Generate random pie colors for($i = 0; $i<=count($pievalues) ; $i++) { $colors[] = '#'.random_hex_color(); // 09B826 } $ctype->set_alpha(0.5); $ctype->add_animation( new pie_fade() ); $ctype->add_animation( new pie_bounce(5) );
function report_chart($data) { $title = new title("Availability Report "); $pie = new pie(); $pie->set_alpha(0.9); $pie->radius(90); //$pie->start_angle(100); $pie->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pie->set_tooltip('#label#: #percent#<br>#val# of #total#<br>'); $status_colors = array(free => '#77CC6D', assigned => '#FF0000', reserved => '#6D86CC', free2 => '#77CC6D', assigned2 => '#FF0000', reserved2 => '#6D86CC'); $status_name = array(free => 'FREE', assigned => 'ASSIGNED', reserved => 'RESERVED', free2 => 'FREE', assigned2 => 'ASSIGNED', reserved2 => 'RESERVED'); $col = array(); $d = array(); foreach ($data as $name => $value) { if ($value > 0) { $d[] = new pie_value($value * 1, "{$status_name[$name]}"); array_push($col, $status_colors[$name]); } } $pie->set_values($d); $pie->set_colours($col); $chart = new open_flash_chart(); $chart->set_title($title); $chart->add_element($pie); $chart->x_axis = null; $chart->set_bg_colour('#202020'); $title->set_style("{font-size: 16px; font-family: Times New Roman; font-weight: bold; color: #000; text-align: center;}"); $chart->set_bg_colour('#FFFFFF'); $chart->set_title($title); // This is the VIEW section: // Should print this first. // $heading = "\n <script type='text/javascript'>\n \n var data = " . $chart->toPrettyString() . "\n\n </script>\n\n\n <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n \n OFC = {};\n \n OFC.jquery = {\n name: 'jQuery',\n version: function(src) { return \$('#'+ src)[0].get_version() },\n rasterize: function (src, dst) { \$('#'+ dst).replaceWith(OFC.jquery.image(src)) },\n image: function(src) { return \"<img src='data:image/png;base64,\" + \$('#'+src)[0].get_img_binary() + \"' />\"},\n popup: function(src) {\n var img_win ='', 'Charts: Export as Image')\n with(img_win.document) {\n write('<html><head><title>Charts: Export as Image<\\/title><\\/head><body>' + OFC.jquery.image(src) + '<\\/body><\\/html>') }\n // stop the 'loading...' message\n img_win.document.close();\n }\n }\n \n // Using_ an object as namespaces is JS Best Practice. I like the Control.XXX style.\n //if (!Control) {var Control = {}}\n //if (typeof(Control == \"undefined\")) {var Control = {}}\n if (typeof(Control == \"undefined\")) {var Control = {OFC: OFC.jquery}}\n \n \n // By default, right-clicking on OFC and choosing \"save image locally\" calls this function.\n // You are free to change the code in OFC and call my wrapper (Control.OFC.your_favorite_save_method)\n // function save_image() { alert(1); Control.OFC.popup('my_chart') }\n function save_image() { alert(\"Your image will be displayed in a new window\"); OFC.jquery.popup('my_chart') }\n </script>\n <div id='my_chart' style='float:left; margin-left:28px;'></div>\n "; return $heading; }
public function RenderNoData($oPage, $bEditMode = false, $aExtraParams = array()) { $sTitle = $this->aProperties['title']; $aDisplayValues = $this->MakeSimulatedData(); require_once APPROOT . '/pages/php-ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php'; $oChart = new open_flash_chart(); $aGroupBy = array(); $aLabels = array(); foreach ($aDisplayValues as $iRow => $aDisplayData) { $aLabels[$iRow] = $aDisplayData['label']; $aGroupBy[$iRow] = (int) $aDisplayData['count']; } $oChartElement = new pie(); $oChartElement->set_start_angle(35); $oChartElement->set_animate(true); $oChartElement->set_tooltip('#label# - #val# (#percent#)'); $oChartElement->set_colours(array('#FF8A00', '#909980', '#2C2B33', '#CCC08D', '#596664')); $aData = array(); foreach ($aGroupBy as $iRow => $iCount) { $sFlashLabel = html_entity_decode($aLabels[$iRow], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $PieValue = new pie_value($iCount, $sFlashLabel); $aData[] = $PieValue; } $oChartElement->set_values($aData); $oChart->x_axis = null; if (!empty($sTitle)) { // The title has been given in an url, and urlencoded... // and urlencode transforms utf-8 into something similar to ISO-8859-1 // Example: é (C3A9 becomes %E9) // As a consequence, json_encode (called within open-flash-chart.php) // was returning 'null' and the graph was not displayed at all // To make sure that the graph is displayed AND to get a correct title // (at least for european characters) let's transform back into utf-8 ! $sTitle = iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $sTitle); // If the title is a dictionnary entry, fetch it $sTitle = $this->oModelReflection->DictString($sTitle); $oTitle = new title($sTitle); $oChart->set_title($oTitle); $oTitle->set_style("{font-size: 16px; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;}"); } $oChart->set_bg_colour('#FFFFFF'); $oChart->add_element($oChartElement); $sData = $oChart->toPrettyString(); $sData = json_encode($sData); $oPage->add_script(<<<EOF function ofc_get_data_dashlet_{$this->sId}() { \treturn {$sData}; } EOF ); $oPage->add('<div class="dashlet-content">'); $oPage->add("<div id=\"dashlet_chart_{$this->sId}\">If the chart does not display, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">install Flash</a></div>\n"); $oPage->add('</div>'); // $oPage->add_script("function ofc_resize(left, width, top, height) { /* do nothing special */ }"); $oPage->add_ready_script(<<<EOF swfobject.embedSWF(\t"../images/open-flash-chart.swf", \t"dashlet_chart_{$this->sId}", \t"100%", "300","9.0.0", \t"expressInstall.swf", \t{"get-data":"ofc_get_data_dashlet_{$this->sId}", "id":"dashlet_chart_{$this->sId}"}, \t{'wmode': 'transparent'} ); EOF ); }
# All rights reserved. # # Version: 1.0 # Created: 07.04.2009, Bunyamin Demir # # Index page # # Release Notes: # require_once "../lib/DB.class.php"; require_once "../lib/Template.class.php"; require_once "../lib/Report.class.php"; require_once "../lib/Resource.class.php"; require_once "../lib/php-ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php"; $rs = new Resource(); $RS = $rs->enum(array('LIST_SEVERITY')); $filters['severity'] = array_values($RS['LIST_SEVERITY']); $title = new title('Category Distribution'); $pie = new pie(); $pie->set_alpha(0.7); $pie->set_start_angle(35); $pie->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pie->set_tooltip('#val# of #total#<br>#percent# of 100%'); $pie->set_colours(array('#E60039', '#00E6AC', '#1C9E05', '#FF368D', '#7547FF')); $pie->set_values(array(new pie_value(50, "Critical (123)"), new pie_value(10, "Alert (33)"), new pie_value(13, "Error (463)"), new pie_value(17, "Warning (46)"), new pie_value(10, "Notice (89)"))); $chart = new open_flash_chart(); $chart->set_title($title); $chart->add_element($pie); $chart->set_bg_colour('#FFFFFF'); $chart->x_axis = null; echo $chart->toPrettyString();
function mailing() { $mailid = JRequest::getInt('mailid'); if (empty($mailid)) { return; } $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM ' . acymailing::table('stats') . ' WHERE mailid = ' . $mailid); $mailingstats = $db->loadObject(); if (empty($mailingstats->mailid)) { return; } $mailClass = acymailing::get('class.mail'); $mailing = $mailClass->get($mailid); $chart = new open_flash_chart(); $title = new title(JText::_('SEND_PROCESS')); $title->set_style('font-size:12px; color: #FF8040'); $chart->set_title($title); $pie = new pie(); $pie->set_start_angle(35); $pie->set_animate(true); $pie->set_tooltip('#val# of #total#<br>#percent#'); $pieHTML = new pie_value((int) $mailingstats->senthtml, JText::_('HTML')); $pieHTML->set_colour('#00FF00'); $pieText = new pie_value((int) $mailingstats->senttext, JText::_('TEXT')); $pieText->set_colour('#0000FF'); $pieFailed = new pie_value((int) $mailingstats->fail, JText::_('FAILED')); $pieFailed->set_colour('#FF0000'); $values = array(); if (!empty($mailingstats->senthtml)) { $values[] = $pieHTML; } if (!empty($mailingstats->senttext)) { $values[] = $pieText; } if (!empty($mailingstats->fail)) { $values[] = $pieFailed; } $pie->set_values($values); $chart->add_element($pie); $this->assignRef('chart', $chart); $db->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `#__acymailing_queue` WHERE `mailid` = ' . $mailingstats->mailid . ' GROUP BY `mailid`'); $mailingstats->queue = $db->loadResult(); $chart3 = new open_flash_chart(); $title = new title(JText::_('OPEN')); $title->set_style('font-size:12px; color: #FF8040'); $chart3->set_title($title); $pie = new pie(); $pie->set_start_angle(35); $pie->set_animate(true); $pie->set_tooltip('#val# of #total#<br>#percent#'); $pieNot = new pie_value((int) $mailingstats->senthtml - (int) $mailingstats->openunique, JText::_('NOT_OPEN')); $pieNot->set_colour('#FF0000'); $pieOpen = new pie_value((int) $mailingstats->openunique, JText::_('OPEN')); $pieOpen->set_colour('#00FF00'); $pie->set_values(array($pieOpen, $pieNot)); $chart3->add_element($pie); $this->assignRef('chart3', $chart3); $db->setQuery('SELECT min(opendate) as minval, max(opendate) as maxval FROM ' . acymailing::table('userstats') . ' WHERE opendate > 0 AND mailid = ' . $mailid); $datesOpen = $db->loadObject(); $db->setQuery('SELECT min(`date`) as minval, max(`date`) as maxval FROM ' . acymailing::table('urlclick') . ' WHERE mailid = ' . $mailid); $datesClick = $db->loadObject(); $spaces = array(); $intervals = 10; $minDate = min($datesOpen->minval, $datesClick->minval); if (empty($minDate)) { $minDate = max($datesOpen->minval, $datesClick->minval); } $maxDate = max($datesOpen->maxval, $datesClick->maxval) + 1; $delay = ($maxDate - $minDate) / $intervals; for ($i = 0; $i < $intervals; $i++) { $spaces[$i] = (int) ($minDate + $delay * $i); } $spaces[$intervals] = $maxDate; $clickresults = array(); $openresults = array(); $legendX = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= $intervals; $i++) { $legendX[] = acymailing::getDate($spaces[$i]); $db->setQuery('SELECT count(subid) FROM ' . acymailing::table('userstats') . ' WHERE opendate < ' . $spaces[$i] . ' AND opendate > 0 AND mailid = ' . $mailid); $openresults[$i] = (int) $db->loadResult(); $db->setQuery('SELECT count(subid) FROM ' . acymailing::table('urlclick') . ' WHERE date < ' . $spaces[$i] . ' AND mailid = ' . $mailid); $clickresults[$i] = (int) $db->loadResult(); } $chart2 = new open_flash_chart(); $title = new title(JText::_('OPEN') . ' / ' . JText::_('CLICKED_LINK')); $title->set_style('font-size:12px; color: #FF8040'); $chart2->set_title($title); $openLine = new line_base(); $openLine->set_values($openresults); $openLine->set_text(JText::_('OPEN')); $openLine->set_colour('#94D700'); $clickLine = new line_base(); $clickLine->set_values($clickresults); $clickLine->set_text(JText::_('CLICKED_LINK')); $x_axis = new x_axis(); $xlabelobject = new x_axis_labels(); $xlabelobject->rotate(-20); $xlabelobject->set_labels($legendX); $x_axis->set_labels($xlabelobject); $y_axis = new y_axis(); $maxYValue = max($clickresults[$intervals], $openresults[$intervals]); $y_axis->range(0, $maxYValue, intval($maxYValue / 5)); $chart2->set_x_axis($x_axis); $chart2->set_y_axis($y_axis); $chart2->add_element($clickLine); $chart2->add_element($openLine); $this->assignRef('chart2', $chart2); $this->assignRef('mailing', $mailing); $this->assignRef('mailingstats', $mailingstats); $this->setLayout('mailing'); }
$result = mssql_query($sql); $data = array(); if (mssql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($val = mssql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $jenis[] = $val['Jenis']; $jumlah[] = $val['Jumlah']; $total = $val['total']; $data[] = new pie_value($val['Jumlah'], $val['Jenis'] == null ? 'Tidak KB' : $val['Jenis']); //$tempJumlah = $val[ 'Jumlah' ]; //$maxJumlah = ( $maxJumlah > $tempJumlah ) ? $maxJumlah : $tempJumlah; } } $max = 0; $title = new title('Jumlah Pemakaian Alat Kontrasepsi Berdasarkan Jenis, Total : ' . $total . ' ( ' . date("D M d Y") . ' ) '); $title->set_style('{font-size:20px; color: #bcd6ff; margin:0px; background-color: #5E83BF;}'); $pie = new pie(); $pie->alpha(0.5)->add_animation(new pie_fade())->add_animation(new pie_bounce(5))->start_angle(0)->tooltip('#val# dari #total#<br>#percent# dari 100%')->colours(array('#d01f3c', '#356aa0', '#c79810', '#639bf7', '#ac77dea')); $pie->set_values($data); /*$bar = new bar_3d(); $bar->set_values( $jumlah ); $bar->colour = '#9999FF'; $bar->set_on_show( new bar_on_show( 'grow-up', 1, 0 ) ); $labels = new x_axis_labels(); $labels->set_labels( $jenis ); $y_base = new y_axis_base(); $y_base->set_range( 0, $maxJumlah + round( $maxJumlah / 2 ), round( $maxJumlah / 2 ) ); $x = new x_axis(); $x->set_labels( $labels );
/** * public static function to generate two pie charts for the mailing reports * It was extracted because there are two graph in mailing for each mailing and general mailing which is the total * * @param array $results data needed for graph values */ public static function mailingPieChart($results) { $data = array(); //First Pie, Pie Chart for HTML/TEXT format $valuesFormat = array(); $pieHtmlValues = new pie_value((int) $results['html_sent'], _JNEWS_GRAPH_LBL_HTML); $pieTextValues = new pie_value((int) $results['text_sent'], _JNEWS_GRAPH_LBL_TEXT); $valuesFormat[] = $pieHtmlValues; $valuesFormat[] = $pieTextValues; if (empty($results['html_sent']) && empty($results['text_sent'])) { $data['pie1'] = 'empty'; } else { $css = '{font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;color:#0B55C4;}'; $title = new title(_JNEWS_GRAPH_TITLE_FORMAT); //Name of the newsletter $title->set_style($css); $pieMailing = new pie(); $pieMailing->set_alpha(0.6); $pieMailing->set_start_angle(35); $pieMailing->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pieMailing->set_tooltip('#val#<br>#percent# of 100%'); $pieMailing->set_colours(array('#156cbd', '#368d03', '#f7941d', '#ed145a', '#92278f', '#156cbd', '#182972', '#3e5d2b', '#db4b19', '#9d0039', '#440e62')); $pieMailing->set_values($valuesFormat); $chartPie = new open_flash_chart(); $chartPie->set_title($title); $chartPie->add_element($pieMailing); $chartPie->set_bg_colour('#FFFFFF'); $data['pie1'] = $chartPie->toPrettyString(); } //Second chart, Pie chart for the status of mailing process $valuesProcess = array(); //$pieFailedlValues = new pie_value((int)$results['failed'], _JNEWS_MAILING_FAILED); //$pieBounceValues = new pie_value((int)$results['bounces'], _JNEWS_MAILING_BOUNCES); $piePendingValues = new pie_value((int) $results['pending'], _JNEWS_MAILING_PENDING); $pieSentValues = new