Esempio n. 1
 * @project phpSpark
 * @file    examples/newAccessToken.php
 * @authors Harrison Jones (
 * @date    March 16, 2015
 * @brief   Examples file.
// For testing purposes we want to be as strict as possible
// Include the required files. You will need to rename phpSpark.config.sample.php to phpSpark.config.php and then set the values within to use this example
if (@(include '../phpSpark.class.php') === false) {
    die("Unable to load phpSpark class");
if (@(include '../phpSpark.config.php') === false) {
    die("Unable to load phpSpark configuration file");
// Grab a new instance of our phpSpark object
$spark = new phpSpark();
// Set the internal debug to true. Note, calls made to $spark->debug(...) by you ignore this line and display always
// Set the debug calls to display pretty HTML format. Other option is "TEXT". Note, calls made to $spark->debug(...) display as set here
// Delete a specific token
$token = "EXAMPLE_TOKEN";
$spark->debug("Delete Token " . $token);
$spark->setAuth($username, $password);
if ($spark->deleteToken($token) == true) {
} else {
    $spark->debug("Error: " . $spark->getError());
    $spark->debug("Error Source" . $spark->getErrorSource());