encoding() public method

Convert character encoding
public encoding ( $input = null, $output = null ) : nothing
return nothing
Esempio n. 1
 public static function getCSV($file_path, $limit = false, $offset = false)
     if (file_exists($file_path) && is_readable($file_path)) {
         if (!class_exists('parseCSV')) {
             require_once GMEMBER_DIR . '/assets/libs/parsecsv-for-php/parsecsv.lib.php';
         $csv = new parseCSV();
         $csv->encoding('UTF-16', 'UTF-8');
         if ($offset) {
             $csv->offset = $offset;
         if ($limit) {
             $csv->limit = $limit;
         return array('titles' => $csv->titles, 'data' => $csv->data);
     return false;
     return array('titles' => array(), 'data' => array());
Esempio n. 2
function parseFind($csvFile, $afm, $surname)
    // init vars
    $empOffset = 5;
    $anadrData = [];
    // parse csv & find employee
    $csv = new parseCSV();
    $csv->encoding('iso8859-7', 'UTF-8');
    $csv->delimiter = ";";
    $csv->heading = false;
    // find employee T.M.
    $csv->offset = $empOffset;
    $condition = '8 is ' . $afm . ' AND 1 contains ' . grstrtoupper($surname);
    $csv->conditions = $condition;
    $parsed = $csv->data;
    // enhanced check of surname (instead of 'contains' in fullname)
    if ($parsed) {
        $tmp = explode(' ', $parsed[0][1]);
        $fileSurname = $tmp[0];
        if (strcmp(grstrtoupper($surname), $fileSurname) != 0) {
            return ['parsed' => [], 'month' => []];
    // find month
    $csv->offset = 1;
    $csv->conditions = '19 contains ΜΙΣΘΟΔΟΣΙΑ';
    //$csv->fields =[19];
    $data = $csv->data;
    $tmp = explode(' ', $data[0][19]);
    $month = $tmp[2] . '_' . $tmp[3];
    // find anadromika (if any)
    $csv->offset = $empOffset;
    $csv->conditions = '';
    $data = $csv->data;
    $i = $foundFrom = $foundTo = 0;
    foreach ($data as $row) {
        if (array_key_exists('8', $row) && $afm == $row[8] && !$foundFrom) {
            $foundFrom = $i;
        if ($foundFrom && !$foundTo && array_key_exists('8', $row)) {
            if ($row[8] != '' && $row[8] != $afm) {
                $foundTo = $i - 1;
    $tempData = array_slice($data, $foundFrom, $foundTo - $foundFrom + 1);
    foreach ($tempData as $line) {
        if ($line[10] == 'ΑΝΑΔΡΟΜΙΚΑ') {
            $anadrData = $line;
    if (count($anadrData) > 0) {
        array_push($parsed, $anadrData);
    return ['parsed' => $parsed, 'month' => $month];
Esempio n. 3
 public function importProductsMap()
     $file = Input::file('file');
     if ($file == null) {
         Session::flash('error', 'Debe seleccionar un archivo');
         return Redirect::to('importar/productos');
     $name = $file->getRealPath();
     require_once app_path() . '/includes/parsecsv.lib.php';
     $csv = new parseCSV();
     $csv->heading = false;
     $csv->encoding('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8');
     Session::put('data', $csv->data);
     $headers = true;
     $hasHeaders = true;
     $mapped = array();
     $columns = array('', Product::$fieldProductKey, Product::$fieldNotes, Product::$fieldCost);
     if (count($csv->data) > 0) {
         $headers = $csv->data[0];
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($headers); $i++) {
             $title = strtolower($headers[$i]);
             $mapped[$i] = '';
             $map = array('Nombre' => Product::$fieldProductKey, 'Razón Social' => Product::$fieldNotes, 'Nit' => Product::$fieldCost);
             foreach ($map as $search => $column) {
                 foreach (explode("|", $search) as $string) {
                     if (strpos($title, 'sec') === 0) {
                     if (strpos($title, $string) !== false) {
                         $mapped[$i] = $column;
                         break 2;
     $data = array('data' => $csv->data, 'headers' => $headers, 'hasHeaders' => $hasHeaders, 'columns' => $columns, 'mapped' => $mapped, 'categories' => Category::where('account_id', '=', Auth::user()->account_id)->orderBy('id')->get());
     return View::make('importar.import_products_map', $data);
 function getData()
     global $mainframe, $option;
     $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication();
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
     if ($this->debug_info) {
         $this->pane =& JPane::getInstance('sliders');
         echo $this->pane->startPane('pane');
     // die einstellungen der user holen
     $option = JRequest::getCmd('option');
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams($option);
     $jlxmlfile = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . $option . DS . 'config.xml';
     $jRegistry = new JRegistry();
     $jRegistry->loadString($params->toString('ini'), 'ini');
     //   echo 'Die aktuelle Sprache lautet: ' . $lang->getName() . '<br>';
     $teile = explode("-", $lang->getTag());
     $country = Countries::convertIso2to3($teile[1]);
     //   echo 'Das aktuelle Land lautet: ' . $country . '<br>';
     $option = JRequest::getCmd('option');
     $project = $mainframe->getUserState($option . 'project', 0);
     $lmoimportuseteams = $mainframe->getUserState($option . 'lmoimportuseteams');
     $whichfile = $mainframe->getUserState($option . 'whichfile');
     $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('welches land ? ' . $country), '');
     $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('welche art der datei ? ' . $whichfile), '');
     $delimiter = $mainframe->getUserState($option . 'delimiter');
     $post = JRequest::get('post');
     $this->_league_new_country = $country;
     $exportpositioneventtype = array();
     $exportplayer = array();
     $exportpersons = array();
     $exportpersonstemp = array();
     $exportclubs = array();
     $exportclubsstandardplayground = array();
     $exportplaygroundclubib = array();
     $exportteams = array();
     $exportteamstemp = array();
     $exportteamplayer = array();
     $exportprojectteam = array();
     $exportprojectteams = array();
     $exportreferee = array();
     $exportprojectposition = array();
     $exportposition = array();
     $exportparentposition = array();
     $exportplayground = array();
     $exportplaygroundtemp = array();
     $exportteamplaygroundtemp = array();
     $exportround = array();
     $exportmatch = array();
     $exportmatchplayer = array();
     $exportmatchevent = array();
     $exportevent = array();
     $exportpositiontemp = array();
     $exportposition = array();
     $exportparentposition = array();
     $exportprojectposition = array();
     $exportmatchreferee = array();
     $exportmatchplan = array();
     $temp_match_number = array();
     $startline = 0;
     // echo 'post <br>';
     // echo '<pre>';
     // print_r($post[projects]);
     // echo '</pre>';
     if (isset($post['projects'])) {
         $this->_project_id = $post['projects'];
     $file = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'tmp' . DS . 'joomleague_import.csv';
     $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('datei = ' . $file), '');
     //$mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('csv result<br><pre>'.print_r($csvdata->data,true).'</pre>'   ),'');
     if ($whichfile == 'playerfile') {
         $startline = 9;
     } elseif ($whichfile == 'matchfile') {
         $startline = 1;
     } elseif ($whichfile == 'icsfile') {
         // kalender file vom bfv anfang
         $ical = new ical();
         $icsfile = $ical->get_all_data();
         if ($this->debug_info) {
             echo $this->pane->startPanel('icsfile', 'icsfile');
             $this->dump_variable("icsfile", $icsfile);
             echo $this->pane->endPanel();