pie_value((int) $results['sent'], _JNEWS_MAILING_SENT); //$valuesProcess[] = $pieFailedlValues; //$valuesProcess[] = $pieBounceValues; $valuesProcess[] = $piePendingValues; $valuesProcess[] = $pieSentValues; //if(!empty($results['failed']) && !empty($results['pending']) && !empty($results['bounces'])){ if (!empty($results['sent']) || !empty($results['pending'])) { $css = '{font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;color:#0B55C4;}'; $title = new title(_JNEWS_GRAPH_PIE_TITLE_MAIL); //Name of the newsletter $title->set_style($css); $pieMailing = new pie(); $pieMailing->set_alpha(0.6); $pieMailing->set_start_angle(35); $pieMailing->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pieMailing->set_tooltip('#val#<br>#percent# of 100%'); $pieMailing->set_colours(array('#156cbd', '#368d03', '#f7941d', '#ed145a', '#92278f', '#156cbd', '#182972', '#3e5d2b', '#db4b19', '#9d0039', '#440e62')); $pieMailing->set_values($valuesProcess); $chartPie = new open_flash_chart(); $chartPie->set_title($title); $chartPie->add_element($pieMailing); $chartPie->set_bg_colour('#FFFFFF'); $data['pie2'] = $chartPie->toPrettyString(); } else { $data['pie2'] = 'empty'; } return $data; }
function create() { if (in_array("b", $this->type) || in_array("l", $this->type)) { for ($bar = $i = 0; $i < count($this->type); $i++) { if ($this->type[$i] == 'b') { $bar += 1; } } $this->disbar = $this->larg * $bar; $this->ld = $this->larg + $this->disbar; # variabile di comodo # if (in_array("l", $this->type) && $this->disbar == 0) { $this->disbar = 2 * $this->larg; $this->ld = $this->disbar; # variabile di comodo # } if (!isset($this->mass)) { $this->mass = $this->mx; } if (!isset($this->mnvs)) { $this->mnvs = $this->mn; } if (isset($this->name)) { graidle::setLegend($this->name); } if (!isset($this->dvx)) { if ($this->mass <= 1) { $this->dvx = round($this->mass / 5, 1); } else { if ($this->mass > 1 && $this->mass < 10) { $this->dvx = 1; } else { $this->dvx = round($this->mass / 10); } } } if (!isset($this->AA)) { $this->AA = 2; } if ($this->mx > 0) { if ($this->mass == $this->mx) { $this->scarmax = 1; } else { $this->scarmax = $this->mass - $this->mx; } } $this->scarmin = $this->mn; if ($this->mn < 0) { if ($this->mnvs > 0 || !isset($this->mnvs)) { $this->scarmin = 0; } else { if ($this->mnvs > $this->mn || $this->mnvs < $this->mn) { $this->scarmin = $this->mnvs - $this->mn; } else { $this->scarmin = -1; } } } if (strlen($this->mn) > strlen($this->mx)) { $this->y_flag = strlen($this->mn); } else { $this->y_flag = strlen($this->mx); } $this->s += $this->font_small * graidle::stringLen($this->mass); if (!isset($this->w)) { $this->w = $this->ld * $this->cnt + $this->s + $this->d; if ($this->w < 640) { while ($this->w < 640) { $this->larg += 0.01; $this->disbar = $this->larg * $bar; $this->ld = $this->larg + $this->disbar; $this->w = round($this->ld * $this->cnt) + $this->s + $this->d; } } else { while ($this->w > 641) { $this->larg -= 0.01; $this->disbar = $this->larg * $bar; $this->ld = $this->larg + $this->disbar; $this->w = $this->ld * $this->cnt + $this->s + $this->d; } } } else { while ($this->ld * $this->cnt + $this->s + $this->d >= $this->w) { $this->larg -= 0.01; $this->disbar = $this->larg; $this->ld = $this->larg + $this->disbar; } while ($this->ld * $this->cnt + $this->s + $this->d <= $this->w) { $this->larg += 0.01; $this->disbar = $this->larg; $this->ld = $this->larg + $this->disbar; } } if (!isset($this->h)) { $this->h = round(3 / 4 * $this->w); } $this->b += 2 * $this->font_small; if ($this->mnvs > 0 && $this->mass > 0) { $this->mul = ($this->h - $this->a - $this->b) / ($this->mass - $this->mnvs); } else { $this->mul = ($this->h - $this->a - $this->b) / ($this->mass + $this->scarmax + (abs($this->mn) - $this->scarmin)); } $this->div = $this->dvx * $this->mul; $this->im = imagecreatetruecolor($this->w, $this->h); $rgb = Color::hex2rgb($this->axis_color); $this->axis_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2]); $rgb = Color::hex2rgb($this->font_color); $this->font_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2]); $rgb = Color::hex2rgb($this->bg_color); $this->bg_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2]); imagefilltoborder($this->im, 1, 1, 1, $this->bg_color); if (isset($this->legend) || isset($this->name)) { graidle::legend(); } graidle::title($this->title, $this->xAxis, $this->yAxis); graidle::gradAxis($this->sx, $this->sy); if (in_array("b", $this->type)) { include "graidle_histo.ext.php"; histogram::drawHisto(); } graidle::drawAxis(); if (in_array("l", $this->type)) { include "graidle_line.ext.php"; line::drawLine(); } } else { if (in_array("hb", $this->type)) { for ($bar = $i = 0; $i < count($this->type); $i++) { if ($this->type[$i] == 'hb') { $bar += 1; } } $this->disbar = $this->larg * $bar; if (isset($this->name)) { graidle::setLegend($this->name); } if (!isset($this->mass)) { $this->mass = $this->mx; } if (!isset($this->mnvs)) { $this->mnvs = $this->mn; } if (!isset($this->dvx)) { if ($this->mass <= 1) { $this->dvx = round($this->mass / 5, 1); } else { if ($this->mass > 1 && $this->mass < 10) { $this->dvx = 1; } else { $this->dvx = round($this->mass / 10); } } } if (!isset($this->AA)) { $this->AA = 4; } $this->b += 5 * $this->font_small; $this->d += round(graidle::StringLen($this->mass) * ($this->font_small / 4)); if (isset($this->vlx)) { for ($maxlen = $i = 0; $i <= count($this->vlx); $i++) { if (isset($this->vlx[$i])) { $curlen = graidle::stringlen($this->vlx[$i]) * $this->font_small; if ($maxlen < $curlen) { $maxlen = $curlen; } } } $this->s += $maxlen + 10; } else { $this->s += $this->font_small * 4; } if (isset($this->yAxis)) { $this->s += 2 * $this->fontsmall; } $this->ld = $this->larg + $this->disbar; # variabile di comodo # if (!isset($this->h)) { $this->h = $this->ld * $this->cnt + $this->a + $this->b; if ($this->h < 500) { while ($this->h < 500) { $this->larg += 0.01; $this->disbar = $this->larg * $bar; $this->ld = $this->larg + $this->disbar; $this->h = round($this->ld * $this->cnt) + $this->a + $this->b; } } else { while ($this->h > 501) { $this->larg -= 0.01; $this->disbar = $this->larg * $bar; $this->ld = $this->larg + $this->disbar; $this->h = $this->ld * $this->cnt + $this->a + $this->b; } } } else { while ($this->ld * $this->cnt + $this->a + $this->b <= $this->h) { $this->larg += 0.01; $this->disbar = $this->larg * $bar; $this->ld = $this->larg + $this->disbar; } while ($this->ld * $this->cnt + $this->a + $this->b >= $this->h) { $this->larg -= 0.01; $this->disbar = $this->larg * $bar; $this->ld = $this->larg + $this->disbar; } } if (!isset($this->w)) { $this->w = round(4 / 5 * $this->h); } if ($this->mnvs > 0 && $this->mass > 0) { $this->mul = ($this->w - $this->s - $this->d) / ($this->mass - $this->mnvs); } else { $this->mul = ($this->w - $this->s - $this->d) / ($this->mass + abs($this->mnvs)); } $this->im = imagecreatetruecolor($this->w, $this->h); $rgb = Color::hex2rgb($this->axis_color); $this->axis_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2]); $rgb = Color::hex2rgb($this->font_color); $this->font_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2]); $rgb = Color::hex2rgb($this->bg_color); $this->bg_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2]); imagefilltoborder($this->im, 1, 1, 1, $this->bg_color); if (isset($this->legend) || isset($this->name)) { graidle::legend(); } include "graidle_horizhisto.ext.php"; HorizHistogram::gradAxis($this->sx, $this->sy); HorizHistogram::drawHorizHisto(); HorizHistogram::drawAxis(); graidle::title($this->title, $this->xAxis, $this->yAxis); } else { if (in_array("p", $this->type)) { include "graidle_pie.ext.php"; for ($this->pie = $i = 0; $i < count($this->type); $i++) { if ($this->type[$i] == 'p') { $this->pie += 1; } } if (!isset($this->incl)) { $this->incl = 55; } if (!isset($this->AA)) { $this->AA = 4; } if (!isset($this->w)) { $this->w = 500; } if (!isset($this->h)) { $this->h = 500; } $this->tre_d = 0; if ($this->incl < 90) { $this->tre_d = round($this->incl / 5); } $this->radius = $this->w; $e = sin(deg2rad($this->incl)); $rapp = pow($e, 2); $a = $this->radius; $b = $a * $rapp; while ($a >= $this->w - $this->s - $this->d) { $a -= 1; $this->radius = $a; $b = $a * $rapp; } while ($b * $this->pie > $this->h - $this->a - $this->pie * $this->b - $this->pie * $this->tre_d) { $b -= 1; $a = $b / $rapp; $this->radius = $a; } $this->im = imagecreatetruecolor($this->w, $this->h); #<----CREO L'IMMAGINE PER IL GRAFICO A TORTA $rgb = Color::hex2rgb($this->bg_color); $this->bg_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2]); imagefilltoborder($this->im, 1, 1, 1, $this->bg_color); #<---- Creo lo sfondo $rgb = Color::hex2rgb($this->font_color); $this->font_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2]); if (isset($this->legend)) { graidle::legend(); } graidle::title($this->title); pie::drawPie($a, $b); } else { if (in_array("s", $this->type)) { include "graidle_spider.ext.php"; if (!isset($this->mass)) { $this->mass = $this->mx; } if (!isset($this->filled)) { $this->filled = 1; } if (!isset($this->AA)) { $this->AA = 4; } if (!isset($this->w)) { if (isset($this->h)) { $this->w = round($this->h * (5 / 4)); } else { $this->w = 500; } } if (!isset($this->h)) { $this->h = round($this->w * (4 / 5)); } if (isset($this->name)) { graidle::setLegend($this->name); } if (!isset($this->dvx)) { if ($this->mass / 10 < 1) { $this->dvx = round($this->mass / 5, 1); } else { $this->dvx = round($this->mass / 10); } } $this->radius = $this->w - $this->s - $this->d; while ($this->radius >= $this->h - $this->a - $this->b) { $this->radius -= 1; } $this->radius = round($this->radius / 2); $this->im = imagecreatetruecolor($this->w, $this->h); #<----CREO L'IMMAGINE PER IL GRAFICO A TORTA $rgb = Color::hex2rgb($this->bg_color); $this->bg_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2]); imagefilltoborder($this->im, 1, 1, 1, $this->bg_color); #<---- Creo lo sfondo $rgb = Color::hex2rgb($this->font_color); $this->font_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2]); $rgb = Color::hex2rgb($this->axis_color); $this->axis_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2]); if (isset($this->legend)) { graidle::legend(); } graidle::title($this->title); spider::drawSpider(); } } } } }
