function resize($img, $options, $folder = "", $cache = true) { $hash = md5($img . serialize($options)); if (!file_exists($img) || is_dir($img)) { $img = PATH_DESIGN . "img" . DS . "nophoto.png"; } $ext = ""; $phpThumb = new \phpthumb(); $phpThumb->setSourceFilename($img); $phpThumb->setParameter("q", IMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT); foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $phpThumb->setParameter($key, $value); if ($key == "f") { $ext = $value; } } if ($ext == "") { $phpThumb->setParameter("f", "jpg"); $ext = "jpg"; } if ($folder != "") { $tree = explode("/", $folder); $path = IMAGE_CACHE_PATH; if (is_array($tree)) { foreach ($tree as $dir) { $mk = $path . DS . $dir; if (!file_exists($mk)) { mkdir($mk); chmod($mk, 0777); } $path .= DS . $dir; } } $folder .= DS; } $outputFilename = IMAGE_CACHE_PATH . $folder . $hash . "." . $ext; if (!$cache && file_exists($outputFilename)) { unlink($outputFilename); } if (!file_exists($outputFilename)) { if ($phpThumb->GenerateThumbnail()) { $phpThumb->RenderToFile($outputFilename); } } $res = str_replace(ROOT, "", $outputFilename); $res = str_replace(DS, "/", $res); return $res; }
protected function _thumb($sourceFilename, $targetFilename, $params) { // recursively create folders new Folder(dirname($targetFilename), true); // Import phpThumb class App::import('Vendor', 'phpthumb', array('file' => 'phpThumb' . DS . 'phpthumb.class.php')); // Configuring thumbnail settings $phpThumb = new phpthumb(); $phpThumb->setSourceFilename($sourceFilename); $phpThumb->w = $params['width']; $phpThumb->h = $params['height']; $phpThumb->setParameter('zc', $params['zoomCrop']); $phpThumb->q = $params['quality']; $imageArray = explode(".", $source); $phpThumb->config_output_format = $imageArray[1]; unset($imageArray); // Setting whether to die upon error $phpThumb->config_error_die_on_error = true; // Creating thumbnail if ($phpThumb->GenerateThumbnail()) { if (!$phpThumb->RenderToFile($targetFilename)) { trigger_error('Could not render image to: ' . $targetFilename); } } }
function index() { if (count($this->params['pass'])) { $src = implode('/', array_slice($this->params['pass'], 1)); $action = $this->params['pass'][0]; $phpThumb = new phpthumb(); $sourceFilename = Configure::read('Resource.media_path') . DS . $src; $cacheFilename = md5("{$action}{$src}"); $phpThumb->src = $sourceFilename; $phpThumb->config_cache_directory = Configure::read('Thumb.cache_path') . DS; $phpThumb->config_imagemagick_path = Configure::read('Thumb.imagemagick_path'); $phpThumb->config_prefer_imagemagick = true; $phpThumb->config_output_format = 'jpeg'; $phpThumb->config_error_die_on_error = false; $phpThumb->config_document_root = ''; $phpThumb->config_cache_prefix = ''; $phpThumb->config_cache_source_enabled = 1; $phpThumb->cache_filename = $phpThumb->config_cache_directory . $cacheFilename; $phpThumb->config_max_source_pixels = 5000000; $phpThumb->sia = implode('_', array_slice($this->params['pass'], 1)); $thumb_parameters = Configure::read('Thumb.media_parameters'); if (in_array($action, array_keys($thumb_parameters))) { $thumb_vars = $thumb_parameters[$action]; $phpThumb->cache_filename = $phpThumb->config_cache_directory . $cacheFilename; foreach ($thumb_vars as $ti => $thumb_var) { $phpThumb->setParameter($ti, $thumb_var); } if (file_exists($phpThumb->cache_filename) && filemtime($phpThumb->src) < filemtime($phpThumb->cache_filename)) { $phpThumb->useRawIMoutput = true; $phpThumb->IMresizedData = file_get_contents($phpThumb->cache_filename); $this->set('phpthumb', $phpThumb); } elseif ($phpThumb->GenerateThumbnail()) { $phpThumb->RenderToFile($phpThumb->cache_filename); $this->set('phpthumb', $phpThumb); } else { die('Error caching thumbnail <pre>' . print_r($phpThumb, true) . '</pre>'); } } else { $this->redirect(Configure::read('Resource.media_path') . "/{$src}"); } } else { $this->viewPath = 'errors'; $this->render('not_found'); } }