             echo $this->pane->startPanel('icsfile termine', 'icsfile termine');
             $this->dump_header("icsfile termine");
             $this->dump_variable("icsfile termine", $icsfile['VEVENT']);
             echo $this->pane->endPanel();
             //echo 'icsfile -> <br /><pre>~'.print_r($icsfile,true).'~</pre><br />';
             //echo 'icsfile termine -> <br /><pre>~'.print_r($icsfile['VEVENT'],true).'~</pre><br />';
         $lfdnumber = 0;
         $lfdnumberteam = 1;
         $lfdnumbermatch = 1;
         $lfdnumberplayground = 1;
         for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($icsfile['VEVENT']); $a++) {
             $icsfile['VEVENT'][$a]['UID'] = $lfdnumbermatch;
             $exportmatchplan[$icsfile['VEVENT'][$a]['UID']]['match_date'] = date('Y-m-d', $icsfile['VEVENT'][$a]['DTSTART']) . " " . date('H:i', $icsfile['VEVENT'][$a]['DTSTART']);
             // paarung
             $teile = explode("\\,", $icsfile['VEVENT'][$a]['SUMMARY']);
             $teile2 = explode("-", $teile[0]);
             if (empty($lfdnumber)) {
                 $projectname = trim($teile[1]);
             $text = $teile[0];
             $anzahltrenner = substr_count($text, '-');
             //echo 'ich habe -> '.$anzahltrenner.' trennzeichen <br>';
             if ($anzahltrenner > 1) {
                 $convert = array('-SV' => ':SV', '-SVO' => ':SVO', '-FC' => ':FC', '-TSV' => ':TSV', '-JFG' => ':JFG', '-TV' => ':TV', '-ASV' => ':ASV', '-SSV' => ':SSV', '-(SG)' => ':(SG)', '-SpVgg' => ':SpVgg', '-VfB' => ':VfB', '-FSV' => ':FSV', '-BSK' => ':BSK');
                 if (preg_match("/-SV/i", $teile[0]) || preg_match("/-SVO/i", $teile[0]) || preg_match("/-TSV/i", $teile[0]) || preg_match("/-JFG/i", $teile[0]) || preg_match("/-TV/i", $teile[0]) || preg_match("/-ASV/i", $teile[0]) || preg_match("/-SSV/i", $teile[0]) || preg_match("/-(SG)/i", $teile[0]) || preg_match("/-SpVgg/i", $teile[0]) || preg_match("/-VfB/i", $teile[0]) || preg_match("/-FSV/i", $teile[0]) || preg_match("/-BSK/i", $teile[0]) || preg_match("/-FC/i", $teile[0])) {
                     $teile[0] = str_replace(array_keys($convert), array_values($convert), $teile[0]);
                     $teile2 = explode(":", $teile[0]);
                 } else {
                     $pos = strrpos($teile[0], "-");
                     //echo 'letzte position -> '.$pos.' trennzeichen <br>';
                     $teile2[0] = substr($teile[0], 0, $pos);
                     $teile2[1] = substr($teile[0], $pos + 1, 100);
             $exportmatchplan[$icsfile['VEVENT'][$a]['UID']]['heim'] = trim($teile2[0]);
             $valueheim = trim($teile2[0]);
             //$exportteamplaygroundtemp[$valueheim] = $valueplayground;
             $exportmatchplan[$icsfile['VEVENT'][$a]['UID']]['gast'] = trim($teile2[1]);
             $valuegast = trim($teile2[1]);
             // heimmannschaft
             if (array_key_exists($valueheim, $exportteamstemp)) {
             } else {
                 $exportteamstemp[$valueheim] = $lfdnumberteam;
             // gastmannschaft
             if (array_key_exists($valuegast, $exportteamstemp)) {
             } else {
                 $exportteamstemp[$valuegast] = $lfdnumberteam;
             if (isset($icsfile['VEVENT'][$a]['LOCATION'])) {
                 // sportanlage neu
                 $teile = explode("\\,", $icsfile['VEVENT'][$a]['LOCATION']);
                 if (sizeof($teile) === 4) {
                     $exportmatchplan[$icsfile['VEVENT'][$a]['UID']]['playground'] = trim($teile[0]);
                     $exportmatchplan[$icsfile['VEVENT'][$a]['UID']]['playground_strasse'] = trim($teile[1]);
                     $exportmatchplan[$icsfile['VEVENT'][$a]['UID']]['playground_plz'] = trim($teile[2]);
                     $exportmatchplan[$icsfile['VEVENT'][$a]['UID']]['playground_ort'] = trim($teile[3]);
                     $valueplayground = trim($teile[0]);
                     $address = trim($teile[1]);
                     $zipcode = trim($teile[2]);
                     $city = trim($teile[3]);
                 } else {
                     $exportmatchplan[$icsfile['VEVENT'][$a]['UID']]['playground'] = '';
                     $exportmatchplan[$icsfile['VEVENT'][$a]['UID']]['playground_strasse'] = trim($teile[0]);
                     $exportmatchplan[$icsfile['VEVENT'][$a]['UID']]['playground_plz'] = trim($teile[1]);
                     $exportmatchplan[$icsfile['VEVENT'][$a]['UID']]['playground_ort'] = trim($teile[2]);
                     $valueplayground = $valueheim;
                     $address = trim($teile[0]);
                     $zipcode = trim($teile[1]);
                     $city = trim($teile[2]);
             if ($valueplayground) {
                 $exportteamplaygroundtemp[$valueheim] = $valueplayground;
                 if (array_key_exists($valueplayground, $exportplaygroundtemp)) {
                 } else {
                     $exportplaygroundtemp[$valueplayground] = $lfdnumberplayground;
                     $temp = new stdClass();
                     $temp->id = $lfdnumberplayground;
                     $temp->name = $valueplayground;
                     $temp->short_name = $valueplayground;
                     $temp->alias = $valueplayground;
                     $temp->club_id = $exportteamstemp[$valueheim];
                     $temp->address = $address;
                     $temp->zipcode = $zipcode;
                     $temp->city = $city;
                     $temp->country = $country;
                     $temp->max_visitors = 0;
                     $exportplayground[] = $temp;
             if (empty($lfdnumber)) {
                 $temp = new stdClass();
                 $temp->name = $projectname;
                 $temp->exportRoutine = '2010-09-19 23:00:00';
                 $this->_datas['exportversion'] = $temp;
                 $temp = new stdClass();
                 $temp->name = '';
                 $this->_datas['season'] = $temp;
                 $temp = new stdClass();
                 $temp->name = $projectname;
                 $temp->alias = $projectname;
                 $temp->short_name = $projectname;
                 $temp->middle_name = $projectname;
                 $temp->country = $country;
                 $this->_datas['league'] = $temp;
                 $temp = new stdClass();
                 $temp->name = $projectname;
                 $temp->serveroffset = 0;
                 $temp->project_type = 'SIMPLE_LEAGUE';
                 $this->_datas['project'] = $temp;
         if ($this->debug_info) {
             echo $this->pane->startPanel('icsfile exportmatchplan', 'icsfile exportmatchplan');
             $this->dump_header("icsfile exportmatchplan");
             $this->dump_variable("icsfile exportmatchplan", $exportmatchplan);
             echo $this->pane->endPanel();
             echo $this->pane->startPanel('icsfile exportteamstemp', 'icsfile exportteamstemp');
             $this->dump_header("icsfile exportteamstemp");
             $this->dump_variable("icsfile exportteamstemp", $exportteamstemp);
             echo $this->pane->endPanel();
             //echo 'icsfile exportmatchplan -> <br /><pre>~'.print_r($exportmatchplan,true).'~</pre><br />';
             //echo 'icsfile exportteamstemp -> <br /><pre>~'.print_r($exportteamstemp,true).'~</pre><br />';
         // teams verarbeiten
         foreach ($exportteamstemp as $key => $value) {
             // team
             $temp = new stdClass();
             $temp->id = $value;
             $temp->club_id = $value;
             $temp->name = $key;
             $temp->middle_name = $key;
             $temp->short_name = $key;
