/** * Get a value * @params pdoMap_Mapping_Entity Entity to handle * @params pdoMap_Mapping_Metadata_Field Field to manage * @params mixed Value to handle * @returns pdoMap_Mapping_Entity */ public function getter(pdoMap_Mapping_Entity $entity, pdoMap_Mapping_Metadata_Field $field, $value) { if (is_numeric($value)) { return pdoMap::get($field->getOption('adapter'))->SelectEntity($value); } else { return $value; } }
<?php $category = $_GET["category"]; require_once 'lib/pdomap.php'; pdoMap::config('config.xml'); $addInfo = pdoMap::get('additional_info_master')->SelectBy("CAT_ID", $category); if ($addInfo->count()) { $start = true; echo "(["; foreach ($addInfo as $key => $value) { if ($start) { $start = false; } else { echo ","; } echo "{'INFO_NAME' : '" . $value->INFO_NAME . "' , "; echo "'MANDATORY' : '" . $value->MANDATORY . "' , "; echo "'ADD_INFO_MASTER_ID' : '" . $value->ADD_INFO_MASTER_ID . "' , "; echo "'TYPE' : '" . $value->TYPE . "' , "; echo "'COMMENTS' : '" . $value->COMMENTS . "'}"; } echo "])"; } else { echo "([])"; } pdoMap::cache()->closeSession();
</div> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } else { $user = pdoMap::get('user')->Create(); $user->USERNAME = $_POST['username']; $user->PASSWORD = $_POST['password']; $user->TYPE = "I"; $user->Insert(); //$user->User=pdoMap::get('internal_user')->Create(); $user = pdoMap::get('user')->SelectBy("USERNAME", $user->USERNAME); $iuser = pdoMap::get('internal_user')->Create(); $iuser->USER_ID = $user->current()->USER_ID; $iuser->NAME = $_POST['name']; $iuser->EMAIL = $_POST['email']; $iuser->ADDR_LINE1 = $_POST['addl1']; $iuser->ADDR_LINE2 = $_POST['addl2']; $iuser->ADDR_CITY = $_POST['city']; $iuser->ADDR_STATE = $_POST['state']; $iuser->ADDR_COUNTRY = $_POST['country']; $iuser->PIN = $_POST['pin']; $iuser->PHONE = $_POST['phone']; $iuser->Insert(); ?> <center> <div style="position:relative; "> <div style="position:relative; height:37px;width:500px">
margin-bottom: 0px; } .style1 {color: #FF0000} </style> </head> <body> <?php $username = $_SESSION['user_sc']; $password = ""; $login = 2; require_once 'lib/pdomap.php'; pdoMap::config('config.xml'); $category = pdoMap::get('category_master')->SelectAll(); $ret = ""; $js = "(["; foreach ($category as $key => $value) { if ($js != "([") { $js .= ","; } $ret .= "<option value='" . $value->CAT_ID . "'>" . $value->CATEGORY_NAME . "</option>"; $js .= "{'ID' : '" . $value->CAT_ID . "','Name' : '" . $value->CATEGORY_NAME . "','Comment' : '" . $value->COMMENTS . "'}"; } $js .= "])"; ?> <script language="javascript"> var categoryMaster= eval(<?php echo $js; ?>
/** * Get to the next item */ public function next() { $this->index++; if (!isset($this->buffer[$this->index])) { $this->buffer[$this->index] = pdoMap::database()->Fetch($this->ptr); } if ($this->type && $this->buffer[$this->index]) { $this->current = pdoMap::get($this->type)->Create($this->buffer[$this->index]); } else { $this->current = $this->buffer[$this->index]; } }
/** * Get the service manager */ public function Adapter() { return pdoMap::get($this->type); }
/** * Load object from a var_export command */ public static function __set_state($data) { return pdoMap::get($data['type'])->Create($data['values']); }
$js .= "])"; pdoMap::cache()->closeSession(); if (!isset($_POST['user']) && !empty($_SESSION['user_sc'])) { $username = $_SESSION['user_sc']; $password = ""; $login = 2; } else { if (!isset($_POST['user'])) { $login = -1; } else { $_SESSION['user_sc'] = ""; $username = $_POST["user"]; $password = $_POST["password"]; require_once 'lib/pdomap.php'; pdoMap::config('config.xml'); $user = pdoMap::get('user')->SelectBy("USERNAME", $username); if ($user->count()) { $user = $user->current(); if ($user->PASSWORD == $password) { $_SESSION['user_sc'] = $username; setcookie("user_sc", md5($username . $password), time() + 3600); $login = 2; } else { $login = 0; } } else { $login = 1; } pdoMap::cache()->closeSession(); } }