/** * Function to create Thumbnail images * * @param object $model Reference to model * @param string $source File name (without path) * @param string $target File name (without path) * @param string $fieldName * @param array $params * @return void * @access protected */ function _createThumbnail(&$model, $source, $target, $fieldName, $params = array()) { $params = array_merge(array('thumbWidth' => 150, 'thumbHeight' => 225, 'maxDimension' => '', 'thumbnailQuality' => $this->__fields[$model->alias][$fieldName]['thumbnailQuality'], 'zoomCrop' => false), $params); // Import phpThumb class $test = App::import('Vendor', 'phpthumb', array('file' => 'phpThumb' . DS . 'phpthumb.class.php')); // Configuring thumbnail settings $phpThumb = new phpthumb(); $phpThumb->setSourceFilename($source); $phpThumb->config_disable_debug = !Configure::read('debug'); if ($params['maxDimension'] == 'w') { $phpThumb->w = $params['thumbWidth']; } else { if ($params['maxDimension'] == 'h') { $phpThumb->h = $params['thumbHeight']; } else { $phpThumb->w = $params['thumbWidth']; $phpThumb->h = $params['thumbHeight']; } } $phpThumb->setParameter('zc', $this->__fields[$model->alias][$fieldName]['zoomCrop']); if (isset($params['zoomCrop'])) { $phpThumb->setParameter('zc', $params['zoomCrop']); } if (isset($params['watermark'])) { $phpThumb->fltr = array("wmi|" . IMAGES . $params['watermark'] . "|BR|50|5"); } $phpThumb->q = $params['thumbnailQuality']; $imageArray = explode(".", $source); $phpThumb->config_output_format = $imageArray[1]; unset($imageArray); $phpThumb->config_prefer_imagemagick = $this->__fields[$model->alias][$fieldName]['useImageMagick']; $phpThumb->config_imagemagick_path = $this->__fields[$model->alias][$fieldName]['imageMagickPath']; // Setting whether to die upon error $phpThumb->config_error_die_on_error = true; // Creating thumbnail if ($phpThumb->GenerateThumbnail()) { if (!$phpThumb->RenderToFile($target)) { $this->_addError('Could not render image to: ' . $target); } } }
function generateThumbnail($saveAs, $options) { $destination = WWW_ROOT . $options['directory'] . DS . basename($saveAs); $ext = substr(basename($saveAs), strrpos(basename($saveAs), '.') + 1); if ($ext == '.jpg' || $ext == '.jpeg') { $format = 'jpeg'; } elseif ($ext == 'png') { $format = 'png'; } elseif ($ext == 'gif') { $format = 'gif'; } else { $format = 'jpeg'; } $phpThumb = new phpthumb(); $phpThumb->setSourceFilename($saveAs); $phpThumb->setCacheDirectory(CACHE); $phpThumb->setParameter('w', $options['width']); if (!empty($option['height'])) { $phpThumb->setParameter('h', $options['height']); } $phpThumb->setParameter('f', $format); if (!empty($options['phpThumb'])) { foreach ($options['phpThumb'] as $name => $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $phpThumb->setParameter($name, $value); } } } if ($phpThumb->generateThumbnail()) { if ($phpThumb->RenderToFile($destination)) { chmod($destination, 0644); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
$filename = md5($img . $options); $cache = isset($cache) ? $cache : false; if ($img[0] != "/") { $img = "/" . $img; } $nophoto = isset($nophoto) ? $nophoto : "logo.png"; if (!file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $img) || is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $img)) { $img = "/images/" . $nophoto; } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/phpthumb.class.php"; $phpThumb = new phpthumb(); $phpThumb->setSourceFilename($img); $options = explode("&", $options); foreach ($options as $value) { $thumb = explode("=", $value); $phpThumb->setParameter($thumb[0], $thumb[1]); if ($thumb[0] == "f") { $ext = $thumb[1]; } } if ($ext == "") { $phpThumb->setParameter("f", "jpg"); $ext = "jpg"; } if ($folder != "") { $tree = explode("/", $folder); $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/assets/cache/images"; if (is_array($tree)) { foreach ($tree as $dir) { $mk = $path . "/" . $dir; if (!file_exists($mk)) {