             $temp->info = '';
             $temp->extended = '';
             $exportteams[] = $temp;
             $standard_playground = $exportteamplaygroundtemp[$key];
             $standard_playground_nummer = $exportplaygroundtemp[$standard_playground];
             // club
             $temp = new stdClass();
             $temp->id = $value;
             $temp->name = $key;
             $temp->country = $country;
             $temp->extended = '';
             $temp->standard_playground = $standard_playground_nummer;
             $exportclubs[] = $temp;
             // projektteam
             $temp = new stdClass();
             $temp->id = $value;
             $temp->team_id = $value;
             $temp->project_team_id = $value;
             $temp->is_in_score = 1;
             $temp->standard_playground = $standard_playground_nummer;
             $exportprojectteams[] = $temp;
         $anzahlteams = sizeof($exportteamstemp);
         $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('wir haben ' . $anzahlteams . ' teams f&uuml;r die berechnung der spieltage und paarungen pro spieltag'), '');
         if ($anzahlteams % 2 == 0) {
             $anzahltage = ($anzahlteams - 1) * 2;
             $anzahlpaarungen = $anzahlteams / 2;
         } else {
             $anzahltage = ($anzahlteams - 1) * 2;
             $anzahlpaarungen = ($anzahlteams - 1) / 2;
         $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('wir haben ' . $anzahltage . ' spieltage'), '');
         $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('wir haben ' . $anzahlpaarungen . ' paarungen pro spieltag'), '');
         // echo "icsfile exportplaygroundtemp<pre>";
         // print_r($exportplaygroundtemp);
         // echo "</pre>";
         // so jetzt die runden erstellen
         for ($a = 1; $a <= $anzahltage; $a++) {
             $temp = new stdClass();
             $temp->id = $a;
             $temp->roundcode = $a;
             $temp->name = $a . '- Spieltag';
             $temp->alias = $a . '-spieltag';
             $temp->round_date_first = '';
             $temp->round_date_last = '';
             $exportround[$a] = $temp;
         // so jetzt die spiele erstellen
         $lfdnumbermatch = 1;
         $lfdnumberpaarung = 1;
         $lfdnumberspieltag = 1;
         foreach ($exportmatchplan as $key => $value) {
             // echo "icsfile spiele erstellen<pre>";
             // print_r($value);
             // echo "</pre>";
             $tempmatch = new stdClass();
             $tempmatch->id = $lfdnumbermatch;
             $tempmatch->match_number = $lfdnumbermatch;
             $tempmatch->published = 1;
             $tempmatch->count_result = 1;
             $tempmatch->show_report = 1;
             $tempmatch->team1_result = '';
             $tempmatch->team2_result = '';
             $tempmatch->summary = '';
             $tempmatch->match_date = $value['match_date'];
             if (isset($value['playground'])) {
                 if (array_key_exists($value['playground'], $exportplaygroundtemp)) {
                     $tempmatch->playground_id = $exportplaygroundtemp[$value['playground']];
             $tempmatch->projectteam1_id = $exportteamstemp[$value['heim']];
             $tempmatch->projectteam2_id = $exportteamstemp[$value['gast']];
             $tempmatch->round_id = $lfdnumberspieltag;
             $exportmatch[] = $tempmatch;
             if ($lfdnumberpaarung == $anzahlpaarungen) {
                 $lfdnumberpaarung = 0;
         // daten übergeben
         $this->_datas['round'] = array_merge($exportround);
         $this->_datas['match'] = array_merge($exportmatch);
         $this->_datas['team'] = array_merge($exportteams);
         $this->_datas['projectteam'] = array_merge($exportprojectteams);
         $this->_datas['club'] = array_merge($exportclubs);
         $this->_datas['playground'] = array_merge($exportplayground);
          * das ganze für den standardimport aufbereiten
         $output = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . "\n";
         // open the project
         $output .= "<project>\n";
         // set the version of JoomLeague
         $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setJoomLeagueVersion());
         // set the project datas
         if (isset($this->_datas['project'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setProjectData($this->_datas['project']));
         // set league data of project
         if (isset($this->_datas['league'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setLeagueData($this->_datas['league']));
         // set season data of project
         if (isset($this->_datas['season'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setSeasonData($this->_datas['season']));
         // set the rounds data
         if (isset($this->_datas['round'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['round'], 'Round'));
         // set the teams data
         if (isset($this->_datas['team'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['team'], 'JL_Team'));
         // set the clubs data
         if (isset($this->_datas['club'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['club'], 'Club'));
         // set the matches data
         if (isset($this->_datas['match'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['match'], 'Match'));
         // set the positions data
         if (isset($this->_datas['position'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['position'], 'Position'));
         // set the positions parent data
         if (isset($this->_datas['parentposition'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['parentposition'], 'ParentPosition'));
         // set position data of project
         if (isset($this->_datas['projectposition'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['projectposition'], 'ProjectPosition'));
         // set the matchreferee data
         if (isset($this->_datas['matchreferee'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['matchreferee'], 'MatchReferee'));
         // set the person data
         if (isset($this->_datas['person'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['person'], 'Person'));
         // set the projectreferee data
         if (isset($this->_datas['projectreferee'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['projectreferee'], 'ProjectReferee'));
         // set the projectteam data
         if (isset($this->_datas['projectteam'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['projectteam'], 'ProjectTeam'));
         // set playground data of project
         if (isset($this->_datas['playground'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['playground'], 'Playground'));
         // close the project
         $output .= '</project>';
         // mal als test
         $xmlfile = $output;
         $file = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'tmp' . DS . 'joomleague_import.jlg';
         JFile::write($file, $xmlfile);
     // kalender file vom bfv ende
     $teamid = 1;
     $this->fileName = JFile::read($file);
     $this->lines = file($file);
     if ($this->lines) {
         $row = 0;
         if ($whichfile == 'playerfile') {
             // test
             // spielplan anfang
             # tab delimited, and encoding conversion
             $csv = new parseCSV();
             $csv->encoding('UTF-16', 'UTF-8');
             //$csv->delimiter = "\t";
             switch ($delimiter) {
                 case ";":
                     $csv->delimiter = ";";
                 case ",":
                     $csv->delimiter = ",";
                     $csv->delimiter = "\t";
             $startrow = $jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_player_startrow') - 2;
