public function __construct() { global $order, $messageStack; parent::__construct(); if ($this->enabled && !function_exists('curl_init')) { $messageStack->add(MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_TEXT_ERROR_CURL_NOT_FOUND, 'error'); } $this->code_debug = MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_CODE_DEBUG == 'debug' ? true : false; // set error messages if misconfigured if (MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_STATUS) { $pemFileDir = DIR_FS_WORKING . '/payment/modules/linkpoint_api/' . MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_LOGIN . '.pem'; if (MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_LOGIN == 'EnterYourStoreNumber') { $this->title .= MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_TEXT_NOT_CONFIGURED; } elseif (MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_LOGIN != '' && !file_exists($pemFileDir)) { $this->title .= MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_TEXT_PEMFILE_MISSING; } elseif (MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_TRANSACTION_MODE_RESPONSE != 'LIVE: Production') { $this->title .= MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_TEXT_TEST_MODE; } } $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_LOGIN', 'default' => 'YourStoreNumber', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_LOGIN_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_TRANSACTION_MODE_RESPONSE', 'default' => 'LIVE: Production', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_TRANSACTION_MODE_RESPONSE_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_AUTHORIZATION_MODE', 'default' => 'Immediate Charge/Capture', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_AUTHORIZATION_MODE_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_FRAUD_ALERT', 'default' => '1', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_FRAUD_ALERT_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_STORE_DATA', 'default' => '1', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_STORE_DATA_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_TRANSACTION_MODE', 'default' => 'Production', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_TRANSACTION_MODE_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_DEBUG', 'default' => 'Off', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINT_API_DEBUG_DESC); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZENET_LOGIN', 'default' => '', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZENET_LOGIN_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZENET_TXNKEY', 'default' => 'Test', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZENET_TXNKEY_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZENET_MD5HASH', 'default' => '*Set A Hash Value at AuthNet Admin*', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZENET_MD5HASH_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZENET_TESTMODE', 'default' => 'Test', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZENET_TESTMODE_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZENET_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE', 'default' => 'Capture', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZENET_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZENET_USE_CVV', 'default' => '1', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZENET_USE_CVV_DESC); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); global $order; $this->enable_encryption = 1; // set to field position of credit card to create hint, false to turn off encryption // Card numbers are not saved, instead keep the first and last four digits and fill middle with *'s $this->def_deposit_id = (substr(trim($this->field_1), 0, 2) == '37' ? 'AX' : 'CC') . date('Ymd'); $this->avs_codes = array('A' => 'Address matches - Postal Code does not match.', 'B' => 'Street address match, Postal code in wrong format. (International issuer)', 'C' => 'Street address and postal code in wrong formats.', 'D' => 'Street address and postal code match. (international issuer)', 'E' => 'AVS Error.', 'G' => 'Service not supported by non-US issuer.', 'I' => 'Address information not verified by international issuer.', 'M' => 'Street address and Postal code match. (international issuer)', 'N' => 'No match on address (street) or postal code.', 'O' => 'No response sent.', 'P' => 'Postal code matches, street address not verified due to incompatible formats.', 'R' => 'Retry, system unavailable or timed out.', 'S' => 'Service not supported by issuer.', 'U' => 'Address information is unavailable.', 'W' => '9 digit postal code matches, address (street) does not match.', 'X' => 'Exact AVS match.', 'Y' => 'Address (street) and 5 digit postal code match.', 'Z' => '5 digit postal code matches, address (street) does not match.'); $this->cvv_codes = array('M' => 'CVV2 match', 'N' => 'CVV2 No match', 'P' => 'Not Processed', 'S' => 'Issuer indicates that CVV2 data should be present on the card, but the merchant has indicated that the CVV2 data is not present on the card.', 'U' => 'Issuer has not certified for CVV2 or issuer has not provided Visa with the CVV2 encryption keys.'); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVA_XML_MERCHANT_ID', 'default' => '', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVA_XML_MERCHANT_ID_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVA_XML_USER_ID', 'default' => '', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVA_XML_USER_ID_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVA_XML_PIN', 'default' => '', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVA_XML_PIN_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVA_XML_TESTMODE', 'default' => 'Production', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVA_XML_TESTMODE_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVA_XML_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE', 'default' => 'Authorize/Capture', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_NOVA_XML_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_DESC); }
public function __construct() { global $order; parent::__construct(); if ((int) MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_NVP_ORDER_STATUS_ID > 0) { $this->order_status = MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_NVP_ORDER_STATUS_ID; } // save the information // Card numbers are not saved, instead keep the first and last four digits and fill middle with *'s $this->avs_codes = array('A' => 'Address matches - Postal Code does not match.', 'B' => 'Street address match, Postal code in wrong format. (International issuer)', 'C' => 'Street address and postal code in wrong formats.', 'D' => 'Street address and postal code match. (international issuer)', 'E' => 'AVS Error.', 'G' => 'Service not supported by non-US issuer.', 'I' => 'Address information not verified by international issuer.', 'M' => 'Street address and Postal code match. (international issuer)', 'N' => 'No match on address (street) or postal code.', 'O' => 'No response sent.', 'P' => 'Postal code matches, street address not verified due to incompatible formats.', 'R' => 'Retry, system unavailable or timed out.', 'S' => 'Service not supported by issuer.', 'U' => 'Address information is unavailable.', 'W' => '9 digit postal code matches, address (street) does not match.', 'X' => 'Exact AVS match.', 'Y' => 'Address (street) and 5 digit postal code match.', 'Z' => '5 digit postal code matches, address (street) does not match.'); $this->cvv_codes = array('M' => 'CVV2 match', 'N' => 'CVV2 No match', 'P' => 'Not Processed', 'S' => 'Issuer indicates that CVV2 data should be present on the card, but the merchant has indicated that the CVV2 data is not present on the card.', 'U' => 'Issuer has not certified for CVV2 or issuer has not provided Visa with the CVV2 encryption keys.'); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_NVP_USER_ID', 'default' => '', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_NVP_USER_ID_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_NVP_PW', 'default' => '', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_NVP_PW_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_NVP_SIG', 'default' => '', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_NVP_SIG_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_NVP_TESTMODE', 'default' => 'live', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_NVP_TESTMODE_DESC); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_NVP_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE', 'default' => 'Sale', 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_NVP_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_DESC); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->payment_fields = implode(':', array($_POST['bill_primary_name'])); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->payment_fields = implode(':', array($this->field_0)); }
public final function __construct($flo_amount, $str_description, $str_currency, $str_user, $str_pass, $str_sig, $str_returnurl, $str_cancelurl, $str_invoice, $str_method, $str_token, $str_payerid) { parent::__construct(); $this->flo_amount = (double) $flo_amount; $this->str_description = (string) $str_description; $this->str_currency = (string) $str_currency; $this->str_user = (string) $str_user; $this->str_pass = (string) $str_pass; $this->str_sig = (string) $str_sig; $this->str_returnurl = (string) $str_returnurl; $this->str_cancelurl = (string) $str_cancelurl; $this->str_invoice = (string) $str_invoice; $this->str_method = (string) $str_method; $this->str_token = (string) $str_token; $this->str_payerid = (string) $str_payerid; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->payment_fields = ''; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->payment_fields = implode(':', array($this->field_0)); $this->key[] = array('key' => 'MODULE_PAYMENT_MONEYORDER_PAYTO', 'default' => COMPANY_NAME, 'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_MONEYORDER_PAYTO_DESC); }