$tmpImagesFolder = str_replace("assets/images", "", $tmpImagesFolder); $tmpImagesFolder = explode("/", $tmpImagesFolder); $ext = strtolower($path_parts['extension']); $options = 'f=' . (in_array($ext, explode(",", "png,gif")) ? $ext : "jpg&q=96") . '&' . strtr($options, array("," => "&", "_" => "=", '{' => '[', '}' => ']')); parse_str($options, $params); foreach ($tmpImagesFolder as $folder) { if (!empty($folder)) { $cacheFolder .= "/" . $folder; if (!is_dir(MODX_BASE_PATH . $cacheFolder)) { mkdir(MODX_BASE_PATH . $cacheFolder); } } } $fname_preffix = $cacheFolder . "/" . $params['w'] . "x" . $params['h'] . '-'; $fname = $path_parts['filename'] . "." . substr(md5(serialize($params)), 0, 3) . "." . $params['f']; $outputFilename = MODX_BASE_PATH . $fname_preffix . $fname; if (!file_exists($outputFilename)) { require_once MODX_BASE_PATH . 'assets/snippets/phpthumb/phpthumb.class.php'; $phpThumb = new phpthumb(); $phpThumb->config_temp_directory = $tmpFolder; $phpThumb->setSourceFilename(MODX_BASE_PATH . $input); foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $phpThumb->setParameter($key, $value); } if ($phpThumb->GenerateThumbnail()) { $phpThumb->RenderToFile($outputFilename); } else { $modx->logEvent(0, 3, implode('<br/>', $phpThumb->debugmessages), 'phpthumb'); } } return $fname_preffix . rawurlencode($fname);
/** * Function to create Thumbnail images * * @param object $model * @param string $source Source file name (without path) * @param string $target Target file name (without path) * @param string $fieldName Path to source and destination (no trailing DS) * @param array $params * @return void * @access protected */ function _createThumbnail(&$model, $source, $target, $fieldName, $params = array()) { $params = array_merge(array('thumbnailQuality' => $this->__fields[$model->alias][$fieldName]['thumbnailQuality'], 'zoomCrop' => false), $params); // Import phpThumb class App::import('Vendor', 'phpthumb', array('file' => 'phpThumb' . DS . 'phpthumb.class.php')); // Configuring thumbnail settings $phpThumb = new phpthumb(); $phpThumb->setSourceFilename($source); $w = isset($params['width']); $h = isset($params['height']); if ($w && $h) { $phpThumb->w = $params['width']; $phpThumb->h = $params['height']; } elseif ($w && !$h) { $phpThumb->w = $params['width']; } elseif ($h && !$w) { $phpThumb->h = $params['height']; } else { trigger_error(__d('meio_upload', 'Width and Height of thumbs not specified.', true), E_USER_WARNING); return; } $phpThumb->setParameter('zc', $params['zoomCrop']); $phpThumb->q = $params['thumbnailQuality']; list(, $phpThumb->config_output_format) = explode('.', $source, 2); $phpThumb->config_prefer_imagemagick = $this->__fields[$model->alias][$fieldName]['useImageMagick']; $phpThumb->config_imagemagick_path = $this->__fields[$model->alias][$fieldName]['imageMagickPath']; // Setting whether to die upon error $phpThumb->config_error_die_on_error = true; // Creating thumbnail if ($phpThumb->GenerateThumbnail()) { if (!$phpThumb->RenderToFile($target)) { trigger_error(sprintf(__d('meio_upload', 'Could not render image to: %s', true), $target), E_USER_WARNING); } } }