             $csv->parse($file, $startrow);
             //$mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('result<br><pre>'.print_r($csv->data,true).'</pre>'   ),'');
             // anfang schleife csv file
             for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($csv->data); $a++) {
                 $temp = new stdClass();
                 $temp->id = 0;
                 $temp->knvbnr = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_player_passnummer')];
                 $temp->lastname = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_player_firstname')];
                 $temp->firstname = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_player_lastname')];
                 $temp->info = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_player_info')];
                 $datetime = strtotime($csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_player_birthday')]);
                 $temp->birthday = date('Y-m-d', $datetime);
                 $temp->country = $country;
                 $temp->nickname = '';
                 $temp->position_id = '';
                 //$temp->lastname = utf8_encode ($temp->lastname);
                 //$temp->firstname = utf8_encode ($temp->firstname);
                 $exportplayer[] = $temp;
             // spielerdatei
             $temp = new stdClass();
             $temp->name = 'playerfile';
             $temp->exportRoutine = '2010-09-19 23:00:00';
             $this->_datas['exportversion'] = $temp;
             $this->_datas['person'] = array_merge($exportplayer);
         } elseif ($whichfile == 'matchfile') {
             // spielplan anfang
             # tab delimited, and encoding conversion
             $csv = new parseCSV();
             $csv->encoding('UTF-16', 'UTF-8');
             //$csv->delimiter = "\t";
             switch ($delimiter) {
                 case ";":
                     $csv->delimiter = ";";
                 case ",":
                     $csv->delimiter = ",";
                     $csv->delimiter = "\t";
             if (sizeof($csv->data) == 0) {
                 $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('falsches Dateiformat'), 'Error');
                 $importcsv = false;
             } else {
                 //$mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('result<br><pre>'.print_r($csv->data[0],true).'</pre>'   ),'');
                 //$mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('result<br><pre>'.print_r($csv->data,true).'</pre>'   ),'');
                 $importcsv = true;
             $lfdnumber = 0;
             $lfdnumberteam = 1;
             $lfdnumbermatch = 1;
             $lfdnumberplayground = 1;
             $lfdnumberperson = 1;
             $lfdnumbermatchreferee = 1;
             // anfang schleife csv file
             for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($csv->data); $a++) {
                 if (empty($lfdnumber)) {
                     $temp = new stdClass();
                     $temp->name = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_verband_name')];
                     $temp->exportRoutine = '2010-09-19 23:00:00';
                     $this->_datas['exportversion'] = $temp;
                     $temp = new stdClass();
                     $temp->name = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_season_name')];
                     $this->_datas['season'] = $temp;
                     $temp = new stdClass();
                     $temp->name = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_league_name')] . ' ' . $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_staffel_number')];
                     $temp->country = $country;
                     $this->_datas['league'] = $temp;
                     $temp = new stdClass();
                     $temp->id = 1;
                     $temp->name = 'COM_JOOMLEAGUE_ST_SOCCER';
                     $this->_datas['sportstype'] = $temp;
                     $temp = new stdClass();
                     $temp->name = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_league_name')] . ' ' . $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_season_name')];
                     $temp->serveroffset = 0;
                     $temp->start_time = '15:30';
                     $temp->start_date = '0000-00-00';
                     $temp->sports_type_id = 1;
                     $temp->project_type = 'SIMPLE_LEAGUE';
                     $temp->staffel_id = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_staffel_name')];
                     $this->_datas['project'] = $temp;
                 if (empty($csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_weekday_changed')])) {
                     $valuematchday = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_round_name')];
                     if (isset($exportround[$valuematchday])) {
                     } else {
                         $temp = new stdClass();
                         $temp->id = $valuematchday;
                         $temp->roundcode = $valuematchday;
                         $temp->name = $valuematchday . '.Spieltag';
                         $temp->alias = $valuematchday . '.Spieltag';
                         $temp->round_date_first = '';
                         $temp->round_date_last = '';
                         $exportround[$valuematchday] = $temp;
                     // dfbnet heimmannschaft
                     $valueheim = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_home_name')];
                     if ($valueheim != 'Spielfrei') {
                         if (in_array($valueheim, $exportteamstemp)) {
                             // echo $valueheim." <- enthalten<br>";
                             $exportclubsstandardplayground[$valueheim] = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_playground_name')];
                             $exportplaygroundclubib[$csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_playground_name')]] = $valueheim;
                         } else {
                             // echo $valueheim." <- nicht enthalten<br>";
                             $exportclubsstandardplayground[$valueheim] = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_playground_name')];
                             $exportplaygroundclubib[$csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_playground_name')]] = $valueheim;
                             $exportteamstemp[] = $valueheim;
                             $temp = new stdClass();
                             $temp->id = $lfdnumberteam;
                             $temp->club_id = $lfdnumberteam;
                             $temp->name = $valueheim;
                             $temp->middle_name = $valueheim;
                             $temp->short_name = $valueheim;
                             $temp->info = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_teamart_name')];
                             $temp->extended = '';
                             $exportteams[] = $temp;
                             $mainframe->setUserState($option . "teamart", $temp->info);
                             // der clubname muss um die mannschaftsnummer verkürzt werden
                             if (substr($valueheim, -4, 4) == ' III') {
                                 $convert = array(' III' => '');
                                 $valueheim = str_replace(array_keys($convert), array_values($convert), $valueheim);
                             if (substr($valueheim, -3, 3) == ' II') {
                                 $convert = array(' II' => '');