$plist = explode(";", $_GET['graph_filter']); for ($i = 0; $i <= count($plist); $i++) { list($k, $v) = explode("=", $plist[$i]); $param[$k] = $v; } } list($filter, $fwhere) = Filter::getFilter($param, ''); foreach ($fwhere as $w) { $where .= $w; } $categories =& Report::getCategoryDistribution($where); $category = array(); foreach (array_keys($RS['LIST_CATEGORY']) as $s) { if ($categories[$s] && $s) { $category[] = new pie_value(intval($categories[$s]), $RS['LIST_CATEGORY'][intval($s)] . " ({$categories[$s]})"); } } #$title = new title('Category Distribution'); $pie = new pie(); $pie->set_alpha(0.7); $pie->set_start_angle(35); $pie->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pie->set_tooltip('#val# of #total#<br>#percent# of 100%'); $pie->set_colours(array('#FF6633', '#EB0000', '#2E00B8', '#2EB800', '#7AFFFF', '#7500EB', '#FF0080', '#85FF0A')); $pie->set_values($category); $chart = new open_flash_chart(); #$chart->set_title($title); $chart->add_element($pie); $chart->set_bg_colour('#FFFFFF'); $chart->x_axis = null; echo $chart->toPrettyString();
function report_chart($data) { // Chart // // This is the MODEL section: // include 'open-flash-chart/php-ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php'; $title = new title("Availability Report "); $pie = new pie(); $pie->set_alpha(0.9); $pie->radius(90); //$pie->start_angle(100); $pie->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pie->set_tooltip('#label#: #percent#<br>#val# of #total#<br>'); $status_colors = array(ok => '#77CC6D', critical => '#FF0000', warning => '#FFD40F', unknown => '#6D86CC', no_data => '#848484'); $status_name = array(ok => 'Ok', critical => 'Critical', warning => 'Warning', unknown => 'Unknown', no_data => 'No Data'); $col = array(); $d = array(); foreach ($data as $name => $value) { if ($value > 0) { $d[] = new pie_value($value * 1, "{$status_name[$name]}"); array_push($col, $status_colors[$name]); } } $pie->set_values($d); $pie->set_colours($col); $chart = new open_flash_chart(); $chart->set_title($title); $chart->add_element($pie); $chart->x_axis = null; $chart->set_bg_colour('#202020'); $title->set_style("{font-size: 16px; font-family: Times New Roman; font-weight: bold; color: #000; text-align: center;}"); $chart->set_bg_colour('#FFFFFF'); $chart->set_title($title); // This is the VIEW section: // Should print this first. // $heading = "\n <script type='text/javascript' src='open-flash-chart/js/json/json2.js'></script>\n <script type='text/javascript' src='open-flash-chart/js/swfobject.js'></script>\n <script type='text/javascript'>\n swfobject.embedSWF('open-flash-chart/open-flash-chart.swf', 'my_chart', '300', '300', '9.0.0');\n </script>\n\n <script type='text/javascript'>\n\n function open_flash_chart_data() {\n return JSON.stringify(data);\n }\n\n function findSWF(movieName) {\n if (navigator.appName.indexOf('Microsoft')!= -1) {\n return window[movieName];\n } else {\n return document[movieName];\n }\n }\n \n var data = " . $chart->toPrettyString() . "\n\n </script>\n\n\n <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n \n OFC = {};\n \n OFC.jquery = {\n name: 'jQuery',\n version: function(src) { return \$('#'+ src)[0].get_version() },\n rasterize: function (src, dst) { \$('#'+ dst).replaceWith(OFC.jquery.image(src)) },\n image: function(src) { return \"<img src='data:image/png;base64,\" + \$('#'+src)[0].get_img_binary() + \"' />\"},\n popup: function(src) {\n var img_win ='', 'Charts: Export as Image')\n with(img_win.document) {\n write('<html><head><title>Charts: Export as Image<\\/title><\\/head><body>' + OFC.jquery.image(src) + '<\\/body><\\/html>') }\n // stop the 'loading...' message\n img_win.document.close();\n }\n }\n \n // Using_ an object as namespaces is JS Best Practice. I like the Control.XXX style.\n //if (!Control) {var Control = {}}\n //if (typeof(Control == \"undefined\")) {var Control = {}}\n if (typeof(Control == \"undefined\")) {var Control = {OFC: OFC.jquery}}\n \n \n // By default, right-clicking on OFC and choosing \"save image locally\" calls this function.\n // You are free to change the code in OFC and call my wrapper (Control.OFC.your_favorite_save_method)\n // function save_image() { alert(1); Control.OFC.popup('my_chart') }\n function save_image() { alert(\"Your image will be displayed in a new window\"); OFC.jquery.popup('my_chart') }\n </script>\n <div id='my_chart' style='float:left; margin-left:28px;'></div>\n "; return $heading; }