/** * Secure PHP Thumb resizing */ public function thumb($img, $properties) { $file = $img; $ext = end(explode('.', $img)); $kx = ''; foreach ($properties as $k => $v) { $kx .= $k . $v; } $dir = PUBLIC_DIR . "images/thumbs/"; $thumb = $dir . hash_hmac('ripemd160', $img . $kx, 'sThumbz1') . '.' . $ext; if (!$properties['q']) { $properties['q'] = 100; } if (file_exists($file) && !file_exists($thumb)) { if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0755, true); } $phpThumb = new phpthumb(); $PHPTHUMB_CONFIG = array('document_root' => ROOT_DIR, 'cache_directory' => ROOT_DIR . '../application/plugins/phpThumb/cache/', 'imagemagick_path' => 'C:/Program Files (x86)/ImageMagick-6.7.7-Q16/convert.exe', 'disable_debug' => false); foreach ($PHPTHUMB_CONFIG as $key => $value) { $keyname = 'config_' . $key; $phpThumb->setParameter($keyname, $value); } $phpThumb->setSourceFilename(ROOT_DIR . $file); foreach ($properties as $k => $v) { $phpThumb->setParameter($k, $v); } if ($gt = $phpThumb->GenerateThumbnail()) { if ($rt = $phpThumb->RenderToFile(ROOT_DIR . $thumb)) { return $thumb; } else { return $img; } } else { return $img; } } elseif (file_exists($thumb)) { /* * Thumb was already made! */ return $thumb; } else { /* * Return the original input as no file was found in the ul folder */ return $img; } }
$options = strtr($options, $replace); $opt = $options; $path_parts = pathinfo($input); require_once MODX_BASE_PATH . "/assets/snippets/phpthumb/phpthumb.class.php"; $phpThumb = new phpthumb(); $phpThumb->setSourceFilename($input); $options = explode("&", $options); $allow = array('f' => 'jpg', 'q' => '96'); $need = array_keys($allow); foreach ($options as $value) { $thumb = explode("=", $value); if (in_array($thumb[0], $need)) { $opt .= "&" . $thumb[0] . "=" . $thumb[1]; unset($allow[$thumb[0]]); } $phpThumb->setParameter($thumb[0], $thumb[1]); $op[$thumb[0]] = $thumb[1]; } foreach ($allow as $key => $value) { $opt .= "&" . $key . "=" . $value; $phpThumb->setParameter($key, $value); $op[$key] = $value; } $tmp = preg_replace("#^" . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "assets/images/#", "", $input); $tmp = preg_replace("#^assets/images/#", "", $tmp); $tmp = preg_replace("#/" . $path_parts['basename'] . "\$#", "", $tmp); $ftime = filemtime($input); $tmp = "assets/cache/phpthumb/" . $tmp; $tmp = explode("/", $tmp); $tmp[] = md5($opt); $tmp[] = date("Y-m", $ftime);
/** * Function to create Thumbnail images * * @param object $model Reference to model * @param string $source File name (without path) * @param string $target File name (without path) * @param string $fieldName * @param array $params * @return void * @access protected */ function _createThumbnail(&$model, $source, $target, $fieldName, $params = array()) { # zuha added to have a setting for whether to resize or crop $zoomCrop = defined('__GALLERY_RESIZE_OR_CROP') && __GALLERY_RESIZE_OR_CROP == 'crop' ? true : false; $params = array_merge(array('thumbWidth' => 150, 'thumbHeight' => 225, 'maxDimension' => '', 'thumbnailQuality' => $this->__fields[$model->alias][$fieldName]['thumbnailQuality'], 'zoomCrop' => $zoomCrop), $params); // Import phpThumb class //App::import('Vendor', 'Galleries.phpThumb', array('file' => 'phpThumb'.DS.'phpthumb.class.php')); require_once APP . 'Plugin' . DS . 'Galleries' . DS . 'vendors' . DS . 'phpThumb' . DS . 'phpthumb.class.php'; // @todo import // Configuring thumbnail settings $phpThumb = new phpthumb(); $phpThumb->setSourceFilename($source); if ($params['maxDimension'] == 'w') { $phpThumb->w = $params['thumbWidth']; } else { if ($params['maxDimension'] == 'h') { $phpThumb->h = $params['thumbHeight']; } else { $phpThumb->w = $params['thumbWidth']; $phpThumb->h = $params['thumbHeight']; } } $phpThumb->setParameter('zc', $this->__fields[$model->alias][$fieldName]['zoomCrop']); if (isset($params['zoomCrop'])) { $phpThumb->setParameter('zc', $params['zoomCrop']); } $phpThumb->q = $params['thumbnailQuality']; $imageArray = explode(".", $source); $phpThumb->config_output_format = $imageArray[1]; unset($imageArray); $phpThumb->config_prefer_imagemagick = $this->__fields[$model->alias][$fieldName]['useImageMagick']; $phpThumb->config_imagemagick_path = $this->__fields[$model->alias][$fieldName]['imageMagickPath']; // Setting whether to die upon error $phpThumb->config_error_die_on_error = true; // Creating thumbnail if ($phpThumb->GenerateThumbnail()) { if (!$phpThumb->RenderToFile($target)) { $this->_addError('Could not render image to: ' . $target); } } }