                                 $valueheim = str_replace(array_keys($convert), array_values($convert), $valueheim);
                             if (substr($valueheim, -2, 2) == ' I') {
                                 $convert = array(' I' => '');
                                 $valueheim = str_replace(array_keys($convert), array_values($convert), $valueheim);
                             if (substr($valueheim, -2, 2) == ' 3') {
                                 $convert = array(' 3' => '');
                                 $valueheim = str_replace(array_keys($convert), array_values($convert), $valueheim);
                             if (substr($valueheim, -2, 2) == ' 2') {
                                 $convert = array(' 2' => '');
                                 $valueheim = str_replace(array_keys($convert), array_values($convert), $valueheim);
                             $temp = new stdClass();
                             $temp->id = $lfdnumberteam;
                             $club_id = $lfdnumberteam;
                             $temp->name = $valueheim;
                             $temp->country = $country;
                             $temp->extended = '';
                             $temp->standard_playground = $lfdnumberplayground;
                             $exportclubs[] = $temp;
                             //$mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('heim verein -> '.$valueheim ),'Notice');
                             $temp = new stdClass();
                             $temp->id = $lfdnumberteam;
                             $temp->team_id = $lfdnumberteam;
                             $temp->project_team_id = $lfdnumberteam;
                             $temp->is_in_score = 1;
                             $temp->division_id = 0;
                             $temp->start_points = 0;
                             $temp->points_finally = 0;
                             $temp->neg_points_finally = 0;
                             $temp->matches_finally = 0;
                             $temp->won_finally = 0;
                             $temp->draws_finally = 0;
                             $temp->lost_finally = 0;
                             $temp->homegoals_finally = 0;
                             $temp->guestgoals_finally = 0;
                             $temp->diffgoals_finally = 0;
                             $temp->standard_playground = $lfdnumberplayground;
                             $exportprojectteams[] = $temp;
                     // dfbnet gastmannschaft
                     $valuegast = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_away_name')];
                     if ($valuegast != 'Spielfrei') {
                         if (in_array($valuegast, $exportteamstemp)) {
                             // echo $valuegast." <- enthalten<br>";
                         } else {
                             // echo $valuegast." <- nicht enthalten<br>";
                             $exportteamstemp[] = $valuegast;
                             $temp = new stdClass();
                             $temp->id = $lfdnumberteam;
                             $temp->club_id = $lfdnumberteam;
                             $temp->name = $valuegast;
                             $temp->middle_name = $valuegast;
                             $temp->short_name = $valuegast;
                             $temp->info = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_teamart_name')];
                             $temp->extended = '';
                             $exportteams[] = $temp;
                             // der clubname muss um die mannschaftsnummer verkürzt werden
                             if (substr($valuegast, -4, 4) == ' III') {
                                 $convert = array(' III' => '');
                                 $valuegast = str_replace(array_keys($convert), array_values($convert), $valuegast);
                             if (substr($valuegast, -3, 3) == ' II') {
                                 $convert = array(' II' => '');
                                 $valuegast = str_replace(array_keys($convert), array_values($convert), $valuegast);
                             if (substr($valuegast, -2, 2) == ' I') {
                                 $convert = array(' I' => '');
                                 $valuegast = str_replace(array_keys($convert), array_values($convert), $valuegast);
                             if (substr($valuegast, -2, 2) == ' 3') {
                                 $convert = array(' 3' => '');
                                 $valuegast = str_replace(array_keys($convert), array_values($convert), $valuegast);
                             if (substr($valuegast, -2, 2) == ' 2') {
                                 $convert = array(' 2' => '');
                                 $valuegast = str_replace(array_keys($convert), array_values($convert), $valuegast);
                             $temp = new stdClass();
                             $temp->id = $lfdnumberteam;
                             $temp->name = $valuegast;
                             $temp->standard_playground = 0;
                             $temp->country = $country;
                             $temp->extended = '';
                             $exportclubs[] = $temp;
                             $temp = new stdClass();
                             $temp->id = $lfdnumberteam;
                             $temp->team_id = $lfdnumberteam;
                             $temp->project_team_id = $lfdnumberteam;
                             $temp->is_in_score = 1;
                             $temp->division_id = 0;
                             $temp->start_points = 0;
                             $temp->points_finally = 0;
                             $temp->neg_points_finally = 0;
                             $temp->matches_finally = 0;
                             $temp->won_finally = 0;
                             $temp->draws_finally = 0;
                             $temp->lost_finally = 0;
                             $temp->homegoals_finally = 0;
                             $temp->guestgoals_finally = 0;
                             $temp->diffgoals_finally = 0;
                             $temp->standard_playground = 0;
                             $exportprojectteams[] = $temp;
                     // dfbnet spielstaette
                     $valueplayground = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_playground_name')];
                     if ($valueplayground) {
                         if (array_key_exists($valueplayground, $exportplaygroundtemp)) {
                             // echo $valueplayground." <- enthalten<br>";
                         } else {
                             // echo $valueplayground." <- nicht enthalten<br>";
                             $exportplaygroundtemp[$valueplayground] = $lfdnumberplayground;
                             $temp = new stdClass();
                             $temp->id = $lfdnumberplayground;
                             $matchnumberplayground = $lfdnumberplayground;
                             $temp->name = $valueplayground;
                             $temp->short_name = $valueplayground;
                             $temp->country = $country;
                             $temp->max_visitors = 0;
                             $valueheimsuchen = $exportplaygroundclubib[$valueplayground];
                             foreach ($exportteamstemp as $key => $value) {
                                 if ($value == $valueheimsuchen) {
                                     $club_id = $key + 1;
                             $temp->club_id = $club_id;
                             $exportplayground[] = $temp;