/** * Build The Pie Gharph. * * @param array $params assoc array of name/value pairs * * @return object $chart object of open flash chart. * @static */ static function &pieChart(&$params) { $chart = null; if (empty($params)) { return $chart; } $allValues = CRM_Utils_Array::value('values', $params); if (!is_array($allValues) || empty($allValues)) { return $chart; } // get the required data. $values = array(); foreach ($allValues as $label => $value) { $values[] = new pie_value((double) $value, $label); } $graphTitle = CRM_Utils_Array::value('legend', $params) ? $params['legend'] : ts('Pie Chart'); //get the currency. require_once 'CRM/Utils/Money.php'; $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $symbol = $config->defaultCurrencySymbol; $pie = new pie(); $pie->radius(100); // call user define function to handle on click event. if ($onClickFunName = CRM_Utils_Array::value('on_click_fun_name', $params)) { $pie->on_click($onClickFunName); } $pie->set_start_angle(35); $pie->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pie->add_animation(new pie_bounce(2)); // set the tooltip. $tooltip = CRM_Utils_Array::value('tip', $params, "Amount is {$symbol} #val# of {$symbol} #total# <br>#percent#"); $pie->set_tooltip($tooltip); // set colours. $pie->set_colours(self::$_colours); $pie->set_values($values); //create chart. $chart = new open_flash_chart(); // create chart title obj. $title = new title($graphTitle); $chart->set_title($title); $chart->add_element($pie); $chart->x_axis = null; return $chart; }
$q .= " ORDER BY ish.status ASC"; $r = tep_db_query($q); $data = array(); $dataraw = array(); while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($r)) { $dataraw[$row['status']] = $row['status_total']; } $statuslist = array('1', '2', '7', '3', '4', '5', '6'); foreach ($statuslist as $status) { $text = ($status == '1' ? 'New ' : 'Moved to ') . improvement::getImprovementStatus($status); if (isset($dataraw[$status])) { $data[] = new pie_value(intval($dataraw[$status]), $text . ' (' . $dataraw[$status] . ')'); } else { $data[] = new pie_value(0, $text . " (0)"); } } $title = new title('MIMS Recent Activities (' . array_sum($dataraw) . ')'); $title->set_style("{font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;margin-top:5px;}"); $pie = new pie(); $pie->set_alpha(0.6); $pie->set_start_angle(-90); $pie->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pie->set_tooltip('#val# of #total#<br>#percent# of 100%'); $pie->set_colours(array('#bababa', '#ababab', '#838383', '#900000', '#ffd200', '#0066CC', '#066303')); $pie->set_values($data); $chart = new open_flash_chart(); $chart->set_title($title); $chart->add_element($pie); $chart->x_axis = null; echo $chart->toString(); require_once 'confy_close.php';
<?php $this->output->set_header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); $this->output->set_header("Pragma: public"); $title = new title($title); $pie = new pie(); $pie->set_alpha(0.6); $pie->set_start_angle(35); $pie->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pie->set_tooltip('#val# of #total#<br>#percent# of 100%'); $pie->set_colours(get_random_colors(count($data))); $pie_values = array(); foreach ($data as $label => $value) { $pie_values[] = new pie_value((double) $value, (string) $label); } $pie->set_values($pie_values); $chart = new open_flash_chart(); $chart->set_title($title); $chart->set_bg_colour("#f3f3f3"); $chart->add_element($pie); $chart->x_axis = null; echo $chart->toPrettyString();
<?php include 'include.php'; $this_month = ' -w -c -F "%(account)\\t%(total)\\n" -p "this month" bal ^exp | sed -e \'s/\\$//g\' | sed -e \'s/,//g\' '; exec("{$ledger} {$this_month}", $output); foreach ($output as $line) { //make into key-value pairs $tmp = explode("\t", $line); if ($tmp[0] != "Expenses" && $tmp[0] != "" && $tmp[0] != "Expenses:Bills" && $tmp[0] != "Expenses:Food") { $datalist[] = new pie_value(1 * $tmp[1], $tmp[0]); } } $title = new title("This month spending breakdown"); $pie = new pie(); $pie->set_alpha(0.6); $pie->set_start_angle(35); $pie->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pie->set_tooltip('#label#<br>$#val# (#percent#)'); $pie->set_no_labels(); $pie->set_colours(array('#1C9E05', '#FF368D', '#FF33C9', '#FF653F')); $pie->set_values($datalist); $chart = new open_flash_chart(); $chart->set_title($title); $chart->add_element($pie); $chart->set_bg_colour('#FFFFFF'); echo $chart->toPrettyString(); ?>