/** * Create a thumbnail, and cache. * * @return mixed Cached filename returned if thumbnailing was successful. False on error. */ public function createThumb($src, $dest) { App::import('Vendor', 'phpthumb', array('file' => 'phpThumb' . DS . 'phpthumb.class.php')); if (!class_exists('phpthumb')) { trigger_error(__('phpThumb must be installed in the vendors directory: APP/vendors/phpThumb', true), E_USER_ERROR); } $phpThumb = new phpthumb(); $phpThumb->setParameter('src', $src); foreach ($this->options as $k => $v) { if ($k == 'fltr') { // Setup the Filtering as string options. foreach ($v as $vk => &$vv) { $vv = $vk . '|' . $vv; } $phpThumb->setParameter($k, $v); } else { // All non-filter options $phpThumb->setParameter($k, $v); } } @ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); if ($phpThumb->GenerateThumbnail()) { $phpThumb->RenderToFile('img' . DS . $dest); return $dest; } $this->_error = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\\/: .]/', '', $phpThumb->fatalerror); $this->_error = preg_replace('/phpThumb v[0-9\\.\\-]+/', '', $this->_error); return false; }
* @version SVN: $Id:\$ * @link */ include_once 'lib/phpThumb/phpThumb.config.php'; CAppUI::requireLibraryFile("phpThumb/phpthumb.class"); $file_id = CValue::get("file_id"); $index = CValue::get("index"); $file = new CFile(); $file->load($file_id); // Si le pdf a été supprimé ou vidé car on ferme la popup sans enregistrer // le document, alors on ne génère pas la vignette if (!$file->_id || !file_exists($file->_file_path) || file_get_contents($file->_file_path) == "") { return; } // Traitement de la vignette $thumbs = new phpthumb(); // Il faut inclure manuellement la configuration dans l'objet phpThumbs if (!empty($PHPTHUMB_CONFIG)) { foreach ($PHPTHUMB_CONFIG as $key => $value) { $keyname = 'config_' . $key; $thumbs->setParameter($keyname, $value); } } $thumbs->setSourceFilename($file->_file_path); $vignette = null; $thumbs->sfn = $index; $thumbs->w = 138; $thumbs->f = "png"; $thumbs->GenerateThumbnail(); $vignette = base64_encode($thumbs->IMresizedData); echo json_encode($vignette);
$config['modphpthumb'] = array(); $config['modphpthumb']['config_allow_src_above_docroot'] = (bool) $modx->getOption('phpthumb_allow_src_above_docroot', null, false); $config['modphpthumb']['zc'] = $modx->getOption('phpthumb_zoomcrop', null, 0); $config['modphpthumb']['far'] = $modx->getOption('phpthumb_far', null, 'C'); $config['modphpthumb']['config_ttf_directory'] = MODX_CORE_PATH . 'model/phpthumb/fonts/'; $config['modphpthumb']['config_document_root'] = $modx->getOption('phpthumb_document_root', null, ''); } $phpThumb = new phpthumb(); // unfortunately we have to create a new object for each image! foreach ($config['modphpthumb'] as $param => $value) { // add MODX system settings $phpThumb->{$param} = $value; } foreach ($ptOptions as $param => $value) { // add options passed to the snippet $phpThumb->setParameter($param, $value); } // try to avert problems when $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is different than MODX_BASE_PATH if (!$phpThumb->config_document_root) { $phpThumb->config_document_root = MODX_BASE_PATH; // default if nothing set from system settings } $phpThumb->config_cache_directory = $assetsPath . 'cache/'; // doesn't matter, but saves phpThumb some frustration $phpThumb->setSourceFilename($src); /* setup cache filename that is unique to this tag */ $inputSanitized = str_replace(array(':', '/'), '_', $src); $cacheFilename = $inputSanitized; $cacheFilename .= '.' . md5(serialize($scriptProperties)); $cacheFilename .= '.' . (!empty($ptOptions['f']) ? $ptOptions['f'] : 'png'); $cacheKey = $assetsPath . 'cache/' . $cacheFilename;