                             //$mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('playground -> '.$valueplayground ),'Notice');
                             //$mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('heimmannschaft suchen -> '.$valueheimsuchen ),'Notice');
                             //$mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('heimmannschaft club-id -> '.$club_id ),'Notice');
                     $valueperson = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_spielleitung_name')];
                     $valueperson1 = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_assistent1_name')];
                     $valueperson2 = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_assistent2_name')];
                     //if (in_array($valueperson, $exportpersonstemp))
                     if (array_key_exists($valueperson, $exportpersonstemp)) {
                         if ($csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_home_name')] == 'Spielfrei' || $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_away_name')] == 'Spielfrei') {
                             // nichts machen
                         } else {
                             $tempmatchreferee = new stdClass();
                             $tempmatchreferee->id = $lfdnumbermatchreferee;
                             $tempmatchreferee->match_id = $lfdnumbermatch;
                             $tempmatchreferee->project_referee_id = $exportpersonstemp[$valueperson];
                             $tempmatchreferee->project_position_id = 1000;
                             $exportmatchreferee[] = $tempmatchreferee;
                     } else {
                         if (strlen($valueperson) > 6 && $valueperson) {
                             // echo $valueperson." <- nicht enthalten<br>";
                             $exportpersonstemp[$valueperson] = $lfdnumberperson;
                             // nach- und vorname richtig setzen
                             $teile = explode(",", $valueperson);
                             $temp = new stdClass();
                             $temp->id = $lfdnumberperson;
                             $temp->person_id = $lfdnumberperson;
                             $temp->project_position_id = 1000;
                             $exportreferee[] = $temp;
                             $temp = new stdClass();
                             $temp->id = $lfdnumberperson;
                             $temp->lastname = trim($teile[0]);
                             $temp->firstname = trim($teile[1]);
                             $temp->nickname = '';
                             $temp->knvbnr = '';
                             $temp->location = '';
                             $temp->birthday = '0000-00-00';
                             $temp->country = $country;
                             $temp->position_id = 1000;
                             $temp->info = 'Schiri';
                             $exportpersons[] = $temp;
                             if ($csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_home_name')] == 'Spielfrei' || $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_away_name')] == 'Spielfrei') {
                                 // nichts machen
                             } else {
                                 $tempmatchreferee = new stdClass();
                                 $tempmatchreferee->id = $lfdnumbermatchreferee;
                                 $tempmatchreferee->match_id = $lfdnumbermatch;
                                 $tempmatchreferee->project_referee_id = $lfdnumberperson;
                                 $tempmatchreferee->project_position_id = 1000;
                                 $exportmatchreferee[] = $tempmatchreferee;
                     // 1.assistent
                     if (array_key_exists($valueperson1, $exportpersonstemp)) {
                         if ($csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_home_name')] == 'Spielfrei' || $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_away_name')] == 'Spielfrei') {
                             // nichts machen
                         } else {
                             $tempmatchreferee = new stdClass();
                             $tempmatchreferee->id = $lfdnumbermatchreferee;
                             $tempmatchreferee->match_id = $lfdnumbermatch;
                             $tempmatchreferee->project_referee_id = $exportpersonstemp[$valueperson1];
                             $tempmatchreferee->project_position_id = 1001;
                             $exportmatchreferee[] = $tempmatchreferee;
                     } else {
                         if (strlen($valueperson1) > 6 && $valueperson1) {
                             // echo $valueperson." <- nicht enthalten<br>";
                             $exportpersonstemp[$valueperson1] = $lfdnumberperson;
                             // nach- und vorname richtig setzen
                             $teile = explode(",", $valueperson1);
                             $temp = new stdClass();
                             $temp->id = $lfdnumberperson;
                             $temp->person_id = $lfdnumberperson;
                             $temp->project_position_id = 1001;
                             $exportreferee[] = $temp;
                             $temp = new stdClass();
                             $temp->id = $lfdnumberperson;
                             $temp->lastname = trim($teile[0]);
                             $temp->firstname = trim($teile[1]);
                             $temp->nickname = '';
                             $temp->knvbnr = '';
                             $temp->location = '';
                             $temp->birthday = '0000-00-00';
                             $temp->country = $country;
                             $temp->position_id = 1001;
                             $temp->info = 'Schiri';
                             $exportpersons[] = $temp;
                             if ($csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_home_name')] == 'Spielfrei' || $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_away_name')] == 'Spielfrei') {
                                 // nichts machen
                             } else {
                                 $tempmatchreferee = new stdClass();
                                 $tempmatchreferee->id = $lfdnumbermatchreferee;
                                 $tempmatchreferee->match_id = $lfdnumbermatch;
                                 $tempmatchreferee->project_referee_id = $lfdnumberperson;
                                 $tempmatchreferee->project_position_id = 1001;
                                 $exportmatchreferee[] = $tempmatchreferee;
                     // 2.assistent
                     if (array_key_exists($valueperson2, $exportpersonstemp)) {
                         if ($csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_home_name')] == 'Spielfrei' || $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_away_name')] == 'Spielfrei') {
                             // nichts machen
                         } else {
                             $tempmatchreferee = new stdClass();
                             $tempmatchreferee->id = $lfdnumbermatchreferee;
                             $tempmatchreferee->match_id = $lfdnumbermatch;
                             $tempmatchreferee->project_referee_id = $exportpersonstemp[$valueperson2];
                             $tempmatchreferee->project_position_id = 1002;
                             $exportmatchreferee[] = $tempmatchreferee;
                     } else {