case "double": $theValue = $theValue != "" ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL"; break; case "date": $theValue = $theValue != "" ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "defined": $theValue = $theValue != "" ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue; break; } return $theValue; } } $title = new title(); $title->set_style("font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;"); $pie = new pie(); $pie->set_alpha(0.6); $pie->set_start_angle(32); $pie->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pie->set_tooltip('#val# ' . $multilingual_project_hour); $pie->set_colours(array('#99C754', '#54C7C5', '#999999', '#996699', '#009900', '#77C600', '#ff7400', '#FF0000', '#4096ee', '#c79810')); $projectid = $_GET['recordID']; mysql_select_db($database_tankdb, $tankdb); $query_Recordset_sumtotal = sprintf("SELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsum(csa_tb_manhour) as sum_hour \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM tk_task_byday \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE csa_tb_backup2 = %s", GetSQLValueString($projectid, "text")); $Recordset_sumtotal = mysql_query($query_Recordset_sumtotal, $tankdb) or die(mysql_error()); $row_Recordset_sumtotal = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset_sumtotal); $t = $row_Recordset_sumtotal['sum_hour']; $sql = sprintf("SELECT * , sum(csa_tb_manhour) as summ1 FROM tk_task_byday \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join tk_task_tpye on\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE csa_tb_backup2 = %s GROUP BY csa_tb_backup4 ORDER BY summ1 DESC", GetSQLValueString($projectid, "text")); $query = mysql_query($sql, $tankdb) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { $total = $row['summ1'];
/** * 工作耗时饼猪状图 *@param $id 传入的项目ID *@examlpe */ public function buglevel($id) { $Public = A('Index', 'Public'); $App = A('App', 'Public'); Vendor(''); //main $Report = M('Report_table'); $id = intval($id); $color = array('#99C754', '#54C7C5', '#999999', '#996699', '#009900', '#77C600', '#ff7400', '#FF0000', '#4096ee', '#c79810'); $level = $App->getJson('yanzhongxing', '/Linkage'); $info = $Report->field('level,COUNT(id) as num')->where('pid=' . $id)->group('level')->order('level')->select(); //dump($info); $title = new title(); $title->set_style("font-size:13px; font-weight:bold;"); $pie = new pie(); $pie->set_alpha(0.8); $pie->start_angle(35); $pie->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pie->add_animation(new pie_bounce(5)); $pie->gradient_fill(); $pie->set_tooltip('数量:#val#条, 占:#percent#'); $pie->set_colours($color); foreach ($info as $k => $t) { $obj = new pie_value(intval($t['num']), ''); $name = $Public->searchArr($level, 'id', $t['level']); $obj->set_label($name . ':' . $t['num'] . '条', $color[$k], 12); $dis_value[] = $obj; } //dump($dis_value); $pie->set_values($dis_value); $chart = new open_flash_chart(); $chart->set_title($title); $chart->add_element($pie); $chart->x_axis = null; $chart->bg_colour = '#FFFFFF'; echo $chart->toPrettyString(); }
break; case "resellercredit": $title_val = $locate->Translate("Reseller Cost"); $pie_value = intval($row['resellercredit']); break; case "markup": $title_val = $locate->Translate("Markup"); $pie_value = intval($row['markup']); break; } $tmp = new pie_value($pie_value, $title); $tmp->set_colour($col); $d[] = $tmp; $ii++; } $pie = new pie(); $pie->set_start_angle(5); $pie->set_animate(true); $pie->set_label_colour('#432BAF'); $pie->set_gradient_fill(); switch ($action_value) { case "recordNum": $pie->set_tooltip('#label#<br>#val# (#percent#)'); break; case "seconds": $pie->set_tooltip('#label#<br>#val# (#percent#)'); break; default: $pie->set_tooltip('#label#<br>$#val# (#percent#)'); break; }
$pie1->radius(100); $pie1->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pie1->set_tooltip($toolTip); $pie1->set_colours(array('#D544A2', '#9408E0', '#E25374', '#269C16', '#9F0946', '#EC7E64', '#8F4F64', '#0AD5A5', '#F957BD', '#F4C377', '#0CEBC5', '#CCDE8B', '#F7FB8C', '#7CBF0C', '#799756', '#D5FFA2')); //Pie 2 $title2 = new title("Top Melodii"); $pie2 = new pie(); $pie2->set_alpha(0.6); $pie2->add_animation(new pie_bounce(8)); //$pie2->radius(100); $pie2->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pie2->set_tooltip($toolTip); $pie2->set_colours(array('#D544A2', '#9408E0', '#E25374', '#269C16', '#9F0946', '#EC7E64', '#8F4F64', '#0AD5A5', '#F957BD', '#F4C377', '#0CEBC5', '#CCDE8B', '#F7FB8C', '#7CBF0C', '#799756', '#D5FFA2')); //Pie 3 $title3 = new title("Top Albume"); $pie3 = new pie(); $pie3->set_alpha(0.6); $pie3->add_animation(new pie_bounce(8)); //$pie3->radius(100); $pie3->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pie3->set_tooltip($toolTipLabel); $pie3->set_colours(array('#D544A2', '#9408E0', '#E25374', '#269C16', '#9F0946', '#EC7E64', '#8F4F64', '#0AD5A5', '#F957BD', '#F4C377', '#0CEBC5', '#CCDE8B', '#F7FB8C', '#7CBF0C', '#799756', '#D5FFA2')); $pie3->set_no_labels(); //Pie 1 foreach ($topArtistArr->result() as $row) { $pieArr1[] = new pie_value(intval($row->artistCount), $row->artist); } //Pie 2 foreach ($topSongsArr->result() as $row) { $pieArr2[] = new pie_value(intval($row->trackIdCount), $row->trackName); }