                         if (strlen($valueperson2) > 6 && $valueperson2) {
                             // echo $valueperson." <- nicht enthalten<br>";
                             $exportpersonstemp[$valueperson2] = $lfdnumberperson;
                             // nach- und vorname richtig setzen
                             $teile = explode(",", $valueperson2);
                             $temp = new stdClass();
                             $temp->id = $lfdnumberperson;
                             $temp->person_id = $lfdnumberperson;
                             $temp->project_position_id = 1002;
                             $exportreferee[] = $temp;
                             $temp = new stdClass();
                             $temp->id = $lfdnumberperson;
                             $temp->lastname = trim($teile[0]);
                             $temp->firstname = trim($teile[1]);
                             $temp->nickname = '';
                             $temp->knvbnr = '';
                             $temp->location = '';
                             $temp->birthday = '0000-00-00';
                             $temp->country = $country;
                             $temp->position_id = 1002;
                             $temp->info = 'Schiri';
                             $exportpersons[] = $temp;
                             if ($csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_home_name')] == 'Spielfrei' || $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_away_name')] == 'Spielfrei') {
                                 // nichts machen
                             } else {
                                 $tempmatchreferee = new stdClass();
                                 $tempmatchreferee->id = $lfdnumbermatchreferee;
                                 $tempmatchreferee->match_id = $lfdnumbermatch;
                                 $tempmatchreferee->project_referee_id = $lfdnumberperson;
                                 $tempmatchreferee->project_position_id = 1002;
                                 $exportmatchreferee[] = $tempmatchreferee;
                     //   echo 'paarung -> '.$csv->data[$a]['Heim Mannschaft']." <-> ".$csv->data[$a]['Gast Mannschaft'].'<br>';
                     if ($csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_home_name')] == 'Spielfrei' || $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_away_name')] == 'Spielfrei') {
                         // nichts machen
                     } else {
                         $round_id = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_round_name')];
                         $tempmatch = new stdClass();
                         $tempmatch->id = $lfdnumbermatch;
                         $tempmatch->round_id = $round_id;
                         $datetime = strtotime($csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_date')]);
                         $tempmatch->match_date = date('Y-m-d', $datetime) . " " . $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_time')];
                         if ($csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_date_changed')]) {
                             $datetime = strtotime($csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_date_changed')]);
                             $tempmatch->match_date_verlegt = date('Y-m-d', $datetime) . " " . $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_time_changed')];
                         } else {
                             $tempmatch->match_date_verlegt = '';
                         // datum im spieltag setzen
                         if (!$exportround[$round_id]->round_date_first && !$exportround[$round_id]->round_date_last) {
                             $exportround[$round_id]->round_date_first = date('Y-m-d', $datetime);
                             $exportround[$round_id]->round_date_last = date('Y-m-d', $datetime);
                         if ($exportround[$round_id]->round_date_first && $exportround[$round_id]->round_date_last) {
                             $datetime_first = strtotime($exportround[$round_id]->round_date_first);
                             $datetime_last = strtotime($exportround[$round_id]->round_date_last);
                             if ($datetime_first > $datetime) {
                                 $exportround[$round_id]->round_date_first = date('Y-m-d', $datetime);
                             if ($datetime_last < $datetime) {
                                 $exportround[$round_id]->round_date_last = date('Y-m-d', $datetime);
                         //$tempmatch->match_number = $csv->data[$a]['Spielkennung'];
                         //$tempmatch->match_number = $lfdnumbermatch;
                         $tempmatch->match_number = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_game_id')];
                         $tempmatch->published = 1;
                         $tempmatch->count_result = 1;
                         $tempmatch->show_report = 1;
                         $tempmatch->projectteam1_id = 0;
                         $tempmatch->projectteam2_id = 0;
                         $tempmatch->projectteam1_dfbnet = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_home_name')];
                         $tempmatch->projectteam2_dfbnet = $csv->data[$a][$jRegistry->get('cfg_dfbnet_away_name')];
                         $tempmatch->team1_result = '';
                         $tempmatch->team2_result = '';
                         $tempmatch->summary = '';
                         if (array_key_exists($valueplayground, $exportplaygroundtemp)) {
                             $tempmatch->playground_id = $exportplaygroundtemp[$valueplayground];
                         //if ( empty($csv->data[$a]['Spalte28']) )
                         //  {
                         if (array_key_exists($tempmatch->match_number, $temp_match_number)) {
                             $exportmatch[] = $tempmatch;
                         } else {
                             $temp_match_number[$tempmatch->match_number] = $tempmatch->match_number;
                             $exportmatch[] = $tempmatch;
             // ende schleife csv file
             foreach ($exportmatch as $rowmatch) {
                 foreach ($exportteams as $rowteam) {
                     if ($rowmatch->projectteam1_dfbnet == $rowteam->name) {
                         $rowmatch->projectteam1_id = $rowteam->id;
                     if ($rowmatch->projectteam2_dfbnet == $rowteam->name) {
                         $rowmatch->projectteam2_id = $rowteam->id;
             if ($importcsv && sizeof($exportreferee) > 0) {
                 $temp = new stdClass();
                 $temp->id = 1;
                 $temp->name = 'Schiedsrichter';
                 $temp->alias = 'Schiedsrichter';
                 $temp->published = 1;
                 $exportparentposition[] = $temp;
                 $temp = new stdClass();
                 $temp->id = 1000;
                 $temp->name = 'Spielleitung';
                 $temp->alias = 'Spielleitung';
                 $temp->parent_id = 1;
                 $temp->published = 1;
                 $temp->persontype = 3;
                 $exportposition[] = $temp;
                 $temp = new stdClass();
                 $temp->id = 1001;
                 $temp->name = '1.Assistent';
                 $temp->alias = '1.Assistent';
                 $temp->parent_id = 1;
                 $temp->published = 1;
                 $temp->persontype = 3;
                 $exportposition[] = $temp;
                 $temp = new stdClass();
                 $temp->id = 1002;
                 $temp->name = '2.Assistent';
                 $temp->alias = '2.Assistent';
                 $temp->parent_id = 1;
                 $temp->published = 1;
                 $temp->persontype = 3;
                 $exportposition[] = $temp;
                 $temp = new stdClass();
                 $temp->id = 1000;
                 $temp->position_id = 1000;
                 $exportprojectposition[] = $temp;
                 $temp = new stdClass();
                 $temp->id = 1001;
                 $temp->position_id = 1001;
                 $exportprojectposition[] = $temp;
                 $temp = new stdClass();
                 $temp->id = 1002;
                 $temp->position_id = 1002;
                 $exportprojectposition[] = $temp;
             foreach ($exportteams as $rowteam) {
                 $play_ground = $exportclubsstandardplayground[$rowteam->name];
                 $club_id = $rowteam->club_id;
                 //echo 'club_id -> '.$club_id.'<br>';
                 //echo 'play_ground -> '.$play_ground.'<br>';
                 foreach ($exportplayground as $rowground) {
                     if ($play_ground == $rowground->name) {
                         $play_ground_id = $rowground->id;
                         //echo 'play_ground_id -> '.$play_ground_id.'<br>';
                         foreach ($exportclubs as $rowclubs) {
                             if ($club_id == $rowclubs->id) {
                                 $rowclubs->standard_playground = $play_ground_id;
             $this->_datas['position'] = array_merge($exportposition);
             $this->_datas['projectposition'] = array_merge($exportprojectposition);
             $this->_datas['parentposition'] = array_merge($exportparentposition);
             $this->_datas['person'] = array_merge($exportpersons);
             $this->_datas['projectreferee'] = array_merge($exportreferee);
             $this->_datas['team'] = array_merge($exportteams);
             $this->_datas['projectteam'] = array_merge($exportprojectteams);
             $this->_datas['club'] = array_merge($exportclubs);
             $this->_datas['playground'] = array_merge($exportplayground);
             // damit die spieltage in der richtigen reihenfolge angelegt werden
             $this->_datas['round'] = array_merge($exportround);
             $this->_datas['match'] = array_merge($exportmatch);
             $this->_datas['matchreferee'] = array_merge($exportmatchreferee);
     //  echo '<pre>';
     //  print_r($this->_datas);
     //  echo '</pre>';
     if ($whichfile == 'playerfile') {
          * das ganze für den standardimport aufbereiten
         $output = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . "\n";
         // open the project
         $output .= "<project>\n";
         // set the version of JoomLeague
         $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setJoomLeagueVersion());
         // set the person data
         if (isset($this->_datas['person'])) {
             $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('personen daten ' . 'generiert'), '');
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['person'], 'Person'));
         // close the project
         $output .= '</project>';
         // mal als test
         $xmlfile = $output;
         $file = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'tmp' . DS . 'joomleague_import.jlg';
         JFile::write($file, $xmlfile);
         $this->import_version = 'NEW';
     } else {
          * das ganze für den standardimport aufbereiten
         $output = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . "\n";
         // open the project
         $output .= "<project>\n";
         // set the version of JoomLeague
         $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setJoomLeagueVersion());
         // set the project datas
         if (isset($this->_datas['project'])) {
             $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('project daten ' . 'generiert'), '');
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setProjectData($this->_datas['project']));
         // set the rounds sportstype
         if (isset($this->_datas['sportstype'])) {
             $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('sportstype daten ' . 'generiert'), '');
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setSportsType($this->_datas['sportstype']));
         // set league data of project
         if (isset($this->_datas['league'])) {
             $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('league daten ' . 'generiert'), '');
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setLeagueData($this->_datas['league']));
         // set season data of project
         if (isset($this->_datas['season'])) {
             $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('season daten ' . 'generiert'), '');
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setSeasonData($this->_datas['season']));
         // set the rounds data
         if (isset($this->_datas['round'])) {
             $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('round daten ' . 'generiert'), '');
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['round'], 'Round'));
         // set the teams data
         if (isset($this->_datas['team'])) {
             $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('team daten ' . 'generiert'), '');
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['team'], 'JL_Team'));
         // set the clubs data
         if (isset($this->_datas['club'])) {
             $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('club daten ' . 'generiert'), '');
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['club'], 'Club'));
         // set the matches data
         if (isset($this->_datas['match'])) {
             $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('match daten ' . 'generiert'), '');
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['match'], 'Match'));
         // set the positions data
         if (isset($this->_datas['position'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['position'], 'Position'));
         // set the positions parent data
         if (isset($this->_datas['parentposition'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['parentposition'], 'ParentPosition'));
         // set position data of project
         if (isset($this->_datas['projectposition'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['projectposition'], 'ProjectPosition'));
         // set the matchreferee data
         if (isset($this->_datas['matchreferee'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['matchreferee'], 'MatchReferee'));
         // set the person data
         if (isset($this->_datas['person'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['person'], 'Person'));
         // set the projectreferee data
         if (isset($this->_datas['projectreferee'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['projectreferee'], 'ProjectReferee'));
         // set the projectteam data
         if (isset($this->_datas['projectteam'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['projectteam'], 'ProjectTeam'));
         // set playground data of project
         if (isset($this->_datas['playground'])) {
             $output .= $this->_addToXml($this->_setXMLData($this->_datas['playground'], 'Playground'));
         // close the project
         $output .= '</project>';
         // mal als test
         $xmlfile = $output;
         $file = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'tmp' . DS . 'joomleague_import.jlg';
         JFile::write($file, $xmlfile);
     $this->import_version = 'NEW';
     if ($this->debug_info) {
         echo $this->pane->endPane();
     return $this->_datas;